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Project Title:Final Internship Report
Hosting Company:Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC
Internship Duration:March 11th, to June 30th, 2009 E.C.
Submitted by: Nahom Balcha
Regd. No.: ENG(R)/1499/06
Contact Address: E-mail:
Phone: +251-921593345
Mentor: Mr. Getachew B.
Site Supervisor: Ms. Jemila Mohammed
Submission Date: Oct. 6th, 2010.
Submitted to: Mr. Amare
Debre Tabor, Ethiopia.

Final Internship Report

This is to clarify that I, Nahom Balcha Debre Tabor University 4th year Civil Engineering
student Roll No. ENG(R)/1499/06 has undergone industrial training in Seid Ahmed Nur
Construction PLC in Adama as required of four months project semester.
This report has not been previously submitted to any other university, college or
organization for an academic, qualification, certificate, diploma or degree. I hereby
warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright.
I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, but not for
any other purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of the
organization and/or the university.

Nahom Balcha
Sign: ……….

Approved by: Mentor: Mr. Getachew B.

Signature: ………….

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I take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC for
having provided me with an unbelievable practical learning experience during training
time. It was indeed a pleasure to be a part of such organization.
First and above all, I praise God the almighty for providing this opportunity, and granting
the capability to proceed successfully. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to
all those who provided the possibilities to complete this report. A special gratitude to our
Technical Report Writing and Research Methodology Course Instructor, Mr. Zeleke W,
whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us to
coordinate our project especially in writing this report.
Secondly, I am no less grateful to the other employees for their kind co-operation and
spontaneous response.
Last but not least; I express my gratitude toward my family members, my teachers, and
friends for their encouragement which help me in completion of this training.

Thank you, all.

Nahom Balcha
4th Year: 2nd Semester
Civil Engineering Department

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Final Internship Report

This final industrial internship report in broad spectrum includes four chapters in which I
have tried to explain my four month industrial training experience in Seid Ahmed Nur
Construction PLC. The content of all chapters is deeply and broadly discussed. The
report is constructed and developed from the practical basis of the site work that have
been performed and ended from the early of March to the end of July 2009 E.C.
In the opening chapter, I have tried to give a brief history of the company which include
mission, vision and goal of the company, main products and end users of the company,
projects run through the company have been mentioned. In this chapter, I have put overall
organizational structure of the company, and work flow of the site.
Chapter two exclusively discusses the overall internship experience that I have gained
from the industrial training program. This Chapter of the report is basic and which I am
going to present mostly. It highlights the overall works I have been executing.
The third chapter has been dedicated for the overall internship benefits that I have
grasped from this program. Points that have been discussed throughout this chapter
include practical, leadership skill, entrepreneurship skill improvements.
The final and fourth chapter of this report has raised conclusion and recommendation.
This section elaborates the recommendation to the organization and the university, and
the conclusion of the entire internship report.

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I have completed a four month period of training at Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC. I
have spent the major part of training at the site rather than office where the planned and
designed projects are executed in the ground. This is a report on the internship program
that lasted for four months from early March to the end of June.
More specifically, most of my training period has passed on observing, mitigating the
chance of similarity and difference between the work which is planned and designed, and
the work that is executed. However, I have submitted small tasks for helping in projects,
and self-learning sessions such as over viewing concrete filling, performing leveling
works on the section of the site, and etc.
Here in this session of five years training program in university I have developed
theoretical skills, practical skills, and socio-economical skills. I have developed a skill
how to communicate with different class of employees. I have also developed a skill on
work ethics like punctuality, working with others (teamwork).
I have buried in mind thatan engineer has to keep in mind the municipal conditions,
building bye laws, environment, financial capacity, water supply, sewage arrangement,
provision of future, aeration, ventilation etc. in suggestion a particular type of plan to any

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B+G+”X”= Basement plus Ground plus “X” building.
E.C. = Ethiopian Calendar.
ETB= Ethiopian Birr.
G+”X”= Ground plus “X” building.
PLC= Private Limited Company.

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Contents Pages
STUDENTS‟ DECLARATION .......................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................... iv
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. v
ACRONYMS/ ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. vii
Contents ........................................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. x
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1
1. COMPANY PROFILE ................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
Background of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC................................................... 1
1.1 Brief history of the company .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Mission, vision, and goal of the company ................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Mission of the company ..................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Vision of the company ....................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Goal of the company .......................................................................................... 3
1.3 Main products of the company ................................................................................. 3
1.4 End users of the company‟s product ......................................................................... 3
1.5 Overall organizational structure ................................................................................ 4
1.6 Manpower and equipment description ...................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Manpower Description....................................................................................... 5
1.6.2 Machineries and Equipment of the Company .................................................... 6
1.7 General workflow of the company ........................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................ 8
2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE .................................................................... 8
Introduction: Project Description ........................................................................................ 8
2.1 Brief on how I get into the company ........................................................................ 9
2.2 Section of the company I have been working ......................................................... 10

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2.3 Workflow in the section .......................................................................................... 11
2.4 Work pieces that I have been executing ................................................................. 11
2.4.1 Concrete work .................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Substructure work ............................................................................................ 16
2.4.3 Superstructure work ......................................................................................... 16
2.4.4 Aggregate Works ............................................................................................. 20
2.4.5 Temporary Structure Work .............................................................................. 21
2.4.6 Reinforcement works ....................................................................................... 24
2.4.7 Surveying ......................................................................................................... 24
2.5 Major challenges encountered ................................................................................ 25
2.6 Solutions for the challenges .................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 26
3. OVERALL BENEFITS I GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP ................................ 26
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my practical skills ................................... 26
3.2 Benefits I gained in terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge ....................... 26
3.3 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my interpersonal communication skills .. 27
3.4 Benefits I gained in terms of improving team work skill ....................................... 27
3.5 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my leadership skills ................................ 28
3.6 Benefits I gained in terms of understanding work ethics related issues ................. 28
3.7 Benefits I gained in terms of entrepreneurship skills.............................................. 29
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 30
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................ 30
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Recommendation to the company.................................................................... 30
4.2.2 Recommendation to the university .................................................................. 31
ENGINEERING SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERNSHIP .................................................... 33
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 34
APPENDIXES .................................................................................................................. 35

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Figure 1.1.Overall organizational structure. ....................................................................... 4
Figure 1.2.Flowchart ........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.1.Site plan of the project. ...................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.2.Executive Hotel No-2 archicad. ........................................................................ 9
Figure 2.3.Entrance card to the site. ................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.4.Concrete mixing simulation. ........................................................................... 12
Figure 2.5. Ground bottom slab concrete leveling.. ...................................................... 13
Figure 2.6.Gauge box. ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.7.Staircase. .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2.8.Columns to be casted. ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.9.False work. ...................................................................................................... 21

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Table 2.1 Workflow in the Section ................................................................................... 11
Table 2.2 Mixing Ratio ..................................................................................................... 16
Table 2.2 Time of Removing Formworks......................................................................... 23

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Background of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC
1.1 Brief history of the company
Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC was established in 1984 E.C to fulfill the
construction needs of the owner of the company. The company has got its title after the
name of the owner Seid Ahmed Nur. At that moment, the company could have built
different buildings that belong to the owner. Ato Seid Ahmed Nur, the owner of the
company, has started to construct buildings and civil works for himself with an Italian
engineer named Fikadu Bantuma. At the beginning, the company could have built Plaza
Hotel (named now Palace Hotel), in Adama city Kebele 09. The construction of this hotel
takes around two years and it costs about 800,000 birr. After then, the company
continued to build four projects with each 2 million birr like „„Nur Gebeya‟‟ (Kebele 19),
“Wulesh Giby” (Kebele 20) and others since 1986 E.C.
In 1988 E.C, the company reorganized itself and had got Class 6 License and built Nur
Paisa (Kebele 07, where the office of the company is found/) and Soap Factory (Kebele
13) for the owner. Each of these works cost around 6 million birr.
These all the above buildings and civil works belongs to the owner of the company, Ato
Seid Ahmed Nur. Thus, the company had stayed on constructing its own projects for
more than 9 years. During this time, the contractor had increased its capital in a great
After then, the company started to construct buildings, Olympic Hotel and Mereb
Buildings that are not belongs to the owner of the construction company in 1993 and
1994 E.C.
Starting from1994 E.C, for about seven years, the company had passed a remarkable time
to support governmental institution. During this time, the company provides police
stations, meeting halls, and other governmental buildings that are now giving services to
the people in almost more than five kebeles of Adama City. In the construction of these

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governmental institution buildings, the company was not profitable; it did it for the
supporting of the government in fulfilling society‟s needs. And then, the construction
company could have been built trade centers, named in common Arada that contains five
trade centers like Cherka Trade Center(G+3), and other four similar with Cherka. Each
costs 2 million birr and a total of 10 million birr in 2002 E.C. These trade centers are now
giving services to the society. At the end of 2003 E.C, Nur City Center has been built
with a budget of ETB 21 million. Mereb Hotel (ETB 17 million project), and Olympic
Hotel (G+8) had been constructing since the end of 2004 E.C. At the mid of 2005 E.C,
the company has started to build MuluYerer Hotel (B+G+6). And also the company has
had projects in different places like a 3 million birr projects in Addis Ababa city. In 2006
E.C, the company had started to construct Pasta and Macaroni Factory in Addis Ababa,
trade center and ware house in Adama City located in Kebele 07 and 16, respectively.
The site in which I was practicing my internship program is a 2 basement and a 15 storied
hotel named, Executive Hotel Number 2, located in Kebele 09, Adama, Ethiopia. The
client of the project is Executive Hotel PLC. The consultant of this project is Hailegabreil
Architectures and Consultancy PLC.
Generally, the company has played a great role in providing different accesses in the
development of the country.
1.2 Mission, vision, and goal of the company

1.2.1 Mission of the company

 Solving the country‟s infrastructure problems like road, and housing.
 Play a significant role in the construction sector.
 Take an active part in the nation‟s real estate development; thus, ensuring
maximum customer satisfaction.
By making sure these objectives are met, the company‟s mission is “to make its presence
felt in the development of the Country‟s economy and the preservation of its social values
while remaining target full in the dynamism of the business world.

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1.2.2 Vision of the company
 Observing a developed, beautiful and internationally competitive country.
 Being active and leading actor of the Ethiopian development.
 To be a very competent construction company on different civil works across the
 To have a license of class one construction company.
 To work on Highway and Water work projects.
 Construct reliable, standardized and quality buildings.
1.2.3 Goal of the company
 Infrastructure developments like buildings, roads, etc.
 Industry development.
1.3 Main products of the company
On the end of the construction the company's main product will be Executive Hotel
Number 2.
1.4 End users of the company’s product
The company produces its products to the society like residential, recreational, industrial
and institutional structures which are single and multi-storied buildings to satisfy the
needs of society.
Generally the end users or costumers are the community or the society as a whole.

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1.5 Overall organizational structure
The number of permanent employees in the company both in office and at the project sites are
more than 250 and the number of daily labors vary according to the project site and the type of
work to be executed. For example, up to 50 temporary workers are engaged at Executive Hotel
Number 2 project site, and around 35 temporary workers are engaged at Adama Steel and Nail
Factory Group owned business centerproject site.

General Manager


Legal Service

Contract Administration Finance and Administration

and Supervision

Structural Finance
Site Coordinating

Quantity Surveying Administration

Site Supervision Office Assistance

Figure 1.1.Overall organizational structure.

Company Address
The company currently maintains its head quarter in Adama, Ethiopia on Eagle Tower 4th floor
office number 404 to 408.
Contact Address: TEL: +251930107826

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1.6 Manpower and equipment description
1.6.1 Manpower Description
A. Project Manager
The project manager is the one who manages the whole project throughout the project sites of the
company. In new projects he studies the plans before moving to the site in order to make himself
familiar with the structures to be constructed. His duty on the project site is dividing the site into
manageable units or sections by assigning engineer or Forman depending on the type of work
and work volume, and then allocates the resources according to the needs. He gives special
attention to avoid wastage of materials while allocating resources.
Another duty of project manager is preparing meetings, with different section heads for
reviewing schedules; evaluate performances, better understanding of problems and solutions, and
recollection of resources, removal of doubts, acceleration of plans etc.
Closer monitoring of the site activity is another important task of the Project Manager to check
all progresses are according to the plan.
In general, the project manager acts as a leader, planner and decision-maker.
B. Site Engineer
Control all the construction activities on the site starting from the very beginning. In construction
sites, depending on the schedule given by the project manager, the site engineer;
 Set outs the site,
 Check the excavation and earthworks are according to specification and drawings,
 Check the construction of all structural and finishing works,
 Make all necessary reports to the Project Manager, including all activities on the site and
materials used on the construction site.
 Strictly follows the given time schedules in order to avoid any delaying on the project
completion time.
C. Office Engineer
Collect data by the supervisor or data collector, from the site, then compile and analyze these
data to prepare Payment certificate
 Monthly
 Weekly

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He also makes reports to the project manager and makes detail drawings to be easy for
construction and provide it to surveyor, Foreman or any concerned section.
D. Foreman
Acts as the agent‟s right hand man for the execution of the work at the field, his duty is to keep
the work moving ahead as the agent has planned it. He often has much authority on the site, and
is often astonishingly capable from their long experience of construction. On many civil
engineering works the Foreman is the key person in charging the construction.
E. Store Keeper
Control the amount and type of materials entering and leaving the store.
F. Data Collector
Collect data about the daily work activities including the type and amount of material used, the
type and number of workers participated on a given work.
To summarize the above work flow, all the work men and the machineries mentioned above are
organized under the project manager effective management, and will complete the
projectaccording to its schedule, within agreed time and within its budget, for its intended
purpose and services.

1.6.2 Machineries and Equipment of the Company

The company has fulfilled different machineries and equipment which are vital to the
construction industries as a class four contractor. These are:
 3 dump trucks
 1 crusher
 4 mixers
 1 loader
 3 pick ups
 More than 10 vibrator

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1.7 General workflow of the company
The general work-flow of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC is shown in figure below. Exact
information about the number and job descriptions of each and every company employees cannot
be provided because of privacy policy of such a sensitive institution and because of the very
large number of employees.

Project manager

Administration Site engineer Office engineer

Secretary General Forman Surveyor

Store keeper Quantity surveyor

Sub-contractor Forman
Data collector
Time keeper Electrical

Bar benders


Daily laborer

Figure 1.2.Flowchart

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Final Internship Report

Introduction: Project Description
Internship Site: Executive Hotel No. 2; Ground+15-2Basement; Located in Kebele 09, Adama,
Client:Executive Hotel PLC
Consultant:Hailegabreil Consultancy PLC
Initial Cost: 60 Million ETB

Figure 2.1.Site plan of the project.

This site has consisted two blocks of the same structural integrity. Mat, combined, and isolated
types of foundations had been executed. Thus, they excavated the soil in both bulky, and pit
forms. Expansion joints have been used to differentiate the blocks.

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Figure 2.2.Executive Hotel No-2 archicad.

2.1 Brief on how I get into the company

I was given an application letter for proposing a company to heir me as an intern. This letter was
prepared and dispatched for internship candidate students from Debre Tabor University Industry
Linkage Office when 3rd year academic schedule is about to end.
I, my friends, and my family members have submitted several copies of this letter for illegible
university industry linkage companies and as a chance many of the application was accepted.
Tulu Bolo Town Municipal Office, Sunshine Real State PLC, and Seid Ahmed Nur Construction

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PLC were best examples of industries that have shown willingness. My friend Tibebu Abera and
my brother Getachew Balcha were the controversial peoples in which they are the ones who
submitted the letters for Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC, and Sunshine Real State PLC,
Although, the acceptance confirmation letter, from the companies I have granted, was given back
to me after I have started fourth year academic year through email. In this academic year of first
two months, we candidate interns have been asked to submit the confirmation letter. By the time
the confirmation letter I have in my hand and submitted to the DTUUIL‟s was Sunshine Real
State PLC‟s. Thanks to the DTUUIL office we are given a chance to reconsider and submit other
alternative companies. Timely my friend Tibebu had able me to have the acceptance
confirmation paper of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC there I have submitted it. We were
given an entrance card to the project site.

Figure 2.3.Entrance card to the site.

2.2 Section of the company I have been working

When I arrive at the site I ask to the company supervisor and other workers of the company to
get my own specific task, but they were not voluntary. Instead of giving my own specific task
they told me to participate in every work task. Therefore, my decision was to participate at the
site work.
This site has consisted of two blocks of the same structural integrity. Mat, combined, and
isolated types of foundations had been executed. Thus, they excavated the soil in both bulky, and
pit forms. Expansion joints have been used to differentiate the blocks.

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Final Internship Report

2.3 Work-flow in the section
The work-flow of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC at Executive Hotel Number 2 is presented
in the table below.

Table 2.1 Workflow in the Section

Item Number Job/ Career Total Amount
1 Project Manager 1
2 Site Engineer 3
3 Foreman 5
4 Office Engineer 3
5 Store Keeper 2
6 Guard 2

2.4 Work pieces that I have been executing

2.4.1 Concrete work
There are a variety of concrete services available for residential and commercial construction.
Concrete had been prepared using the batching plant which is fixed in the site. Most concrete
classes used are Reinforced concrete in C-30 (with a 28 day 150mm cube crushing strength of
30MPa), cast into form-works and vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (Form-
work&reinforcement bars are measured separately.

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Final Internship Report

Figure 2.4.Concrete mixing simulation.

And for the concrete road a special concrete type which has its own mix ratio and for lean
concrete C-5 is used.
After the mixing process is completed in the batching plant the fresh concrete is transported by
Truck Mixers to the required place. In the concrete there are different types of admixture are
added to for different purpose. For instance „repair mortar‟ is added to concrete to made the
ground more level and avoid crack.

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Figure 2.5.Ground bottom slab concrete levelling.

Advantages of concrete work

a. Concrete has a high compressive strength compared to other building materials.
b. Fire and weather resistance of concrete is fair.
c. The concrete building system is more durable than any other building system.

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Final Internship Report

d. Concrete, as a fluid material, in the beginning, can be economically moulded into a
nearly limitless range of shapes.
e. The maintenance cost of concrete is very low.
Disadvantages of concrete work
I. Compared to other binding materials, the tensile strength of concrete is relatively low.
II. Concrete is less ductile.
III. .The weight of compared is high compared to its strength.
IV. Concrete may contains soluble salts. Soluble salts cause efflorescence.
Types of Concrete
Properties of Concrete
 Grades (C20, C25, and C30 etc.):-Concrete is known by its grade which is designated as
C15, C20 etc. in which letter M refers to concrete mix and number 15, 20 denotes the
specified compressive strength (fck) of 150mm cube at 28 days, expressed in N/mm2.
 Compressive strength: - the strength of the concrete is also a quality which varies
considerably for the same concrete mix. Therefore, a single representative value, known
as characteristic strength is used.
 Characteristic Strength:- It is defined as the value of the strength below which not more
than 5% of the test results are expected to fall (i.e. there is 95% probability of achieving
this value only 5% of not achieving the same).
 Tensile strength
 Durability
 Creep:- is defined as the plastic deformation under sustain load. Creep strain depends
primarily on the duration of sustained loading. According to the code, the value of the
ultimate creep coefficient is taken as 1.6 at 28 days of loading.
 Shrinkage:- is the property of diminishing in volume during the process of drying and
hardening is termed Shrinkage. It depends mainly on the duration of exposure. If this
strain is prevented, it produces tensile stress in the concrete and hence concrete develops
 Defects in Concrete Work

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Chemical attack
Chemical attack can occur because concrete is alkaline and chemically reactive. It can be
attacked by acids; some alkalis; numerous salt solutions; and organics such as fermenting liquids,
sugars, and animal oils, especially if they contain free acids. Seawater will attack concrete.
This is a network of very small surface cracks usually spreading out over large areas or the entire
surface. Crazing is caused by finishing the concrete with bleed water on top.
Efflorescence is more likely to be found on concrete that has been in place for a while. Concrete
contains water-soluble salts. As water from the interior of the concrete migrates to the surface
and evaporates, salts are deposited on the surface, usually as a white stain.
 Concrete mix ingredient
There are three basic ingredients in the concrete mix:
A. Ordinary Portland Cement: - is the most common cement used in general concrete
construction when there is no exposure to sulphates in the soil or groundwater.
B. Water: - is being used potable tap water.
C. Aggregates (rock and sand)

 Site Quality Test of Concrete Ingredient

 Concrete Mix Design: - is the process of finding the proportions of concrete mix in terms
of ratios of cement, sand and coarse aggregates. For e.g., a concrete mix of proportions
1:2:4 means that cement, fine and coarse aggregate are in the ratio 1:2:4 or the mix
contains one part of cement, two parts of fine aggregate and four parts of coarse
aggregate. The concrete mix design proportions are either by volume or by mass. The
water-cement ratio is usually expressed in mass.
Batching by weight is being used to measure materials to attain the right proportion of mixing
concrete. Due to batching there are different kinds of concrete classes such as C-5, C-25, C-30,
and C-35 in the site we are practising.

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Table 2.2 Mixing Ratio
Concrete Class Ratio Box Dimension(cm3) Uses

C-5 1:5:7 20*40*50 Lean Concrete

C-25 1:2:3 18*40*50 Footing Pad, Grade Beam
C-30 1:2:3 16*40*50 Footing Column, Slab
C-35 1:2:3 13*40*50 Elevation Column, Shear Wall

40cm m

Figure 2.6.Gauge box.

Curing and casting of fresh concrete
Curing is the process of controlling the rate and extent of moisture loss from concrete during
cement hydration. Curing by continuously wetting the exposed surface; thereby, preventing the
loss of moisture from it.
2.4.2 Substructure work
Substructure Works had been executed when I arrive in the site.
2.4.3 Superstructure work
A superstructure is the portion of the structure that is above ground level that receives the live
load is referred to as Superstructure. The superstructure of a building is the part that is entirely
above its foundation or basement.

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Final Internship Report Types of beam
Beams: - are generally horizontal structural members which transfer loads horizontally along
their length to the supports where the loads are usually resolved into vertical forces. Beams are
used for resisting vertical loads, shear forces and bending moments.
Different types of beams can be classified based on the type of support.
The four different types of beams are:
i. Simply Supported Beam
ii. Fixed Beam
iii. Cantilever Beam
iv. Continuously Supported Beam
i. Simply Supported Beam
If the ends of a beam are made to rest freely on supports beam, it is called a simple (freely)
supported beam.
ii. Fixed Beam
A beam fixed at both ends.
iii. Cantilever Beam
A beam that is fixed at one end and the other end is free.
iv. Continuously Supported Beam
Here more than two supports are provided to the beam.
All the above types of stair cases are being constructed in our site. Types of stair
Stair: - A staircase or stairway is one or more flights of stairs leading from one floor to another,
and includes landings, newel posts, handrails, balustrades and additional parts.
Dogged-legged Stair
This stair consists of two straight flights of steps with direct turns between them. This stair is
very useful where the total width of the stair is just twice the width of the steps.

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Final Internship


Figure 2.7.Staircase. Types of Column
Column: - is a structural element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure
above to other structural elements below. In other words, a column is a compression member.
Columns are frequently used to support beams or arches on which the upper parts of walls or
ceilings rest.

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Form work

Bracings Plumb bob


Figure 2.8.Columns to be casted.

Types of columns can be listed based on material used, function, shape and structural

Material: Stone, Timber, brick, concrete, steel.

Function: Building columns, platform supporting columns, portico/canopy supporting columns,

equipment supporting columns, free standing posts, or poles, pilot‟s, etc

Shape: Solid, hollow, laced, battened, rectangular, square, circular, octagonal, hexagonal,
hollow, fluted, ornamental columns like ionic, Doric, Corinthian single stepped, double stepped,
rolled shape, or built up with plates,

Structural configuration: braced, unbraced, fixed base columns, pinned base columns, short
columns, long columns (based on slenderness)

DTU-CEng Pr. By: Nahom B.


Final Internship Report Types of Slab
Slabs: -are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal, in building floors, roofs,
bridges, and other types of structures. The slab has been supported by walls, by reinforced
concrete beams, and by columns. This project has used one way rigid slab.

Based on length and breadth of Conventional Slab is classified into two types:

1. One-Way Slab

2. Two-Way Slab Types of Wall

Wall: -A wall is a structure that defines an area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security.
There are many kinds of walls.
Shear Wall: - is a structural system composed of braced panels to counter the effects of lateral
load acting on a structure. Wind and seismic loads are the most common loads that shear walls
are designed to carry.

2.4.4 Aggregate Works

Aggregate is a broad category of coarse to medium grained particulate material used in
construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic
aggregates. Aggregates are the most mined materials in the world. Aggregates are a component
of composite materials such as concrete and asphalt concrete; the aggregate serves as
reinforcement to add strength to the overall composite material. Aggregates are the most massed
ingredient in making of concrete (up to 70 percentages). It is being bought from suppliers.

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Final Internship Report

2.4.5 Temporary Structure Work
Temporary works are defined as parts of the works that allow or enable construction of, protect,
support or provide access to, the permanent works and which might or might not remain in place
at the completion of the works.
False work
 False work is a temporary works used to support a structure during construction including
any plant required and form-work and panels of concrete. It is also used to support the
slabs and beams.
 Measure the height of the room to be constructed on the given floor.
 Drive a nail into the column and tie a string around all columns.
 Check that whether it is water level or not.
 Prepare the vertical supports i.e. props and “cristy”.
 Erect the vertical supports and tie them with the columns using wooden “purlin”.
 Lay the soffit and side form-works i.e. the suspended part of the beam
 Fasten a horizontal member called “modeno” with the top edge beam form-work
supported by a vertical member called “ponte”. Then, Check whether it is water level or
not and provide other horizontal member called “firgrig” between the previous horizontal


Figure 2.9.False work.

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Final Internship Report

Form work
Form work is a temporary construction material used for mould a structure with a required shape
and dimensions and support it until it harden sufficiently to become self supporting. After the
concrete has sufficiently set and harden the form-work is removed.
Form-work may steel or wooden material with desired shape. There are different types of form-
works used in the construction industry in the construction site.It can be;
 Plywood (timber):- Ply wood timber with its cross- grained structure provides strong and
reasonable economic.
 Hard board (Oil tempered):- Almost impermeable, this material will give the concrete a
uniform surface colour, but with inevitable blow holes.
 Steel or panel: - These are different dimensions and angles. Steel form-work has many
advantages. Such as;
 It can be put to high number of use crate surface.
 It possesses greater rigidity.
 I have got the opportunity to observe the construction of formworks for footing pads,
beams, columns, slabs, shear wall and stair in our project site. They use both steel and
timber form-works.
Procedures to set-up form-works
 Spacers of required dimension are tied along the longitudinal reinforcement bars of the
structure to be casted to give the required clear cover
 Panel of required dimension and angle are placed along the face of the spacers provided
earlier. These panels are provided s
 It provides ease of stripping (removing)
 It ensures an even and smooth con
 On both directions (back and front) in a good manner shaped.
 The duration of removal of this form-work depends on the type of structure to be casted
i.e. whether it is a vertical (column, retaining wall & shear wall) or horizontal (slab &
beam). Where, 24 hour period is enough for vertical structure while it is longer (14-28
days) for horizontal structures.

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 The time between the castings of the concrete to the dismantling of form-work depends
on the strength development of the concrete and on the function of the form-work.
 The time between casting and removals of the form-work depends on mainly on the
strength developments of the concrete and on the function of the form-work the following
minimum period of the recommended.
In our case we have been using the following period.

Table 2.2 Time of Removing Form-works

Form-work Curing Time
1 day (24 hr)
Vertical member (columns and shear wall)
Sides of beams 1 day (24 hr)

Soffit of beams 21 day

Soffit and/or props of slabs 21 day

A good form Work should satisfy the following requirements.

 The form work should be strong enough to carry safely the dead load of the wet concrete
placed on it, and the live load from the men and machines used in placing the concrete in
 It should be practically water proof so that it does not absorb water form concrete.
 The joints between forms should be smooth, so that no unwanted surface irregularities are
apparent on the finished unit.
 A form work should be re-used as many tines as possible.
 A form work should be free from bent, cracking, and straight and strong.
 8. Bracing
 It is used to fix the panels in position. Without bracing s there is no way that the panels
will withstand the pressure that from the concrete.

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Final Internship Report

Scaffoldings are used as a temporary staircase, and for placing wooden formworks which are
used as a walkway for the workmen.
Scaffoldings are constructed from:
 Steel/prop
 Wood
 Eucalyptus trees
Spacers are made up of concrete that secures the reinforcing steel or rebar in reinforced concrete
structures as the rebar is assembled in place prior to the final concrete pour. The spacers are left
in place for the pour to keep the reinforcing in place, and become a permanent part of the

2.4.6 Reinforcement works

In the site there is a bar shop in which bar bending, cutting and making of skeletons of structures
like colons, beams and slab meshes are prepared then the structures skeletons are transported to
the required place. The process of the work in the compound is that the engineer will print out
the required structure bar schedule and give to the bar Foreman then the Foreman will order to
prepare the bar. Here also the task given to me was checking the work performed with the
structural drawing. In this department the weakness I observed is that to be reluctant to be

2.4.7 Surveying
In the site surveying work is decisive work sector because for instance to place, grade and
compact select material to check the level of the colons, in the construction of the concrete road,
trench and pit excavation, levelling work, steel structure work, ditch lines, septic tanks, sanitary
lines are among works which highly require the aid of the surveying work(total station, and
levelling) on the other hand when participating in surveying work since it will touch different
work types help to collect additional skill on the other work fill.

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Final Internship Report

The challenge I have been encountered on this sector was lack of communication between I and
the assistances alongside me because in the compound they have their own communication
words, gestures, and sign languages.
But gradually with the aid of senior surveyors I learnt the local words and communicate simply.
The carpentry in the site includes form-works for; foundation pad and columns, grid beam,
elevation colons, for slab and staircase (“soffit”form-work), scaffolding work (crusty).The most
form-works are made of Swan “Zigiba” wood because of this they are “use and through” means
once they used it is not possible to re use the wood.
In this area the task which is given by my supervisor was to check whether the drawing and the
work practically performed match or not and to check the dimensions, straightness, attachment
and other quality of the work and if any mistake there I inform to the responsible party and take a
correction action.
2.5 Major challenges encountered
During my intern-ship period especially on the first two week the challenges I faced was;
1- Difficulty in understanding of the local working words like “Linga”, “Crusty”, “Fondo”,
“Sponda”, and “skuadra” etc..
2. Misunderstanding, and some workers were not happy to accept interns‟ suggestions.
3. The contractor has different projects at different sites, and this makes them not to able to finish
on scheduled time.
2.6 Solutions for the challenges
For the first challenge mentioned above the measure I had taken was to ask and study those
strange words from the worker. In this regard I succeeded within a short period of time and
communicate with the workers.
In fact, humans by nature are not happy when they are told their mistakes even if it depends on
how it is being told. Thus, I criticize them individually and my relation becomes smooth.

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Final Internship Report


There were lots of benefits that I have gained from my internship program. Since it was my first
practical experience everything there was new and important to me. I mentioned the benefits in
terms of:
 Practical skills
 Theoretical knowledge
 Interpersonal communication skills
 Team playing skills
 Leadership skills
 Work ethics related issues
 Entrepreneurship skill
3.1 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my practical skills
This program gave me many opportunities to test and refine my skills. To make theoretical
knowledge applicable and to make it practical skill there should be a chance like this. This
program helps me to build and improve my confidence in construction tasks. Some of the things
that help me to improve my practical skills are:
 Different site works are performed continuously that I have learned in theoretical classes.
 The theoretical lessons that I take before the internship.
 My motivation and ambition to know for new things.
 The best relation I have had with the site crew.
3.2 Benefits I gained in terms of upgrading my theoretical
This program helped me to strengthen my theoretical knowledge. All the courses I have had
taken except some of them, focused on theoretical part. Since the practice depends first on
theory, it is easy to work for the one having good theoretical base. In addition to that when I was

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Final Internship Report

practicing I relate the theory with the practical matter, so at this time it helps to me in upgrading
my theoretical knowledge. Generally speaking, my theoretical knowledge got strengthen more
by those practical techniques invested on site.
3.3 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my interpersonal
communication skills
Since construction work is a team work by its nature there are different individuals with different
professions and personalities come up together and communicate with each other to solve
different problems and run the whole work, so here good interpersonal communication skill will
bring success.
By the time I started the intern-ship program I was not able to know how to deal with people at
the work place that I did not know the way to communicate with different worker. It was difficult
to me to communicate with the workers. But afterwards I believe that good relation and
communication skill is the key for getting the experience and knowledge require for the intern-
ship program. Based on this I tried to change my approach to the people at the work place and
through time I was able to saw progress on myself. So as a conclusion I can say that I have got
good lesson regarding communication skill while my stay in the company for the intern-ship
I used to have different discussions with my friends who are intern students and the workers at
the site. During discussions different ideas are raised. Through such team work, it was easier to
address problems emerging. Therefore it becomes easy for me to improve my interpersonal
communication skill.
3.4 Benefits I gained in terms of improving team work skill
Team work is the way of success and strength. I learnt that as part of a team, an engineer
should have to works with a positive attitude within a group for the success of a project. When
called upon to lead, an engineer must have good managerial and team playing skill. Therefore, I
try to improve my team playing skill in order to be successful engineer. Confident engineers are
able to succeed by gaining the trust of co-workings. Generally speaking I know that an engineer
with good team playing skill has the following qualities.
 Demonstrates reliability

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Final Internship Report

 Communicates constructively
 Listens actively
 Functions as an active participant
 Shares openly and willingly
 Cooperates and pitches in to help
 Exhibits flexibility
3.5 Benefits I gained in terms of improving my leadership skills
Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples. The intern-ship helps me to improve
my leadership talents to future employers, my ability to work well with different types of people
and my skills in seeing projects through from start to finish. I have seen how each worker is
controlled and organized to perform its day to day activities. Among all other managements I
have seen that human resource management is the most important one.
I have actually observed the method of controlling the working time and amount of work done
by each worker so that the work proceeds according to the work plan. For the time being I didn‟t
practice leadership from the higher level. However I meet with an efficient project manager and I
grasp a lot of knowledge concerning different issues such as how to treat different persons and
how to control the overall activity on the site. Generally regarding leadership skill I have got a
good experience. Also to be an effective leadership I understood that personal values like:
 Confidence
 Effective communication
3.6 Benefits I gained in terms of understanding work ethics related
Internship helps to me to know the values of the work ethics, so that I try to practice and
understand work ethics related issues during my intern-ship.
 Punctuality: - means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and to
complete a given task within the given period.
 Office Disciplines: - on work place you don‟t have to disturb the working atmosphere.
For example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and things which
disturb others workers mood.

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Final Internship Report

 Reliability: - the worker should be qualified for the part he is supposed to be performing.
He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned.
 Honesty:-Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain from
bad behaviors such as cheating, bias, corruption etc..
 Cooperation: - Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working.
That is because it is through such system problems could be easily solved.
3.7 Benefits I gained in terms of entrepreneurship skills
A construction project mainly requires large human, financial, physical i.e. material and
equipment resources. Entrepreneurship is defined as special human talent that helps manage
those factors of production such as labour, machinery and capital and takes risks of making
loses. An entrepreneur is required to establish meaningful relationship between activity and
authority which is intimately related to planning function.
Human resource management: - Having a quality worker is a must if one needs to be productive.
Therefore I have been able to understand that taking responsibility for the safety and well-being
of employees in job related activities by providing safety wares like safety shoes &helmet-sand
insurances one can attain high level of support from them.
Equipment utilization management: - Construction equipment management helps a person to
plan implement and monitor construction equipments to:
 Enhance optimum utilization.
 Increase efficiency or productivity of inputs to the products of the construction.
 Harmonize standards and enhance the quality of work.
 Financial management: - Wide financial flow is achieved through detailed market studies.
A company should also be able to put well qualified and efficient personnel for preparation of
contracts and payments. During my intern-ship experience I have been able to grasp ideas about
human resources management, equipment utilization and financial flow and also develop self-
confidence to play my strength in believing in myself and taking risks in my future career.

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Final Internship Report

This section elaborates the recommendation to the organization and the university, and the
conclusion of the entire intern-ship report.
4.1 Conclusion
I have benefited a lot in the field attachment in a way that I managed to apply the theoretical
knowledge from the university into practice through many activities/tasks/assignments.
I have improved the skills like interpersonal, listening, presentation skills, acting freely around
people, typing skills, accounting, recording, presentation, typing, conflict resolution,
organizational skills to mention but a few.
I have learnt many lessons which included; how to create an accounting system, how the
working environment runs, etc.
I have got different ideas from different employees at the organization and also through
interacting with other interns from various universities and this contributed a lot on the
knowledge and experience.
Generally this intern-ship program has played a great role in providing an opportunity to an out-
of-classroom learning experience to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical work.

Finally, internship was fun and therefore the students have to encourage Debre Tabor University
to continue giving students this opportunity to do their academic requirement of internship from
industrial organization.
4.2 Recommendation

4.2.1 Recommendation to the company

The management of Seid Ahmed Nur Construction PLC should buy more facilities such as
computers, vehicles so as to enable smooth running of the company‟s activities and respond to
the dynamic competition environment and globalization. This technological advancement will

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Final Internship Report

enable the organization to change from manual to computerized methods of processing
documents and proper record keeping. And the vehicles play role on giving transportation
services for the workers of the company.
Reliability and giving more careers to interns:
I would suggest the Organization to continue giving intern-ship placements to as many students
as they can because some miss this experience which is also important requirement of the
The organization should give allowances to interns most especially transport allowances. Most
students stay far from the intern-ship places; hence, being on the site and attending the intern-
ship program increases their expenses. Therefore, I recommends the organization to put that in to
action in order to motivate interns and boost their productivity levels in performing their tasks
during the field attachment.
Serious supervision to the workers:
The organization should increase and ensure more supervision over the employees in order to
work effectively and also eliminate workers who relax, work lazily and perform actively after
seeing their supervisors.
Job enlargement:
The management of should also carry out job enlargement and enrichment to newly graduating
students. This will ensure good industrial relations between the company and education ministry

4.2.2 Recommendation to the university

Constant supervision of students:
The intern recommends the university to carry out constant supervision and monitoring of
students during the internship training so as to encourage them to perform the duties fully and
also accurately. This will also put a close link between the academic supervisors and the field
supervisors so as to foster appropriate assessment of what the interns are doing in the field.
Secure internship placements for students:

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Final Internship Report

The university should help students to secure intern-ship positions according to their respective
programs undertaken at the university through giving students recommendations in order to ease
their training periods and also avoid the ache gotten by students in search of intern-ship
Should continue this program:
This is because it helps to prepare the students for their careers in future and also enable the
students to practice the theoretical knowledge obtained during class be exercised practically. It
also helps to develop students understanding of work ethics, employment demands,
responsibilities and opportunities.
Curriculum should be revised:
Courses that should be pre-given before the intern-ship program did not taught, and that made us
not to compete and be a student that a company relies on.

DTU-CEng Pr. By: Nahom B.


Final Internship Report

The potential benefits we students of participating in the engineering internship program includes
the following:
 gain meaningful engineering experience to complement academic studies;
 develop a professional attitude that is reflected in the performance of responsibilities and
tasks, and learn about the importance of professionalism in the real world;
 assess a future employer;
 obtain more interesting and satisfying jobs because of the internship experience;
 stand out from other graduates in the eyes of employers;
 earn money while gaining valuable experience;
 Use the activities carried out during an internship term as the basis of a fourth-year thesis.

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Final Internship Report

1. Zeleke W. et al. 2007 E.C. Technical Report Writing and Research Methodology Course
Module. Debre Tabor University. Debre Tabor, Ethiopia.
2. Yitayal T. 2008 E.C. Building Construction Course Module. Debre Tabor University.
Debre Tabor, Ethiopia.
3. Esmail Aragaw. 2005 E.C. Final Internship Report. Hawassa University. Hawassa,

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Final Internship Report

Appendix A
Duties and responsibilities of workers.
1) “Anatsi”= stands for carpenter, who executes wood works.
2) “Ginbegna”= stands for masons, who executes masonry works.
Appendix B
Name and use of materials on site.
1. “Armata”= Concrete composed of aggregate, cement, and water.
2. “Kiset”= Stanger used to keep the strength of the form-work to stable the level.
3. “Tumbi”= Plumb Bob used as levelling or uses to keep the vertical alignment of a
structure like column.

DTU-CEng Pr. By: Nahom B.


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