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The six leadership approaches

Experts have identified six key approaches to effective leadership 1.

Leadership Description When to use it Drawbacks

Affiliative Establishes positive In times of stress, as part of Can encourage mediocre
relationships and works to a healing process, to build behavior if negative
create strong emotional or rebuild trust, when behaviors or poor
bonds with employees; bringing in new staff or performance is ignored;
creates a sense of building a new team best when used in addition
ownership and belonging in to other approaches
the business
Visionary Fosters trust and respect When staff are already Does not work well if the
by bringing the employees skilled and don’t require employees are more skilled
together toward a common much guidance and when or knowledgeable than the
vision and a focus on the the staff need a new vision leader about the specific
end goal; aligns and area
motivates employees, and
allows them to drive work
forward independently

Coaching Focuses on mentoring his When the leader is Can take more time, does
or her employees and experienced and the staff not work if the leader
building their strengths and need to build their knows less than the
skills knowledge and skills; when employee, depends on the
employees are aware of willingness of employees to
weaknesses and receptive change or learn and to
to suggestions cooperate with the leader
Directive Takes charge and tells In times of crisis, when If overused, can be
employees what they must there is little time to act overbearing and cause
do to address the challenge employees to feel resentful
or opportunity and can reduce motivation
Collaborative Involves the staff in To get input from Doesn’t work well in times
contributing to the employees, when of immediate crisis, can
decision-making process employee buy-in is needed, take more time, depends
when there is time on how well informed the
employees are, sometimes
results in more talk than
Pacesetting Sets high performance When the staff is highly Can overwhelm employees
standards and leads by motivated and skilled; and suppress innovation
example when there is a tight

The six leadership approaches

Used at the right time, each of these approaches can contribute to the success of the business and create a climate where
employees feel responsible to the organization and committed to a common purpose.

A good leader is flexible and adapts his or her leadership approach to the situation at hand. There are times when employees
need encouragement and praise, and there are times when they need to be coached or guided to a new vision. There are
situations when it’s a good idea to gather input from the staff, but there are also times when employees need to be told
exactly what to do.

Every entrepreneur is likely to be faced with a variety of challenges and opportunities as his or her business grows.
Understanding different leadership approaches and when each approach is most likely to be effective will help you to

Think about the leadership approaches you have used in your business. Are there some approaches that you use more than
others? What approaches do you want to work on?

Source: R00204, Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review, 78(2).

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