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1) The following appendix is for informational purposes and a more detailed analysis will be performed by finalist vendors.

HR Reporting
PY Reporting
d by finalist vendors.
Appendix "B"- Detailed Business Requirements
NOTE: (Selected Finalist Bidders will be required to perform a feasibility analysis of the following detailed B
Requirem Centralized /
ent DeCentralized / Applies to
Number Requirement Description Self Service Group
The University has a requirement to ensure that an
employees' Salary Plan and Job Code are valid for that
1 employees' bargaining unit / professional group. Centralized All
The University employs individuals in multiple jobs
2 concurrently, thus requiring multiple instances. All
The University employs individuals with home addresses
outside of the USA; therefore requires Country in Home
3 Address to be other than USA. All
The University is required to maintain VISA/Permit
4 information on its employees. All

The University requires the ability to employ US Citizens,

Non-Resident Aliens, and Permanent Residents; and
5 maintain related I-9, citizenship and visa information. All
The University requires the ability to track changes to
6 National ID for all employees (SSN) All

The University requires tracking of specific employment

actions/reasons for reporting, Unemployment eligibility,
7 Federal Affirmative Action, Labor Relations issues, etc. All
There is a requirement to maintain a Check Distribution
Section Number to group checks for appropriate
8 distribution to the University Community All

There is a requirement to maintain the adjusted bi-weekly

((annual/paycycles)*FTE) rate and hourly rate for Classified,
9 calculating pay,employment verification, and reporting. Unclassified
UConn has a requirement to be able to modify and/or add
10 corrections to historical employment transactions. Centralized All

HR is required to record and track different types of

Working Test Periods or Probationary Periods for
employees. Also required to be recorded and tracked are
any waivers (which shorten), extensions (which lengthen), Classified,UCP
11 and completions of that WTP or Probationary period. Centralized EA

Classified data change -Must be able to maintain various

action code, change start and end date ,and modify data
elements based on departmental authorization for the
purpose of payroll authorization and employment history.
12 This includes maintain employee level comments. Classified
CL Termination - Maintain appropriate action code,
effective date and reason for separation. If an employee
transfers to another state agency, we must be able to
13 track the new agency. Classified
Percentage of employment is driven by hours worked and
recorded for all Classified employees. This percentage
cannot fall below 50% for all employees other than per
14 diem nurses. Classified
Permanent Hourly employees who increase their
percentage of employment to 100 must move to the
15 Classified Salary payroll. Classified
Promotion/Demotion - Voluntary Demotions can occur and
we must be able to return an employee to their previous
16 position (title and salary) Classified

TSHC-U Employees in Classified Unions can temporarily

be assigned duties considered to be unclassified. Once
approved, these employees are paid for these duties on
17 the on the University's Special payroll. Classified

We must be able to maintain and track employee

18 Bio/Demo including Name, Address, Marital Status, etc All

We are required to capture funding at the employee level

19 to accommodate the Financial Department needs. All
We must be able to maintain and track various
employment related start and end dates in unique date
20 fields. All
We must be able to configure, maintain and track
university departments for all employee groups across
21 multiple jobs All
We maintain unique identifiers to differentiate the
employee groups for the purpose of reporting, payroll
22 balancing and reconciliation. All
We must maintain and track employees who have a full Classified,
exemption from FICA or a partial exemption from Social Unclassified,
23 Security. Special
An employee cannot be employed beyond their current
24 visa end date. All
Classified percentage of employed cannot exceed
25 Position FTE All
The University is required to maintain salary plan
minimums based on collective bargaining agreements,
26 University policy, and Wage and Hour Law. All

For Classified Unions, all Annual Performance Rating

forms come into HR Labor Relations and are data entered
in order to affect Mass Increases based on acceptable
27 level of performance specific to each Contract. Decentralized Classified
We maintain an annual increase indicator field to know
28 when an annual increment is due. Classified

For Unclassified increases for Management, Confidential,

and Law School Faculty the University requires that the
determination for eligibility for a Discretionary University Management,
Merit Amount is based on existance in that group on a Confidential,
specific date determined by the BOT, which comes from and Law School
29 the Merit Pool. Decentralized Faculty
For Unclassified increases for Management, Confidential, Confidential,
and Law School Faculty the University requires that Merit and Law School
30 Pools are calculated based on University directive. Decentralized Faculty
Management/Confidential employees may receive a
temporary administrative supplement which is added to
their base annual salary. Mass increase is added to the Management/C
31 base + admin supp. onfidential

Full Longevity pay / increment amount for UCPEA, per

Grade (there are 12 Grades for UCPEA) are based on
1.6% of the midpoint range of the Salary Schedule for the
given year's contract. This will need to be calculated and
associated with grades and kept for retroactive calculation
purposes and historical reporting of the "full longevity
32 increment amount", etc. UCPEA
The University is required to compensate Student Student Labor,
Employees per the pay scale (Min and Max) determined Student Work
33 by the Student Employment Office. study

The University has a requirement for decentralized salary

changes for Graduate Assistants. The salary levels come
from SA. These decentralized changes require processing
of Grad transactions to be restricted by UConn specific
departments/units and employee type and have workflow
34 to Payroll queue to affect pay and/or employment data. Decentralized Grad Assistants
We must be able to modify salaries outside of the mass
35 increase process. Unclassified
Longevity Payments are paid "as of" 4/1 and 10/1 every
year; the YMD of service towards Longevity determines if
and how much of a longevity payment an employee will Classified,
36 receive. Unclassified
Employee out on unpaid leave (other than VSRP and WC
leaves) cannot receive longevity payments until they Classified,
37 return to work and receive a paycheck. Unclassified

Longevity service time and related calculations that trigger

a correction of a past Longevity payment, called a
“Supplemental” payment, can occur throughout the year.
This will need to be coordinated with Payroll Leads to
ensure proper payments; and/or the processing of a Classified,
38 negative Supplemental payment. Unclassified

Full Longevity pay / increment amount for Classified is

based on charts from the Contracts (generally by grade)
for the given year's contract. This will need to be kept for
retroactive calculation purposes and historical reporting of
39 the "full longevity increment amount", etc. Classified
Full Longevity pay / increment amount for AAUP is based
on a chart and amounts approved by the BOT in 1976, by
state class code. This will need to be kept for retroactive
calculation purposes and historical reporting of the "full
longevity increment amount", etc.
Since 7/12/2013, Longevity is no longer paid to the
remaining population that is shown on the BOT chart: Law
School Faculty, Management, Confidential, and Post
Docs; however, retroactivity must take this prior Unclassified
40 requirement into account. EXCEPT UCP

The amount of longevity pay received by qualifying

employees is determined by Length of Service /
Milestones reached and the Full Longevity pay /
increment amount of that employees' title and/or grade.
10-14 years provides 25% of the full longevity increment
amount; 15-19 years provides 50%; 20-24 years provides
75%; 25 and up provides the full longevity increment Classified,
41 amount. Unclassified

The University has a requirement for decentralized hiring

of Graduate Assistants. Decentralized hires require
processing of Grad transactions to be restricted by UConn
specific departments/units and employee type and to have
workflow to Payroll queue for audit/update prior to the
transaction affecting pay and/or employment data. This
process also provides error messeges to the Hiring
42 department regarding employment eligibility issues. Decentralized Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement to allow departments to

hire only Graduate Students into a Graduate Assistantship
43 that have met certain criteria tracked in SA. Decentralized Grad Assistants
The University has a requirement that Graduate Assistant
employment information be shared with the Student
44 Adminstration system. Decentralized Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement to distribute processing

of hires for Student Labor and Work Study employees
who are US citizens/Permanent Residents. Distributed
processing of Student transactions is restricted by UConn
specific departments/units and employee type and has Student Labor,
workflow that routes transactions to appropriate locations Student Work
45 for approval prior to updating record. Decentralized study

The University has a requirement to distribute processing

for Student Labor Hiring of International students.
Distributed processing of Student transactions is restricted
by UConn specific departments/units and employee type
and has workflow that routes transactions to appropriate
46 locations for approval prior to updating record. Decentralized Student Labor
There is a requirement that all AAUP Adjunct Faculty only
teach 8 or less credits at the University per semester;
47 unless (rarely) approved by AAUP and HR Adjunct Faculty
There is a population of UCPEA employees who work
9,10 or 11 months but are paid over 12 months. We must
be able to maintain the derived percentage of employment
that is calculated based on the time worked vs. the time
48 paid over. Centralized UCPEA
The University requires that the appointment dates for
Graduate Assistants be specific to the academic year -
49 8/23/xx to 5/22/xx Grad Assistants

The University's Student Administration system is the

system of record for bio, demo and compensation level
(Beginner, Masters, PhD or DVM) information for currently
enrolled Graduate Students. An interface from SA s
required to maintain this information. All changes to this
information must update the appropriate fields in the
50 HR/Payroll system. Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement to configure and

51 maintain a "Type" indicator for Graduate Assistantships. Grad Assistants

The University's Student Administration system is the

system of record for bio, demo and information for
currently enrolled Undergraduate Students. An interface
from SA is required to maintain this information. All Student Labor,
changes to this information must update the appropriate Student Work
52 fields in the HR/Payroll system. study
The University has a requirement to have 2 workflow
paths for student labor hires - 1.UConn students -All
currently enrolled students are contained on the file from
SA and 2. Non Uconn students - requires Student
53 Employment Office approval. Student Labor
The University has a requirement to maintain 5 levels of
Job codes for student employees, 4 of which have
multiple job codes. There is a separate job code for Lump Student Labor,
Sum Payments. This represents the salary structure and Student Work
54 job duties of the student population. study
Unclassified Hires: We must be able to hire employees
who are not part of the State Classified Unions.This
population contains UConn specific unions and
55 unrepresented employees. Unclassified
We must be able to maintain data elements specific to the
Unclassified population such as union code, months of
56 service, job code etc. Unclassified
We maintain and track the former agency for Rehires and
57 Agency transfers. All
If an employee is in a temporary or durational position an
58 end date is required. Unclassified
We must be able to maintain and track the reason for an
59 employee's end date. (End Date Remark) Unclassified
9 month faculty members who are hired for the spring
semester are hired at 78% employed effective 1/1/xx
through 8/22/xx. They are increased to 100% effective
8/23/xx. If the employee is hired into a part-time position,
60 the original percentage will be prorated. Faculty
Classified Hires: We must be able to hire employees who
belong to the State's Classified Unions. This process is
decentralized between HR and Payroll. HR begins the
61 record and Payroll completes it. Classified

There is a requirement to create LISTSERVs of employee

email addresses in the University Communication system, Classified,
based on data in the HR system of Job Codes, in order Unclassified,Em
for the University community and/or Executives to eriti, Grad
communicate critical information to specific groups of Assistants,
62 individuals. Interface is created and sent weekly. Integration Special Payroll
Each time a Mass Salary Increase is processed, the
Finance/Budget Department(s) require the information to
be electronically supplied in order to adjust University Classified,
63 Budgets. Centralized Unclassified

The University requires employee identification data be

sent electronically each night to the NETID system in
order for UITS to grant access or remove/terminate
access to multiple University resources, e.g.
exchange/email, Library, Online Departmental Phone
Directory system, etc. The email created by UITS is then
sent back to the HR system to populate the email address
64 for each employee. Centralized All
Data must be shared between the HR/PY system and
other University systems, such as the Kuali Financial
65 System and Student Administration. All
The HR & Payroll data are loaded nightly into a historical
66 reporting environment. Integration All

Grad Assistants,
SA Student Data interface: Daily interface of Bio/Demo Student Labor,
and employment related data for Graduate and Student
67 Undergraduate students. Workstudy
SA Financial Aid Interface:Daily interface of current item
type codes. The Financial Aid Awards table is used as a Student Work
68 payment limit for Work Study authorizations study
SA Course Data Interface: We must link the adjunct
faculty to the courses being taught and determine how
many credits are being taught so that HR and Payroll can
69 comply with reporting requirements. Adjunct Faculty
The SEO has a requirement to adjust and redistribute Student Labor,
student award amounts for students employed in multiple Student Work
70 jobs. study
The University requires compensation to utilize
annualization factors of 26.1 and 26 for different
71 Bargaining Units and populations. All
Unclassified Data Change - Must be able to maintain
action code, change start and end date ,and modify data
elements based on departmental authorization. Update
72 comment field as needed Unclassified
UCPEA union members may serve a Probationary Year,
Once completed we must be able to change their
appointment type from probationary (PU) to permanent
73 (PP). UCPEA
UN terminations - Maintain appropriate action code,
effecitve date and reason for separation. If an employee
transfers to another state agency, we must be able to
track the new agency. Retirements only occur at the end
74 of the month. Unclassified

Percentage of employment is recorded for all Unclassified

employees. This percentage cannot fall below 50% for the
75 purpose of determining benefit eligibility Unclassified
Title Change - The Unclassified employee population can
receive title changes with or without salary increases
based on department/university needs and can be
76 permanent or temporary in nature. AAUP

Faculty members may have additional months of service

and corresponding pay added to their position as
department needs require. The title, salary and months of
77 service may all change as part of this process. Faculty
We must be able to transfer employees in Classified
78 positions into Unclassified positions Unclassified

The Board of Trustees can grant Distinguished Professor

79 titles; which are currently tracked as separate Job Codes. Faculty
We are required to configure, maintain and track Unclassified,
80 personnel actions Grad Asstants
The University maintains annual compensation for
employees who do not report time for the purpose of Unclassified,
81 payroll. Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement for decentralized data

changes for Graduate Assistants. . These decentralized
changes require processing of Grad transactions to be
restricted by UConn specific departments/units and
employee type and have workflow to Payroll queue to
82 affect pay and/or employment data. Decentralized Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement for decentralized

funding changes for Graduate Assistants. . These
decentralized changes require processing of Grad
transactions to be restricted by UConn specific
departments/units and employee type and have workflow
83 to Payroll queue to affect pay and/or employment data. Decentralized Grad Assistants
The University has a requirement for decentralized
terminations for Graduate Assistants. . These
decentralized changes require processing of Grad
transactions to be restricted by UConn specific
departments/units and employee type and have workflow
84 to Payroll queue to affect pay and/or employment data. Decentralized Grad Assistants
The University requires a Mass Termination Process for
85 Graduate Assistants. Centralized Grad Assistants

The University has a requirement that there be only one

Graduate Assistant record. When 2 departments fund a
86 Graduate Assistant, sign off on the authorization. All

UConn has a requirement to have a queue displayed to

Payroll of the pending distributed processing transactions Centralized /
87 for all transaction types for Graduate Assistants. Decentralized Grad Assistants
The University requires that full Time or part Time is
recorded for Graduate Assistants. (Full time is 40 hours
88 biweekly, part time is 20 hours biweekly) Grad Assistants
The University is required to track Disability (flag) for all Unclassified,
89 employees. Self Service Special
The University is required to employ individuals who hold
valid VISA's of only those types that allow employment in
90 a University. Centralized All

The University has a requirement for decentralized salary

change/data change for Student Labor and Work Study
employees. Distributed processing of Student transactions
is restricted by UConn specific departments/units and
employee type and has workflow that routes transactions Student Labor,
to appropriate locations for approval prior to updating Student Work
91 record. Decentralized study

The University has a requirement for decentralized

terminations for Student Labor and Work Study
employees. Distributed processing of Student transactions
is restricted by UConn specific departments/units and
employee type and has workflow that routes transactions Student Labor,
to appropriate locations for approval prior to updating Student Work
92 record. Decentralized study

The University is required to comply with the Freedom of

Information Statute, which demands the sharing of
personal information about all employees, with the
exception of protected categories, such as home address
for Fire/Police Union Titles and other individuals such as
93 Judges, Volunteers Firefighters, etc at the Individual level. All
The University must include the Delivery Truck Route in its
94 work mailing addresses. All
The University must tie its business addresses to the
95 associated campus. All
Student Labor,
The University requires a Mass Termination Process for Student Work
96 Student Labor and Work Study Employees. Centralized study
The University requires Original State Hire Date
information and Prior State Agency information for
97 purposes of Service Time Research. All

The University bases payment on a number of factors

outside of the standard annual salary. Examples are
Administrative Supplements and Temporary Salary
Increase. These ampunts are added to the base pay and
may or may not be impacted by the mass increase Classified,
98 process Centralized Unclassified
The University requires payment via Stipend for certain
populations (Total dollars spread out between start and
99 end dates). All
The University requires protection of private and sensitive
100 information, e.g. SSN, via masking or similar. All
The University Requires the tracking of degrees for
employees including the Major, date achieved, and
Accredited Collegial Institution only. This is required for
101 Federal Grant compliance, etc. All
There is a requirement to maintain a privacy indicator for
university Police, Fire, and Judicial employees. The
purpose of the privacy indicator is to identify those
employees working in context sensitive areas of the
102 university. (Not FOI; e.g. University phone numbers) All
The University has a requirement that Adjunct Faculty are
paid a Per Credit rate which is determined per semester
by the Provost office. Employees cannot fall below this
103 minimum rate Centralized Adjunct Faculty
The University has a requirement to offer certain
contractual benefits to adjunct faculty members based on
the number of consecutive semesters they teach. The 2
benefits are increased compensation and multiyear
104 contracts. Adjunct Faculty
The University has a requirement to have SEO approval
on all lump sum payments processed for student Student Labor,
employees. There is a specific Job code for lump sum Student Work
105 payments. study
If an employee holds multiple jobs, each job requires a
106 UBox for emergency notification. All
If a group of individuals moves from one building (UBox)
to another, the UBox needs to be updated on each
person's record (mass change is required for those areas
107 with excessive numbers) All
Faculty and Staff who meet the requirements to qualify for
Emeritus are recommended to the BOT; and, upon
approval, the University has a requirement to maintain
108 and report that status and their related data. All
When the Graduate Assistant rates are being updated by
the Provost's office, distributed users must be "locked out"
109 of the system for processing. Grad Assistants
The University has a requirement to process a mass
change of the FICA indicator for student employees. For Student Labor,
example, Students employed during the semester are Student Work
110 exempt from FICA Centralized study

The University has a requirement to display Student Work Student Work

111 study award balances for department monitoring. Decentralized study
The University is required to systematically stop payments
made against Work Study funds once the total award has Student Work
112 been reached. study
The University is required to base the availabilty of work
study awards on aid year and item type (award type - ex:
federal award, summer award, . This information is Student Work
113 controlled via an interface from SA. study
Students may be employed in multiple jobs within the
same department and can be paid at a unique rate for
each job. The student employee must be able to record Student Labor,
and be paid the appropriate rate of pay for the specific Student Work
114 work done. study

UConn has a requirement for the distributed processing of

Student Data Changes. Distributed processing of Student
transactions is restricted by UConn specific
departments/units and employee type and has workflow
that routes transactions to appropriate locations for
approval prior to updating record. to be restricted by Student Labor,
UConn specific departments/units and employee type Student Work
115 (Student Labor/Work Study). Decentralized study
We must be able to maintain data elements specific to the
Classified population such as union code, position
116 number, certification number, job code etc. Classified

The University hires part time, temporary professional

117 employees with university specific job codes, comp rates. Special
Based on the terms of the contract and/or offer letter, the
university maintains : start and end date, FRS, budgeted
amount, title, work location and type of payment and
118 courses. Special
The unversity authorizes and maintains salary changes
for employees based on the terms of the union contract
119 and/or offer letter. Special
Termination - Enter appropriate action code for
120 separation, effective date and reason. Special
There are specific special payroll titles that are for less
than 50% employment. There must be an audit to ensure
121 that we are complying with this rule. Special
Special Payroll Gratis Appointments - no pay, just need to
122 be affiliated with the university Special
The University requires that the appointment dates for
adjunct faculty who teach be specific to the academic year
123 as set by Registrar or SSW or Law School Adjunct Faculty
The University has a requirement to maintain course data
for Adjunct Faculty for payroll and benefits eligibility. This
124 data comes from the SA system Adjunct Faculty

An employee paid on Special Payroll can also be

125 employed on Classified, Unclassified and Student payrolls All
An employee paid on Special Payroll can also be
employed on the Graduate Assistant payroll. If the GA is
"full time" then the Grad School must authorize this
126 employment All
Any rehired-retiree from the State of Connecticut is not
allowed to exceed120 days worked, 960 hours, 75% of
their pre-retiree pay, or 12 (twelve) credits in any calendar
127 year. Special
We must be able to enter/ track dual agency information
128 for the Special Payroll population All

Primary/ Subsidiary - We must be able to identify a special

payroll employee who is considered "Primary". This type
of employee is paid via a subsidiary and submits hours bi-
129 weekly through the Time and Attendance System. All

Regular - We must be able to identify a "Regular" Special

Payroll employee. "Regular" Special Payroll are given a
total stipend and this stipend is paid in equal payments
130 over a specified time (Authorization Dates) All

The University has a requirement for AAUP & Law School

Faculty that Promotions (title) are awarded via BOT
approval effective on the start date of the academic year
(note: dollars are only awarded to AAUP as part of the MI
131 process; no dollars are awarded for Law School Faculty). Centralized Faculty
The University has a requirement to track the tenure
status and tenure year for faculty members.
132 Centralized Faculty

The University has a requirement to track academic home

for faculty who work in one department but are affiliated
with another. For example, an English Professor working
at the Avery Point campus would have an Academic
Home of English and a Work Department of Avery Point.
This is also the Department who funds any Departmental
133 segments of the Mass Increases for AAUP. Centralized Faculty
Tenure is awarded by the Board of Trustees and the
employee's record is updated at the start of the Academic
134 Year (8/23). Centralized Faculty
There is a requirement to Maintain multiple Job Titles for Unclassified (no
135 the same Job Code Centralized PostDocs)
There is a requirement to maintain a unique position
136 number for classified Employees Centralized Classified
There is a requirement to Maintain a LISTSERV code by
Jobcode in order for the University community and/or
Executives to communicate critical information to specific
137 groups of individuals. Centralized All

The University requires certain individuals who have

certain Job Types in the University to be Unclassified (no
138 included/excluded for imputed income for Tax Auditors. Centralized PostDocs)
Because PS Recruiting Solutions is in place today, there
is a need to maintain a level of consistency with the
methodolgy used for grouping classifications (e.g. for
postings and related reporting, based on segmentation by Classified,
139 Job types and/or Families). Centralized Unclassified

The University is required to maintain job-code-specific

criteria, such as Faculty Rank, Physical exam, Police Classified,
140 Check, Gratis only, Allows Teaching, etc). Centralized Unclassified
The University is required track ethnicity/race to meet the
Federal law(s) for IPEDS and other reporting (e.g. multiple
141 ethnicities, etc). All
The University requires the maintenance of salary tables
based on both State and UConn Bargaining Unit contract
requirements. Bargaining Units that are not Classified
142 may have Grades, but not steps. All
UCONN maintains 11-15 appointment types on
143 employment records. All
144 There are approximately 360 UBoxes and Sections. All

UConn has a requirement for centralized/decentralized

users to be able to access all support tables needed to Centralized /
145 meet University/Federal and State reporting requirements. Decentralized All
The University has a requirement to track (and report) all
employees who have retired through both normal and
146 Vested retirements. All

The University is required to verify employment via verbal

requests, provided that the caller supplies the appropriate
identifiable information (requires SSN). Resources used
in order to provide ONLY the authorized information are:
Consolidated data/screen with Employment Verification
Data, Historical data in separate database, Roster Cards, Classified,
etc. Information provided in HR does not include earnings Unclassified,
/ Mortgage qualification paperwork (both of which are Grad Assistants,
147 supplied by Payroll). Special Payroll
The University is required to verify employment via written
requests, provided that the requestor supplies the
appropriate identifiable information (requires SSN).
Resources used in order to provide ONLY the authorized
information are: Consolidated data/screen with
Employment Verification Data, Historical data in separate Classified,
database, Roster Cards, etc. Information provided in HR Unclassified,
does not include earnings / Mortgage qualification Grad Assistants,
148 paperwork (both of which are supplied by Payroll). Special Payroll
UConn Faculty can carry unique titles awarded by the
Board of Trustees. Examples include "UTC Chair of
149 Engineering". Faculty
The University is required to allow active employees and
Emeritus to change work phone and work mailing address
(Ubox) as needed; self service, home phone, home
150 mailing address. All

The University requires the collection of certain

demographic information in e-forms where no backup
151 proof materials are required (e.g.ethnicity, education, etc). All
The University requires the collection of certain
demographic information in e-forms where there will be
backup proof materials (and approval) required (e.g.
name, gender, marital status, etc). Emeritus can have
152 some changes, e.g. name change. All
The University is required to report employee data by Classified,
Equal Opportunity Employment category as a single Unclassified,
153 establishment,separate from other State Agencies. Centralized Special
The University is required to categorize Job Titles into Classified,
different Equal Opportunity Employment categories for Unclassified,
154 Affirmative Action purposes. Centralized Special
The University is required to track and report Veterans by Classified,
155 disability. Self Service Unclassified
The University is required to track and report Veterans by Classified,
156 Type of Veteran being Vietnam, Non-Vietnam, etc. Self Service Unclassified
The University is required to report Veteran New Hire Classified,
157 data each year. Centralized Unclassified
The University is required to report Veteran Newly Classified,
158 Discharged Data each year. Centralized Unclassified
The University requires a Mass process to change a
group of employee Job data when directed by state
159 agreements, e.g. SEBAC, OJE, etc. Centralized All
The University requires a UBOX number for each
business address. In this, the first digit is dynamically
created as the Delivery Truck Route Number. UBOX
160 often change to different Delivery Trucks. All
The University requires comments for some employment
161 transactions. All

The University requires grouping of certain job codes for

reporting. Note – check Renee has Posting Segmentation
162 Requirement – she was using Job Families All
UConn has a requirement to restrict access to data based
on the hierarchy below or combinations or hierarchies. Ex.
mulitiple departments such as all employees in Payroll,
HR and IT or the union of department(s) and employee
type(s) such as all the Student Labor and Work Study
employees with the Payroll and HR departments.
Hierarchy: Division, Executive Level, Unit Level,
Department, Sub-Department, Employee Type (ex.
Student Labor, Work Study, Graduate, Unclassified,
163 Classified, Special). All
The University Requires a Hierarchical Organizational
Structure. This is required for Roll-up for Unclassified
Mass Salary Increase Budgets and Pools, Recruiting
164 Workflow, All

The current MUDT (University Organizational Structure/

Department tree) is an external system that is maintained
jointly by HRIT and the Budget Office. The Budget office
maintains the structure and Department names; and the
HRIT office maintains the Personnel / Heads of those
departments. This system also interfaces / shares it's
165 data with a multitude of entities and/or systems at UConn. All
UConn has a requirement for centralized users to have
access to add/modify UConn specific configuration
166 values. Centralized All

UConn maintains multiple levels in its organizations

Structure (department tree), currently referred to as the
Master University Department Table (MUDT). Levels
include, but are not limited to, in order of heirarchy,
Division, Executive Level, Unit Level, Department, Sub-
Department; along with their associated "Heads" of those
levels. Because of the number of changes that occur
within the University, there is a requirement to inactivate
any of these levels over time, and retain the ability to
167 report. Centralized All

A Mass Salary Increase Compensation Letter is required Unclassified (no

168 by the University for Unclassified Increases Centralized PostDocs)
For Unclassified increases, the University requires overall
Merit Pools to be used for awarding Merit, per each Unclassified (no
169 Union contract or BOT directive. Centralized PostDocs)
For Unclassified increases, the University requires
distributed data entry of Discretionary components Unclassified (no
170 managed at the Organization level. Decentralized PostDocs)
For all Increases, there is a requirement that retroactive
and/or corrections may occur, which may affect the
Unclassified calculations, pool usage and contract Unclassified (no
171 requirements. Centralized PostDocs)
The University is required to compensate Grad Assistants
per the rates set each academic year by the Provost's
172 office based on the four stipend levels. Centralized Grad Assistants
The University requires, per Bargaining Unit contract or
Board of Trustees approval, the dissemination of Mass
173 Salary Increases. All
For Unclassified increases for AAUP, the University
requires that the overall Merit pool is split into two
components, per the contract, to be completely used for
Discretionary Merit and Discretionary Provosts (2nd
174 round) awards. Centralized AAUP
For Unclassified increases for AAUP, the University
requires there be a Promotional sub-pool/limit and a
Special Achievement sub-pool/limit (coming from the
175 Provosts Discretionary pool) based on the contract. Centralized AAUP

For Unclassified increases for AAUP, the University

requires that Promotions (dollars) are awarded via BOT
approval effective on the effective date of the increase, of
which the dollars come from the Promotional sub-pool up
to the limit (which comes from the Discretionary Provosts
176 (2nd round) pool). Decentralized AAUP

For Unclassified increases for all AAUP, the University

requires that the determination for eligibility for a
Mandated percentage and a Mandated Flat Amount
(based on a calculation per the contract, and information
provided by the Provosts office) is based on satisfactory
performance and existance in the Union on a specific date
noted in the contract, which does not come out of either
177 pool. Centralized AAUP
For Unclassified increases for AAUP Non-RA's, the
University requires that the Discretionary Merit awards be
made to Faculty, and come from the Discretionary Merit
178 Pool. Decentralized AAUP Non-RA's
For Unclassified increases for AAUP Non-RA's, the
University requires that the awards be made to Faculty for
Special Achievement (up to the limit) and 2nd round
Provosts Merit; both managed by the Provosts office and
179 come from the Provosts (2nd round) pool. Decentralized AAUP Non-RA's

For Unclassified increases for AAUP RA's, the University

requires that the determination for eligibility for a
Mandated Flat Merit Amount (per the contract) is based
on satisfactory performance and existance in the Union on
a specific date noted in the contract, which comes from
180 the Discretionary Merit Pool. Centralized AAUP RA's
For Unclassified increases for AAUP RA's, the University
requires that the Additional Merit and Lump sums are
discretionarily awarded, which do not come out of any
pool; which lump sums can be paid from an alternative
181 fund sources. Decentralized AAUP RA's
For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, the University
requires that the overall Merit pool is split into two
components, per the contract, to be completely used for
182 Performance and University Merit. Centralized UCPEA
For Unclassified UCPEA increases, the University
requires distributed data entry of all Performance Ratings
183 managed at the Organization level. Decentralized UCPEA
For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, the University
requires that the determination for eligibility for a
Mandated percentage and Mandated Flat Amount (based
on a calculation per the contract) is based on annual
Performance Ratings and existance in the Union on a
specific date noted in the contract, which do not come
184 from any pools. Centralized UCPEA

For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, eligibility for a

Mandatory Performance Merit Amount is based on annual
Performance Ratings and EITHER completion of a PB/PP
employee Probationary period 6 months from the end of
the Evaluation Period, OR that an End Date employee
has been in that Bargaining Unit for the totality of the
evaluation period. This component comes from the
185 Performance Merit Pool. Centralized UCPEA

For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, the University

requires that the determination for eligibility for a
Discretionary University Merit Amount is based on annual
Performance Ratings EITHER completion of a PB/PP
employee Probationary period 6 months from the end of
the Evaluation Period, OR that an End Date employee
has been in that Bargaining Unit for the totality of the
evaluation period. This component comes from the
186 University Merit Pool. Decentralized UCPEA

For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, the University

requires that the calculation of the Performance merit
increment amount is based on counts and annual
Performance Ratings of those eligible for Performance
Merit and the Performance Merit Pool Amount using the
187 formula provided from the contract. Centralized UCPEA
The results of the classification and compensation
analysis of UCPEA members who are receiving a title
change and salary increase must be entered in to the
HR/Payroll system. This process is always retro active
188 and often requires history correction. UCPEA

An UCPEA employee may receive additional

compensation for performing duties out side of their
UCPEA level. This Temporary Salary Increase amount is
added to their base compensation but stored in a
separate field for reporting purposes. Mass Increases are
applied to the Annual Salary + the TSI amount but only
189 the annual salary is increased. The title does not change. UCPEA

Each Bargaining Unit, classified and UCPEA, has specific

values for Performance Evaluations that are mandated to
be recorded (e.g. UCPEA has Outstanding, Very Good, Centralized / Classified,
190 Good, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory) Decentralized UCPEA

UConn requires a system to have capabilities to process

leave plans and maintain balances for employees. Enroll
employes into specific leave plans and store beginning Classified,
191 balances. Unclassified
UConn requires a system to have capabilities to handle
192 effective dated schedule changes to default schedule. Unclassified

UConn requires a system to have capabilites to process

leave accruals and update balances based on
employement changes. i.e. Vaction, Sick, Balances,
Holiday, and Comp. Accruals must be capable of having Classified, CLT
193 at least 4 decimals without rounding in their calculations employees
UConn requires a system to process compensatory time
or pay in lieu of overtime pay for irregular, scheduled, or
194 occasional overtime work. Unclassified
Leave Accruals - Custom process to shut off leave
accruals for employees on LOA or having exceeded Classified,
195 maximum number of unpaid days. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to handle timesheet changes to Classified,

196 compensatory time without affecting employees pay. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from Classified,
197 reporting time exceeding leave balances. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to handle timesheet corrections
or adjustments after time has been submitted by Classified,
198 employees. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to credit or deduct leave Classified,
199 balances or accruals when timesheets are corrected. NP-2
Uconn requires a system to prevent inelegible employees
200 from reporting winter weather. Classified

Uconn requires a system to enforce quarter day

201 increments for certain employees. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to handle comp time in hours
when the remainer of the timecard is a leave record in
202 days Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to facilitate a minimum number

203 of hours or increments for time codes to be reported. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
reporting more than 1 day of leave time used on any given
204 day. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to enforce quarter hour

205 increments for certain employees. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to enforce 1 hour paid leave Unclassified,
206 increments on non-hoildays for certain employees. UCPEA

Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from

207 reporting more than24 hours in a day. Unclassified
208 Uconn requires a system to process shift reporting. Classified
Uconn requires a system to handle timesheet changes a
retro pay adjustment based on regular, premium, or leave Classified,
209 changes Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process shift differential
210 calculations Classified

211 Uconn requires a system to process weekend differentials Classified

Uconn requires a system to process snow and ice shift
212 differentials Classified
Uconn requires a system to process weekend shft
213 differentials. Classified

Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from

214 entering a shift they are not elligble for. Classified, NP-2
Uconn requires a system to process nurse differentials for
215 only nurses. Classified
Uconn requires a system to process employee FLSA
exempt/non-exempt status changes including conversion
216 of leave balances if necessary. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to process holidays for part-time Classified,

217 and flex schedules. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from

218 entering incorrect shift codes on days off. Classified
Uconn requires a system that can handle more than 3
219 time code entries per day. Classified
Uconn requires a system to report on the use of Jury Duty
220 when used. Classified
Uconn requires a system to display only valid and
available time codes available to Employees and those
221 available to Payroll. Classified
Uconn requires the system to display only specified time
222 code quantity in hours or days Classified
Uconn requires a system to handle multiple time codes for
223 holiday. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to allow holiday to be used after
224 it's earned in the same pay period. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system prevent holiday time from being

225 incorrectly reported on scheduled days off. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from

226 entering a shift resulting in differential on leave time. Classified
Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from
reporting more than their standard hours/10 for holiday
227 hours worked. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
reporting less than their standard hours/10 (1 day) on a
228 holiday. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to allow quarter increment
229 quantity exception for holidays. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from not

230 recording a holiday on a holiday. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
reporting holiday time when full days of unpaid leave are
231 on both sides of a holiday. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent inelligible employees

232 from reporting holidays. Classified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
banking a holiday when time reported exceeds maximum
233 the maximum balance. Classifed, NP5
Uconn requires a system to expire holiday accruals
holiday time expires at the end of the year following the
234 year in which it was earned. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to validate combinations of

235 holidays and leave used. Classified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
reporting premium holiday time use on non-premium
236 holiday days. Classified

Uconn requires a system to prevent the use of other

237 accrued time on a holiday. Classifed, NP5

Uconn requires a system to prevent part-time employees

from earning holidays unless they are scheduled to work. Classifed, NP-3,
238 The time should be reported as a scheduled day off. NP-2
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
earning holiday time on a day where they are not
239 scheduled to work. Classified, NP-3
Uconn requires a system to prevent a part time employee
from reporting more premium holiday than they are
240 elligble for. Classifed, NP5
Uconn requires a system to process administrative leave
241 as paid and suspension as unpaid Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to process time cards that may Classified,

242 contain zero hours in any week of a bi-week time period. Unclassified
Uconn requires holiday balance should be reflected and
243 deducted in days or hours on the time card. Unclassified

Uconn requires personal leave balance should be

244 reflected and deducted in days or hours on the time card. Unclassified
Uconn requires sick balance should be reflected and
245 deducted in days or hours on the time card. Unclassified

Uconn requires banked sick balance should be reflected

246 and deducted in days or hours on the time card. Unclassified
Uconn requires comp-time balance should be reflected
247 and deducted in hours on the time card. Unclassified
Uconn requires vacation balance should be reflected and
248 deducted in hours or days on the time card. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process vacation accrual is
not given for more than n days of unpaid leave in a month
249 or n days after employment in first month. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process holiday earned on a
250 day when no Voluntary Leave is reported Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process holiday is earned on
251 a full or partial Voluntary Leave day Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process education leave is
252 paid and time accrues appropriately Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process administrative and
253 suspension leaves respectively. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to accrue vacation for
employees whom report voluntary absence leave for n
254 months or less. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from
exceeding prorated limits of sick family/family funeral
255 time. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to caculate holiday for UCPEA,
employees who work less than 12 months but are paid Bi Week Pay;
256 over 12. Part Time

Uconn requires a system to process sick and personal

257 leave balances on any given calendar date. i.e. July 1st Unclassified

Uconn requires system to process leaves for employees

258 who work less than 12 months but who are paid over 12. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent inelligible temporary

employees from being paid or earning holiday time until
259 after they have completed 90 days of employment. Classifed, NP5

Uconn requires a system to enroll employees into time

keeping system mapped to appropriate workgroup, default
260 schedule, and leave plans with balances. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process overtime and shift Nurses and
differentials for nurses and employeees eligible for health Health Services
261 services pay. Pay
Uconn requires a system to process overtime for specific NP-3,
262 bargaining units. NP-5

Uconn requires a system to process retirees or Retirees

263 terminations final timesheet, payout of leave balances. Full/Part Time
Uconn require a system to handle employees with rotating Firefighters,
264 schedules such as Firefighters.

Uconn requires a system to process personal leave and

balances for employees on any given date i.e January 1st.
265 Calendar Year. Classified
Uconn requires a system to process part-time employees
266 holidays and change in schedule. Classified, NP-3
Uconn requires a system to process donated sick or
267 bonus sick leave for employees Classified
Uconn requires a system to process prorated sick time for
268 part time employees Classified, NP-3
Uconn requires system to process vacation and balance
should be reflected and deducted in days on the time
269 card. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to process balance transfer Unclassified,
270 when switching from unclassified to classified. UCPEA
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
271 exceeding their vacation balance in hours. Unclassified
UConn requires a system to prevent accrued comp time
when an employee submits more hours than normally
272 scheduled. Unclassified
UConn requires a system to display only specified time
codes for specific groups of users i.e. employee,
273 timekeepers, payroll, Unclassified
UConn requires a system to process non-exempt Unclassifed,
employees with additional hours pay, comp-time, flex UCPEA; Non-
274 whom are part or full time employees. Exempt

UConn requires a system with the ability to view the

schedule calendar of an employee in a rotating averaging
275 schedule and a non-rotating averaging schedule

Uconn requires a system with the ability to create shift,

276 template and definition for a new schedule

Uconn requires a system to process vacation for

277 employees whom are eligible. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to process vacation accrual only
after it is earned or
within the pay period that it is earned
278 until it reaches a specified n maximum Unclassified

Uconn requires a system with the ability to assign

employees from different workgroups to the default
279 schedule

Uconn requires a system to process vacation carry overs Unclassified,

280 balances, entitlement, and maximum carry over in days. UCPEA

Uconn requires a system to report the vacation accural

rate based on seniority or predetermined formula, and
281 adjusted as necessary. Classified, NP-3
Uconn requires a system to allow employee to use their
vacation time. Once the system recognizes that the
employee has prior state service that needs to be
included when determing whether they have completed 6
282 months of employment. Classified

Uconn requires a system with the ability to group

employees based on their employment type and time
283 keeping rules
Uconn requires the system to calcuate specific time codes
284 to deduct or accumulate balances or payment. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from UCPEA
exceeding prorated limits on sick leave, baby leave, or Management/C
285 sick banked onfidential

UConn requires a system with the ability to change an

286 employee's schedule mid week.

Uconn requires a system with the ability to change

287 attendance from the manager approval page.

Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from

288 reporting sick or time which they are ineligible. Classified
Uconn requires a system with the ability to add a
comment to a row of attendance and have the comment
289 be associated to all dates in that row with trcs reported.

Uconn requires a system to prevent employees from

290 donating holiday and vacation in non half day increments. Unclassified
Centralized or
Time rules must have definable criteria and messages for T&L System
291 errors Administrator

Uconn requires a system to handle timesheet changes to Classified,

292 specific leaves thereby deduct/earn accural balances. Unclassified

Uconn requires a system to process retroactive changes

293 to different work groups or classification. Classified

Uconn requires a system to facilitate final payment of

remaining balances in Time and Labor;
Final checks are paid to employees through the
termination date; payment of remaining vacation with
limits; payment of remaining holiday time; payment of
banked sick time up to a maximum of with limits; and all
294 other balances should be zeroed out. Unclassified
Uconn requires a system to support workers
compensation codes by allowing payroll to subtract sick,
vacation, and comp/holiday time from their timecard using
295 the appropriate comp codes. Classified
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee from
reporting more worker's compensation than scheduled
296 hours. Classified
UConn requires a system with the ability to view the
employee's leave balances and verify that the correct "as
297 of " date is displayed.

Uconn has a requirement to tie workers compensation

298 claims to time reported
Centralized or
T&L System
The HR system should automatically enroll employees in Administrator;
299 the time system Student Time

Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to replace Class Time Administrators;
enrollment process that assigns a default schedule; ability Classified or
to change schedule or rotating schedule; loads beginning Unclassified
300 balances; Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper or a Managers and
301 time administrator to correct timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager, time Managers and
302 administrator to approve reported timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager or timekeeper to Managers and
303 fill out timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager or timekeeper to Managers and
304 submit timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper and Managers and
305 time administrator to review exceptions Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper and Managers and
306 time administrator to review reports Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a time administrator to adjust Managers and
307 accruals (adjustment TRCs) Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a time administrator to Managers and
308 review unprocessed time Employees

Uconn requires a system to process mid cycle schedule HR, Time and
309 changes Pay Admin

Uconn requires a system to process mid cycle group HR, Time and
310 changes Pay Admin

Uconn requires a system that allows flexibility of timecard HR, Time and
311 workflow using supervisor, location or department. Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to prevent an employee out on
worker's compensation from reporting shift differential,
312 holiday, sick, or vacation) Classified
Centralized or
Time entry must support multiple jobs per employee with T&L System
313 distinct timecards, workflow and associated rules. Administrator
Centralized or
T&L System
314 Time entry should have a web based clock Administrator

Uconn requires a system with the ability to assign an

employee to a rotating averaging schedule and assign the
315 relative start date

Uconn requires a report to identify orphan time cards

since there is no workflow attached to it. (All new
employees whose new hire process has been completed
in genesys and who will be required to submit time cards.
Used to ensure appropriate time card approval workflow is Centralized or
incorporated onto the record and update balances/initial Decentralized
time card. List of employees with no workflow assigned. T&L System
316 Previously a Gap) Administrator
Uconn requires a system to allow managers to approve Managers and
317 reported time submitted by employees. Employees
Uconn requires the system to schedule or process Time and Pay
318 request to load time keeping system data to payroll. Admin
Uconn Require a system to prevent classified and HR, Time and
319 unclassified nurses from reporting shifts incorrectly Pay Admin
Uconn has a requirement for a manager,timekeeper, Managers and
320 payroll administrator or reviewer to review timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager to return Managers and
321 timecards to an employee (deny) Employees
Centralized or
List of time which will not be paid due to errors or not T&L System
322 being approved Administrator
Centralized or
Must allow for approval of a leave record with no hours Decentralized
worked (and pay according to the employees bi-weekly T&L System
323 salary) Administrator
Uconn requires the system to replace curent OT file used Decentralized
to process cash gross overrides, Overtime, Voluntary HR, Time and
324 Leave, and Salary Adjustments. Pay Admin
Centralized or
Time Reporting Codes for adjustment purposes should be Decentralized
available to the back office employees that are not T&L System
325 available to end users. Administrator
Centralized or
Abiltiy to process time based on hr attributes such as T&L System
326 percentage of employment, hourly rate and FLSA status. Administrator
Centralized or
T&L System
327 Ability to produce information for the GAAP report Administrator
Centralized or
Report of the number of hours used by students in a T&L System
328 calendar year Administrator
Centralized or
Ability to configure, collect, process time and accurately T&L System
329 pay according to FLSA regulations Administrator
Centralized or
T&L System
330 Ability to report on timecard commments Administrator
Centralized or
J9212R06 - Obtain Grad Fee Billing data from PS in SSN T&L System
331 order. Previously a Gap Administrator
Uconn has a requiremnet for second level approval Unclassified,
outside of the employees bargaining unit on Prior Sick Managers and
332 time Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager to approve Managers and
333 reported timecards Employees
Uconn has a requirement for a manager or time Managers and
334 administrator to approve masstime Employees
Centralized or
T&L System
335 Report of specific time usage over a timeperiod. Administrator
Centralized or
Must have the ability to list timecards by status. Including T&L System
336 Approved or New. Administrator
Uconn has a requirement for a time administrator to Managers and
337 maintain enrollment; Employees
Managers and
Uconn requires a system to provide employees or time Employees,
keepers in behalf of classified employees self service Timekeepers for
capabilities to to submit timesheet online. Specific Classified
338 classified employees are identified by location or section. Employees
Uconn requires a system to allow employee self service Unclassified,
capabilities to correct timesheets with no llimit to Managers and
339 corrections and submit online. Employees

Uconn requires a system to auto enroll employees into Managers,
Time and Labor once employee is hired in Human Employees, and
340 Resources. Specia Payroll

Uconn requires a system to interface external timecard Employees, and
341 data into the TAS system. Specia Payroll
Uconn requires a system to process lump sum payments
and hours for select group of special payroll and student Special Payroll,
342 employees. Limits do apply. Students
Uconn requires a system to be able to facilitate the
automated hiring of employee in Human Resouces.
Employees initial establishment of a hire record requires Decentralized
job code, funding, start date, and location at a minimum. HR
Classified or
Employees, or
343 Special Payroll.
Uconn requires a system to report salary changes and HR, Time, Pay,
headcount information for Time and Pay administrators to and System
344 reconcile with payroll. Administrator.
Uconn requires the system to grant access to users based Time and Labor
345 on department or location. administrator.
Uconn requires the system to facilitate approvals, back up Decentralized
approvals, reviewers, and alternate reviewers of reported Time and Labor
346 time similar to workflow for TAS. administrator.

Uconn requires the system to send gross pay information Centralized

347 to the state payroll system (Core-CT). Payroll
Uconn requires the system to report total gross pay Decentralized
information from time keeping system to payroll for Pay
348 reconciliation purposes. Administrator
Special Payroll
Uconn requires the system to facilitate timekeeper and Decentralized
manager approval for special payroll employees based on Pay
349 location. Admnistrator
Uconn requires the system to replace the current interface Time and Labor
350 which loads time card data from Class Time to TAS administrator.
Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to replace control total Administrators;
report(s) that includes # of time cards; # of OT hours used Special Payroll
351 for reconciling payroll. Employees
Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to replace FLSA or Overtime Special Payroll
352 report(s) used for reconciling special payroll employees. Employees

Time and Pay
Classified or
Uconn requires the system to replace or facilitate leave Unclassified
353 adjustments via paper forms. Employees

Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to report 3rd party gross up Classified or
data or employee salary changes used for payroll Unclassified
354 reconcilation purposes. Employees
Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to replace employee salary Administrators;
change report(s) used for reconciling special payroll Special Payroll
355 employees. Employees
Uconn requires the system to report gross information to HR, Time and
356 be able to reconcile against pay register. Pay Admin
Time and Pay
Uconn requires the system to replace the current interface Special Payroll
357 which exports time data from MS Access to TAS Employees
Uconn requires the system to replace interface of time HR, Time and
358 card data to TAS Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to report regular hours worked HR, Time and
359 based on an employees default schedule Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to allow employees to review HR, Time and
360 their default schedule Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to display TRCS applicable to HR, Time and
361 employees Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to earn and use comp time in HR, Time and
362 hours Pay Admin
Uconn requires a system to allow employees to correct HR, Time and
363 prior period timecards Pay Admin
HR, Time and
364 Uconn requires a way to update timecards in mass Pay Admin
Centralized or
Managers must be able to retrieve groups of employees T&L System
365 timecards for processing. Administrator
Uconn has a requirement for a time administrator to Managers and
366 change and add schedules Employees
Uconn has a requirement to allow managers to approve Managers and
367 blank time cards Employees
Uconn requires the ability to apply time and pay rules to
groups of employees per university, state and bargaining
368 unit rules. Uconn Payroll
Uconn requires the ability for some students to enter time
369 data via employee self-service Students
Uconn require the ability for import reported time data via
370 batch/interface Students
Uconn requires the ability to split overtime by a
371 percentage over multiple jobs. Students

372 Uconn requires the ability to terminate student timecards. Students

Uconn requires the ability to prevent changes to Students
373 workstudy timecards for prior semesters. (Workstudy)
Uconn requires the ability to enforce workstudy limits.
Limits with respect to amounts based the hourly rate. Students
374 Related to funding. (Workstudy)

Uconn requires a system to process personal leave and

balances for employees on any given date i.e July 1st
375 fiscal year. Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive employee Classified,
medical leave requests (FMLA & others related forms) Unclassified (No
376 and evaluate them for various eligibilities. PostDocs)
Employee requests for the following types of leaves must
be reviewed for a determination of eligibility for Federal
FMLA, State FMLA, CGS, By-Laws, and/or Union
Contracts: Personal illness/injury, maternity,
paternity/parental, family illness, military caregiver, and
military exigency. All of these type of leaves are eligible Classified,
for State and Federal FMLA except Maternity which is Unclassified (No
377 only eligible for Federal. Centralized PostDocs)
An employee is eligible for State FMLA if defined as Classified,
permanent - State Statute 5-196(20). State FMLA limits Unclassified (No
378 are 24 weeks in a 2 year period. PostDocs)

Eligibility for Federal FMLA is based on length of service,

hours worked in latest 12-month period, and Federal
FMLA usage in compliance with federal limits. Employees
are eligible after one year of employment and after
working 1,250 hours or more in previous 12-months.
Federal FMLA has a 12 week maximum in a 12 month Classified,
period; except for military caregiver, which has a 26 week Unclassified (No
379 limit in a 12 month period. PostDocs)
Federal FMLA includes any and all time off, paid or Classified,
unpaid, that counts towards its limits, from it's first Unclassified (No
380 approval/start date. PostDocs)
State FMLA begins after all personally earned sick leave
(paid) entitlements are exhausted. An employee on State Classified,
FMLA can elect to receive pay using vacation, personal, Unclassified (No
381 gifted time, etc. PostDocs)

State FMLA can run concurrently with Federal. For

example: The first week of a leave may be Federal only,
while the employee is using sick pay; and the second
week may be State and Federal concurrently when the
employee has no sick pay and is choosing to take the
leave either unpaid or paid using vacation. If the leave
extends beyond Federal limits, and State limits have not Classified,
yet been exceeded, State continues to run beyond Unclassified (No
382 Federal. PostDocs)

AAUP employees are guaranteed six months of unpaid

paternity/parental leave under the AAUP contract
regardless of their eligibility for FMLA. These leaves are
applicable to State and Federal FMLA purposes if eligible
- concurrent; therefore need to be tracked for limit
383 compliance. Centralized AAUP

Because AAUP and Law School Faculty do not accrue

sick leave, University By-laws provide that Maternity and
Personal Illness/Injury leaves for AAUP and Law School
Faculty can be paid or unpaid, based solely on
Departmental and Provost approval using their evaluation
procedures. These leaves are applicable to Federal
FMLA and concurrent with State for Personal Illness/Injury AAUP/Law
384 therefore need to be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized School Faculty
AAUP and Law School Faculty leaves for familiy illness,
military caregiver, and military exigency are unpaid. These
leaves are applicable to State and Federal FMLA
purposes - concurrent; therefore need to be tracked for AAUP/Law
385 limit compliance. Exigency leave is Federal only Centralized School Faculty

Familiy illness, military caregiver, and military exigency

leaves for classified, UCPEA, and
Management/Confidential may be paid using sick family
time and when exhausted, employees have the option to
substitute unpaid leave with paid time, such as vacation;
then can be unpaid. These leaves are applicable to State
and Federal FMLA purposes - concurrent; therefore need Classified, UCP,
to be tracked for limit compliance. Exigency leave is Mgmt,
386 Federal only Centralized Confidential

Maternity leaves for classified employees and

Management/Confidential must be paid using sick leave
accruals,mgmt confidential can receive gifted time to use
after they exhaust their sick time and when exhausted,
employees have the option to substitute unpaid leave with
paid accruals, such as vacation; then can be unpaid. Classified,
These leaves are applicable to Federal FMLA. Therefore Mgmt,
387 need to be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized Confidential

Maternity leaves for UCPEA employees are always paid,

regardless of paid sick leave availability per the contract.
These leaves are applicable to Federal FMLA . Therefore
388 need to be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized UCPEA

Paternity/Parental leaves for classified, Management,

UCPEA and Confidential employees may be paid using
sick family/child time per the contract or By-Law, and
when exhausted, employees have the option to substitute
unpaid leave with paid accruals, such as vacation; then UCPEA
can be unpaid. These leaves are applicable to State and Classified,
Federal FMLA purposes - concurrent; therefore need to Mgmt,
389 be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized Confidential
Paternity/Parental leaves for Law School Faculty are
unpaid. These leaves are applicable to State and Federal
FMLA purposes if eligible - concurrent; therefore need to Law School
390 be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized Faculty

Personal Illness/Injury leaves for classified, UCPEA, and

Management/Confidential must be paid using sick leave
time and when exhausted, employees have the option to
substitute unpaid leave with paid time, such as vacation;
then can be unpaid. These leaves are applicable to State Classified, UCP,
and Federal FMLA purposes - concurrent; therefore need Mgmt,
391 to be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized Confidential
State and Federal FMLA leaves and absences (all types) Classified,
must be distinguished from other leaves and absences for Unclassified (No
392 purposes of tracking and reporting. Centralized PostDocs)
UCPEA employees have the option of waiving State
FMLA for paternity/parental leave and opting for six
months at half-pay under the UCPEA contract. These
leaves are applicable to Federal FMLA purposes;
393 therefore need to be tracked for limit compliance. Centralized UCPEA
Employee/supervisor must be notified of eligibility for Classified,
Federal and State FMLA and provided with instructions for Unclassified (No
394 reporting the leave, such as time codes. Centralized PostDocs)
There is a limit that an employee can take a military
caregiver leave only one time per service member, per Classified,
injury . Unclassified (No
395 PostDocs)
While on Federal and/or State FMLA leave, employees Classified,
are eligible to continue health benefits at subsidized rates; Unclassified (No
396 COBRA does not apply. PostDocs)
While on Federal and/or State FMLA leave, employees Classified,
have job protection and the leave cannot be counted Unclassified (No
397 against performance. PostDocs)

The University offers Graduate Fellowships to individuals;

and is required to enroll those Grad Fellows in Benefits.
(POI). Soon to be implemented will be a new Benefit Plan
398 that may eliminate this requirement. Centralized Grad Fellows
Classified Employees submit an application to donate
399 time to another employee. Centralized Classified
Classified Sick banks are "person to person" (not an
400 overall bank). Centralized Classified
HR Benefits evaluates for eligibility based on exhaustion of
accruals, medical certificate on file, etc; and communicates
401 to Payroll the exchange. Centralized Classified
Adjustment after death and non-use; or leave the
University and didn't use - This time not-used that was
402 donated must get added back into the bank. Centralized UCPEA

UCPEA employees apply for use of this donated bank time

(UCPEA form), which is evaluated for eligibility in HR/SLB
committee (accruals exhausted, etc.). Approval/use is
communicated to Payroll (for that employee to use on
their timecard) and for his balance adjustment. Overall
403 Bank is adjusted. Centralized UCPEA

UCPEA has an overall Union Sick Bank, for which

employees make donations twice a year. Employees use
a form to donate to the bank; and it gets increased by that
amount. This is communicated to coordinated with Payroll
404 so they can decrease the donators personal balance. Centralized UCPEA
Employee submits a form to request advance sick leave;
HR Leave administrator reviews for eligibility based on
Attendance rating, etc. Approval and details are
405 communicated to payroll. Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to inquire as to the
exercising of their rights to an unpaid personal leave
following a military leave per federal mandate; and track Classified,
406 such inquiry and result. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive a military
leave request and provide a copy of the military working
orders from an employee beginning active military duty for
state approval and payment determination; and track such Classified,
407 inquiry and result. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive the
paperwork returning the employee from military leave in
order to determine reinstatement parameters; and track Classified,
408 such inquiry and result. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track
military leaves for the purpose of benefits enrollment
based on the beginning of any new military leave per state Classified,
409 and federal mandate. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track
military leaves for the purpose of benefits enrollment
based on the return from any military leave per state and Classified,
410 federal mandate. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track
military leaves in order to comply with the state and
federal mandate of 30 days of pay for each calendar year. Classified,
411 Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track Classified,
412 Administrative Leaves (paid). Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track Classified,
413 Suspension types of leaves (unpaid). Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive, record and
track approved applications from employees for paid
educational leaves in order to comply with UCPEA
414 contract rules. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to receive, record and
track approved applications from employees for unpaid
educational leaves in order to comply with Classified
415 Union contracts Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to receive, record and
track Provost approved applications from AAUP and Law
School Faculty employees for special faculty leaves in AAUP/Law
416 order to comply with University by-laws Centralized School Faculty

Employees may request Family violence leave under

CGS. Leave Administrator reviews eligibility and advises
supervisor of entitlements and time coding. Non Medical
are unpaid, unless the employee is using accruals.
Medical require the usage of available sick accruals; can Classified,
be paid using other accruals upon exhaustion; then Unclassified (No
417 unpaid. Centralized PostDocs)
The University has a requirement to receive, record and
track Departmentally approved applications from non
faculty employees for personal leaves in order to comply Unclassified (no
418 with BOT reporting requirements Centralized PostDocs)

The University has a requirement to receive, record and

track Provost approved applications from AAUP and Law
School Faculty employees for personal leaves in order to AAUP/Law
419 comply with BOT reporting requirements Centralized School Faculty
The University has a requirement to record and track
unpaid personal and special leaves in excess of 30 days
for the purpose of benefits enrollment based on the return
from any of these unpaid leaves per state and federal Classified,
420 mandate. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive, record and
track approved applications from employees for paid
leaves under the American Red Cross Disaster Service Classified,
421 leave program Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to audit the list of
Provost proposed sabbatical leaves twice a year in order
to determine elligibility for that leave per the University by-
422 laws Centralized Tenured Faculty
The University has a requirement to record and track
sabbatical leaves in order to determine future eligibility per
423 the University by-laws Centralized Tenured Faculty
The University has a requirement to record and track the
return of faculty from sabbatical leaves based upon the
424 BOT report Centralized Tenured Faculty

The University has a requirement to return the faculty

member to their 9 month appointment in order to comply
with the University by-laws, which grant the majority of
425 sabbaticals in the 9 month appointment term Centralized Tenured Faculty
The University has a requirement to to track modifications
to sabbatical leaves to account for adminstrative
postponements (determines future elligibilty),
426 cancellations, and faculty postponements Centralized Tenured Faculty

The University has a requirement to receive faculty

sabbatical leave requests to be reviewed and approved by
427 the Provost's office and BOT per the University by-laws Decentralized Tenured Faculty

The University has a requirement to receive paperwork,

record and track short term military leaves for emergency Classified,
428 events in order to comply with union contracts. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to receive paperwork,
record and track short term military leaves for training Classified,
429 events in order to comply with union contracts. Centralized Unclassified
Tenure-track faculty members who experience an FMLA
event receive an automatic adjustment to their tenure year AAUP Faculty,
unless their tenure has already been adjusted by the Law School
430 maximum of two. Centralized Faculty

The University has a requirement to receive applications

from employees for leaves under the Voluntary Schedule
Reduction Program (VSRP) to determine elligibility and Classified,
431 grant approval in order to comply with DAS directives Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to record and track Classified,
432 VSRP leaves in order comply with DAS regulations Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to validate the leave of
absence approval conditions against the actuals taken by
the employee (pay/time reporting) for DAS compliance for Classified,
433 VSRP and also for general compliance. Centralized Unclassified

The University has a requirement to record and track WC Classified,

434 leaves in order comply with federal and state regulations Centralized Unclassified
All Service time calculations (positive time creditable or
potentially negative time deducted or not creditable) are
based on time up to and including the "as of" calculation Classified,
435 date (and never future "leaves/time"). Centralized Unclassified
All VSRP (Voluntary Leave / Schedule Reduction) must
be treated "as if employed" and cannot negatively impact Classified,
436 any service calculations. Centralized Unclassified
All WC (Worker's Comp) time off must be treated "as if
employed" and cannot negatively impact any service Classified,
437 calculations. Centralized Unclassified

Based on results of Stipulated agreements and/or legal

directives, there can be agreements that mandate a
"granting of time" that is not reflected in a manner that
would follow any of the normal rules. In these cases, the
LOS specialist will need to manually adjust any and all Classified,
438 service time calculations affected by the legal mandate. Centralized Unclassified

Retro-active absences and/or HR actions can have an

impact to calculated service, as will changes to elements
about a person or Job. The following is an initial list of
data elements to consider: Changes in Employee Status
(i.e. Active, Term), changes in Bargaining Unit, Changes
to Std/Hrs, Changes to Eff Date (of specific job actions),
adjustments to amounts of prior creditable service (e.g.
military time), Date(s) indicating how far back service
should be bridged, Timecard adjustments. Other
conditions that may affect these calculations retroactively
or otherwise include, but are not limited to, grievance or
administrative leave settlements, creditable service that
was previously unaccounted for, reclassification of an
existing creditable service period, new creditable service
that was earned during the course of active employment
(i.e. military service). Recalculations can affect the
employee negatively or positively (e.g. over or
underpayment of Longevity Pay, Underage or Overage for Classified,
439 Monthly Vacation Accruals). Centralized Unclassified
The University is required to track and maintain all unpaid
leaves, and their hours/days and types, for employees,
even if that leave may not currently affect service, in the
event that that employee changes into a different
job/bargaining unit where those leaves will contribute to
the accurate calculation for service time for layoff
seniority, General Seniority, vacation accrual seniority,
and/or Longevity service. The University is also required
to track and maintain all active service in hours/days
(dependent upon Union, PT/FT, etc) in order to properly Classified,
440 calculate service time according to the DAS formula. Centralized Unclassified
The University is required to track and report Military Classified,
441 Service for all employees who have it. Centralized Unclassified

The University requires the tracking, calculation, and Classified,

documentation of service for Estimated Retirement Unclassified (No
eligibility. This applies to current and former employees PostDocs);
442 with vested benefits. Centralized Adjunct Faculty

Graduate Assistant Service and Student Laborer/Student Grad Assistants,

Worker Service are pro-rated (against 40 FT hours) and Student Labor,
creditable towards Longevity Service for all those Student
443 employees who become eligible. Centralized Workstudy

Longevity Service Calculations have historically been "as

of" 4/1 and 10/1 every year. Longevity service time is
calculated as pro-rated for active periods of employment Classified,
444 (based on FTE/hours) for all eligible employees. Centralized Unclassified
Represented Employees (in a Barg Unit), under SEBAC
2011, are eligible to receive Longevity if they were initially
hired before 7/1/2011 (or if you were initially hired on or
after 7/1/2011 and have prior creditable active duty
445 service before 7/1/2011). Centralized Represented

Represented Employees' (in a Barg Unit), under SEBAC

2011, for Longevity purposes, service was frozen as of
7/1/2011 until 7/1/2013. Longevity payments made 4/1/12
- 4/1/13 were based on that frozen service. This is
important, because any and all retroactivity would need to
446 apply this rule on those dates. Centralized Represented
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service as directed by each union contract rules and CGS
for any and all types of unpaid medical leaves. No credit is Classified,
447 provided for this type of leave. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service as directed by each union contract rules and CGS
for unpaid personal leaves. No credit is provided for Classified,
448 unpaid personal leaves for any eligible employees. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service by an unpaid educational leave based on the
union contract language and CGS. No credit is provided Classified,
449 for unpaid educational leaves for any eligible employees. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service by an unpaid suspension based on the union
contract language and CGS. No credit is provided for Classified,
450 unpaid suspensions for any eligible employees. Centralized Unclassified

The University has a requirement to adjust longevity

service by any active duty military leave based on the
union contract language and CGS 27-103. Other than the
"30 days per year paid" required for active duty leaves,
Credit for this leave is not provided until they return.
Credit is then provided in an amount of service
determined by proper documentation (DD-214) upon
return from the leave for all eligible employees per CGS
27-103 (which cites specific times of war).
451 Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit
(Based on FTE) "as if fully employed" towards longevity
service for AAUP ARP members collecting partial pay
while out on long term disability "leave" based on the
452 union contract language. Centralized AAUP

The University has a requirement to provide full credit

(based on FTE) for longevity service for all VSRP and WC Classified,
453 leaves based on DAS and union contract language. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit
(Based on FTE) towards longevity service for all paid Classified,
454 leaves based on the union contract language. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit
(Based on FTE) towards longevity service for all sabbatic
455 leaves based on the union contract language. Centralized Tenured Faculty

The University has a requirement to provide full credit

(Based on FTE) towards longevity service for all special AAUP/Law
456 faculty leaves based on the union contract language. Centralized School Faculty

The University requires, per state statute or Board of

Trustee approval, the tracking of Longevity Service time
based on statute rules or contract. Longevity payments
are based on this service time and other constraints such
as Bargaining Unit, Grade, Job Code, etc. For AAUP, this
practice continues after 7/12/2013; for the remaining
populations, retroactivity for prior to this date would need Classified,
457 to continue to enforce this mandate. Centralized Unclassified
Unrepresented Employees, under SEBAC 2011 Item
1707-E, effective 9/1/2011, were made eligible to receive
Longevity Payments if they were eligible and received a
Longevity payment in April of 2011. If they would have
continued to be eligible, their service was forever frozen at
the amount of service it was on 9/1/2011. This Item was
in effect for the 10/1/2011 thru 4/1/2013 Longevity Cycle
458 only. Retroactivity would need to enforce this. Centralized Unrepresented

Unrepresented Employees, under PA 12-01, effective

7/12/2013, became ineligible to receive Longevity. Those
who had received Longevity on 4/1/2013, had a one-time
lump sum added to their base annual, which consisted of
their 4/1/2013 longevity payment doubled (annualized) on
7/12/2013. Certain retroactivity would need to take this
459 into account. Centralized Unrepresented

The State OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits)

mandate requires that, for employees eligible for
retirement benefits in a State Subsidized HealthCare
Benefits Eligible Position, if they have other Retiree
Health Benefits, they may claim an exemption from
contributing, and waive their right to Retirement Health
Care benefits through the State of CT. This request for
exemption is analyzed by the Length of Service Specialist
to determine eligibility; after final approval from the Classified,
Comptroller's office, the LOS Specialist communicates to Unclassified (No
460 the Payroll office to turn off those deductions. Centralized PostDocs)

The State OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits)

mandate requires that, for employees eligible for
retirement benefits in a State Subsidized HealthCare
Benefits Eligible Position, we count calendar months and
do not count months if an employee does not receive a
paycheck for that entire calendar month. During those
months being counted, the employee must contribute a
percentage of their gross pay, as defined by the mandate, Classified,
for 10 years (minus the uncounted months above) in order Unclassified (No
461 to receive retirement healthcare benefits. Centralized PostDocs)

The University maintains an Employee Recognition

Program, in which it distributes awards to employees for
state service. The calculation to determine credit is: state
time pro-rated, deducting unpaid leaves (except
VSRP,WC, Sabbatic Leave); no war service credit.
Milestones are awarded at 10 years and then every 5 Classified,
462 after that; based on service as of 10/1 each year. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service as directed for Family Violence Unpaid leave.
Unpaid Family Violence Leaves are not creditable towards Classified,
463 Longevity. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to adjust longevity
service based on union contract language and CGS for
Unpaid union leave. Unpaid Union Leaves are not Classified,
464 creditable towards Longevity. Centralized Unclassified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit
(based on FTE) for Longevity Service for all paid leaves Classified,
465 based on CGS and Union Contract. Centralized Unclassified

Any (retro) recalculations of Vacation Accrual

Service/Seniority can occur throughout the year; and
these recalculations can result in an employee starting to
accrue their 5 or 20 year accrual rates too early or too
late, and therefore can require adjustment. This overage
or underage needs to be communicated to Payroll to
466 ensure proper adjustment(s). Centralized Classified
For Vacation Accrual Seniority for Classified, at 5 and 20
year milestones, the monthly accrual rate must be
affected by the monthly accrual increase defined in the
contract(s) on the first day of the month following the
467 milestone. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

and Notice Seniority service as directed by union contract
rules for unpaid suspensions. Unpaid Suspensions are
468 not creditable towards any of these purposes for UCPEA. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority
and Notice Seniority service for UCPEA as directed for
Family Violence Unpaid leave. Unpaid Familiy Violence
Leaves are not creditable towards either of these
469 purposes for Classified. Centralized UCPEA

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service and Notice seniority service by any unpaid
medical leave for Personal illness/injury, family illness, or
Paternity/Parental for UCPEA based on the union contract
470 language. No credit is provided for this type of leave. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority
service and Notice Seniority service by any unpaid union
leave for UCPEA based on the union contract language.
Credit is provided for up to one year per occasion based
471 on Bargaining Unit language. Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority
service by an unpaid educational leave based on the
472 union contract language for UCPEA. Centralized UCPEA

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service by any active duty military leave based on the
union contract language. UCPEA only receives credit for
the "30 days per year paid" required for active duty
leaves. No credit for this leave is provided above and
473 beyond that 30 days paid upon their return. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority
service, vacation accrual Seniority and regular Seniority
by an unpaid educational leave based on the union
contract language. No credit is provided for this type of
474 leave. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service, vacation accrual Seniority service and regular
Seniority service by any active duty military leave based
on the union contract language. Other than the "30 days
per year paid" required for active duty leaves, Credit for
this leave is not provided until they return. Credit is then
provided in an amount of service determined by proper
documentation (DD-214) upon return from the leave for
the UConn Classified Bargainining Units per CGS 27-103
(which cites specific times of war) - EXCEPT for
Maintenance (NP-2). NP-2 contract language provides
credit in an alternate definition of CGS in that it only
provides credit for service cited in CGS up to 1/30/90; and
provides credit for service after that date only for
Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Noble
475 Eagle). Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service, vacation accrual Seniority service and regular
Seniority service by any unpaid medical leave for
Maternity or Paternity/Parental for Classified based on
the union contract language. Credit is provided in various
maximum amounts, dependent on Bargaining Unit
language, for up to 6 months; and some are dependent
476 upon the length of employment prior to that leave. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service, vacation accrual Seniority service and regular
Seniority service by any unpaid medical leave for
Personal illness/injury or family illness for Classified based
on the union contract language. Credit is provided in
various amounts, dependent on Bargaining Unit
language; some have maximums and others do not; and
some are dependent upon the length of employment prior
477 to that leave. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority

service, vacation accrual Seniority service and regular
Seniority service by any unpaid union leave for Classified
based on the union contract language. Credit is provided
in various amounts, dependent on Bargaining Unit
language; some have maximums and others do not; and
some are dependent upon the length of employment prior
478 to that leave. Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority,
vacation accrual Seniority and General Seniority service
as directed by each union contract rules for unpaid
personal leaves. Unpaid Personal Leaves are not
creditable towards any of these purposes for Classified.
There is one variation: Credit IS provided for up to a
maximum of 3 consecutive AUTHORIZED unpaid
personal leave days; however, if the occassion exceeds 3
479 days, then NO credit is provided. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority,

vacation accrual Seniority and General Seniority service
as directed by each union contract rules for unpaid
suspensions. Unpaid Suspensions are not creditable
480 towards any of these purposes for Classified. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority,

vacation accrual Seniority and General Seniority service
as directed for Family Violence (non-medical) Unpaid
leave. For Unpaid Familiy Violence Leaves for NON-
481 MEDICAL reasons no credit is provided. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to adjust layoff Seniority,

vacation accrual Seniority and General Seniority service
as directed for Family Violence Unpaid medical leave. For
Unpaid Familiy Violence Leaves for MEDICAL reasons
are Credit is provided in various amounts, dependent on
Bargaining Unit language; some have maximums and
others do not; and some are dependent upon the length
482 of employment prior to that leave. Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to adjust layoff
Seniorityservice as directed by UCPEA Contract rules for
unpaid personal leaves. Unpaid Personal Leaves are not
483 creditable. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to provide credit (based
on FTE) for active periods of employment (with no unpaid
leaves) toward layoff Seniority service and General
484 Seniority for all Classified Unions. Centralized Classified

The University has a requirement to provide credit (based

on FTE) for active periods of employment (with no unpaid
leaves) toward Vacation Accrual Seniority for Classified
Unions except for NP-3 (Clerical). For NP-3, credit is not
485 pro-rated (it is full calendar time, regardless of FTE). Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit
(based on FTE) for layoff Seniority service for all paid
486 leaves based on CGS and Union Contract. Centralized UCPEA

The University has a requirement to provide full credit

(based on FTE) for layoff Seniority service, vacation
accrual Seniority and General Seniority (based on FTE)
487 for all paid leaves based on CGS and Union Contract Centralized Classified
The University has a requirement to provide full credit for
layoff Seniority service (based on FTE) for all VSRP or
488 WC leaves based on union contract language for UCPEA. Centralized UCPEA
The University has a requirement to provide full credit for
layoff Seniority service, vacation accrual Seniority and
General Seniority (based on FTE) for all VSRP and WC
leaves based on DAS and union contract language for
489 Classified. Centralized Classified
The University requires the tracking and calculation
(monthly), per Union contract rules, of Layoff Seniority
490 and Notice Seniority for UCPEA. Centralized UCPEA
The University requires the tracking and calculation
(monthly), per Union contract rules, of Layoff Seniority,
General Seniority, and Vacation Accrual Seniority for
491 Classified. Centralized Classified

The University requires the tracking and calculation upon

request per Union contract rules of General Seniority for
UCPEA. General Seniority for UCPEA is the employee's
service in the current classification (Functional Title); pro-
rated by FTE and not including unpaid leaves, with
excepttions: VSRP & WC are creditable; and Union
492 Leave is creditable for up to 1 year per occasion. Centralized UCPEA

The University requires the tracking and calculation,per

UCPEA Contract rules, the service that shall determine
the UCPEA Notice Seniority time period. Service included
in this calculation is all UConn (NOT UConn Health
Center) service, prorated according to FTE; not including
any unpaid leaves (except VSRP and WC); and not
including active duty military service (other than the 30
493 days paid per year for which they receive credit). Centralized UCPEA
The Training Administrator configures and maintains the
494 courses, details and resources Centralized All
The University requires employees to self- register and
495 self- cancel for courses online. Self Service All
UConn: ability to reconcile gross pay by employee with
496 CoreCT confirmed pay data. All

497 UConn: Journal Entry Process 12-03-2010 All

UConn: ability to adjust Treaty limit goals and balances
498 on an employee level. NRA All

499 UConn: PY11 - Fringe Calculation - used today All

UConn: ability to maintain payroll comments relating to
500 pay actitivities. All
UConn: PY14 - Calculates and adjust number of tax
501 periods based on retro active periods involved. All
UConn: PY22 - Section Set-up customization to ID shifts
(comparable to Location ID in PSFT; used for shift pay in
502 T&L) All
UConn: PY23 - Section Distribution (Section = Location
503 ID in PSFT) used for check distribution. All

504 UConn: PY25 - General Deduction Security All

UConn: PY03 - Interface with KFS to pull in Chart of
Accounts - used today (currently roll up to 3 fund classes
with earnings codes mapped to individual account codes).
505 Data resides in HR & Payroll All

506 UConn: PY04 - Interface of Payroll Data with BDM All

UConn: PY05 - Interface with Student Administration to
507 process Fee Bills. All

UConn: PY06 - General Deduction - process used today

508 - UNION DUES [may go away due to new HR approach]. All

UConn: PY07 - Interfaces between UConn and Core Ct -

many exist today to move data. [should become obsolete
509 when Genesys goes away and all data is in PSFT]. All
UConn: PY15 - Student Labor & Work Study Data for
510 Financial Aid All

511 UConn: PY16 - Addl Pay Load All

UConn: PY31 - Deduction Update Process - Parking
512 deductions.(HCMPY102 FDD) All
UConn: PY02 - GL - Funding Discrepency Report - used
513 today All

514 UConn: PY08 - Create Earnings Statement All

515 UConn: PY10 - Imputed Income Report - used today All

516 UConn: PY28 - Payroll Journal All

517 UConn: PY29 - Payroll compare report All

UConn: need to be able to process Core-CT Payroll
Interface Load (used for expenditure and clearing account
518 processing) All
UConn: requires the system to report total gross pay Decentralized
information from time keeping system to payroll for Pay
519 reconciliation purposes. Administrator
Time and Pay
UConn: requires the system to replace control total Administrators;
report(s) that includes # of time cards; # of OT hours used Special Payroll
520 for balancing and reconciling payroll. Employees
UConn: requires the system to replace FLSA or
521 Overtime report(s) used for reconciling and balancing Classified
Time and Pay
UConn: requires the system to report 3rd party gross up Classified or
data or employee salary changes used for payroll Unclassified
522 reconcilation purposes. Employees
UConn: requires the system to replace interfaces of HR, Time and
523 payroll related/required data to/from Genesys Pay Admin
UConn: Balancing Process - Classified & Unclassified -
need to pull salary changes - cycle to cycle - by Action Classified,
524 Code. EX-DailyFocus Report is used. Unclassified
UConn: Balancing Process requires a Balancing
Worksheet for each group of employees (not currently
525 used for students) all but students

526 UConn: Data Conversion All

UConn: calculate FLSA on hours worked, off-set by the

527 amt of overtime calculated Classified
UConn: pay according to amounts reported on specific
528 earnings All

UConn: Employee should not be paid for any day that all time
529 contains exceptions reporters

classified and
UConn: Employee should not receive pay for any type of unclassified
530 voluntary leave time time reporters

UConn: An Unclassified Part time Exempt employee

works part-time or full-time hours for part of the year but is
paid over 12 months. Scheduled/Normal hours are
reported/worked. Employee should receive biweekly pay
based on actual percent employment. (i.e. Employee Unclassified
should be paid according to FTE rate rather than actual Exempt X
531 hours worked). people

UConn: An Unclassified Part time Non-Exempt employee

works part-time or full-time hours for part of the year but is
paid over 12 months. Additional hours above
Scheduled/Normal hours are reported. Additional Hours
worked need to paid according to . (Employee should be Unclassified
paid according to FTE rate rather than actual hours Non-Exempt X
532 worked). people

UConn: catch up pay for late hires needs to be paid

533 (calculated and processed) according to start date All
UConn: mid cycle hires need to be paid (calculated and
534 processed) according to start date All
UConn: Non Residence employees (NRA) with treaty
limits need to be paid under a pre defined treaty earnings
code until treaty limit is reached. Once that is reached, the
standard earning code applicable to the employee will
535 then be used All

536 UConn: employees cannot be paid beyond their end date All

UConn: ability to calculate student overtime pay based on

537 a ratio of hours worked across all applicable student jobs. Students

UConn: underpaid retroactive payments need to be paid

538 (calculated and processed) All
UConn: overpayments within the same tax reporting year
can be / need to be recovered via a gross pay or by
employee submitting a check for the net amount owe back
539 to UConn. All

UConn: overpayments from a prior tax reporting year can

be recovered by employee submitting a check for gross
overpayment. (genesys is not affected at all. central
540 payroll will adjust system accordingly) All

UConn: mid cycle adjustments affecting pay will need to

541 be paid (calculated and processed) All

UConn: Rotating schedule employees should be paid

542 according to the job standard hours (NP5) Classified

UConn: upon termination, employee is paid for all Classified,

543 accrued time eligible for payout. Unclassified
grads, aaup,
adjuncts, and
possibly other
UConn: upon termination, employee might need to be special payroll
544 paid a contractually adjusted rate appts
545 UConn: Off-Cycle Processing All

546 UConn: Cash Advance/Petty Cash All

547 UConn: Canceled Checks/Reversals All

548 UConn: Gross-ups All

549 UConn: Leave Without Pay All

550 Add/configure/maintain earnings codes

551 Add/configure/maintain deduction codes All

UConn has a requirement for certain populations to have
self service access to update emergency contact
information and various pieces of demographic
552 information online. Self Service
UConn has a requirement to have a mass process to
553 create user profiles (either scheduled or ad hoc). Centralized
UConn has a requirement to have an organizational
hierarchy that meets our decentralized security needs. Centralized /
554 HR/Recruiting/Mass Increase Decentralized

UConn has a requirement that its users have a single Centralized /

login id to meet all their processing and self service Decentralized / Self
555 needs. Service

UConn has a requirement to have query access in

556 production for limited centralized users. Centralized
UConn has a requirement for centralized/decentralized
users to have access to create/modify/run reports in a Centralized /
557 reporting warehouse environment (non production). Decentralized
UConn has a requirement for centralized/decentralized
users to have access to report on all records needed to Centralized /
558 meet University/Federal and State reporting requirements. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to separate Time and Labor
row level security from other employee row level security Centralized /
559 such as HR access or self service access. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to modify row level, menu and
560 page security mid cycle. Centralized

UConn has a requirement to use delegation for various Centralized /

transactions (ex. Timecard approval). This is to avoid Decentralized / Self
561 users temporarily sharing log in credentials. Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement to be able to route and approve Decentralized / Self
562 various system transactions through workflow. Service

UConn has a requirement to have audit queries to identify

users have the appropriate level of access or that access
563 has been terminated at the appropriate time. Centralized
UConn has a requirement to ensure that its security
configuration is backed up and can be restored if
564 necessary. Centralized
UConn has a requirement to build dynamic configurable
565 groups of employees Centralized
UConn has a requirement to automate role assignment to
566 user profiles. Centralized
UConn has a requirement to distribute entry of Parking
deductions. Distributed users should also be limited to
567 specific populations and deduction codes for Parking. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to distribute entry of Field
house deductions. Distributed users should also be limited
to specific populations and deduction codes for Field
568 house. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to distribute entry of Charlie
Dyson Insurance deductions. Distributed users should
also be limited to specific populations and deduction
569 codes for Charlie Dyson Insurance. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement for its decentralized student
processors to be able to access a student who has
multiple jobs in the same department by only the job they
should be processing transactions for. Ex. Access will
need to be determined by criteria other than
570 department/unit and employee type. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to process mass terminations
for Student Labor/Work Study and Graduate Assistants.
Mass change functionality will also be used for mass
571 UBOX changes. Centralized

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for managers(supervisors) to Decentralized / Self
572 have access to approve their employees reported time. Service
Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper or a Decentralized / Self
573 time administrator to have access to correct timecards. Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager to have access Decentralized / Self
574 to return timecards to an employee (deny) Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager or time Decentralized / Self
575 administrator to have access to approve timecards. Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager or time Decentralized / Self
576 administrator to have access to approve masstime Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper and Decentralized / Self
577 time administrator to have access to review exceptions Service

Centralized /
UConn has a requirement for a manager, timekeeper and Decentralized / Self
578 time administrator to have access to review reports Service
UConn has a requirement for a time administrator to have
579 access to change and add schedules Centralized
UConn has a requirement to restrict access to specific
components for a group of processors for a set time Centralized /
period to accommodate processing needs such as the Decentralized / Self
580 update of Grad Rates. Service
UConn has a requirement to set UConn specific limits to
581 control future and previous timecard entry. Centralized
UConn has a requirement to remove the ability to view
582 payable time from the timesheet. Self Service

UConn has a requirement to restrict access to who can

583 view service ratings. Decentralized
UConn has a requirement to be able to configure
584 password complexity rules
UConn has a requirement to lock users out of the system
585 at scheduled times based on role
UConn has a requirement to use UConn NetID and
586 password (single sign on) as sign on credentials
UConn has a requirement to have alternate log in
587 credentials for users if single sign on is down
UConn has a requirement to provide system access to
588 users who are not also employees
UConn has a requirement to configure read only access
589 to various pages.
UConn has a requirement to configure combinations write
access and read only access to different pages on the
590 same user profile.

UConn has a requirement to dynamically assign access to

the system or pages within the system. (Ex. The ability to
591 sign on is directly related to employment status.)
Uconn has a requirement to be able to configure the
system as an administrator. (Ex maintain departments and
592 job codes)
The University is required to apply multi-component
increases to classified employees in compliance with their
collective bargaining agreements, including 'step'
increases, percentage increases, and lump sum
593 payments (based on performance rating criteria).

We are required to compensation Classified employees

based on pay plans negotiated through collective
594 bargaining, which include plans, groups and steps.

HR/PY data must be provided to other University systems,

including the HR Recruiting system, NetID system, Online
Directory, Document Production, HuskyDM, School of
Engineering systems, Foundation system, and other
595 ancillary support systems
The University is required to track all paid State Classified,
employment during which the employee was contributing Unclassified,
596 towards a Retirement plan. Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Worker's
Compensation Leaves for Retirement service purposes,
which is creditable towards all 5 Retirement calculations Classified,
(Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Unclassified,
597 Centralized Special
The University is required to track all VSRP Leaves.
VSRP Leaves are creditable for Retirement service
purposes, which is creditable towards all 5 Retirement Classified,
calculations (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Unclassified,
598 Conversion). Centralized Special

The University is required to track all Sabbatical Leaves

(Sabbatical Leaves could be at full or half pay) for
Retirement service purposes, which is creditable towards Classified,
all 5 Retirement calculations (Vested, Credited, Actual, Unclassified,
599 Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Partial Pay Military
Leaves for for Retirement Service purposes. This type of
leave affects each of the 5 Retirement calculations Classified,
(Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Unclassified,
600 Centralized Special

The University is required to track Special Payroll service

for many purposes. Special Payroll service is NOT
creditable or purchasable towards the following 4 of the
Retirement purposes: Vested, Credited, Actual, Classified,
Healthcare. However, the earnings for these Unclassified,
601 appointments are needed in calculating pension. Centralized Special

The University is required to track "Adjunct Faculty" and

"Special Payroll Lecturer" Special Payroll appointments.
This service may be creditable or purchasable towards Classified,
the Hybrid Conversion Retirement Purpose. Earnings for Unclassified,
602 these appointments are needed in calculating pension. Centralized Special
The University is required to track all participants who
have purchased prior Connecticut Municipal Service
where the town participated in CMERS for Retirement
purposes. This service may be creditable towards the Classified,
following 3 Retirement Purposes: Vested, Credited, and Unclassified,
603 Actual. Centralized Special

The University is required to track J1 & F1 Visa status for

all employees for many purposes. Service while having Classified,
this Visa status is NOT credited and is NOT purchasable Unclassified,
604 towards any of the 5 Retirement service purposes. Centralized Special

The University is required to track any service time when

the employee is NOT participating in a Retirement plan.
This is the timeframe in the first 60 days of employment
when the employee has an "Election Period", this service Classified,
may be creditable towards the following 4 Retirement Unclassified,
605 purposes: Vested, Credited, Actual, and Healthcare. Centralized Special
The University is required to track Vacation Accrual Classified,
balances, which affect the following 4 Retirement Unclassified,
606 purposes: Vested, Credited, Actual, and Healthcare. Centralized Special

The University is required to track purchased service from

other States where reciprocity exists for employees for
Retirement service purposes. (maximum of 10 years with
a one to two ratio to Connecticut State service). This Classified,
service may be creditable towards the following 3 Centralized / Unclassified,
607 Retirement Purposes: Vested, Credited, and Actual. Decentralized Special

The University is required to apply Bridging Rules, which

define and evaluate breaks as permanent or non-
permanent per the Summary Plan Description mandates,
which defines and determines creditability. This applies to Classified,
the following 4 of the Retirement Purpuses: Vested, Unclassified,
608 Credited, Actual, and Healthcare. Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Paternity /
Parental Leaves, purchased and not purchased, which Classified,
may affect all 5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Centralized / Unclassified,
609 Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Decentralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Medical
Leave , purchased and not purchased, which may affect Classified,
all 5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Centralized / Unclassified,
610 Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Decentralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Leave for
Family Illness, Military Caregiver, and Military Exigency,
purchased and not purchased, which may affect all 5 Classified,
Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Centralized / Unclassified,
611 Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Decentralized Special

The University is required to track all Unpaid Leave for

Maternity and Personal Illness purchased and not Classified,
purchased, which may affect all 5 Retirement purposes Centralized / Unclassified,
612 (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Decentralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Federal
Medical Intermittent Leaves purchased and not Classified,
purchased, which may affect all 5 Retirement purposes Centralized / Unclassified,
613 (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Decentralized Special

The University is required to track all Unpaid Leaves

Pending Disability Retirement - Service & Non-Service
Connected; and it's Approval and / or Denial. If Disability
Retirement is approved it will be retro active to the first
day of Leave which becomes the first day of Retirement; Classified,
which may affect the following 4 Retirement purposes Centralized / Unclassified,
614 (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare). Decentralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Personal
Leaves (Non-Medical), which is not creditable towards Classified,
any of the 5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Unclassified,
615 Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special

The University is required to track all Dining Services

State employees who take unpaid time "off in the
summer”, and exactly how much time they are off in the
summer, in order to "affect service time" appropriately.
Based on the outcome of a Greivance / Lawsuit, "The
Bergamo Letter" the Dining Services employees who take
Personnal Leaves without pay during the summer months Classified,
are given credit for that time towards the following 3 Unclassified,
616 Retirement Purposes: Vested, Credited, Actual. Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Leaves for
Family Violence (non-medical), which is not creditable Classified,
towards any of the 5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Unclassified,
617 Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special

The University is required to track all Unpaid Military Classified,

Leave purchased or not purchased, which may affect the Centralized / Unclassified,
618 following 2 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited). Decentralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid
Administrative Leaves, which are not creditable towards Classified,
any of the 5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Unclassified,
619 Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid
Suspensions, which are not creditable towards any of the Classified,
5 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Unclassified,
620 Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Educational
Leaves, which may affect each of the 5 Retirement Classified,
purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Unclassified,
621 Conversion). Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Special
Faculty Leaves, which may affect each of the 5 Classified,
Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Unclassified,
622 Healthcare, Hybrid Conversion). Centralized Special
The University is required to track all Unpaid Union
Leave, which may affect each of the 5 Retirement Classified,
purposes (Vested, Credited, Actual, Healthcare, Hybrid Unclassified,
623 Conversion). Centralized Special

The University is required to assist employees

(past/present/future) in completing Retirement form #'s
CO-744, CO-1314, CO-898, CO-899, CO-900, CO-901,
CO-902, CO-1047 & CO-1068; which are completed for
the following 4 Retirement purposes (Vested, Credited,
Actual, Healthcare). Elements for these forms are pulled
via various related detailed requirements provided; and Classified,
summarized on these forms (e.g. service calculation data, Unclassified,
624 leave data, vacation accrual date, personal data, etc). Centralized Special

The University is required to assist eligible employees in

ARP in completing Hyrbrid Conversion forms for that
Retirement purpose. Elements for these forms are pulled
via various related detailed requirements provided; and
summarized on these forms (e.g. service calculation data, Unclassified,
625 personal data, etc). Centralized Grad Assistants

The University is required to assist employees with

retreiving their 3 highest years of earnings (5 year for Tier
III), where years are defined as "consecutive 12 month
periods". For earnings, Overtime, Holiday pay, and other
earnings need to be separated. Earnings include special
payroll earnings, salary, shift differential, Longevity and
any other earnings. Earnings also need to be adjusted for
Sabbaticals, Furlough days, and VSRP (equated to pay).
Retroactive payments need to be distributed throughout
the time period for which it would have been earned.
These elements assist in the completion of Form CO-898
and Hybrid Conversion Form. This requirement applies to Classified,
the following 2 Retirement Purposes: Credited, Hybrid Unclassified,
626 Conversion. Centralized Special
The University is required to maintain and reference Centralized / Unclassified,
627 retirement plan elections. Decentralized Special
628 The University is required to determine eligibility for Ret Centralized Classified, Unclas

Recruiting integration to allow Prepare for Hire page from

UConn's RS 9.1 to populate CoreCT (Manage Hire); Job
opening ID is the key that will tie applicants to employees
201401 for reporting (field to store it in CORE-CT is required) HR
201410 Recruiting integration from HR to RS9.1 HR
Non-Direct/UConn retirement: There is a need to know
retirement information on special payroll individuals who
201402 did not retire from UConn. HR

201403 Multiple ethnicity; self-disclose as applicant and/or hire HR

In addition to the visa type, we are required to store and
201404 report on the EAD sub-codes associated with EAD visas. HR
It is a requirement to store university email address
201405 ( HR
Supervisor Check box; or use "Reports to" as delivered
201406 (?) HR
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code for
201407 various mandated reports; specifically IPEDS. HR
Uconn requires a system to be able to facilitate the
automated hiring, data change and terminations of
employee in Human Resouces. Employees initial
establishment of a hire record requires job code, funding,
201408 start date, and location at a minimum. HR
Disability and Vet Status - new Federal mandates as of
March 2014, Collect as of 7/1/2014 for our Federal annual
201409 reporting year ending 7/1/2015. HR
Date of Death needed for Deceased Employees including
201411 Retirees HR
The University has a requirement to accrue, track expire
and carry over sick time for service workers not covered
under collective bargaining contracts. IE Student Labor,
201435 Work Study and bus drivers.

Mid cycle changes: we need the ability to process

changes to job data that occur mid cycle. This includes
transfers, internal hires, title/union code changes, fte
201436 increases/decreases, paid and unpaid leaves.
of the following detailed Business Requirements)
UConn FUNCTIONAL Delivered The system System cannot
Business Requirement topic (as System meets requires accommodate
Process listed in SOW) requirements customization requirement

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Mass Increase
Classified D. Mass Pay Changes

Compensation D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
Mngmt, Conf,
Law Sch Fclty D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase
Mngmt, Conf,
Law Sch Fclty D. Mass Pay Changes

A. Human Resources D.
Compensation Mass Pay Changes

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll

Compensation A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources H.
Compensation Security

Compensation A. Human Resources

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll
Compensation: E. Service Calculations
Longevity Pay C. Payroll

Compensation: E. Service Calculations

Longevity Pay C. Payroll

A. Human Resources H.
Hires Security

Hires A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources H.
Hires Security

A. Human Resources H.
Hires Security

Hires A. Human Resources

Hire, Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires A. Human Resources

Hires A. Human Resources

Hires A. Human Resources

Hire, Data
Changes A. Human Resources
Hire, Data
Changes A. Human Resources

Hires; Data
Changes A. Human Resources
Hires A. Human Resources

Integration A. Human Resources

Integration A. Human Resources

Hiring, Data
Terminations A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources C.
Integration Payroll
A. Human Resources C.
Integration Payroll

Integration A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources C.
Integration Payroll

Integration A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources C.
Integration Payroll

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

General HR A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security
Personnel A. Human Resources H.
Actions Security
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security

Actions A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources E.
HR General Service Calculations

General HR,
Compensation A. Human Resources

General HR,
Compensation A. Human Resources

HR General H. Security

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Compensation A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

General HR A. Human Resources

Compensation A. Human Resources
A. Human Resources C.
Compensation, Payroll H.
Security Security

Compensation C. Payroll

A. Human Resources C.
Compensation Payroll

Actions A. Human Resources

Personnel A. Human Resources H.

Actions Security

General HR A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources

Actions A. Human Resources
Actions A. Human Resources

Personnel A. Human Resources B.

Actions Time & Labor

Actions A. Human Resources

Tenure A. Human Resources

Tenure A. Human Resources

Tenure A. Human Resources

Tenure A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources
A. Human Resources F.
Functional Reporting
HR General H. Security

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

General HR A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Self-Service A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

HR General A. Human Resources

Security H. Security

Structure A. Human Resources

Integration A. Human Resources

and Setup H. Security

Structure A. Human Resources
Mass Increase
Unclassified D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase
Unclassified D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase
Unclassified D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
Unclassified D. Mass Pay Changes

Compensation A. Human Resources

Mass Increase D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
AAUP D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes

Mass Increase
UCPEA D. Mass Pay Changes

Compensation A. Human Resources

Compensation A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources D.
HR General Mass Pay Changes
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

and Setup B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Create Payable

B. Time & Labor

Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Create Payable

B. Time & Labor

Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Create Payable
Time B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time

B. Time & Labor

Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
B. Time & Labor
Review and
Adjust Time
Summaries B. Time & Labor
Review and
Adjust Time
Summaries B. Time & Labor
Review and
Adjust Time

B. Time & Labor

Review and
Adjust Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Review and
Adjust Time
Summaries B. Time & Labor
Review and
Adjust Time
Summaries B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD
B. Time & Labor
Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor H.

Report Time

B. Time & Labor H.

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and B. Time & Labor H.
Setup TCD Security
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor H.

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD B. Time & Labor
Enroll Time
Schedules, and
Setup TCD

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Distribute Time
B. Time & Labor
Resolve Time
Exceptions B. Time & Labor
Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Queries, and
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Distribute Time
B. Time & Labor
and Setup

B. Time & Labor

and Setup

B. Time & Labor

Queries, and
B. Time & Labor
Queries, and
B. Time & Labor
Queries, and
B. Time & Labor
Queries, and
B. Time & Labor
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
C. Payroll
Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

and Setup

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor H.

Report Time

B. Time & Labor H.

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Hire and Enable

Resources A. Human Resources

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting
Time and Labor
Security and
Workflow H. Security
Report Time
B. Time & Labor H.
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll C. Payroll

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting
Time and Labor
Security and

H. Security
Distribute Time
B. Time & Labor

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting
Accruals, and
B. Time & Labor

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting

Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting
Queries, and F. Reporting/Cross-
Pages Functional Reporting
Distribute Time

B. Time & Labor

Distribute Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Report Time
B. Time & Labor H.
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

and Setup

H. Security
Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Approve Time

B. Time & Labor

Create Payable
B. Time & Labor
Report Time B. Time & Labor H.
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time
B. Time & Labor
Report Time B. Time & Labor H.
Report Time

B. Time & Labor

Accruals, and
Entitlements B. Time & Labor

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations
Leaves: A. Human Resources
Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations
Leaves: A. Human Resources
Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations
Leaves: A. Human Resources
Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Medical E. Service Calculations

Benefits A. Human Resources

Leave Banks: A. Human Resources
Classified E. Service Calculations
Leave Banks: A. Human Resources
Classified E. Service Calculations

Leave Banks: A. Human Resources

Classified E. Service Calculations

Leave Banks: A. Human Resources

UCPEA E. Service Calculations

Leave Banks: A. Human Resources

UCPEA E. Service Calculations

Leave Banks: A. Human Resources

UCPEA E. Service Calculations

Leave: Sick
Leave Advance A. Human Resources
Classified E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Active A. Human Resources

Duty Military E. Service Calculations
Leaves: Active A. Human Resources
Duty Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Active A. Human Resources

Duty Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Active A. Human Resources

Duty Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Active A. Human Resources

Duty Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Active A. Human Resources

Duty Military E. Service Calculations
Leaves: A. Human Resources
Disciplinary E. Service Calculations
Leaves: A. Human Resources
Disciplinary E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Educational E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Educational E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Faculty A. Human Resources

Special E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Family A. Human Resources

Violence E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Personal E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Personal E. Service Calculations
Personal and A. Human Resources
Faculty Special E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Red A. Human Resources

Cross E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: A. Human Resources

Sabbatical E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Short A. Human Resources

Term Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Short A. Human Resources

Term Military E. Service Calculations

Leaves: Tenure A. Human Resources

adjustments E. Service Calculations

A. Human Resources
Leaves: VSRP E. Service Calculations
A. Human Resources
Leaves: VSRP E. Service Calculations
A. Human Resources
Leaves: VSRP E. Service Calculations

A. Human Resources
Leaves: WC E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

E. Service Calculations
Service C. Payroll
Service E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

Service E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Service: E. Service Calculations

Longevity C. Payroll

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations
Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Service: E. Service Calculations

Longevity C. Payroll
Service: E. Service Calculations
Longevity C. Payroll

Service: E. Service Calculations

Longevity C. Payroll

Service: OPEB
Contributions for
Health Care) E. Service Calculations

Service: OPEB
Contributions for
Health Care) E. Service Calculations

Recognition E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations
Longevity E. Service Calculations

Longevity E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations
Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations
Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations
Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations

Seniority E. Service Calculations
Registration A. Human Resources
Registration A. Human Resources
Balancing C. Payroll
Journal Entry
Process C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Reconcile &
Distribute C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll

Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll H. Security
Reconcile &

C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll
Create Payroll
C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App

C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Reconcile &
Distribute C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll
Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll
Reconcile &
Distribute C. Payroll
Reconcile &
Distribute C. Payroll

Send EE Info to
External App C. Payroll

C. Payroll

C. Payroll
Balancing C. Payroll

C. Payroll
Create Payroll
C. Payroll
C. Payroll
C. Payroll
Data G. Conversion of
Conversion Legacy Data
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
information C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT

C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT

C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Reporting and
Tax Information
Using PSFT
C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Confirm, and
Provide Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
Create Payroll
Using PSFT
PNA C. Payroll
H. Security


Security H. Security

Structure H. Security

Security H. Security
F. Reporting/Cross-
Functional Reporting
Reporting H. Security
F. Reporting/Cross-
Functional Reporting
Reporting H. Security
F. Reporting/Cross-
Functional Reporting
Reporting H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Time and Labor

Security and B. Time & Labor H.
Workflow Security

HR, T&L,
Compensation: B. Time & Labor H.
Mass Increase Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

C. Payroll H.
Deductions Security

C. Payroll H.
Deductions Security

C. Payroll H.
Deductions Security

A. Human Resources H.
HR Security

HR A. Human Resources

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security
B. Time & Labor H.
T&L Security

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security

B. Time & Labor H.

T&L Security
B. Time & Labor H.
T&L Security

Security H. Security
B. Time & Labor H.
T&L Security

T&L B. Time & Labor

A. Human Resources
Compensation: D. Mass Pay Changes
Mass Increase H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security

Security H. Security
and Setup H. Security

Mass Increase
Classified D. Mass Pay Changes

Compensation A. Human Resources

A. Human Resources B.
Time & Labor C.
Integration Payroll
E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Retirement E. Service Calculations
Retirement E. Service Calculations

Retirement E. Service Calculations

E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

E. Service Calculations

E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations
Service: B. Time & Labor
Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Service: B. Time & Labor

Retirement E. Service Calculations

Retirement E. Service Calculations
Service: B. Time & Labor
Retirement E. Service Calculations

E. Service Calculations
F. Reporting/Cross-
Functional Reporting for
Service: Transaction/"Super
Retirement Users"

E. Service Calculations
F. Reporting/Cross-
Functional Reporting for
Service: Transaction/"Super
Retirement Users"

Service/Pension C. Payroll E.
: Retirement Service Calculations

HR Benefits C. Payroll
Service/Pension: E. Service Calculations
Appendix "B"- For Fit-Gap-Analysis
NOTE: (Selected Finalist Bidders will be required to perform a "Fit-Gap Analysis")
HR Reporting
Number Requirement Owner Requirement Description

Part of Vet100 Report for Exec Office - Counts of Veterans for different categories
for Federal Reporting . Veterans Employment Report . The University is required to
file an annual Vets100 Report to the Federal government in that it receives grants
based on this compliance. This report tracks Veterans by Disabilty, by Type
(Vietnam, Non-Vietnam), Veteran New Hires and Veterans newly discharged each
year. Newly Hired Vets for past year for Federal Reporting. Report 2: Part of
Vet100 Report for Exec Office - Totals for min and max employees for Federal
Reporting. Part of Vet100 Report for Exec Office - Totals for min and max
employees for Federal Reporting. Rpt3: Part of Vet100 Report for Exec Office -
D1 Federal Government via HR Counts of Veterans for different categories for Federal Reporting
D4 HR Salary History by Employee

D5 HR Report Retirement actions. Personnel Actions History for list of retirement actions .
A list used be Employment of all Internal Hires with in a specified from / to date .
D6 HR Personnel Actions History .
HR Audit report for particular actions/Payroll Audit report . Personnel Actions
D7 HR History .
Report of "dismissals" for Labor Relations . Personnel Actions History . SEPFIRE,
Listing of new employees hired and processed between defined periods of time.
D13 HR Personnel Actions History .
D14 HR Count of all new hires between defined dates. Personnel Actions History .
Identifies employees currently assigned to a defined work department. . Employee
D19 HR Listing by Department .
Grad Assistant mailing list . Employee Home address Listing . Print Mainling
D20 HR Address Listing by type of employee; select type of employee.
The University is required to provide an annual Census for all
B1 Benefits: Prudential employees enrolled in the LTD program.
The University is required to produce a monthly billing statement that
B2 Benefits: Prudential calculates LTD premiums due.
The University is required to produce a monthly report that identifies
employees who are being dropped from LTD coverage from the prior
B3 Benefits: Prudential cycle.
The University is required to produce a monthly report that identifies
employees who are being added to LTD coverage from the prior
B4 Benefits: Prudential cycle.

A Mass Salary Increase Compensation Letter is required by the

M1 HR MI University for Unclassified Increases to each employee.
Listing of those UCPEA members who are below the minimum
M2 HR MI salary for their level. Provided to Employment Services.
After an increase has been processed for a specific group, Compare
report of All employees eligible for parts of the increase against who
M3 HR MI actually was processed and received an increase.
Report Increase(s) processed (for specific years, and/or for a
specific person,) increase amounts, type of increases and their
M4 HR MI components

Report Increase(s) processed for a mass increase cycle; showing

increase amounts, type of increases and their components, and the
M5 HR MI roll-up for all heirarchical levels; for Executive Heads.
Report any Classified changes that are processed into Job that
affect(ed) MI's AFTER the date that it is processed into Job data;
e.g. Retro Reclass, etc; in order to comply with Bargaining Unit
M6 HR MI contracts.

Report any Unclassified changes that are processed that affect(ed)

MI's AFTER the date that is processed into Job data; in order to
comply with Bargaining Unit contracts and/or University directive(s).
Examples include: Retro pay Job changes, Movement in and out of
the Bargaining Unit, Performance Evaluation changes which could
M7 HR MI affect the Pool driven by the contract, etc.
UCPEA Pool Creation Reports - Print Calculation of the Pool based
on the population included; showing the heirarchical rollup from Dept
to Unit to Exec, etc so each level can see their available pool
M8 HR MI balance(s) at those levels.
AAUP Pool Creation Reports - Print Calculation of the Pool based on
the population included; showing the heirarchical rollup from Dept to
Unit to Exec, etc so each level can see their available pool
balance(s) at those levels; showing the components that come out of
M9 HR MI the pool upon creation.
Management / Confidential Pool Creation Reports - Print Calculation
of the Pool based on the population included; showing the
heirarchical rollup from Dept to Unit to Exec, etc so each level can
M10 HR MI see their available pool balance(s) at those levels.
Law School Faculty Pool Creation Reports - Print Calculation of the
Pool based on the population included; showing the heirarchical
rollup from Dept to Unit to Exec, etc so each level can see their
M11 HR MI available pool balance(s) at those levels.
UCPEA Pool Reports - print periodically for balancing and audit
purposes throughout the UCPEA Increase process after pools are
M12 HR MI established; and print historically for any increase cycles.
AAUP Pool Reports - print periodically for balancing and audit
purposes throughout the AAUP Increase process after pools are
M13 HR MI established; and print historically for any increase cycles.
Management / Confidential Pool Reports - print periodically for
balancing and audit purposes throughout the Mngmt/Conf Increase
process after pools are established; and print historically for any
M14 HR MI increase cycles.
Law School Faculty Pool Reports - print periodically for balancing
and audit purposes throughout the Law School Faculty Increase
process after pools are established; and print historically for any
M15 HR MI increase cycles.
Identifies future actions processed that may affect mass increases,
M16 HR MI "future" meaning after the effective date.
Employee verification reports for Departments - prior to increases,
so that Departments can ensure all employees are in the proper
M17 HR MI location/department.
Employee eligibility reports: For Departments for Unclassified, For
HR for Classified - prior to increases, so that Departments can
M18 HR MI review/verify/confirm who is eligible.
Periodic reports for Disributed Processors of their data entry for
verification prior to running increases; this is for Performance
Evaluation ratings entry, and Merit data entry, Special Achievement
M19 HR MI and Promotions for AAUP, etc.
Periodic reports for MI Specialist of data entry for verification prior to
running increases; this is for Performance Evaluation ratings entry,
and Merit data entry, Special Achievement and Promotions for AAUP,
M20 HR MI etc.

For Unclassified increases for UCPEA, the University requires that

the calculation of the Performance merit increment amount is
based on counts and annual Performance Ratings of those eligible
for Performance Merit and the Performance Merit Pool Amount using
the formula provided from the contract; therefore, a report is required
M21 HR MI for HR to audit that calculation.
The University is required to complete the State of CT CO898 form
for each employee at retirement, for which we are required to report
earnings history (calculate the 3 or 5 highest years of earnings), all
State service history, vacation accrual balances, and leaves of
A1 State, HR absence.
The University is required to complete the State of CT CO898 form
for each former employee when commencing a vested rights
retirement, for which we are required to report earnings history, all
State service history, vacation accrual payouts, and leaves of
A2 State, HR absence.
The University is required to maintain a log of all employees who
have taken leaves under the VSRP and report savings to DAS upon
A3 DAS, HR request
The University has a requirement to report on all types of leaves,
A4 HR including type and start and end date(s).
The University has a requirement to validate the leave of absence
approval conditions against the actuals taken by the employee
(pay/time reporting) for DAS compliance for VSRP and also for
general compliance. This may be done at one level by reporting
A5 DAS; HR JOB data leaves and T&L Leaves and comparing the data.
State and Federal FMLA leaves and absences (all types) are
reported to ensure employees are in compliance with State and
A6 State; HR Federal Laws, and/or Union Contracts or BOT/By-Laws.
AAUP, Law School, Management/Confidential, and UCPEA leaves of
absence must be reported to the BOT, including Federal and State
The University is required to produce a report for the BOT that
identifies Faculty who have applied for and been preliminarily
A8 BOT approved for Sabbatical, in order for final approval by the BOT.
A50 HR Family Leave Demographic Report
A51 HR Family Leave Demographic Report Totals
A52 BN Leave Code Report;Leave Reason Code Table
A53 BN Leave History Report
A54 BN; MH-CL List of Classified employees with leave end dates
A55 BN Listing of all leave actions in history for current CLAS employees

RETIREE - This report produces an extract of Retirees used by UITS

to produce a mailing to notify them that their NetID/Exchange
accounts will be deleted. Listing First Name, Mid Name, Last Name,
A57 BN Specific Types of Leaves Report from History

A58 BN Specific Types of Leaves Report from History; for specific individuals
A59 BN Specific Types of Leaves Report from History; OSHA request

A60 BN Specific Types of Leaves Report from History; specific Action Codes

Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to unions

on monthly schedule...This specification describes the non-Worker’s
Compensation Leaves Report within this series of reports run in the same
A61 HR application.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to unions
A62 HR on monthly schedule...Worker’s Compensation Leaves.
Length of Service Reports that "futurecast" estimated service as of
certain dates; in order to estimate Longevity pay costs or savings,
estimate retirements, identify who to pull into milestone audits for
L2 HR longevity cycles, etc.

When Statutes or Regulations change, that include or exclude

Military Service, reports are run against the master Military service
Union Contracts and CT data in order to determine who to recalculat / audit for that service
L3 General Statutes; HR which is affected by the change.
The University is required to supply an accurate Layoff and Vacation
L4 Unions, HR Accrual Seniority list to all Classified Bargaining Units.

A report showing changes / actions posted in % employed, class

code / title changes and leave data for employees who may be
reaching 10 years, 15 years 20 years 25 years as of 4/1 or 10/1 of
any given year. The report would capture employees with total length
of service ranging from 9yrs 6 months 0 days thru 9 years 11 months
29 days, 14yrs 6 months 0 days thru 14 years 11 months 29 days,
19yrs 6 months 0 days thru 19 years 11 months 29 days, 24yrs 6
months 0 days thru 24 years 11 months 29 days at the last
L5 HR Longevity cycle run.

Employee Recognition Report of Years of (appropriate) Years of

Service…listing of employees that achieved a milestone (10 years-
100529 & 15 years - 150529 & 20 years - 200529 & the same for 25
yrs, 30yrs, 35 yrs, 40yrs, 45 yrs, 50 yrs etc effective 10/1 of any
given year. This report needs to take the utilize the Employee
L6 HR Recognition LOS purpose for its data.

Employee Transaction Report …a history report listing all actions in

L7 HR job for a specific employee beginning at their date of hire.
Employee Transaction Report to estimate retirement vested
eligibility; for those who terminated from UConn; in specified time
period - prompt user for date range for EFFECTIVE DATES and/or
L8 HR ACTION DATES; will show all groups.
List of maintenance NP-2 employee's calculated seniority and
L9 HR working test period information.
LOS Leave History: Select for the report certain unpaid Time codes
or Leave Job Actions OR all "Unpaid Leave" types of Time codes; or
L10 HR all unpaid Leave Job Actions; and specific % of leave.
LOS Longevity History / Payment Report - Will need to be able to
run a report showing all prior Longevity Payments "authorized/sent"
to be paid (from HR to Payroll); and also what was actually paid to
L11 HR, Payroll an employee, for specific start / end dates.
Part Time – Reg Payroll employees Less than 100% employed,
between specific dates; or currently. Report is needed for auditing
L12 HR service time.
Report listing all NP-3 Employees who are on the CLT Payplan;
report needed because of their "summers off" as it pertains to
service. Also, report other related jobs like this; e.g. UCPEA Child
L13 HR Labs, etc…
Report listing veteran status for all employees…listing employee
name, employee # , Bargaining Unit, Veteran Code, War Service
L14 HR Total, DD-214 military service dates.

Retro Actions; e.g. Reclassifications (or title changes), BU change,

active/term change, hire/term, Percent Employed; since last
longevity cycle - VERY important process / report that will be needed
to be utilized in HCM. The date range specified for the report MUST
use the process date of the job data for the selection and NOT the
effectiive action date of the retro. The selection should also select
only actions that had a effective action date on job data that was
PRIOR to the last longevity cycle date (3/31, 9/30); HR History
L15 HR Table(s)
Transfer / Reemploy Report of Employees - from and to dates are
supplied, and it shows all those kinds of emp actions, (new hire,
reemploy, transfer in, transfer out, separation, title changes w/ or
L16 HR w/out salary changes, internal hires, etc.;

Vacation Accrual Seniority Service over (5/20) Years of Calculated

Service Time - in addition to showing anyone close to 5 or close to
20 years, these reports will also need to compare current calculation
to the previous calculation (for the same purpose) and show
discrepancies. Needs to be run monthly. The report should
compare all Classified Employees seniority calculation to the prior
month vacation accrual seniority, for example, if a transfer in showed
4 years at point of last vacation accrual seniority calculation then an
adjustment was made that increases that time to 6 years - we need
to know about that….if the prior months vacation accrual seniority
was below 05 00 00 or 20 00 00 and the prompt date vacation
accrual seniority is over 05 00 00 or 20 00 00 then this employee
should show on the report.
L17 HR
LOS Longevity History / Payment Report - Will need to be able to
run a report showing all prior Longevity Payments made to an
employee. (also would like to be able to enter a specific start / end
date and get the Longevity Payment(s) for that time frame) This
report will list employee name, employee #, effective date of
Longevity cycle, posted date of Longevity payment, $ amount paid,
Full increment $ amount for Class Code, class code, years month
days of service at time of Longevity payment. print this report from
L18 HR our calculation tables; LS_TOTAL_RPTING
The University is required to report and analyze all months of time
worked where there were or were not contributions made to Retiree
Health Fund (OPEB), for purposes of calculating refunds, Retirement
L19 State, HR, Payroll Health Fund eligibility, and 10 year requirement met.
The University is required to report faculty who qualify for Emeritus
L20 BOT/Provosts Office status to the BOT for final approval.
The University is required to produce reports of estimated retirement
eligible employees and projections for purposes of Budget &
Financial Planning, Succession Planning, State Early Retirement
L21 VP and State OFA/OPM Offerings, Trends, etc.

There is a requirement at the State level that all AAUP Adjunct

Faculty who teach 9 or more credits statewide (per semester) are
eligible for subsidized State of CT Health Insurance after successful
completion of those credits (via refund for their pre payment);
therefore this information must be reported to the State at the close
L22 State OSC of each semester
Emeritus Report / Listing of Emeritus Faculty; columns; personal ID,
Name, Class Code, Work Department, Separation Reason, Pay
R1 HR Company, Collective Bargaining Unit & Campus

List of Emeriti for Grad School publication. Listing; EMPLID, Last

First Name, Middle Name, Job Title. Note: this is the last title
DESCR of the job record (RCD) from where the employee retired
from their permanent job or if no job record exists, the text job title
converted from GENESYS & Job Dept: Note: this is the last work
department DESCR of the job record (RCD) from where the
employee retired from their permanent job or if no job record exists,
the text job department name converted from GENESYS.

Analysis Reports for HR / Employment, etc An extract to Excel for

subsequent loading to Access of all non-deceased retirees and


RETIREE - This report produces an extract of Retirees used by UITS

to produce a mailing to notify them that their NetID/Exchange
accounts will be deleted. Listing First Name, Mid Name, Last Name,
Analysis Reports for HR / Employment, etc; All Retired AAUP
R5 HR employees
R7 HR List of Emeriti with privacy codes
R8 HR Mailing list for Emeriti

There is a requirement that all new AAUP Adjunct Faculty be given a

one-time irrevocable Retirement Plan election within 60 days of hire,
R9 State OSC, HR which requires a report of those newly hired AAUP Adjunct Faculty.

VP, Departments, and The University is required to produce reports of past retirements
R10 State OFA/OPM (both Normal and Vested) for multiple purposes, including Trends.
The University is required to report Affirmative Action data to the
State and Federal Government for Classified Employees with
Temporary Service in a higher class. By Equal Opportunity
C1 ODE Employment Category, ethincity/race, gender, etc.
The University is required to report Affirmative Action data to the
State and Federal Government for Classified Employees Promoted
within their own PC Number. By Equal Opportunity Employment
C2 ODE Category, ethincity/race, gender, etc.

The University is required to report Affirmative Action data to the

State and Federal Government for AA Classified Employees
Promoted to a new PC Number. By Equal Opportunity Employment
C3 ODE Category, ethincity/race, gender, etc.

The University is required to report Affirmative Action data to the

State and Federal Government for Competitive Job Titles with Exam
Profiles for them. By Equal Opportunity Employment Category,
C4 ODE ethincity/race, gender, etc.

The University is required to produce Turnover reports required

from the OACE as a result of an Audit; and multiple internal
C5 OACE, HR / VP projection purposes.

The University is required to identify changes to an Employees' Job

that impact Benefit* Eligibility in order to comply with plan
C6 State OSC, HR provisions.

The University is required to identify changes to an Employees'

Personal Data that impact Benefit* Eligibility in order to comply with
C7 State OSC, HR plan provisions.

The University has a requirement to have private and sensitive

information masked in some way (or derived values) to protect data
from non-"super" users: examples are: date of birth (maybe show
pieces only); labor relations disciplinary actions/reasons; action
C8 HR reasons related to performance; leaves etc.

Decentralized Department "reporters" access and report HR Person

(non private) and Job data for ad-hoc reporting needs. Decentralized
users must be able to join to support tables needed to meet their
C9 Departments reporting requirements.
Decentralized "SuperUser" Administrative Department "reporters"
access and report HR Person (sometimes private demographics)
and Job data for ad-hoc reporting needs; and also for mandated
Departments Federal and/or State reporting requirements, e.g. OIR IPEDS annual
(Administrative report. Decentralized users must be able to join to support tables
C10 Superusers) needed to meet their reporting requirements.

Print Employees in specific types of Jobs and/or Job Categories,

Families, groups, etc. Example: Print all employees in UCPEA 4
titles; Print anyone who has ever been in NP-2 as a Quality Craft
Worker, etc. This is used for multiple purposes, e.g. Job Audits,
comparitive analysis, retroactive calculations due to state
C11 HR settlements, OJE, etc.
Print Employees (Grouped by Classified & Unclassified) Alpha,
showing only that pertinent to "salary" or what pertains to Mass
Increase(s); for mutliple purposes. One purpose is for the report that
C12 HR is provided to the Library after an increase cycle.

The University reports history by specific types of actions/reasons for

multiple purposes, including Unemployment eligibility
C13 HR (voluntary/involuntary is critical), Labor Relations issues, Trends, etc.
The University is required to produce Vacancy Management
C14 HR Reports.
UCPEA employees with end dates between specific dates for
UCPEA Union, twice a year. These often require account codes to
C15 UCPEA, HR be gotten by joining to KFS data.
UCPEA employees with end dates between specific dates HR
Internal Attorney & Director's use. These Often require account
C16 HR codes to be gotten by joining to KFS data.
UConn has a requirement for centralized/decentralized users to be
able to access all support tables needed to meet University/Federal
C17 Department/ Payroll/HR and State reporting requirements.

The University is required to verify employment via written requests,

provided that the requestor supplies the appropriate identifiable
information (requires SSN). Resources used in order to provide
ONLY the authorized information are: Consolidated data/screen with
Employment Verification Data, Historical data in separate database,
Roster Cards, etc. Information provided in HR does not include
earnings / Mortgage qualification paperwork (both of which are
C18 HR supplied by Payroll).

The University is required to verify employment via verbal requests,

provided that the caller supplies the appropriate identifiable
information (requires SSN). Resources used in order to provide
ONLY the authorized information are: Consolidated data/screen with
Employment Verification Data, Historical data in separate database,
Roster Cards, etc. Information provided in HR does not include
earnings / Mortgage qualification paperwork (both of which are
C19 HR supplied by Payroll).
Analysis Reports for HR / Employment, etc used to project who is
eligible for retirement as of a specified date. Listing; RETIRE_DATE
C500 HR

Rpt 1 of 2 for "Vacancy Management": SEPWFIXD - Separations

from Uconn - Robin runs on a monthly basis. email copies to
C501 HR Budget, ODE, Payroll, Benefits and Employment Services

Rpt 1 of 2 for "Vacancy Management": IHEMPLYM - Internal

transfers with Uconn - Robin runs on a monthly basis. email copies
C502 HR to Budget, ODE, Payroll, Benefits and Employment Services

Employee Transaction Report; showing operator ID of transaction

and details (HCM Report Actions Taken in specified time period -
prompt for empnum, which, if blank, will be all empnums; prompt
user for list of action and action reasons, prompt user for date range
for EFFECTIVE DATES and/or ACTION DATES; prompt for
employee group, which if blank will show all groups). Columns:
Emplid, emplRcd, effective date, eff seq, empl_grp, emplName,
operatorid of the person who performed the action, date and time of
the action to job(actiondate/time); action and actionreason, job title,
univ title, state title, salary plan, salary grade, salary step, comp rate
(all comp rate codes), HR FTE, expected job end date, appt end
date, wtp code, wtp end date. Can this query show 2 rows- one for
the action row itself, and also show the PRIOR row as well? (AUDIT

Focus/Frozen File Backfeed Integration (tbd needs for 9.1; was

C504 HR interface last round)

Inquiry Requirements for Employment Verifications, miscellaneous

all-around HR view; can be query or panel in 9.1; goal is to
C505 HR consolidate for users who inquire on this information daily.
Report all Grad Fellows for Benefits Staff in HR (small population;
limited information to be reported; replaces manual Excel list kept
C506 HR currently)
UConn Foundation; currently provide Excel format Uconn Person
C507 HR and Job Data
UCPEA Union data for both setup and Person/Job data; currently
C508 HR interface feed
this report was for employment to encompass all hires and internal
hires for access and RSA merge…lists of all hire type actions in a
C509 HR specified time frame . Personnel Actions History .

Employee History Menu - all ENCOMPASSED INTO less rpts

(F1993R01, R02, R03, R04, R05, R06, R07, R21, F1984R01-
encompased by MI, R02-encompassed by MI, and F1993S90?);HR
employee histories
HCM: Query should run off of the employee history reporting
table ;allow user to select the empl groups they want or emplid they
want. Columns: emplid, emplrcd, eff date, eff seq, name, emplgrp,
jobcode, job title, univ title, state title, ubox, department name, appt
type, appt beg dt, appt term, appt end dt, expected job end date,
union, barg unit name, posit num, last day worked, action, action
reason, salary plan, salary grade, salary step, comp rate (and all
comp rate codes), HRFTE, Std hrs from job record, AI Code, WTP
code, WTP end date, All Leave Related fields (expected leave return
date, etc), last day worked, UConn hire date, Hire Date, State hire
date, CBU entry date, Job Class entry date. Sorted by empl grp,
C510 HR emplid, empl_rcd, eff dt desc, eff seq desc.
List of UCPEA employees with visa expiration dates and
G1 HR appointment types of PP or PU

G2 HR Summarize and count citizenship country names (Citizenship_Place)

All active employees with a visa expiration date near. prompt for end
date time period; report all active employees that have an end date
within that range. Columns: End Date (Is this appt end date for
GA's?), Name, emplid, emplrcd, eff seq, Job title, Department name,
G3 HR VISA code, I-9 Expiration Date)
Inquiry only. To assist in the distribution of the DIRMUDT surveys.
Listing by department number with cross reference to Executive and
G4 HR Unit levels.

List All Employee’s and salaries for the office of Vice Provost/Student
Affairs (or any department requesting info). Listing; Empnum,
Company_Pers, Empname, PC_Num, Appt_Term, Uivdesc,
G5 HR Ann_Sal, Percent Employed (%Empa), Dept_Work, DeptDesc
G6 MH-CL List of current CLAS employees
List of employees in CCS, Allied Health & Family Studies by BU (or
G7 HR any other department by BU)
List of employees in CCS, Allied Health & Family Studies by BU with
G8 HR appt. type and end date
Report produces lists of employees by department number, unit or
G9 HR executive level
G10 HR Report used to identify employees in a specific department
G11 MH-SP List of Special Payroll employees in Athletics




G14 HR
G15 MH-GA Grad Assistant Medical/Dental information
G16 HR Report used to identify employees in specific dental plans
This report is to list employees email addresses and their work
department and Medical/Dental Ins. coverage choices. Once
produced if the Insurance choices are not need the excel sheet can
be manipulated to remove those choices then be a list just for email
G17 HR addresses...


G18 HR Class Code & State Title
G19 HR Listing of those employees with a Faculty Rank of 8
This report is designed to list any type of job title that could be a
dept. / Unit / Exec. Level Head…This is the newest version…before
G20 HR SPECing check DEPTHEAD Focexec.
Potential (and Visa?) Tenure Report. A report of those with a
Pending (P) tenure code or tenure withheld due to a Visa. Listing
G21 HR employees with a Tenure Code of “P” or “V”
CLAS Tenure Information; This is a Request from CLAS for data on
Full Professors: When they were promoted to Associate Professor
and Full Professor along with their Potential and Actual Tenure
G22 HR information
G23 HR PRMUBOX - More info to come
G24 HR All employees , excluding grads, with Ubox
G25 HR List of all employees with truck route and Ubox for mailings
G26 HR List of CLAS faculty by department and location
Count of all employees (excluding GA's and Special Payroll) by
G27 HR location
Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept; Total employee count per
location (excludes law school from hartford)…This Report also
G28 HR covers EMPLIST1...Report of employees in Storrs
G29 HR List of employees by location

This Report is a list of Unclassified Employees by Dept for University

Senate; listing the following…Emp No., Emp. Name, Functional
Title(PRECCTITLE), University Title, Class Code, % Employed,
State Hire Date, UCONN Hire Date, Location / Campus, Dept. Head,
Head Dept. Desc., Unit Head, Head Unit Desc., Exec. Head, Head
G30 MH-UNCL Exec. Desc., Bargaining Unit
Grad Assistants with End Date Near; prompt for end date time
period; report all GA's that have an end date within that range.
Columns: End Date (Is this appt end date for GA's?), Name, emplid,
emplrcd, eff seq, Job title, Department name, VISA code, I-9
G31 MH-GA Expiration Date)
Classified employees hired since 1/1/1999, sorted by UCONN
continuous hire date. List menu, name, State Hire date, Action Code,
UCONN cont. Hire Date, CBU, Barg Unit, Pay Pln, Uconn cont
G32 MH-CL classification entry date ...verify if will be covered by #007
Employee separations for BOT meetings; Unclassified only; Prompt
user for termination date range; Report all terminations with
actiondate or effective date between this range. Columns: Action &
Action Reason Description, Name, Job Title, Univ Title;
G33 HR; MH-UNCL DepartmentName, Last Day Worked

Employee summary Transaction Report; Counts of HCM Report

TERM type Actions (including transfers out of Uconn) in specified
time period - prompt user for date range for EFFECTIVE DATES
and/or ACTION DATES; prompt for employee group, which if blank
will show all groups). Columns: Empl_grp, action, action reason,
count of each of these (group by Empl_grp, action, action reason).
The population should be the same as UCE_TERM_ACTNS, so this
G34 HR is the summary, and that one is the detail. (AUDIT REPORT)

NERECLAS - More info to come - reclass actions REQUEST FROM

RECLS - More info to come - Reclass actions THIS FOCEXEC

SEPALL3 - should be a replication of UCE_HR_016_SEPS_AAUP

instead of "AAUP" this will be all…This report provides an Excel
extract of all separated employees, including retirement separation
has an action date within a range of dates. Effort reporting for
Federal Compliance requirements; historical reporting/verification;
Indirect return calculations. List: EMP_NO, LNAME, FNZME,
G37 HR
Separation report for Doreen Posage for all AAUP within specified
G38 HR timeframe
SEPGRADS - More info to come - ACTION GRAD SEPS (Part of
G39 HR Mass Grad separation process)
G40 HR SEPS_FAC - More info to come - actions
Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions and DAS on monthly schedule...Union Slip Reports - CEUI
(personnel actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly
This is the overall document that lists each individual report that can
be produced. Each report is listed below in step 3 and the
specifications for each report will be in an individual document.
Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
This is the overall document that lists each individual report that can
be produced. Each report is listed below in step 3 and the
specifications for each report will be in an individual document.
As EPM will not have a month-end file frozen current file, this job
should be scheduled to run on the first business day of each month
to ensure ‘current’ information reflects end-of-the-month data.
Currently, D1992F46 can be run at anytime during a month and can
still capture current information (i.e. address change report) from the
end of the prior month using file D1992F10. Currently, this
functionality is not available in EPM, thus it is dependent upon
scheduling the job to run at the proper time of the month to capture
the proper information. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor
Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current
and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon activity
that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). The reports are:
1. New Hires, 2. Terminations, 3. Retirements, 4. Worker’s
Compensation Leaves, 5. Non-Worker’s Compensation Leaves, 6.
From/To Agency Transfers, 7.Internal Hires into Union, 8. Internal
Hires out of Union, 9. Change in Job Code, 10. Change in
Appointment Type (EMPL_CLASS), 11. Separations from Union,
12.Change in Member’s Name, 13. Change in Member’s Address
G41 HR

Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to

unions on monthly schedule...Actions where employee stays within
UConn and is an internal hire into another job moving into one union
from another union code. This is the opposite report from
UCE_HR_098_F1992R56_13 _of_15_TRNS_OUT_UNION where
report 12 shows the gain of an employee in the union, report 13
G42 HR shows the loss of an employee from the union.

Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to

unions on monthly schedule...Actions where employee stays within
UConn and is an internal hire into another job moving into one union
from another union code. This is the opposite report from
UCE_HR_098_F1992R56_12 _of_15_TRNS_INTO_UNION where
report 12 shows the gain of an employee in the union, report 13
G43 HR shows the loss of an employee from the union.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...Actions where employee stays within
UConn and is an internal hire into another job while continuing to
G44 HR stay within the Union. A job change report.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...This report is designed to present
those actions where an employee stays within UConn and leaves
G45 HR the union, accepting an unclassified (non-TP) position.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...This specification describes the
Agency Transfer From/To Actions Report within this series of reports
G46 HR run in the same application.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...This specification describes the Name
Change Report within this series of reports run in the same
G47 HR application.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...This specification describes the
Retirement Report within this series of reports run in the same
G48 HR application.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule...This specification describes the
Termination Report within this series of reports run in the same
G49 HR application.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
G50 HR unions on monthly schedule….Changes in degree information
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
unions on monthly schedule…address changes...This specification
describes the Address Change Report within this series of reports
G51 HR run in the same application.

Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to

unions on monthly schedule…appointment type changes...Union
Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to unions
on monthly schedule. Actions where employee stays within UConn
and there is a change to appointment type while continuing to stay
G52 HR within the Union. An EMPL_CLASS change report.

Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to

unions on monthly schedule…Introduction to group of reports. Union
codes included in this series of reports include ‘007’, ‘009’, ‘010’,
‘012’, ‘015’, ‘016’, ‘028’, ‘029’, and ‘029’. This series excludes
National-ID and includes changes in degree information. This is the
overall document that lists each individual report that can be
produced. Each report is listed below in step 3 and the
G53 HR specifications for each report will be in an individual document.
Union Slip Reports - NON-CEUI (personnel actions reports); sent to
G54 HR unions on monthly schedule…New Hire Report
UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel
actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Actions where employee stays within UConn and is an internal hire
into another job moving into Union 006 from another union code.
Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations runs
F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred in
the last month (no prompt dates). This specification describes the
Actions where employee stays within UConn, and reports internal
hires into another job moving into Union 006 from another union
code. This report is within this series of reports run in the same
G55 HR application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Actions where employee stays within UConn and is an internal hire
into another job while continuing to stay within the Union. A job
change report. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations
runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred in
the last month (no prompt dates). This specification describes the
Actions where employee stays within UConn and is an internal hire
into another job while continuing to stay within the Union. This report
G56 HR is within this series of reports run in the same application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Address Change...Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor
Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current
and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon activity
that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). This specification
describes the Address Change Report within this series of reports
G57 HR run in the same application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Agency Transfers From/To. Each month, on the 1st of the month,
Labor Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of
current and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon
activity that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). This
specification describes the Agency Transfer From/To Actions Report
G58 HR within this series of reports run in the same application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel actions

reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule. New Hire.
Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations runs
F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred
in the last month (no prompt dates). This specification describes the
New Hire Report within this series of reports run in the same
G59 HR application.
UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel actions
reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule. Non-
Worker’s Compensation Leaves.Each month, on the 1st of the
month, Labor Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of
reports of current and recently departed members of Union 006
based upon activity that occurred in the last month (no prompt
dates). This specification describes the non-Worker’s Compensation
Leaves Report within this series of reports run in the same
G60 HR application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Retirement. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations
runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred in
the last month (no prompt dates). This specification describes the
Retirement Report within this series of reports run in the same
G61 HR application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI…..Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Termination. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations
runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred in
the last month (no prompt dates). This specification describes the
Termination Report within this series of reports run in the same
G62 HR application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI….Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Actions where employee stays within UConn and there is a change
to appointment type while continuing to stay within the Union. An
EMPL_CLASS change report. Each month, on the 1st of the month,
Labor Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of
current and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon
activity that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). This
specification describes the Actions where employee stays within
UConn and there is a change to appointment type while continuing
to stay within the Union. An EMPL_CLASS change report. This
G63 HR report is within this series of reports run in the same application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI….Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Actions where employee stays within UConn, but leaves 006
bargaining Unit. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor
Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current
and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon activity
that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). This specification
describes the Actions where employee stays within UConn, but
leaves 006 bargaining Unit Report within this series of reports run in
G64 HR the same application.
UNION SLIPS - CEUI….Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel
actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule.
Name Change. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor
Relations runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current
and recently departed members of Union 006 based upon activity
that occurred in the last month (no prompt dates). This specification
describes the Name Change Report within this series of reports run
G65 HR in the same application.

UNION SLIPS - CEUI….Union Slip Reports - CEUI (personnel

actions reports); sent to unions and DAS on monthly schedule. This
report is designed to present those actions where an employee stays
within UConn and leaves the union, accepting an unclassified (non-
TP) position. Each month, on the 1st of the month, Labor Relations
runs F1992R46 to produce a series of reports of current and recently
departed members of Union 006 based upon activity that occurred in
the last month (no prompt dates). This report is designed to present
those actions where an employee stays within UConn and leaves
the union, accepting an unclassified (non-TP) position. This report is
G66 HR within this series of reports run in the same application.
G67 HR NEWFACST - More info to come
G68 HR NEWGRAD2 - More info to come - Grad asists hire actions
G69 HR PDOCINSI - More info to come - Report Post Docs
G70 HR PRCDLIST - More info to come Report Post Docs
Alphabetic listing of Graduate Assistants hired on Prompt Date
Entered…listing Empl. Name, Empl. ID, Company ie.UHG, Hire Date
G71 MH-GA & Department
Extract UCPEA end date employees who separated per revised
G72 HR Sebac agreement between defined dates
G73 HR New hires for BOT meetings
This report produces "Plain Hires" not Internal Hires…cloned from
HIRNOINT to include only Univ. Title, Precctitle, Name, Race,
Gender, Hire Date and excludes action 103's that are in
HIRNOINT…Creates a list of all hire type actions in specific time
G74 HR frame indicated.
G75 HR List of last actions processed for AR BU requested by Union
G76 HR NP-2 request for list of new employees for NEO
G77 HR NP-3 request for list of new employees for NEO
Extracts all employees by Executive and Unit level; provided to
G78 HR Internal Audit
G79 HR Count of action codes processed during a specific month.

G80 HR Count of action codes processed during a specific period of time.

G81 HR Count of action codes processed during a specific year.
G82 HR Tax & Compliance Request for Key Titles in the University
G83 MH-SP Special Payroll Adjuncts for Fall semester.
G84 MH-SP Special Payroll Adjuncts for Summer sessions.

Special Payroll Adjuncts/Lecturers for Fall and Spring Semesters.

Excel listing of All Adjunct PA’s from our database, in order for you to
review the data to research eligibility - -10 Consecutive Semesters /
G86 HR Multi Year Contract…Per Email dated 12/7/2009 from Jen T.

SPP35200 - More info to come CREATE A REPORT OF SPECIAL


AAUP Special Payroll Lecturers and Courses (New class code 5004
added); Donna Munroe and others request, contains Total Credits
per semester. List Personal Identifier, Name, Effective Date, End
Date, PA Sequence #, Pay Company, Work Dept.,Affiliated Dept.,U
G88 HR / MH-SP Box, Building, Campus Address, Email, Retirement Code & FRS.
List of special payroll lecturers who are on regular payroll as
G89 MH-SP UCPEA employees.
G90 HR AAUP listing of employees
G91 HR List of NP2 staff for entry into the Basketball lottery.
List of Management/Confidential employees used by Labor
G92 HR Relations to select Grievance committee members

G93 MH-UNCL Listing of active professional employees and their salaries


List of employees in BU 02, 03, 31, and 34 with annual salary as
G95 HR requested by AAUP
List of employees with veteran codes of 2 - 6 along with their class
G96 HR code and title…will include seperated employees
Action Code Table. All Action Codes for HR processing (replaced by
G97 HR Job Actions/Reasons in HCM)

G98 HR BIO - More info to come Report Person's Biographical Information

Classified history by history by action effective date. NOTE: Report is
now accessed through Gens menu;Display Classified employee
G99 MH-CL history on screen by post date
Cloned from NP2RETRO to get all history rows to excel for civil
rights audit for requested employees through Jenny
G100 HR Cassells/Employment

Employee Demographic Information (for Faculty, Staff, Grad

Students, Post-Docs, Durationals & Student Workers). Listing
Employee Name, Personal ID, Pay ID, Campus Address, Bargaining
Unit, Annual Salary, FTE, Title, Academic (Tenure) Department, Work
Department, Appointment Type, Appointment Term., Hire Date,
Retirement Code, % Employed, Class Code, Date of Birth, Gender,
Citizenship & Ethnicity for Budgeting & verification of salary/fringe
benefit information on grant proposals/budgets; InfoEd.FRS data
entry; Faculty account set up in NSF Fastlane and NIH eRA
Commons; Indirect Return calculations; Internal Funding eligibility
verification (bargaining unit); Survey responses and reporting
G101 OVPRGE (i.e.Peterson's Guide)
Employee Transaction Report; showing operator ID of transaction
and details (HCM Report HIRE type Actions (New Hires and
Rehires) in specified time period - prompt user for date range for
EFFECTIVE DATES and/or ACTION DATES; prompt for employee
group, which if blank will show all groups). Columns: Emplid,
emplRcd, effective date, eff seq, emplgroup, operatorid of the
person who performed the action, date and time of the action to
job(actiondate/time); action and actionreason, Job Title, Univ Title,
Department Name, UConn Hire Date, State Hire Date, Hire Date,
G102 HR Union, Barg Unit Name, Position number.

Employee Transaction Report; showing operator ID of transaction

and details (HCM Report TERM type Actions (including transfers out
of Uconn) in specified time period - prompt user for date range for
EFFECTIVE DATES and/or ACTION DATES; prompt for employee
group, which if blank will show all groups). Columns: Emplid,
emplRcd, effective date, eff seq, emplgroup, operatorid of the
person who performed the action, date and time of the action to
job(actiondate/time); action and actionreason, Job Title, Univ Title,
Department Name, Last Day worked, Department name, Gender,
Age, Salary (all comp rate codes), Union, Barg Unit Name, Ubox,
G103 HR Position Number. (AUDIT REPORT)
Executive Office Report (variation of LAWSCH) This is a variation of
LAWSCH. This report is run from history file whereas the LAWSCH
G104 HR is run from current file

Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept(variation of LOCTOTAL)

This will be a duplicate of UCE_044_LOCTOTAL's SPEC except it
G105 HR will be from Hististory files and will need prompts for Date ranges.
HISCLAS2 - Produce job history report of classified, unclassified
(non TP), or Graduate Assistant records for an employee via
G106 HR selection by EMPLID or National ID.
G107 HR Historical record of membership in various BU's requested by AR

Human Resources Professional history report used for Retirement

processing.Produces the history of the individual unclassified
employee, starting in 1994 load date. Prior to that the his a paper
trail via our roster paper cards. This tool is used to calculate an
employee's longevity. Note: I run this from Genesys.Display
G108 HR Unclassified employee history on screen by effective date
includes all unclassified PT employees, not needed. Use the other
PT reports instead- I ran this again just for history purposes (Is this a
G109 MH-UNCL complete request, is something missing??)


Report for Ann Wilhelm (Office VProv Res & Grad Ed) of all Post
Docs and RA's showing funding, etc. EMPLID, NAME, JOBTEXT: If
job code = ‘RS0002’, ‘RS0003’, or ‘RS0007’; then ‘Research
Assistant’ If job code = ‘RS0004’, ‘RS0005’, or ‘RS0006’; then
‘Research Associate’ If job code = ‘UN0002’; then ‘Postdoc’
EFFECTIVE DATE as funding end date is not available in HCM.
FRS ACCOUNTS – List all FRS accounts in effect for selection.
There may be one or several.
G111 HR
Re-written (template) for retrieving the actual true top history for one
G112 HR specific date in History (Job Data in HCM)



Phone Directory Report; May have been identified by B.

Eldridge;Survey all of Faculty/Staff sent to departments to
G116 HR verify/update phone and Ubox information for inclusion in directory
Bruce/HCM Team identified? F19S0002-Extraction of Special Payroll
History tables to two temporary FOCUS tables for developing reports
G117 HR against Special Payroll Information.
Download for many in H.R. into Excel for all Special Payroll data -
majority of all data fields; for manipulation in Excel; includes course
G118 MH-SP & credit information also for adjuncts
G119 HR AAUP "in residence"
G120 HR All AAUP as of a specified Date (Appears to be current)
G121 HR All AAUP as of a specified Date
G122 HR All employees on "regular" payroll.
ALLEMPCN - More info to come - Count all employees of certain
G123 HR groups/types
G124 HR Average Salary Report
Classified appointments (DU) compared to work test period codes
G125 MH-CL (Audit Report)
Clone d from PD080905…for Police Department Employees on
6/1/2009, originally cloned from UNIQHIST…Review with Jen if this
G126 HR can be cancelled
Creates mailing lists of those employees in the Alternate Retirement
G127 HR Plan.
G128 HR DEGREE - More info to come
G129 HR DEGREES - More info to come
Executive Office Department of Labor Reports per Quarter - run by
EXECUTION BY JEN T. Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept;
Gives salary info on following employees; Law School, UCPEA, NP-
3 and Management Confidential
G130 HR

Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept & also used by Labor
Relations Quarterly. List every Bargaining Unit and give a total Count
of active employees in each; Managerial-002, Confidential-003,
Services-Maintenance-Building Trades & Crafts-006, Administrative
Clerical-007, Protective Services-009, Social & Human Services-
012, Administrative Residual-016, University Faculty-028, University
- Non-Faculty Professional-029, University Exempt-031, University
Law School Faculty-034, Services-Maintenance-Building Trades &
G131 HR Crafts-406, Administrative Clerical-407, Protective Services-409.
Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept;TOTAL EMPLOYEE

Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept;Total employee count

used for monthly DOL reports (executed by Exec Office). Listing;
Select active classified/unclassified employees and summarize by
Unclassified, Classified Full-Time, and Classified Hourly. ‘Co’
column is derived for classified by using Pay Group to differentiate
between the two classified types; then create a grid of counts
summarizing groups down left side and gender across top. Provide
final totals for each column at end of report and totals for each row
on the right. A blank gender is possible and needs to be accounted
G133 HR for in totals. 1 of 2

Executive Office Report for CT Labor Dept;Total employee count

used for monthly DOL reports (executed by Exec Office). Listing;
Select active Graduate Assistants and summarize by this group.
‘Co’ column is UC_GROUP; then create a grid of counts
summarizing this group on the left side and gender across the top.
Provide final totals for each column at end of report and a total of the
group row on the right. A blank gender is possible and needs to be
accounted for in totals.
This data is in the second tab of the Excel workbook. See
G134 HR 2 of 2
G135 HR Extract Student Affairs information for their database
G136 HR FACINFO - More info to come - Report Current Faculty.
G137 HR GENPROFL - More info to come - curent employees
G138 FRS Identifies FRS coding for defined employees
G139 HR List of departments by HR Associate/HR Assistant
G140 HR List of employees with Director in title
G141 HR List of employees and their degrees
G142 HR LISTALL - More info to come- current employees
G143 HR Listing of all regular payroll employees; provided to Health Services
G144 MH-CL
G145 HR Listing of Department phone number for a defined department
G146 HR Lists gender of Department Heads
LSUCFRS2 - More info to come; Employees in certain Union
G147 HR showing funding
LSUCPFRS - More info to come Employees in certain Union
G148 HR showing funding
G149 HR NP-2 data provided to LR for contract negotiations

Part of Vet100 Report for Exec Office - Newly Hired Vets for past
year for Federal Reporting. Columns O,P, Q, and R of the form.
There are several output samples in the P:/ drive for you to use…
Part of Vet100 Report for Exec Office - Totals for min and max
employees for Federal Reporting. Part of Vet100 Report for Exec
G151 HR Office - Totals for min and max employees for Federal Reporting.
PTTITLES - More info to come - Report anyone in a part time job
G152 HR and their title
G153 HR Retirement Forms information for Regular employees
This Rreport is cloned from QCWWTSHC…NP-2 Retro Contract
Settlement…designed to list bargaining unit NP-2 (006/406) that are
effected by the retro contract settlement back to 6/20/2008 data for
HR & Brenda, Jim Hall in Payroll…Includes the TSHC individuals as
G154 HR well.
University Requested Report by School / Staff; also used for
Request for Mansfield Library. Listing; Executive Desc, Unit Desc,
Emp. Name, Emp. Num, Hire Date, Full Ubox, TADDR2, TADDR3,

Report for Audit & Compliance for Dept Head types of titles for the
past 5 years, including salaries & Top History For A Specified Date
For Dean/Dept Heads, into Excel. Lists Empl. #, Empl. Last Name.
Empl. First Name, Dept. Code, Dept. Desc., Affl. Code, Affl. Desc.,
Action Code, Sep. Reason, Sep. Reason Description, Seperation
Date, Action Efftdt, Action Post Date, Class Code, University Title,
Precctitle, State Title, CB Unit, Appt. Type, % Employed, UCONN
G156 HR Hire Date, Campus.

G157 HR Current Emails (you can select areas, etc for listserv creation, etc)
G159 HR Research Assistant & Research Associate Report
G160 HR Subtotals per Title(s)
G161 MH-CL List of Classified employees with defined criteria
ALLEMPC2 - More info to come - group all staff by school (unit) and
G162 HR include counts only by unit
G163 HR ALLFTMGR - More info to come - FT Mgr/Conf and/or Exempt
Hire date information on Grad Assistants...verify if will be covered by
G164 MH-GA #007

G165 MH-CL List of Classified employees with PB, DU or TT appointment types

G166 MH-SP All Special Payroll employees by school.

Analysis Reports for HR / Employment listing; Return Retiree PA's;

FISCAL YEAR – From Expected job end date, if MM/DD greater
than or equal to 0101 and less than or equal to 0822, then Funding
Fiscal Year is Expected Job End Date year -1; else Expected Job
End Date year. From GENESYS calc 1211 lines 912-975.,

Extract of new Special Payroll adjunct faculty to be solicited for

inclusion in ARP. Listing Employee Number, Employee Name, Home
Address 1, Home Address 2, Home City, Home State, Home Zip
Code, Work Address 1, Work Address 2, Work Address 3, Email
Address, HSE Effdt, HSA Enddt, Dept., Retirement Code. In HCM,
there will be a flag to mark if each Adjunct has made the irrevocable
decision NOT to choose ARP. This report will show current Adjuncts
and it will sort by this flag so we can see who to contact and who we
don't have to bother contacting. It will also show any related fields to
G168 HR this flag (date of decision, etc - whatever is in PS).
G169 HR EMLSPECL - More info to come - All special payroll Pas'.
G170 HR SPCLCNT - More info to come
G171 HR SPCLINQY - More info to come
G172 HR SPCLMENU - More info to come
G173 HR SPECIALS - More info to come
G174 HR Document Production Integration / Feed for University Mailings
this report was for employment to encompass all hires and internal
hires for access and RSA merge…lists of all hire type actions in a
G175 HR specified time frame . Personnel Actions History .
Report of Benefits Elections & Retirement Codes/Plans (Current or
G177 BN over time)
Academic employees on DDD list, need to include affiliates & use
HR; whole PS address. List; Employee #, First Name, Last Name,
MH-SP; Precctitle, Dept. Desc., Street Address, City/State/Zip Code & Email
G178 MH-TP Address.
G179 HR List of employees who are on the DDD and ADM listservs
G180 HR List of all employees on the DDD listserv for invite
Provide list serv feed(s) to the central listserve administrator (prior in
interface; tbd method for 9.1); Bruce Eldridge has full inventory to be
G181 HR analyzed for design).
UConn: Human Resources creates reports to show all Hires during
G182 HR specific time periods (External and Internal Hires).
The University is required to provide a dismissal report for Labor
G183 HR/Labor Relations Relations.
The University has a reqirement to track employees transferring in
G184 HR and out of Uconn for data reporting.
The University requires a list of all Uboxes and associated
addresses, building numbers, building name, extension, address
code, truck route number, Ubox, Address 1/streeet, address,
Address 2, city, state, zip code, count. The University requires a list
S16 HR, UConn Mail Unit of all building codes and building descriptions.

S1 MH-SP Extract Special Payroll employees from Name table

Class code table by faculty rank and class code. List Class Code,
University Title, Precctitle (Functional Title), State Title, Count,
Faculty Rank Code.


List of department heads from HCM Department / MUD Table.

Listing; Exec num…ex. #10, Exec Name…ex. “President”, exec
Head Empnum, Name of the exec, head, Search exec Head
empnum, Name of Search exec Head Dept head, Unit num, Unit
name, unit Head Empnum, Name of the unit head, Search unit
Head, empnum, Name of Search unit Head Dept head, Dept num,
Department name, Dpt Head Empnum, Name of the Department
head, Search Head dept empnum,
Name of Search Head Dept head

Print the Department Table showing all levels and names (Exec,
Unit, Dept, SubDept, and all related descriptions); also print all other
S4 HR columns (status, head data, etc).
Complete Class code Table; By HCM State Title/Code, HCM
University Title, HCM (Functional) Job Title with details and Full
Increment $ Amount; OR List active class codes; By HCM State
Title/Code, HCM University Title, HCM (Functional) Job Title with
S5 HR details and full Increment $ Amounts (for only active job codes).
S6 HR Agency Code Table

Class code table by CBU, faculty rank, title and class code.
Listing; CBU, Faculty Rank, Class Code(there are many 9 digit Class
Codes) Precctitle (Functional), University Title, State Title, Classified
Professional Indicator, EEO Cat, Freq. List, Tech Support, Exam
Type, FLSA Code, Count.

S8 HR MUD Table Report by Executive Level (all status indicators)

S9 HR MUD Table Report by Department Number

S10 HR MUDTTEST - More info to come TABLE

S11 HR Ubox
EXTCLSC2 - More info to come - Report people in specific class
S12 HR codes.
EXTCLSCD - More info to come Report people in specific class
S13 HR codes.
List of all Uboxes and associated addresses; Lists EBOX, Building #
Building Name, Ext. Address Code, Truck Rt. #, UBOX,
Address1/street address, Address2, Address3/city, Address4/state,
S14 HR Address 5/zip code, count.

S15 HR List of building codes & Building Descriptions

UConn requires the ability to report all setup/config values that are
used to support their business. This includes Peoplesoft delivered,
State CT custom, and UConn specific (see tab that identifieds
S17 HR modules UConn will utilize that the State may not).
Report any and all compontents of Special Payroll Job,
Compensation, & Person Data, configured elements, including
W HR History
Report any and all compontents of Classified and Unclassified Job,
Compensation, & Person Data, configured elements; including
W HR History
Report any and all compontents of Retiree/Emeritus data; including
Title, Department, and Retirement date (may include Person Profile
W HR items)
Report any and all compontents of Mass Increase History/Audit;
W HR MI including all segments that make up the final increase

Report any and all Length of Service Calculations Audit (Includes

data over time - historical - including: service dates, all audit
information, leave information (short or long term), active/term
status, Union data, Job title, Full Time vs. Part time, FTE, Std Hours
of Job Data and Std Hours of Salary Plan data, and Longevity Pay,
W HR Absence Management data TBD)
Report any and all Absence and Leaves (short and long term from
W HR sources)
Report any and all Benefits LTD (Long Term Disability) & Annual
W HR Census Snapshots/Audit; cannot be affected by retroactivity
Report any and all Data Validation / Edit reports; There are hundreds
today; TBD how many we will need in a new system. These edits
W HR ensure data accuracy.
W HR Report any and all Setup Table(s)
HR Complex: Affirmative Action; both State and Federal reports per
W HR mandate
W HR HR Complex: Estimated Retirement Projections
W HR HR Complex: Vacancy Mgmt Reports
HR Complex: Trends (employment, hires, terms, retirements,
W HR personal/job patterns, etc).
W HR HR General / Ad Hoc Current and/or History Reports as needed
Centralized / DeCentralized / Central
Run with Distribution Applies to Group Criticality (1=High) Complexity H-M-L

Central Run with Distribution Veterans 1 L

Centralized All 2 L

Centralized All Eligible for Retirement 2 L

Centralized All `1 L

Centralized All 3 L

Centralized All 2 L

Centralized All 3 L
Centralized All 3 L

Centralized All 3 L

Centralized All 2 L

Centralized Unclassified 1 H

Centralized Unclassified 1 H

Centralized Unclassified 1 H

Centralized Unclassified 1 H

Unclassified (UC)
Centralized Excluding Post Docs H

Centralized UCPEA 1

Centralized PostDocs) 1
Centralized PostDocs) 1

Unclassified (No
Central Run with Distribution PostDocs) 1

Centralized Classified 1

Unclassified (No
Centralized PostDocs) 1

Centralized UCPEA 1

Centralized AAUP 1

Centralized MgmtConfid 1

Centralized Law School Faculty 1

Centralized UCPEA 1

Centralized AAUP 1

Centralized MgmtConfid 1

Centralized Law School Faculty 1

Centralized PostDocs) 2
Unclassified (No
Decentralized PostDocs) 2

Central Run with Distribution PostDocs) 2

Unclassified (No
Decentralized PostDocs) 2

Unclassified (No
Centralized PostDocs) 2

Centralized UCPEA 2

Centralized Current Employees

Centralized Former Employees

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC
Classified, UCPEA,
Centralized ential

Centralized Unclassified

Decentralized Faculty
Centralized CL/UC 2
Centralized CL/UC 2
Centralized CL/UC 3
Centralized CL/UC 3
Centralized CL/UC 3
Centralized CL/UC 2

Centralized CL/UC 1
Centralized CL/UC 2

Centralized CL/UC 2
Centralized CL/UC 2

Centralized CL/UC 2

Centralized CL/UC 1

Centralized CL/UC 1

Centralized CL/UC 1

Centralized CL/UC 1

Centralized CL/UC 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1
Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN EPM

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN HCM

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1

Centralized CL/UN 1
Centralized CL/UN 1

Current and Former

Centralized Employees 1

Centralized Faculty 1

Centralized Current Employees 1

AAUP Adjunct
Centralized Faculty 1

Centralized 1

Centralized 1

Centralized 1

Centralized 1
Centralized 2
Centralized 2
Centralized 3

AAUP Adjunct
Centralized Faculty

Centralized Former Employees

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized Former Employees

Centralized CL/UC, GA's

Centralized CL/UC, GA's

Centrailized All

Decentralized All but SL/WS

Decentralized All but SL/WS

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized CL/UN

Central Run with Distribution UCPEA 1

Centralized UCPEA 1

Decentralized/Centralized All 1 Security

CL/UC/Special/GA's 1 HR

CL/UC/Special/GA's 1 HR
Location Table-
FGPER802 1

Employee Turnover Analysis (Vacancy


Employee Turnover Analysis (Vacancy


Oracle; can use

denormalized tables 1

Oracle; can use

denormalized tables 1

Oracle; can use

denormalized tables 1

Delivered Tables and

Profiles 1
Delivered Tables and
Profiles 2
Delivered Tables
andProfiles 1

JOB and/or
ABSENCE and/or
T&L 1









changed criticality to
1 as this will cover
UCE_HR_016 which
is priority 1


























Personnel Actions



Centralized All but SL/WS 1

Centralized CL/UC

Centralized All

Centralized Setup



Centralized / Decentralized Special Payroll 1 M

Centralized / Decentralized 1 M

Centralized / Decentralized 1 M

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H

Centralized / Decentralized 1 L
Centralized / Decentralized 1 L

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H
Centralized / Decentralized 1 H
Centralized / Decentralized 1 H

Centralized / Decentralized 1 H
Centralized / Decentralized 1 H
Type of Source (History, Current,
Business Area Business Process Snapshot in Time)

HR HR Compliance Current
HR HR Compensation History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Employment & Turnover History

HR HR Mailing Current

HR Benefits LTD Reporting Snapshot

HR Benefits LTD Reporting Snapshot

HR Benefits LTD Reporting Snapshot

HR Benefits LTD Reporting Snapshot

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Unclassified MI Report
Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL
HR Increase UCPEA MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increases MI Report
Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL
HR Increases MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Unclassified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Classified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Unclassified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase UCPEA MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase AAUP MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Mgmt/Conf MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Law School Faculty MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase UCPEA MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase AAUP MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Mgmt/Conf MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Law School Faculty MI Report
Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL
HR Increases MI Report
Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL
HR Increase Unclassified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increases MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Unclassified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase Unclassified MI Report

Compensation: Mass HISTORICAL

HR Increase UCPEA MI Report

HR Retirement JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR Retirement: Vested Rights JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR Leaves: VSRP JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR Leaves JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR/Payroll Leaves: VSRP JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR/Payoll/T&L Leaves: Medical JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

HR Leaves JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

Provosts Office Sabbatical JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L
JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L
JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L
JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L
JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L
JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

JOB and/or ABSENCE and/or T&L

Service: Longevity; including

HR compensation
Longevity Service, Layoff
Seniority Service, Vacation
Accrual Seniority Service,
General Seniority,
HR Retirement Service

HR Service: Seniority

Service: Longevity; including

HR compensation

Service: Employee
HR Recognition

Benefits: Vested Retirement;
HR Ad Hoc HR reporting

Benefits: Vested Retirement
HR Benefits
HR Service / Job

HR Service

Service: Longevity; including

HR, Payroll compensation

HR Service

HR Service

HR Service

Service: Longevity; including

HR compensation

HR Service

HR Service: Seniority
HR Service: Longevity

HR, Payroll Retirement Health Fund

HR Emeritus

HR Retirements: Estimate

Benefits: Subsidized Health

Payroll for Adjuncts

Retiree / Emeritus

Retiree / Emeritus

Retiree / Emeritus

Retiree / Emeritus
Retiree / Emeritus
Retiree / Emeritus
Retiree / Emeritus

Retirement: AAUP Adjunct

HR Faculty Hiring

HR Retirement Trends History / Trend

HR Affirmative Action Reporting

HR Affirmative Action Reporting

HR Affirmative Action Reporting

HR Affirmative Action Reporting

HR Turnover History / Trend

Benefits: Job Data Hires,

HR Changes, Terms

Benefits: Personal Data

HR (changes)

HR HR/Benefits/Labor Relations

Departments Person/Job/Compensation
(Administrative Reporting:
Superusers) Person/Job/Compensation

HR Person/Job/Compensation

HR Person/Job/Compensation

HR Person/Job/Compensation
HR Person/Job/Compensation

HR Person/Job/Compensation MI HISTORICAL

HR Person/Job/Compensation MI HISTORICAL

HR General HR5

HR General HR5

HR General HR5




Reg, GA's

All populations

Grad Fellows

All populations

Reg Payroll















Historical Reg







Historical Reg

Historical Reg



Historical Reg
Historical Reg





















No File in Focus
No File in Focus
No File in Focus
No File in Focus







Historical SP






Historical Reg




Historical Reg










Historical Reg


Historical Reg

Historical Reg

Historical Reg




















REGPAYANDGAS and Historical Reg??


RegPayandGAs and SPPAYOT4





SPPAYOT4 and Historical SP
SPPAYOT4 or Historical SP
SPPAYOT4 or Historical SP
SPPAYOT4 or Historical SP
SPPAYOT4 or Historical SP
All populations

Personnel Actions History


LISTServ Reports
LISTServ Reports
LiSTServ Reports

LISTServ Reports
Reporting: Historical Reg
HR Person/Job/Compensation
HR Person/Job/Compensation
HR Person/Job/Compensation

HR Reporting: Support Tables

Employees Setup Table Report

Job Code Setup Table Report

Table and
Security Tree
Audit Setup Table Report
Table and
Security Tree
Audit Setup Table Report

Job Code Setup Table Report

Agency Setup Table Report

Job Code Setup Table Report

table Setup Table Report
table Setup Table Report
table Setup Table Report

Location CodeS Setup Table Report

Job Code Setup Table Report

Job Code Setup Table Report

Will need to be a query that

HR will have to write from the
Location Table Location Table
Will need to be a query that
HR will have to write from the
Location Table Location Table

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Snapshot!

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse
HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse

HR Warehouse Reporting Historical / Warehouse
Future Casting – is a function of projecting out the amount of positive time an employee would have accrued as of a future poin

This report should list employee #, employee name, bargaining Unit % employed, Leave reason, Leave start date, leave end da

This report should listemployee name, employee number, department, title, supervisor, total service for employee recognition a

Columns: Emplid, emplRcd, effective date, eff seq, emplgroup, date and time of the action to job(actiondate/time); action and
LOS Leave History for Social Security Number 999-99-9999 -Query for us to select certain unpaid TRC's OR all "Unpaid Leave

This report will list employee name, employee #, effective date of Longevity cycle, authorized/sent date and amount; posted da

Absence Report Statement: Report of Job Data and/or our Buckets and/or our audit file Calculations processed. We will be ab

Report should list employee name, employee #, % employed, title, Uconn hire date, total longevity service, longevity effective d

This report should list; Employee # Employee name, title, bargaining Unit, Payplan, Pay Group, Pay Step, UCONN hire date &
Past efforts have provided solutions using T&L - these employees would code "SL" for Summer Leave, which we would use to

This report should not try to be worked into the Awards report as I need for all employees regardless of total length of service.

HR History Table(s) Report should list; Employee #, Employee name, Bargaing Unit, Class code, Univ. Title, Precctitle, Longevi

HR History Table(s)…report should list; action description, employee #, employee name, title, % employed, Bargaining Unit, Ac

In addition to showing anyone close to 5 or 20 years, these reports will also need to compare current calculation to the previous
Listing, the employees EEO Code, Employee Name, State Title, TSHC Title, Race Code, Race Code Description, TSHC Begin

List, “From Date” entered in for report, “To Date” entered in for report, Employee Type, Campus, EEO Code, Employee Name, S

Listing, the employees EEO Code, Employee Name, State Title, Race Code, Race Code Description, Action Date & Departme

Lists; Title (Univtitle) Type of Exam (Exam_Type) Type of List (Type_FREQLST)

*Benefit here can mean Health, Retirement, Life Insurance, OPEB, Longevity, Seniority, etc.
Note: Post Docs, J1 Visa, F1 Visa, and EAD (underlying J1 or F1) must enroll in an "Ineligible" Plan; require documentation.

*Benefit here can mean Health, Retirement, Life Insurance, OPEB, Longevity, Seniority, etc.
Note: Post Docs, J1 Visa, F1 Visa, and EAD (underlying J1 or F1) must enroll in an "Ineligible" Plan; require documentation.

This is a new requirement from Fit/Gap Sessions

Note: Compensation is critical on many Job reports in that there are multiple components of pay (e.g. stipends, adminstrative s
Note: SL & WS Employment Verifications are supplied by Student Employment.

Note: SL & WS Employment Verifications are supplied by Student Employment.

sted above all leave actions, % employed changes and class code changes should be listed by action effective date.

hDay, effective LOS calc date, posted LOS calc date.

ave code, leave reason, Leave start date, Leave reinstate date, comments & action post date.

#, Job Code, effective longevity cycle date, full longevity increment $ amount, Longevity $ payment, length of service in years, months days.

d date of reclass.

ion for ALL Classified Employees for the prompt date & the prior month vacation accrual seniority. If the prompt date vacation accrual senio
y action effective date.
ment, length of service in years, months days. to track any changes made to an employees longevity service

rity. If the prompt date vacation accrual seniority is between 05 00 00 & 05 00 29 or if the vacation accrual seniority is between 20 00 00 &
ngevity service

ation accrual seniority is between 20 00 00 & 20 00 29. The report should compare all Classified Employees prompt date seniority calculati
ed Employees prompt date seniority calculation to the prior month vacation accrual seniority, for example, if a transfer in showed 4 years at
for example, if a transfer in showed 4 years at point of last vacation accrual seniority calculation then an adjustment was made that increase
n then an adjustment was made that increases that time to 6 years;if the prior months vacation accrual seniority was below 05 00 00 or 20
n accrual seniority was below 05 00 00 or 20 00 00 & the prompt date vacation accrual seniority is over 05 00 00 or 20 00 00 then this emp
ity is over 05 00 00 or 20 00 00 then this employee should show on the report. This report should list; Employee Name, Employee Number,
uld list; Employee Name, Employee Number, Department Name, University Title, Bargaining Unit, Employee UBOX, Normal Hours, Prior M
Unit, Employee UBOX, Normal Hours, Prior Month Total Vacation Accrual Seniority calculation, Total Vacation Accrual Seniority Calculation.
, Total Vacation Accrual Seniority Calculation.
Appendix "B"- For Fit-Gap-Analysis
NOTE: (Selected Finalist Bidders will be required to perform a "Fit-Gap Analysis")
Payroll Reporting
Business Area Description Priority

Note: A lot of these reports are

duplicates of the requirements in
Benefits J1905R01 - Number of Hours worked by Students in calendar year Med the Statement of Work Document
Benefits List of all employees on leave by range of end dates Med
Benefits List of faculty on sabbatical leave by range of end dates Med
Benefits Employee's health benefit enrollment history Med
Benefits Liberty Mutual Reports Med
Dependent census including the plans they are enrolled in & student status
Benefits (monthly); Med
Benefits Leave history from job data (monthly); Med

Benefits Medicare Part D eligibility by age and/or disabled status census (monthly); Med
Employee census including the medical, dental, retirement, and life
Benefits enrollment (quarterly); Med

Confirmation statement specifying the type of change employee requests

Benefits with actual change effective date such as addition/drop (as needed); Med

Benefits Time and Attendance report identifying employees on leave (biweekly) Med

Report on all adds, cancellations, premium reports for Liberty Life

Assurance. For payment of Long Term Disability Insurance Premium.
Benefits SUMMARY Med
HR WTP End Dates for LR
Payroll DEDCD vs Retirement Plan Report Med
Payroll I-9 Verification prior to creating paysheets (who is pending) Med
Payroll J1900R01 - SSN and Employee Number Discrepancy Reports Med
SSN Compare - HCM to Core (duplicates, 999 or 888 numbers,
Payroll mismatches) Med
Payroll J1903R01 - Payroll Control Reports Med
Payroll J1918R05 - Frozen Data Report Med
Payroll Paycheck differences from normal biweekly salary Med
Payroll TOTAL2/TOTAL2HR - Earnings History w/comments Med
AUD2/AUD2HR - This is used by payroll to audit transactions processed for
Payroll a given pay period Med
Salary Control Totals - By employee (old,new,change,minus,cash gross)
Payroll HF,HH Med
Totals Recap - Grand biweekly total paying (baseline + all additional
Payroll earnings) HF,HH Med
Payroll Section Summary Report HK Med

Detail Balancing Report - Adds, Deletes, all current payments (reg &
subsids) - Baseline for next payperiod run on Monday (last of transmission
Payroll day) HK Med
Payroll CORE Dues Report (OLR needs to send to Union Every Month) Med
Payroll J1918R06 - Label Data for New Employees Med

Payroll Daily1B - All transactions posted to job and task profile as of action_dt Med
Letter to departments with listing of employees with approaching end
dates.A modified version of this report is used every pay period by those
Payroll who process front end transactions Med
Payroll Employee Earnings Report Med
Payroll Max Retirement Report (ARP) Med

Technical Specification: Mass Separation Process: Graduate Assistants

Payroll Error Report / Process Log report requirements are not yet identified. Med
Payroll J191xR04 - Produce Listings of Employee Deductions by Vendor Med
All balances for an employee as of the end of the last pay period or an
employee's earning and usage of specific types of leave time. Could be
useful for determining how much sick family or sick child time an employee
Payroll has already reported or for providin Med
Payroll J19nnR02 - Payroll Journal Med
Payroll (CTRL-D) Employee Deduction Not taken Med
Payroll (CTRL-D) Employees w/out RCD number Med
Payroll Audit Pay Company Validation (job code vs. pay group) Med
Payroll Audit FRS out of date range Med

Payroll Audit % Employed cannot fall below 50 except for per diem nurses (HH,HF) Med
Payroll Audit End date required if Empl Class = DU Med
Payroll Audit Tenure Track Positions must have tenure date and status Med
Payroll Audit PA Start/End Date vs. VISA Start/End Med
Payroll Audit All required fields are populated (job, person, task…) Med
Payroll Audit HF,HH FRS Allocation Type = %, TP/SP Allocation Type = $ Med
Payroll Audit Sum of TP/SP FRS $ Allocations must = Stipend Med
Payroll Audit TP/SP less than 50% titles with FTE >= 50% Med
Payroll Audit TP/SP should not be below per credit min Med
Payroll Audit 104/107 Actions require Former State Agency in Person Med
Payroll Audit HH % Employed that exceed Postion FTE Med
Payroll Audit TP/SP Appt Dates fall within semester dates for teaching types Med
Payroll Audit Empl class of "PU" needs WTP & WTP End Date Med
Payroll Audit Non CIT/GC Visa types with missing Expiration Dates Med
Payroll Audit Salary Below Min for level Med

All new employees whose new hire process has been completed in
genesys and who will be required to submit time cards. Used to ensure
appropriate time card approval workflow is incorporated onto the record
and update balances/initial time card. List of employees with no workflow
T&L assigned. Med
T&L J1911R06 - FLSA for Fire and Police Report (Every 4 Weeks) Med
J1912R06 - Match PS Grad Fee Billing data with Genesys, create
T&L transactions. Med
T&L Terminated Employees with active Time Reporter Status row Med
T&L Timecards with Past Sick time specified. Med
T&L List of Employees with Unpaid leave specified on timecard. Med

T&L Day reporters who report both unpaid leave and a holiday in the same cycle med

T&L Payable time summary based on emplid, empl_rcd, PPE, TRC and funding? Med
T&L All Classified Time Cards with Nurse Shift Differential Med
All employees who recorded a code that constitutes no pay, other than
Voluntary Leave. Includes LV (leave without pay) and FML (FMLA, unpaid).
T&L Used to calculate cash gross. Med
All employees who recorded a maternity leave code on their time cards.
Includes MLS (maternity leave using sick), MLP (maternity leave using "as
if accrued" sick), MLB (maternity leave using banked sick), and MLG
(maternity leave using gifted sick). All employees who recorded AL on their
time cards. Used for tracking purposes and appropriate usage. All
employees who recorded JD on their time cards. Used for tracking
purposes because employees are required to submit Jury Duty Certificates
and/or remit payment (when appropriate) whenever this code is used. All
employees who recorded ML on their time cards. Used for tracking
purposes and appropriate usage. All employees who recorded rare or
inappropriate time codes for the situation. Rare codes include EL
(education leave; often mistakenly used for PL or for conferences), WG
(governor granted time off; often confused with WW), and GFH (Good
Friday floating).

T&L Med

All professional timecards with comp time listed. All employees who
recorded VL on their time cards. Used to determine if employees recorded
appropriate hours, based upon their approved voluntary leave schedules,
and for cash gross calculation. All employees who recorded WC on their
time cards. Used for tracking purposes by the Worker's Comp
T&L Administrator Med
T&L Timecards with OT,OnCall/StandyBy or Shift Differential specified. Med
T&L J9212R06 - Obtain Grad Fee Billing data from PS in SSN order. Med
T&L All ARCHIVED Special Payroll Subsidiaries Records Med
T&L All Subsidiaries that are Not Approved Med
T&L All Subsidiaries that are Not Entered or Not Approved Med

All employees who recorded VL, LV, FML, AL, MLS, MLP, MLB, MLG, ML
codes on their time cards. Used to determine if employees recorded
appropriate hours, based upon their approved voluntary leave schedules,
T&L and for cash gross calculation, 30 or 40 days of Med
T&L All Special Payroll Subsidiaries Records Med
Corrected Time Card Submittal Reminder for Time Cards not Originally
T&L Submitted. Med
T&L CTC's (3 lists) Approved, Not Approved & Completed Med

Employees' usage of specific codes over a defined period of time, usage of

general code types over a defined period of time, or all codes used by an
employee over a defined period of time. Sometimes requested by
T&L departments, other agencies, HR, and used Med
T&L List of time code abbreviation descriptions. Med
T&L List of timecards with a status of new or submitted for approval. Med
T&L List of timecards with a status of new. Med
List of All Classified Time Cards with a status of new or submitted for
T&L approval. Med
T&L All Special Payroll Subsidiaries w/payment totals Med

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