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APRIL 2012 51102/SBARA

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

1. Define simple harmonic motion.

^›ø\ C¯UP® GߣuøÚ Áøµ¯Ö.

2. The fundamental frequency of a wire stretched

under a tension is 256 Hz. What will be its
frequency when the tension is doubled?
SÔ¨¤mh CÊÂø\¯õÀ }mh¨£mh P®¤°ß
Ai¨£øh AvºÄ Gs 256 Hz. CÊÂø\
C¸©h[PõP E¯¸® ÷£õx, P®¤°ß AvºÄ Gs

3. How echoes are avoided in an auditorium?

Pø»¯µ[P® JßÔÀ Gvöµõ¼PÒ GÆÁõÖ

4. What is a neutral layer in a bent beam?

ÁøÍUP¨£mh \mhzvÀ \©{ø» Aa_ Gߣx ¯õx?

5. What is a lubricant? State its uses.

E¯Äö£õ¸Ò Gߣx ¯õx? Auß £¯ßPøÍ TÖ.
6. State the second law of thermodynamics.
öÁ¨£ C¯UP¯¼ß CµshõÁx Âvø¯ TÖ.

7. What is Joule-Kelvin effect?

áüÀ&öPÀÂß ÂøÍÄ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

8. How does the entropy of a substance change

during an irreversible process?
v¸¨¦Óõ •øÓ°ß ÷£õx J¸ ö£õ¸Îß Gßm÷µõ¤
GÆÁõÖ ©õÖ£k®?

9. What is power factor in an a.c. circuit?

J¸ a.c.— ªß_ØÔß vÓß Põµo GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

10. What is R.M.S. value of an alternating current?

©õÖvø\ ªß÷Úõmhzvß R.M.S. ©v¨¦ Gߣx

11. What is the limiting angle of a prism for

emergence of a light ray?
•¨£mhPzvß J¸ £UPzvÀ ÂÊ® JÎUPvº
©Ö£UPzvÀ öÁÎ÷¯Ó, •¨£mhPzvß Áµ®¦U
÷Põn® GßÚ?

12. What is spherical aberration in lenses?

ÂÀø»PÎÀ HØ£k® ÷PõÍ ¤ÓÌa] GßÓõÀ GßÚ?
2 51102/SBARA
SECTION B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

13. Explain the working of a Melde’s string arranged

in transverse mode.

SÖUS AvºÄ •øÓ°À øÁUP¨£mkÒÍ ö©Àjì

E£Pµnzvß ö\¯À£õmøh ÂÁ›.

14. Derive an expression for the excess of pressure

inside a spherical liquid drop.

÷PõÍ ÁiÂÀ C¸US® J¸ vµÁ x롧 EÒ÷Í

ö\¯À£k® E£› AÊzuzvØPõÚ ÷PõøÁø¯ u¸Â.

15. Describe the stokes’ method to determine the

viscosity of a highly viscous liquid.

E¯º £õS{ø» vµÁzvß £õQ¯À Gsøn, ì÷hõU

•øÓ°À Põs£uØPõÚ £›÷\õuøÚø¯ ÂÁ›.

16. Explain how very low temperatures are attained

by adiabatic demagnetisation.

öÁ¨£ ©õØÕhØÓ Põ¢u}UP •øÓ°À GÆÁõÖ ªP

SøÓ¢u öÁ¨£{ø»ø¯ Gmh»õ® GÚ ÂÁ›.

3 51102/SBARA
17. A circular coil of 120 turns has a diameter of
36 cm and carries a current of 3 amp. Calculate
the magnetic field at a point on the axis of the coil
at a distance of 18 cm from the centre.
36 ö\.«. Âmh•® 120 _ØÖPÒ öPõsh J¸
Ámh©õÚ P®¤a _¸Îß ÁȯõP 3 amp
ªß÷Úõmh® £õ´QÓx. _¸Îß •UQ¯ Aa]À,
ø©¯zv¼¸¢x 18 ö\.«. yµzvÀ EÒÍ ¦ÒΰÀ
EshõS® Põ¢u ¦»zvøÚ PnUQkP.

18. Explain the construction and working of a direct

vision spectroscope with a diagram.
÷|ºUPõm] {Ó©õø»©õÛ°ß Aø©¨ø£²® Ax
÷Áø» ö\´²® Âuzøu²® ÂÁ›.

19. Describe an experiment to determine the

refractive index of a liquid using a microscope.
~s÷nõUQø¯ £¯ß£kzv J¸ vµÁzvß
JλPÀ Gsøn Põs£uØPõÚ £›÷\õuøÚø¯

SECTION C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.

20. Derive an expression for the resultant motion of a

particle subjected to two simple harmonic motions
of same period at right angles. Discuss some
special cases.

4 51102/SBARA
J÷µ Aø»Ä ÷|µ® öPõsh C¸ ^›ø\ C¯UP[PÒ
JßÖUöPõßÖ ö\[SzuõP J¸ xPÎß «x
ö\¯À£k® ÷£õx ÂøͲ® öuõS£¯ß
C¯UPzvØPõÚ ÷PõøÁø¯ u¸Â. J¸ ]» ]Ó¨¦
÷uºÄPøͲ® ÂÁõv.

21. Describe an experiment to determine the rigidity

modulus of a metal rod by static torsion method.
{ø» •ÖUS •øÓ°À J¸ E÷»õP usiß
ÂøÓ¨¦U SnPzøu Põs£uØPõÚ ö\´•øÓø¯

22. (a) Explain the liquefaction of air by Linde

(b) Explain the properties of liquid Helium I and
(A) PõØøÓ vµÁ©õUS® ¼s÷h •øÓø¯ ÂÍUSP.
(B) O® I ©ØÖ® O® II vµÁ[PÎß
£s¦PøÍ ÂÁ›.

23. (a) Derive an expression for the energy of a

charged capacitor.
(b) Derive an expression for the loss of energy
when two capacitors share their charges.

5 51102/SBARA
(A) ªßÞmh® ö£ØÓ ªß÷uUQ°ß BØÓ¾UPõÚ
÷PõøÁø¯ u¸Â.
(B) C¸ ªß÷uUQPÒ u[PÒ ªßÞmh[PøÍ
£Qº¢x öPõÒЮ ÷£õx HØ£k® BØÓÀ
CǨ¦UPõÚ ÷PõøÁø¯ u¸Â.

24. (a) Explain the construction and working of a

constant deviation prism with a diagram.
(b) Explain how two thin prisms can be combined
to produce deviation without dispersion.
(A) ©õÓõ »UP •¨£mhPzvß Aø©¨ø£²® Ax
ö\¯À£k® Âuzøu²® £hzxhß ÂÍUSP.
(B) C¸ ö©À¼¯ •¨£mhP[PøÍ Cønzx
GÆÁõÖ {Ó¨¤›øP AØÓ Â»UPzøu


6 51102/SBARA

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