Assignment in Mathematics in The Modern World

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Assignment in Mathematics in

The Modern World

By: John Steven T. Polo

Section: BSC 1-B1

Professor: Dr. Jennifer Dela Cruz

1. Measure of Relative Position

1.1 Z-Score
a. What is the z-score for 13 pounds?
b. What is the z-score for 6 pounds?
c. How many pounds corresponds to a z-score of 1.25?

For the first question, we simply plug x = 13 into our z-score formula. The result is:

(13 – 10)/2 = 1.5

This means that 13 is one and a half standard deviations above the mean.

The second question is similar. Simply plug x = 6 into our formula. The result for this is:

(6 – 10)/2 = -2

The interpretation of this is that 6 is two standard deviations below the mean.

For the last question, we now know our z -score. For this problem we plug z = 1.25 into the
formula and use algebra to solve for x:

1.25 = (x – 10)/2

Multiply both sides by 2:

2.5 = (x – 10)

Add 10 to both sides:

12.5 = x

And so we see that 12.5 pounds corresponds to a z-score of 1.25.

1.2 Percentile

Example 1:

Learn how to calculate percentile for the given example: There are 25 test scores such as:
72,54, 56, 61, 62, 66, 68, 43, 69, 69, 70, 71,77, 78, 79, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 99.
Find the 60th percentile?


Step 1:Arrange the data in the ascending order.

Ascending Order = 43, 54, 56, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93,
95, 96, 98, 99, 99.

Step 2:

Find Rank,

Rank = Percentile / 100

= 60 / 100

k = 0.60

Step 3:

Find 60th percentile,

60th percentile = 0.60 x 25

= 15

Step 4:

Count the values in the given data set from left to right until you reach the number 15.

From the given data set, 15th number is 79. Now take the 15th number and the 16th number
and find the average: 79 + 85 / 2 = 164 / 2 = 82

Hence, 60th percentile of given data set = 82.

Since it is not a whole number, round to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, 9.6 is rounded to 10.

Now, count the values in the given data set from left to right until you reach the number 10.

From the given data set, 10th number is 85.

Hence, 80th percentile of given data set = 85

1.3 Quartiles

Example: The number of games won by a famous basketball team each year from the year
1991 to the year 2000 are 20, 25, 20, 45, 35, 50, 35, 45, 30 and 35. Find the difference of the
lower quartile and the upper quartile of the data set.


The increasing order of the data is 20, 20, 25, 30, 35, 35, 35, 45, 45 and 50.

So, the least value of the data set is 20, the greatest value of the data set is 50 and the middle
value of the data set is (35+35) / 2 = 35.

So, the lower quartile of the data set is the median of the lower half and is 25.

So, the upper quartile of the data set is the median of the upper half and is 45.

So, difference quartile and the upper quartile is 45 - 25 = 20.between the lower
2. Logic

2.1 Logic Statement and Quantifiers

∙ If we say, "if x is negative, so is its cube,'' we usually mean "every negative x has a
negative cube.'' This should be written symbolically as ∀x((x<0)⇒(x3<0)).

∙ "If two numbers have the same square, then they have the same absolute value''
should be written as ∀x∀y((x2=y2)⇒(|x|=|y|)).

∙ "If x=y, then x+z=y+z'' should be written as ∀x∀y∀z((x=y)⇒(x+z=y+z)).

If S is a set, the sentence "every x in S satisfies P(x)'' is written formally as

For clarity and brevity, this is usually written ∀x∈S(P(x)). To understand and
manipulate the formula ∀x∈S(P(x)) properly, you will sometimes need to
"unabbreviate'' it, rewriting it as ∀x((x∈S)⇒P(x)).

2.2 Truth Table, Equivalent Statement

Example: Suppose
" " is true.

" " is false.

"Calvin Butterball has purple socks" is true.
Determine the truth value of the statement

For simplicity, let

P=" ".

Q=" ".
R = "Calvin Butterball has purple socks".
I want to determine the truth value of . Since I was given specific
truth values for P, Q, and R, I set up a truth table with a single row using the given
values for P, Q, and R:

Therefore, the statement is true

2.3 Conditional and Biconditional

Biconditional statements:

 If I eat lunch, then my mood will improve.

 If I eat lunch, then my mood will improve. (true)

 If my mood improves, then I will eat lunch. (true)

Biconditional statements:

1. I will eat lunch if and only if my mood improves.

2. My mood will improve if and only if I eat lunch.

Conditional Statement Examples:

In logic, concepts can be conditional, using an if-then statement:

1. If I have a pet goat, then my homework will be eaten.

2. If I have a triangle, then my polygon has only three sides.

3. If the polygon has only four sides, then the polygon is a quadrilateral

4. If I eat lunch, then my mood will improve.

5. If I ask more questions in class, then I will understand the mathematics better.

2.4 Symbolic Argument

Example 1

If Lynn has an average of 93% or above in MAT120 then Lynn will get an A in the
course. Lynn has an average of 97% in MAT120. Therefore, Lynn will get an A in the

Step 1: Write the argument in symbolic form.

Given the following variable assignments

A: Lynn has an average of 93% or above in MAT120.

B: Lynn will get an A in MAT120.

the argument can be expressed as follows where the first two statements are the
premises and the final statement is the conclusion.

A -> B

Therefore, B

Step 2. Convert the argument to a single conditional statement.

The argument can be expressed as a single conditional statement whose premise is the
conjunction of the two premises in the argument and whose conclusion is the conclusion
of the argument.

((A -> B) ^ A) -> B

Step 3: Create the truth table for this statement.

Truth Table 1:

Step 4: Determine whether the argument is valid.

This argument is valid because the argument, as a whole, is always true. This is an
example of direct reasoning. Any argument that can be put into this form is valid

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