Short Stories

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The Big Pig

The pig is big. She is wearing a wig.

The pig will dig in the mud.
Do you see the big pig?

Pat the Cat

I have a cat. His name is Pat.
Pat will not play. Pat will not run.
Pat likes to sit all day. He sits on a mat.
Pat the cat, is too fat.

Meg plays football. He loves football.
Meg can run fast and throw far.
He will ask Jan to play with him.

Yum! I like Gum!

Yum! I like gum!
I like to chew gum.
I like to chew gum and hum.
My mom has a gum.
She gives me some.
Yum! Yum! I like to chew gum!

Get the Vet!

I need to go to the vet!
The vet can help my pet.
The vet met with the pet.
A net was on my pet.
The vet got the net off.

A Fat Cat
The cat is fat.
The cat is sitting on a mat.
The cat is wearing a hat.
Look at the fat cat!
Ben’s Hen
Ben got a new brown hen.
Her name is Jen.
Jen, the hen, likes Ben.
Jen has ten eggs for Ben.
Ben is happy with Jen.

Ben’s Kite
Ben has a new kite.
His kite is big and yellow.
He will fly his kite at the playground.

Jen’s Hen
Jen has a hen.
She will feed her hen everyday.
Her hen is little and brown.

The Vet can Help

The vet can help my pet.
The vet has a kit that is red and white.
The vet said she can help my pet cat.

Peg’s pet
Peg has a funny pet.
Peg’s pet is a pig.
The pig is fat and pink.
Peg likes her pet pig.
Ben is the pig. Do you like pet pigs?

Flowers for You

I want to give you flowers.
I can find one yellow flower.
I can find two pink flowers for you.
I see three red flowers.
Now I have flowers just for you.
Tam likes Jam
Tam likes jam.
Tam likes ham.
He likes to eat ham and jam.
Here, Tam, get some jam.
Here, Tam, get some ham.
Do you like yams?
No, Tam likes jam and ham.

Pam has a Jam

Pam has a bit of jam.
The jam is not in a bag.
The jam is not in a pan.
The jam is in a can.

At the Pond
I saw
g a lot at the pond today.
I saw a yellow duck swimming in the pond
I saw a green frog hop on a lily pad.
I will go to the pond again tomorrow.

I like Gum
Do you like gum? I like gum a lot.
One gum is what I see. It is pink!
I see two! One is red, and one is blue.
There! I see green, orange and white.
Look what I can do with my gum.

The Hog in the Hut

I made a little hut.
Jen and I can play in the hut.
Oh no! We can not play in the hut!
I see a ping hog in the hut.
Go away hog!
Jen and I want to play in the hut.
My Funny Pets
I have a funny dog.
g a funny cat.
I have
My dog has a red hat.
My cat has a yellow hat.
Do you have a pet with a hat?
My pets are funny.

Pat the Frog

This is my frog Pat.
Pat can see my fat rat that sits on the mat.
Pat likes my rat. Pat can hug my cat.

At the Park
Iggo to the park with my mom and dad.
I can see a cat and a dog. I can see a
bird and a frog. I can see a lot of animals at
the park.

Going Fishing
g likes to go fishing.
She likes to fish with her dad.
Holly’s dad taught her how to fish.
Holly has caught five fish.
She is excited to go fishing soon.

The Game
Tim can hit the ball.
Tim can run fast.
Tim likes to jump and hit the rim.
Tim ran with the ball.
Can Tim win?
Sheg has a wig.
The wig is brown.
It is a big wig.
Can you wear the wig?

Pam and the Snow Bear

Pam has been very busy.
She has made a snow bear.
It has a scarf.
The snow bear is almost as tall as Pam.

Jake’s Cake
Jake wanted to make a cake for his friend
She has made a snow bear.
It has a scarf.
The snow bear is almost as tall as Pam.

The Mouse
Ben saw a mouse.
The mouse is gray.
The mouse ran away.

I see a Cat
g a cat. The cat can see the mouse.
I see
The cat will chase the mouse.
The mouse does not see the cat.
Do you see the cat?

I see a Bear
I see a bear.
The bear is big and brown.
The bear can run fast.
A Seal
I see a seal.
g seal is at the beach.
The seal is big and fat.

Ron’s Balloon
Ron has a red balloon.
He will give it to his mom.
She will love it!

The boy likes to paint.
He can paint a sun.
The girl likes to paint.
She can paint a flower.

The Rocket
I can
g see a big rocket.
It is going go up, up, up
The rocket can fly fast.
It is going to the moon.

The Girl and Her Horse

g girl has a big apple for her horse.
The horse likes the apple.
The girl loves her horse!

The Boy
I can see the boy.
The boy has a ball.
He likes the ball.

My Camping Trip
am going camping with my family.
We are going to sleep in a tent.
We will swim in the lake. I can’t wait!
They Can
She can sing.
He can run.
They can play in the sun.

Play Time
Oh, what fun
gplay in the sun
To skip and hop
Or play with a top.

My Big Fish
I got
g a fish. It was big and fast.
Did you see my big fish?
I will take it home and eat it.

Tom’s Dog
g got Tom a dog. She got it at the shop.
The dog sits on a log. He will not sit on a rock.
The rock is hot. The dog will hop off the rock.
He hops a lot.

Ben and His Pet

g has a pet. Ben’s pet is a dog. Ben let his pet Ted in the bed.
The bed is red. Then Ted fell off the bed. He can get up.
“Tell him to get up”, Ben. Ben yells, “get up pet!” then the pet left.

Tim and Jill

Tim and Jill sit on the hill. Jill will sit with Tim and sing.
Jill sings. Tim sings. She will not sing with him.
Tim will wish she did. Tim is sad.

Duck and Pup

g duck and pup get on the bus. The duck can jump.
The pup can run. The bus hits a bump. The duck jumps up.
The duck and pup fuss. The bus is no fun for us.
A Kid
A kid. The kid has a cat.
The kid sits with his fat cat.
The kid has a hat. It is a big hat.
The big hat fits the kid.
The cat digs and digs. The cat sees a big hat! Is it a hat?
No, it is not a hat. It is a big pot lid!
The cat digs and digs. It digs a big pit.
The cat sees a big wig. The cat puts on the wig.
Aha! It fits. The big wig fits the cat.

Ben and a Red Hen

Ben has a hen. Ben has a red hen.
Ben is in the pen. Red hen is in the pen.
Ben and Red Hen are in the pen.
Red hen has eggs. Ten eggs are in the pen.
Ben sees ten men in the pen.
The ten men say, “Can we get the egg?”
Ben says, “No, you cannot get the egg.”
Ben gets Red Hen out.
Ben gets Red Hen and her eggs out of the pen.
Ben puts Red Hen and her eggs in the bed.
Ben, Red hen and her eggs nap in the bed.
The men cannot get Red hen’s eggs now.

Bug in the Mug

The bug is in the mug. The bug is on the rug.
The bug is in the mug on the rug.
The bug hop. It hops in the mug.
Up and down, it hops in the mug.
One, two, three, four, five!
I can hop, hop, hop!
The bug has fun in the mug.
Then it hops out the mug.
Oops, it lands on the pup!
The bug lands on the pup on the rug.
The pup is mad at the bug.
“Get off, get off! Get off me you bad bug!” says the pup.
“But who will play with me?” asks the bug.
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