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“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be
evident to all, the Lord is near.” PHILIPPIANS 4:4-5

One of my fears is to be a stranger when PSBS starts. PSBS was the turning point
of my life in which all my failures were turned into blessings. PSBS 2016 opened my hearts
to serve and I witnessed the working of the Holy Spirit. PSBS 2017 was wonderful because
even in spared time, I was able to join and served. PSBS 2018, I was struggling because I
was a stranger, I had multiples of conflict schedules. I can say that my faith was shaking,
because even if I had time I chose not to go. I did not have any urge to serve, I had a weak
faith. Many shared their experiences, their joy, their encouragements, but I, could not relate
because I had no stories to share.

For the past months, I had my resolution, that even if it is hard I will continue to
step for God, I will stand firm for God. God has been gracious for keeping me in His arms
even though temptations were around me. PSBS 2019 started, many volunteers came, some
were new, some were old volunteers. There, I started my “WHAT IF’S” again; What if I
cannot go? What if I cannot serve? what if I will be a stranger again? Those were my
struggles when PSBS started. I prayed for one thing, I prayed that I can serve too. One
night, we were preparing for gifts and one of our pastors told me that preparing gifts would
be my role. I immediately agreed because through that I can serve. It was a great privilege.
I together with Ainara prepared the gifts, I wanted her also to serve through wrapping and
preparing gifts that’s why I called her. She has been one of my encouragement to continue
the urge of service because through that glorious role, we knew each other more. We had
SERVE.” It was a great opportunity. I was also used to be the Directress’ driver and I also
experienced to join in graduation with Missionary Kim. God blessed me this PSBS because
I have found times to serve even in simple and different ways. PSBS 2019 was a lesson in
which, I learned to carry children tidy or untidy, I received joy, peace, and love from them.
When the PSBS started in my serving outreach, I really cried because and prayed because
we started with 26 children and 2 teachers (I and Ma’am Jane). I felt hopeless but I realized
that God will never leave us, but He will give the best in us. Before sleeping, I really cried
in prayer for a good and successful graduation. God didn’t leave us but He prepared way
more what we knew. Indeed, He is so faithful to His children, His grace is sufficient. From
26 children to 162 children, from HOPELESS to HOPEFUL, from FEARS to
BLESSINGS. The success had been given to us and we have finished and

‘Let your gentleness be evident to all, the Lord is near.” AMEN. To God be the

Joshua Jeremy L. Asuncion

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