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Entrepreneur and high school student – embryonic stage

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning

My name is Armeino Fadhlan Atana from SMA PLUS PGRI CIBINONG.

First of all I would like to thank the honorable committee, the honorable adjudicators, and the
respectful audience. In this occasion I would like to deliver a speech on “Entrepreneur and High
School student – embryonic stage ”

Referring to the issue, do you know what entrepreneur is? Let me elaborate.

Based on the Oxford dictionary Entrepreneur means, a person who sets up a business or businesses,
taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

There is a bunch type of entrepreneur business such as trading, manufacture, and startup.

Dear audience

As the data of Indonesia Board Statistic Centre, in 2018 there are only 3.1% or Approximately 5
millions entrepreneurs from the total Indonesian population. It becomes one of the positive
contributors to the national income and revenue.

The government has issued the regulation number 40 year 2009 concerning to youth. It regulates
the development of youth entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurship covered the activities which
develop potential skills and business independence according to their talent, interest, and the local
potential. Those will be facilitated by the local government.

Ladies and gentleman

How about embryonic stage? What is the relation with entrepreneur? An embryonic stage is the
starting point of a business development. The embryonic stage can be characterized by the idea,
feasibility, verification, demonstration, and commercialization.
Dear audience

As a high school student, I experienced that running business is definitely a challenging things to
do. I’m not only studying at school but running my business as well.

The embryonic stage of business I start is selling things online. An entrepreneur ought to be smart
in choosing the items will be merchandized. Furthermore, to grow the business smoothly we
should see the opportunity by noticing the demand and problem of our surrounding. There are tips
to start our business in high school.

 Work on something you’re passionate about. A business that isn’t built on passion and
drive, is destined for failure.
 Get you some of that funding. Find a few micro-loan organization that lend to start-ups and
entrepreneur to boost your funding needs.

That’s all from me today, Thank you for your attention

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning.

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