Waleed Javed

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It is a pleasure for me to write in support of Mr. Waleed Javed for admission in MS. I
came to know about Mr. waleed Javed as a student in the courses of finance. Currently, I am
working as an Assistant Professor ………………

During the course, I found him one of the distinguished students that are committed to
their work activities and performed exceptionally well throughout the semester. Concerning
his argument building, writing capability and analytical thinking, I would like to rank him
among the top tier students in the class. Although, he is genuinely a gifted scholar with a
potential for learning, but he needs more training to learn advanced techniques with an
international exposure.

In closing, I strongly recommend him for the admission in MS, so that he can start his
higher degree without the hassle of any constraints.

Wishing his best of luck for future.

Assistant Professor

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