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Project Synopsis
Bachelor of Science ( Software Engineering )
Submitted By:
Mane Pandurang Sandipa : 24
Mumane Ganesh Satish : 26
Salunke Ganesh Pravin : 30

Academic Year: 2015 – 2016

Submitted to:

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

Royal Education Society’s

College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Latur

Guided By Head of Department

( Mr.I.M.Kazi ) (Mr. I.M.Kazi)

Sr. No. Contents Page

1 Abstract
2 Introduction to Project
3 Project Modules
4 Project Plan (Gantt chart)
5 Hardware and Software Requirements
6 E-R Diagram
7 Context Level DFD
8 Conclusion
9 References


Today the world's most forward looking medical agency are trying to provide more reliable and
accurate services in their field, offering services to the customers and employees with all the
available choices in their interest. It may be a leading many different medical shops. Every Shop
nowadays is trying to computerize its activities to provide better services to its customers. The aim
is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized equipments and full-fledged
computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be
stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same.

This project, “MEDICAL STORE SYSTEM” also a step towards offering more or less the similar
features. This system enables to manage and record the activities of whole medical Shop of multi-
facility skills only.

It enables the other staff to provide their services in a more systematic and efficient manner, hence
improving the goodwill of concerned institution. This helps the administrator to analyze upon the
performance of institution.

The purpose of this document is to specify requirements and to give guidelines for the development
of above said project. In particular it gives guidelines on how to prepare the above said project.
This document is intended to be a practical guide for people who developing this software.

As this is generic software it can be used by a wide variety of outlets (Retailers and Wholesalers) to
automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the
stock and cash flows.

The main goal of the application is to maintain the records of purchase, Sales and stock details with
cash transaction maintenance.

Medical Store Management software is very needy for Medical Store . This software help them
maintain day to day transactions in computer.

Existing System
At present Medical Stores maintain their day to day transactions manually. These have shops
thousands of products they need to track of all these products to check the stock, expiry date etc., If
they are not return the expiry products to the distributor in time then they loose that much amount.
So it is very essential to track expiry items prior one month or before, then only they can able to
return these products back. To find the product is also another risky job. So proper system is
required. They need a full pledged software to maintain their day to day transactions. Apart from
this regular update on stock. Supplier wise cash transaction. Daily sales report. Etc.,

Proposed System
The proposed system help them in many ways. It help them do billing very easily. Account
maintenance also become easier. They can keep track of their purchases, sales, stocks and account
details. The software is provided with all the master entries to enter any new product, or supplier, or
customer to add or modify and delete.

Hardware Requirements

Processor : Pentium IV 2GHz and Above

Monitor : 15” Color Monitor

Software Requirements

Operating System. : Windows XP

Developing Tool : VB6
Database : MS Access

Objectives of the Project Medical Shop Management System

The main objectives behind the development of this project are as follows:

 To assist the medical shop keeper and wholesalers in capturing the effort spent on their
respective working areas.
 To utilize human resource of the institution in an efficient manner by increasing their
productivity through automation.

 Being provided on the intranet the administrators can monitor the medical shop’s activity
right from their own desktop. This will let them take managerial decisions.

 The system generates a number of types of reports that can be then used for various
managerial and administrative purposes.

 It also gives a brief picture of the institution’s progress.

 Helps in keeping track of all the activities of the medical agency like login/logout time,
security related activities, etc. and thus helps in finding out the performance level of the centre.

Thus, there is a number of objectives behind developing the “MEDICAL STORE SYSTEM” and it
reduces a lot of burden of the managers by simplifying the tasks of reporting etc.


 To store the information of the customer.

 To store the information of the supplier.

 To store the information of the medicines.

 To store the information Employees.

 To store the information of the worker.

 To store the information of the worker salary.

 To store the information of the worker salary details.


 To store the information of the customer.

 To store the information of the supplier.

 To store the information of the medicines.

 To store the information Employees.

 To store the information of the worker.

 To store the information of the worker salary.

 To store the information of the worker salary details.


Project Planning and scheduling

Project Development Approach

To solve actual problems in an industry setting, a software development strategy must be

incorporated that encompasses the process, methods and tools for software engineering. This
strategy is often referred to as software process model and software engineering paradigm.
Asoftware process model for software engineering is chosen based on the nature of project and
application, the methods and tool to be used and the controls and deliverables that are required.

For the development and implementation of windows based module several distinct
approaches are in practice occurs. Among them, a very popular one is the classical system
development life cycle model (SDLC) orthe waterfall model. The waterfall model has following
phase of its development:

1) System/Information Engineering and modeling

2) Software Requirement Analysis
3) System Analysis and Design
4) Code Generation
5) Testing and Maintenance
 System Information Engineering and Modeling:

As software is always of a large system (or business), work begins by establishing

requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements to
software. This system view is essential when software must interface with other elements such as
adware, people and other resources. System is the basic and very critical requirement for the
existence of software in any entity. So if the system is not in place, the system should be
engineering and put in place. In some cases to extract the maximum output, system should be re-
engineered and spices up.

Pert Chart Representation:


Data Flow Diagram


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