Tips On Memory Training PDF

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My name is Ron White and I am a 2 Time USA Memory Champion. I held the record for the
fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the USA for 2 years and the most digits memorized in 5
minutes in the USA at 167 consecutive digits.

You may have seen me on the National Geographic show Brain Games or another show.

A lot of people think I can do these demonstrations of memory because I have a special gift or
unique ability the average person doesn’t have.

This isn’t true.

I’m a normal average guy when it come to memory. As a matter of fact, sometimes I feel like my
naturally memory is actually poor. I often feel like my natural memory is below average.

Think about what I just said and noticed the words I used.

My NATURAL memory is average. However, my TRAINED memory is incredibly good. As a

matter fact better than 99.5% of most people.

Who are the other .5%?

These are people who have also trained their memory.

There is no such thing as a bad memory. Only an untrained one. (Unless you have dementia or
similar disease)

In this guide I will share with you the secrets I learned about memory and I hope they help you
and you take action to create a memory beyond your wildest imagination!

To your success,

Ron White
2 TIme USA Memory Champion
3 Secrets I Learned to Improving Memory

#1 You don’t have to be born a genius to
improve your memory. Remember it is about
TRAINING not a natural ability.
Think about this.

Have you ever gone to a friend’s home and when you walked in the door you took off your
jacket and set it in a chair?

Then 4 hours later when leaving the home you walked straight back to that chair and picked up
your jacket.


You didn’t panic.

You didn’t stress wondering where the jacket was. You went straight to it.


Because the chair held the jacket for you.

Your memory works the same way. What if you took off your jacket and set it in the chair, took
off your hat and put it on the tv, your keys and put them on the table and so on.

Then 4 hours later if I quizzed you and said, ‘What did you put in the chair? On the tv? On the

Of course you could.

The only caveat would be if you were paying attention when you put them down. (Which is why
you forget where your keys are. Not paying attention)


Because these pieces of furniture held the data in your mind.

Now, here is where it gets CRAZY cool.

What if you pre numbered items in our homes.

#1 Is front door

#2 is table 

#3 is lamp

#4. is tv and so on (everyone’s would be different) and then when you want to memorize data
you visualize it in these spots.
You don’t have to be a genius to do this. This is what is known as the Mind Palace method. This
is what I used to set the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the USA. I used it
to become a 2 Time USA Memory Champion.

As long as I can create an image for what I want to recall (There is a method to do this and you
have to do it right) and visualize it on a location I can memorize tons of data. I actually used it in
2012 to memorize 7,000 words in sequence. No joke.

You don’t have to be a genius to do this.

Anyone can do it.

#2 It’s so easy a 6 year old could do it

A few years ago, a 6 year old girl wanted to memorize the presidents of the USA.

Weeks prior I had taught her 10 year old brother how to do it and after he successfully
memorized the presidents (44 at the time) I rewarded him with a video game.

The 6 year old wanted something of her own. So she memorized the presidents as well.

Not over 2 months, 2 weeks or even 2 days!

We did this one night after dinner.

It was one of the most inspiring things I had ever seen. Watching this 6 year old memorize using
the Mind Palace method.

I walked her around her house and using the system I teach we selected items in each room
and then created images for each presidents.

For example:

Washington = washing machine

Adams = a dam
Jefferson = chef in the sun

Then we together imagined these images around the house. For example, Jefferson is the 3rd
president so we imagened the image a ‘chef in the sun’ on the 3rd piece of furniture.

Then this 6 year old little girl ran through the house and said all 44 presidents. It was one of the
most inspiring thing I have ever seen.
Now here is the thing. There is a right way and a wrong way to select the furniture items. There
is a right way and a wrong way to create the images.

But it isn’t tough. As a matter of fact, it’s so easy a 6 year old can do it.

#3 It only takes 10 minutes a day (or less)

A big misconception about improving your memory is that it takes a lot of time.

This is not true.

The truth is you can improve your memory in as little as 10 minutes a day.

What does that 10 minutes per day need to consist of?

That really depends on your memory goals. If you are just wanting a quick, healthy and fresh
brain then things like good nutrition and exercise are really going to help you. That’s just daily
life stuff.

If you are wanting to get good at remembering names then you are going to need to create
images for common names. You can do this in your every day life as you meet people. There is
a right way and wrong way to do this but once you learn the rules it’s pretty easy.

if you are wanting to get good at remembering numbers then you would do the same. Every
time you see a number create an image for it.

Personally I have a system where I’ve assigned every digit a sound and then when I see
numbers I’m seeing words.

Another simple way to do this would be to assign #1 tree because a 1 looks like a tree, assign
the #2 to a light switch because 2 options (on and off). You get the idea.

Bottom line you need to create images for numbers.

Then I give myself goals.

Maybe I want to remember sports stats or quotes. And little by little as I am driving, riding or
waiting in line I can be working on my memory training goals.

If you just worked 10 minutes per day building your Mind Palace or creating images for name/
numbers/etc or working on a goal there is no reason you can’t develop a literally world class

My hope of you
My hope for you is that you get serious about improving your memory.
There is no such thing as a poor memory. There are only untrained memories.

Your memory is beyond your wildest imagination if you just take the time to train it.

Invest in yourself and invest in YOU with a memory training course.


You could go out there and try to google around and search out every article or PDF written on
memory or you could go to a trusted memory expert and get their course. Why? Because
they’ve taken the time to put it all in 1 place for you. They’ve taken the time to put the best of the
best in one spot so you don’t have to spend literally years trying to learn the material.

I spent literally 25 years learning all I know about memory and the 3 secrets above are HUGE.

But I don’t want you to have to spend 25 year. You could literally in a few days learn everything
that I think is the best of the best about memory in my Black Belt Memory course.

I genuinely believe it is the best memory course on the market.

I hope you give it a try.

When someone takes my Black Belt Memory course they earn belts (like in karate) and then
when they watch the final video and take the final quiz they earn the prestigious Black Belt in

It’s pretty awesome and then they get a certificate like the one below.

I look forward to the day that you can trust your memory. That you are no longer stressed about
your memory and you have the quick, sharp and healthy brain that you have always wanted.

1. You don’t have to be a genius
2. It's so easy a 6 year old could do it
3. It only takes 10 minutes a day to develop a world class memory

Very soon you could have a Black Belt in Memory and literally be memorizing numbers, facts,
poems, details, quotes, speeches, books, data, languages, formulas and everything else.

See you in the course. Get it at

Talk soon,

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