Gebie S

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Gebie S.


BT-Garment 1A

Chapter 4 The constants of change

In this chapter it talks about human thought about nature has swung between two opposing of view. The one is the
universe obeys fixed and everything exists in a well-defined objective reality that is all flux, all is change. The scientist or
other character in this chapter have their own views, sight and discovery about the universe that they said there’s
mathematics in universe but others said that is have mathematics and know every views of scientist now is change.

Favorite statement

“You can’t step into the same river twice” I agree on this statement because someday you will be the only person that
thinks on the things you discover or you made because sooner or later many people will be interested into your work
and they will have or they will think an idea that will more good to your work.

Dislike statement

“God is mathematician.” I disagree on this because I know that god create the word ,the universe and god can create or
do everything but even he can do everything he will not a mathematician, mathematician is a true human who
discovered the world on what inside or what they will discover it.

Chapter 5 From violins to videos

Mathematics separate into distinct sub disciplines labeled pure mathematics and applied mathematics that talks about
many of mathematician. Most powerful application is television an invention that arguably has changed our world move
than any other pure and applied mathematics combined something for more powerful and compelling it begins at
sixteen century with the problem of the vibrating violin string can produce many different musical tones. James clerk
Maxwell expressed faradays ideas about lines of force in terms of mathematical equation for magnetic and electric field.
electromagnetic wave traveled with the speed of light. strings with different frequency produce colors. that was video,
beginning with violins and the ending of all view pointers end to videos.

Favorite statement

“ Whose most powerful application is television” I agree on this statement because television is the one giving
information for people that was true in television you can different topics of our community and others. you can see
everything on this. television is true for me rather than technology, like the internet the information is not all true.

Dislike statement

“It was possible for one person to have a fairly good grasp of the whole of mathematics” I disagree on this statement
eve*n I know that it’s possible to happen but there’s other people that can make it. Like other people said that if you
have an ambition that you really wants, you will do everything even its hard. So for other people that have an ambition
they can do this or they can do everything.
Chapter 6 Broken symmetry

Human mind is attracted to symmetry. Symmetry appeals to own visual sense and thereby plays a role in our sense of
beauty. Perfect symmetry is repetitive and predictable, and our minds also like surprise is a mathematical concept it
allows us to classify different types of regular pattern and distinguish between them. Symmetric breaking more dynamic
idea changes in pattern. The human body bilateralty symmetric mirror-image. Even its broken symmetric is good for
several people because of the structure.

Favorite statement

“ Perfect symmetry is repetitive and predictable ,and our minds also like suprises.”I agree on this statement because a
repetitive symmetry is a good looking it makes good in the nature because of the structure of this more people make
this design to different things and people makes surprise for every symmetry and their mind said that how it make….

Dislike statement

“ The lord is a weak left hander “ I disagree on this statement because they said that lord is weak, even they said that
lord is weak left hander I think that they want to say is lord is weak. For me that is impossible because lord had no
weakness. Lord can do everything to us. Even it’s hard for us to do something lord can do it easy. Don’t think bad to the
lord even a little bit.
The manner in which students learn mathematics influences how well they understand its concepts, principles,
and practices. Many researchers have argued that to promote learning with understanding, mathematics
educators must consider the tasks, problem-solving situations, and tools used to represent mathematical ideas.
Mathematical tools foster learning at many levels–namely, the learning of facts, procedures, and concepts.
Tools can also provide concrete models of abstract ideas, or, when dealing with complex problems, they can
enable students to manipulate and think about ideas, thereby making mathematics accessible and more deeply

Mathematical learning tools can be traditional, technological, or social. The most frequently employed tools are
traditional, which include physical objects or manipulatives (e.g., cubes), visualization tools (e.g., function
diagrams), and paper-and-pencil tasks (e.g., producing a table of values). Technological tools, such as
calculators (i.e., algebraic and graphic) and computers (e.g., computation and multiple-representation software),
have gained attention because they can extend learning in different ways. Social tools, such as small-group
discussions where students interact with one another to share and challenge ideas, can be considered a third type
of learning tool. These three tools can be used independently or conjointly, depending on the type of learning
that is intended.

Learning Tools in Mathematics

A learning tool can be as simple as an image or as complex as a computer-based environment designed to
improve mathematical understanding. The key characteristic of a learning tool is that it supports learners in
some manner. For example, a tool can aid memory, help students to review their problem-solving processes, or
allow students to compare their performance with that of others, thereby supporting self-assessment. Learning
tools can represent mathematical ideas in multiple ways, providing flexible alternatives for individuals who
differ in terms of learner characteristics. For example, learners who have difficulty understanding the statistical
ideas of arithmetic mean (center) and variance (spread) may be assisted through interactive displays that change
as data points are manipulated by the learner. A mathematical learning tool can scaffold the learner by
performing computations, providing more time for students to test mathematical hypotheses that require
reasoning. In the statistics example, learners can focus on why changes to certain parameters affect data–and in
what ways, rather than spending all their time calculating measures.

Traditional Tools. Traditional tools are best suited for facilitating students' learning of basic knowledge and
skills. Objects that can be manipulated, such as cubes, reduce the abstract nature of concepts, such as numbers,
thereby making them real and tangible, particularly for younger children. Such tools support the development of
children's understanding of arithmetic by serving as a foundation for learning more complex concepts.
Visualization tools, such as graphs, can support data interpretation, while paper-and-pencil tools that provide
practice of computational skills can support memory for procedures and an ability to manipulate symbols.
Combining physical tools with visualization tools can substantively increase students' conceptual knowledge.
Dice and spinners, for example, can be used to support elementary school students in creating graphs of
probability distributions, helping them develop an understanding of central tendency.

Technological Tools. Technological tools are most effective in facilitating students' understanding of complex
concepts and principles. Computations and graphs can be produced quickly, giving students more time to
consider why a particular result was obtained. This support allows students to think more deeply about the
mathematics they are learning. Electronic tools are necessary in mathematics because they support the
following processes: (a) conjectures–which provide access to more examples and representational formats than
is possible by hand; (b) visual reasoning–which provides access to powerful visual models that students often
do not create for themselves; (c) conceptualization and modeling–which provide quick and efficient execution
of procedures; and (d) flexible thinking–which support the presentation of multiple perspectives.

Spreadsheets, calculators, and dynamic environments are sophisticated learning tools. These tools support
interpretation and the rapid testing of conjectures. Technology enables students to focus on the structure of the
data and to think about what the data mean, thereby facilitating an overall understanding of a concept (e.g.,
function). The graphics calculator supports procedures involving functions and students' ability to translate and
understand the relationship between numeric, algebraic, and graphical representations. Transforming graphical
information in different ways focuses attention on scale changes and can help students see relationships if the
appropriate viewing dimensions are used. Computers may remove the need for overlearning routine procedures
since they can perform the task of computing the procedures. It is still debatable whether overlearning of facts
helps or hinders deeper understanding and use of mathematics. Technology tools can also be designed to help
students link critical steps in procedures with abstract symbols to representations that give them meaning.

Video is a dynamic and interactive learning tool. One advantage of video is that complex problems can be
presented to students in a richer and more realistic way, compared to standard word problems. An example is
The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury, developed by the Learning Technology Center at Vanderbilt University.
Students are required to solve problems encountered by characters in the Woodbury video by taking many steps
to find a solution. This tool supports students' ability to solve problems, specifically their ability to identify and
formulate a problem, to generate subgoals that lead to the solution, and to find the solution. However, the
information presented in a video cannot be directly manipulated in the same way that data can be changed in
spreadsheets and calculators.

Learning tools that present the same information in several ways (e.g., verbal equation, tabular, graphic) are
referred to as multiple-representation tools. The ability to interpret multiple representations is critical to
mathematical learning. There is evidence to suggest that multiple representations can facilitate students' ability
to understand and solve word problems in functions, and to translate words into tables and graphs. However,
interpretation is not easy without some kind of support. One type of support involves highlighting common
elements between the different representations to make the relationship between each explicit, thereby
facilitating interpretation in both contexts. In some cases, this type of support is insufficient and students need
to be explicitly taught to make the connections. Multiple representations can be a powerful learning tool for
difficult problems–when students have acquired a strong knowledge base.

Additional research is needed to determine the exact benefits of multiple representational tools. It is important
to emphasize that, as with any educational innovation, mathematical learning tools must be designed with a
consideration of the teacher, curriculum, and student in mind. For example, with the help of curricular teams
and teachers, complex computer environments that present students with multiple representation tools for
learning algebra and geometry were successfully adopted in several school systems in the United States.

Social tools. Social tools are a fairly recent consideration. In the 1990s, small-group work where students share
strategies for solving problems began to be used as a powerful learning tool. This tool facilitates students'
ability to solve word problems and to understand arithmetic. Group collaboration while learning with
technology can help students develop the perspectives and practices of mathematics, such as what constitutes
acceptable mathematical evidence. Peers and computers can provide feedback that makes students aware of
contradictions in their thinking. In this way, social tools can assist learning and transform understanding.

Issues fo further consideration

Mathematical learning tools should be an important part of students' educational experience. However, a few
issues must be addressed before their potential is fully realized. First, use of technological tools is fairly limited
in classrooms, despite their potential in changing the nature of mathematical learning. Moreover, software used
in schools is often geared towards the practice of computational skills. For example, there may be a potential
misuse of the graphing calculator if it is not utilized in the context of sense-making activities. There is a fine
line between using a tool for understanding and using it because problems cannot be solved without its use.

Second, learning tools should be an integral part of instructional activities and assessment tasks. Learning tools
should be a regular part of the mathematics experience at every educational level, and different tools should be
used for various purposes. The question of ethics and equity is raised when technological tools that are used in
instruction are not accessible in assessment situations.

Third, learning tools will only meet their promise through professional development. Teachers who understand the
strengths and weaknesses of tools can have a strong impact on how they are used. Support is needed at all levels of
education to ensure that sophisticated learning tools are available for use in every mathematics classroom. Learning tools
are only as good as the activities that provide the mathematical experiences. The effectiveness of such tools is thus highly
dependent on the purpose of the activity and the learning that is intended.


BURILL, GAIL. 1997. "Graphing Calculators and Their Potential for Teaching and Learning Statistics." In Research on the Role of
Technology in Teaching and Learning Statistics, ed. Joan B. Garfield and Gail Burrill. Voorburg, Netherlands: International Statistical

COBB, PAUL. 1999. "Individual and Collective Mathematical Development: The Case of Statistical Data Analysis." Mathematical
Thinking and Learning1 (1):5–43.

COGNITION AND TECHNOLOGY GROUP AT VANDERBILT. 1992. "The Jasper Series as an Example of Anchored Instruction:
Theory, Program Description, and Assessment Data." Educational Psychologist 27 (3):291–315.

FENNEMA, ELIZABETH, and ROMBERG, THOMAS, eds. 1999. Mathematics Classrooms That Promote Understanding. Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum.

HORVATH, JEFFREY K., and LEHRER, RICHARD. 1998. "A Model-Based Perspective on the Development of Children's
Understanding of Chance and Uncertainty." In Reflections on Statistics: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Grades K–12, ed.
Susanne P. Lajoie. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

KAPUT, JAMES. 2000. "Teaching and Learning a New Algebra." In Mathematics Classrooms That Promote Understanding, ed.
Elizabeth Fennema and Thomas A. Romberg. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Tutoring Goes to School in the Big City." International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 8:30–43.

LAJOIE, SUSANNE P., ed. 2000. Computers as Cognitive Tools: No More Walls,Vol. 2. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

LESGOLD, ALAN. 2000. "What Are the Tools For? Revolutionary Change Does Not Follow the Usual Norms." In Computers as
Cognitive Tools, Vol. 2, ed. Susanne P. Lajoie. Mahwah: Erlbaum.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS. 2000. Principles and Standards for School
Mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Math education teaches one how to prove theorems and perform calculations. In one sense, the only thing that
matters in math is getting the right answer, just as in painting a picture all that matters is the impact the final
result has on the viewer.

Painters spend a lot of time talking about what kind of brush to use and which paint thinner to use, when.

I have heard writer Stephen King say that he is often asked if he uses a pencil, a pen, a typewriter, or a word
processor. On the surface, it seems like a stupid question, but in fact it is a very good question. The fundamental
tools that a writer uses affects their outcome tremendously, even if nobody can guess from a physical volume
how the manuscript was prepared.

I conjecture that the fundamental tools used by a mathematician greatly affect their work product as well. Since
these tools are in fact evolving over time, they require periodic reconsideration.
Tool / Calculator Description

Enter two numbers, and see not only the percentages, but how they are
Percentage Calculator

Convert between Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal. Can handle fractions and
Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal Converter

Want to know if a number is Prime? Or if not, which prime numbers are it's
Prime Factorization Tool

If you have two points and need to know the straight line formula (y=mx+b)
Straight Line Graph Calculator
that connects them.

Enter formulas such as (3+2/9)^2 or sin(1/5), has history and even a slider for
an "a" value.

Accepts formulas such as (3+2/9)^2 or sin(1/5) and you can also click on a
Scientific Calculator

Sigma Calculator See what happens when you sum up a series of functions.

A neat yet powerful Unit Converter. Can convert length, mass, volume,
Unit Converter
temperature and more. Hundreds of imperial and metric units are supported
Which day of the week were you born on Calculate the day of the week for any date between 1582 and 4902

Roman Numerals Can convert from/to Roman Numerals. What year was MDMCLXXI ?

Find the greatest common factor of 2 or 3 numbers. Useful for simplifying

Greatest Common Factor Tool

Find the least common multiple of 2 or 3 numbers. Useful for adding or

Least Common Multiple Tool
subtracting fractions.

Calculate answers to full precision. Want to multiply to hundreds of digits of

Full Precision Calculator
accuracy? Done!

Quadratic Equation Solver Have an equation like "ax2 + bx + c = 0"? We can solve it!

Function Grapher and Calculator You can plot two functions together, and even save the results as a web link.

Equation Grapher Graph equations like "x2+y2=2"

3D Function Grapher Plot an f(x,y) style function like x^2-y^2

Complex Number Calculator Enter the formula, see the result.

Mix Slider Find the right amounts of a mixture.

Power Set Maker Makes Power Sets from Sets

Decimal to Fraction Calculator Converts Decimals to Fractional form, showing steps.

Combinations and
Calculate Combinations and Permutations
Permutations Calculator

All Factors Tool Find all the factors of a number.

Sigma Calculator Add up a sequence.

Vector Calculator Convert between magnitude/angle and x,y. Add vectors. Dot product.

Matrix Calculator Do matrix calculations such as Determinant, Inverse and Multiplication

Order of Operations Calculator Order of Operations Calculator

Area Calculation Tool Calculate the areas of common shapes such as triangles, circles and ellipses

Area of Circle Calculator Calculate the area of a circle

Polyhedron Models Spin, explode and see the nets of over 100 polyhedra.

Volume and Area of a Sphere Calculator Calculate the volume, area, diamter and radius of a sphere

Standard Deviation Calculator Shows you the results at every stage of the calculation

Confidence Interval Calculator Confidence Interval Calculator

Chi-Square Calculator Chi-Square Test Calculator

Correlation Calculator Correlation Calculator

Least Squares Calculator Least Squares Regression Calculator

Graph Paper Maker Print or save graph paper

Integral Approximation Calculator Integral Approximation Calculator

Fourier Series Grapher Fourier Series Grapher

Second Derivative Animation Second Derivative Animation

Investment/Loan Graph Investment or Loan Graph

Compound Interest Calculator Compound Interest Calculator

Counting Money Its a game, but also useful for adding up money.

Other Cool Stuff

App Description

Spiral Artist Spiral Artist

Symmetry Artist Symmetry Artist

Tessellation Artist Tessellation Artist

General Drawing Tool General Drawing Tool

Gravity Freeplay A simulation of how suns, planets, moons, etc behave under the influence of gravity

Moire Patterns Explore the interesting "interference patterns" created by overlapping grids, lines, etc

Estimation Games Try your estimation skills

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