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Science and Health

Grade 5
Scope and Sequence

Second Semester
Contents and Learning Competencies Assessment
I. Introduction to Science
Process Skills
Predicting: Interpolating and Extrapolating (pp.13-18) Worksheet/
 Differentiating interpolation from extrapolation Activity
 Interpolating and extrapolating based on the given data

II. Body parts and functions

A. Humans : The Male Reproductive System (pp. 92 –98)

 Describing the changes that occur during puberty Summative
 Describing the parts of the reproductive system and their functions Test 1
 Citing ways of taking care of the reproductive organs

II. Body parts and functions

B. Humans : The Female Reproductive System (pp. 99-107)

 Describing the changes that occur during puberty
 Describing the parts of the reproductive system and their functions Summative
 Explaining the menstrual cycle and fertilization Test 2
 Citing ways of taking care of the reproductive organs

III. Animals

A. Animals: reproductive system and modes of reproduction (pp. 110 – 122) Summative
 Describing the different modes of reproduction in animals Test 3
[butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and dogs]

IV. Plants

A. Plants: Reproductive parts and Modes of Reproduction (pp. 138–144,150-154,

160-165) Summative
 Describing the reproductive parts of plants and their functions Test 4
 Describing the different modes of reproduction in flowering and non-
flowering plants such as moss, fern, mongo and others

V. Ecosystem: Interactions Among Living Things (pp. 168 – 176)

 Discussing the interactions among living things and non-living things in
estuaries and intertidal zones
Test 5
 Predicting the effects of environmental changes on living things
 Explaining the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones

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