Review of Literature

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Dependent variable: Role-efficacy

Independent variables: core-self evaluation,organizational climate,leadership styles


Core self-evaluations (CSE) is a broad, integrative trait indicated by self-esteem, locus of control,
generalized self-efficacy, and (low) neuroticism (high emotional stability).The term core self-
evaluations refers to fundamental, global evaluations that individuals make about their worth as
individuals, including whether they have the capability to handle the tasks and challenges they
face in life and the extent to which they feel in control of their lives. When faced with a problem
or challenge, individuals with high core self-evaluations believe, “I can handle this problem.”
Individuals’ tendencies to evaluate themselves negatively or positively may affect their
evaluations of others and the world in general.

Effectiveness of the organization is dependent upon the ‘Role’ that the individualperform in the
organization.Role efficacy would mean the latent of an individual inhabitinga specific role in an
organization. In can be said that role efficacy is the possibleefficiency of an individual.The
concept of role efficacy got its root in Baghwat Geeta. The concept ofrole efficacy in the Indian
context has been pioneered by Pareek (1974, 1980,1986 & 1993). Pareek (1987) defined role
efficacy as “potential effectiveness ofthe role”. According to Pareek, Role Efficacy has three
dimensions: (1) role making(2) role centering and (3) role linking.

Koumoundourou, Kounenou & Siavara(2012) conducted a study on mediating role of career

decision self-efficacy between core self-evaluations (CSE) and adolescents’ vocational identity
among adoloscents . Data was collected from 200 Greek school students selected through
random sampling. The study was survey based. The tools used for data collection were Core Self-
Evaluations Scale (CSES; Judge et al., 2003),Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale–Short Form
( Betz, Klein, & Taylor, 1996) and Vocational Identity (Holland et al., 1980). Means, standard
deviations, and intercorrelations for all measures for eachgender separately and data was analysed
by one-way MANOVA statistical analysis.The results indicated that for female adolescents CSE
influenced vocational identity both directly and indirectly (via career decision self-efficacy). For
male students, CSE had only an indirect effect on vocational identity through career decision self-
efficacy. The findings were discussed with reference to social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
framework. This proved that core self evalutions had an important role to play on career


Beri(2016) conducted a study to know the Role Efficacy of the senior secondary school
Principals in relation to Professional Competency and Organizational Climate. 120 senior
secondary school principals were selected using proportionate sampling method. Descriptive
survey method was used to conduct the study. The tools used for the study were the Role Efficacy
scale (Udai Pareek 2002),Organizational Climate scale (Upinder Dhar, Sanjyot Pethe,
SushmaChaudari 2001) and Professional Competency scale (Self constructed by the
investigator). Mean analysis(ANOVA) and F test were used for calculations of the results. The
results indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship of Role Efficacy with
Professional Competency and Organizational Climate. Hence it proved that Organizational
Climate of schools and Professional Competency possessed by senior secondary school Principals
directly impact their role efficacy.The findings indicated that male principals are much effectual
as regard to femaleprincipals in developing healthy and cordial relationship in the school climate.
It showed positiveattitude towards their role. The best practices of role efficacy are confrontation,
role linkage, andcreativity and weaker practices of the role efficacy are pro activity and super
ordination. It alsoconcluded that urban and private school principals are finer in their role

Punia,Kaushik&Gill (2014) studied the comparison between Indian and Bhutan teachers in
context of Organizational Climate and Self-perceived Efficacy.1015 teachers were chosen on the
basis of random sampling method.The study used descrptive survey method and
ANOVA(analysis of variance) method was used for calculations. The tools used were Teacher
Effectiveness Inventory by Kumar and Mutha for measuring self efficacy and Organizational
Climate Inventory (OCI) developed by Chattopadhyay and Aggarwal (1976) for measuring
Organizational Climate. The results revealed that India and Bhutan had similar positions and that
Organizational Climate is having relative contribution on Self Efficacy. Study also indicates that
the teachers belonging to the functional work climate of Bhutan not only are high in perceiving
their self-perceived efficacy but are consistent in their approach. The scores between
dysfunctional work climate and functional work differ significantly among both the countries.


Danapour(2016) studied the relationship between leadership styles and self efficacy of acquatics
in Tehran,Iran. 256 participants were chosen based on stratified random sampling. Library
resources and field studies were used to collect the data. The study was an applied correlational
field study in nature. Questionnaires were developed to asses the performance of the coaches. The
face and content validity of questionnaire was reviewed and approved by 12 professors and PhD
candidates in sport management. The, they were distributed among the participants. The
reliability of leadership style, self-efficacy, and burnout questionnaires was determined to be 0.78,
0.83, and 0.73, respectively. The collected data were summarized using descriptive statistics
(mean, standard deviation, percentage, etc.) in the form of charts and tables. Also, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of data distribution and Pearson
correlation coefficient was used to test hypotheses.The findings showed that there is no
significant relationship between autocratic leadership style and self-efficacy of coaches and that
there is no significant relationship between democratic leadership style and self-efficacy of
coaches. The findings also showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between
supportive leadership style and self-efficacy of coaches and that The findings showed that there is
no significant relationship between democratic leadership style and burnout of coaches.

Taggar & Seijts(2003) studied on Leader and Staff Role-Efficacy as Antecedents of Collective-
Efficacy and Team Performance.A model of the relationships between leader role-efficacy for
initiating structure behavior, staff role-efficacy for team playing behavior, actual behavior,
collective-efficacy, and team performance was tested in the study.268 students were chosen as
sample based on random samplig and they were randomly divided into teams. No teams were
assigned leaders as the emergent leadership attitude was to be tested. The study was conducted in
a laboratory since it involved several tasks to be performed.Equivalent teamwork experiences,
task knowledge, and resource constraints was therefore increased due to teamwork.The results
showed that leader and staff behavior mediated the relationship between role-specific efficacy
and collective-efficacy. In addition, high leader and staff role behavior, in combination, led to the
highest collective-efficacy. Low staff role behavior neutralized the effect of high leader role
behavior on collective-efficacy, and vice versa. The results also indicated that collective-efficacy
mediated the leader role behavior–staff role behavior and team performance relationship.
Ike,Eze & Ukeh(2016) studied on Role of Leadership Styles and Self Efficacy on
Employees’ Job Involvement in Enugu State. The study investigated the role of leadership
styles and self efficacy on employees’ job involvement. Two hundred and eighty participants took
part in the study. Three instruments were used for data collection. They were Leadership
Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ), Self-efficacy Scale (SES) and Job Involvement
Scale (JIS). Two hypotheses were tested. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
analyze the data. Result shows that there is a significant difference between different types of
leadership styles on job involvement as well as self efficacy and job involvement. The results
were discussed in terms of their relevance in work setting and suggestions for further research

Sudha,Shahanawaz&Farhat(2016) studied on Leadership Styles, Leaders Effectiveness and

Well-being: Exploring Collective Efficacy as a Mediator . The study was designed to examine
the direct and indirect relationship among the variables collective efficacy, leadership styles
(transformational, transactional and laissez-faire), leader’s effectiveness and job affect following
a correlation design. Leadership styles were treated as the predictors, leaders’ effectiveness and
wellbeing were the criterion and collective efficacy worked as the mediator between the two.
Ninety full-time employees were taken as sample through random sampling. Tools used were
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ; Bass & Avolio, 2004. The multifactor leadership
questionnaire: Third edition manual and sampler set), Job-related Affective Well-being Scale
(JAWS; Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector & Kelloway, 2000. Journal of Occupational Health
Psychology) and Collective Efficacy scale (Karrasch, 2003).The results revealed that
transactional style has influenced both the outcome variables directly as well as indirectly more
than the other two leadership styles. The study contributes to the scantly explored indirect
linkages of collective efficacy on leadership styles, effectiveness and well-being.

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