Petcab Research Plan

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TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT : PETCAB (Polyethylene Terephthalate

Conditioning Air Bottles)

PROJECT PROPONENT/S: Timothy M. Lopez, Christel A. Portin, Dale B.

Lawrence Galiste

SCHOOL: Sto. Cristo Integrated School

PROJECT CATEGORY: Physical Science

A. Rationale:

The alarming increase of heat in the surroundings is generally caused by the

Global warming which seeds to many more different complications and problems

such as economical, health, environmental and social matters, together with that,

many conditioning appliances are used nowadays that consumes electricity and

money, this study presents the feature and purpose of the PeTCAB (Polyethylene

Terephthalate Conditioning Air Bottles). The proponents will use waste plastic

bottles as an eco-air cooler to reduce the temperature entering in a target area. With

this, the heat which most of the people experience in a specific room or in their

houses will be lessen. The PeTCAB will be made up of 50 half cut plastic bottles

that will attached in a lengthwise plywood, which serves as the body of the product.

Socially speaking, this project also benefits the environment and of course the

society, because the said product can have cheaper conditioning materials at the
same time it lessens the expenses on electric bills, the waste of plastic bottles will

also be diminished because the main material used is recycled plastic bottles.

The Problem of the Study

By giving the people a hope for dealing with this worldwide problem, the

researchers would like to introduce a product that might change the perspective

outlook about this problem. The PeTCAB or the air conditioning unit made from

plastic bottles, this will help the environment in a specific room or house to produce

cooler air and at the same time helps the environment to reduce the plastic bottles

in the surroundings.

In order to have a clearer perception on how the air conditioning bottles

give benefits to the people. This study's objectives are to know the effects of using

this product which the study needed to answer the following questions:

1.What can this air conditioning bottles do to the environment?

2.The types of materials can be described in terms of:

2.1. Durability

2.2 Affordability

2.3 Weight

2.4 Portability
3.How will it help the environment to produce cooler air temperature?

4.Can this product last for a long period of time in use?

5.Does the product needs any of the following sources of energy to make

its functionality true?

5.1. Electricity

5.2. Solar Power

5.3. Hydrogen Fuel or Energy

6.Will this product ensure the safeties of the user while in the area of use?

7Is this product efficient and convenient to everyone so that it won't cost too

much to produce?

8. What will be the best time to test the product to see its best performance

and capability?

9.How much heat or temperature can this product decrease within a time


10.How will this product works?

11.What kind of bottles are needed in order to achieve its effectiveness?

B. The Hypothesis


𝐻0 : There is no significant difference between the means of the room

temperature of classroom ventilated with PeTCAB and classroom not ventilated

with PeTCAB

𝐻1 : There is no significant difference between the means of the room

temperature of classroom ventilated with PeTCAB and classroom not ventilated

with PeTCAB

C. Engineering Goals

To examine the effectiveness of the product, the researchers will use the one

tailed t-test wherein the math alpha is equal to 0.05, the degree of freedom is equal

to 6 and the passing critical value will show off, considering the temperature of the

room ventilated with PETCAB and not ventilated with PETCAB between 10:20

am up to 4:30pm, the researchers will have 7 test points, the mean of the room not

ventilated with PETCAB is x1=n1 degrees Celsius while on the other hand, the room

ventilated with PETCAB has the mean of x2=n2 and that will show the difference

in temperature of the room with PETCAB and the room without, the next step is to

compute the variance of the two and see the standard deviation before coming up

to the final t-value which can say whether the product is effective or not, because

if t-value is greater than the c-value, it means that there is a significant difference
and if t-value is less than the c-value, it means that there are no significant

difference, that’s why the goals of the researchers is to have a passing t-value rate

which is greater than the computed and shown c-value.

D. Research Method

1. Procedure

a. Preparation of the materials

First, proponents will prepare all the materials needed in making the

product. This includes the plastic bottles and a lengthwise wooden plank,

which were the main and most important materials. Proponents went out

from school to find some used but still in good condition plastic bottles as

well as with the plywood. Proponents look for 50 pieces 1 liter plastic

bottles and will be bring back to school, as well as with the plywood. On

the other hand, proponents also look for some boxes that is still in good

condition. The boxes that the proponents will look for are the unused or

thrown boxes form the grocery stores or in junkshops. This material will

be used for the making of miniature house, this houses was just for a closer

investigation of the product and to see if the product really works when

doing the testing process.

Proponents also looked for the scrap but still in good condition

plywood from school for the making of the case of PeTCAB and also

some small unused wheels from the stock room of school.

b. Size of the Board

The size of the plywood depends on the size of the window which

the PeTCAB will be place.

c. Assembly of the Product

The plastic bottles will cut into half and the lead part will use as it

has a nozzle which will be the most important part of the product. The cut

bottles with sharp edges will be flattened by the iron so that it will fold and

the edge will become smooth. On the other hand, The plywood will also

cut into half with the size of 22.5 x 43.75 inches and will connect by the

hinge to make it foldable. Also, it will pierce depending on how large is

the nozzle of the plastic bottles, and the number of holes will also depends

on how many plastic bottles will be fit on the board.

Before the plastic bottles will be put on the board, green paint will

also put on the product so that it will look good at the sight of the people.

The cut plastic bottles will be put into the body which is the board.

Also, hooks will also put on the top of the PeTCAB making it portable and

detachable when putting on a specific window of a room.

d. Assembly of Miniature Houses

The thrown and unused boxes that will gather by the proponents will

cut into size and form of a house-shape-like box. Proponents will make
two miniature houses and will add some basic parts of a house on the two

miniscule boxes so that it will look good and will look like real but small

a house. Also, they will put a square shape hole both on the box where

proponents can put the thermometer inside of the miniature house.

In addition, researchers will pierce 20 holes on the left side of the

other box where they can put the bottles for the closer and more focused

observation for the testing process.

e. Assembly of the Case

Proponents will ask help to the school staff fo making the

case of the product, the scrap plywood from school will cut into the back

and front size of 28.5 x 33 inches and with the side size of 17.5 x 33

inches will also be assembled with the same shape of the product so that

the PeTCAB can be put and be fit on the case. After the case will assemble,

the wheels will put underneath the case so that people will not lift them

anymore but instead, they will just push the case for it to move to their

desired place. This case will be made so that people will not carry the

PeTCAB from place to place and also, so that the product can be easily

moved from one place to another.

2. Experimental Design

The proponents systematic study plan will use to turn a research

question or research questions into a “testing project" or " experimental

study". It may also be defined as a set of advance decisions that make up

the master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and

analyzing the needed information.

The type of research that will use in this study is to test the

feasibility of the product PeTCAB (Polyethylene Terephthalate

Conditioning Air Bottles).

The proponents will use the experimental type since the proponents

aim to add new knowledge about recyclable materials to create a new

product, not just a product but a useful one. Also, this research can resolve

or lessen the heat that the society is facing. Thus, it can help the society

especially in remote areas or urban residential. In addition, the product

may also be an alternative material to electronics devices like air-


3. Data Collection

After the making of the PeTCAB, the investigation will be conduct

in two separate areas for the data collection. The first one is in a closed
room. The product will place in an open window of a room. At this part,

the start of observation every 30 minutes in an hour is about to begin.

On the other hand, the investigation will also be in a miniature room

for a closer and much smaller area. The product will be put on the side of

the miniature room and the testing process is just the same with the

investigation in a closed room. And after that, all the data and information

will collect and gather together to construct and finalize the result in this


4. Risk and Safety

The said product will hang in the window hole using metal hooks and a

metal grill from the window space that secures that the product will not fell and

harm someone, also the materials used were eco-friendly because they are recycled,

and it lessens the plastic waste in our community, the safety of the users and the

people around them were highly considered by the researchers by the process of

making and construction of the PeTCAB.

5. Data Analysis

Proponents will have different degree temperatures in two experimental places

that will serve as the data in this study. The data that will be collect by the
proponents will be of course the result of the experiment use for making the

conclusion of the study and to identify if the product will work or not. The data will

also use to identify if the hypothesis of the proponents are accurate. Also, to

compare and differentiate if there are any changes in the temperature when the

product is present in a specific area, or not if the product is not existing in a specific

place. The data that will be collect will arrange according to the temperature of the

time from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, and the arrangement of data is just the same when

the proponents collect them in the miniature houses.

6. Resources

“PHL 1 of 5 countries that produce half of world's plastic waste — UN report”

Published June 5, 2018 12:39pm

“Bangladeshi air cooler made from plastic bottles”
plastic- bottles-and-uses-no-electricity/

Shilpi Saxena., Monika Singh.; ‘Eco-Architecture: PET Bottle Houses’,

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Volume No.2,
Issue No.12, pp: 1243-1246 1 Dec 2013, ISSN: 2277-1581.
I approve this research plan.

NAME OF TEACHER: Ms. Sarah G. Candelaria




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