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Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati

Elementary Department
School Year 2018-2019


Contest Flow

1. Each team will be given digital tablets as their interactive answer sheets.
2. Before a question is read, the contestants must raise their pens or markers,
which are provided together with scratch papers for computation.
3. Questions will be read twice by the Quizmaster. At the same time, the
questions will be flashed on the screen. The contestants must listen carefully
when the Quizmaster reads the options twice. Whatever is flashed on the screen
will be taken off after having been read by the Quizmaster.
4. Contestants will start solving or writing their answers only when the
Quizmaster says the word “Go!”
5. For questions with computations, contestants are allowed to write down the
given in the sheets provided, but can only start solving after the Quizmaster says
6. After the time limit, the contestants must stop writing and raise their answer
sheets or tablets. There will be checkers per row who will check and verify the
contestants’ answers.
7. The Quizmaster shall read the correct answer and announce the name of the
school that got the correct answer.

Read and analyze each question. Then choose the letter of the correct answer.
Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the correct equation for photosynthesis?

A. 6CO2+6H2O_FOOD_C6H12O6+6O2

B. 6CO2+6H2O_LIGHT_C6H12O6+6O2
C. 6CO2+6H2O_ENERGY_C6H12O6+6O2
2. Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?
B. Sunlight
C. Water
D. Energy
3. How are the formulas of photosynthesis and respiration different? They
differ because...
A. Respiration releases energy and photosynthesis releases
B. Respiration releases oxygen and photosynthesis releases carbon
C. Respiration take ATP.
D. Respiration releases sunlight and photosynthesis release carbon
4. What is photosynthesis and respiration?
A. Photosynthesis is the process by which respiration is the act of inhaling
and exhaling. Respiration is the act of inhaling and exhaling.
B. Photosynthesis i the process by which carbohydrates by plants and some
other organism use light energy to power chemical:: respiration is the act or
process of inhaling and exhaling.
C. Photosynthesis is the process food which plants and some other this to
reproduce. Respiration is the act of inhaling and exhaling
D. Photosynthesis is the process by which respiration is the act of ATP
.respiration is the act of inhaling and exhaling

5. What are the main products of respiration?

A. Bacteria

B. Plants
C. Fossil fuels
D. CO2
E. All the above

6. What are the two types of respiration?

A. Aerobic and Anaerobic
C. An adenosine base
D. Sun → Autotroph → Heterotroph
E. None the above

7. Complete the following equation of reaction for respiration?

C6H12O6+6O2 ----->
A. 6CO2+6H2O+LIGHT--> C6H12O6+6O2
B. 6CO2+6H2O+FOOD ---> H6H15O6+3O2
C. H6H15O6+3O2--> ENERGY+6CO2+6H2O
D. None the above

8. Which organisms undergo respiration?

A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Bacteria
D. All the above

9. What are the main products of photosynthesis?

A. carbon dioxide and Oxygen
B. Energy and Water

C. Oxygen and Glucose

D. Sun and Energy

10. How often do we use photosynthesis and respiration in our everyday life?
A. Never
B. Always
C. Sometimes
D. Hardly ever
E. none of the above

What chemical enters the leaf from the air? Use the diagram from Question 1 to
help you.

When we talk about the "food factories" in a leaf, what specific parts of the leaf
are we referring to?
Sponge cell

The leaf makes food in the form of what kind of energy? Use the diagram to find
the answer.

White Sugar
Brown sugar

Cane sugar
Glucose or simple sugar

NOTE: The principal difference between photosynthesis and respiration is that:

photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light to
produce GLUCOSE AND OXYGEN, whereas
respiration uses oxygen and glucose to power the activities of the cell.
Respiration then releases carbon dioxide and water as a byproduct.

1. A hard rock called _____ comes from a loose volcanic ashes which become
cemented together.
A. Tuff
B. Cinders
C. Lapilli
D. Volcanic bombs

2. It is natural phenomenon characterized by the eruption of super-hot water and

steam from the bedrock.
A. Distillation
B. Geyser

C. Rain gauge
D. Water turbine

3. Arcturus is an orange star. Its surface temperature is 42,000 dig.C. What in its
distance away from the sun?
A. 8.8 light year
B. 27 light year
C. 38 light year
D. 520 light year

4. It is usually formed from ashes and other dust material which are throw high up
into the air and hard before they can spread further down.
A. Composite slope
B. Shield slope
C. Cinder cone
D. Lava cone

1. Some plants grow better if bone meal (ground-up bones) is spread around their
roots. What does bone meal supply to the plants that makes them grow better?
A. energy
B. minerals
C. vitamins
D. water
Answer: B
2. Sensory messages are taken to the brain by ____________. A. arteries and
veins B. arteries and hormones C. nerve and hormones D. muscles and veins
Answer: C
3. Alexander Fleming noticed that bacteria growing on a plate of agar did not
grow next to a mold that was growing on the same plate. He wrote in his

laboratory report “The mold may be producing a substance that kills bacteria”.
This statement is best described as _________. A. an observation B. a hypothesis
C. a generalization D. a conclusion
Answer: B
4. Why do stars seem to twinkle? A. They are too hot B. Their size and color vary
C. They are covered with clouds D. Light bends as it passes through layers of the
Answer: D
5. The oxygen - rich blood from the heart flows to the largest artery known as A.
superior vena cava B. inferior vena cava C. coronary artery D. aorta
Answer: D
6. What is the most important function of the blood? A. Collects food nutrients
and oxygen from the body. B. Carries food nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the
body. C. Regulates the rise of the body temperature. D. Carries impurities to the
Answer: B
7. A beaker was filled with water up to 40 mL mark. A small stone was slowly
lowered into the beaker and it was observed that the level rose to 45 ml. What
does the change in the level of the water represents? A. volume of water B.
weight of the stone C. volume of stone D. weight of the stone
Answer: C
8. The picture shows the three layers of the Earth. Where is it hottest? A. Layer A
C. Layer B B. Layer C D. All 3 layers are the same temp.
Answer: B
9. What layer of the earth is inferred to be liquid in form? A. crust B. mantle C.
outer core D. inner core
Answer: C
10. Why does boiling of water in a kettle overflow and spill? A. Water increases its
volume when heated. B. Water forms bubbles when heated. C. Water expands
when heated. D. Water overflow when heated.
Answer C


1. The movie “Twilight Zone” has a wolf - character portrayed by Taylor Lutner.
There are scenes, he, as a wolf place his scent on trees. Wolves most likely do this
in order to ________. A. attract prey B. attract female wolves. C. mark their
territory against other wolves. D. mark the location of their shelter and food.
Answer: C
2. Which BEST describes the movement of the plates that make up Earth’s surface
over million of years? A. They have never moved. B. They have been continually
moving. C. They stayed the same millions of years but are now moving. D. They
moved for millions of years but have now stopped.
Answer: B
4. Why do mountain climbers use oxygen equipment at the top of the world’s
highest mountain? A. There is less oxygen in the air at great heights. B. There is
little nitrogen in the air at great heights. C. There is a hole in the ozone layer. D.
There is no air at the top of very high mountains.
Answer: A
5. Two potatoes of equal mass were boiled, one in Baguio and one in Manila.
Where will the potato cook faster and why? A. In Baguio, the higher the altitude
the higher the temperature. B. In Baguio, the higher the altitude the lower the
temperature. C. In Manila, the lower the altitude the higher the temperature. D.
In Manila, the higher the altitude the lower the temperature.
Answer: C
6. Which of the following characterizes varicose veins? A. Veins in the brain swell.
B. Veins in the lower extremity shrink. C. Valves of veins in the legs fail to function
properly. D. Valves of veins in the heart fail to function properly.
Answer: C
7. Why was Pioneer - Venus 2 sent to Venus? A. To investigate the atmosphere of
Venus. B. To examine the soil in Venus. C. To probe the interior part of Venus. D.
To discover the possible life forms in Venus.
Answer: A
8. In general, pages of books turn brown after a number of years. Why? A. The
paper has become dusty. B. The paper has become very dry. C. The paper has
reacted with oxygen from the air. D. The paper has reacted with pollutants in the
Answer: C

9. Which of the following best describes the energy of a ball as it bounces up and
down? A. Potential Energy and Kinetic energy change at the same time. B.
Potential Energy increases as it moves down. C. Kinetic energy increases as it
moves up. D. Potential Energy and Kinetic energy remains the same.
Answer: A
10. The mathematical questions that probe the Big Bang Theory were formulated
by ________ A. Alexander Friedman B. Albert Einstein C. Edwin Hubble D. Edwin
Aldrin Jr.
Answer: B

1. An incomplete food web has been drawn for you. Complete it by filling in each
of the empty circles with the member of the correct animals or plants from the
list. Remember that the arrows represent energy flow and go. A. Caterpillar C.
Snake C. Hawk

2. Insecticides are used to control insect population so that they do not destroy
crops. Overtime some insecticides become less effective at killing insects and new
insecticides must be developed. What is most likely reason why insecticides
become less effective overtime? A. Surviving insects have learned to include
insecticides as a food source. B. Surviving insects pass their resistance to

insecticides to their offspring. C. Insecticides build up in the soil. D. Insecticides

are concentrated at the bottom of the food chain.
Answer: B

3. The graph shows the progress made by a car travelling along a straight line.
What is the speed of the car? TIME (MINUTES) DISTANC E (kms).
Answer: 100 Km/Hr

5. What feature in the sun appears like billowing arches of glowing gases?
Answer: Prominences

Which part of the brain acts like a switchboard that allows the communications
from the brain to the other parts of the nervous system?
Answer: Midbrain

7. A galaxy that comprises two to three percent of the total number of galaxies.
Answer: Irregular galaxy

8. Where can the lowest point on the earth's crust be found?

Answer: Marianas Trench

9. Why do you see lightning spark first before you hear thunder during a
Answer: Because light travels faster than sound.

10. What season is characterized with the most amount of leaves falling from
Answer: Autumn


1. When a physician puts a stethoscope to your chest , two sounds are heard.
What sound represents the opening and closing of the valves?
Answer: lub-dub, lub-dub

2. A hereditary blood disorder wherein blood clots very slowly affecting only
males but transmitted in genes of females.
Answer: Hemophilia

3. For a rocket to orbit the earth and become a satellite, its speed must be around
Answer: 29 000 kph

4. Why do sailors avoid the doldrums? A. because their ships woud just stay in a
particular area and would not move B. because theirips would sail so fast that
they may hit the rocks C. because their ships would hit polar icebergs D. both A
and C
Answer: A

5. Which instrument can view the heavenly bodies clearly and without the
filtering effect of Earth's atmosphere? A. radio telescope B. spectrograph C. space
telescope D. space colony
Answer: C

Read and analyze each question. Then choose the letter of the correct answer.
Circle the letter of the best answer.

Easy Round
1. There some muscles which are both voluntary and involuntary. Which of the
following belong to that kind? A. intestines B. heart and lungs C. arms and legs D.
Answer: D eyelids

2. Dogs give birth to puppies; cats give birth to kittens. This process by which
animals produce other animals of their kind is called ___________. A.
reproduction B. germination C. metamorphosis D. pollination
Answer: A Reproduction
3. There are some organisms having both organs appearing in different parts of
the body. Which of the following exhibits hermaphrodism? A. snake B. earthworm
Chicken D. fly
Answer: B
4. What kind of exercise helps the heart and lungs? A. aerobic B. Bowling C.
Weight lifting D. anaerobic
Answer: A
5. If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get?
A.heart failure B.asthma C.goiter D.nose bleed
Answer: B
6. Which of these minerals is needed by your bones? A. Calcium B. protein C.
carbohydrates D. vitamin A
Answer: A
7. It allows you to bend your knees. A. muscles B. joints C. femur D. tendons
Answer: B
8. What do you call the imaginary line on which the Earth turns and which runs
from pole to pole? A. equator B. longitude C. latitude D. axis
Answer: D
9. What process does an animal undergo when the sperm and egg cell unite? A.
Fertilization B. reproduction C. Hatching D. life cycle
Answer: A
10. What do you call the spines and thorns of some plants which they use to
protect themselves from danger? A. enemies of plants B. plant disease C. adaptive
structure D. camouflage
Answer: C

Average Round

1. The contraction and relaxation of muscles cause bone movement. A pair of

muscles works against each other. While one contracts the other relaxes. What
happens to the muscles when it contracts? A. It becomes long and thick. B. It
becomes short and thin. C. It becomes long and thin. D. It becomes short and
Answer: D
A. 23 degrees C. 23 ¾ degrees B. 23 ½ degree D. 24 degrees 2. Below shows that
Earth tilting of the Earth on its axis. How many degrees does Earth tilts?
Answer: B
3. It is a mechanical method of soil erosion control. This is good on houses or
roads by the mountain side or hillsides. It also prevent landslides. This process is
called_________. A. Strip cropping B. Terracing C. Riprapping D. Crop Rotation
Answer: C
4. What is the main cause of tides? A. Earth’s gravity B. Moon’s gravity C. Sun’s
gravity D. Earth’s rotation
Answer: B
5. Which of these situations shows storm signal no. 2? A. Classes in pre-school
levels in all public and private schools in affected communities are automatically
suspended B. Classes in preschool, elementary and high school levels in all public
and private schools in the affected areas are automatically suspended C. Classes
in all levels are automatically suspended in affected communities D.
Postponement of classes and work in government offices
Answer: B
6. What kind of disease is given by mice? A. Rabies B. dengue C. Malaria D.
Answer: D
7. When does evaporation take place? A.When water is cooled B. when water is
frozen C. When water is heated D. when water is filtered
Answer: C
8. What do we call the scientist that study about the soil? A. Meteorologist B.
Geologist C. Pedologist D. Psychologist
Answer: B
9. In which liquid is nail polish soluble? A. Alcohol B. Acetone C. Oil D. water

Answer: B
10. Man interferes with the balance of nature when he _______. A. pollutes air
and water B. disposes his garbage properly C. practices selective logging D. helps
control overpopulation by practicing family planning
Answer: A

Difficult Round
1. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by rubber-like cords called tendons.
Tendons are stretched as the muscles and bones move. What are the tough fibers
of proteins in tendons called? Write down your answer.
Answer: Collagen
2. Muscles and bones work like levers. If the bone serves as the lever, _________
act as the fulcrum.
Answer: Joints
3. The measurement of the hotness and coldness of the air is called
Answer: Temperature
4. When do tides occur?
Answer: When the moon pulls the Earth.
. Objects that form shadows and covers the light that hit them is called
Answer: Opaque
6. _______________ __ occurs at the first and third quarter of the
Answer: Neap tide
7. How many natural satellites move around Earth?
Answer: One
8. What is the largest asteroid in the solar system?
Answer: Ceres
9. What makes your palm hot when you rub them together?
Answer: Friction
10. What instrument is used to measure wind speed?

Answer: Anemometer

1. A mother hen sits on her eggs to provide warmth needed for the eggs to hatch.
What is this process called?
Answer: Incubation
2. When mayonnaise is mixed with water, the mixture becomes cloudy and the
particles remain suspended. Mayonnaise is what kind of mixture?
Answer: colloid
3. How many Earth days are equivalent to one day on the moon. Write down your
Answer: 29 Earth days
4. How do animals and humans release or give off water particles?
Answer: Perspiration
5. There are different species of animals and plants living together in the same
environment. How is this organization classified?
Answer: Community

Read and analyze each question. Then choose the letter of the correct answer.
Circle the letter of the best answer.

Easy Round
1. There some muscles which are both voluntary and involuntary. Which of the
following belong to that kind?

A. intestines
B. heart and lungs
C. arms and legs
D. eyelids
2. Dogs give birth to puppies; cats give birth to kittens. This process by which
animals produce other animals of their kind is called ___________.
A. reproduction
B. germination
C. metamorphosis
D. pollination
3. There are some organisms having both organs appearing in different parts of
the body. Which of the following exhibits hermaphrodism?
A. snake
B. earthworm
C. Chicken
D. fly

4. What kind of exercise helps the heart and lungs?

A. aerobic
B. Bowling
C. Weight lifting
D. anaerobic

5. If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get?
A. heart failure
B. asthma
C. goiter
D. nose bleed

6. Which of these minerals is needed by your bones?

A. Calcium
B. protein
C. carbohydrates
D. vitamin A
7. It allows you to bend your knees.
A. muscles
B. joints
C. femur
D. tendons
8. What do you call the imaginary line on which the Earth turns and which runs
from pole to pole?
A. equator
B. longitude
C. latitude
D. axis
9. What process does an animal undergo when the sperm and egg cell unite?
A. Fertilization
B. reproduction
C. Hatching
D. life cycle

10. What do you call the spines and thorns of some plants which they use to
protect themselves from danger?
A. enemies of plants
B. plant disease
C. adaptive structure
D. camouflage

Average Round
1. The contraction and relaxation of muscles cause bone movement. A pair of
muscles works against each other. While one contracts the other relaxes. What
happens to the muscles when it contracts?
A. It becomes long and thick.
B. It becomes short and thin.
C. It becomes long and thin.
D. It becomes short and thick.

2. How many degrees does Earth tilts?

A. 23 degrees
B. 23 ½ degree
C. 23 ¾ degrees
D. 24 degrees
3. It is a mechanical method of soil erosion control. This is good on houses or
roads by the mountain side or hillsides. It also prevent landslides. This process is
A. Strip cropping
B. Terracing
C. Riprapping
D. Crop Rotation

4. What is the main cause of tides?

A. Earth’s gravity
B. Moon’s gravity
C. Sun’s gravity
D. Earth’s rotation

5. Which of these situations shows storm signal no. 2?

A. Classes in pre-school levels in all public and private schools in affected
communities are automatically suspended
B. Classes in preschool, elementary and high school levels in all public and private
schools in the affected areas are automatically suspended
C. Classes in all levels are automatically suspended in affected communities
D. Postponement of classes and work in government offices
6. What kind of disease is given by mice?
A. Rabies
B. dengue
C. Malaria
D. bubonic
7. When does evaporation take place?
A. When water is cooled
B. when water is frozen
C. When water is heated
D. when water is filtered
Answer: C
8. What do we call the scientist that study about the soil?
A. Meteorologist
B. Geologist
C. Penologist
D. Psychologist

9. In which liquid is nail polish soluble?

A. Alcohol
B. Acetone
C. Oil
D. water

10. Man interferes with the balance of nature when he _______.

A. pollutes air and water
B. disposes his garbage properly
C. practices selective logging
D. helps control overpopulation by practicing family planning

Difficult Round
1. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by rubber-like cords called tendons.
Tendons are stretched as the muscles and bones move. What are the tough fibers
of proteins in tendons called?
2. Muscles and bones work like levers. If the bone serves as the lever, _________
act as the fulcrum.
3. The measurement of the hotness and coldness of the air is called
4. When do tides occur?
5. Objects that form shadows and covers the light that hit them is called
6. _______________ __ occurs at the first and third quarter of the
7. How many natural satellites move around Earth?
8. What is the largest asteroid in the solar system?
9. What makes your palm hot when you rub them together?
10. What instrument is used to measure wind speed?

1. A mother hen sits on her eggs to provide warmth needed for the eggs to hatch.
What is this process called?
Answer: Incubation
2. When mayonnaise is mixed with water, the mixture becomes cloudy and the
particles remain suspended. Mayonnaise is what kind of mixture?
Answer: colloid
3. How many Earth days are equivalent to one day on the moon. Write down your
Answer: 29 Earth days
4. How do animals and humans release or give off water particles?
Answer: Perspiration
5. There are different species of animals and plants living together in the same
environment. How is this organization classified?
Answer: Community

Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati

Elementary Department
School Year 2018-2019



Angel Alcala - He had created the artificial coral reefs that help a lot to the
Philippines' aquatic ecosystem.
Arturo Alcaraz - Father of Geothermal Energy Development, due to his
contributions to studies about Philippine volcanology and the energy derived from
volcanic sources.
Doctor Fe Del Mundo credited with studies that lead to the invention of an
improved incubator and a jaundice-relieving device.
Eduardo Quisumbing was a noted expert in the medicinal plants of the Philippines.
He was author of more than 129 scientific articles.
Roberto L. del Rosario is a Filipino entrepreneur who served as the president of the
Trebel Music Corporation. He is also the patent holder of the Sing Along System, a
karaoke system he developed in 1975.
Gregorio Y. Zara - a Filipino engineer and physicist. He was the inventor of the first
two-way videophone.
Julian Banzon - a Filipino biochemist and a National Scientist of the Philippines.
Banzon is credited for his research in alternative fuel. He researched on the
production of ethyl ester fuels from sugarcane and coconuts and devised a method
of extracting residual coconut oil through chemical means.
Francisco Quisumbing was a chemist, he invented the world famous Quick Ink
that is used in pens all over the world.
Marie Curie In 1911 she received a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, in
recognition of her work in radioactivity.
Galileo Galilei was a Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher
who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include

improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations, and

support for Copernicanism.
Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson was a New Zealand chemist who
has become known as the “father of nuclear physics”. In 1911, he was the first to
discover that atoms have a small charged nucleus surrounded by largely empty
space, and are circled by tiny electrons, which became known as the Rutherford
model (or planetary model) of the atom. He is also credited with the discovery of
the proton in 1919, and hypothesized the existence of the neutron. He was
awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908 “for his investigations into the
disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances”.
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor. He formulated
the Periodic Law, created a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements,
and used it to correct the properties of some already discovered elements and also
to predict the properties of eight elements yet to be discovered.
Albert Einstein – he formulated the special theory of relativity and the general
theory of relativity;
Antoine Lavoisier – French chemist known as the father of modern chemistry;
discovered oxygen and disproved the theory of phlogiston (1743-1794).
Charles Darwin -English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by
natural selection (1809-1882)


ASTEROID - one of the many small, rock objects between Mars and Jupiter.
BUOYANCY – the upward push of a liquid or a gas on an object placed in it.
- ability to float or rise to the surface of a liquid
CORROSION – the gradual wearing away of a metal as it combines with non
metals in its environment.

SUPERNOVA- a star that has produced more energy than gravity can hold
together and has exploded.
XYLEM – the tissue through which water and minerals move up in a plant
VELOCITY –the speed and the direction of a moving object.
COVALENT BOND - bond formed by the sharing of electrons between the atoms
of nonmetals
ALVEOLUS - Microscopic air sac in the lungs.
MEDULLA - Part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing.
PERISTALSIS - Wavelike movement that moves food through the digestive tract.
SEPTUM -Thick tissue wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart
COMPOUND - Substance made up of two or more elements that are chemically
BLACK HOLE - Massive star that has collapsed and whose gravity is so powerful
that it pulls in everything, even light
LIGHT YEAR - Unit of measurement equal to about 10 trillion km
QUASAR - Continuous burst of brilliant light and enormous energy from a very
massive black hole.
UMBRA - center or dark part of a shadow

BIG BANG THEORY - theory that the universe originated sometime between 10
billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume
of matter at extremely high density and temperature.

Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati

Elementary Department
School Year 2018-2019


I. Read and analyze each question. Then, circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. An empty cup resting on a counter has which type of energy?

a. potential energy
b. kinetic energy
c. chemical energy
d. electrical energy

2. Which organ stores and secretes bile into the small intestine?
a. gall bladder
b. stomach
c. kidney
d. pancreas

3. Why do you see your image in a mirror because _____

a. light bouncing off your face is refracted by the mirror
b. light bouncing off your face is absorbed by the mirror
c. light bouncing off your face is diffracted by the mirror
d. light bouncing off your face is reflected by the mirror

4. What does Newton’s First Law of Motion states?

a. Matter is neither created nor destroyed.
b. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant.
c. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
d. A body in motion stays in motion or a body at rest stays at rest, unless a force
acts upon it.

5. A large ocean wave that may be caused by earthquakes is called a?

a. riptide
b. cyclone
c. waterspout
d. tsunami

6. Which of the following materials would be the best insulator to separate a hot
area from a cold one?
a. wood
b. iron
c. glass
d. silver

7. Yeast is added to bread and beer mainly to?

a. add color
b. add flavor
c. change sugar into starch
d. grow and release waste products

8. About 200 million years ago, there were no crystal plates or continents. There
was only a super continent. What do you call this continent?
a. Betelgeuse
b. Epicenter
c. Pangaea
d. Eurasia

9. What star is the hottest?

a. Orange
b. Yellow
c. Blue
d. Red

10. What galaxy do we belong?

a. Fornax
b. Magellanic
c. Andromeda
d. The Milky Way

11. What scientific instrument collects light by means of a camera attached to this
a. Satellite
b. Telescope
c. Space Probe
d. Spectroscope

12. What is the point on the surface of the Earth located directly above the center of
an earthquake origin?
a. Landslide
b. Epicenter
c. Intensity
d. Tectonic

13. Who developed a scale that indicates the magnitude of an earthquake?

a. Charles F. Richter
b. Alfred Wegener
c. Neil Armstrong
d. Albert Einstein

14. What was sent into space and orbited the Earth in 1972?
a. Artificial Satellite
b. Mariner
c. Orbiter
d. Skylab

15. When did the first woman orbit the Earth?

a. July 1969
b. April 1961
c. June 1963
d. May 1973

16. Who was the first man to orbit the Earth?

a. Galileo Galileo
b. Yuri Gagarin
c. Christopher Columbus
d. Neil Armstrong

17. How will you describe immiscible mixture like cooking oil and water?
a. They completely blend with another liquid.
b. They are the liquid formed after condensation.
c. They are the remaining solids after filtration.
d. They do not dissolve in each other instead they forms layers.

18. What is the center of an atom called?

a. Electron
b. Proton
c. Neutron
d. Nucleus

19. What is not an example of weathering?

a. Ice wedging
b. Oxidation
c. Car crash
d. Tree roots breaking rocks

20. Who figured out the sun was the center of the solar system
a. Galileo
b. Copernicus
c. Mendeleev
d. Dalton

21. What is the breaking of white light into all the colors of the visible spectrum?
a. Diffraction
b. Refraction
c. Reflection
d. Spectrum

22. What is the darkest part of the shadow?

a. Penumbra
b. Pendulum
c. Dark side
d. Umbra

23. How will the medical technologist separate blood into plasma and red blood
a. By filtration process
b. By distillation process
c. By centrifugation process
d. By crystallization process

24. Which are the signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

I. Abnormal eye movements
II. Decreased flexibility
III. Tremors in Hands
IV. Mood swings

a. I and II
b. III and IV
c. IV and I
d. III and II

25. What are the early signs of a stroke?

I. Sudden severe headache
II. Numbness or weakness in the face
III. Seizure and loss of consciousness
IV. Confusion or trouble understanding

a. I and II
b. III and IV
c. IV, I, and II
d. III, II, and I

26. What does the Greek word a-tomos mean?

a. Undivided
b. “Uncreatable”
c. “Unreachable”
d. “Unbreakable”

27. The modern periodic table is organized by _________________ atomic

a. decreasing
b. developing
c. increasing
d. reducing

28. A molecule is a combination of _________________ that are held

together by covalent bonds.
a. two or more ions
b. two or more atoms
c. two or more protons
d. two or more molecules

29. What tool is needed to capture an image of an atom?

a. Microscope
b. GoPro camera
c. Infrared camera
d. Scanning Tunneling Microscpe

30. What element does the symbol Au stand for?

a. Gold
b. Silver
c. Copper
d. Tin

31. Who is the creator of the periodic table?

a. Dimitri Mendeleev
b. Erwin Schrodinger
c. Henry Moseley
d. Neil Bohr

32. Which star can be used to find direction in the northern hemisphere?
a. Arcturus
b. Rigel
c. Spica
d. Polaris

33. Which observation provides the best evidence that Earth revolves around the Sun?
a. Stars seen from Earth appear to circle Polaris.
b. Earth's planetary winds are deflected by the Coriolis effect.
c. The change from high ocean tide to low ocean tide is a repeating pattern.
d. Different star constellations are seen from Earth at different times of the year.

34. The motion of the stars that you see over several weeks or months is due to
a. the Earth orbiting the Sun.
b. the Earth rotating on its axis.
c. the changes in the position of the Sun.
d. the changes in the location of Earth's Moon.

35. Which would require the least force to stop?

a. A car travelling at 120 km/hr.
b. A car travelling at 80 km/hr.
c. A car travelling at 60 km/hr.
d. A car travelling at 10 km/hr.

36. A girl pedals her bicycle for five minutes and travels a distance of 120 meters.
What is the speed of the girl?
a. 600 meters per minute
b. 12 meters per minute
c. 24 meters per minute
d. 5 meters per minute

37. This is where the Philippines is located?

a. Pacific plate
b. Crustal plate
c. Antarctic plate
d. Eurasian plate

38. Striking the tendon just below the kneecap causes the lower leg to jerk. Moving
an object quickly toward the face can cause the eyes to blink shut. These are
examples of?
a. reflex reactions.
b. sensory overload.
c. learned responses.
d. short-term memory.

39. Which statement best describes the density of an atom’s nucleus?

a. The nucleus occupies most of the atom’s volume but contains little of its mass.
b. The nucleus occupies most of the atom’s volume and contains most of its
c. The nucleus occupies very little of the atom’s volume and contains little of its
d. The nucleus occupies very little of the atom’s volume but contains most of its

40. Iodine would have chemical properties most like

a. manganese (Mn).
b. tellurium (Te).
c. chlorine (Cl).
d. xenon (Xe).

41. Which of the following statements best describes how the planets of the solar
system formed?
a. They are the remains of an exploded star once paired with the Sun.
b. They are condensed rings of matter thrown off by the young Sun.
c. The Sun captured them from smaller, older nearby stars.
d. They formed from a nebular cloud of dust and gas.

42. A communication satellite is in a circular orbit around Earth. If the speed of the
satellite is constant, the force acting on the satellite
a. is zero.
b. is decreasing.
c. points toward the center of Earth at all times.
d. points in the direction that the satellite is moving.

43. A ball is dropped from rest from a height 6.0 meters above the ground. The ball falls
freely and reaches the ground 1.1 seconds later. What is the average speed of the
a. 5.5 m/s
b. 6.1 m/s
c. 6.6 m/s
d. 11 m/s

44. A student holds a book at rest in an outstretched hand. The force exerted on the
book by the student is equal to the book’s?
a. mass.
b. weight.
c. volume.
d. density.

45. What is oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle?

a. Plants give off oxygen to the air as a waste product and animals take in
oxygen with the air they breathe in.
b. It is the transformation of energy in the bodies of plant eaters.
c. Water and minerals enter the plants through the roots.
d. The chemical energy of food is taken from the plant.

II. Identify the person/scientist/inventor being described. Write your answer on the
46. In 1911 who received a second Nobel Prize in Chemistry, in recognition of his/her
work in radioactivity?

47. Who created the artificial coral reefs that help a lot to the Philippines' aquatic


48. Who invented an improved incubator and a jaundice-relieving device?


49. Who is known as the father of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen and
disproved the theory of phlogiston?


50. Who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection in 1809-1882?


III. Identify the scientific theory being described. Write your answer on the blank.
51. This theory states that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20
billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at
extremely high density and temperature.

52. This theory states that the Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide
over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core. It acts like a hard and rigid shell
compared to Earth’s mantle. This strong outer layer is called the lithosphere, which is 100
km (60 miles) thick. The lithosphere includes the crust and outer part of the mantle. Below
the lithosphere is the asthenosphere, which is malleable or partially malleable, allowing
the lithosphere to move around.

53. "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over
time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Changes that allow
an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more

54. " The statement “all life comes from preexisting life” means that there is no
spontaneous generation of life from inanimate materials. Most biologists believe that life
did arise spontaneously, but over a very long period of time. This statement was made by
Virchow (1821–1902) when he wrote “omnis cellula e cellula”—all cells come from other
cells. Life does not spontaneously generate over our lifetimes.

55. "… the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and he showed
that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an
observer travels.

IV. Match the picture of the scientist with its correct name. Choose your answer in the
box. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

A. Ernest Rutherford
B. Erwin Schrodinger
C. J.J Thomson
D. John Dalton
E. Niels Bohr

__________ 41. _________ 42.


_________ 43. _________ 44.

_________ 45.

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