Half Yearly 8th Class

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Half yearly exam 2019-2020

Subject- science

MM-80. Class- 8th Time-3hrs

General instructions

All questions are compulsory.

1. Multiple choice questions (5×1=5)

i. Which of the following is a leguminous crop?

a. Rice b. soya bean c. wheat d. maize

ii. Which of the following fungi is used to produce antibiotics?

a. Yeast. b.Agaricus c. Penicillium d. Rhizopus

iii. Which of these is a thermosetting plastic?

a. PVC b. Bakelite c. Polythene d. All of these.

iv. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat ?

a. Iron b. Plastic c. Wood d. Glass.

v. Which part of a cinchona tree gives quinine?

a. Bark b. Seeds c. Fruit d. Leaves.

2.Match the following. (5×1=5)

1. Milky way a. Ductile

2. Monomer b. Pisciculture

3. Silk c. Akash ganga

4. Fish. d. Single unit of long chain

5. Metal. e. Natural fibre

3. Fill in the blanks. (5×1=5)

a. ________ is the biological richness of an ecosystem.
b. Asiatic lion and red panda are the examples of ________.
c. Rusting is an example of corrosion of________.
d. The metal used in a thermometer_________.
e. ________is used to make plumbing pipes.

4. State true or false. (5×1=5)

a) Nylon is obtained from coal and petrol.

b) Bacilli are the sphere shaped bacteria.
c) Lead is used to make paints.
d) Silver is used in thermometers.
e) Golden langoor and kangaroos are example of endemic species.

5. Answer in one word. (5×1=5)

1. The practice of illegal hunting.

2. Known as the red planet.
3. The process of loosening and turning the soil.
4. An instrument that enables us to see microorganism.
5. Comma shaped bacteria.

6. Answer the following. (ANY SIX) (6×2=12)

a. What are weeds?

b. What are micro-organism? Name the different types of microorganism.

c. What are natural fibres?

d. What is the full form of PVC ?state its one use.

e. Which metal is used to make foils for packaging of food explain.

f. What is malleability?

g. Define biodiversity.

h. What is the full form of IUCN? Write its aim.

7. Answer the following. (ANY SIX) (6×3=18)

a. Explain the processes-harvesting ,threshing and winnowing.

b. In what ways is yeast useful to us?
c. Why rayon is called semi synthetic fibre?
d. What are synthetic fibre?
e. Why does silver get tarnished on exposure to air?
f. Discuss the role of red Data book.
g. State some applications of natural satellites.

h.Describe the constellations Ursa major and Ursa minor.

8. Answer the following questions in detail. (ANY 3) (3×5=15)

a. What are communicable disease? list a few ways by which such diseases spread.
b. How is polyester made? State its two characteristics and uses.
c. What do you understand by displacement reaction? give one example.
d. Explain different phases of the Moon with the help of neat diagram.

9. What is solar system?Explain each planets of the solar system.also draw a neat and clean diagram of
solar system. (1×10=10)


Discuss five uses of both metals and nonmetals.

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