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Chest Workout.


1- Incline Barbell Bench Press 2- Bench Press

3- DB Fly’s 4- DB Decline Press

5- DB Close Press 6- Finisher- 1 Cable Crossover

Shoulders Workout (Monday)
1- Military Shoulder Press 2- DB Lateral Raise

3- Arnold DB Press 4- DB Front Raise

5- DB Posterior Raise 6- DB Shrugs

Arms Workout (Tuesday)

1- Barbell Curls 2- Reverse Barbell Curls

3- Close Grip Barbell Press 4- DB Hammer Curls

5- Cable Tricep Extensions Above 6- Preacher Ez Bar Curl

Body Weight Dips 7- Finisher= Lying Supinated DB Curls

ABS Workout (Wednesday)

The Videos are in the cell phone. The plan is below.

1- Bench Press with Crunches/Leg Raises

2- T-Bar Press and Russian Twists

3- Spiderman Med Ball Roll-Outs

4- Balance press

5- Plank Spider Crawl

6- One arm barbell roll-outs

7- Barbell Twists

8- Hanging knee raises

9- Banded leg raises

ABS Workout (Thursday)

The Videos are in the cell phone. The plan is below.

1- Bench Press with Crunches/Leg Raises

2- T-Bar Press and Russian Twists

3- Spiderman Med Ball Roll-Outs

4- Balance press

5- Plank Spider Crawl

6- One arm barbell roll-outs

7- Barbell Twists

8- Hanging knee raises

9- Banded leg raises

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