Dr.P.Kavitha Rani, PH.D: Autonomous Car Using Artificial Intelligence and Lidar

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A Seminar Report On


Submitted to
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Bachelor of Technology
Under the esteemed guidance of
Dr.P.Kavitha Rani, Ph.D
Professor in Department of CSE


(Accredited By NBA, New Delhi)
(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam road, PUTTUR-517583, A.P
2018- 2019
(Accredited By NBA, New Delhi)(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road, Puttur-517583


This is to certify that the Seminar entitled “AUTONOMOUS CAR


by D.GOVARDHAN bearing Roll Number:15F61A0537 in partial fulfillment
& ENGINEERING discipline is a bonafide record work carried out by his from
during the period of 2017-2018 and is a record of bonafide work carried out under our
supervision and guidance.


Dr. P.Kavitha Rani, Ph.D, Mrs. P. Nirupama, M.E.,Ph.D.
Professor, Professor & HOD,
Department of CSE Department of CSE

Submitted Seminar report held on _____________



The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible, without whose guidance,
encouragement and help this venture would not been success.

I own my gratitude to our honorable chairman Dr. K. Ashok Raju Ph.D., and also
deep sense of gratitude to our honorable principal Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar Reddy,
M.Tech, Ph.D., for providing all the facilities and support for successful completion of my
seminar work.

I wish to thank our Head of the Department of CSE, Mrs. P. Nirupama, M.E.,
Ph.D. for her guidance and encouragement given to us during this work.

I express my deep sense of gratitude to our seminar coordinator Dr. P.Kavitha Rani,
Ph.D. Who evinced keen interest in our efforts and provided their valuable guidance
throughout my seminar work.

I extend my thanks to all the staff members of CSE Department, for helping
us to complete this seminar work giving valuable suggestions.

As a gesture of respect towards my Family members, Friends and their support I

whole heartedly dedicate this work.

D.GOVARDHAN, bearing Hall Ticket No:15F61A0537, here by submit that the

seminar report entitled “AUTONOMOUS CAR USING ARTIFICIAL
INTELLIGENCE AND LIDAR” under the guidance of Mrs.P.Kavitha
Rani,Ph.D., Professor, Department of Computer science & engineering,
fulfillment for the award of the degree of bachelor of technology in Computer
Science and Engineering , and this a record of bonafide work carried out by me
and the work have been submitted during the final year second semester for the
academic year 2014-2018

Place: (15F61A0537)


Chapter no. Title Page no.









4.2 SENSORS 9-13
4.2.1 LIDAR
4.2.2 RADAR
4.2.3 GPS
4.2.4 INS
4.2.5 ECU
Chapter 5 RESULTS
5.2 MERITS 17
Chapter 6 CONCLUSION 19



Autonomous cars are the future smart cars anticipated to be driver less, efficient and crash
avoiding ideal urban car of the future. To reach this goal automakers have started working in
this area to realized the potential and solve the challenges currently in this area to reach the
expected outcome. In this regard the first challenge would be to customize and imbibe existing
technology in conventional vehicle to translate them to a near expected autonomous car. This
transition of conventional vehicles into an autonomous vehicle by adopting and implementing
different upcoming technologies is discussed in this paper. This includes the objectives of
autonomous vehicles and their implementation difficulties. The paper also touches upon the
existing standards for the same and compares the introduction of autonomous vehicles in
Indian market in comparison to other markets. There after the acceptance approach in Indian
market scenarios is discussed for autonomous vehicles
In this work, a solution for clustering and tracking obstacles in the area covered
by a LIDAR sensor is presented. It is based on a combination of simple artificial intelligence
techniques and it is conceived as an initial version of a detection and tracking system for
objects of any shape that an autonomous vehicle might find in its surroundings. The proposal
has been tested with real world LIDAR scan samples taken from an instrumented vehicle.

Keywords :Sensors,LIDAR,RADAR,Autonomous commuting,ECU









Autonomous vehicles are a potentially life-saving technology and, if perfected, could

drastically reduce the number of fatalities caused by operator error. The technology that these
cars use to measure and interpret the world around them function in a variety of ways. Current
autonomous vehicles rely mostly on an established technology known as light detection and
ranging, or LiDAR.
Autonomous car is an automated or autonomous vehicle capable of fulfilling the
main transportation capabilities of a traditional car without human input. Autonomous vehicles
have enormous potential to allow for more productive use of time spent in a vehicle and to
reduce crashes, costs of congestion, energy consumption, and pollution.

A self driving car is a vehicle equipped with an autopilot system, and capable of driving from
one point to another without aid from an operator.
● The car would take over and drive to the destination with no human input.
● The car would be able to sense its environment and make steering and speed changes as
● This scenario would require all of the automotive technologies such aslane detection to
aid in passing slower vehicles or exiting a highway; obstacle detection to locate other
cars, pedestrians, animals, etc.; adaptive cruise control to maintain a safe speed;
collision avoidance to avoid hitting obstacles in the road way; and lateral control to
maintain the cars position on the roadway.
Consumers all around the whole world are enthusiastic about the advent of autonomous
cars for public. An autonomous car can operate without human control and does not require
any human intervention. Campbell et al. stated that modern autonomous vehicles can sense
their local environment, classify different kinds of objects that they detect, can interpret
sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths whilst obeying transportation
rules. Considerable advancements have been made in giving an appropriate response to
unanticipated circumstances where either a backlash can occur in the vehicular systems or
some medium in the external environment may not behave as predicted by internal
prototypes.This developed into the autonomous technologies present in modern cars like
adaptive cruise control, lane parking, steer assist etc. And, in the future, we will be part of a
future where fully autonomous cars will be a reality, based on official forecasts by various
automobile companies. Transportation accidents is one of the major causes of death in world.
By 2020, this world could prevent 5 million human fatalities and 50 million serious
injuries by introduction of newer and innovative methodologies and investments in road safety,
from regional to international levels. The Commission for Global Road Safety believes that it
is very crucial to stop this avoidable and horrendous rise in road injuries, and initiate year on
year reductions (Campbell, 2010). Deshpande et al. gave a figure of nearly 3000 deaths
because of road accidents daily, with more than half of the people not travelling in a car.
The combination of these technologies and other systems such as video based lane
analysis, steering and brake actuation systems, and the programs necessary to control all of the
components will become a fully autonomous system. The problem is winning the trust of the
people to allow a computer to drive a vehicle for them, because of this, there must be research
and testing done over and over again to assure a near fool proof final product. The product will
not be accepted instantly, but over time as the systems become more widely used people will
realize the benefits of it.


➢ Understand its immediate environment (Perception)
➢ Find its way around obstacles and in traffic (Motion planning)
➢ Know where it is and where it wants to go (Navigation)
➢ Take decisions based on current situation (Behaviour)

Strictly speaking, laser perception system is a kind of radar system. In laser
perception, a continuous laser or laser pulse is launched to the target, and a reflected signal is
received at the transmitter. By measuring the reflection time, reflection signal strength and the
shift of the operation frequency, the cloud data of target point can be generated, then the
testing object information, such as location (distance and angle), shape (size) and state
(velocity and attitude) can be calculated out.

2. GPS
3. INS

Motion planning involves performing low level operations towards achieveing some
high level goal Path Variables:

➢ Steering (direction)
➢ Speed Planning

In the car navigation system, geographic information system and global positioning
system (GPS) are equipped to receive the location information such as longitude and latitude
from the satellite. These information, together with the road information generated by location
system and digital map database, serve as the source data inputted into the map-matching
model, where the intelligent path planning algorithms (i.e. Dijkstra algorithm, Bellman-Ford
algorithm) are utilized to enable the path planning calculation. After calculation, the self-
driving car can locate itself.


➢ Received periodically
➢ Represents the location, size, and speed of all detected vehicles around the robot
➢ Highly dynamic Data

Fig 1 :flow chart


Historical events helped shape modern semi-autonomous vehicles. The first step towards
autonomous cars was the radio controlled car, calledLinriccan Wonder. It was demonstrated by
Houdina Radio Control in New York City. It was basically a1926 Chandler that had
transmitting antenna on it rear compartment and was operated by another car that sent out
radio impulses while following it. These signals were caught by the transmitting antenna. The
antennae sent the signals to circuit- breakers which operated small electric motors that directed
the car’s movements. It was one of the most primitive forms of autonomous vehicles. A
modified form of Wonder was used by the name "Phantom Auto" and demonstrated in
December 1926 in Milwaukee, byAchen Motors. GM (General Motors) sponsored Norman
Bel Geddes's exhibit Futurama at the World's Fair, 1939, which depicted embedded-circuit
powered electric cars. The circuits were embedded in the roadway and controlled by radio,
much like previous attempts for development of driverless cars.So, RCA Labs presented a
significantly advanced model for autonomous cars.

RCA Labs built a miniature car in 1953. It was controlled and guided by wires that were
laid in a pattern on a laboratory floor. Leland Hancock, a traffic engineer in Nebraska, and L.
N. Ress, a state engineer took the idea of RCA Labs to a greater scale, by experimenting with
the system in actual highway installations, which was done on a 121.92 meters long strip of
highway just outside the town of Lincoln,Feb, in 1958. A series of detector circuits buried in
the pavement were a series of lights along the edge of the road, which were able to send
impulses to guide the car and determine the presence and velocity of any metallic vehicle on its
surface. General Motors collaborated with it, and paired two standard models with equipment
having special radio receivers and audible and visual warning devices that were able to
simulate automatic steering, accelerating and brake control.

The United States’ Bureau of Public Roads considered the construction of an experimental
electronically controlled highway, in which, four states- Ohio, Massachusetts, New York and
California - bade for the construction. The then governor, DiSalle pressed for such experiments
for the future of automation. In the 1980s, a vision- guided driverless Mercedes-Benz robotic
van, which was designed by Ernst Dickmanns and his team at the
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany, achieved a speed of 63 km/h on streets without
traffic. Various national and international projects were launched with the progress in the field
of autonomous vehicle technology. EUREKA conducted the Prometheus Project on
autonomous vehicles from 1987 to 1995.Over 1 billion US dollars were invested in it (Xie,
1993; Flyte, 1995). DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S.
Department of Defense is also responsible for the progress in the field of autonomous cars.
Autonomous Land Vehicle(ALV) project in the United States made use of new
technologies. These technologies were developed by the Carnegie Mellon University, the
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, University of Maryland, Martin Marietta and
SRI International.The ALV project achieved the first road- following demonstration that used
computer vision, LIDAR and autonomous control to direct a robotic vehicle at speeds of up to
31 km/h (Davis, 1987; Leighty, 1986;Lowrie, 1985; Chandran, 1987).



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the automotive industry by storm to drive the
development of level-4 and level-5 autonomous vehicles.
Artificial Intelligence has many applications for these vehicles; among the more immediate
and obvious functions:
● Directing the car to a gas station or recharge station when it is running low on fuel.
● Adjust the trip’s directions based on known traffic conditions to find the quickest route.
● Incorporate speech recognition for advanced communication with passengers. Eye
tracking for improved driver monitoring.

AI enables cars to do more than watch the road, it can help them keep an eye on the driver, as
well.Automotive computer vision startup eye sight uses AI and deep learning to offer an
absolute plethora of in-car automotive solutions. Using advanced Time-of-Flight (TOF)
cameras and IR sensors, eyeSight’s AI software detects driver behavior in four key areas.

Driver Identification

AI software detects whether or not the driver is in the vehicle.

Driver Recognition

Using advanced AI facial recognition algorithms, eyeSight can detect which driver is operating
the vehicle. Since the husband, wife, and young adult child each have their own preferences,
the system can automatically adjust the seat, mirrors, and temperature to suit the individual.

AI Perception Action Cycle in Autonomous Vehicles

Fig 2 :AI perception cycle in AV’s

Component 1: In-Vehicle Data Collection & Communication Systems

Autonomous vehicles are fitted with numerous sensors, radars and cameras to generate
massive amounts of environmental data. All of these form the Digital sensorium, through
which the autonomous vehicle can see, hear and feel the road, road infrastructure, other
vehicles and every other object on/near the road, just like a human driver would pay attention
to the road while driving. This data is then processed with super-computers and data
communication systems are used to securely communicate valuable information (input) to the
autonomous driving cloud platform. The autonomous vehicle first communicates the driving
environment and/or the particular driving situation to the Autonomous Driving Platform.

Component 2: Autonomous Driving Platform (Cloud)

The Autonomous Driving Platform which is in the cloud contains an intelligent agent which
makes use of AI algorithms. It acts as the control policy or the brain of the autonomous
vehicle. This intelligent agent is also connected to a database which acts as a memory where
past driving experiences are stored. This data along with the real-time input coming in through
the autonomous vehicle and the immediate environment around it helps the intelligent agent
make accurate driving decisions. The autonomous vehicle now knows exactly what to do in
this driving environment and/or particular driving situation.

Component 3: AI-Based Functions in Autonomous Vehicles

Based on the decisions made by the intelligent agent, the autonomous vehicle is able to detect
objects on the road, maneuver through the traffic without human intervention and gets to the
destination safely. Autonomous vehicles are also being equipped with AI-based functional
systems such as voice and speech recognition,, eye tracking and other driving monitoring
systems, virtual assistance,mapping and safety systems to name a few. These functions are also
carried out based on the decisions made by the intelligent agent in the Autonomous Driving
Platform. These systems have been created to give customers a great user-experience and keep
them safe on the roads. The driving experiences generated from every ride is recorded and
stored in the database to help the intelligent agent make much more accurate decisions in the
future.This data loop, called Perception Action Cycle, takes place repetitively. The more the
number of Perception Action Cycles take place, that much more intelligent the intelligent agent
becomes, resulting in a higher accuracy of making decisions, especially in complex driving
situations. More the number of connected vehicles, more the number of driving experiences
are recorded, enabling the intelligent agent to make decisions based on data generated by
multiple autonomous vehicles. This means that not every autonomous vehicle has to go
through a complex driving situation before it can actually understand it.

Artificial intelligence, especially neural networks and deep learning, have become an absolute
necessity to make autonomous vehicles function properly and safely. AI is leading the way for
the launch of Level 5 autonomous vehicles, where there will be no need for a steering wheel,
accelerator or brakes.
Fig :artificial intelligence applications



LIDAR is a remote-sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with
laser and analyzing the reflected light.

• There are several major components to a Lidar system:

1. Laser (600nm-1000nm)

2. Scanner and Optics

3. Photodetector and receiver electronics

4. Position and Navigation System

Lidar sensor:transmits optical laser light in pulses to find distance to objects.
Types of laser:
1.Air borne lidar
2.Terrestrial lidar

● LIDAR uses ultraviolet, visible, or near infrared light to image objects and can be used
with a wide range of targets, including non-metallic objects, rocks, rain, chemical
compounds, aerosols, clouds and even single molecules.
● A narrow laser beam can be used to map physical features with very high resolution.
LIDAR has been used extensively for atmospheric research and meteorology.
● Long range scanner has several lasers, each with a scanning ring Compare radius of
adjacent rings to identify height of objects
● Use multiple short range LIDARs to cover blind spots.
● The LIDAR is fixed on the top of the car. It contains 64 lasers that are sent to the
surroundings of the car. These laser beams hits objects around the car and reflects back.
By this the distance of the objects from the car is determined and also the time to reach
that object.
● Generate a point cloud based on LIDAR data.

4.2.2 RADAR

Radar is an object-detection system which uses electromagnetic waves specifically

radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of both moving and fixed
objects such as aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles etc. A radar system
has a transmitter that emits radio waves called radar signals in predetermined directions. When
these come into contact with an object they are usually reflected and/or scattered in many
directions. Radar signals are reflected especially well by materials of considerable electrical
conductivity- especially by most metals, by sea water and by wetlands. Some of these make
the use of radar altimeters possible. The radar signals that are reflected back towards the
transmitter are the desirable ones that make radar work. If the object is moving either closer or
farther away, there is a slight change in the frequency of the radio waves, due to the Doppler
Radar receivers are usually, but not always, in the same location as the transmitter.
Although the reflected radar signals captured by the receiving antenna are usually very
weak.Radar is the use of radio waves to detect and monitor various objects.Automotive radar
systems in the 77 GHz domain are used in car .
• There are two primary methods :

1. The direct propagation method

2. The indirect propagation method or the Frequency Modulate

Fig :radar sensors of second and third generation


• Global Positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location
and time information anywhere on earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or
more satellites.

• The current GPS consists of three major segments. These are Space segment (SS), a control
segment (CS), and a User segment (US).

• All satellites broadcast at the same two frequencies, 1.57542 GHz and 1.2276 GHz.

• Inertial navigation system (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer, motion sensors and
rotation sensors to continuously calculate the position, orientation, and velocity of a moving
object without the need for external references.

• Includes computer, gyroscopes, and accelerometers

• Initially used in spacecraft, ships and airplanes.

Electromechanical Systems,Software and Algorithms

Electromechanical systems used to manipulate the steering, throttle and breaking
systems of the car by receiving instruction from the computer. Such as hydraulic controls for
breaking and so on.

• Various software and algorithms are used in autonomous car One such technique is SLAM
which is abbreviation for Simultaneous Localization and Map Building.

• Used for solving a problem as to if it is possible for an autonomous vehicle to start in an

unknown location in an unknown environment and then to incrementally build a map of this
environment while simultaneously using this map to compute absolute vehicle location.

Fig 4 :sensing systems installation


The control platform is the core component of the self-driving car and controls the
various systems of the vehicle, which includes the car anti-lock braking system, the car drive
anti-slip system, the car electronic stability program, the automobile Sensotronic Brake
Control, electronic brake force distribution, auxiliary brake system, supplementary restraint
system and car radar anti-collision system, electronically controlled automatic transmission,
continuously variable transmission, cruise control system, electronic control suspension,
electric power steering system and so on. The control platform mainly includes two parts, i.e.,
electronic control unit (ECU) and communication bus. ECU mainly implements the control
algorithm, whereas the communication bus realizes the communication function between ECU
and mechanical parts.

How does it Work…?

Autonomous car use many technologies and different type of sensors to sense the environment
around it and make appropriate decision. The “driver” sets a destination. The car’s software
calculates a route and starts the car on its way. A rotating, roof-mounted LIDAR (Light
Detection and Ranging - a technology similar to radar) sensor monitors a 60-meter range
around the car and creates a dynamic 3D map of the car’s current environment. A sensor on the
left rear wheel monitors sideways movement to detect the car’s position relative to the 3-D
map. Radar systems in the front and rear bumpers calculate distances to obstacles. Artificial
intelligence (AI) software in the car is connected to all the sensors and has input from Google
Street View and video cameras inside the car.
The data from all the above mentioned system is fed in to an on-board Computer which
process this data at high speed and with the help of highly sophisticated software makes the
required decision and sends the output to electro-mechanical units like automatic steering,
throttle and breaking systems. Two things seem particularly interesting about Google's
approach. First, it relies on very detailed maps of the roads and terrain, something that Urmson
said is essential to determine accurately where the car is. Using GPS-based techniques alone,
he said, the location could be off by several meters. The second thing is that, before sending
the self-driving car on a road test, Google engineers drive along the route one or more times to
gather data about the environment. When it's the autonomous vehicle's turn to drive itself, it
compares the data it is acquiring to the previously recorded data, an approach that is useful to
differentiate pedestrians from stationary objects like poles and mailboxes.
Fig 5 :sensors mounted on a car
The "heart of our system" is a laser range finder mounted on the roof of the car. The
device, a Velodyne 64-beam laser, generates a detailed 3D map of the environment. The car
then combines the laser measurements with high-resolution maps of the world, producing
different types of data models that allow it to drive itself while avoiding obstacles and
respecting traffic laws. The vehicle also carries other sensors, which include: four radars,
mounted on the front and rear bumpers, that allow the car to "see" far enough to be able to deal
with fast traffic on freeways; a camera, positioned near the rear-view mirror, that detects traffic
lights; and a GPS, inertial measurement unit, and wheel encoder, that determine the vehicle's
location and keep track of its movements.



AVs have been associated to two main models:

1) private AVs (private ownership) and
2) AVs sharing system (analogous to ride share and/or Uber).

AVs can be also classified in two different groups according their engine technology:
A) Fossil fuels AVs and
B) Electric AVs.
Compared to conventional vehicles, AVs are predicted to reduce traffic incidents and
associated fatalities and injuries.
In addition, vulnerable populations such as the elderly and disabled may realize greater
independence and social interaction. At the same time, it is probable that private ownership
AVs will not only support, but lead to an increase in the amount of land dedicated to new
roadway infrastructure, thus encouraging dependency on private vehicles and community
sprawl; increase congestion, trip length, energy consumption, air and noise pollution; and
counteract efforts to promote mixed-use facilities, uptake of transit, and active travel options.
Decreasing the overall number of cars on the roadways through AVs sharing system could
have the opposite impacts of private AVs.
In addition, relinquishing private vehicle ownership increases the amount of disposable
personal income resulting in greater quality of life. On other hand fossil fuel AVs could
increase air pollution and noise emissions. In contrast electric AVs could reduce the exhaust
traffic-related air pollution and noise emissions, but increase the population exposure to
electromagnetic fields.
The algorithms were implemented parallel and distributed. I developed a management
software system based on semaphores that allows data processing and supervision from 3
different computers with multiple cores. This project contains also a home-made LIDAR – a
3D radar and a software using OpenGL to create a 3D environment in which the car navigates.
By using it, the car will take the decision of avoiding obstacles.


5.1.1 Intelligent transporting

Intelligent transport systems vary in technologies applied, from basic management systems
such as car navigation; traffic signal control systems; container management systems; variable
message signs; automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitor applications,
such as security CCTV systems; and to more advanced applications that integrate live data and
feedback from a number of other sources, such as parking guidance and information systems;
weather information bridge de icing systems; and the like. Additionally, predictive techniques
are being developed to allow advanced modelling and comparison with historical baseline data
this technology will be a revolutionary step in intelligent transportation.

5.1.2 Military applications

Automated navigation system with real time decision making capability of the system makes it
more applicable in war fields and other military applications.

5.1.3 Transportation in hazardous places

The complete real time decision making capability and sensor guided navigation will leads to
replace the human drivers in hazardous place transportation.

5.1.4 Shipping

Autonomous vehicles will have a huge impact on the land shipping industry. One way to
transport goods on land is by freight trucks. There are thousands of freight trucks on the road
everyday driving for multiple days to reach their destination. All of these trucks are driven by
a paid employee of a trucking company. If the trucks were able to drive on their own, a person
to move the vehicle from one point to another is no longer needed. The truck is also able to
drive to their destination without having stop to sleep, eat, or anything besides more fuel. All
that is necessary is someone to load the vehicle and someone to unload the vehicle. This would
save trucking companies a very large amount of money, but it would also put thousands of
people out of jobs. These people would have to find and learn a new profession as driving a
freight truck is a full time job with little time spent at home to learn how to do another
profession. This is potentially life ruining for many employees in this industry.

5.1.5 Public transportation

Various forms of public transportation are controlled by a human operator. Whether it is on a

bus, in a train, subway, streetcar, or shuttle, there is a person sitting in the drivers seat and they
are controlling what the vehicle is doing. For trains and other rail-based transportation, it is a
simpler process more involved with accelerating and decelerating the train from and into stops
with no concern over keeping in a lane. However, on a bus or shuttle, a person must follow
rules, watch the actions of other drivers and pedestrians, keep the bus in lane, and make sure
they stop at every bus station. These are many tasks that one person must be able to handle and
react to and control at the same time. In the early stages of implementation, it would most
likely keep the driver behind the wheel as a safe guard in case there is a problem with the
system. The driver would also be needed in the beginning in order for the general public to
trust it at first. As the life of the autonomous vehicle systems progresses, bus drivers would no
longer be needed as the system would be able to perform all of the required tasks. It is a simple
job of following a specific route and stopping at designated points. The problems would arise
from actions of other vehicles in the area. The most ideal situation is when the autonomous
vehicle systems have matured to the point that nearly every vehicle on the road is
autonomously driven.

5.1.6 Taxi services

Another business that would be strongly affected is taxi services. It is based solely on driving
someone around who does not have a car or does not want to drive. Then an employee is
dispatched to go and pick up the person and bring them to their destination. Taxis also drive
around cities and wait in busy areas for people to request a cab. A taxi service comprised
completely of autonomous vehicles could be started. A person can call in and request to be
picked up and then be brought to their destination for a fee. There could be autonomous taxis
waiting in designated areas for people to come and use them. Many taxi drivers need the job
because they are unable to perform other jobs for various reasons. The need for a human in the
service goes away almost completely. This is another example of a large amount of people
being removed from their jobs because of autonomous vehicles being able to perform the task
without the need of an extra person.

➢ Without the need for a driver, cars could become mini-leisure rooms. There would be
more space and no need for everyone to face forwards. Entertainment technology, such
as video screens, could be used to lighten long journeys without the concern of
distracting the driver.
➢ Sensory technology could potentially perceive the environment better than human
senses, seeing farther ahead, better in poor visibility, detecting smaller and more subtle
obstacles, more reasons for less traffic accidents.
➢ Speed limits could be increased to reflect the safer driving, shortening journey times.
➢ Parking the vehicle and difficult maneuvering would be less stressful and require no
special skills. The car could even just drop you off and then go and park itself.
➢ People who historically have difficulties with driving, such as disabled people and
older citizens, as well as the very young, would be able to experience the freedom of
car travel. There would be no need for drivers' licenses or driving tests.
➢ Autonomous vehicles could bring about a massive reduction in insurance premiums for
car owners.
➢ Efficient travel also means fuel savings, cutting costs.
➢ Reduced need for safety gaps means that road capacities for vehicles would be
significantly increased.
➢ Passengers should experience a smoother riding experience.
➢ Self-aware cars would lead to a reduction in car theft.
➢ Travelers would be able to journey overnight and sleep for the duration.
➢ Traffic could be coordinated more easily in urban areas to prevent long tailbacks at
busy times. Commute times could be reduced drastically.
➢ Reduced or non-existent fatigue from driving, plus arguments over directions and
navigation would be a thing of the past.


➢ Driverless cars would likely be out of the price range of most ordinary people when
generally introduced, likely costing over $100,000.
➢ Truck drivers and taxi drivers will lose their jobs, as autonomous vehicles take over.
➢ A computer malfunction, even just a minor glitch, could cause worse crashes than
anything that human error might bring about.
➢ If the car crashes, without a driver, who's fault is it: Google/the software designer, or
the owner of the vehicle?
➢ The cars would rely on the collection of location and user information, creating major
privacy concerns.
➢ Hackers getting into the vehicle's software and controlling or affecting its operation
would be a major security worry.
➢ There are problems currently with autonomous vehicles operating in certain types of
weather. Heavy rain interferes with roof-mounted laser sensors, and snow can interfere
with its cameras.
➢ Reading human road signs is challenging for a robot.
➢ As drivers become more and more used to not driving, their proficiency and experience
will diminish. Should they then need to drive under certain circumstances, there may
be problems.
➢ The road system and infrastructure would likely need major upgrades for driverless
vehicles to operate on them. Traffic and street lights, for instance, would likely all need
➢ Self-driving cars would be great news for terrorists, as they could be loaded with
explosives and used as moving bombs.
➢ Human behavior such as hand signals are difficult for a computer to understand


Currently, there are many different technologies available that can assist in
creating autonomous vehicle systems. Items such as GPS, automated cruise control, and lane
keeping assistance are available to consumers on some luxury vehicles. The combination of
these technologies and other systems such as video based lane analysis, steering and brake
actuation systems, and the programs necessary to control all of the components will become a
fully autonomous system. The problem is winning the trust of the people to allow a computer
to drive a vehicle for them, because of this, there must be research and testing done over and
over again to assure a near fool proof final product. The product will not be accepted instantly,
but overtime as the systems become more widely used people will realize the benefits of it.
The implementation of autonomous vehicles will bring up the problem of replacing humans
with computers that can do the work for them. There will not be an instant change in society,
but it will become more apparent over time as they are integrated into society.
● Future of transportation and mankind.
● Competition like DARPA and companies like Google, Mercedes are fueling the
● The autonomous car have numerous advantages
● Ever decreasing cost of technology, and involvement of big automotive giants.
● 4 states in USA namely Nevada, Florida, California, and Michigan, along with District
of Columbia who have successfully enacted laws addressing autonomous vehicles
Most cars are expected to be fully autonomous by 2035, according
to official predictions as cited earlier.



The transition to an automated transportation structure will greatly prevent many

problems caused by the traffic. Implementation of autonomous cars will allow the vehicles to
be able to use the roads more efficiently, thus saving space and time. With having automated
cars, narrow lanes will no longer be a problem and most traffic problems will be avoided to a
great extent by the help of this new technology .Research indicates that the traffic patterns will
be more predictable and less problematic with the integration of autonomous cars.
Smooth traffic flow is at the top of the wish list for countless transportation
officials. Car manufacturers are already using various driver assist systems in their high-end
models and this trend is becoming more and more common.
As a result of this trend, the early co- pilot systems are expected to gradually
evolve to auto-pilots. All developments show that one day the intelligent vehicles will be a
part of our daily lives, but it is hard to predict when. The most important factor is whether the
public sector will be proactive in taking advantage of this capability or not. The Public Sector
will determine if the benefits will come sooner rather than later. Since these assist systems are
very similar with the systems that are used in autonomous car prototypes, they are regarded as
the transition elements on the way to the implementation fully autonomous vehicles.
In the next five years, vehicles that adhere to SAE’s high-automation level-4 designation
will probably appear.Engineers also need to achieve and guarantee reliability and safety
targets. Initially, companies will design these systems to operate in specific use cases and
specific geographies, which is called geofencing. Another prerequisite is tuning the systems to
operate successfully in given situations and conducting additional tuning as the geofenced
region expands to encompass broader use cases and geographies.
Given current development trends, fully autonomous vehicles won’t be available in
the next ten years. The main stumbling block is the development of the required software.
While hardware innovations will deliver the required computational power, and prices
(especially for sensors) appear likely to go on falling, software will remain a critical bottleneck


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