Describe A Natural Calamity That You Fear

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Describe a natural calamity that you fear.

You should say:

You should say:

 what it is and why do you fear it

 how long it has existed
 how it affects people’s lives

Describe an open-air market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:
• where the market is
• what the market sells
• how big the market is
And explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

Describe a way to relax that you find effective. and explain why this is relaxing for you.

You should say:

 what you do
 where & when you usually do this
 who you usually do it with

Describe an important letter you wrote to someone. And explain why it was an important letter

You should say:

 When you wrote it

 Whom you wrote it to
 What it was about
Describe the toy tell why it was so important to you.

– Do you think toys should be shared by children?
– What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?
– What can you tell about toys before and toys nowadays?
– How would a toy help in the development of children?

Describe a new year celebration that you still remember. Also, explain the importance of new year
parties in your life?

You should say

 with whom did you celebrate?

 what did you do in the party?
 why is it so special for you?

Describe a time when someone helped you.

You should say:

 Who helped you

 When it was
 Why s/he helped you

And describe how you felt about it.

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:

 who is he/ she

 why do you want to meet him/ her
 why he is famous

and explain what would you do if you meet him/ her.

Describe an important decision that you made in your life :

You should say :

 what the decision was

 when did you took it
 what was the result of the decision and whether it was a good choice

explain why it is an important decision or choice for you?

Describe a photo of yourself that you like

 when the photo was taken

 how this photograph was taken
 where the photo was taken
 who took the photo

Describe a harmful environmental problem.

You should say:

 What is it
 How it is harmful
 What harmful effects it creates

and explain what can be done to prevent this environmental problem.

Describe a speech that someone delivered. You should say,

 who delivered the speech

 what was the topic of the speech

Why did you liked/disliked the speech

Tell us about a skill that you have learned in your childhood.

 What is that skill?

 How has it helped you in your life?
 Did your teachers, parents played an important role in nurturing the skill?

Also explain, if you think learning can be done best when someone gives their heart into it or they are
forced to do it?

Describe an important email you have received.

You should say:

 who sent it to you.

 when you got it.
 what was it about

and explain why this email was important to you.

Describe a mistake you made

 what the mistake was

 when you made it
 why you made it
 And explain how it affected you.

Describe a stressful day at work. Wh was it stressful?

You should say –

 how the day started

 how things went wrong
 who were the people who were involved

Describe a company/organisation you would like to join

You should say:

 the name of the company/organization

 where it is located
 how you know about this company
 And explain why you would like to work in this company/organisation.
Describe a person who has done a lot to help people
You should say:

 who this person is/was

 where this person lives/lived
 what he/she has done to help people
 And explain how you know about this person

Describe what you want to do in the future. and explain why you want to do it.
You should say:

 What is it?
 When you want to do it?
 How you want to achieve it?

Describe something special that you saved money to buy. and explain why it was important to you to buy
it. You should say:

 what was it
 why you bought is
 how long you saved money to buy it

Describe a skill (for example, driving, speed reading etc.) you have learned successfully and explain what
helped you to become good at the skill.
You should say:

 what skill you have learned!

 why you learned it!
 who helped you learn it!

Describe something you have always wanted to buy.

– What is it?
– Why do you like it?
– Do you think you will buy it some day?
Discuss a sports activity you watched or joined, you should say
– Where it happened
– What exactly happened
– Why it was memorable

Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet.

You should say:
who this person is
why they are in the news
and explain why you would like to meet this person.

25 Describe an experience you had as a member of a team

You should say:
where it was
who were the members of the team
what you did together in this team
and explain why you became a member of this team or explain what the

Describe a person you know whose job is important to society

You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
what job they do (= he or she does)
and explain why you think their job is important or why you think their work contributes to society.

Describe a disagreement that you had with a friend.

You should say:
who you disagreed with
what the disagreement was
how it happened and explain
how this disagreement was resolved
Describe a course you would like to study (or, do)
You should say:
what course it is (or, would be)
where you would do it
what you would learn in that course
and explain why you would like to do this course.

Describe an advertisement you have seen/heard recently

You should say:

 When and where you saw it

 What was advertised
 What the contents of the advertisements were
 And explain how you felt about it

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination

You should say : what the situation was

Why you needed to use imagination

What the difficulties were

Ad explain how you felt about it


How long have you been learning English language?

where did you learn?

what is the most easy or difficult part of English?

Is English important in your profession?


You should say :

what kind of law it is

when you first heard of the law

how the law is upheld

how you will alter the decision if you could


Name your favorite drink

Tell me something about the taste

When do you drink it


Which stage was it?

Why was it glorious?

How you enjoyed it and say what lessons you learned?


Which advertisement is it?

Why do you like it?

What advertisement all about and explain what message it conveys?

Describe an accident that you saw-
You should say –
– Where the accident occurred?
– Where were you then?
– How the accident affected you?

. Describe a journey you went on –You must say –

– Where did you go on your journey?
– Why did you got to this particular place?
– What did you do and with whom?
and describe why you enjoyed your journey? Or if not why?

Describe a book that influenced you –

You should say –
– The name and the author of the book
– How did you first hear of the book?
– What is the main story of the book?
And why does it plays such an important role in your life?

Describe an occasion when you forgot to do something important. Please say

– What was it?
– When and where did it happen?
– How did you feel after that?

Describe a person who became your friend.

You must say-
Who is the person?
How did you meet?
What made you two become good friends?
Describe your study room.
You must say –
– How it looks?
– How much time you spend in this room?
– How an ideal study room should be?
and give details of your study room?

Describe one of your childhood memory –

You should say –
– What is it?
– When it happened?
– How it affected your life?
Explain why you still remember it?

Describe A Holiday You Really Enjoyed.

You should say :

 where did you go for holiday and how long did they last?
 who do you go with?

talk about an interesting thing that happened during the holidays

Describe a party that you have attended.

You should say –
– What party it was?
– Where the party was held?
– Who attended the party?
Describe what you did in the party?

Describe a teacher who influenced you in your education.

You should say :
– Where you met him/her?
– What subjects she/he taught you?
– What was special about him or her?
Explain why this person influenced you so much.
Describe a friend you like to spend time with –
You should say –
– When and how you met?
– How often you see this friend?
– What kind of personality it is?

Why you like to spend time with this particular friend?

Talk about any law in your country

You should say:

• What is the law?
• Why is it important?
• When was it implemented?
• Explain what steps have been taken to implement it.

Talk about learning English

You must say:

• How long have you been learning English?
• Where did you learn?
• What is easy/ difficult?
• Is English important in your job?

A gift that you presented

You must say:

 What was the gift?

 What was the occasion?
 Whom did you give it to?
 Why was this gift very special?
Describe a garden you remember visiting –

 where it is?
 what it looks like?
 what people do there?

explain why you remember it?

Describe your favorite restaurant.

You should say-
• where it is?
• What it looks like inside and outside?
• What kind of foods they serve?
What makes this restaurant so special to you and others?

.Talk about a TV program which you like

You should say:

 The name of the programme

 What happens in this programme
 How often you watch it
 Explain why you like this programme

Talk about an important day in your life.

You should say:

 when this day was

 where you were and what happened
 if you were alone or with others

and explain why this day was important to you.

Describe a book that had a major influence on you.

You should say :

 what the name of the book and the author is

 how did you get to know about it
 what is the main story of it

explain why it played such an important role in your life

Describe an interesting news about which people were very excited

You should say:
• what the story was
• who was involved in the story
• where you read or heard about this story
• And explain why this news story was interesting to you.

Describe a time when you were late for something important.

You should say:

• When it was ?
• Why you were late ?
• How you managed the situation and explain how you felt about it ?

Describe a building or construction that you have seen and impressed you.
You should say:
– where it was
– what it looks like
– when did you saw it.

Describe a computer game you have played. And explain how you played this game.

You should say:

 What it was
 When you played it
 What the game was about
Describe an important day that you celebrate in your country.

You should say:

 when do you celebrate it?

 what is its historical importance
 who are main people involved in it?

explain how you celebrate the day.

Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now.

You should say:

 What short of exercise it was

 How long you did it
 Why you stopped

And say if you would like to do it again or not. why?

Describe a TV presenter.
You should say:

 who is s/he
 what programme s/he presents
 how he presents the program

and explain why you like / dislike him/ her.

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