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DATE Mari Petroleum

4th AUG 2019 Company Limited
Name: Waqar Younis

Department: Petroleum & Gas

Engineering. Submitted To: Awais Abbas

University: BUITEMS, Quetta,


Date Location Work experienced

29-07-2019 laboratory Analyzed the operations of Flash point tester, Gas

Chromatograph, Laboratory oven, Petroleum Distillation
Unit, Centrifuge Machine, Analytical balance, Karl Fischer
Titrator, Salt in Crude Analyzer, Water Bath, microscope,
sonicator, Viscosity Bath , BOD incubator & BOD trek II,
A.A, Spectrophotometer
30-07-2019 HSE workshop Using of Fire Extinguisher
 Pull the pin.
 Aim the hose at the base of the fire.
 Squeeze the lever.
 Sweep the hose from side to side.
 Back away and repeat if the flames flare up.

learned about Classes of fire i.e. (A, B, C) and

the type of fire extinguisher used DCPs, foam & CO2 .
31-07-2019 Services(AC workshop) Understanding the car AC system and components.
Components include;
 Compressor
 Condenser
 Dry filter
 Expansion valve
 Cooling coil.

01-08-2019 Services(Machine workshop) Visited machine workshop and observed the working
principle of Lathe machine where 6 and 10 FEET lathe
machine are available with 13 rpm to 1577 rpm, Grinding
machine, Pressing machine and Drill machine.
i.e Nurling, Grooving, Drilling etc.

02-08-2019 Services(Tyre shop) Vehicles maintenance and up keeping, maintenance and

alignment of tires Etc.

03-07-2019 Services(main office) Sitting with service department in charge and learned
about engines and turbines, Their working principles and
their grades and types.

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