Announcement Short Message Notice

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Shot message – Notice – Announcement

1..Announcement is a short functional text that we use to tell people important and
clear information about certain occasion (event/ programme). The look of the
announcement is usually eye-catching.
• In order to make the readers get information easily, the language of an
announcement is straightforward.
• It is usually short and to the point.
• To attract the readers` attention easily, it is made in eye-catching look. (with
pictures and playful fonts)
For example:
On Branded
Hand bags and Shoes
Discount up to 70%
23rd -24th February
No. 8D 1stfloor
Diana Department Store
(021)7777 654
• What is it about? It is about a sales programme. Stock clearance means the
department store is selling old stocks at cheaper price. The discount is up to seventy
• What are on sale? Hand bags and shoes with famous brands.
• When is the sale? 23rd -24th February
• Where is the sale? Diana Department Store, 1st floor, store number 8D

2. Notice is a type of short functional text containing information or instruction. It is

usually written on a large board or a piece of paper, so people can still clearly see it
from a distance.
• Notice does not use a complete sentence, it usually starts with an infinitive verb
without a subject. For example, a notice saying:
• It may contain some warning for people to not do something.
For example, a notice saying: NO LITTERING!
• It may also contain some caution/warning for people. If people ignore the caution, it
may cause injury or incident.
For example, a notice saying: NO CHILDREN UNDER 10!
• It may contain some instruction for people to do something appropriately.
For example, a notice saying: HANDLE WITH CARE!
3. Short message is a type of functional text we use to send important messages to
other people. In making a short message, there are things you need to remember,
they are:
• You have to state clearly the addressee (someone you write a short message for).
• You use direct language.
• Do not forget to write all important points you want to tell to the addressee.

For example:
Mom, sorry. Forget to tell you. Football practice after school today. Will be finish at 3.
Could you please pick me up at 4. Thank you, Mom. Andy

In the example above, the writer mentions the addressee clearly (his mom). He also
uses very straight forward language. He does not write any unimportant chit-chat in
the message. He writes some important points to his mom (he has football practice,
time the practice ends, and time he wants his mom comes).

There will be a camping trip next month. All scouts must join the activity. It will be at Ranca
Upas camping site.
The activity will last for three days. For further information, please contact Mr Agung.
Bandung, 17 march 2017
The chief of scout organisation
1. What is it about?
2. Where will the activity be held?
3. How long will it take?
4. Who must join the activity?
Short message
From Kayla
Dear Mom,
It is really urgent. I lost my wallet and my phone.
Please pick me up at school at 2 PM. I have an English course at 3. Please don’t be late.
1. What happened to Kayla?
2. Who is the message for?
3. What time did Kayla have an English class?

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