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Ceftriaxone-induced Hemolytic Anemia:

Case Report and Review of Literature
Michael S. Northrop, MD and Hemant S. Agarwal, MBBS, FAAP

and esophagogastroduodenoscopy with colonoscopy for further

Summary: Ceftriaxone is a frequently used empiric antibiotic in evaluation of his daily high-grade fevers. Bronchoscopy demon-
children. Acute hemolysis is a rare side effect of ceftriaxone therapy strated mild erythema of the tracheobronchial tree and bron-
associated with a high mortality rate. A 14-year-old boy suffering choalveolar lavage fluid was negative for bacterial or fungal
from Crohn disease developed bacterial pneumonia that was growth. The esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy did
treated with ceftriaxone. We report successful management of not reveal new lesions except for an anal fissure. He tolerated the
ceftriaxone-induced hemolytic anemia (CIHA) in this patient and procedures well and he received his intravenous ceftriaxone dose
review the CIHA literature in pediatric patients. Early recognition the same night.
of CIHA with prompt discontinuation of ceftriaxone therapy may He complained of abdominal pain, back pain, headache, and
have a beneficial role in reduction of high mortality seen in these had 1 episode of nonbloody vomiting within half an hour of
patients. receiving ceftriaxone on day 7 of his antibiotic therapy. His clinical
examination revealed a pulse rate of 162/min, fever of 102.31C, and
Key Words: ceftriaxone, immune hemolytic anemia, acute renal significant pallor. His abdomen was mildly distended but soft. He
failure, multiple organ failure, drug induced was quickly transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit since he
continued to remain tachycardic, tachypneic, and diaphoretic. He
(J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2015;37:e63–e66) was emergently intubated and fluid resuscitated. His laboratory
tests revealed hemoglobin of 2.6 g/dL (hemoglobin before the
procedure: 9 g/dL) and serum lactate level of 11.3 mmol/L. He was
urgently transfused with 2 U of packed red blood cells (RBCs)
C eftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin has been
in use since 1982.1 It is widely used in pediatric patients
because it provides a broad spectrum of activity against
followed by another 2 U to give posttransfusion hemoglobin of
10 g/dL. There was no obvious clinical source of acute bleeding.
Studies for evaluation of acute blood loss including computed
gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The prolonged tomography scan of his abdomen, chest, and brain and tagged
half-life and once a day administration represent its added RBC study of his gastrointestinal tract were negative. His hapta-
advantages. It is generally well tolerated, and uncommon globin level tested within 6 hours of suspected hemolysis was
adverse effects include diarrhea, skin rash, eosinophilia, normal (80 mg/dL); however, the direct antibody test (DAT) was
elevation in serum hepatic enzymes, and biliary sludging.2 strongly positive (4 +) for complement and negative for immuno-
CIHA in children is a rare and often fatal complication.3,4 globulin G (IgG). His plasma was tested against untreated and
Previous reported cases of cardiovascular decompensation enzyme (ficin)-treated RBCs in the presence of ceftriaxone for
suspicion of hemolytic anemia. The untreated RBCs agglutinated
and renal failure in pediatric CIHA patients have been (3 +) in the presence of ceftriaxone; the saline control was non-
associated with a high mortality rate.4–7 We report suc- reactive. The enzyme-treated RBCs strongly agglutinated (4 +) in
cessful management of CIHA with multiorgan failure in a the presence of ceftriaxone. No tests were reactive with anti-IgG.
14-year-old boy suffering from Crohn disease by timely He developed acute tubular necrosis in the next 2 days with
diagnosis of CIHA, immediate discontinuation of cef- cola-colored urine, urinalysis was positive for blood but negative
triaxone therapy along with aggressive cardiorespiratory for RBCs on microscopy, serum creatinine rose from 0.65 mg/dL
support. We also review CIHA literature in children. before his deterioration to peak level of 2.17 mg/dL, and renal
ultrasound revealed normal corticomedullary differentiation. He
also developed acute liver insufficiency in the next 2 days with peak
levels of aspartate aminotransferase of 3978 IU/L, alanine amino-
CASE REPORT transferase of 1623 IU/L, and total bilirubin level of 4.2 mg/dL. He
A 14-year-old boy with Crohn disease was admitted to the also developed coagulopathy with peak prothrombin time of 18.9
hospital for treatment of pneumonia. He was on stable medications seconds and partial thrombin time of 35 seconds; although he never
of mesalamine and methotrexate for Crohn disease management. developed clinical signs of bleeding. Ceftriaxone was immediately
He developed worsening cough and fever up to 1031C over a 4-day discontinued after the acute episode of hemolysis and his antibiotic
period that was unresponsive to azithromycin and ceftriaxone therapy was changed to vancomycin and piperacillin/tazobactam.
therapy. The rapid influenza and streptococcal antigen tests were His blood, urine, and endotracheal tube secretion cultures were
negative and his chest x-ray revealed left lingular pneumonia. There negative and his antibiotic regimen was discontinued following
was no abdominal pain or diarrhea. He was admitted to the hos- negative culture results. He was extubated within 24 hours of his
pital and continued on ceftriaxone therapy for the next 3 days acute illness. His renal and liver insufficiency and coagulopathy
without any significant improvement. He underwent bronchoscopy gradually improved with supportive care. The patient was trans-
ferred from the intensive care unit in 3 days and discharged home
Received for publication December 17, 2013; accepted April 30, 2014. after 4 days.
From the Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical
Center, Nashville, TN.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. DISCUSSION
Reprints: Hemant S. Agarwal, MBBS, FAAP, Department of Pedia- Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA) is a
trics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 5121 Doctor’s Office
Tower, 2200 Children’s Way, Nashville, TN 37232-9075 (e-mail:
serious but rare adverse reaction with an estimated inci- dence of 1 to 2 per million individuals per year.8 The
Copyright r 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. median age of patients for DIIHA is 65 years, 58% are

J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 37, Number 1, January 2015 | e63
Northrop and Agarwal J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 37, Number 1, January 2015

females and usually there is no direct relationship between proximal tubular heme uptake.15 Patients can present with
the dose of a drug and the reaction.9,10 Medications clinical signs and symptoms of jaundice, cardiopulmonary
implicated in DIIHA have substantially grown and changed decompensation, renal failure, and shock.
in the past 50 years.10 In the recent years, anti-infective CIHA has been reported in 23 pediatric patients
drugs (30% of cases) followed by musculoskeletal drugs (including our case) since 1995 (PubMed online search;
(22% of cases) and cardiovascular drugs (20% of cases) limits: English; terms: ceftriaxone and hemolysis; ceftriax-
have been associated with DIIHA.9 one and renal failure)3–7,16–31 (Table 1). CIHA occurs much
Drugs can induce hemolytic anemia either by drug more commonly in children as compared with adults.3,32
adsorption, red cell membrane modification, immune Children manifesting CIHA commonly have underlying
complex formation, or positive antibody formation.11 chronic hematologic or immunological disorders or
Ceftriaxone causes hemolytic anemia by immune complex chronic/recurrent infections (Table 1). Eighteen of these
mechanism.12 It is thought that ceftriaxone or its degra- patients, including our patient had previous exposure to
dation product binds to antibodies in the plasma forming ceftriaxone.4,6,7,16–23,25,28–31 There was no information
immune complexes.5 Detectable antibodies to ceftriaxone reported in the remaining 5 patients.3,5,24,26,27 It is unclear
are necessary but not sufficient to cause hemolysis in whether the underlying disease processes contribute to the
CIHA.13 Quillen and colleagues found a prevalence of development of anticeftriaxone antibodies and hemolysis,
anticeftriaxone antibodies in 8 of 64 (12.5%) pediatric or if repeated exposure to the drug is important, or both.13
patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection and Hemolysis in pediatric patients with CIHA usually
sickle cell disease exposed to ceftriaxone. Only 2 of these 8 occurs within 30 minutes (range, 5 to 120 min) of ceftriax-
patients with the antibody experienced hemolysis.13 It has one administration.4–7,16–19,21,23,28 The hemolysis is often
been proposed that the ability of ceftriaxone antibody to fix dramatic and the hemoglobin can acutely drop to 2.5 g/dL
complement is an important variable that predicts the (range, 0.4 to 8.4 g/dL) (Table 1). In adults, the fall in
occurrence or severity of hemolysis.14 The immune com- hemoglobin is much less and occurs over a period of hours
plexes bind nonspecifically (without antigenic determi- to days.33 Initial symptoms including chills, fever, vomiting,
nation) to red cell membranes and activate complement headache, lumbar and/or abdominal pain, tachycardia, and
that destroy the RBCs.12 The hemolysis due to complement dyspnea are nonspecific. In serious cases of CIHA, severe
activation by these antibodies is usually intravascular in anemia results in cardiopulmonary decompensation, and/or
nature. It is often acute, severe, and associated with shock (Table 1). The massive intravascular hemolysis and
hemoglobinemia, hemoglobulinuria, and in serious cases; hemoglobinuria may progress to acute tubular necrosis.
there is dramatic drop of hemoglobin following drug Acute renal failure has been reported in at least 40% of
exposure. The resulting hemoglobinuria is nephrotoxic pediatric CIHA patients with an associated mortality rate
particularly when intratubular obstruction facilitates of 55% (Table 1). The acute drop in hemoglobin along with

TABLE 1. Ceftriaxone-induced Hemolytic Anemia in Pediatric Patients

Age/ Nadir Hb DAT DAT CVS Renal
References Sex Primary Diagnosis (g/dL) (IgG) (C3) Compromise Failure Outcome
Bernini et al6 2/M Sickle cell anemia 0.9 + + + + Death
Lascari and Amyot16 5/M Chronic myelocytic leukemia 1.4 NR NR + Death
Borgna-Pignatti et al17 8/M HIV 4.1 ? ? Death
Scimeca et al7 3/F Hypereosinophilic syndrome NR NR NR + + Death
Moallem et al18 14/F HIV 4.9 + + + Death
Meyer et al5 16/F Recurrent meningitis 2.4 + + + Death
Viner et al19 6/M Sickle cell anemia 2.8 + Survival
Citak et al20 5/F Recurrent urinary tract infection NR + + Survival
Eastlund et al21 8/M Peter anomaly 4.5 + Survival
Mattis et al22 9/M Crohn disease 2.3 + Survival
Kakaiya et al23 10/M Sickle cell anemia NR + + Survival
Corso and 10/M Sickle cell anemia 2 + + Survival
Bell et al25 17/F Hemoglobin SC 5 + + Death
Demirkaya et al26 5/F — 5.1 + + Survival
Kapur et al27 10/M Craniosynostosis 8.4 + Survival
Schuettpelz et al28 6/F Sickle cell anemia 0.4 + + + Survival*
Doratotaj et al29 4/F Infantile astrocytoma 2.4 + + Survival
Tobian et al30 7/M Hemophagocytic 4.4 + + Survival
Reis Boto et al31 2/M Congenital nephrotic syndrome 2.8 + + Survival
Goyal et al4 2/M Hemoglobin SC NR NR NR + Survival
Goyal et al4 10/F Hemoglobin SC 4 ? ? + + Death
Boggs et al3 11/F Lyme disease 5.9 + + Survival
This case 14/M Crohn disease 2.4 + + + Survival
*Patient had severe neurological deficit.
? indicates antiglobulin test positive—not specified for IgG and/or C3; CVS, cardiovascular; DAT (C3), direct antibody test for complement; DAT (IgG),
direct antibody test for immunoglobuln G; Hb, hemoglobin levels; NR, not reported.

e64 | Copyright r 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol  Volume 37, Number 1, January 2015 Ceftriaxone Induced Hemolytic Anemia

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