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WHAT CELL REPRODUCTION ACCOMPLISHES • Thus, sexually reproducing organisms use –

• Reproduction meiosis for reproduction and

– may result in the birth of new organisms but – mitosis for growth and maintenance.
– more commonly involves the production of • In a eukaryotic cell, – most genes are located
new cells. on chromosomes in the cell nucleus and
• When a cell undergoes reproduction, or cell – a few genes are found in DNA in mitochondria
division, two “daughter” cells are produced that and chloroplasts.
are genetically identica Eukaryotic Chromosomes
l – to each other and • Each eukaryotic chromosome contains one
– to the “parent” cell. very long DNA molecule, typically bearing
• Before a parent cell splits into two, it thousands of genes.
duplicates its chromosomes, the structures that • The number of chromosomes in a eukaryotic
contain most of the cell’s DNA. cell depends on the species.
• During cell division, each daughter cell • Chromosomes are – made of chromatin, fibers
receives one identical set of chromosomes from composed of roughly equal amounts of DNA
the lone, original parent cell. and protein molecules and
WHAT CELL REPRODUCTION – not visible in a cell until cell division occurs.
• Cell division plays important roles in the lives Eukaryotic Chromosomes
of organisms. • The DNA in a cell is packed into an elaborate,
• Cell division multilevel system of coiling and folding.
– replaces damaged or lost cells, • Histones are proteins used to package DNA in
– permits growth, and – allows for eukaryotes.
reproduction. • Nucleosomes consist of DNA wound around
Replacement Growth via Cell Division histone molecules.
• In asexual reproduction, – single-celled • Before a cell divides, it duplicates all of its
organisms reproduce by simple cell division and chromosomes, resulting in two copies called
– there is no fertilization of an egg by a sperm. sister chromatids containing identical genes.
• Some multicellular organisms, such as sea • Two sister chromatids are joined together
stars, can grow new individuals from tightly at a narrow “waist” called the
fragmented pieces. centromere.
• Growing a new plant from a clipping is • When the cell divides, the sister chromatids
another example of asexual reproduction. of a duplicated chromosome separate from
In asexual reproduction, the lone parent and its • Once separated, each chromatid is –
offspring have identical genes. considered a full-fledged chromosome and –
• Mitosis is the type of cell division responsible identical to the original chromosome.
for The Cell Cycle
– asexual reproduction and • A cell cycle is the ordered sequence of events
– growth and maintenance of multicellular that extend
organisms. – from the time a cell is first formed from a
• Sexual reproduction requires fertilization of dividing parent cell
an egg by a sperm using a special type of cell – to its own division into two cells.
division called meiosis. • The cell cycle consists of two distinct phases:
1. interphase and
2. the mitotic phase6 Sexual reproduction – depends on meiosis and
• Most of a cell cycle is spent in interphase. fertilization and – produces offspring that
• During interphase, a cell contain a unique combination of genes from the
– performs its normal functions, – parents.
doubles everything in its cytoplasm, and – Homologous Chromosomes
grows in size. • Different individuals of a single species have
• The mitotic (M) phase includes two the same
overlapping processes: – number and
1. mitosis, in which the nucleus and its contents – types of chromosomes.
divide evenly into two daughter nuclei and • A human somatic cell – is a typical body cell
2. cytokinesis, in which the cytoplasm is divided and – has 46 chromosomes.
in two. • A karyotype is an image that reveals an
Mitosis and Cytokinesis orderly arrangement of chromosomes.
• During mitosis the mitotic spindle, a football- • Homologous chromosomes
shaped structure of microtubules, guides the – are matching pairs of chromosomes that
separation of two sets of daughter – can possess different versions of the same
chromosomes. genes.
• Spindle microtubules grow from structures • Humans have – two different sex
within the cytoplasm called centrosomes chromosomes, X and Y, and – 22 pairs of
• Mitosis consists of four distinct phases: matching chromosomes, called autosomes.
1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Gametes and the Life Cycle of a Sexual
Telophase Organism
Mitosis and Cytokinesis • The life cycle of a multicellular organism is the
Cytokinesis usually sequence of stages leading from the adults of
– begins during telophase, one generation to the adults of the next
– divides the cytoplasm, and • Humans are diploid organisms with
– is different in plant and animal cells. Mitosis – body cells containing two sets of
and Cytokinesis chromosomes and
. • In animal cells, cytokinesis – haploid gametes that have only one member
– is known as cleavage and of each homologous pair of chromosomes.
– begins with the appearance of a cleavage • In humans, a haploid sperm fuses with a
furrow, an indentation at the equator of the haploid egg during fertilization to form a diploid
cell. zygote.
• In plant cells, cytokinesis begins when vesicles • Sexual life cycles involve an alternation of
containing cell wall material collect at the diploid and haploid stages.
middle of the cell and then fuse, forming a • Meiosis produces haploid gametes, which
membranous disk called the cell plate. keeps the chromosome number from doubling
Normal plant and animal cells have a cell cycle every generation.
control system that consists of specialized The Process of Meiosis
proteins, which send “stop” and “go-ahead” • In meiosis,
signals at certain key points during the cell – haploid daughter cells are produced in diploid
cycle. organisms,
MEIOSIS, THE BASIS OF SEXUAL REPRODUCTION – interphase is followed by two consecutive
divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II, and
– crossing over occurs. corresponding segments and – genetic
Review: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis recombination, the production of gene
• In mitosis and meiosis, the chromosomes combinations different from those carried by
duplicate only once, during the preceding parental chromosomes, occurs.
interphase. How Accidents during Meiosis Can Alter
• The number of cell divisions varies: Chromosome Number
– Mitosis uses one division and produces two • In nondisjunction,
diploid cells. – the members of a chromosome pair fail to
– Meiosis uses two divisions and produces four separate at anaphase,
haploid cells. – producing gametes with an incorrect number
• All the events unique to meiosis occur during of chromosomes.
meiosis I. • Nondisjunction can occur during meiosis I or
The Origins of Genetic Variation II.
• Offspring of sexual reproduction are • If nondisjunction occurs, and a normal sperm
genetically different from their parents and one fertilizes an egg with an extra chromosome, the
another. result is a zygote with a total of 2n + 1
. Independent Assortment of Chromosomes chromosomes.
• When aligned during metaphase I of meiosis, • If the organism survives, it will have – an
the side-by-side orientation of each abnormal karyotype and – probably a syndrome
homologous pair of chromosomes is a matter of of disorders caused by the abnormal number of
chance. genes.
• Every chromosome pair orients independently • Down syndrome – is also called trisomy 21, –
of all of the others at metaphase I. is a condition in which an individual has an extra
• For any species, the total number of chromosome 21, and – affects about one out of
chromosome combinations that can appear in every 700 children.
the gametes due to independent assortment is • The incidence of Down syndrome in the
– 2 n , where n is the haploid number. offspring of normal parents increases markedly
• For a human, – n = 23. – With n = 23, there are with the age of the mother.
8,388,608 different chromosome combinations Abnormal number of sex hormones
possible in a gamete. • Nondisjunction in meiosis
Random Fertilization – can lead to abnormal numbers of sex
• A human egg cell is fertilized randomly by one chromosomes but
sperm, leading to genetic variety in the zygote. – seems to upset the genetic balance less than
• If each gamete represents one of 8,388,608 unusual numbers of autosomes, perhaps
different chromosome combinations, at because the Y chromosome is very small and
fertilization, humans would have 8,388,608 × carries relatively few genes.
8,388,608, or more than 70 trillion different
possible chromosome combinations.
• So we see that the random nature of
fertilization adds a huge amount of potential
variability to the offspring of sexual
• In crossing over, – nonsister chromatids of
homologous chromosomes exchange

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