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Microwave Communication - Section 1

1. The velocity factor of a transmission line depends on

A. temperature
B. skin effect
C. relative permittivity of dielectric
D.none of the above

Answer: Option C


∈r of a dielectric changes with humidity.

2. A loss less line of characteristic impedance Z0 is terminated in pure reactance of -
jZ0 value. VSWR is
A. 10
B. 2
C. 1

Answer: Option D


A pure reactance does not absorb any power.

Therefore VSWR is infinite because |rv| = 1.

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3. In a klystron amplifier the input cavity is called

A. buncher
B. catcher
C. Pierce gun

Answer: Option A


A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for generation/amplification of microwaves.

An electron beam is produced by oxide coated indirectly heated cathode and is

focussed and accelerated by focussing electrode.
This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The input cavity where the beam
enters the glass ss tube is called buncher.

4. In a circular waveguide the dominant mode is

A. TE01
B. TE11
C. TE20

Answer: Option B


Some applications require dual polarization capability. Circular waveguide has

this capability.

These analysis uses cylindrical coordinates.

In circular waveguide TE11 mode has the lowest cut off frequency and is the
dominant mode.

If D is diameter of waveguide

λc = 1.706 D for TE11 mode

λc = 1.029 D for TE21 mode

λc = 0.82 D for TE01 mode

λc = 1.306 D for TM01 mode.

6. Microwave resonators are used in

A. microwave oscillators
B. microwave narrow band amplifier
C. microwave frequency metres
D.all of the above

Answer: Option D

They are used in all the devices.

7. Assertion (A): TWT uses a focussing mechanism to prevent the electron beam
from spreading.

Reason (R): In a TWT the electron beam has to travel a much longer distance
than in klystron.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct

Answer: Option A


In a klystron the resonant structure limits the bandwidth.

A TWT is a broadband device. Its main components are electron gun (to
produce the electron beam) and a structure supporting the slow
electromagnetic wave.

The velocity of wave propagation along the helix structure is less than velocity
of light.

The beam and wave travel along the structure at the same speed.

Thus interaction occurs between beam and wave and the beam delivers energy
to the RF wave.

Therefore the signal gets strengthened and amplified output is delivered at the
other end of tube.

The main features of TWT are :

1. Frequency range - 0.5 GHz to 90 GHz

2. Power output - 5 mW at low frequencies(less than 20 GHz) 250 kW

(continuous wave) at 3 GHz 10 MW (pulsed) at 3 GHz

3. Efficiency - about 5 to 20%

4. Noise - about 5 dB for low power TWT 25 dB for high power TWT
8. In a TWT the amplitude of resultant wave travelling down the helix
A. increases exponentially
B. increases linearly
C. decreases exponentially almost constant

Answer: Option A


In a klystron the resonant structure limits the bandwidth.

A TWT is a broadband device. Its main components are electron gun (to
produce the electron beam) and a structure supporting the slow
electromagnetic wave.

The velocity of wave propagation along the helix structure is less than velocity
of light.

The beam and wave travel along the structure at the same speed.

Thus interaction occurs between beam and wave and the beam delivers energy
to the RF wave.

Therefore the signal gets strengthened and amplified output is delivered at the
other end of tube.

The main features of TWT are :

1. Frequency range - 0.5 GHz to 90 GHz

2. Power output - 5 mW at low frequencies(less than 20 GHz) 250 kW

(continuous wave) at 3 GHz 10 MW (pulsed) at 3 GHz

3. Efficiency - about 5 to 20%

4. Noise - about 5 dB for low power TWT 25 dB for high power TWT

TWT is used as RF amplifier in broadband microwave receivers, repeater

amplifier in broad band communication systems, communication satellites etc.

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9. Which of the following is not a travelling wave?

A. e = Em sin (βx - ωt)
B. e = Em cos (βx - ωt)
C. e = Em sin (ωt - βx)
D.e = Em sin (βx)

Answer: Option D


n a travelling wave both x and t increase simultaneously so that a constant

phase point moves in the direction of positive (or negative) x.

10. Both Impatt and Trapatt devices use avalanche effect


Answer: Option A


An Impatt diode has n+ - p - i - p + structure and is used with reverse bias.

It exhibits negative resistance and operates on the principle of avalanche


Impatt diode circuits are classified as broadly tunable circuit, low Q circuit
and high Q circuit.

The impedance of Impatt diode is a few ohms. The word Impatt stands for
Impact Avalanche Transit Time diode.

The features of Impatt diode oscillator are : frequency 1 to 300 GHz, Power
output (0.5 W to 5 W for single diode circuit and upto 40 W for combination
of several diodes), efficiency about 20%.

Its applications include police radar systems, low power microwave

transmitter etc.

Avalanche diode can also be operated in large signal high efficiency mode
called Trapped Avalanche Transit Time mode.

The Trapatt oscillations depend on the delay in the current caused by

avalanche process.

The avalanche delay makes it possible to increase the diode voltage well
above the breakdown voltage.
Therefore a very rapid multiplication of charge carriers occurs. A Trapatt
diode is also a negative resistance device.

The features of Trapatt diode oscillator are : Frequency 3 to 50 GHz, Power

output 1-3 W, efficient
11. In a directional coupler
A. isolation (dB) equals coupling plus directivity
B. coupling (dB) equals isolation plus directivity
C. directivity (dB) equals isolation plus coupling
D.isolation (dB) equals (coupling) (directivity)

Answer: Option A


Isolation equals coupling plus directivity.

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12. As the frequency is increased, the charging MVAR in a cable

A. decreases
B. increases
C. remain the same
D.decreases or remains the scheme

Answer: Option B


Charging current and MVAR are proportional to frequency.

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13. Loss angle of a good quality cable is about

A. 1°
B. 30°
C. 70°

Answer: Option A


For ideal dielectric loss angle is zero. For good quality cables, loss angle is
very small, about 1° only.

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14. In a three cavity klystron amplifier, the oscillations are excited in

A. input cavity
B. output cavity
C. intermediate cavity
D.both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C


A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for generation/amplification of


An electron beam is produced by oxide coated indirectly heated cathode and

is focussed and accelerated by focussing electrode.

This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The input cavity where the
beam enters the glass tube is called buncher.

As electrons move ahead they see an accelerating field for half cycle and
retarding field for the other half cycle.

Therefore, some electrons are accelerated and some are retarded. This
process is called velocity modulation.

The velocity modulation causes bunching of electrons. This bunching effect

converts velocity modulation into density modulation of beam.

The input is fed at buncher cavity and output is taken at catcher cavity.

In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher cavity are used. In multi
cavity klystron one or more intermediate cavities are also used.

The features of a multicavity klystron are :

1. Frequency range - 0.25 GHz to 100 GHz

2. Power output - 10 kW to several hundred kW

3. Power gain - 60 dB (nominal value)

4. Efficiency - about 40%.

A multicavity klystron is used in UHF TV transmitters, Radar transmitter

and satellite communication.

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1. The directivity in a receiving antenna

1. increases the intercept area in forward direction

2. reduces the noise picked up from other sources
3. provides a means of discriminating against undesired signals originating
in directions other than in which the desired transmitter lies.

Which of the above statements are correct?

A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D.2 and 3 only

Answer: Option C


All the three are correct

2. Assertion (A): PIN diode can be used as attenuator and limiter.

Reason (R): PIN diode has a thin intrinsic layer.

A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct

Answer: Option B


A PIN diode has an intrinsic (i) layer between p and n layers. When reverse
bias is applied depletion layers are formed at p-i and i-n junctions.

The effective/width of depletion layer increases by the width of i layer. It can be

used as a voltage controlled attenuator.
At high frequencies the rectification effect ceases and impedance of diode is
effectively that of i layer.

This impedance varies with the applied bias. It is used in high frequency
switching circuits, limiters, modulators etc
3. The bunching action which occurs in multicavity klystron amplifier can be
represented by Applegate diagram

Answer: Option A


A Klystron is a vacuum tube used for generation/amplification of microwaves.

An electron beam is produced by oxide coated indirectly heated cathode and is

focussed and accelerated by focussing electrode.

This beam is transmitted through a glass tube. The input cavity where the
beam enters the glass tube is called buncher.

As electrons move ahead they see an accelerating field for half cycle and
retarding field for the other half cycle.

Therefore, some electrons are accelerated and some are retarded. This process
is called velocity modulation.

The velocity modulation causes bunching of electrons. This bunching effect

converts velocity modulation into density modulation of beam.

The input is fed at buncher cavity and output is taken at catcher cavity.

In a two cavity klystron only buncher and catcher cavity are used. In multi
cavity klystron one or more intermediate cavities are also used.

The features of a multicavity klystron are :

4. The cut off wavelength in circular waveguide
A. guide diameter
B. square of guide diameter
C. cube of guide diameter
D.square root of guide diameter

Answer: Option A

Some applications require dual polarization capability. Circular waveguide has

this capability.

These analysis uses cylindrical coordinates.

In circular waveguide TE11 mode has the lowest cut off frequency and is the
dominant mode.

If D is diameter of waveguide

λc = 1.706 D for TE11 mode

λc = 1.029 D for TE21 mode

λc = 0.82 D for TE01 mode

λc = 1.306 D for TM01 mode.

6 Consider the following statements

1. Impedance of Gunn diode is about tens of ohms.

2. Impedance of Impatt diode is a few ohms.
3. Impedance of Impatt diode are of the same order.
4. Impedance of Impatt diode is more than that of Gunn diode.

Which of the above statement are correct?

A. all
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1, 2 and 3
D.1, 2 and 4
Answer: Option B
A Gunn diode uses GaAs which has a negative differential mobility, i.e., a
decrease in carrier velocity with increase in electric field.
This effects is called transferred electron effect. The impedance of a Gunn diode is
tens of ohms.
A Gunn diode oscillator has a resonant cavity, an arrangement to couple Gunn
diode to cavity, biasing arrangement for Gunn diode and arrangement to couple
RF power to load.
Applications of Gunn diode oscillator include continuous wave radar, pulsed
radar and microwave receivers.
An Impatt diode has n+ - p - i - p + structure and is used with reverse bias.
It exhibits negative resistance and operates on the principle of avalanche
breakdown. Impatt diode circuits are classified as broadly tunable circuit, low Q
circuit and high Q circuit.
The impedance of Impatt diode is a few ohms. The word Impatt stands for Impact
Avalanche Transit Time diode.
The features of Impatt diode oscillator are : Frequency 1 to 300 GHz, Power
output (0.5 W to 5 W for single diode circuit and upto 40 W for combination of
several diodes), efficiency about 20%.
Its applications include police radar systems, low power microwave transmitter

In high frequency circuits impedance matching can be done by

1. open circuited stubs

2. short circuited stubs

3. transformer

Which of the above correct?

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D.2 and 3 only
Answer: Option A
All the three can be used for impedance matching in high frequency circuits.
8. The directive gain of a transmitting antenna is proportional to
A. its cross-sectional area
B. square of cross-sectional area
C. square root of cross-sectional area
D.cube root of cross-sectional area

Answer: Option A


and is thus proportional to cross sectional area.

9. In a loss line RL < Z0, then

A. Reflection coefficient is zero

B. Reflection coefficient is ∞

C. Reflection coefficient is negative

D.Reflection coefficient is positive

Answer: Option C


Since RL < Z0, rv is negative.

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10. Assertion (A): A backward wave oscillator can be used as a sweep generator.

Reason (R): The frequency of oscillation of a backward wave oscillator can be

changed by varying the voltage which controls the beam velocity.

A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A

C. A is correct but R is wrong

D.A is wrong but R is correct

Answer: Option A


It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver microwave power over a wide
frequency band.

It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However the interaction between
electron beam and RF wave is different than in TWT.

The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to the electron beam.

The frequency of wave can be changed by changing the voltage which controls
the beam velocity.

Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be decreased continuously to zero by

changing the beam current.

It features are:
1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz.

2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous wave) 250kW (pulsed).

It is used as signal source in transmitters and instruments.

1. If a line having Z0 = 300 ∠ 0 W is open circuited at far end, VSWR is

A. 0
B. 1
C. ∞

Answer: Option C


If line is o.c. |rv| = 1 and VSWR = ∞.

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12. If f is the frequency of electromagnetic wave, fc is cutoff frequency, then in a

rectangular waveguide
A. attenuation is low when f > fc
B. attenuation is low when f < fc
C. attenuation is high when f < fc
D.either (b) or (c)

Answer: Option A


Wavelength should be less than cutoff wavelengths.

Therefore frequency should be higher than cutoff frequency for minimum


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13. Assertion (A): The condition of minimum distortion in a transmission line is L

= RC/G.

Reason (R): Line loading means addition of inductance to satisfy the condition
L = RC/G.
A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is correct but R is wrong
D.A is wrong but R is correct

Answer: Option B


Oscillator circuits using vacuum tubes (triodes, pentodes) have the following
limitations at very high frequencies (microwave region).

The stray capacitances and inductances become important and affect the
operation of the circuit.

At low frequencies the transit time between cathode and anode is a small
fraction of period of oscillation.

However, at microwave frequencies this transit time becomes comparable to

time period of oscillations.

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14. A magnetron has a cylindrical cathode surrounded by an anode structure having

cavities opening into interaction space by means of slots

Answer: Option A


It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver microwave power over a wide
frequency band.

It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However the interaction between
electron beam and RF wave is different than in TWT.

The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to the electron beam.

The frequency of wave can be changed by changing the voltage which controls
the beam velocity.

Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be decreased continuously to zero by

changing the beam current.
It features are:

1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz.

2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous wave) 250kW (pulsed).

It is used as signal source in transmitters and instruments.

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15. The correct sequence of parts in klystron amplifier are

A. anode, catcher cavity, cathode, buncher cavity
B. cathode, buncher cavity, catcher cavity, cavity
C. anode, buncher cavity, catcher cavity, cathode
D.cathode, catcher cavity, anode, buncher cavity

Answer: Option B


Cathode is the first part and anode is the last.

2. For attenuation of high frequencies we should use
A.shunt capacitance
B. series capacitance
C. inductance

Answer: Option A


Since Xc for high frequencies is low, the high frequencies are shunted to ground and are not
Communication Systems - Section 1

1. A cordless telephone using separate frequencies for transmission in base and

portable units is known as

A. duplex arrangement

B. half duplex arrangement

C. either (a) or (b)

D.neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option A


Separate frequencies for transmission from base and portable units allows two
way transmission and is called duplex arrangement.

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2. For attenuation of high frequencies we should use

A. shunt capacitance

B. series capacitance

C. inductance


Answer: Option A


Since Xc for high frequencies is low, the high frequencies are shunted to ground
and are not transmitted.

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3. A modem is classified as low speed if data rate handled is

A. upto 100 bps

B. upto 250 bps

C. upto 400 bps

D.upto 600 bps

Answer: Option D


When data rate in bits per second is upto 600, modem is low speed.

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4. VSB modulation is preferred in TV because

A. it reduces the bandwidth requirement to half

B. it avoids phase distortion at low frequencies

C. it results in better reception

D.none of the above

Answer: Option A


VSB (vestigial side band) transmission transmits one side band fully and the
other side band partially thus, reducing the bandwidth requirement.

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5. A woofer should be fed from the input through a

A. low pass filter

B. high pass filter

C. band pass filter stop filter

Answer: Option A


Woofer is a low frequency loud speaker covering the range 16 Hz to 500 Hz.

6. The colour subcarrier and sidebands produced by its modulation with the
chrominance signals are accommodated in the standard channel width by the
process of

A. frequency adjustment

B. frequency interleaving

C. frequency changing

D.frequency amalgamation

Answer: Option B

In frequency interleaving the space between bundles is used for colour signal.

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7. In FM signal with a modulation index mf is passed through a frequency tripler.

The wave in the output of the tripler will have a modulation index of

A. mf

B. 3mf

C. mf/3

Answer: Option B


Frequency multiplier increase the deviation,

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8. In colour TV receiver, varactor diode is used for

A. detection

B. rectification

C. tuning

D.both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option C


In varactor diode the applied reverse bias controls the width and therefore
capacitance of depletion layer.

This capacitance is used for tuning.

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9. The number of noise sources in a BJT are

A. 3

B. 2

C. 1


Answer: Option A


Shot noise, partition noise and thermal noise.

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10. Energy content of atmospheric noise

A. does not depend on frequency

B. decreases as frequency is increased

C. increases as frequency is increased

D.either (a) or (c) depending on the temperature

Answer: Option B


Atmospheric noise decreases as frequency is increased.

11. A 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated with m = 0.75. The total power in AM is

A. 400 W

B. 512 W

C. 588 W

D.650 W

Answer: Option B

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12. c(t) and m(t) are used to generate an FM signal. If the peak frequency deviation
of the generated FM signal is three times the transmission bandwidth of the AM
signal, then the coefficient of the term cos [2p(1008 x 103t)] in the FM signal (in
terms of the Bessel Coefficients) is

A. 5 J4(3)

B. J (3)

C. J (4)

D.5 J4(6)

Answer: Option D


As, we known FM, s(t)

Frequency deviation = 3 . (AM Bandwidth) = 6 fm

and β= 6 is given in (d) only.

ωc + n ωm = (1008 x 103)2p

2p x 106 + n. 4p x 103 = (1008 x 103).2p


So, β = 6, n = 4 hence answer is 5j4(6).

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13. Non-coherently detection is not possible for




D.both (a) and (c)

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.

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14. Tracking of extra terrestrial objects requires

A. high transmitting power

B. very sensitive receiver

C. fully steerable antenna

D.all of the above

Answer: Option D


All the three are required.

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15. Assertion (A): Free space does not interfere with normal radiation and
propagation of radio waves

Reason (R): Free space has no magnetic or gravitational fields.

A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A

C. A is correct but R is wrong

D.A is wrong but R is correct

Answer: Option A


Since free space does not have magnetic and other fields, waves can propagate
without any interference.

16. In radar systems PRF stands for

A. Power Return Factor

B. Pulse Return Factor

C. Pulse Repetition Frequency

D.Pulse Response Factor

Answer: Option C


PRF in radar systems means pulse repetition frequency.

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17. Which of the following cannot be the Fourier series expansion of a periodic

A. x(t) = 2 cos t + 3 cos 3t

B. x(t) = 2 cos pt + 7 cos t

C. x(t) = cos t + 0.5

D.x(t) = 2 cos 1.5pt + sin 3.5 pt

Answer: Option C


x(t) = cos t + 0.5

not satisfies the Dirichlet condition.

The integration of constant term is ∞.

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18. Which of the following is the indirect way of FM generation?

A. Reactance bipolar transistor modulator

B. Armstrong modulator

C. Varactor diode modulator

D.Reactance FM modulator

Answer: Option B


It generates FM through phase modulation.

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19. A telephone exchange has 9000 subscribers. If the number of calls originating at
peak time is 10, 000 in one hour, the calling rate is

A. 0.9

B. 10/9

C. 0.81


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20. If C is capacity of noisy channel, (bits/s), δf is bandwidth Hz and S/N is signal to

noise ratio, then




Answer: Option A


This is Shannon-Hartley theorem.


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