I. References From Early Sanskritic Literatures: S. No. Source Nature of Work Any Other Remarks/ Information

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References from Early Sanskritic Literatures:

S. Source Nature of Work Any other r


1. Ṛgveda Agriculture- While agriculture was practiced, it References to

was not yet the basis of the economy and there collective o
is no clear evidence of private ownership of land. abundantly in t

2. Ṛgveda, (RV, VIII. 55.3.) Leather Workers-. Only men were being Sharpely Gen
engaged in leather working. Men being engaged women being i
as leather workers, wheelwrights, smiths and
potter. None of these groups were considered to
be of low status because of their role in Words like carm
manufacturing of Chariots. and the leather

3. Ṛgveda Weaving- Both Men and Women were under the No word for w
control of this work. there any refere
or laborers.

Women seers or ṛṣikās (Gārgī, Maitreyī, Ātreyī,

Viśvavārā, Lopāmudrā Ghoṣa etc.) or authors in
the Ṛgveda.

Women Warriors- We thus hear of Mudgalinī

winning a battle, Viśpalā who lost her leg and
Vadhrimatī who lost her hand in battle.
Vadhrimatī and Śāśīyasī are also mentioned for
their heroism.

4. Vedic Literature Prostitution- One of the oldest Professions in Exlusive Fema

the world.

Terms used for Prostitute- hasrā, agrū,

sādhāraṇī, sāmānyā, puṃścalī, atiskadvarī, Abandoned wi
apaskadvarī and rajayitrī etc. and plundered g
battle multipli
were the only
society who w

Men Slaves are

Women Slaves- References of a gift of 50 dasis more women s
to a priest. Vedic Society
Ṛgveda (RV, VIII.56.3)
considered mor

10, 000 women slaves were gifted by the king of

Anga to his chief priest alongwith cattle, wealth
Aitareya Brahmana, VIII.22. and gold.

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