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Shadow Spirit/Fire Spirit Spectre

Abilities (focus)
2 Accuracy (Brawling)
1 Communication
2 Constitution
4 Dexterity (Stealth)
1 Fighting (Claw)
2 Intelligence
2 Perception
0 Strenght
4 Willpower (Self Discipline)

Combat Ratings

Speed Health Defence Armor Rating

35 Fly 35 14 0

Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Chilling touch (Ice/Fire) +4 (2d6+4)/2

Special Qualities
Shadow Dagger, Shadow slip, shadow embrace (p.75) for the shadow spirit

Arcene Lantern, Flame blast, Burning shield (p.71) for the fire spirit

Stunts: Dual strike, pierce armor

Power: shadow power/fire power

Spellpower: 14 Magic point: illimitate.

Threat: moderate

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