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Describe a TV series you like.

You should say:

 what the TV series is

 who the actors are
 plot of the series

and explain how you feel about it.


I have watched many television series. As a kid, I liked Dragon Ball z, Pokemon, Lizzie Mcguire
and others. Growing up I fell in love with Suits, Friends, Sherlock Holmes, How I met your
mother and others.

Today, I’m going to speak about one TV series that is still close to my heart. Its name is
Sherlock Holmes. It is the story of a detective, Sherlock Holmes, who along with Dr Watson, his
friend, solves crime mysteries.

Many renowned TV actors have acted in this series. But, I loved the pairing of Benedict
Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Sherlock and Watson. It’s is perfect. Their co-ordination
and dedication to the mission are commendable.

In every episode of Sherlock Holmes, one can find a new case that comes in front of Watson and
Sherlock and then for the next one and half hours one gets glued to the screen in amazement. The
complications of the plot, the suspense and the way the crime unfolds, all capture my interest.

Coming to how I feel about this series, it’s is a great program. I find it very entertaining and
informative. It gives me a deep insight into the lives of detectives and the risks involved in this
profession. At the same time, it informs me about the intricacies of crime cases and the efforts
required to solve them.

Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard).

You should say:

 what kind of advertisement it was

 what the content of the advertisement was (or what product or service was
 where you saw or heard it

and explain why you think this is an unforgettable advertisement.



 an advertisement about the growing distances in relationships

 talks about how by simple ways we can bring people closer
 starts of with few people making fun of a Hindi accent while eating
 moves on to some policemen eying at their senior, for not taking their food
 then a college student who broke a line but then brings food for the person standing ahead of
 then a mother who was making her son eat sees a poor child and offers food for him as well.
 beautiful ad. In simple words, shows how by simply sharing we can lighter off the mood
 watched it randomly on youtube
 it pans across all the generations and time. Because food is one thing that we all cannot live
without. Sharing it brings love.


 Word-of-mouth
 memorable
 social media
 goes viral
 mass media


Advertisements have always grabbed my attention, be it the ones that came on television or the
newer age one’s coming in youtube. Most of the advertisements in present time revolve around a
story and have a call to action. One such commercial was of Smarak Ata. I can recollect clicking
on the link randomly on youtube.

It began with a background of office, where three people made fun of their colleague for his poor
accent and move on towards college where a person breaks the line. The one standing behind
was from North Eastern states of our country. Sadly, but there are some stereotypes that people
have for them. On breaking the line, the person brings food for him. The next story is that of a
police officer who is busy and his juniors eye on him. He simply goes up to them and shares their
food. it brings smiles to everyone’s faces and they feel a connection. The ad moves on how a
mother shares the food for her child with a poor person. Towards the end, the people making fun
of the person with a poor accent, share his food.

The commercial went viral when it came and was released in the mass media of internet. It had a
simple and a beautiful message for all of us, that sharing is indeed caring. And we do not need to
take big steps to finally make changes and make this world a beautiful place. It is all about
sharing and the small acts of kindness and courtesy and love that we do, that make difference.
The reason I believe it is memorable is that it pans across all generations, almost everyone can
connect with it. It seems to be one of those advertisements which when people will see even after
100 years, would be able to connect with.

Describe your ideal home or place to live. You should say –

 where would it be?

 how big would it be?
 what would it contain?

also explain, why this kind of accommodation attracts you?



 Almora
 old house
 2 rooms, drawing room, big backyard from where mountains visible
 study room and a bedroom
 bike, books, media content
 live with family
 location is fantastic
 memories of the place
 get to live a life of the traveller


Bedroom – a room used for sleeping

shed – separated building from the house used for keeping garden tools

hall – an open area as you come into the house

terrace or patio – the paved area between the house and garden for sitting and eating

detached house – a house that is not connected to any other building


My dream house for a very long time has been my grandfather’s place in Almora. It is a detached
house with a large patio from where we can see the Himalayas. On winters, when it is all snowy,
looking at the Himalayas is much more peace than anything in the world. For a long time no one
has been living in that house, but it has two rooms, a big hall, kitchen and other necessities.

I’d like to renovate the house and make it as per my imaginaton. It’d be amazing to have my
study room there. The room has a window, outside of which is a big tree. In the room, I’d prefer
the walls to be painted purple and on the adjacent side of the window would be my study table.
Near to it will be my laptop table. On that table will be my gadgets.

The other room, the bedroom will have a window along with a small table beside my bed. On
that table, I’d prefer having novels that I will read before going to bed. On a larger scale, my
ideal house is the one with books, media and bike. The reason I call it my ideal house is because
of the memories attached with this house and the perfect location that it is in. Living in the house
gives me a perfect balance of being a traveller and a homely person.

Describe a long walk you had. You should say –

 When this happened

 where you walked
 who were you with

Also, explain how you felt after the long walk.



 tough day at work

 outside office
 beautiful
 with pant.
 talked about the unnecessary details of life
 had ice cream and other fast foods
 amazing and relaxed. could go back and do the work


 amble – walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.


I’d like to talk about the one particular walk I had with my best friend a year ago. It had been a
very tough day for me, working on weekends and to top it, the work was a bit bizarre. I was
about to crash when Pant called me up for a walk. I remember running from my work desk and
out to the office gate as if I had found my freedom. We initially thought of going for a 15-minute
walk but I came back after around one hour.

We were ambling talking about the unnecessary things, discussing each other and having a
beautiful time. It was late in the evening and the winds were blowing beautifully. We had burger
first then tea followed by corn and then ice cream. There was not much distance that we covered,
we were around 500 metres from the office area, but we took many rounds of the same place and
it was amazing.

We chatted about his dreams and mine and then about the things going right and wrong in our
lives. Then, we discussed our families and our old crushes, broken hearts and almost everything.
It was a lovely walk, after a terrible day at work, when you are stuck to a computer screen for
more than 10 hours, nothing can be better than having a walk with your best friend.

Describe a rule that you did not like in your school.

You should say :

 what was it?

 how did others think about this rule?
 have you ever violated this rule?

explain why you did not like this rule?


School days have been the best days of my life and no matter what I believe we all have
memories attached to them. They do bring nostalgic moments in us. I studied in a convent school
and there were many rules but the one that I did not like was if someone had not the proper dress,
they would be sent out of the assembly and delayed for the first lecture. Our school had prefects
and their job was to make sure that we all were in our proper dresses. Even a tint of error and we
would be thrown out. Being an average person, I never had those perfect shoes or dress and so
most of the times I would be out.

I remember once it became so frequent that people accepted it as my nature. The reason I did not
like this rule was that, at some point in my life, I had an inferiority complex because of this.
Children would make fun of me because of this and we would fight. Because of missing the first
lecture, I did miss out on some very important things that were taught and it did impact my

Most of the people in my school had no issues with this rule. Probably, because they always did
wore the right dresses and shoes. But, there were few like me, who used to be out because of our
neatness. I remember making friends all the way during this time. We would laugh and giggle
sometimes. But initially, it was quite rough for all of us and I believe there could have been a
better way of teaching us the importance of maintaining a dress code.

Describe a national day in your country.

You should say:

 what day it is
 how is it celebrated?
 what the historical significance of this day is

and explain how you feel to this day.


India is one of those countries that has fought a long battle against colonization. After around,
200 years of domination and a long struggle against British power and other social impacts, India
gained its freedom on 15 August 1947. But, on the very same day, the partition of India and
Pakistan also took place. On the day of our freedom, our first Prime Minister raised the Indian
flag in Red Fort.

Since then we have been celebrating our Independence day on 15 August. On this day,
customarily, the prime minister of our country, raises the Indian National Flag in Red Fort.
Independence day is a gazetted holiday in our nation and all the schools, colleges, banks and
other institutions celebrate it with pomp and show. The organizations have a flag hosting
ceremony wherein, the highest ranking person hosts the flag.

As a country, the Prime Minister raises the flag and gives an address to the nation. On this day,
parades and cultural events take place in Red Fort by students from different parts of the country.
In the northern and the central part of our country, most people fly kites.

This day is quite special for me. It reminds me of the various freedom that I enjoy in my life. It
brings a sense of pride in me and I feel amazing. On this day, when I notice the Indian flag being
hosted almost everywhere, it just gets back to me the vigour with which the Indians must have
fought to make sure that I enjoy my freedom. Independence day reminds me to fight for my
freedom and independence. It tells me that focus and determination can set one free.
Talk about something you were disappointed about.

You should say:

 what it was about

 when it happened
 why it disappointed you

and explain how you felt about it.


We have shifted our roots to buying online rather than going offline with friends and buying
things. For a long time I had been skeptical about buying things online, but after a few purchases,
I once ordered a phone from Amazon. It was my first phone from my salary and I was very
excited about it. The company did an amazing delivery and the phone reached to me before the
expected time.

I had ordered a Motorola G4 and was expecting to be able to use it for better clicks and my
writing. But, it seemed that the phone came with a bit flaw. It had heating issues and the phone
used to hang up in every fifteen minutes. Frustrated and agitated I decided on returning the
phone. I had bought the phone on 15 June 2015 and returned it on 18 June. My expectations were
that the phone would be returned by 25 and then I will buy a new one for myself.

But, somehow it did not happen. I did return my phone but did not get any refund. Initially, I had
asked for a cheque and it got delivered to my old address from wherein I could not pick it and the
processing began again. It was only after 5th July that I could get my money and hence a phone.

It was truly a very irritating and more disappointing one because I had some plans with my
phone and wanted to execute them, but because of phone and money problems, things got
messed up.


Disappointments are a part of life and I have realized it by now. There have been many times
when I have been disappointed because of various things. But, I think the biggest disappointment
for me till date has been my failure of being not able to buy a Macintosh. I remember planning
for a cheap laptop and maybe a DSLR to start off. But then my love for Macintosh pitched in and
I started working for it.

I remember doing extra shifts for my laptop and working even on weekends and long weekends.
It took me around 5 months of hard work after which I was able to save money for Macintosh.
But, when the time arrived, it so happened that I could not get a major amount of money that I
had saved for it and I lost hope. When that happened, I could no longer buy Macintosh for
myself. I thought it is not a major thing, but with passing time I did realize that it was important
for me.
The one thing that disappointed me the most was initially when searching for Macintosh in my
city, I could not find them. However, after some time when the money was gone, there were a lot
of places that displayed it. It was only after seven months after buying a DSLR that I was
actually able to feel good.

Describe a prize you won:

You should say –

 what was it?

 what you had to win it?
 how many other competitors were there

and explain how you felt after winning?


Toastmasters has become an integral part of my life and going to its meeting is a beautiful time
spent. The organization organizes few competitions every year and among them, I took part in
the evaluation contest. In the contest, there was a speaker and I had to evaluate him on his
speech, giving him ideas on where the speech can be improved. There were 16 participants and
three judges.

I remember I had a work priority on the day and I was juggling between the competition and the
workplace. And when it was my turn to speak I missed it. They were gracious enough to let me
speak at the last. Once my evaluations were over, the results were announced and I had come at
the first place.

The feeling was amazing because I had never given evaluations before and it was my first
experience. The best part was the feedback that I got from the audience and the speaker. The
speaker felt he had never received a better evaluation and the audience wanted to listen more.
For me, the prize had become secondary in front of the feedbacks.

Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say:

 what the activity is

 when you do it
 how often do you do it

also, explain, why it is a good way to look after your health.


I am a not fitness freak and having failed to be consistent in the gym, I have finally restored my
health by jogging every day. Every morning, I along with my friends go out on a 5 km jog in the
city. We usually start with my house and then move forward towards the city centre and jog in
the cantonment area for the most part. It is around 5 am that we start and I am back home by
6:30. This includes jogging and some chit chatting along the way. Also, sometimes we go out for
breakfast together, in that case, we land up around 8 back home.

It has been one month since we started it and initially, we were two friends going together but
now one more has joined us as well. I really like the jogging part when compared to the gym,
because when jogging we are more close to nature and in so many ways get to know the city.
There have been areas that we have found out together and it is amazing. Not only it helps in
being fit physically but also mentally. There have been times when we have shared our sorrows
together and the feeling is really beautiful.

Jogging is always a better option, I believe, because it increases your stamina and jogging in the
morning helps you to clear your mind better when compared to other. Also, this is something one
can do without much of restraint.

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