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Stereotyping Gen Z as sluggish and wired.

Generation Z is clearly different than those that came before us. But did they ever consider how
the world we're growing up in and the technology that surrounds us shapes the way we learn?

When the first concept of a generation was first put forth by Karl Mannheim in 1928, he
prophesize that generation Z or what he like to call the final generation would usher in a new
world order.Gen Z is part of a generation that is global, social, visual and technological. We are
believed to be the most connected, educated and sophisticated generation ever. We may never
see the world without the Internet and thus have affinity for mobile apps or online platforms
but we acquire tons of new knowledge everyday that make us perceive information visually.
We do not rely on our parents as much as the previous teen generation did. By seeking
independence and autonomy, gen Zers demonstrate strong entrepreneurial skills. The reason is
that the internet and technologies allows us to start earning money at much earlier age.

Fundamentally, Gen Z are the future. But we are already being replaced by the Alpha
Generation. They have also been referred to as GenTech but Gen Z are already that. Whatever
they are finally named, what is clear is that the very nature of consumerism, social and cultural
norms and human motivation will continue to shift faster.

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