Where Did I Come From?

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Vanessa May Blancio August 21, 2019

God and Human


There were two perspectives in the Creation or where does the man came whether it is

Scientifically Explained by the Scientist or Religiously Explained. In Genesis 1:26 “God said,

“”Let us make manlikeour image, after our likeness. And letthem have dominion over the fish of the

sea and over the birds of the heavens and overthe livestock and over all the earth and over every cr

eeping thing that creeps on theearth.”Basically it may vary in the believes of a person. For me as a

Christian, I believe that God created us by his own image. The first person that God created is from the

dust of the ground and God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living

being. He named it Adam. God has a plan so he place Adam in the Garden of Eden to rule over the

animals. I also believe that God created us as a spiritual beings, God established a unique relationship

with humanity by endowing us with his image and calling us to an elevated position within the created

order. Science cannot judge our spiritual capacities or divine calling, so there is no contradiction. We

have so many reasons to live by the creatures of God we need to take care of them because it is

considered as holy by Gods creation.

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