Bai Tap The Gia Dinh

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

1. I’d rather you ______(not/drive) so fast, Pat
2. Sue went to France this year, but she says she would rather ______ (go) to Spain.
3. It’s a shame you missed the party; I would rather you ______ (be) there.
4. John had better ______(not/speak) to me like that again.
5. He says he’d rather ______ (cook) his own food than eat in restaurants.
6. I’d rather you ______ (not/mention) this to anyone until next week.
7. Tim’s mother would rather he ______ (work) closer to home than he does.
8. Greg says he would rather ______( not/leave) things as they are.
9. She would prefer to meet you personally rather than ______ (talk) to you over the phone.
10. Sean prefers playing football to ______ (watch) it.
11. Would you rather ______ (write) in ink or in pencil?
12. Sheila prefers ______ (get up) early in the morning rather than ______ (oversleep)
13. Would he prefer ______ (drive) to work tomorrow rather than cycle?
14. I would rather ______(speak) directly to the manager than ______(deal) with his rude secretary as I did.
15. My father prefers to have a beard rather than ______(have) a shave every day.
16. Tom prefers ______ (ski) to ______(skate).
17. Wouldn’t you prefer to sit on this seat rather than ______(stand) for the whole journey?
18. We’d better ______ (take) some money for a taxy in case we ______(miss) the bus home.
19. We would rather ________ (stay) at home tonight.
20. Mr. Jones would rather ________ (stay) at home last night.
21. The policeman would rather ________ (work) on Saturday than on Sunday.
22. Maria would rather that we ________ (study) more than we do.
23. George would rather ________(not study) tonight.
24. The photographer would rather ________ (have) more light.
25. The photographer would rather that we ________ (stand) closer together than we are standing.
26. Carmen would rather ________ (not cook) for the entire family.
27. She would rather that you ________ (not arrive) last night.
28. John would rather ________ (sleep) than worked last night.
Choose the correct option.
29. She ...................... eat a salad than a hamburger. (would rather /prefer)
30. They .................... dogs. They don't like cats. (would rather /prefer)
31. I ...................... stay home today. (would rather /prefer)
32. We ....................... watching basketball. (would rather /prefer)
33. Usually people ......................... warm weather. (would rather /prefer)
34. I ....................... buy the blue shirt. (would rather /prefer)
35. Why do you ....................... going out with Tom? (would rather /prefer)
36. I ....................... have the meeting at 6 pm. (would rather /prefer)
37. Normally, we ....................... going to the beach. (would rather /prefer)
38. I ....................... watch the football game. (would rather /prefer)
Choose the best answer
1.I enjoyed the movie very much.I wish I ___ the book from which it was made.
A.have read B.had read C.should have read reading
2.You are late. If you ___ a few minutes earlier, you___him.
A.came/ Would meet B.had come/Would have met C.come/Will meet D.had come/would meet
3.I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he___everything .
A.knew B.knows C.has know D.had known
4. His doctor suggested that he ___short trip abroad.
A.will take B.would take C.take D.took
5.We might have failed if you ___us a helping hand.
A.have not given B.would not give C.had not given D.did not give
6.The law requires that everyrone ___his car checked at least once a month.
A.has B.have C.had D.will have
7.He was busy yesterday.Otherwise he___to the meeting.
A.would come B.would have been C.could have been D.would be
8.If there were no subjunctive mood, English ___ much easier.
A.will be B.would have been C.could have been D.would be
9___ the fog, we should have reached our school.
A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for
10. He was very busy yesterday.otherwise, he ___to your birthday party.
A.would come B.came C.would have come D.should come
11. The two strangers talked as if they___friends for years.
A. should be B. had been C.have been D.were
12. If we had not missed the bus, we___lunch at home now.
A.would have had B.would have C.must be having D. would be having
13.___ here yesterday, he would attend the lecture with us today.
A. Had he been B. If he were C. Were he D. Should be he
14.His tired face suggested that he___ really tired after the 1ong walk.
A.had been B.was D.should be
15. Do you feel that I ___the problem in a different way the other day?
A.should come B.should have solved C.have solved D.solved
16. He insisted that he ___ really very tried and that he ___to have a rest.
A.was/be allowed B.was/must be allowed C.should be/must be allowed D.should be/be allowed
17. I Would rather she …………. tomorrow than today.
A.come B.came C. should D.has come
18. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody___the rules.
A.obeys B.obey C.will obey D.Would obey
19. I ___her if I thought she would understand.
A.would tell B.will tell C.Would have to1d D.told
20. The teacher requires Rose ___by heart 15 English words each day.
A.1earn learn C.must learn D.1earning
21. . I wish he ............ change his minds so often!
A. shouldn’t B. wouldn’t C. mightn’t D. couldn’t
22. I wish I ............. more about the logistics of the expedition.
a. would know b. knew c. know d. can know
23. He looked ................ he had seen a ghost.
a. as b. like as c. as if d.
24. I felt as if I .............. a confidence.
a. have betrayed b. would betray c. had betrayed d. am betraying
25. It’s time they ............. promotion, in my view.
a. get b. got c. will get d. have got
26. . I wish .........................
a. you knew but you don’t b. you know but you don’t
c. you knew but you didn’t d. you know but you didn’t
27.. ......................... next Sunday.
a. I would rather you have come b. I should rather you have come
c. I would rather you came d. I should rather you came
28. “Did you enjoy the show last night?” “Yes, but I wish I ............... a cold.”
a. hadn’t b. didn’t have c. hadn’t had d. wouldn’t have
29. It’s high time you .................. to study seriously.
a. begin b. began c. did begin d. would begin
30. I wish you ................... longer.
a. will stay b. can stay c. would stay d. stay
31. “Do you like your new job?” “Yes, but my employer insists that I ................ on time.”
a. was b. am c. be d. have been
32 . ......................., I’m sure he would have eaten it.
a. Had he been hungry b. Unless he had been hungry
c. However he had been hungry d. if he had been hungry
33 . It is imperative that he .......... the school regulations.
a. obey b. obeys c. would obey d. will obey
34 . The doctor recommended ................ morning exercises every morning.
a. my father doing b. that my father do c. that my father does d. that my father must do
35. I wish my director ............ to the conference this morning.
a. came b. would come c. can come d. will come
36. I wish your children .............. making that noise. It’s disturbing me.
a. would stop b. are going to stop c. stop d. can stop
37. If only motorists_______drive more carefully!
A. might B. shall C. would D. should
38. What a fool I am! I wish I ……………. the choice.
A. didnt make B. wouldnt make C. hadnt made D. werent making
39. I wish you ......... to leave now. The party has just begun.
a. don’t have b. not have c. wouldn’t have d. didn’t have
40. I would rather you ............ me at work.
a. don’t phone b. didn’t phone c. haven’t phoned d. not phone
41 . I’m sorry now that I asked her to see. Now I wish ............... .
a. I had asked her to see. b. I hadn’t asked her to see.
c. I asked her to see. d. I didn’t ask her to see.
42 . Would you mind not smoking in here? → I’d rather ............... .
a. you did not smoke in here. b. you smoked in here c. you smoke in here
d. you not smoke in here
43 . If only he……accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone.
A. will B. may C. would D. were
44 . The weather was terrible. I wish it ....................warmer.
A. were B. was C. has been D. had been
45. Jane cannot speak Spanish fluently.
A. Jane wishes she can speak Spanish fluently. B. Jane wishes she will speak Spanish fluently.

C. Jane wishes she could speak Spanish fluently. D. Jane wished she can speak Spanish fluently
46. If only he……accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone.
A. will B. may C. would D. were
47 . The weather was terrible. I wish it ....................warmer.
A. were B. was C. has been D. had been
48. He talked as if he ..................... where she was.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. were knowing
49. .He acted as if he_________ English perfectly
A. know B. had known C. knew D. is knowing
50. He was frightened. He looked as if he ______ a ghost.
A/-had seen B/-was seeing C/-has seen D/-saw
51. I wish you ------------------to my party last week, but you didn't.
A). came B). will come C). would come D). had come
52. Paula wishes she __________ more time to spend on her hobbies .
A. had B. has C. can have D. willhave
53. In a report submitted to the government yesterday, scientists ______________ that the building of the bridge
be stopped.
A. complained B. said C. recommended D. banned
54. I wish I …… an astronaut in the future.
A. will be B. were C. would be D. an
55. Tom wishes he …… with us.
A. were coming B. was coming C. will come D. comes
56. If only I …… take the trip with you next Sunday.
A. will B. would C. can D. may
57. If only I …… your wedding next week.
A. could attend B. can attend C. had attended D. attended
58. If only Ben …… here Yesterday.
A. was B. had been C. would be D. were
59. We wish that we …… to go to class today.
A. didn’t have B. don’t have C. hadn’t had D. wouldn’t have
60. I wish I …… my exam last year.
A. had failed B. would fail C. didn’t fail D. hadn’t failed
61. She wishes she …… enough money to buy the house.
A. had had B. hadn’t had C. hasn’t had D. would have.
62. If only I …… her yesterday.
A. met B. would met C. had met D. will met
63. She wishes her father …… here now to help her.
A. be B. were C. is D. would be
64. I wish you …… them my phone number yesterday.
A. hadn’t given B. not give C. wouldn’t give D. didn’t give
65. I wish they …… us when they were in town.
A. visited B. visit C. had visited D. would visit
66. I wish someone …… me a job next month.
A. would give B. gives C. will gives D. wouldn’t give
67. If only I …… the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.
A. had taken B. could take C. took D. take
68. We wish we …… all the teacher’s explanation yesterday.
A. understood B. could understand C. had understood D. hadn’t understood
69. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he …… it.
A. had watched B. hadn’t watched C. watched D. wouldn’t watch
70. If only I …… more time to do this job
A. have B. had C. didn’t have D. hadn’t had
71. I wish she …… to see me yesterday.
A. came B. would come C. had come D. comes
72. I wish that someday I …… marry her.
A. could B. can C. will D. B&C are correct
73. I wish my father …… here.
A. be B. is C. will be D. were
74. The teacher wishes you …… more than to talk.
A. didn’t work B. wouldn’t work C. hadn’t work D. worked
75. John wishes he …… an astronaut when he grows up.
A. be B. were C. could be D. is
76. I wish I …… you yesterday.
A. helped B. had help C. would help D. have helped
77. I wish you …… me a chance to tell you the truth.
A. didn’t give B. wouldn’t give C. hadn’t given D. had given
78. Mary wishes she …… attend your wedding next week.
A. could B. can C. will D. won’t
79. We wish we …… enough money to buy that house.
A. had had B. will have C. can have D. B & C are correct
80. I wish you …… more slowly. You drive too fast.
A. didn’t drive B. wouldn’t drive C. would drive D. drove
81. The teacher wishes you …… more studious.
A. was B. are C. were D. be
82. I wish he …… over his illness soon.
A. can get B. will get C. could get D. wouldn’t get
83. I wish I …… in a big city. It’s very dirty.
A. lived B. didn’t live C. hadn’t lived D. had lived
84. I wish I …… a doctor.
A. were B. be C. would be D. had been
85. I wish I …… enough money to buy this book.
A. didn’t have B. had C. wouldn’t have D. hadn’t had
86. Nam wishes he …… the job last year.
A. accepted B. would accept C. accept D. had accepted
87. I wish tomorrow …… a workday.
A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. would be D. be
88. We wish we …… work this Saturday.
A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. won’t D. A & B are correct
89. I wish I …… too much ice-cream. I feel sick.
A.ate B. hadn’t eaten C. didn’t eat D. had eaten
90. I wish you …… here last week.
A. had been B. were C. would be D. be
91. I wish I …… to him so impolitely yesterday.
A. hadn’t spoken B. had spoken C. wouldn’t speak D. would speak
92. Alan wishes she …… Arthur to lend him 20$.
A. doesn’t ask B. won’t ask C. hasn’t asked D. didn’t ask
93. He wishes he …… Molly to his party.
A. invites B. will invite C. had invited D. has invited
94. I wish the baby …… crying
A. will stop B. can stop C. stopped D. had stopped
95. He wishes the hotel …… good. It was very uncomfortable.
A. had been B. hadn’t been C. weren’t D. were
96. I wish I …… the lesson now.
A. didn’t understand B. understood C. wouldn’t understand D. would understand
97. I wish my friend …… his exam.
A. had passed B. hadn’t passed C. wouldn’t pass D. didn’t pass
98. Mrs. Taylor wishes he …… in such a small house.
A. lived B. didn’t live C. would live D. had lived
99. Henry wishes he …… a second hand car.
A. buys B. will buy C. hadn’t bought D. won’t buy
100. I wish I …… up smoking.
A. couldn’t give B. hadn’t given C. didn’t give D. could give
101. I wish my wife …… French.
A. could speak B. speaks C. doesn’t speak D. won’t speak
102. I wish you …… in your driving test.
A. had failed B. would fail C. hadn’t failed D. wouldn’t fail
103. I wish she …… me again.
A. would visit B. will visit C. can visit D. B&C are
104. Her mother wishes Mary …… to bed late.
A. would go B. had gone C. didn’t go D. went
105. I wish you …… a lot of noise.
A. didn’t make B. made C. would made D. had made
106. I wish I …… my homework last night.
A. had finish B. finished C. didn’t finish D. hadn’t
107. I wish I …… my name in block capitals.
A. had written B. write C. will write D. have written
108. I wish my story …… so unconvincing.
A. sounded B. had sounded C. didn’t sound D. hadn’t sounded
109. I wish I …… a bicycle earlier.
A. could buy B. can buy C. buy D. don’t buy
110. I wish I …… your birthday party yesterday.
A. missed B. had missed C. hadn’t missed D. didn’t miss
111. I wish I …… a swimming pool in your garden.
A. had B. have C. will have D. has
112. I wish the sun …… right now.
A. was shining B. is shining C. were shining D. would shine
113. I wish you …… with us to the concert last night.
A. went B. will go C. would go D. had gone
114. I wish John …… to work.
A. had driven B. drives C. is driving D. will drive
115. I wish I …… so that I would feel safe in a boat.
A. couldn’t swim B. could swim C. hadn’t swim D. didn’t swim
116. I wish. you …… fighting and try to work things out.
A. stopped B. didn’t stop C. had stopped D. wouldn’t stop
117. I wish we …… the game last night.
A. won B. would win C. had won D. hadn’t won
118. She wishes her father ________ here now to help her.
A. has been B. is being C. is D. were
119. Julie goes to bed late. her mother wishes _______.
A. she went to bed early B. she went to bed late C. she doesn’t go to bed late D. she goes to
bed early
120. My father won’t lend me his car. I wish _______ .
A. he lent me his car B. he didn’t lend me his car C. he would lend me his car D. he wouldn’t lend me his car
121. We wish we _____ a large house, but we can’t afford it now.
A. have B. had C. can have D. will have
122. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money on me. I wish I _______.
A. I have got no money on me B. I have some money on me C. I had got no money on me D. I had some
money on me
123. It’s a pity she didn’t take her doctor’s advice. She wishes ________.
A. she took her doctor’s advice B. she had taken her doctor’s advice
C. she takes her doctor’s advice D. she would take her doctor’s advice
124. My father is not free today. I wish ______.
A. my father is free today B. my father won’t be busy today C. my father would be free today D.
my father were free today
125. I’m afraid our team will lose the game today. I wish _______.
A. our team would win the game today B. our team won the game today
C. our team didn’t lose the game today D. our team had won the game today
126. My friends didn’t take part in the game. I wish _______.
A. My friends took part in the game B. My friends would take part in the game
C. My friends did take part in the game D. My friends had taken part in the game
127. She wishes he ______ his letter of application earlier.
A. would write B. had written C. wrote D. would wrote
128. I wish you ______ make so much noise. I’m trying to work.
A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. wouldn’t
129. It wasn’t fine. I wish _______.
A. it was fine B. it would fine C. it will fine D. it had been fine
130. She wishes she ______ to told you the bad news yesterday.
A. is not asked B. was not asked C. were not asked D. had not been asked
131. My uncle wishes he ______ time when he was young.
A. wouldn’t waste B. didn’t waste C. hasn’t waste D. hadn’t waste
132. -Minh: you speak English very well. –Huong: Yes but I wish I _____ other languages well, too.
A. can speak B. am speaking C. spoke D. speak
133. I wish we ____ shopping here together.
A. would go B. will go C. can go D. go
134. I’m not able to visit London. I wish I ______go there.
A. can B. will C. may D. could
135. I wish that the weather _______ not so warm.
A. be B. was C. are D. were
136. I’m sorry I missed your birthday party. I wish I _____ your birthday party.
A. wouldn’t miss B. didn’t miss C. hadn’t missed D. had missed
137. I wish you ______ me a new one instead of having it _____ as you did.
A. gave/ to repair B. would give/ to repair C. had given/ to repaired D.
had given/ to be repair
138. I wish I ___ there for my holiday last year. I didn’t enjoy it.
A. wouldn’t go B. didn’t go C. hadn’t gone D. would rather go
139. I wish I _____ English when I was at high school.
A. study B. studied C. have studied D. had studied
140. I wish I _____ a computer.
A. use B. will use C. can use D. could use
141. They will drink wine at the party. I wish they _____.
A. can not B. would not C. had not D. should not
142. I wish I _____ a trip to London last year.
A. had taken B. took C. will take D. take
143. I don’t know many people. I wish I _____ more people.
A. know B. knew C. have known D. should know
144. I have to work tomorrow. I wish I ______ in bed.
A. would stay B. should stay C. stay D. stayed
145. I wish _____ so much.
A. I haven’t eaten B. I hadn’t eaten C. I do not eat D. I won’t eat
146. I wish I ____ applied for the job.
A. will B. should C. had D. have
147. I wish you ______ something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.
A. do B. should C. will do D. would do
148. I wish Sarah ______ here now.
A. is B. were C. would be D. will be
149. ______ a car to drive now.
A. if I had B. only I had C. if only I had D. better I had
150. What are you going to do next year? – I wish I _____ the answer to that question.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. will know
151. She wishes she _____ a doctor in the future.
A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
152. It’s high time you .................. to study seriously.
a. begin b. began c. did begin d. would
153. “Do you like your new job?” “Yes, but my employer insists that I ................ on time.”
a. was b. am c. be d. have been
154 . The doctor advised ................ morning exercises every morning.
a. my father doing b. that my father do c. that my father does d. that my father must
155. He talked as if he ..................... where she was.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. were knowing
156. “Would you mind if we ___you by your first name?” -“Not at all. Please call me Tom.”
A. called B. call C. calling D. want to call
157. She can’t get home ___ she has no money.
A. unless B. if C. until D. without
158. If I had known your new address, we ___to see you.
A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have come
159. If we took the 10:30 train, ___ too early.
A. we would arrive B. we should arrive C. we will arrive D. we may arrive
160. It’s very crowded here. I wish there ___ so many people.
A. aren’t B. weren’t C. haven’t been D. isn’t
161. I wouldn’t go there at night if I ___ you.
A. am B. was C. were D. had been
162. If I ___ get a pole, I’ll go fishing.
A. can B. could C. may D. might
163. If they had enough time, they ___ head south.
A. will B. can C. must D. might
164. If you ___ a choice, which country would you visit?
A. have B. had C. have had D. will have
165. Trees won’t grow ___ there is enough water.
A. if B. when C. unless D. as
166. ___ she agreed, you would have done it.
A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would
167. If you ___ to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field.
A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants
168. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy ___ saved.
A. might be B. have been C. was D. might have been
169. If there ___ enough water, the rice fields could have been more productive.
A. had been B. were C. would be D. are
170. The patient could not recover unless he ___ an operation. [undergo: pass through]
A. had undergone B. would undergo C. underwent D. was undergoing
171. If she ___ him, she would be very happy.
A. would meet B. will meet C. is meeting D. should meet
172. If he ___ a thorough knowledge of English, he could have applied for this post.
A. had had B. had C. has D. has had
173. If I had enough money, I ___ abroad to improve my English.
A. will go B. would go C. should go D. should have to go
174. If it ___ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight.
A. be B. is C. was D. were
175. If you ___ time, please write to me.
A. have B. had C. have had D. has
176. If it ___ tomorrow, we may postpone going on a picnic.
A. rains B. will rain C. shall rain D. raining
177. If you hadn’t watched that late mivie last night, you ___ sleepy now.
A. wouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t be C. might have not been D. wouldn’t have been bei
178. If you ___ as I told you, you ___ sorry now.
A. did- would not be B. had done- had not been C. do – would not be D. had done – would not
179. If only I ___ him now.
A. see B. saw C. have seen D. seen
180. If I ___, I’ll let you know.
A. am staying B. will stay C. do stay D. would stay
181. If only I ___ you wanted to invest money in business.
A. had known B. knew C. have known D. know
182. Linda wishes she ___her car.
A. hasn’t sold B. hadn’t sold C. doesn’t sell D. won’t sell
183. He looked frightened as if he___a ghost.
A. had seen B. saw C. would see D. was seeing
184. I wish it ___ a holiday today.
A. were B. will be C. is D. had been
185. “My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit and I had to take the bus.” -“___, we would have
picked you up.”
A. Had we known B. If we have known C. We had known D. If we did know
186. If I ___ as young as you are, I ___ in a boat round the world.
A. were- would sail B. would be – would sail C. were- will sail D. would- would sail
187. If he___tickets yesterday, he ___ on the beach now.
A. had booked- would be lying B. had booked- would have lied C. booked – would lie D. books- will lie
188. If you ___ less last night, you ___ so bad today.
A. had drunk- would not have felt B. drank- would not feel C. had drunk- would not feel D. would have dru
nk- would not feel
189. It seemed as if he ___ of it before.
A. would never hear B. has never heard C. never heard D. had never heard
190. ___ today, she would get home by Friday.
A. Would she leave B. Was she leaving C. Were she to leave D. If she leaves
191. “He’s a very brave man.” “Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.”
A. have B. had C. will have D. would have
192. ___he___ hard last year, he would have lost the first prize.
A. Hadn’t – studied B. Had- studied C. Didn’t study D. If – had studied
193. We’re going to be late if ___ right now.
A. we not leave B. we didn’t leave C. we won’t leave D. we don’t leave
194. “I wish this city___ so noisy.” “I know. I wish we ___ in the countryside.”
A. isn’t – live B. wasn’t – live C. weren’t- live D. weren’t – lived
195. He acted as though he___ for days.
A. not eat B. hasn’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D. didn’t eat
196. We ___ the game if we’d had a few more minutes.
A. might have won B. won C. had won D. will win
197. I ___ William with me if I had known you and he didn’t get along with each other.
A. hadn’t brought B. didn’t bring C. wouldn’t have brought D. won’t bring
198. If you ___ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened
199. ___ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.
A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am
200. I ___ you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital.
A. would have visited B. visited C. had visited D. visit
201. ___ then what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years.
A. Had I known B. Did I know C. If I know D. If I would know
202. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people ___ the same language?
A. spoke B. speak C. had spoken D. will speak
203. Unless you ___ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.
A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering
204. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ___ it.
A. would never have believed B. don’t believe
C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe
205. If Jake ___ to go on the trip, would you have gone?
A. doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree
206. You are late. If you …… a few minutes earlier, you …… him.
A. came / would meet B. had come / would have met
C. come / will meet D. had come / would meet
207. I’d gone swimming yesterday afternoon if I …… time.
A. had had B. have had C. had D. would have had
208. What would you do if you …… a million pounds?
A. won B. win C. will win D. had won
209. If you didn’t do this, you …… punished.
A. are B. will be C. should D. would be
210. If he had told me the truth, I …… him.
A. would have not punished B. would not have punished
C. would not punish D. will not punish
211. If they had not given me advice, I …… again.
A. would have failed B. would fail C. would have been failed D. wouldn’t fail
212. If it ……, the match will be postponed
A. rains B. has rained C. is raining D. will rain
213. Bill …… more photographs if he …… more film.
A. would have taken / had had B. would have taken / had
C. would take / has had D. would take / had had
214. If there …… no floods last year, the crop …… better.
A. had been / would have been B. were / would be
C. had / would have been D. was / would have been
215. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I …… it.
A. would never have believed B. don’t believe
C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe
216. If I …… you, I’d get some rest before the game tomorrow.
A. were B. could be C. am D. had been
217. If someone …… into the store, smile and say, “May I help you?”
A. comes B. came C. come D. could come
218. If I had a chance to do creative work, I …… happy working in an office.
A. would be B. will be C. would have D. will feel
219. …… you, I’d think twice about that decision.
A. Were I B. If I had been C. Should I be D. If I am
220. If they …… soon, I’m not going to wait.
A. don’t come B. won’t come C. hadn’t come D. didn’t come
221. If I …… hungry, I …… something. But I am not hungry now.
A were / would eat. B. had been / would have eaten
C. had been / would eat D. were / would have eaten
222. You won’t pass the examination …… you study more.
A. unless B. as C. if D. whether
223. I’m playing tennis tomorrow …… it’s raining.
A. unless B. if C. as long as D. provided
224. Tell him to ring me if you …… him.
A. see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen
225. Unless she ……, she’ll be late.
A. hurries B. didn’t hurry C. hurried D. doesn’t hurry
226. Would George be angry if I …… his bicycle without asking?
A. took B. take C. had taken D. would take
227. I …… you a postcard while I was on holiday if I …… your address.
A. would have sent / had had B. would have sent / had
C. would send / had D. would send / had had
228. I’d have visited you if I …… you …… in hospital.
A. had known / were B. have known / were C. had known / are D. knew / had been
229. …… still my friend if I were put in prison?
A. Would you be B. Will you be C. Would you D. Would you are
230. If anybody …… a , please ask me after class.
A. has B. have C. don’t have D. doesn’t have
231. If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I …… in a bank.
A. would be working B. will work C. have worked D. work
232. “Can I borrow your car for this evening?”
“Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she …… it back in time, you’re welcome to borrow it.”
A. brings B. would bring C. will bring D. brought
233. We’re going to lose this game …… the team doesn’t start playing better soon.
A. if B. unless C. although D. whereas
234. If I …… somebody else, I’d like to be a film star.
A. could be B. would be C. become D. must be
235. 30. What …… if they …… tomorrow?
A. will you do / don’t come B. would you do / don’t come
C. would you have done / won’t come D. do you do / won’t come
236. 31. He said, “…… watch TV all the evening if you wish.”
A. You may B. You have to C. You need to D. You should
237. 32. If he ……, please tell me.
A. comes B. won’t come C. will come D. come
238. 33. If the earth …… move around the sun, everything …… floated.
A. didn’t / would be B. doesn’t / would be C. didn’t / will be D. don’t / would be
239. 34. If I …… that you were in hospital, I ……
A. had known / would have visited B. had known / would visit
C. knew / would visit D. knew / would have visited
240. 35. If he had taken my advice, he …… a rich man now.
A. would be B. would have been C. had been D. were
241. 36. Unless you …… smoking, you …… better.
A. stop / won’t feel B. stop / will feel C. stopped / will feel D. stopped / would feel
242. 37. It is a beautiful house, and I …… it if I …… enough money, but I cannot afford it.
A. would buy / had B. will buy / have
C. would have bought / had had D. shall buy / have
243. 38. If you are right, I ….. wrong.
A. am B. will be C. would be D. would have been
244. 39. If I …… to the party last night, I …… tired now.
A. had gone / would be B. had gone / would have been
C. went / would be D. went / would have been
245. 40. Joe can’t hear ……. you shout.
A. unless B. if C. providing D. whether
246. 41. You can use my car …….you drive carefully.
A. as long as B. whether C. until D. unless
247. 42. You can smoke here …….you leave a windowopen to let the smoke out.
A. as long as B. whether C. unless D. until
248. 43. George won’t lend you any money …….you promise to pay him back.
A. unless B. providing C. if D. as long as
249. 44. I’m going now …… you want me to stay.
A. unless B. providing C. provided D. as long as
250. 45. He said, “…… watch TV all the evening if you wish.”
A. You may B. You have to C. You need to D. You should
251. 46…… immediately, I will call a policeman.
A. Unless you leave B. If you leave C. If you didn’t leave D. Unless you left
252. 47. If Jake …… to go on the trip, would you have gone?
A. hadn’t agreed B. didn’t agree C. doesn’t agree D. wouldn’t agree
253. 48. He would be happy if he …… here now.
A. were B. already C. would be D. be
254. 49. If I could speak Spanish, I …… next year studying in Mexico.
A. would spend B. would have spent C. had spent D. will spend
255. 50. If the weather …… fine, we will start early.
A. is B. be C. was D. will be

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