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I. Nature (A. Definition, B.

Purpose; scope and essential elements; basis) court, both Simeon and his sister Gerundia died and they were substituted by the
respective administrators of their estates.
G.R. No.L-24332, January 31, 1978 MUÑOZ PALMA, J.:
After trial, the court a quo rendered judgment with the following dispositive portion:
"A. On Plaintiff's Complaint -

(1) Declaring the deed of sale, Exh. 'C', null and void insofar as the
This is a case of an attorney-in-fact, Simeon Rallos, who after the death of his principal, one-half pro-indiviso share of Concepcion Rallos in the property in
Concepcion Rallos, sold the latter's undivided share in a parcel of land pursuant to a question, - Lot 5983 of the Cadastral Survey of Cebu - is concerned;
special power of attorney which the principal had executed in his favor. The
administrator of the estate of the deceased principal went to court to have the sale
(2) Ordering the Register of Deeds of Cebu City to cancel Transfer
declared unenforceable and to recover the disposed share. The trial court granted the
Certificate of Title No. 12989 covering Lot 5983 and to issue in lieu
relief prayed for, but upon appeal, the Court of Appeals upheld the validity of the sale
thereof another in the names of FELIX GO CHAN & SONS REALTY
and dismissed the complaint.
CORPORATION and the Estate of Concepcion Rallos in the proportion of
one-half (1/2) share each pro-indiviso;
Hence, this Petition for Review on certiorari.
(3) Ordering Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corporation to deliver the
The following facts are not disputed. Concepcion and Gerundia both surnamed Rallos possession of an undivided one-half (1/2) share of Lot 5983 to the herein
were sisters and registered co-owners of a parcel of land known as Lot No. 5983 of the plaintiff;
Cadastral Survey of Cebu covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 11118 of the
Registry of Cebu. On April 21, 1954, the sisters executed a special power of attorney in
(4) Sentencing the defendant Juan T. Borromeo, administrator of the
favor of their brother, Simeon Rallos, authorizing him to sell for and in their behalf lot
Estate of Simeon Rallos, to pay to plaintiff in concept of reasonable
5983. On March 3, 1955, Concepcion Rallos died. On September 12, 1955, Simeon Rallos
attorney's fees the sum of P1,000.00; and
sold the undivided shares of his sisters Concepcion and Gerundia in lot 5983 to Felix Go
Chan & Sons Realty Corporation for the sum of P10,686.90. The deed of sale was
registered in the Registry of Deeds of Cebu, TCT No. 11118 was cancelled, and a new (5) Ordering both defendants to pay the costs jointly and severally.
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 12989 was issued in the name of the vendee.
"B. On GO CHAN'S Cross-Claim:
On May 18, 1956 Ramon Rallos as administrator of the Intestate Estate of Concepcion
Rallos filed a complaint docketed as Civil Case No. R-4530 of the Court of First Instance (1) Sentencing the co-defendant Juan T. Borromeo, administrator of the
of Cebu, praying (1) that the sale of the undivided share of the deceased Concepcion Estate of Simeon Rallos, to pay to defendant Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty
Rallos in lot 5983 be declared unenforceable, and said share be reconveyed to her Corporation the sum of P5,343.45, representing the price of one-half
estate; (2) that the Certificate of Title issued in the name of Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty (1/2) share of lot 5983;
Corporation be cancelled and another title be issued in the names of the corporation
and the "Intestate estate of Concepcion Rallos" in equal undivided shares; and (3) that (2) Ordering co-defendant Juan T. Borromeo, administrator of the Estate
plaintiff be indemnified by way of attorney's fees and payment of costs of suit. Named of Simeon Rallos, to pay in concept of reasonable attorney's fees to Felix
party defendants were Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corporation, Simeon Rallos, and the Go Chan & Sons Realty Corporation the sum of P500.00.
Register of Deeds of Cebu, but subsequently, the latter was dropped from the complaint.
The complaint was amended twice; defendant Corporation's Answer con-tained a "C. On Third-Party Complaint of defendant Juan T. Borromeo,
cross-claim against its co-defendant, Simeon Rallos, while the latter filed a third-party administrator of Estate of Simeon Rallos, against Josefina Rallos, special
complaint against his sister, Gerundia Rallos. While the case was pending in the trial administratrix of the Estate of Gerundia Rallos:
(1) Dismissing the third-party complaint without prejudice to filing implied, of the parties to establish the relationship; (2) the object is the execution of a
either a complaint against the regular administrator of the Estate of juridical act in relation to a third person; (3) the agent acts as a representative and not for
Gerundia Rallos or a claim in the Intestate-Estate of Gerundia Rallos, himself; and (4) the agent acts within the scope of his authority.
covering the same subject-matter of the third-party complaint, at
bar." (pp. 98-100, Record on Appeal) Agency is basically personal, representative, and derivative in nature. The authority of the
agent to act emanates from the powers granted to him by his principal; his act is the act of
Felix Go Chan & Sons Realty Corporation appealed in due time to the Court of Appeals the principal if done within the scope of the authority. Qui facit per alium facit per se. "He
from the foregoing judgment insofar as it set aside the sale of the one-half (1/2) share who acts through another acts himself."[6]
of Concepcion Rallos. The appellate tribunal, as adverted to earlier, resolved the appeal
on November 20, 1964 in favor of the appellant corpo-ration sustaining the sale in 2. There are various ways of extinguishing agency,[7] but here We are concerned only
question. The appellee-administrator, Ramon Rallos, moved for a reconsideration of with one cause-death of the principal. Paragraph 3 of Art. 1919 of the Civil Code which was
the decision but the same was denied in a resolution of March 4, 1965. taken from Art. 1709 of the Spanish Civil Code provides:

What is the legal effect of an act performed by an agent after the death of his principal? "ART. 1919. Agency is extinguished: “xx xx xx "3. By the death, civil
Applied more particularly to the instant case, We have the query: is the sale of the interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or of the agent; x x x."
undivided share of Concepcion Rallos in lot 5983 valid although it was executed by the (Underline supplied)
agent after the death of his principal? What is the law in this jurisdiction as to the effect
of the death of the principal on the authority of the agent to act for and in behalf of the By reason of the very nature of the relationship between principal and agent, agency is
latter? Is the fact of knowledge of the death of the principal a material factor in extinguished by the death of the principal or of the agent. This is the law in this
determining the legal effect of an act performed after such death? jurisdiction.[8]

Before proceeding to the issues, We shall briefly restate certain principles of law Manresa commenting on Art. 1709 of the Spanish Civil Code explains that the rationale for
relevant to the matter under consideration. the law is found in the juridical basis of agency which is representation. There being an
integration of the personality of the principal into that of the agent it is not possible for
1. It is a basic axiom in civil law embodied in our Civil Code that no one may contract in the representation to continue to exist once the death of either is established. Pothier
the name of another without being authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a agrees with Manresa that by reason of the nature of agency, death is a necessary cause for
right to represent him. A contract entered into in the name of another by one who its extinction. Laurent says that the juridical tie between the principal and the agent is
has no authority or legal representation, or who has acted beyond his powers, shall be severed ipso jure upon the death of either without necessity for the heirs of the principal
unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person on whose to notify the agent of the fact of death of the former.[9]
behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked by the other contracting party. Article
1403 (1) of the same Code also provides: The same rule prevails at common law - the death of the principal effects instantaneous
and absolute revocation of the authority of the agent unless the power be coupled with an
"ART. 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they interest.[10] This is the prevalent rule in American Jurisprudence where it is well-settled
are ratified: "(1) Those entered into in the name of another person by that a power without an interest conferred upon an agent is dissolved by the principal's
one who has been given no authority or legal representation or who death, and any attempted execution of the power afterwards is not binding on the heirs or
has acted beyond his powers; x x x." representatives of the deceased.

Out of the above given principles, sprung the creation and acceptance of the 3. Is the general rule provided for in Article 1919 that the death of the principal or of the
relationship of agency whereby one party, called the principal (mandante), authorizes agent extinguishes the agency, subject to any exception, and if so, is the instant, case
another, called the agent (mandatario), to act for and in his behalf in transactions with within that exception? That is the determinative point in issue in this litigation. It is the
third persons. The essential elements of agency are: (1) there is consent, express or contention of respondent corporation which was sustained by respondent court that
notwithstanding the death of the principal, Concepcion Rallos, the act of the expressly requires for its application lack of knowledge on the part of the agent of the
attorney-in-fact, Simeon Rallos, in selling the former's share in the property is valid and death of his principal; it is not enough that the third person acted in good faith. Thus in
enforceable inasmuch as the corporation acted in good faith in buying the property in Buason & Reyes v. Panuyas, the Court applying Article 1738 of the old Civil Code now Art.
question. 1931 of the new Civil Code sustained the validity of a sale made after the death of the
principal because it was not shown that the agent knew of his principal's demise. To the
Articles 1930 and 1931 of the Civil Code provide the exceptions to the general rule same effect is the case of Herrera, et al. v. Luy Kim Guan, et al., 1961, where in the words
aforementioned. of Justice Jesus Barrera the Court stated:

ART. 1930. The agency shall remain in full force and effect even after "x x x even granting arguendo that Luis-Herrera did die in 1936, plaintiffs
the death of the principal, if it has been constituted in the common presented no proof and there is no indication in the record, that the
interest of the latter and of the agent, or in the interest of a third agent Luy Kim Guan was aware of the death of his principal at the time
person who has accepted the stipulation in his favor. he sold the property. The death of the principal does not render the act
of an agent unenforceable, where the latter had no knowledge of such
ART. 1931. Anything done by the agent, without knowledge of the extinguishment of the agency." (1 SCRA 406, 412)
death of the principal or of any other cause which extinguishes the
agency, is valid and shall be fully effective with respect to third 4. In sustaining the validity of the sale to respondent corporation, the Court of Appeals
persons who may have contracted with him in good faith. reasoned out that there is no provision in the Code which provides that whatever is done
by an agent having knowledge of the death of his principal is void even with respect to
Article 1930 is not involved because admittedly the special power of attorney executed third persons who may have contracted with him in good faith and without knowledge of
in favor of Simeon Rallos was not coupled with an interest. the death of the principal.

Article 1931 is the applicable law. Under this provision, an act done by the agent after We cannot see the merits of the foregoing argument as it ignores the existence of the
the death of his principal is valid and effective only under two conditions, viz: (1) that general rule enunciated in Article 1919 that the death of the principal extinguishes the
the agent acted without knowledge of the death of the principal, and (2) that the third agency. That being the general rule it follows a fortiori that any act of an agent after the
person who contracted with the agent himself acted in good faith. Good faith here death of his principal is void ab initio unless the same falls under the exceptions provided
means that the third person was not aware of the death of the principal at the time he for in the aforementioned Articles 1930 and 1931. Article 1931, being an exception to the
contracted with said agent. These two requisites must concur: the absence of one will general rule, is to be strictly construed; it is not to be given an interpretation or application
render the act of the agent invalid and unenforceable. beyond the clear import of its terms for otherwise the courts will be involved in a process
of legislation outside of their judicial function.
In the instant case, it cannot be questioned that the agent, Simeon Rallos, knew of the
death of his principal at the time he sold the latter's share in Lot No. 5983 to respondent 5. Another argument advanced by respondent court is that the vendee acting in good faith
corporation. The knowledge of the death is clearly to be inferred from the pleadings relied on the power of attorney which was duly registered on the original certificate of
filed by Simeon Rallos before the trial court. That Simeon Rallos knew of the death of title recorded in the Register of Deeds of the Province of Cebu, that no notice of the death
his sister Concepcion is also a finding of fact of the court a quo and of respondent was ever annotated on said certificate of title by the heirs of the principal and accordingly
appellate court when the latter stated that Simeon Rallos "must have known of the they must suffer the consequences of such omission.
death of his sister, and yet he proceeded with the sale of the lot in the name of both his
sisters Concepcion and Gerundia Rallos without informing appellant (the realty To support such argument reference is made to a portion in Manresa's Commentaries
corporation) of the death of the former." which We quote:

On the basis of the established knowledge of Simeon Rallos concerning the death of his "If the agency has been granted for the purpose of contracting with
principal, Concepcion Rallos, Article 1931 of the Civil Code is inapplicable. The law certain persons, the revocation must be made known to them. But if the
agency is general in nature, without reference to particular persons To support the correctness of this "parallelism", respondent corporation, in its brief, cites
with whom the agent is to contract, it is sufficient that the principal the case of Blondeau, et al. v. Nano and Vallejo, 61 Phil. 625. We quote from the brief:
exercise due diligence to make the revocation of the agency publicly
known. "In the case of Angela Blondeau et al. v. Agustin Nano et al., 61 Phil. 630,
one Vallejo was a co-owner of lands with Agustin Nano. The latter had a
"In case of a general power which does not specify the persons to power of attorney supposedly executed by Vallejo in his favor. Vallejo
whom representation should be made, it is the general opinion that all delivered to Nano his land titles. The power was registered in the Office
acts executed with third persons who contracted in good faith, of the Register of Deeds. When the lawyer husband of Angela Blondeau
without knowledge of the revocation, are valid. In such case, the went to that Office, he found all in order including the power of attorney.
principal may exercise his right against the agent, who, knowing of the But Vallejo denied having executed the power. The lower court
revocation, continued to assume a personality which he no longer sustained Vallejo and the plaintiff Blondeau appealed. Reversing the
had." (Manresa, Vol. 11, pp. 561 and 575; pp. 15-16, rollo) decision of the court a quo, the Supreme Court, quoting the ruling in the
case of Eliason v. Wilborn, 261 U.S. 457, held:
The above discourse, however, treats of revocation by an act of the principal as a mode
of terminating an agency which is to be distinguished from revocation by operation of 'But there is a narrower ground on which the defenses of the
law such as death of the principal which obtains in this case. On page six of this Opinion defendant-appellee must be overruled. Agustin Nano had possession of
We stressed that by reason of the very nature of the relationship between principal and Jose Vallejo's title papers. Without those title papers handed over to
agent, agency is extinguished ipso jure upon the death of either principal or agent. Nano with the acquiescence of Vallejo, a fraud could not have been
Although a revocation of a power of attorney to be effective must be communicated to perpetuated. When Fernando de la Cantera, a member of the Philippine
the parties concerned, yet a revocation by operation of law, such as by death of the Bar and the husband of Angela Blondeau, the principal plaintiff, searched
principal is, as a rule, instantaneously effective inasmuch as "by legal fiction the agent's the registration record, he found them in due form including the power
exercise of authority is regarded as an execution of the principal's continuing will." of attorney of Vallejo in favor of Nano. If this had not been so and if
With death, the principal's will ceases or is terminated; the source of authority is thereafter the proper notation of the encumbrance could not have been
extinguished. made, Angela Blondeau would not have lent P12,000.00 to the
defendant Vallejo.' An executed transfer of registered lands placed by
The Civil Code does not impose a duty on the heirs to notify the agent of the death of the registered owner thereof in the hands of another operates as a
the principal. What the Code provides in Article 1932 is that, if the agent dies, his heirs representation to a third party that the holder of the transfer is
must notify the principal thereof, and in the meantime adopt such measures as the authorized to deal with the land.
circumstances may demand in the interest of the latter. Hence, the fact that no notice
of the death of the principal was registered on the certificate of title of the property in 'As between two innocent persons, one of whom must suffer the
the Office of the Register of Deeds, is not fatal to the cause of the estate of the consequence of a breach of trust, the one who made it possible by his
principal. act of confidence bear the loss.' " (pp. 19-21)

6. Holding that the good faith of a third person in dealing with an agent affords the The Blondeau decision, however, is not on all fours with the case before Us because here
former sufficient protection, respondent court drew a "parallel" between the instant We are confronted with one who admittedly was an agent of his sister and who sold the
case and that of an innocent purchaser for value of a registered land, stating that if a property of the latter after her death with full knowledge of such death. The situation is
person purchases a registered land from one who acquired it in bad faith - even to the expressly covered by a provision of law on agency the terms of which are clear and
extent of forging or falsifying the deed of sale in his favor - the registered owner has no unmistakable leaving no room for an interpretation contrary to its tenor, in the same
recourse against such innocent purchaser for value but only against the forger. manner that the ruling in Blondeau and the cases cited therein found a basis in Section 55
of the Land Registration Law which in part provides:
“xxx xxx xxx holds in the Scottish law, and I cannot believe the common law is so
unreasonable. . . .” (39 Am. Dec. 76, 80, 81; italics supplied)
"The production of the owner's duplicate certificate whenever any
voluntary instrument is presented for registration shall be conclusive To avoid any wrong impression which the Opinion in Cassiday v. McKenzie may evoke,
authority from the registered owner to the register of deeds to enter a mention may be made that the above represents the minority view in American
new certificate or to make a memorandum of registration in jurisprudence. Thus in Clayton v. Merrett, the Court said:
accordance with such instrument, and the new certificate or
memorandum shall be binding upon the registered owner and upon " 'There are several cases which seem to hold that although, as a general
all persons claiming under him in favor of every purchaser for value principle, death revokes an agency and renders null every act of the
and in good faith: Provided, however, That in all cases of registration agent thereafter performed, yet that where a payment has been made in
procured by fraud the owner may pursue all his legal and equitable ignorance of the death, such payment will be good. The leading case so
remedies against the parties to such fraud, without prejudice, holding is that of Cassiday v. McKenzie, 4 Watts & S. (Pa.) 282, 39 AmD
however, to the rights of any innocent holder for value of a certificate 76, where, in an elaborate opinion, this view is broadly announced. It is
of title. xx xx xx " (Act No. 496 as amended) referred to, and seems to have been followed, in the case of Dick v. Page,
17 Mo. 234, 57 AmD 267; but in this latter case it appeared that the
7. One last point raised by respondent corporation in support of the appealed decision estate of the deceased principal had received the benefit of the money
is an 1842 rulings of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in Cassiday v. McKenzie paid, and therefore the representative of the estate might well have
wherein payments made to an agent after the death of the principal were held to be been held to be estopped from suing for it again. . . . These cases, in so
"good", "the parties being ignorant of the death". Let us take note that the Opinion of far, at least, as they announce the doctrine under discussion, are
Justice Rogers was premised on the statement that the parties were ignorant of the exceptional. The Pennsylvania Case, supra (Cassiday v. McKenzie, 4
death of the principal. We quote from that decision the following: Watts & S. 282, 39 AmD 76), is believed to stand almost, if not quite,
alone in announcing the principle in its broadest scope.' " (52 Misc. 353,
"x x x Here the precise point is, whether a payment to an agent when 357, cited in 2 C.J. 549)
the parties are ignorant of the death is a good payment. In addition to
the case in Campbell before cited, the same judge Lord Ellenborough, So also in Travers v. Crane, speaking of Cassiday v. McKenzie, and pointing out that the
has decided in 5 Esp. 117, the general question that a payment after opinion, except so far as it related to the particular facts, was a mere dictum, Baldwin, J.
the death of principal is not good. Thus, a payment of sailor's wages to said: " 'The opinion, therefore, of the learned Judge may be regarded more as an
a person having a power of attorney to receive them, has been held extrajudicial indication of his views on the general subject, than as the adjudication of the
void when the principal was dead at the time of the payment. If, by Court upon the point in question. But according all proper weight to this opinion, as the
this case, it is meant merely to decide the general proposition that by judgment of a Court of great respectability, it stands alone among common law authorities,
operation of law the death of the principal is a revocation of the and is opposed by an array too formidable to permit us to follow it.' " (15 Cal. 12, 17, cited
powers of the attorney, no objection can be taken to it. But if it is in 2 C.J. 549)
intended to say that this principle applies where there was no notice
of death, or opportunity of notice, I must be permitted to dissent from Whatever conflict of legal opinion was generated by Cassiday v. McKenzie in American
it. jurisprudence, no such conflict exists in our own for the simple reason that our statute, the
Civil Code, expressly provides for two exceptions to the general rule that death of the
"x x x That a payment may be good today, or bad tomorrow, from principal revokes ipso jure the agency, to wit: (1) that the agency is coupled with an
accidental circumstance of the death of the principal which he did not interest (Art. 1930), and (2) that the act of the agent was executed without knowledge of
know, and which by no possibility could he know? It would be unjust the death of the principal and the third person who contracted with the agent acted also
to the agent and unjust to the debtor. In the civil law, the acts of the in good faith (Art. 1931). Exception No. 2 is the doctrine followed in Cassiday, and again
agent, done bona fide in ignorance of the death of his principal, are We stress the indispensable requirement - that the agent acted without knowledge or
held valid and binding upon the heirs of the latter. The same rule notice of the death of the principal. In the case before Us the agent Ramon Rallos
executed the sale notwithstanding notice of the death of his principal. Accordingly, the from STM authorizing CSC "to withdraw for and in our behalf the refined sugar
agent's act is unenforceable against the estate of his principal. covered by Shipping List/Delivery Receipt-Refined Sugar (SDR) No. 1214 dated
October 16, 1989 in the total quantity of 25,000 bags."
IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, We set aside the decision of respondent appellate
court, and We affirm en toto the judgment rendered by then Hon. Amador E. Gomez of On October 27, 1989, STM issued 16 checks in the total amount of
the Court of First Instance of Cebu, quoted in pages 2 and 3 of this Opinion, with costs P31,900,000.00 with petitioner as payee. The latter, in turn, issued Official
against respondent realty corporation at all instances. Receipt No. 33743 dated October 27, 1989 acknowledging receipt of the said
checks in payment of 50,000 bags. Aside from SLDR No. 1214M, said checks also
SO ORDERED. covered SLDR No. 1213.

G.R. No. 117356, June 19, 2000 - QUISUMBING, J.: Private respondent CSC surrendered SLDR No. 1214M to the petitioner's
NAWACO warehouse and was allowed to withdraw sugar. However, after 2,000
PETITIONER: VICTORIAS MILLING CO., INC. bags had been released, petitioner refused to allow further withdrawals of sugar
against SLDR No. 1214M. CSC then sent petitioner a letter dated January 23, 1990
informing it that SLDR No. 1214M had been "sold and endorsed" to it but that it
had been refused further withdrawals of sugar from petitioner's warehouse
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
despite the fact that only 2,000 bags had been withdrawn. CSC thus inquired
Court assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals dated February 24, 1994, in
when it would be allowed to withdraw the remaining 23,000 bags.
CA-G.R. CV No. 31717, as well as the respondent court's resolution of
September 30, 1994 modifying said decision. Both decision and resolution
On January 31, 1990, petitioner replied that it could not allow any further
amended the judgment dated February 13, 1991, of the Regional Trial Court of
withdrawals of sugar against SLDR No. 1214M because STM had already
Makati City, Branch 147, in Civil Case No. 90-118.
dwithdrawn all the sugar covered by the cleared checks.[6]
The facts of this case as found by both the trial and appellate courts are as
On March 2, 1990, CSC sent petitioner a letter demanding the release of the
balance of 23,000 bags.
St. Therese Merchandising (hereafter STM) regularly bought sugar from
Seven days later, petitioner reiterated that all the sugar corresponding to the
petitioner Victorias Milling Co., Inc., (VMC). In the course of their dealings,
amount of STM's cleared checks had been fully withdrawn and hence, there
petitioner issued several Shipping List/Delivery Receipts (SLDRs) to STM as
would be no more deliveries of the commodity to STM's account. Petitioner also
proof of purchases. Among these was SLDR No. 1214M, which gave rise to the
noted that CSC had represented itself to be STM's agent as it had withdrawn the
instant case. Dated October 16, 1989, SLDR No. 1214M covers 25,000 bags of
2,000 bags against SLDR No. 1214M "for and in behalf" of STM.
sugar. Each bag contained 50 kilograms and priced at P638.00 per bag as "per
sales order VMC Marketing No. 042 dated October 16, 1989." The transaction
On April 27, 1990, CSC filed a complaint for specific performance, docketed as
it covered was a "direct sale." The SLDR also contains an additional note
Civil Case No. 90-1118. Defendants were Teresita Ng Sy (doing business under
which reads: "subject for (sic) availability of a (sic) stock at NAWACO
the name of St. Therese Merchandising) and herein petitioner. Since the former
could not be served with summons, the case proceeded only against the latter.
During the trial, it was discovered that Teresita Ng Go who testified for CSC was
On October 25, 1989, STM sold to private respondent Consolidated Sugar
the same Teresita Ng Sy who could not be reached through summons.[7] CSC,
Corporation (CSC) its rights in SLDR No. 1214M for P 14,750,000.00. CSC issued
however, did not bother to pursue its case against her, but instead used her as its
one check dated October 25, 1989 and three checks postdated November 13,
1989 in payment. That same day, CSC wrote petitioner that it had been
authorized by STM to withdraw the sugar covered by SLDR No. 1214M.
CSC's complaint alleged that STM had fully paid petitioner for the sugar covered
Enclosed in the letter were a copy of SLDR No. 1214M and a letter of authority
by SLDR No. 1214M. Therefore, the latter had no justification for refusing
delivery of the sugar. CSC prayed that petitioner be ordered to deliver the It made the following observations:
23,000 bags covered by SLDR No. 1214M and sought the award of
P1,104,000.00 in unrealized profits, P3,000,000.00 as exemplary damages, "[T]he testimony of plaintiff's witness Teresita Ng Go, that she had fully paid the purchase
P2,200,000.00 as attorney's fees and litigation expenses. price of P15,950,000.00 of the 25,000 bags of sugar bought by her covered by SLDR No.
1214 as well as the purchase price of P15,950,000.00 for the 25,000 bags of sugar bought
Petitioner's primary defense a quo was that it was an unpaid seller for the by her covered by SLDR No. 1213 on the same date, October 16, 1989 (date of the two
23,000 bags. Since STM had already drawn in full all the sugar corresponding to SLDRs) is duly supported by Exhibits C to C-15 inclusive which are post-dated checks dated
the amount of its cleared checks, it could no longer authorize further delivery October 27, 1989 issued by St. Therese Merchandising in favor of Victorias Milling
of sugar to CSC. Petitioner also contended that it had no privity of contract Company at the time it purchased the 50,000 bags of sugar covered by SLDR No. 1213 and
with CSC. 1214. Said checks appear to have been honored and duly credited to the account of
Victorias Milling Company because on October 27, 1989 Victorias Milling Company issued
Petitioner explained that the SLDRs, which it had issued, were not documents official receipt no. 34734 in favor of St. Therese Merchandising for the amount of
of title, but mere delivery receipts issued pursuant to a series of transactions P31,900,000.00 (Exhibits B and B-1). The testimony of Teresita Ng Go is further supported
entered into between it and STM. The SLDRs prescribed delivery of the sugar by Exhibit F, which is a computer printout of defendant Victorias Milling Company showing
to the party specified therein and did not authorize the transfer of said party's the quantity and value of the purchases made by St. Therese Merchandising, the SLDR no.
rights and interests. issued to cover the purchase, the official reciept no. and the status of payment. It is clear
in Exhibit 'F' that with respect to the sugar covered by SLDR No. 1214 the same has been
Petitioner also alleged that CSC did not pay for the SLDR and was actually fully paid as indicated by the word 'cleared' appearing under the column of 'status of
STM's co-conspirator to defraud it through a misrepresentation that CSC was payment.'
an innocent purchaser for value and in good faith. Petitioner then prayed that
CSC be ordered to pay it the following sums: P10,000,000.00 as moral damages; "On the other hand, the claim of defendant Victorias Milling Company that the purchase
P10,000,000.00 as exemplary damages; and P1,500,000.00 as attorney's fees. price of the 25,000 bags of sugar purchased by St. Therese Merchandising covered by SLDR
Petitioner also prayed that cross-defendant STM be ordered to pay it No. 1214 has not been fully paid is supported only by the testimony of Arnulfo Caintic,
P10,000,000.00 in exemplary damages, and P1,500,000.00 as attorney's fees. witness for defendant Victorias Milling Company. The Court notes that the testimony of
Arnulfo Caintic is merely a sweeping barren assertion that the purchase price has not been
Since no settlement was reached at pre-trial, the trial court heard the case on fully paid and is not corroborated by any positive evidence. There is an insinuation by
the merits. Arnulfo Caintic in his testimony that the postdated checks issued by the buyer in payment
of the purchased price were dishonored. However, said witness failed to present in Court
As earlier stated, the trial court rendered its judgment favoring private any dishonored check or any replacement check. Said witness likewise failed to present
respondent CSC, as follows: any bank record showing that the checks issued by the buyer, Teresita Ng Go, in payment
of the purchase price of the sugar covered by SLDR No. 1214 were dishonored."
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court hereby renders judgment in favor of
the plaintiff and against defendant Victorias Milling Company: Petitioner appealed the trial court's decision to the Court of Appeals.
"1) Ordering defendant Victorias Milling Company to deliver to the plaintiff 23,000 bags
of refined sugar due under SLDR No. 1214; On appeal, petitioner averred that the dealings between it and STM were part of a series
"2) Ordering defendant Victorias Milling Company to pay the amount of P920,000.00 as of transactions involving only one account or one general contract of sale. Pursuant to this
unrealized profits, the amount of P800,000.00 as exemplary damages and the amount contract, STM or any of its authorized agents could withdraw bags of sugar only against
of P1,357,000.00, which is 10% of the acquisition value of the undelivered bags of cleared checks of STM. SLDR No. 21214M was only one of 22 SLDRs issued to STM and
refined sugar in the amount of P13,570,000.00, as attorney's fees, plus the costs. since the latter had already withdrawn its full quota of sugar under the said SLDR, CSC was
already precluded from seeking delivery of the 23,000 bags of sugar.
Private respondent CSC countered that the sugar purchases involving SLDR No. 1214M 1 CA Rep 783). The rationale for this is to afford the party against whom
were separate and independent transactions and that the details of the series of the evidence is presented to object thereto if he deems it necessary.
purchases were contained in a single statement with a consolidated summary of cleared Plaintiff-appellee is, therefore, correct in its argument that Exhibit `F'
check payments and sugar stock withdrawals because this a more convenient system which was offered to prove that checks in the total amount of
than issuing separate statements for each purchase. P15,950,000.00 had been cleared. (Formal Offer of Evidence for Plaintiff,
Records p. 58) cannot be used to prove the proposition that 12,586 bags
The appellate court considered the following issues: (a) Whether or not the transaction of sugar remained undelivered.
between petitioner and STM involving SLDR No. 1214M was a separate, independent,
and single transaction; (b) Whether or not CSC had the capacity to sue on its own on "Testimonial evidence (Testimonies of Teresita Ng [TSN, 10 October 1990,
SLDR No. 1214M; and (c) Whether or not CSC as buyer from STM of the rights to 25,000 p. 33] and Marianito L. Santos [TSN, 17 October 1990, pp. 16, 18, and 36])
bags of sugar covered by SLDR No. 1214M could compel petitioner to deliver 23,000 presented by plaintiff-appellee was to the effect that it had withdrawn
bags allegedly unwithdrawn. only 2,000 bags of sugar from SLDR after which it was not allowed to
withdraw anymore. Documentary evidence (Exhibit I, Id., p. 78, Exhibit K,
On February 24, 1994, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision modifying the trial Id., p. 80) show that plaintiff-appellee had sent demand letters to
court's judgment, to wit: defendant-appellant asking the latter to allow it to withdraw the
remaining 23,000 bags of sugar from SLDR 1214M. Defendant-appellant,
"WHEREFORE, the Court hereby MODIFIES the assailed judgment and on the other hand, alleged that sugar delivery to the STM corresponded
orders defendant-appellant to: only to the value of cleared checks; and that all sugar corresponded to
"1) Deliver to plaintiff-appellee 12,586 bags of sugar covered by SLDR cleared checks had been withdrawn. Defendant-appellant did not rebut
No. 1214M; plaintiff-appellee's assertions. It did not present evidence to show how
" 2) Pay to plaintiff-appellee P792,918.00 which is 10% of the value of many bags of sugar had been withdrawn against SLDR No. 1214M,
the undelivered bags of refined sugar, as attorneys fees; precisely because of its theory that all sales in question were a series of
"3) Pay the costs of suit. one single transaction and withdrawal of sugar depended on the clearing
"SO ORDERED." of checks paid therefor.
Both parties then seasonably filed separate motions for reconsideration.
In its resolution dated September 30, 1994, the appellate court modified its decision to "After a second look at the evidence, We see no reason to overturn the
read: findings of the trial court on this point."

"WHEREFORE, the Court hereby modifies the assailed judgment and Hence, the instant petition, positing the following errors as grounds for review:
orders defendant-appellant to: "1. The Court of Appeals erred in not holding that STM's and private
"(1) Deliver to plaintiff-appellee 23,000 bags of refined sugar under respondent's specially informing petitioner that respondent was
SLDR No. 1214M; authorized by buyer STM to withdraw sugar against SLDR No. 1214M
"(2) Pay costs of suit. "for and in our (STM) behalf," (emphasis in the original) private
"SO ORDERED." respondent's withdrawing 2,000 bags of sugar for STM, and STM's
The appellate court explained the rationale for the modification as follows: empowering other persons as its agents to withdraw sugar against the
same SLDR No. 1214M, rendered respondent like the other persons, an
"There is merit in plaintiff-appellee's position. agent of STM as held in Rallos v. Felix Go Chan & Realty Corp., 81 SCRA
252, and precluded it from subsequently claiming and proving being an
"Exhibit `F' We relied upon in fixing the number of bags of sugar which assignee of SLDR No. 1214M and from suing by itself for its enforcement
remained undelivered as 12,586 cannot be made the basis for such a because it was conclusively presumed to be an agent (Sec. 2, Rule 131,
finding. The rule is explicit that courts should consider the evidence Rules of Court) and estopped from doing so. (Art. 1431, Civil Code).
only for the purpose for which it was offered. (People v. Abalos, et al,
" 2. The Court of Appeals erred in manifestly and arbitrarily ignoring (3) Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in not ruling that the sale
and disregarding certain relevant and undisputed facts which, had of sugar under SLDR No. 1214M was a conditional sale or a contract to
they been considered, would have shown that petitioner was not sell and hence freed petitioner from further obligations.
liable, except for 69 bags of sugar, and which would justify review of (4) Whether or not the Court of Appeals committed an error of law in
its conclusion of facts by this Honorable Court. not applying the "clean hands doctrine" to preclude CSC from seeking
judicial relief.
" 3. The Court of Appeals misapplied the law on compensation under
Arts. 1279, 1285 and 1626 of the Civil Code when it ruled that The issues will be discussed in seriatim.
compensation applied only to credits from one SLDR or contract and
not to those from two or more distinct contracts between the same Anent the first issue, we find from the records that petitioner raised this issue for the first
parties; and erred in denying petitioner's right to setoff all its credits time on appeal. It is settled that an issue which was not raised during the trial in the court
arising prior to notice of assignment from other sales or SLDRs against below could not be raised for the first time on appeal as to do so would be offensive to the
private respondent's claim as assignee under SLDR No. 1214M, so as basic rules of fair play, justice, and due process. Nonetheless, the Court of Appeals opted
to extinguish or reduce its liability to 69 bags, because the law on to address this issue, hence, now a matter for our consideration.
compensation applies precisely to two or more distinct contracts
between the same parties (emphasis in the original). Petitioner heavily relies upon STM's letter of authority allowing CSC to withdraw sugar
against SLDR No. 1214M to show that the latter was STM's agent. The pertinent portion of
"4. The Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the settlement or said letter reads:
liquidation of accounts in Exh. `F' between petitioner and STM, "This is to authorize Consolidated Sugar Corporation or its representative
respondent's admission of its balance, and STM's acquiescence to withdraw for and in our behalf (stress supplied) the refined sugar
thereto by silence for almost one year did not render Exh. `F' an covered by Shipping List/Delivery Receipt = Refined Sugar (SDR) No. 1214
account stated and its balance binding. dated October 16, 1989 in the total quantity of 25, 000 bags."

"5. The Court of Appeals erred in not holding that the conditions of The Civil Code defines a contract of agency as follows:
the assigned SLDR No. 1214, namely, (a) its subject matter being
generic, and (b) the sale of sugar being subject to its availability at the "Art. 1868. By the contract of agency a person binds himself to render
Nawaco warehouse, made the sale conditional and prevented STM or some service or to do something in representation or on behalf of
private respondent from acquiring title to the sugar; and the another, with the consent or authority of the latter."
non-availability of sugar freed petitioner from further obligation. It is clear from Article 1868 that the basis of agency is representation. On the part of the
principal, there must be an actual intention to appoint or an intention naturally inferable
"6. The Court of Appeals erred in not holding that the "clean hands" from his words or actions; and on the part of the agent, there must be an intention to
doctrine precluded respondent from seeking judicial reliefs (sic) from accept the appointment and act on it, and in the absence of such intent, there is
petitioner, its only remedy being against its assignor." generally no agency. One factor which most clearly distinguishes agency from other legal
concepts is control; one person - the agent - agrees to act under the control or direction of
Simply stated, the issues now to be resolved are: another - the principal. Indeed, the very word "agency" has come to connote control by
the principal. The control factor, more than any other, has caused the courts to put
(1) Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in not ruling that CSC contracts between principal and agent in a separate category. The Court of Appeals, in
was an agent of STM and hence, estopped to sue upon SLDR No. finding that CSC, was not an agent of STM, opined:
1214M as an assignee.
(2) Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in applying the law on "This Court has ruled that where the relation of agency is dependent
compensation to the transaction under SLDR No. 1214M so as to upon the acts of the parties, the law makes no presumption of agency,
preclude petitioner from offsetting its credits on the other SLDRs. and it is always a fact to be proved, with the burden of proof resting
upon the persons alleging the agency, to show not only the fact of its Petitioner clearly had the obligation to deliver said commodity to STM or its assignee.
existence, but also its nature and extent (Antonio vs. Enriquez [CA], 51 Since said sugar had been fully paid for, petitioner and CSC, as assignee of STM, were not
O.G. 3536]. Here, defendant-appellant failed to sufficiently establish mutually creditors and debtors of each other. No reversible error could thereby be
the existence of an agency relation between plaintiff-appellee and imputed to respondent appellate court when, it refused to apply Article 1279 of the Civil
STM. The fact alone that it (STM) had authorized withdrawal of sugar Code to the present case.
by plaintiff-appellee "for and in our (STM's) behalf" should not be
eyed as pointing to the existence of an agency relation ...It should be Regarding the third issue, petitioner contends that the sale of sugar under SLDR No.
viewed in the context of all the circumstances obtaining. Although it 1214M is a conditional sale or a contract to sell, with title to the sugar still remaining with
would seem STM represented plaintiff-appellee as being its agent by the vendor. Noteworthy, SLDR No. 1214M contains the following terms and conditions:
the use of the phrase "for and in our (STM's) behalf" the matter was
cleared when on 23 January 1990, plaintiff-appellee informed "It is understood and agreed that by payment by buyer/trader of refined
defendant-appellant that SLDFR No. 1214M had been "sold and sugar and/or receipt of this document by the buyer/trader personally or
endorsed" to it by STM (Exhibit I, Records, p. 78). Further, through a representative, title to refined sugar is transferred to
plaintiff-appellee has shown that the 25, 000 bags of sugar covered by buyer/trader and delivery to him/it is deemed effected and completed
the SLDR No. 1214M were sold and transferred by STM to it ...A (stress supplied) and buyer/trader assumes full responsibility
conclusion that there was a valid sale and transfer to plaintiff-appellee therefore..."
may, therefore, be made thus capacitating plaintiff-appellee to sue in The aforequoted terms and conditions clearly show that petitioner transferred
its own name, without need of joining its imputed principal STM as title to the sugar to the buyer or his assignee upon payment of the purchase price.
co-plaintiff." Said terms clearly establish a contract of sale, not a contract to sell. Petitioner is
now estopped from alleging the contrary. The contract is the law between the
contracting parties. And where the terms and conditions so stipulated are not
In the instant case, it appears plain to us that private respondent CSC was a buyer of the contrary to law, morals, good customs, public policy or public order, the contract
SLDFR form, and not an agent of STM. Private respondent CSC was not subject to STM's is valid and must be upheld. Having transferred title to the sugar in question,
control. The question of whether a contract is one of sale or agency depends on the petitioner is now obliged to deliver it to the purchaser or its assignee.
intention of the parties as gathered from the whole scope and effect of the language
employed. That the authorization given to CSC contained the phrase "for and in our As to the fourth issue, petitioner submits that STM and private respondent CSC
(STM's) behalf" did not establish an agency. Ultimately, what is decisive is the intention have entered into a conspiracy to defraud it of its sugar. This conspiracy is
of the parties. That no agency was meant to be established by the CSC and STM is allegedly evidenced by: (a) the fact that STM's selling price to CSC was below its
clearly shown by CSC's communication to petitioner that SLDR No. 1214M had been purchasing price; (b) CSC's refusal to pursue its case against Teresita Ng Go; and
"sold and endorsed" to it. The use of the words "sold and endorsed" means that STM (c) the authority given by the latter to other persons to withdraw sugar against
and CSC intended a contract of sale, and not an agency. Hence, on this score, no error SLDR No. 1214M after she had sold her rights under said SLDR to CSC. Petitioner
was committed by the respondent appellate court when it held that CSC was not STM's prays that the doctrine of "clean hands" should be applied to preclude CSC from
agent and could independently sue petitioner. seeking judicial relief. However, despite careful scrutiny, we find here the records
bare of convincing evidence whatsoever to support the petitioner's allegations of
On the second issue, proceeding from the theory that the transactions entered into fraud. We are now constrained to deem this matter purely speculative, bereft of
between petitioner and STM are but serial parts of one account, petitioner insists that concrete proof.
its debt has been offset by its claim for STM's unpaid purchases, pursuant to Article
1279 of the Civil Code. However, the trial court found, and the Court of Appeals WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit. Costs against
concurred, that the purchase of sugar covered by SLDR No. 1214M was a separate and petitioner.
independent transaction; it was not a serial part of a single transaction or of one SO ORDERED
account contrary to petitioner's insistence. Evidence on record shows, without being
rebutted, that petitioner had been paid for the sugar purchased under SLDR No. 1214M.
G.R. No. 156262, July 14, 2005 - PANGANIBAN, J.: cavans valued at P1,211,919.00. In payment therefor, the spouses
PETITIONER: MARIA TUAZON, ALEJANDRO P. TUAZON, MELECIO P. TUAZON, SPOUSES Tuazon issued x x x [several] Traders Royal Bank checks.
Stripped of nonessentials, the present case involves the collection of a sum of
money. Specifically, this case arose from the failure of petitioners to pay
respondents' predecessor-in-interest. This fact was shown by the [B]ut when these [checks] were encashed, all of the checks bounced due
non-encashment of checks issued by a third person, but indorsed by herein to insufficiency of funds. [Respondents] advanced that before issuing
Petitioner Maria Tuazon in favor of the said predecessor. Under these said checks[,] spouses Tuazon already knew that they had no available
circumstances, to enable respondents to collect on the indebtedness, the fund to support the checks, and they failed to provide for the payment
check drawer need not be impleaded in the Complaint. Thus, the suit is of these despite repeated demands made on them.
directed, not against the drawer, but against the debtor who indorsed the
checks in payment of the obligation. "[Respondents] averred that because spouses Tuazon anticipated that
they would be sued, they conspired with the other [defendants] to
The Case defraud them as creditors by executing x x x fictitious sales of their
Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, challenging the properties. They executed x x x simulated sale[s] [of three lots] in favor
July 31, 2002 Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 46535. The of the x x x spouses Buenaventura x x x[,] as well as their residential lot
decretal portion of the assailed Decision reads: and the house thereon[,] all located at Nueva Ecija, and another
simulated deed of sale dated July 12, 1988 of a Stake Toyota registered
"WHEREFORE, the appeal is DISMISSED and the appealed decision is with the Land Transportation Office of Cabanatuan City on September 7,
AFFIRMED." 1988. [Co-petitioner] Melecio Tuazon, a son of spouses Tuazon,
On the other hand, the affirmed Decision of Branch 34 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) registered a fictitious Deed of Sale on July 19, 1988 x x x over a
of Gapan, Nueva Ecija, disposed as follows: residential lot located at Nueva Ecija. Another simulated sale of a
Toyota Willys was executed on January 25, 1988 in favor of their other
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs son, [co-petitioner] Alejandro Tuazon x x x. As a result of the said sales,
and against the defendants, ordering the defendants spouses Leonilo the titles of these properties issued in the names of spouses Tuazon
Tuazon and Maria Tuazon to pay the plaintiffs, as follows: were cancelled and new ones were issued in favor of the
[co-]defendants spouses Buenaventura, Alejandro Tuazon and Melecio
"1. The sum of P1,750,050.00, with interests from Tuazon. Resultantly, by the said ante-dated and simulated sales and the
the filing of the second amended complaint; corresponding transfers there was no more property left registered in
"2. The sum of P50,000.00, as attorney's fees; the names of spouses Tuazon answerable to creditors, to the damage
"3. The sum of P20,000.00, as moral damages and prejudice of [respondents].
"4. And to pay the costs of suit.

xxx xxx x x x" "For their part, defendants denied having purchased x x x rice from
[Bartolome] Ramos. They alleged that it was Magdalena Ramos, wife of
The Facts said deceased, who owned and traded the merchandise and Maria
The facts are narrated by the CA as follows: Tuazon was merely her agent. They argued that it was Evangeline
Santos who was the buyer of the rice and issued the checks to Maria
"[Respondents] alleged that between the period of May 2, 1988 and Tuazon as payments therefor. In good faith[,] the checks were received
June 5, 1988, spouses Leonilo and Maria Tuazon purchased a total of [by petitioner] from Evangeline Santos and turned over to Ramos
8,326 cavans of rice from [the deceased Bartolome] Ramos without knowing that these were not funded. And it is for this reason
[predecessor-in-interest of respondents]. That of this [quantity,] x x x that [petitioners] have been insisting on the inclusion of Evangeline
only 4,437 cavans [have been paid for so far], leaving unpaid 3,889 Santos as an indispensable party, and her non-inclusion was a fatal
error. Refuting that the sale of several properties were fictitious or "2. Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals erred in rendering
simulated, spouses Tuazon contended that these were sold because judgment against the petitioners despite x x x the failure of the
they were then meeting financial difficulties but the disposals were respondents to include in their action Evangeline Santos, an
made for value and in good faith and done before the filing of the indispensable party to the suit."[7]
instant suit. To dispute the contention of plaintiffs that they were the
buyers of the rice, they argued that there was no sales invoice, official The Court's Ruling
receipts or like evidence to prove this. They assert that they were
merely agents and should not be held answerable." The Petition is unmeritorious.
The corresponding civil and criminal cases were filed by respondents against Spouses
Tuazon. Those cases were later consolidated and amended to include Spouses First Issue:
Anastacio and Mary Buenaventura, with Alejandro Tuazon and Melecio Tuazon as Agency
additional defendants. Having passed away before the pretrial, Bartolome Ramos was
substituted by his heirs, herein respondents. Well-entrenched is the rule that the Supreme Court's role in a petition under Rule 45 is
limited to reviewing errors of law allegedly committed by the Court of Appeals. Factual
Contending that Evangeline Santos was an indispensable party in the case, petitioners findings of the trial court, especially when affirmed by the CA, are conclusive on the
moved to file a third-party complaint against her. Allegedly, she was primarily liable to parties and this Court.[8] Petitioners have not given us sufficient reasons to deviate from
respondents, because she was the one who had purchased the merchandise from their this rule.
predecessor, as evidenced by the fact that the checks had been drawn in her
name. The RTC, however, denied petitioners' Motion. In a contract of agency, one binds oneself to render some service or to do something in
representation or on behalf of another, with the latter's consent or authority. [9] The
Since the trial court acquitted petitioners in all three of the consolidated criminal cases, following are the elements of agency: (1) the parties' consent, express or implied, to
they appealed only its decision finding them civilly liable to respondents. establish the relationship; (2) the object, which is the execution of a juridical act in relation
to a third person; (3) the representation, by which the one who acts as an agent does so,
Ruling of the Court of Appeals not for oneself, but as a representative; (4) the limitation that the agent acts within the
scope of his or her authority.[10] As the basis of agency is representation, there must be,
Sustaining the RTC, the CA held that petitioners had failed to prove the existence of an on the part of the principal, an actual intention to appoint, an intention naturally inferable
agency between respondents and Spouses Tuazon. The appellate court disbelieved from the principal's words or actions. In the same manner, there must be an intention on
petitioners' contention that Evangeline Santos should have been impleaded as an the part of the agent to accept the appointment and act upon it. Absent such mutual
indispensable party. Inasmuch as all the checks had been indorsed by Maria Tuazon, intent, there is generally no agency.
who thereby became liable to subsequent holders for the amounts stated in those
checks, there was no need to implead Santos. This Court finds no reversible error in the findings of the courts a quo that petitioners were
the rice buyers themselves; they were not mere agents of respondents in their rice
Hence, this Petition.[6] dealership. The question of whether a contract is one of sale or of agency depends on the
intention of the parties.
The declarations of agents alone are generally insufficient to establish the fact or extent of
their authority. The law makes no presumption of agency; proving its existence, nature
Petitioners raise the following issues for our consideration: and extent is incumbent upon the person alleging it. In the present case, petitioners
raise the fact of agency as an affirmative defense, yet fail to prove its existence.
"1. Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals erred in ruling that
petitioners are not agents of the respondents. The Court notes that petitioners, on their own behalf, sued Evangeline Santos for
collection of the amounts represented by the bounced checks, in a separate civil case SO ORDERED.
that they sought to be consolidated with the current one. If, as they claim, they were
mere agents of respondents, petitioners should have brought the suit against Santos for G.R. NO. 167552, April 23, 2007 - CHICO-NAZARIO, J.:
and on behalf of their alleged principal, in accordance with Section 2 of Rule 3 of the PETITIONER: EUROTECH INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
Rules on Civil Procedure. Their filing a suit against her in their own names negates RESPONDENTS: EDWIN CUIZON AND ERWIN CUIZON
their claim that they acted as mere agents in selling the rice obtained from Bartolome
Ramos. Before Us is a petition for review by certiorari assailing the Decision of the Court
of Appeals dated 10 August 2004 and its Resolution dated 17 March 2005 in
Second Issue: CA-G.R. SP No. 71397 entitled, "Eurotech Industrial Technologies, Inc. v. Hon.
Indispensable Party Antonio T. Echavez." The assailed Decision and Resolution affirmed the Order
dated 29 January 2002 rendered by Judge Antonio T. Echavez ordering the
Petitioners argue that the lower courts erred in not allowing Evangeline Santos to be dropping of respondent EDWIN Cuizon (EDWIN) as a party defendant in Civil Case
impleaded as an indispensable party. They insist that respondents' Complaint against No. CEB-19672.
them is based on the bouncing checks she issued; hence, they point to her as the person
primarily liable for the obligation. The generative facts of the case are as follows:

We hold that respondents' cause of action is clearly founded on petitioners' failure to Petitioner is engaged in the business of importation and distribution of various
pay the purchase price of the rice. The trial court held that Petitioner Maria Tuazon European industrial equipment for customers here in the Philippines. It has as
had indorsed the questioned checks in favor of respondents, in accordance with one of its customers Impact Systems Sales ("Impact Systems") which is a sole
Sections 31 and 63 of the Negotiable Instruments Law. That Santos was the drawer of proprietorship owned by respondent ERWIN Cuizon (ERWIN). Respondent EDWIN
the checks is thus immaterial to the respondents' cause of action. is the sales manager of Impact Systems and was impleaded in the court a quo in
said capacity.
As indorser, Petitioner Maria Tuazon warranted that upon due presentment, the checks
were to be accepted or paid, or both, according to their tenor; and that in case they From January to April 1995, petitioner sold to Impact Systems various products
were dishonored, she would pay the corresponding amount. After an instrument is allegedly amounting to ninety-one thousand three hundred thirty-eight
dishonored by nonpayment, indorsers cease to be merely secondarily liable; they (P91,338.00) pesos. Subsequently, respondents sought to buy from petitioner
become principal debtors whose liability becomes identical to that of the original one unit of sludge pump valued at P250,000.00 with respondents making a down
obligor. The holder of a negotiable instrument need not even proceed against the payment of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00). When the sludge pump arrived
maker before suing the indorser. Clearly, Evangeline Santos -- as the drawer of the from the United Kingdom, petitioner refused to deliver the same to respondents
checks -- is not an indispensable party in an action against Maria Tuazon, the indorser of without their having fully settled their indebtedness to petitioner. Thus, on 28
the checks. June 1995, respondent EDWIN and Alberto de Jesus, general manager of
petitioner, executed a Deed of Assignment of receivables in favor of petitioner,
Indispensable parties are defined as "parties in interest without whom no final the pertinent part of which states:
determination can be had." The instant case was originally one for the collection of
the purchase price of the rice bought by Maria Tuazon from respondents'
predecessor. In this case, it is clear that there is no privity of contract between
1.) That ASSIGNOR has an outstanding receivables from Toledo Power
respondents and Santos. Hence, a final determination of the rights and interest of the
Corporation in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND
parties may be made without any need to implead her.
(P365,000.00) PESOS as payment for the purchase of one unit of
Selwood Spate 100D Sludge Pump;
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision
AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners. 2.) That said ASSIGNOR does hereby ASSIGN, TRANSFER, and CONVEY
unto the ASSIGNEE[6] the said receivables from Toledo Power
Corporation in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND 1.3. Defendant Edwin B. Cuizon is of legal age, Filipino, married, a
(P365,000.00) PESOS which receivables the ASSIGNOR is the lawful resident of Cebu City. He is the Sales Manager of Impact Systems and is
recipient; sued in this action in such capacity.

3.) That the ASSIGNEE does hereby accept this assignment.[7] On 26 June 1998, petitioner filed a Motion to Declare Defendant ERWIN in Default with
Motion for Summary Judgment. The trial court granted petitioner's motion to declare
Following the execution of the Deed of Assignment, petitioner delivered to respondents respondent ERWIN in default "for his failure to answer within the prescribed period
the sludge pump as shown by Invoice No. 12034 dated 30 June 1995.[8] despite the opportunity granted" but it denied petitioner's motion for summary
judgment in its Order of 31 August 2001 and scheduled the pre-trial of the case on 16
Allegedly unbeknownst to petitioner, respondents, despite the existence of the Deed of October 2001. However, the conduct of the pre-trial conference was deferred pending
Assignment, proceeded to collect from Toledo Power Company the amount of the resolution by the trial court of the special and affirmative defenses raised by
P365,135.29 as evidenced by Check Voucher No. 0933[9] prepared by said power respondent EDWIN.
company and an official receipt dated 15 August 1995 issued by Impact Systems. [10]
Alarmed by this development, petitioner made several demands upon respondents to After the filing of respondent EDWIN's Memorandum in support of his special and
pay their obligations. As a result, respondents were able to make partial payments to affirmative defenses and petitioner's opposition thereto, the trial court rendered its
petitioner. On 7 October 1996, petitioner's counsel sent respondents a final demand assailed Order dated 29 January 2002 dropping respondent EDWIN as a party defendant in
letter wherein it was stated that as of 11 June 1996, respondents' total obligations this case. According to the trial court —
stood at P295,000.00 excluding interests and attorney's fees. Because of respondents'
failure to abide by said final demand letter, petitioner instituted a complaint for sum of A study of Annex "G" to the complaint shows that in the Deed of
money, damages, with application for preliminary attachment against herein Assignment, defendant Edwin B. Cuizon acted in behalf of or
respondents before the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. represented [Impact] Systems Sales; that [Impact] Systems Sale is a
single proprietorship entity and the complaint shows that defendant
On 8 January 1997, the trial court granted petitioner's prayer for the issuance of writ of Erwin H. Cuizon is the proprietor; that plaintiff corporation is
preliminary attachment. represented by its general manager Alberto de Jesus in the contract
which is dated June 28, 1995. A study of Annex "H" to the complaint
On 25 June 1997, respondent EDWIN filed his Answer wherein he admitted reveals that [Impact] Systems Sales which is owned solely by defendant
petitioner's allegations with respect to the sale transactions entered into by Impact Erwin H. Cuizon, made a down payment of P50,000.00 that Annex "H" is
Systems and petitioner between January and April 1995. He, however, disputed the dated June 30, 1995 or two days after the execution of Annex "G",
total amount of Impact Systems' indebtedness to petitioner which, according to him, thereby showing that [Impact] Systems Sales ratified the act of Edwin B.
amounted to only P220,000.00. Cuizon; the records further show that plaintiff knew that [Impact]
Systems Sales, the principal, ratified the act of Edwin B. Cuizon, the
By way of special and affirmative defenses, respondent EDWIN alleged that he is not a agent, when it accepted the down payment of P50,000.00. Plaintiff,
real party in interest in this case. According to him, he was acting as mere agent of his therefore, cannot say that it was deceived by defendant Edwin B. Cuizon,
principal, which was the Impact Systems, in his transaction with petitioner and the latter since in the instant case the principal has ratified the act of its agent and
was very much aware of this fact. In support of this argument, petitioner points to plaintiff knew about said ratification. Plaintiff could not say that the
paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of petitioner's Complaint stating — subject contract was entered into by Edwin B. Cuizon in excess of his
powers since [Impact] Systems Sales made a down payment of
1.2. Defendant Erwin H. Cuizon, is of legal age, married, a resident of P50,000.00 two days later.
Cebu City. He is the proprietor of a single proprietorship business
known as Impact Systems Sales ("Impact Systems" for brevity), with In view of the Foregoing, the Court directs that defendant Edwin B.
office located at 46-A del Rosario Street, Cebu City, where he may be Cuizon be dropped as party defendant.
served summons and other processes of the Honorable Court.
Aggrieved by the adverse ruling of the trial court, petitioner brought the matter to the ERWIN and that his status as such is known even to petitioner as it is alleged in the
Court of Appeals which, however, affirmed the 29 January 2002 Order of the court a Complaint that he is being sued in his capacity as the sales manager of the said business
quo. The dispositive portion of the now assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals states: venture. Likewise, respondent EDWIN points to the Deed of Assignment which clearly
states that he was acting as a representative of Impact Systems in said transaction.
WHEREFORE, finding no viable legal ground to reverse or modify the
conclusions reached by the public respondent in his Order dated We do not find merit in the petition.
January 29, 2002, it is hereby AFFIRMED.

Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was denied by the appellate court in its In a contract of agency, a person binds himself to render some service or to do something
Resolution promulgated on 17 March 2005. Hence, the present petition raising, as sole in representation or on behalf of another with the latter's consent. The underlying
ground for its allowance, the following: principle of the contract of agency is to accomplish results by using the services of others
— to do a great variety of things like selling, buying, manufacturing, and transporting. Its
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A REVERSIBLE ERROR WHEN IT purpose is to extend the personality of the principal or the party for whom another acts
RULED THAT RESPONDENT EDWIN CUIZON, AS AGENT OF IMPACT and from whom he or she derives the authority to act. It is said that the basis of agency is
SYSTEMS SALES/ERWIN CUIZON, IS NOT PERSONALLY LIABLE, representation, that is, the agent acts for and on behalf of the principal on matters within
BECAUSE HE HAS NEITHER ACTED BEYOND THE SCOPE OF HIS AGENCY the scope of his authority and said acts have the same legal effect as if they were
NOR DID HE PARTICIPATE IN THE PERPETUATION OF A FRAUD. personally executed by the principal. By this legal fiction, the actual or real absence of
the principal is converted into his legal or juridical presence — qui facit per alium facit per
To support its argument, petitioner points to Article 1897 of the New Civil Code which se.

Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such is not personally liable to the The elements of the contract of agency are: (1) consent, express or implied, of the parties
party with whom he contracts, unless he expressly binds himself or to establish the relationship; (2) the object is the execution of a juridical act in relation to a
exceeds the limits of his authority without giving such party sufficient third person; (3) the agent acts as a representative and not for himself; (4) the agent acts
notice of his powers. within the scope of his authority.

Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals failed to appreciate the effect of ERWIN's In this case, the parties do not dispute the existence of the agency relationship between
act of collecting the receivables from the Toledo Power Corporation notwithstanding respondents ERWIN as principal and EDWIN as agent. The only cause of the present
the existence of the Deed of Assignment signed by EDWIN on behalf of Impact Systems. dispute is whether respondent EDWIN exceeded his authority when he signed the Deed of
While said collection did not revoke the agency relations of respondents, petitioner Assignment thereby binding himself personally to pay the obligations to petitioner.
insists that ERWIN's action repudiated EDWIN's power to sign the Deed of Assignment. Petitioner firmly believes that respondent EDWIN acted beyond the authority granted by
As EDWIN did not sufficiently notify it of the extent of his powers as an agent, petitioner his principal and he should therefore bear the effect of his deed pursuant to Article 1897
claims that he should be made personally liable for the obligations of his principal. of the New Civil Code.

Petitioner also contends that it fell victim to the fraudulent scheme of respondents who We disagree.
induced it into selling the one unit of sludge pump to Impact Systems and signing the
Deed of Assignment. Petitioner directs the attention of this Court to the fact that Article 1897 reinforces the familiar doctrine that an agent, who acts as such, is not
respondents are bound not only by their principal and agent relationship but are in fact personally liable to the party with whom he contracts. The same provision, however,
full-blooded brothers whose successive contravening acts bore the obvious signs of presents two instances when an agent becomes personally liable to a third person. The
conspiracy to defraud petitioner. first is when he expressly binds himself to the obligation and the second is when he
exceeds his authority. In the last instance, the agent can be held liable if he does not give
In his Comment, respondent EDWIN again posits the argument that he is not a real the third party sufficient notice of his powers. We hold that respondent EDWIN does not
party in interest in this case and it was proper for the trial court to have him dropped as fall within any of the exceptions contained in this provision.
a defendant. He insists that he was a mere agent of Impact Systems which is owned by
The Deed of Assignment clearly states that respondent EDWIN signed thereon as the himself becomes liable to a third party when he expressly binds himself or he
sales manager of Impact Systems. As discussed elsewhere, the position of manager is exceeds the limits of his authority without giving notice of his powers to the third
unique in that it presupposes the grant of broad powers with which to conduct the person. However, it must be pointed out that in case of excess of authority by the
business of the principal, thus: agent, like what petitioner claims exists here, the law does not say that a third
person can recover from both the principal and the agent.

The powers of an agent are particularly broad in the case of one acting as a As we declare that respondent EDWIN acted within his authority as an agent,
general agent or manager; such a position presupposes a degree of confidence who did not acquire any right nor incur any liability arising from the Deed of
reposed and investiture with liberal powers for the exercise of judgment and Assignment, it follows that he is not a real party in interest who should be
discretion in transactions and concerns which are incidental or appurtenant to impleaded in this case. A real party in interest is one who "stands to be benefited
the business entrusted to his care and management. In the absence of an or injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of the
agreement to the contrary, a managing agent may enter into any contracts that suit." In this respect, we sustain his exclusion as a defendant in the suit before
he deems reasonably necessary or requisite for the protection of the interests the court a quo.
of his principal entrusted to his management. x x x.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present petition is DENIED and the
Applying the foregoing to the present case, we hold that Edwin Cuizon acted Decision dated 10 August 2004 and Resolution dated 17 March 2005 of the Court
well-within his authority when he signed the Deed of Assignment. To recall, of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 71397, affirming the Order dated 29 January 2002 of
petitioner refused to deliver the one unit of sludge pump unless it received, in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 8, Cebu City, is AFFIRMED.
full, the payment for Impact Systems' indebtedness. We may very well
assume that Impact Systems desperately needed the sludge pump for its Let the records of this case be remanded to the Regional Trial Court, Branch 8,
business since after it paid the amount of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as Cebu City, for the continuation of the proceedings against respondent Erwin
down payment on 3 March 1995, it still persisted in negotiating with Cuizon.
petitioner which culminated in the execution of the Deed of Assignment of its
receivables from Toledo Power Company on 28 June 1995. The significant SO ORDERED.
amount of time spent on the negotiation for the sale of the sludge pump
underscores Impact Systems' perseverance to get hold of the said equipment.
There is, therefore, no doubt in our mind that respondent EDWIN's (C. The parties tot he contract; capacity)
participation in the Deed of Assignment was "reasonably necessary" or was
required in order for him to protect the business of his principal. Had he not G.R. No. 120465, September 09, 1999 KAPUNAN, J.:
acted in the way he did, the business of his principal would have been
adversely affected and he would have violated his fiduciary relation with his PETITIONERS: WILLIAM UY AND RODEL ROXAS
We likewise take note of the fact that in this case, petitioner is seeking to AUTHORITY,
recover both from respondents ERWIN, the principal, and EDWIN, the agent. It
is well to state here that Article 1897 of the New Civil Code upon which
petitioner anchors its claim against respondent EDWIN "does not hold that in Petitioners William Uy and Rodel Roxas are agents authorized to sell eight parcels of land
case of excess of authority, both the agent and the principal are liable to the by the owners thereof. By virtue of such authority, petitioners offered to sell the lands,
other contracting party." To reiterate, the first part of Article 1897 declares
located in Tuba, Tadiangan, Benguet to respondent National Housing Authority (NHA) to
that the principal is liable in cases when the agent acted within the bounds of
be utilized and developed as a housing project.
his authority. Under this, the agent is completely absolved of any liability. The
second part of the said provision presents the situations when the agent
On February 14, 1989, the NHA Board passed Resolution No. 1632 approving the
acquisition of said lands, with an area of 31.8231 hectares, at the cost of P23.867 million, records), it becomes obviously indispensable that the lot owners be included,
pursuant to which the parties executed a series of Deeds of Absolute Sale covering the mentioned and named as party-plaintiffs, being the real party-in-interest. Uy and
subject lands. Of the eight parcels of land, however, only five were paid for by the NHA Roxas, as attorneys-in-fact or apoderados, cannot by themselves lawfully
because of the report it received from the Land Geosciences Bureau of the commence this action, more so, when the supposed special power of attorney, in
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) that the remaining area is their favor, was never presented as an evidence in this case. Besides, even if
located at an active landslide area and therefore, not suitable for development into a herein plaintiffs Uy and Roxas were authorized by the lot owners to commence
this action, the same must still be filed in the name of the pricipal, (Filipino
housing project.
Industrial Corporation vs. San Diego, 23 SCRA 706 [1968]). As such indispensable
party, their joinder in the action is mandatory and the complaint may be
On 22 November 1991, the NHA issued Resolution No. 2352 cancelling the sale over the dismissed if not so impleaded (NDC vs. CA, 211 SCRA 422 [1992]).
three parcels of land. The NHA, through Resolution No. 2394, subsequently offered the
amount of P1.225 million to the landowners as daños perjuicios. Their motion for reconsideration having been denied, petitioners seek relief from this
Court contending that:
On 9 March 1992, petitioners filed before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City I. COMPLAINT FINDING THE RESPONDENT CA ERRED IN DECLARING
a Complaint for Damages against NHA and its General Manager Robert Balao. THAT RESPONDENT NHA HAD ANY LEGAL BASIS FOR RESCINDING THE
After trial, the RTC rendered a decision declaring the cancellation of the contract to be RESOLUTION NO. 1632.
justified. The trial court nevertheless awarded damages to plaintiffs in the sum of
P1.255 million, the same amount initially offered by NHA to petitioners as damages. II. GRANTING ARGUENDO THAT THE RESPONDENT NHA HAD LEGAL
Upon appeal by petitioners, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the trial court NONETHELESS ERRED IN DENYING HEREIN PETITIONERS’ CLAIM TO
and entered a new one dismissing the complaint. It held that since there was “sufficient DAMAGES, CONTRARY TO THE PROVISIONS OF ART. 1191 OF THE CIVIL
justifiable basis” in cancelling the sale, “it saw no reason” for the award of damages. The CODE.
Court of Appeals also noted that petitioners were mere attorneys-in-fact and, therefore,
not the real parties-in-interest in the action before the trial court.

xxx In paragraph 4 of the complaint, plaintiffs alleged themselves to be We first resolve the issue raised in the third assignment of error.
“sellers’ agents” for several owners of the 8 lots subject matter of the case.
Obviously, William Uy and Rodel Roxas in filing this case acted as Petitioners claim that they lodged the complaint not in behalf of their principles but in
attorneys-in-fact of the lot owners who are the real parties in interest but who their own name as agents directly damaged by the termination of the contract. The
were omitted to be pleaded as party-plaintiffs in the case. This omission is fatal. damages prayed for were intended not for the benefit of their principals but to indemnify
Where the action is brought by an attorney-in-fact of a land owner in his name, petitioners for the losses they themselves allegedly incurred as a result of such
(as in our present action) and not in the name of his principal, the action was termination. These damages consist mainly of “unearned income” and advances.
properly dismissed (Ferrer vs. Villamor, 60 SCRA 406 [1974]; Marcelo vs. de Leon, Petitioners, thus, attempt to distinguish the case at bar from those involving agents or
105 Phil. 1175) because the rule is that every action must be prosecuted in the apoderados instituting actions in their own name but in behalf of their principals.
name of the real parties-in-interest (Section 2, Rule 3, Rules of Court). Petitioners in this case purportedly brought the action for damages in their own name and
in their own behalf.
When plaintiffs Uy and Roxas sought payment of damages in their favor in view
of the partial rescission of Resolution No. 1632 and the Deed of Absolute Sale We find this contention unmeritorious.
covering TCT Nos. 10998, 10999 and 11292 (Prayer complaint, page 5, RTC
Section 2, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court requires that every action must be prosecuted x x x recognizes the assignments of rights of action and also recognizes
and defended in the name of the real party-in-interest. The real party-in-interest is the that when one has a right of action assigned to him he is then the real
party who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment or the party entitled to the party in interest and may maintain an action upon such claim or right.
avails of the suit. “Interest,” within the meaning of the rule, means material interest, an The purpose of [this rule] is to require the plaintiff to be the real party in
interest in the issue and to be affected by the decree, as distinguished from mere interest, or, in other words, he must be the person to whom the
interest in the question involved, or a mere incidental interest. [6] Cases construing the proceeds of the action shall belong, and to prevent actions by persons
real party-in-interest provision can be more easily understood if it is borne in mind that who have no interest in the result of the same. xxx
the true meaning of real party-in-interest may be summarized as follows: An action shall
be prosecuted in the name of the party who, by the substantive law, has the right Thus, an agent, in his own behalf, may bring an action founded on a contract made for his
sought to be enforced.[7] principal, as an assignee of such contract. We find the following declaration in Section 372
(1) of the Restatement of the Law on Agency (Second):
Do petitioners, under substantive law, possess the right they seek to enforce? We rule Section 372. Agent as Owner of Contract Right
in the negative.
(1) Unless otherwise agreed, an agent who has or who acquires an
The applicable substantive law in this case is Article 1311 of the Civil Code, which states: interest in a contract which he makes on behalf of his principal can,
Contracts take effect only between the parties, their assigns, and heirs, although not a promisee, maintain such action thereon as might a
except in case where the rights and obligations arising from the contract are transferee having a similar interest.
not transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation, or by provision of law. x x x. The Comment on subsection (1) states:

If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a third person, he may a. Agent a transferee. One who has made a contract on behalf of
demand its fulfillment provided he communicated his acceptance to the another may become an assignee of the contract and bring suit against
obligor before its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person the other party to it, as any other transferee. The customs of business or
is not sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly and deliberately the course of conduct between the principal and the agent may indicate
conferred a favor upon a third person. (Underscoring supplied.) that an agent who ordinarily has merely a security interest is a
transferee of the principals rights under the contract and as such is
Petitioners are not parties to the contract of sale between their principals and NHA. permitted to bring suit. If the agent has settled with his principal with
They are mere agents of the owners of the land subject of the sale. As agents, they only the understanding that he is to collect the claim against the obligor by
render some service or do something in representation or on behalf of their principals.[8] way of reimbursing himself for his advances and commissions, the agent
The rendering of such service did not make them parties to the contracts of sale is in the position of an assignee who is the beneficial owner of the chose
executed in behalf of the latter. Since a contract may be violated only by the parties in action. He has an irrevocable power to sue in his principal’s name. x x
thereto as against each other, the real parties-in-interest, either as plaintiff or x. And, under the statutes which permit the real party in interest to sue,
defendant, in an action upon that contract must, generally, either be parties to said he can maintain an action in his own name. This power to sue is not
contract.[9] affected by a settlement between the principal and the obligor if the
latter has notice of the agent’s interest. x x x. Even though the agent has
Neither has there been any allegation, much less proof, that petitioners are the heirs of not settled with his principal, he may, by agreement with the principal,
their principals. have a right to receive payment and out of the proceeds to reimburse
himself for advances and commissions before turning the balance over
Are petitioners assignees to the rights under the contracts of sale? In McMicking vs. to the principal. In such a case, although there is no formal assignment,
Banco Español-Filipino,[10] we held that the rule requiring every action to be prosecuted the agent is in the position of a transferee of the whole claim for security;
in the name of the real party-in-interest he has an irrevocable power to sue in his principal’s name and, under
statutes which permit the real party in interest to sue, he can maintain
an action in his own name.
Petitioners, however, have not shown that they are assignees of their principals to the At most, the owner of the property and the one who promised to give
subject contracts. While they alleged that they made advances and that they suffered her a commission should be the one liable to pay the same and to whom
loss of commissions, they have not established any agreement granting them “the right the claim should have been directed. xxx
to receive payment and out of the proceeds to reimburse [themselves] for advances
and commissions before turning the balance over to the principal[s].” As petitioners are not parties, heirs, assignees, or beneficiaries of a stipulation pour autrui
under the contracts of sale, they do not, under substantive law, possess the right they
Finally, it does not appear that petitioners are beneficiaries of a stipulation pour autrui seek to enforce. Therefore, they are not the real parties-in-interest in this case.
under the second paragraph of Article 1311 of the Civil Code. Indeed, there is no
stipulation in any of the Deeds of Absolute Sale “clearly and deliberately” conferring a Petitioners not being the real parties-in-interest, any decision rendered herein would be
favor to any third person. pointless since the same would not bind the real parties-in-interest.

That petitioners did not obtain their commissions or recoup their advances because of Nevertheless, to forestall further litigation on the substantive aspects of this case, we shall
the non-performance of the contract did not entitle them to file the action below proceed to rule on the merits.
against respondent NHA. Section 372 (2) of the Restatement of the Law on Agency
(Second) states: Petitioners submit that respondent NHA had no legal basis to “rescind” the sale of the
subject three parcels of land. The existence of such legal basis, notwithstanding,
(2) An agent does not have such an interest in a contract as to entitle petitioners argue that they are still entitled to an award of damages.
him to maintain an action at law upon it in his own name merely
because he is entilted to a portion of the proceeds as compensation Petitioners confuse the cancellation of the contract by the NHA as a rescission of the
for making it or because he is liable for its breach. contract under Article 1191 of the Civil Code. The right of rescission or, more accurately,
resolution, of a party to an obligation under Article 1191 is predicated on a breach of faith
The following Comment on the above subsection is illuminating: by the other party that violates the reciprocity between them. The power to rescind,
The fact that an agent who makes a contract for his principal will gain therefore, is given to the injured party. Article 1191 states:
or suffer loss by the performance or nonperformance of the contract The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case
by the principal or by the other party thereto does not entitle him to one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
maintain an action on his own behalf against the other party for its
breach. An agent entitled to receive a commission from his principal The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the rescission
upon the performance of a contract which he has made on his of the obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He may
principal’s account does not, from this fact alone, have any claim also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter
against the other party for breach of the contract, either in an action should become impossible.
on the contract or otherwise. An agent who is not a promisee cannot
maintain an action at law against a purchaser merely because he is In this case, the NHA did not rescind the contract. Indeed, it did not have the right to do so
entitled to have his compensation or advances paid out of the for the other parties to the contract, the vendors, did not commit any breach, much less a
purchase price before payment to the principal. x x x. substantial breach, of their obligation. Their obligation was merely to deliver the parcels
of land to the NHA, an obligation that they fulfilled. The NHA did not suffer any injury by
Thus, in Hopkins vs. Ives, the Supreme Court of Arkansas, citing Section 372 (2) above, the performance thereof.
denied the claim of a real estate broker to recover his alleged commission against the
purchaser in an agreement to purchase property. The cancellation, therefore, was not a rescission under Article 1191. Rather, the
In Goduco vs. Court of Appeals, this Court held that: cancellation was based on the negation of the cause arising from the realization that the
lands, which were the object of the sale, were not suitable for housing.
x x x granting that appellant had the authority to sell the property, the
same did not make the buyer liable for the commission she claimed. Cause is the essential reason which moves the contracting parties to enter into it. In
other words, the cause is the immediate, direct and proximate reason which justifies xxx It is well to note, however, that Manresa himself (Vol. 8, pp. 641-642)
the creation of an obligation through the will of the contracting parties. Cause, which while maintaining the distinction and upholding the inoperativeness of
is the essential reason for the contract, should be distinguished from motive, which is the motives of the parties to determine the validity of the contract,
the particular reason of a contracting party which does not affect the other party. expressly excepts from the rule those contracts that are conditioned
upon the attainment of the motives of either party.
For example, in a contract of sale of a piece of land, such as in this case, the cause of the
vendor (petitioner’s principals) in entering into the contract is to obtain the price. For The same view is held by the Supreme Court of Spain, in its decisions of
the vendee, NHA, it is the acquisition of the land. The motive of the NHA, on the other February 4, 1941, and December 4, 1946, holding that the motive may
hand, is to use said lands for housing. This is apparent from the portion of the Deeds of be regarded as causa when it predetermines the purpose of the
Absolute Sale stating: contract.

WHEREAS, under the Executive Order No. 90 dated December 17, In this case, it is clear, and petitioners do not dispute, that NHA would not have entered
1986, the VENDEE is mandated to focus and concentrate its efforts into the contract were the lands not suitable for housing. In other words, the quality of the
and resources in providing housing assistance to the lowest thirty land was an implied condition for the NHA to enter into the contract. On the part of the
percent (30%) of urban income earners, thru slum upgrading and NHA, therefore, the motive was the cause for its being a party to the sale.
development of sites and services projects;
Were the lands indeed unsuitable for the housing as NHA claimed?
WHEREAS, Letters of Instructions Nos. 555 and 557 [as] amended by
Letter of Instruction No. 630, prescribed slum improvement and We deem the findings contained in the report of the Land Geosciences Bureau dated 15
upgrading, as well as the development of sites and services as the July 1991 sufficient basis for the cancellation of the sale, thus:
principal housing strategy for dealing with slum, squatter and other
blighted communities; In Tadiangan, Tuba, the housing site is situated in an area of moderate
topography. There [are] more areas of less sloping ground apparently
xxx habitable. The site is underlain by x x x thick slide deposits (4-45m)
consisting of huge conglomerate boulders (see Photo No. 2) mix[ed] with
silty clay materials. These clay particles when saturated have some
WHEREAS, the VENDEE, in pursuit of and in compliance with the swelling characteristics which is dangerous for any civil structures
above-stated purposes offers to buy and the VENDORS, in a gesture of especially mass housing development.
their willing to cooperate with the above policy and commitments,
agree to sell the aforesaid property together with all the existing Petitioners content that the report was merely “preliminary,” and not conclusive, as
improvements there or belonging to the VENDORS; indicated in its title:

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises MEMORANDUM

and the terms and conditions hereinbelow stipulated, the VENDORS
hereby, sell, transfer, cede and convey unto the VENDEE, its assigns, TO: EDWIN G. DOMINGO
or successors-in-interest, a parcel of land located at Bo. Tadiangan,
Tuba, Benguet containing a total area of FIFTY SIX THOUSAND EIGHT Chief, Lands Geology Division
HUNDRED NINETEEN (56,819) SQUARE METERS, more or less x x x.
Ordinarily, a party’s motives for entering into the contract do not affect the contract.
However, when the motive predetermines the cause, the motive may be regarded as Geologist II
the cause. In Liguez vs. Court of Appeals, this Court, speaking through Justice J.B.L.
Reyes, held: SUBJECT: Preliminary Assessment of Tadiangan Housing Project in Tuba, Benguet
This refers to the Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
Thus, page 2 of the report states in part: questioning the Decision dated April 30, 2001 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in C.A.-G.R. CV
No. 66985, which reversed the Decision dated July 29, 1998 of the Regional Trial Court
xxx (RTC), Branch 21, City of Manila; and the CA Resolution dated August 6, 2001 which
Actually there is a need to conduct further geottechnical [sic] studies denied petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration.
in the NHA property. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) must be carried
out to give an estimate of the degree of compaction (the relative The antecedents of the case follow:
density) of the slide deposit and also the bearing capacity of the soil
materials. Another thing to consider is the vulnerability of the area to On April 1, 1997, Ma. Aura Tina Angeles (respondent) filed with the RTC a complaint for
landslides and other mass movements due to thick soil cover. Specific Performance with Damages against Jocelyn B. Doles (petitioner), docketed as Civil
Preventive physical mitigation methods such as surface and Case No. 97-82716. Respondent alleged that petitioner was indebted to the former in the
subsurface drainage and regrading of the slope must be done in the concept of a personal loan amounting to P405,430.00 representing the principal amount
area. and interest; that on October 5, 1996, by virtue of a "Deed of Absolute Sale", petitioner,
We read the quoted portion, however, to mean only that further tests are required to as seller, ceded to respondent, as buyer, a parcel of land, as well as the improvements
determine the “degree of compaction,” “the bearing capacity of the soil materials,” and thereon, with an area of 42 square meters, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No.
“vulnerability of the area to landslides,” since the tests already conducted were 382532, and located at a subdivision project known as Camella Townhomes Sorrente in
inadequate to ascertain such geological attributes. It is only in this sense that the Bacoor, Cavite, in order to satisfy her personal loan with respondent; that this property
assessment was “preliminary.” was mortgaged to National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) to secure
petitioner's loan in the sum of P337,050.00 with that entity; that as a condition for the
Accordingly, we hold that the NHA was justified in cancelling the contract. The foregoing sale, respondent shall assume the undue balance of the mortgage and pay the
realization of the mistake as regards the quality of the land resulted in the negation of monthly amortization of P4,748.11 for the remainder of the 25 years which began on
the motive/cause thus rendering the contract inexistent. Article 1318 of the Civil Code September 3, 1994; that the property was at that time being occupied by a tenant paying a
states that: monthly rent of P3,000.00; that upon verification with the NHMFC, respondent learned
that petitioner had incurred arrearages amounting to P26,744.09, inclusive of penalties
Art. 1318. There is no contract unless the following requisites concur: and interest; that upon informing the petitioner of her arrears, petitioner denied that she
incurred them and refused to pay the same; that despite repeated demand, petitioner
(1) Consent of the contracting parties; refused to cooperate with respondent to execute the necessary documents and other
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract; formalities required by the NHMFC to effect the transfer of the title over the property;
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established. (Underscoring supplied.) that petitioner collected rent over the property for the month of January 1997 and refused
to remit the proceeds to respondent; and that respondent suffered damages as a result
Therefore, assuming that petitioners are parties, assignees or beneficiaries to and was forced to litigate.
the contract of sale, they would not be entitled to any award of damages.
Petitioner, then defendant, while admitting some allegations in the Complaint, denied that
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED. she borrowed money from respondent, and averred that from June to September 1995,
she referred her friends to respondent whom she knew to be engaged in the business of
SO ORDERED. lending money in exchange for personal checks through her capitalist Arsenio Pua. She
alleged that her friends, namely, Zenaida Romulo, Theresa Moratin, Julia Inocencio,
G.R. NO. 149353, June 26, 2006 AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: Virginia Jacob, and Elizabeth Tomelden, borrowed money from respondent and issued
personal checks in payment of the loan; that the checks bounced for insufficiency of funds;
PETITIONER: JOCELYN B. DOLES that despite her efforts to assist respondent to collect from the borrowers, she could no
longer locate them; that, because of this, respondent became furious and threatened
petitioner that if the accounts were not settled, a criminal case will be filed against her;
that she was forced to issue eight checks amounting to P350,000 to answer for the THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN DISMISSING THE CASE AT BAR ON THE
bounced checks of the borrowers she referred; that prior to the issuance of the checks GROUND OF [sic] THE DEED OF SALE BETWEEN THE PARTIES HAS NO
she informed respondent that they were not sufficiently funded but the latter CONSIDERATION OR INSUFFICIENCY OF EVIDENCE.
nonetheless deposited the checks and for which reason they were subsequently
dishonored; that respondent then threatened to initiate a criminal case against her for On April 30, 2001, the CA promulgated its Decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22; that she was forced by respondent to execute an WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, this appeal is hereby
"Absolute Deed of Sale" over her property in Bacoor, Cavite, to avoid criminal GRANTED. The Decision of the lower court dated July 29, 1998 is
prosecution; that the said deed had no valid consideration; that she did not appear REVERSED and SET ASIDE. A new one is entered ordering
before a notary public; that the Community Tax Certificate number on the deed was not defendant-appellee to execute all necessary documents to effect
hers and for which respondent may be prosecuted for falsification and perjury; and that transfer of subject property to plaintiff-appellant with the arrearages of
she suffered damages and lost rental as a result. the former's loan with the NHMFC, at the latter's expense. No costs.

The RTC identified the issues as follows: first, whether the Deed of Absolute Sale is valid; SO ORDERED.
second; if valid, whether petitioner is obliged to sign and execute the necessary
documents to effect the transfer of her rights over the property to the respondent; and The CA concluded that petitioner was the borrower and, in turn, would "re-lend" the
third, whether petitioner is liable for damages. amount borrowed from the respondent to her friends. Hence, the Deed of Absolute Sale
was supported by a valid consideration, which is the sum of money petitioner owed
On July 29, 1998, the RTC rendered a decision the dispositive portion of which states: respondent amounting to P405,430.00, representing both principal and interest.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court hereby orders the dismissal of the
complaint for insufficiency of evidence. With costs against plaintiff. The CA took into account the following circumstances in their entirety: the supposed
friends of petitioner never presented themselves to respondent and that all transactions
SO ORDERED. were made by and between petitioner and respondent; [7] that the money borrowed was
deposited with the bank account of the petitioner, while payments made for the loan
The RTC held that the sale was void for lack of cause or consideration: were deposited by the latter to respondent's bank account; [8] that petitioner herself
Plaintiff Angeles' admission that the borrowers are the friends of admitted in open court that she was "re-lending" the money loaned from respondent to
defendant Doles and further admission that the checks issued by other individuals for profit;[9] and that the documentary evidence shows that the actual
these borrowers in payment of the loan obligation negates [sic] the borrowers, the friends of petitioner, consider her as their creditor and not the
cause or consideration of the contract of sale executed by and respondent.[10]
between plaintiff and defendant. Moreover, the property is not
solely owned by defendant as appearing in Entry No. 9055 of Transfer Furthermore, the CA held that the alleged threat or intimidation by respondent did not
Certificate of Title No. 382532 (Annex A, Complaint), thus: vitiate consent, since the same is considered just or legal if made to enforce one's claim
through competent authority under Article 1335 of the Civil Code; that with respect to
"Entry No. 9055. Special Power of Attorney in favor of Jocelyn Doles the arrearages of petitioner on her monthly amortization with the NHMFC in the sum of
covering the share of Teodorico Doles on the parcel of land described P26,744.09, the same shall be deemed part of the balance of petitioner's loan with the
in this certificate of title by virtue of the special power of attorney to NHMFC which respondent agreed to assume; and that the amount of P3,000.00
mortgage, executed before the notary public, etc." representing the rental for January 1997 supposedly collected by petitioner, as well as the
claim for damages and attorney's fees, is denied for insufficiency of evidence.
The rule under the Civil Code is that contracts without a cause or
consideration produce no effect whatsoever. (Art. 1352, Civil Code). On May 29, 2001, petitioner filed her Motion for Reconsideration with the CA, arguing that
respondent categorically admitted in open court that she acted only as agent or
Respondent appealed to the CA. In her appeal brief, respondent interposed her sole representative of Arsenio Pua, the principal financier and, hence, she had no legal capacity
assignment of error: to sue petitioner; and that the CA failed to consider the fact that petitioner's father, who
co-owned the subject property, was not impleaded as a defendant nor was he indebted as a valid cause or consideration for the sale.
to the respondent and, hence, she cannot be made to sign the documents to effect the
transfer of ownership over the entire property. To restate, the CA cited four instances in the record to support its holding that petitioner
"re-lends" the amount borrowed from respondent to her friends: first, the friends of
On August 6, 2001, the CA issued its Resolution denying the motion on the ground that petitioner never presented themselves to respondent and that all transactions were made
the foregoing matters had already been passed upon. by and between petitioner and respondent; second; the money passed through the bank
accounts of petitioner and respondent; third, petitioner herself admitted that she was
On August 13, 2001, petitioner received a copy of the CA Resolution. On August 28, "re-lending" the money loaned to other individuals for profit; and fourth, the
2001, petitioner filed the present Petition and raised the following issues: documentary evidence shows that the actual borrowers, the friends of petitioner, consider
her as their creditor and not the respondent.
DEBTOR OF THE RESPONDENT. On the first, third, and fourth points, the CA cites the testimony of the petitioner, then
II. WHETHER OR NOT AN AGENT WHO WAS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE defendant, during her cross-examination:

III.WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTRACT OF SALE WAS EXECUTED FOR A You also mentioned that you were not the one indebted to the
CAUSE. plaintiff?

Although, as a rule, it is not the business of this Court to review the findings of fact witness:
made by the lower courts, jurisprudence has recognized several exceptions, at least a. Yes, sir.
three of which are present in the instant case, namely: when the judgment is based on a
misapprehension of facts; when the findings of facts of the courts a quo are conflicting; Atty. Diza:
and when the CA manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts not disputed by the
parties, which, if properly considered, could justify a different conclusion. To arrive at And you mentioned the persons[,] namely, Elizabeth Tomelden, Teresa
a proper judgment, therefore, the Court finds it necessary to re-examine the evidence q. Moraquin, Maria Luisa Inocencio, Zenaida Romulo, they are your
presented by the contending parties during the trial of the case. friends?

The Petition is meritorious.
Inocencio and Moraquin are my friends while [as to] Jacob and
The principal issue is whether the Deed of Absolute Sale is supported by a valid Tomelden[,] they were just referred.
Atty. Diza:
1. Petitioner argues that since she is merely the agent or representative of the alleged q. And you have transact[ed] with the plaintiff?
debtors, then she is not a party to the loan; and that the Deed of Sale executed
between her and the respondent in their own names, which was predicated on that witness:
pre-existing debt, is void for lack of consideration.
a. Yes, sir.
Indeed, the Deed of Absolute Sale purports to be supported by a consideration in the Atty. Diza:
form of a price certain in money and that this sum indisputably pertains to the debt in
issue. This Court has consistently held that a contract of sale is null and void and q. What is that transaction?
produces no effect whatsoever where the same is without cause or consideration. The
question that has to be resolved for the moment is whether this debt can be considered

a. To refer those persons to Aura and to refer again to Arsenio Pua, sir. Atty. Diza:

Atty. Diza:

q. Did the plaintiff personally see the transactions with your friends? q. You are re-lending the money?


a. No, sir. witness:

Atty. Diza:

q. Your friends and the plaintiff did not meet personally? a. Yes, sir.


a. Yes, sir. Atty. Diza:

Atty. Diza:

q. You are intermediaries? witness:

witness: a. Yes, sir.

We are both intermediaries. As evidenced by the checks of the Atty. Diza:

a. debtors they were deposited to the name of Arsenio Pua because the
money came from Arsenio Pua. q. How much?


Atty. Diza:
Two percent to Tomelden, one percent to Jacob and then Inocencio
and my friends none, sir.
Did the plaintiff knew [sic] that you will lend the money to your friends
specifically the one you mentioned [a] while ago?
Based on the foregoing, the CA concluded that petitioner is the real borrower, while the
respondent, the real lender.

witness: But as correctly noted by the RTC, respondent, then plaintiff, made the following
admission during her cross examination:

a. Yes, she knows the money will go to those persons.

Atty. Villacorta:
Is it not a fact Ms. Witness that the defendant borrowed from you to
q. Who is this Arsenio Pua? q. accommodate somebody, are you aware of that?


a. I am aware of that.
a. Principal financier, sir.
Atty. Villacorta:
Atty. Villacorta:
q. More or less she [accommodated] several friends of the defendant?

q. So the money came from Arsenio Pua?


witness: a. Yes, sir, I am aware of that.

a. Yes, because I am only representing him, sir. xxxx

Atty. Villacorta:
Other portions of the testimony of respondent must likewise be considered:
And these friends of the defendant borrowed money from you with
Atty. Villacorta: q. the assurance of the defendant?

So it is not actually your money but the money of Arsenio Pua? witness:

witness: a. They go direct to Jocelyn because I don't know them.

Yes, sir. xxxx


Court: Atty. Villacorta:

It is not your money? And is it not also a fact Madam witness that everytime that the
q. defendant borrowed money from you her friends who [are] in need of
witness: money issued check[s] to you? There were checks issued to you?

Yes, Your Honor. witness:


Atty. Villacorta: a. Yes, there were checks issued.

Atty. Villacorta: q. And because of that Arsenio Pua got mad with you?

q. By the friends of the defendant, am I correct? witness:

witness: a. Yes, sir.

a. Yes, sir. Respondent is estopped to deny that she herself acted as agent of a certain
Arsenio Pua, her disclosed principal. She is also estopped to deny that petitioner
Atty. Villacorta: acted as agent for the alleged debtors, the friends whom she (petitioner)
And because of your assistance, the friends of the defendant who are
in need of money were able to obtain loan to [sic] Arsenio Pua through This Court has affirmed that, under Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the basis of
your assistance? agency is representation. The question of whether an agency has been created
is ordinarily a question which may be established in the same way as any other
witness: fact, either by direct or circumstantial evidence. The question is ultimately one
of intention. Agency may even be implied from the words and conduct of the
parties and the circumstances of the particular case. Though the fact or extent
a. Yes, sir. of authority of the agents may not, as a general rule, be established from the
declarations of the agents alone, if one professes to act as agent for another, she
Atty. Villacorta: may be estopped to deny her agency both as against the asserted principal and
the third persons interested in the transaction in which he or she is engaged.
q. So that occasion lasted for more than a year?
In this case, petitioner knew that the financier of respondent is Pua; and
witness: respondent knew that the borrowers are friends of petitioner.

The CA is incorrect when it considered the fact that the "supposed friends of
a. Yes, sir.
[petitioner], the actual borrowers, did not present themselves to [respondent]"
as evidence that negates the agency relationship—it is sufficient that petitioner
Atty. Villacorta: disclosed to respondent that the former was acting in behalf of her principals,
her friends whom she referred to respondent. For an agency to arise, it is not
And some of the checks that were issued by the friends of the necessary that the principal personally encounter the third person with whom
q. defendant bounced, am I correct? the agent interacts. The law in fact contemplates, and to a great degree,
impersonal dealings where the principal need not personally know or meet the
witness: third person with whom her agent transacts: precisely, the purpose of agency is
to extend the personality of the principal through the facility of the agent.

a. Yes, sir.
In the case at bar, both petitioner and respondent have undeniably disclosed to
each other that they are representing someone else, and so both of them are
Atty. Villacorta: estopped to deny the same. It is evident from the record that petitioner merely
refers actual borrowers and then collects and disburses the amounts of the loan
upon which she received a commission; and that respondent transacts on behalf
of her "principal financier", a certain Arsenio Pua. If their respective principals Although the record shows that petitioner admitted at the time of trial that she
do not actually and personally know each other, such ignorance does not owned the property described in the TCT, the Court must stress that the
affect their juridical standing as agents, especially since the very purpose of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 382532 on its face shows that the owner of the
agency is to extend the personality of the principal through the facility of the property which admittedly forms the subject matter of the Deed of Absolute Sale
agent. refers neither to the petitioner nor to her father, Teodorico Doles, the alleged
co-owner. Rather, it states that the property is registered in the name of
With respect to the admission of petitioner that she is "re-lending" the money "Household Development Corporation." Although there is an entry to the effect
loaned from respondent to other individuals for profit, it must be stressed that that the petitioner had been granted a special power of attorney "covering the
the manner in which the parties designate the relationship is not shares of Teodorico Doles on the parcel of land described in this certificate," it
controlling. If an act done by one person in behalf of another is in its essential cannot be inferred from this bare notation, nor from any other evidence on the
nature one of agency, the former is the agent of the latter notwithstanding he record, that the petitioner or her father held any direct interest on the property
or she is not so called. The question is to be determined by the fact that one in question so as to validly constitute a mortgage thereon and, with more
represents and is acting for another, and if relations exist which will constitute reason, to effect the delivery of the object of the sale at the consummation
an agency, it will be an agency whether the parties understood the exact stage. What is worse, there is a notation that the TCT itself has been
nature of the relation or not. "cancelled."

That both parties acted as mere agents is shown by the undisputed fact that In view of these anomalies, the Court cannot entertain the possibility that
the friends of petitioner issued checks in payment of the loan in the name of respondent agreed to assume the balance of the mortgage loan which petitioner
Pua. If it is true that petitioner was "re-lending", then the checks should have allegedly owed to the NHMFC, especially since the record is bereft of any factual
been drawn in her name and not directly paid to Pua. finding that petitioner was, in the first place, endowed with any ownership rights
to validly mortgage and convey the property. As the complainant who initiated
With respect to the second point, particularly, the finding of the CA that the the case, respondent bears the burden of proving the basis of her
disbursements and payments for the loan were made through the bank complaint. Having failed to discharge such burden, the Court has no choice but
accounts of petitioner and respondent, suffice it to say that in the normal to declare the sale void for lack of cause. And since the sale is void, the Court
course of commercial dealings and for reasons of convenience and practical finds it unnecessary to dwell on the issue of whether duress or intimidation had
utility it can be reasonably expected that the facilities of the agent, such as a been foisted upon petitioner upon the execution of the sale.
bank account, may be employed, and that a sub-agent be appointed, such as
the bank itself, to carry out the task, especially where there is no stipulation to Moreover, even assuming the mortgage validly exists, the Court notes
the contrary. respondent's allegation that the mortgage with the NHMFC was for 25 years
which began September 3, 1994. Respondent filed her Complaint for Specific
In view of the two agency relationships, petitioner and respondent are not Performance in 1997. Since the 25 years had not lapsed, the prayer of
privy to the contract of loan between their principals. Since the sale is respondent to compel petitioner to execute necessary documents to effect the
predicated on that loan, then the sale is void for lack of consideration. transfer of title is premature.

2. A further scrutiny of the record shows, however, that the sale might have WHEREFORE, the petition is granted. The Decision and Resolution of the Court
been backed up by another consideration that is separate and distinct from the of Appeals are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The complaint of respondent in Civil
debt: respondent averred in her complaint and testified that the parties had Case No. 97-82716 is DISMISSED. SO ORDERED.
agreed that as a condition for the conveyance of the property the respondent
shall assume the balance of the mortgage loan which petitioner allegedly owed
to the NHMFC. This Court in the recent past has declared that an assumption (D. Contract of agency; elements)
of a mortgage debt may constitute a valid consideration for a sale.
G.R. No. 151319, November 22, 2004 TINGA, J,:
RESPONDENT. Prepared by:

For resolution in this case is a classic and interesting texbook question in the law on (Signed)
agency. (MRS.) FLORENCIA C. BALUYOT Holy Cross Memorial Park 4/18/85
Agency Manager
This is a petition for review assailing the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 22 Dear Atty. Linsangan:
June 2001, and its Resolution dated 12 December 2001 in CA G.R. CV No. 49802
entitled “Pedro L. Linsangan v. Manila Memorial Cemetery, Inc. et al.,” finding Manila This will confirm our agreement that while the offer to purchase under Contract No. 28660
Memorial Park Cemetery, Inc. (MMPCI) jointly and severally liable with Florencia C. states that the total price of P132,250.00 your undertaking is to pay only the total sum of
Baluyot to respondent Atty. Pedro L. Linsangan. P95,000.00 under the old price. Further the total sum of P19,838.00 already paid by you
under O.R. # 118912 dated April 6, 1985 has been credited in the total purchase price
The facts of the case are as follows: thereby leaving a balance of P75,162.00 on a monthly installment of P1,800.00 including
interests (sic) charges for a period of five (5) years.
Sometime in 1984, Florencia Baluyot offered Atty. Pedro L. Linsangan a lot called (Signed)
Garden State at the Holy Cross Memorial Park owned by petitioner FLORENCIA C. BALUYOT
(MMPCI). According to Baluyot, a former owner of a memorial lot under Contract No.
25012 was no longer interested in acquiring the lot and had opted to sell his rights
subject to reimbursement of the amounts he already paid. The contract was for By virtue of this letter, Atty. Linsangan signed Contract No. 28660 and accepted Official
P95,000.00. Baluyot reassured Atty. Linsangan that once reimbursement is made to the Receipt No. 118912. As requested by Baluyot, Atty. Linsangan issued twelve (12)
former buyer, the contract would be transferred to him. Atty. Linsangan agreed and postdated checks of P1,800.00 each in favor of MMPCI. The next year, or on 29 April
gave Baluyot P35,295.00 representing the amount to be reimbursed to the original 1986, Atty. Linsangan again issued twelve (12) postdated checks in favor of MMPCI.
buyer and to complete the down payment to MMPCI. Baluyot issued handwritten and
typewritten receipts for these payments. On 25 May 1987, Baluyot verbally advised Atty. Linsangan that Contract No. 28660 was
cancelled for reasons the latter could not explain, and presented to him another proposal
Sometime in March 1985, Baluyot informed Atty. Linsangan that he would be issued for the purchase of an equivalent property. He refused the new proposal and insisted
Contract No. 28660, a new contract covering the subject lot in the name of the latter that Baluyot and MMPCI honor their undertaking.
instead of old Contract No. 25012. Atty. Linsangan protested, but Baluyot assured him
that he would still be paying the old price of P95,000.00 with P19,838.00 credited as full For the alleged failure of MMPCI and Baluyot to conform to their agreement, Atty.
down payment leaving a balance of about P75,000.00. Linsangan filed a Complaint[7] for Breach of Contract and Damages against the former.

Subsequently, on 8 April 1985, Baluyot brought an Offer to Purchase Lot No. A11 (15), Baluyot did not present any evidence. For its part, MMPCI alleged that Contract No.
Block 83, Garden Estate I denominated as Contract No. 28660 and the Official Receipt 28660 was cancelled conformably with the terms of the contract[8] because of
No. 118912 dated 6 April 1985 for the amount of P19,838.00. Contract No. 28660 has a non-payment of arrearages.[9] MMPCI stated that Baluyot was not an agent but an
listed price of P132,250.00. Atty. Linsangan objected to the new contract price, as the independent contractor, and as such was not authorized to represent MMPCI or to use its
same was not the amount previously agreed upon. To convince Atty. Linsangan, Baluyot name except as to the extent expressly stated in the Agency Manager Agreement. [10]
executed a document[6] confirming that while the contract price is P132,250.00, Atty. Moreover, MMPCI was not aware of the arrangements entered into by Atty. Linsangan
Linsangan would pay only the original price of P95,000.00. and Baluyot, as it in fact received a down payment and monthly installments as indicated
The document reads in part: in the contract. Official receipts showing the application of payment were turned over to
The monthly installment will start April 6, 1985; the amount of P1,800.00 and the Baluyot whom Atty. Linsangan had from the beginning allowed to receive the same in his
difference will be issued as discounted to conform to the previous price as previously behalf. Furthermore, whatever misimpression that Atty. Linsangan may have had must
agreed upon. --- P95,000.00 have been rectified by the Account Updating Arrangement signed by Atty. Linsangan
which states that he “expressly admits that Contract No. 28660 ‘on account of serious therein.
delinquency…is now due for cancellation under its terms and conditions.’’’
Imputing negligence on the part of Atty. Linsangan, MMPCI claimed that it was the
The trial court held MMPCI and Baluyot jointly and severally liable. It found that former’s obligation, as a party knowingly dealing with an alleged agent, to determine the
Baluyot was an agent of MMPCI and that the latter was estopped from denying this limitations of such agent’s authority, particularly when such alleged agent’s actions were
agency, having received and enchased the checks issued by Atty. Linsangan and given to patently questionable. According to MMPCI, Atty. Linsangan did not even bother to verify
it by Baluyot. While MMPCI insisted that Baluyot was authorized to receive only the Baluyot’s authority or ask copies of official receipts for his payments.
down payment, it allowed her to continue to receive postdated checks from Atty.
Linsangan, which it in turn consistently encashed. The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court. It upheld the trial court’s
finding that Baluyot was an agent of MMPCI at the time the disputed contract was entered
The dispositive portion of the decision reads: into, having represented MMPCI’s interest and acting on its behalf in the dealings with
clients and customers. Hence, MMPCI is considered estopped when it allowed Baluyot to
WHEREFORE, judgment by preponderance of evidence is hereby act and represent MMPCI even beyond her authority. The appellate court likewise found
rendered in favor of plaintiff declaring Contract No. 28660 as valid and that the acts of Baluyot bound MMPCI when the latter allowed the former to act for and in
subsisting and ordering defendants to perform their undertakings its behalf and stead. While Baluyot’s authority “may not have been expressly conferred
thereof which covers burial lot No. A11 (15), Block 83, Section Garden upon her, the same may have been derived impliedly by habit or custom, which may have
I, Holy Cross Memorial Park located at Novaliches, Quezon City. All been an accepted practice in the company for a long period of time.” Thus, the Court of
payments made by plaintiff to defendants should be credited for his Appeals noted, innocent third persons such as Atty. Linsangan should not be prejudiced
accounts. NO DAMAGES, NO ATTORNEY’S FEES but with costs against where the principal failed to adopt the needed measures to prevent
the defendants. misrepresentation. Furthermore, if an agent misrepresents to a purchaser and the
principal accepts the benefits of such misrepresentation, he cannot at the same time deny
The cross claim of defendant Manila Memorial Cemetery Incorporated responsibility for such misrepresentation. Finally, the Court of Appeals declared:
as against defendant Baluyot is GRANTED up to the extent of the costs.
There being absolutely nothing on the record that would show that the
SO ORDERED. court a quo overlooked, disregarded, or misinterpreted facts of weight
and significance, its factual findings and conclusions must be given great
MMPCI appealed the trial court’s decision to the Court of Appeals. It claimed that Atty. weight and should not be disturbed by this Court on appeal.
Linsangan is bound by the written contract with MMPCI, the terms of which were
clearly set forth therein and read, understood, and signed by the former. It also WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the appeal is hereby DENIED and
alleged that Atty. Linsangan, a practicing lawyer for over thirteen (13) years at the time the appealed decision in Civil Case No. 88-1253 of the Regional Trial
he entered into the contract, is presumed to know his contractual obligations and is Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch 57 of Makati, is hereby
fully aware that he cannot belatedly and unilaterally change the terms of the contract AFFIRMED in toto.
without the consent, much less the knowledge of the other contracting party, which
was MMPCI. And in this case, MMPCI did not agree to a change in the contract and in SO ORDERED.
fact implemented the same pursuant to its clear terms. In view thereof, because of Atty.
Linsangan’s delinquency, MMPCI validly cancelled the contract. MMPCI filed its Motion for Reconsideration, but the same was denied for lack of merit.

MMPCI further alleged that it cannot be held jointly and solidarily liable with Baluyot as In the instant Petition for Review, MMPCI claims that the Court of Appeals seriously erred
the latter exceeded the terms of her agency, neither did MMPCI ratify Baluyot’s acts. It in disregarding the plain terms of the written contract and Atty. Linsangan’s failure to
added that it cannot be charged with making any misrepresentation, nor of having abide by the terms thereof, which justified its cancellation. In addition, even assuming that
allowed Baluyot to act as though she had full powers as the written contract expressly Baluyot was an agent of MMPCI, she clearly exceeded her authority and Atty. Linsangan
stated the terms and conditions which Atty. Linsangan accepted and understood. In knew or should have known about this considering his status as a long-practicing lawyer.
canceling the contract, MMPCI merely enforced the terms and conditions imposed MMPCI likewise claims that the Court of Appeals erred in failing to consider that the facts
and the applicable law do not support a judgment against Baluyot only “up to the extent parties to establish the relationship; (ii) the object is the execution of a juridical act in
of costs.” relation to a third person; (iii) the agent acts as a representative and not for himself; and
(iv) the agent acts within the scope of his authority.
Atty. Linsangan argues that he did not violate the terms and conditions of the contract,
and in fact faithfully performed his contractual obligations and complied with them in In an attempt to prove that Baluyot was not its agent, MMPCI pointed out that under its
good faith for at least two years. He claims that contrary to MMPCI’s position, his Agency Manager Agreement; an agency manager such as Baluyot is considered an
profession as a lawyer is immaterial to the validity of the subject contract and the case independent contractor and not an agent. However, in the same contract, Baluyot as
at bar. According to him, MMPCI had practically admitted in its Petition that Baluyot agency manager was authorized to solicit and remit to MMPCI offers to purchase
was its agent, and thus, the only issue left to be resolved is whether MMPCI allowed interment spaces belonging to and sold by the latter. Notwithstanding the claim of
Baluyot to act as though she had full powers to be held solidarily liable with the latter. MMPCI that Baluyot was an independent contractor, the fact remains that she was
authorized to solicit solely for and in behalf of MMPCI. As properly found both by the trial
We find for the petitioner MMPCI. court and the Court of Appeals, Baluyot was an agent of MMPCI, having represented the
interest of the latter, and having been allowed by MMPCI to represent it in her dealings
The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules with its clients/prospective buyers.
of Court is limited to reviewing only errors of law, not fact, unless the factual findings
complained of are devoid of support by the evidence on record or the assailed judgment Nevertheless, contrary to the findings of the Court of Appeals, MMPCI cannot be bound by
is based on misapprehension of facts. In BPI Investment Corporation v. D.G. Carreon the contract procured by Atty. Linsangan and solicited by Baluyot.
Commercial Corporation, this Court ruled:
Baluyot was authorized to solicit and remit to MMPCI offers to purchase interment spaces
There are instances when the findings of fact of the trial court and/or obtained on forms provided by MMPCI. The terms of the offer to purchase, therefore,
Court of Appeals may be reviewed by the Supreme Court, such as (1) are contained in such forms and, when signed by the buyer and an authorized officer of
when the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculation, MMPCI, becomes binding on both parties.
surmises and conjectures; (2) when the inference made is manifestly
mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) where there is a grave abuse of The Offer to Purchase duly signed by Atty. Linsangan, and accepted and validated by
discretion; (4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of MMPCI showed a total list price of P132,250.00. Likewise, it was clearly stated therein
facts; (5) when the findings of fact are conflicting; (6) when the Court that “Purchaser agrees that he has read or has had read to him this agreement, that he
of Appeals, in making its findings, went beyond the issues of the case understands its terms and conditions, and that there are no covenants, conditions,
and the same is contrary to the admissions of both appellant and warranties or representations other than those contained herein.” By signing the Offer
appellee; (7) when the findings are contrary to those of the trial court; to Purchase, Atty. Linsangan signified that he understood its contents. That he and
(8) when the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of Baluyot had an agreement different from that contained in the Offer to Purchase is of no
specific evidence on which they are based; (9) when the facts set forth moment, and should not affect MMPCI, as it was obviously made outside Baluyot’s
in the petition as well as in the petitioners’ main and reply briefs are authority. To repeat, Baluyot’s authority was limited only to soliciting purchasers. She
not disputed by the respondents; and (10) the findings of fact of the had no authority to alter the terms of the written contract provided by MMPCI. The
Court of Appeals are premised on the supposed absence of evidence document/letter “confirming” the agreement that Atty. Linsangan would have to pay the
and contradicted by the evidence on record. old price was executed by Baluyot alone. Nowhere is there any indication that the same
In the case at bar, the Court of Appeals committed several errors in the apprehension of came from MMPCI or any of its officers.
the facts of the case, as well as made conclusions devoid of evidentiary support, hence
we review its findings of fact. It is a settled rule that persons dealing with an agent are bound at their peril, if they would
hold the principal liable, to ascertain not only the fact of agency but also the nature and
By the contract of agency, a person binds himself to render some service or to do extent of authority, and in case either is controverted, the burden of proof is upon them to
something in representation or on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of establish it. The basis for agency is representation and a person dealing with an agent is
the latter. Thus, the elements of agency are (i) consent, express or implied, of the put upon inquiry and must discover upon his peril the authority of the agent. If he does
not make such an inquiry, he is chargeable with knowledge of the agent’s authority and Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of the principal, exceeding
his ignorance of that authority will not be any excuse. the scope of his authority, and the principal does not ratify the contract,
it shall be void if the party with whom the agent contracted is aware of
As noted by one author, the ignorance of a person dealing with an agent as to the scope the limits of the powers granted by the principal. In this case, however,
of the latter’s authority is no excuse to such person and the fault cannot be thrown the agent is liable if he undertook to secure the principal’s ratification.
upon the principal. A person dealing with an agent assumes the risk of lack of
authority in the agent. He cannot charge the principal by relying upon the agent’s Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations that the
assumption of authority that proves to be unfounded. The principal, on the other hand, agent may have contracted within the scope of his authority.
may act on the presumption that third persons dealing with his agent will not be
negligent in failing to ascertain the extent of his authority as well as the existence of his As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his power, the
agency. principal is not bound except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly.

In the instant case, it has not been established that Atty. Linsangan even bothered to Art. 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the
inquire whether Baluyot was authorized to agree to terms contrary to those indicated in principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter
the written contract, much less bind MMPCI by her commitment with respect to such to act as though he had full powers.
agreements. Even if Baluyot was Atty. Linsangan’s friend and known to be an agent of
MMPCI, her declarations and actions alone are not sufficient to establish the fact or Thus, the acts of an agent beyond the scope of his authority do not bind the
extent of her authority. Atty. Linsangan as a practicing lawyer for a relatively long principal, unless he ratifies them, expressly or impliedly. Only the principal can
period of time when he signed the contract should have been put on guard when their ratify; the agent cannot ratify his own unauthorized acts. Moreover, the
agreement was not reflected in the contract. More importantly, Atty. Linsangan should principal must have knowledge of the acts he is to ratify.
have been alerted by the fact that Baluyot failed to effect the transfer of rights earlier
promised, and was unable to make good her written commitment, nor convince MMPCI Ratification in agency is the adoption or confirmation by one person of an act
to assent thereto, as evidenced by several attempts to induce him to enter into other performed on his behalf by another without authority. The substance of the
contracts for a higher consideration. As properly pointed out by MMPCI, as a lawyer, a doctrine is confirmation after conduct, amounting to a substitute for a prior
greater degree of caution should be expected of Atty. Linsangan especially in dealings authority. Ordinarily, the principal must have full knowledge at the time of
involving legal documents. He did not even bother to ask for official receipts of his ratification of all the material facts and circumstances relating to the
payments, nor inquire from MMPCI directly to ascertain the real status of the contract, unauthorized act of the person who assumed to act as agent. Thus, if material
blindly relying on the representations of Baluyot. A lawyer by profession, he knew facts were suppressed or unknown, there can be no valid ratification and this
what he was doing when he signed the written contract, knew the meaning and value of regardless of the purpose or lack thereof in concealing such facts and regardless
every word or phrase used in the contract, and more importantly, knew the legal effects of the parties between whom the question of ratification may arise.
which said document produced. He is bound to accept responsibility for his negligence. Nevertheless, this principle does not apply if the principal’s ignorance of the
material facts and circumstances was willful, or that the principal chooses to act
The trial and appellate courts found MMPCI liable based on ratification and estoppel. in ignorance of the facts. However, in the absence of circumstances putting a
For the trial court, MMPCI’s acts of accepting and encashing the checks issued by Atty. reasonably prudent man on inquiry, ratification cannot be implied as against the
Linsangan as well as allowing Baluyot to receive checks drawn in the name of MMPCI principal who is ignorant of the facts.
confirm and ratify the contract of agency. On the other hand, the Court of Appeals
faulted MMPCI in failing to adopt measures to prevent misrepresentation, and declared No ratification can be implied in the instant case.
that in view of MMPCI’s acceptance of the benefits of Baluyot’s misrepresentation, it
can no longer deny responsibility therefor. A perusal of Baluyot’s Answer reveals that the real arrangement between her
and Atty. Linsangan was for the latter to pay a monthly installment of P1,800.00
The Court does not agree. Pertinent to this case are the following provisions of the whereas Baluyot was to shoulder the counterpart amount of P1,455.00 to meet
Civil Code: the P3,255.00 monthly installments as indicated in the contract. Thus, every
time an installment falls due, payment was to be made through a check from knowledge, actual or constructive, of the real facts.[51]
Atty. Linsangan for P1,800.00 and a cash component of P1,455.00 from
Baluyot. However, it appears that while Atty. Linsangan issued the post-dated While there is no more question as to the agency relationship between Baluyot
checks, Baluyot failed to come up with her part of the bargain. This was and MMPCI, there is no indication that MMPCI let the public, or specifically, Atty.
supported by Baluyot’s statements in her letter to Mr. Clyde Williams, Jr., Linsangan to believe that Baluyot had the authority to alter the standard
Sales Manager of MMPCI, two days after she received the copy of the contracts of the company. Neither is there any showing that prior to signing
Complaint. In the letter, she admitted that she was remiss in her duties when Contract No. 28660, MMPCI had any knowledge of Baluyot’s commitment to Atty.
she consented to Atty. Linsangan’s proposal that he will pay the old price while Linsangan. One who claims the benefit of an estoppel on the ground that he has
the difference will be shouldered by her. She likewise admitted that the been misled by the representations of another must not have been misled
contract suffered arrearages because while Atty. Linsangan issued the agreed through his own want of reasonable care and circumspection. [52] Even assuming
checks, she was unable to give her share of P1,455.00 due to her own financial that Atty. Linsangan was misled by MMPCI’s actuations, he still cannot invoke the
difficulties. Baluyot even asked for compassion from MMPCI for the error she principle of estoppel, as he was clearly negligent in his dealings with Baluyot, and
committed. could have easily determined, had he only been cautious and prudent, whether
said agent was clothed with the authority to change the terms of the principal’s
Atty. Linsangan failed to show that MMPCI had knowledge of the arrangement. written contract. Estoppel must be intentional and unequivocal, for when
As far as MMPCI is concerned, the contract price was P132,250.00, as stated in misapplied, it can easily become a most convenient and effective means of
the Offer to Purchase signed by Atty. Linsangan and MMPCI’s authorized injustice.[53] In view of the lack of sufficient proof showing estoppel, we refuse to
officer. The down payment of P19,838.00 given by Atty. Linsangan was in hold MMPCI liable on this score.
accordance with the contract as well. Payments of P3,235.00 for at least two
installments were likewise in accord with the contract, albeit made through a Likewise, this Court does not find favor in the Court of Appeals’ findings that “the
check and partly in cash. In view of Baluyot’s failure to give her share in the authority of defendant Baluyot may not have been expressly conferred upon her;
payment, MMPCI received only P1,800.00 checks, which were clearly however, the same may have been derived impliedly by habit or custom which
insufficient payment. In fact, Atty. Linsangan would have incurred arrearages may have been an accepted practice in their company in a long period of
that could have caused the earlier cancellation of the contract, if not for time.” A perusal of the records of the case fails to show any indication that
MMPCI’s application of some of the checks to his account. However, the there was such a habit or custom in MMPCI that allows its agents to enter into
checks alone were not sufficient to cover his obligations. agreements for lower prices of its interment spaces, nor to assume a portion of
the purchase price of the interment spaces sold at such lower price. No
If MMPCI was aware of the arrangement, it would have refused the latter’s evidence was ever presented to this effect.
check payments for being insufficient. It would not have applied to his
account the P1,800.00 checks. Moreover, the fact that Baluyot had to As the Court sees it, there are two obligations in the instant case. One is the
practically explain to MMPCI’s Sales Manager the details of her “arrangement” Contract No. 28660 between MMPCI and by Atty. Linsangan for the purchase of
with Atty. Linsangan and admit to having made an error in entering such an interment space in the former’s cemetery. The other is the agreement
arrangement confirm that MMCPI had no knowledge of the said between Baluyot and Atty. Linsangan for the former to shoulder the amount
agreement. It was only when Baluyot filed her Answer that she claimed that P1,455.00, or the difference between P95,000.00, the original price, and
MMCPI was fully aware of the agreement. P132,250.00, the actual contract price.

Neither is there estoppel in the instant case. The essential elements of To repeat, the acts of the agent beyond the scope of his authority do not bind the
estoppel are (i) conduct of a party amounting to false representation or principal unless the latter ratifies the same. It also bears emphasis that when
concealment of material facts or at least calculated to convey the impression the third person knows that the agent was acting beyond his power or authority,
that the facts are otherwise than, and inconsistent with, those which the party the principal cannot be held liable for the acts of the agent. If the said third
subsequently attempts to assert; (ii) intent, or at least expectation, that this person was aware of such limits of authority, he is to blame and is not entitled to
conduct shall be acted upon by, or at least influence, the other party; and (iii) recover damages from the agent, unless the latter undertook to secure the
principal’s ratification.[54] ASIDE. The Complaint in Civil Case No. 88-1253 is DISMISSED for lack of cause of
action. No pronouncement as to costs.SO ORDERED.
This Court finds that Contract No. 28660 was validly entered into both by
MMPCI and Atty. Linsangan. By affixing his signature in the contract, Atty. G.R. No. 76931, May 29, 1991
Linsangan assented to the terms and conditions thereof. When Atty.
Linsangan incurred delinquencies in payment, MMCPI merely enforced its
rights under the said contract by canceling the same.
Being aware of the limits of Baluyot’s authority, Atty. Linsangan cannot insist
[G.R. NO. 76933. MAY 29, 1991]
on what he claims to be the terms of Contract No. 28660. The agreement,
insofar as the P95,000.00 contract price is concerned, is void and cannot be
enforced as against MMPCI. Neither can he hold Baluyot liable for damages
under the same contract, since there is no evidence showing that Baluyot
undertook to secure MMPCI’s ratification. At best, the “agreement” between
Baluyot and Atty. Linsangan bound only the two of them. As far as MMPCI is PADILLA, J.:
concerned, it bound itself to sell its interment space to Atty. Linsangan for
P132,250.00 under Contract No. 28660, and had in fact received several This case is a consolidation of two (2) petitions for review on certiorari
payments in accordance with the same contract. If the contract was cancelled of a decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. CV-04294, entitled
due to arrearages, Atty. Linsangan’s recourse should only be against Baluyot "American Airlines, Inc. vs. Orient Air Services and Hotel Representa-
who personally undertook to pay the difference between the true contract tives, Inc." which affirmed, with modification, the decision of the
price of P132,250.00 and the original proposed price of P95,000.00. To surmise Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch IV, which dismissed the complaint
that Baluyot was acting on behalf of MMPCI when she promised to shoulder and granted therein defendant's counterclaim for agent's overriding
the said difference would be to conclude that MMPCI undertook to pay itself commission and damages.
the difference, a conclusion that is very illogical, if not antithetical to its
business interests. The antecedent facts are as follows:

However, this does not preclude Atty. Linsangan from instituting a separate On 15 January 1977, American Airlines, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as
action to recover damages from Baluyot, not as an agent of MMPCI, but in American Air), an air carrier offering passenger and air cargo
view of the latter’s breach of their separate agreement. To review, Baluyot transportation in the Philippines, and Orient Air Services and Hotel
obligated herself to pay P1,455.00 in addition to Atty. Linsangan’s P1,800.00 to Representatives (hereinafter referred to as Orient Air), entered into a
complete the monthly installment payment under the contract, which, by her General Sales Agency Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the
own admission, she was unable to do due to personal financial difficulties. It Agreement), whereby the former authorized the latter to act as its
is undisputed that Atty. Linsangan issued the P1,800.00 as agreed upon, and exclusive general sales agent within the Philippines for the sale of air
were it not for Baluyot’s failure to provide the balance, Contract No. 28660 passenger transportation. Pertinent provisions of the agreement are
would not have been cancelled. Thus, Atty. Linsangan has a cause of action reproduced, to wit:
against Baluyot, which he can pursue in another case.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of "WITNESSETH
Appeals dated 22 June 2001 and its Resolution dated 12 December 2001 in CA-
G.R. CV No. 49802, as well as the Decision in Civil Case No. 88-1253 of the
Regional Trial Court, Makati City Branch 57, are hereby REVERSED and SET In consideration of the mutual convenants herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Representation of American by Orient Air ... ... ...
1. Remittances
Orient Air Services will act on American's behalf as
its exclusive General Sales Agent within the Orient Air Services shall remit in United States dollars to
Philippines, including any United States military American the ticket stock or exchange orders, less commissions
installation therein which are not serviced by an Air to which Orient Air Services is entitled hereunder, not less
Carrier Representation Office (ACRO), for the sale of frequently than semi-monthly, on the 15th and last days of each
air passenger transportation. The services to be month for sales made during the preceding half month.
performed by Orient Air Services shall include:

soliciting and promoting passenger traffic for the services of American and, if All monies collected by Orient Air Services for transportation
(a) sold hereunder on American's ticket stock or on exchange
necessary, employing staff competent and sufficient to do so;
orders, less applicable commissions to which Orient Air Services
is entitled hereunder, are the property of American and shall be
held in trust by Orient Air Services until satisfactorily accounted
providing and maintaining a suitable area in its place of business to be used for to American.
exclusively for the transaction of the business of American;
2. Commissions
arranging for distribution of American's timetables, tariffs and promotional material American will pay Orient Air Services
to sales agents and the general public in the assigned territory; commission on transportation sold
hereunder by Orient Air Services or
its sub-agents as follows:
servicing and supervising of sales agents (including such sub-agents as may be
appointed by Orient Air Services with the prior written consent of American) in the (a) Sales agency commission
assigned territory including if required by American the control of remittances and
commissions retained; and
American will pay Orient Air Services a sales agency commission for a
transportation by Orient Air Services or its sub-agents over American's se
holding out a passenger reservation facility to sales agents and the general public in any connecting through air transportation, when made on American's ti
the assigned territory. equal to the following percentages of the tariff fares and charges:
In connection with scheduled or non-scheduled air passenger
transportation within the United States, neither Orient Air Services
nor its sub-agents will perform services for any other air carrier similar For transportation solely between points within the United States an
to those to be performed hereunder for American without the prior (i) such points and Canada: 7% or such other rate(s) as may be prescri
written consent of American. Subject to periodic instructions and Air Traffic Conference of America.
continued consent from American, Orient Air Services may sell air
passenger transportation to be performed within the United States by
other scheduled air carriers provided American does not provide
substantially equivalent schedules between the points involved.
For transportation included in a through ticket covering transportation ... ...
(ii) between points other than those described above: 8% or such other rate(s). .as.
may be prescribed by the International Air Transport Association.
1. Termination

(b) Overriding commission American may terminate the Agreement on two days' notice in
the event Orient Air Services is unable to transfer to the United
States the funds payable by Orient Air Services to American
under this Agreement. Either party may terminate the
In addition to the above commission American will pay Orient Air Services Agreement
an without cause by giving the other 30 days' notice by
overriding commission of 3% of the tariff fares and charges for all salesletter, of telegram or cable.
transportation over American's service by Orient Air Service or its sub-agents.
... ...
. . ."
On 11 May 1981, alleging that Orient Air had reneged on its obligations under the
... ... ... Agreement by failing to promptly remit the net proceeds of sales for the months of
January to March 1981 in the amount of US $254,400.40, American Air by itself undertook
1. Default the collection of the proceeds of tickets sold originally by Orient Air and terminated
forthwith the Agreement in accordance with Paragraph 13 thereof (Termination). Four (4)
If Orient Air Services shall at any time default in observing or days later, or on 15 May 1981, American Air instituted suit against Orient Air with the
performing any of the provisions of this Agreement or shall Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch 24, for Accounting with Preliminary Attachment
become bankrupt or make any assignment for the benefit of or Garnishment, Mandatory Injunction and Restraining Order, averring the aforesaid
or enter into any agreement or promise with its creditors or basis for the termination of the Agreement as well as therein defendant's previous record
go into liquidation, or suffer any of its goods to be taken in of failures "to promptly settle past outstanding refunds of which, there were available
execution, or if it ceases to be in business, this Agreement funds in the possession of the defendant, x x x to the damage and prejudice of plaintiff."
may, at the option of American, be terminated forthwith and
American may, without prejudice to any of its rights under In its Answer[6] with counterclaim dated 9 July 1981, defendant Orient Air denied the
this Agreement, take possession of any ticket forms, material allegations of the complaint with respect to plaintiff's entitlement to alleged
exchange orders, traffic material or other property or funds unremitted amounts, contending that after application thereof to the commissions due it
belonging to American. under the Agreement, plaintiff in fact still owed Orient Air a balance in unpaid overriding
commissions. Further, the defendant contended that the actions taken by American Air
2. IATA and ATC Rules in the course of terminating the Agreement as well as the termination itself were
untenable, Orient Air claiming that American Air's precipitous conduct had occassioned
The provisions of this Agreement are subject to any prejudice to its business interests.
applicable rules or resolutions of the International Air
Transport Association and the Air Traffic Conference of Finding that the record and the evidence substantiated the allegations of the defendant,
America, and such rules or resolutions shall control in the the trial court ruled in its favor, rendering a decision dated 16 July 1984, the dispositive
event of any conflict with the provisions hereof. portion of which reads:

"WHEREFORE, all the foregoing premises considered, judgment is hereby

rendered in favor of defendant and against plaintiff dismissing the
complaint and holding the termination made by the latter as affecting 3) American is ordered to pay interest of 12% on said
the GSA agreement illegal and improper and order the plaintiff to amounts from July 10, 1981 the date the answer with
reinstate defendant as its general sales agent for passenger counterclaim was filed, until full payment;
transportation in the Philippines in accordance with said GSA
agreement; plaintiff is ordered to pay defendant the balance of the 4) American is ordered to pay Orient exemplary
overriding commission on total flown revenue covering the period damages of P200,000.00;
from March 16, 1977 to December 31, 1980 in the amount of
US$84,821.31 plus the additional amount of US$8,000.00 by way of 5) American is ordered to pay Orient the sum of
proper 3% overriding commission per month commencing from P25,000.00 as attorney's fees.
January 1, 1981 until such reinstatment or said amounts in its
Philippine peso equivalent legally prevailing at the time of payment the rest of the appealed decision is affirmed.
plus legal interest to commence from the filing of the counterclaim up
to the time of payment. Further, plaintiff is directed to pay Costs against American."[8]
defendant the amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand American Air moved for reconsideration of the aforementioned decision, assailing the
(P1,500,000.00) pesos as and for exemplary damages; and the substance thereof and arguing for its reversal. The appellate court's decision was also the
amount of Three Hundred Thousand (P300,000.00) pesos as and by subject of a Motion for Partial Reconsideration by Orient Air which prayed for the
way of attorney's fees. restoration of the trial court's ruling with respect to the monetary awards. The Court of
Appeals, by resolution promulgated on 17 December 1986, denied American Air's motion
Costs against plaintiff."[7] and with respect to that of Orient Air, ruled thus:
On appeal, the Intermediate Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals) in a decision "Orient's motion for partial reconsideration is denied insofar as it prays
promulgated on 27 January 1986, affirmed the findings of the court a quo on their for affirmance of the trial court’s award of exemplary damages and
material points but with some modifications with respect to the monetary awards attorney's fees, but granted insofar as the rate of exchange is
granted. The dispositive portion of the appellate court's decision is as follows: concerned. The decision of January 27, 1986 is modified in paragraphs
"WHEREFORE, with the following modifications - (1) and (2) of the dispositive part so that the payment of the sums
mentioned therein shall be at their Philippine peso equivalent in
1) American is ordered to pay Orient the sum of accordance with the official rate of exchange legally prevailing on the
US$53,491.11 representing the balance of the date of actual payment."[9]
latter's overriding commission covering the period
March 16, 1977 to December 31, 1980, or its Both parties appealed the aforesaid resolution and decision of the respondent court,
Philippine peso equivalent in accordance with the Orient Air as petitioner in G.R. No. 76931 and American Air as petitioner in G.R. No.
official rate of exchange legally prevailing on July 76933. By resolution[10] of this Court dated 25 March 1987, both petitions were
10, 1981, the date the counterclaim was filed; consolidated, hence, the case at bar.

2) American is ordered to pay Orient the sum of The principal issue for resolution by the Court is the extent of Orient Air's right to the 3%
US$7,440.00 as the latter's overriding commission overriding commission. It is the stand of American Air that such commission is based only
per month starting January 1, 1981 until date of on sales of its services actually negotiated or transacted by Orient Air, otherwise referred
termination, May 9, 1981, or its Philippine to as "ticketed sales." As basis thereof, primary reliance is placed upon paragraph 5(b) of
peso equivalent in accordance with the official rate the Agreement which, in reiteration, is quoted as follows:
of exchange legally prevailing on July 10, 1981, the "5. Commissions
date the counterclaim was filed;
a) . . .
services made not on its ticket stock but on the ticket stock of other air carriers sold by
b) Overriding Commission such carriers or other authorized ticketing facilities or travel agents. To rule otherwise,
i.e., to limit the basis of such overriding commissions to sales from American Air ticket
In addition to the above commission, American will pay Orient stock would erase any distinction between the two (2) types of commissions and would
Air Services an overriding commission of 3% of the tariff fees lead to the absurd conclusion that the parties had entered into a contract with
and charges for all sales of transportation over American's meaningless provisions. Such an interpretation must at all times be avoided with every
services by Orient Air Services or its sub-agents." (underscoring effort exerted to harmonize the entire Agreement.
An additional point before finally disposing of this issue. It is clear from the records that
Since Orient Air was allowed to carry only the ticket stocks of American Air, and the American Air was the party responsible for the preparation of the
former not having opted to appoint any sub-agents, it is American Air's contention that Agreement. Consequently, any ambiguity in this "contract of adhesion" is to be taken
Orient Air can claim entitlement to the disputed overriding commission based only on "contra proferentem", i.e., construed against the party who caused the ambiguity and
ticketed sales. This is supposed to be the clear meaning of the underscored portion of could have avoided it by the exercise of a little more care. Thus, Article 1377 of the Civil
the above provision. Thus, to be entitled to the 3% overriding commission, the sale Code provides that the interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a contract shall
must be made by Orient Air and the sale must be done with the use of American Air's not favor the party who caused the obscurity. To put it differently, when several
ticket stocks. interpretations of a provision are otherwise equally proper, that interpretation or
construction is to be adopted which is most favorable to the party in whose favor the
On the other hand, Orient Air contends that the contractual stipulation of a 3% provision was made and who did not cause the ambiguity. We therefore agree with the
overriding commission covers the total revenue of American Air and not merely that respondent appellate court's declaration that:
derived from ticketed sales undertaken by Orient Air. The latter, in justification of its
submission, invokes its designation as the exclusive General Sales Agent of American Air, "Any ambiguity in a contract, whose terms are susceptible of different
with the corresponding obligations arising from such agency, such as, the promotion interpretations, must be read against the party who drafted it."
and solicitation for the services of its principal. In effect, by virtue of such exclusivity,
"all sales of transportation over American Air's services are necessarily by Orient Air." We now turn to the propriety of American Air's termination of the Agreement. The
respondent appellate court, on this issue, ruled thus:
It is a well settled legal principle that in the interpretation of a contract, the entirety "It is not denied that Orient withheld remittances but such action finds
thereof must be taken into consideration to ascertain the meaning of its provisions. justification from paragraph 4 of the Agreement, Exh. F, which provides
The various stipulations in the contract must be read together to give effect to all. for remittances to American less commissions to which Orient is entitled,
After a careful examination of the records, the Court finds merit in the contention of and from paragraph 5(d) which specifically allows Orient to retain the
Orient Air that the Agreement, when interpreted in accordance with the foregoing full amount of its commissions. Since, as stated ante, Orient is entitled
principles, entitles it to the 3% overriding commission based on total revenue, or as to the 3% override, American's premise, therefore, for the cancellation
referred to by the parties, "total flown revenue." of the Agreement did not exist. . . .."

As the designated exclusive General Sales Agent of American Air, Orient Air was We agree with the findings of the respondent appellate court. As
responsible for the promotion and marketing of American Air's services for air earlier established, Orient Air was entitled to an overriding commission
passenger transportation, and the solicitation of sales therefor. In return for such based on total flown revenue. American Air's perception that Orient
efforts and services, Orient Air was to be paid commissions of two (2) kinds: first, a Air was remiss or in default of its obligations under the Agreement was,
sales agency commission, ranging from 7-8% of tariff fares and charges from sales by in fact, a situation where the latter acted in accordance with the
Orient Air when made on American Air ticket stock; and second, an overriding Agreement – that of retaining from the sales proceeds its accrued
commission of 3% of tariff fares and charges for all sales of passenger transportation commissions before remitting the balance to American Air. Since the
over American Air services. It is immediately observed that the precondition attached latter was still obligated to Orient Air by way of such
to the first type of commission does not obtain for the second type of commissions. Orient Air was clearly justified in retaining and refusing
commissions. The latter type of commissions would accrue for sales of American Air
to remit the sums claimed by American Air. The latter's termination KUE CUISON, DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE FIRM NAME AND STYLE "KUE CUISON PAPER
of the Agreement was, therefore, without cause and basis, for which SUPPLY," PETITIONER, VS. THE COURT OF APPEALS, VALIANT INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES,
it should be held liable to Orient Air. RESPONDENTS.

On the matter of damages, the respondent appellate court modified BIDIN, J.:
by reduction the trial court's award of exemplary damages and
attorney's fees. This Court sees no error in such modification and, This petition for review assails the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals ordering
thus, affirms the same. petitioner to pay private respondent, among others, the sum of P297,482.30 with interest.
Said decision reversed the appealed decision of the trial court rendered in favor of
It is believed, however, that respondent appellate court erred in petitioner.
affirming the rest of the decision of the trial court. We refer
particularly to the lower court's decision ordering American Air to
The case involves an action for a sum of money filed by respondent against petitioner
"reinstate defendant as its general sales agent for passenger
anchored on the following antecedent facts:
transportation in the Philippines in accordance with said GSA
Petitioner Kue Cuison is a sole proprietorship engaged in the purchase and sale of
newsprint, bond paper and scrap, with places of business at Baesa, Quezon City, and Sto.
By affirming this ruling of the trial court, respondent appellate court,
Cristo, Binondo, Manila. Private respondent Valiant Investment Associates, on the other
in effect, compels American Air to extend its personality to Orient
hand, is a partnership duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines with
Air. Such would be violative of the principles and essence of agency,
business address at Kalookan City.
defined by law as a contract whereby "a person binds himself to
render some service or to do something in representation or on
behalf of another, WITH THE CONSENT OR AUTHORITY OF THE From December 4, 1979 to February 15, 1980, private respondent delivered various kinds
LATTER." (emphasis supplied) In an agent-principal relationship, the of paper products amounting to P297,487.30 to a certain Lilian Tan of LT Trading. The
personality of the principal is extended through the facility of the deliveries were made by respondent pursuant to orders allegedly placed by Tiu Huy Tiac
agent. In so doing, the agent, by legal fiction, becomes the principal, who was then employed in the Binondo Office of petitioner. It was likewise pursuant to
authorized to perform all acts which the latter would have him Tiac's instructions that the merchandise was delivered to Lilian Tan. Upon delivery, Lilian
do. Such a relationship can only be effected with the consent of the Tan paid for the merchandise by issuing several checks payable to cash at the specific
principal, which must not, in any way, be compelled by law or by any request of Tiu Huy Tiac. In turn, Tiac issued nine (9) postdated checks to private
court. The Agreement itself between the parties states that "either respondent as payment for the paper products. Unfortunately, said checks were later
party may terminate the Agreement without cause by giving the dishonored by the drawee bank.
other 30 days' notice by letter, telegram or cable." (emphasis
supplied) We, therefore, set aside the portion of the ruling of the Thereafter, private respondent made several demands upon petitioner to pay for the
respondent appellate court reinstating Orient Air as general sales merchandise in question, claiming that Tiu Huy Tiac was duly authorized by petitioner as
agent of American Air. the manager of his Binondo office, to enter into the questioned transactions with private
respondent and Lilian Tan. Petitioner denied any involvement in the transaction entered
WHEREFORE, with the foregoing modification, the Court AFFIRMS the into by Tiu Huy Tiac and refused to pay private respondent the amount corresponding to
decision and resolution of the respondent Court of Appeals, dated 27 the selling price of the subject merchandise.
January 1986 and 17 December 1986, respectively. Costs against
petitioner American Air. SO ORDERED. Left with no recourse, private respondent filed an action against petitioner for the
collection of P297,487.30 representing the price of the merchandise. After due hearing,
G.R. No. 88539, October 26, 1993 the trial court dismissed the complaint against petitioner for lack of merit. On appeal,
however, the decision of the trial court was modified, but was in effect reversed by the particularly, petitioner explicitly introduced Tiu Huy Tiac to Bernardino Villanueva,
Court of Appeals, the dispositive portion of which reads: respondent's manager, as his (petitioner's) branch manager as testified to by Bernardino
Villanueva. Secondly, Lilian Tan, who has been doing business with petitioner for quite a
"WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is MODIFIED in that defendant-appellant Kue while, also testified that she knew Tiu Huy Tiac to be the manager of petitioner's Sto.
Cuison is hereby ordered to pay plaintiff-appellant Valiant Investment Associates the Cristo, Binondo branch. This general perception of Tiu Huy Tiac as the manager of
sum of P297,487.30 with 12% interest from the filing of the complaint until the amount petitioner's Sto. Cristo store is even made manifest by the fact that Tiu Huy Tiac is known
is fully paid, plus the sum of 7% of the total amount due as attorney's fees, and to pay in the community to be the "kinakapatid" (godbrother) of petitioner. In fact, even
the costs. In all other respects, the decision appealed from is affirmed." (Rollo, p. 55) petitioner admitted his close relationship with Tiu Huy Tiac when he said in open court
that they are "like brothers" (Rollo, p. 54). There was thus no reason for anybody
In this petition, petitioner contends that: especially those transacting business with petitioner to even doubt the authority of Tiu
Huy Tiac as his manager in the Sto Cristo, Binondo branch.
DEFENDANT-APPELLANT CONTRARY TO THE UNDISPUTED/ESTABLISHED FACTS AND In a futile attempt to discredit Villanueva, petitioner alleges that the former's testimony is
CIRCUMSTANCES. clearly self-serving inasmuch as Villanueva worked for private respondent as its manager.

"THE HONORABLE COURT ERRED IN FINDING DEFENDANT-APPELLANT LIABLE FOR AN We disagree. The argument that Villanueva's testimony is self-serving and therefore
OBLIGATION UNDISPUTEDLY BELONGING TO TIU HUY TIAC. inadmissible on the lame excuse of his employment with private respondent utterly
misconstrues the nature of "self-serving evidence" and the specific ground for its exclusion.
As pointed out by this Court in Co v. Court of Appeals et al., (99 SCRA 321 [1980]):
"Self-serving evidence is evidence made by a party out of court at one time; it does not
include a party's testimony as a witness in court. It is excluded on the same ground as any
The issue here is really quite simple, and that is --- whether or not Tiu Huy Tiac
hearsay evidence, that is the lack of opportunity for cross-examination by the adverse
possessed the required authority from petitioner sufficient to hold the latter liable for
party, and on the consideration that its admission would open the door to fraud and to
the disputed transaction.
fabrication of testimony. On the other hand, a party's testimony in court is sworn and
affords the other party the opportunity for cross-examination" (underscoring supplied).
This petition ought to have been denied outright, for in the final analysis, it raises a
factual issue. It is elementary that in petitions for review under Rule 45, this Court only
Petitioner cites Villanueva's failure, despite his commitment to do so on cross-examination,
passes upon questions of law. An exception thereto occurs where the findings of fact of
to produce the very first invoice of the transaction between petitioner and private
the Court of Appeals are at variance with the trial court, in which case the Court reviews
respondent as another ground to discredit Villanueva's testimony. Such failure, petitioner
the evidence in order to arrive at the correct findings based on the records.
argues, proves that Villanueva was not only bluffing when he pretended that he can
produce the invoice, but that Villanueva was likewise prevaricating when he insisted that
As to the merits of the case, it is a well-established rule that one who clothes another
such prior transactions actually took place. Petitioner is mistaken. In fact, it was
with apparent authority as his agent and holds him out to the public as such cannot be
petitioner's counsel himself who withdrew the reservation to have Villanueva produce the
permitted to deny the authority of such person to act as his agent, to the prejudice of
document in court. As aptly observed by the Court of Appeals in its decision:
innocent third parties dealing with such person in good faith and in the honest belief
that he is what he appears to be (Macke, et al. v. Camps, 7 Phil. 553 [1907]; Philippine
"xxx However, during the hearing on March 3, 1981, Villanueva failed to present the
National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 94 SCRA 357 [1979]). From the facts and the evidence
document adverted to because defendant-appellant's counsel withdrew his reservation to
on record, there is no doubt that this rule obtains. The petition must therefore fail.
have the former (Villanueva) produce the document or invoice, thus prompting
plaintiff-appellant to rest its case that same day (t.s.n., pp. 39-40, Sess. of March 3, 1981).
It is evident from the records that by his own acts and admission, petitioner held out Tiu
Now, defendant-appellant assails the credibility of Villanueva for having allegedly failed to
Huy Tiac to the public as the manager of his store in Sto. Cristo, Binondo, Manila. More
produce even one single document to show that plaintiff-appellant and Such admission, spontaneous no doubt, and standing alone, is sufficient to negate all the
defendant-appellant have had transactions before, when in fact said failure of denials made by petitioner regarding the capacity of Tiu Huy Tiac to enter into the
Villanueva to produce said document is a direct off-shoot of the action of transaction in question. Furthermore, consistent with and as an obvious indication of, the
defendant-appellant's counsel who withdrew his reservation for the production of the fact that Tiu Huy Tiac was the manager of the Sto. Cristo branch, three (3) months after Tiu
document or invoice and which led plaintiff-appellant to rest its case that very day." Huy Tiac left petitioner's employ, petitioner even sent communications to its customers
(Rollo, p. 52) notifying them that Tiu Huy Tiac is no longer connected with petitioner's business. Such
undertaking spoke unmistakenly of Tiu Huy Tiac's valuable position as petitioner's
In the same manner, petitioner assails the credibility of Lilian Tan by alleging that Tan manager than any uttered disclaimer. More than anything else, his act taken together with
was part of an intricate plot to defraud him. However, petitioner failed to substantiate the declaration of petitioner in open court amount to admissions under Rule 130 Section
or prove that the subject transaction was designed to defraud him. Ironically, it was 22 of the Rules of Court, to wit: "The act, declaration or omission of a party as to a
even the testimony of petitioner's daughter and assistant manager Imelda Kue Cuison relevant fact may be given in evidence against him." For well-settled is the rule that "a
which confirmed the credibility of Tan as a witness. On the witness stand, Imelda man's acts, conduct and declaration, wherever made, if voluntary, are admissible against
testified that she knew for a fact that prior to the transaction in question, Tan regularly him, for the reason that it is fair to presume that they correspond with the truth, and it is
transacted business with her father (petitioner herein), thereby corroborating Tan's his fault if they do not. If a man's extrajudicial admissions are admissible against him, there
testimony to the same effect. As correctly found by the respondent court, there was no seems to be no reason why his admissions made in open court, under oath, should not be
logical explanation for Tan to impute liability upon petitioner. Rather, the testimony of accepted against him." (U.S. vs. Ching Po, 23 Phil. 578, 583 [1912];).
Imelda Kue Cuison only served to add credence to Tan's testimony as regards the
transaction, the liability for which petitioner wishes to be absolved. Moreover, petitioner's unexplained delay in disowning the transactions entered into by
Tiu-Huy Tiac despite several attempts made by respondent to collect the amount from him,
But of even greater weight than any of these testimonies, is petitioner's categorical proved all the more that petitioner was aware of the questioned transactions. Such
admission on the witness stand that Tiu Huy Tiac was the manager of his store in Sto. omission was tantamount to an admission by silence under Rule 130 Section 23 of the
Cristo, Binondo, to wit: Rules of Court, thus: "Any act or declaration made in the presence of and within the
observation of a party who does or says nothing when the act or declaration is such as
"Court: naturally to call for action or comment if not true, may be given in evidence against him."

xx x All of these point to the fact that at the time of the transaction, Tiu Huy Tiac was
admittedly the manager of petitioner's store in Sto. Cristo, Binondo. Consequently, the
"Q And who was managing the store in Sto Cristo?
transaction in question as well as the concomitant obligation is valid and binding upon
"A At first it was Mr. Ang, then later Mr. Tiu Huy Tiac but I cannot petitioner.
remember the exact year.
By his representations, petitioner is now estopped from disclaiming liability for the
"Q So, Mr. Tiu Huy Tiac took over the management. transaction entered into by Tiu Huy Tiac on his behalf. It matters not whether the
"A Not that was because every afternoon, I was there, sir. representations are intentional or merely negligent so long as innocent third persons
relied upon such representations in good faith and for value. As held in the case of Manila
"Q But in the morning, who takes charge? Remnant Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, (191 SCRA 622 [1990]):
"A Tiu Huy Tiac takes charge of management and if there (sic)
"More in point, we find that by the principle of estoppel, Manila Remnant is deemed to
orders for newsprint or bond papers they are always referred to the
have allowed its agent to act as though it had plenary powers. Article 1911 of the Civil
compound in Baesa, sir." (t.s.n., p. 16, Session of January 20, 1981, CA
Code provides:
decision, Rollo, p. 50, underscoring supplied).
'Even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the principal is solidarily liable with RURAL BANK OF MILAOR (CAMARINES SUR), PETITIONER, VS. FRANCISCA OCFEMIA,
the agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had full powers.' (Italics ROWENA BARROGO, MARIFE O. NIÑO, FELICISIMO OCFEMIA, RENATO OCFEMIA JR.,

The above-quoted article is new. It is intended to protect the rights of innocent persons.
In such a situation, both the principal and the agent may be considered as joint PANGANIBAN, J.:
tortfeasors whose liability is joint and solidary.
When a bank, by its acts and failure to act, has clearly clothed its
Authority by estoppel has arisen in the instant case because by its negligence, the manager with apparent authority to sell an acquired asset in the normal
principal, Manila Remnant, has permitted its agent, A.U. Valencia and Co., to exercise course of business, it is legally obliged to confirm the transaction by
powers not granted to it. That the principal might not have had actual knowledge of the issuing a board resolution to enable the buyers to register the property
agent's misdeed is of no moment." in their names. It has a duty to perform necessary and lawful acts to
enable the other parties to enjoy all benefits of the contract which it
Tiu Huy Tiac, therefore, by petitioner's own representations and manifestations, had authorized.
became an agent of petitioner by estoppel. Under the doctrine of estoppel, an
admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person making it, and The Case
cannot be denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon (Article 1431, Civil
Code of the Philippines). A party cannot be allowed to go back on his own acts and
representations to the prejudice of the other party who, in good faith, relied upon them Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari challenging the December 18, 1998
(Philippine National Bank v. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al., 189 SCRA 680 [1990]). Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR SP No. 46246, which affirmed the May 20,
1997 Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Naga City (Branch 28). The CA disposed
as follows:
Taken in this light, petitioner is liable for the transaction entered into by Tiu Huy Tiac on
his behalf. Thus, even when the agent has exceeded his authority, the principal is "Wherefore, premises considered, the Judgment appealed from is
solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against the respondent-appellant."
full powers (Article 1911 Civil Code), as in the case at bar.
The dispositive portion of the judgment affirmed by the CA ruled in this wise:
Finally, although it may appear that Tiu Huy Tiac defrauded his principal (petitioner) in "WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing findings, decision is hereby
not turning over the proceeds of the transaction to the latter, such fact cannot in any
rendered whereby the [petitioner] Rural Bank of Milaor (Camarines Sur),
way relieve nor exonerate petitioner of his liability to private respondent. For it is an
Inc. through its Board of Directors is hereby ordered to immediately
equitable maxim that as between two innocent parties, the one who made it possible issue a Board Resolution confirming the Deed of Sale it executed in favor
for the wrong to be done should be the one to bear the resulting loss (Francisco vs.
of Renato Ocfemia marked Exhibits C, C-1 and C-2); to pay [respondents]
Government Service Insurance System, 7 SCRA 577 [1963]).
the sum of FIVE HUNDRED (P500.00) PESOS as actual damages; TEN
THOUSAND (P10,000.00) PESOS as attorney’s fees; THIRTY THOUSAND
Inasmuch as the fundamental issue of the capacity or incapacity of the purported agent (P30,000.00) PESOS as moral damages; THIRTY THOUSAND (P30,000.00)
Tiu Huy Tiac, has already been resolved, the Court deems it unnecessary to resolve the PESOS as exemplary damages; and to pay the costs."
other peripheral issues raised by petitioner.
Also assailed is the February 26, 1999 CA Resolution which denied petitioner’s Motion for
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED for lack of merit. Costs against Reconsideration.
petitioner. SO ORDERED.
The Facts
G.R. No. 137686, February 08, 2000
The trial court’s summary of the undisputed facts was reproduced in the CA Decision as "The spouses Felicisimo Ocfemia and Juanita Arellano Ocfemia were not
follows: able to redeem the mortgaged properties consisting of seven (7) parcels
of land and so the mortgage was foreclosed and thereafter ownership
"This is an action for mandamus with damages. On April 10, 1996, thereof was transferred to the [petitioner] bank. Out of the seven (7)
[herein petitioner] was declared in default on motion of the parcels that were foreclosed, five (5) of them are in the possession of the
[respondents] for failure to file an answer within the reglementary [respondents] because these five (5) parcels of land described in
period after it was duly served with summons. On April 26, 1996, paragraph 6 of the petition were sold by the [petitioner] bank to the
[herein petitioner] filed a motion to set aside the order of default with parents of Marife O. Niño as evidenced by a Deed of Sale executed in
objection thereto filed by [herein respondents]. January 1988 (Exhs. C, C-1 and C-2).

"On June 17, 1996, an order was issued denying [petitioner’s] motion "The aforementioned five (5) parcels of land subject of the deed of sale
to set aside the order of default. On July 10, 1996, the defendant filed (Exh. C), have not been, however transferred in the name of the parents
a motion for reconsideration of the order of June 17, 1996 with of Merife O. Niño after they were sold to her parents by the [petitioner]
objection thereto by [respondents]. On July 12, 1996, an order was bank because according to the Assessor’s Office the five (5) parcels of
issued denying [petitioner’s] motion for reconsideration. On July 31, land, subject of the sale, cannot be transferred in the name of the buyers
1996, [respondents] filed a motion to set case for hearing. A copy as there is a need to have the document of sale registered with the
thereof was duly furnished the [petitioner] but the latter did not file Register of Deeds of Camarines Sur.
any opposition and so [respondents] were allowed to present their
evidence ex-parte. A certiorari case was filed by the [petitioner] with "In view of the foregoing, Marife O. Niño went to the Register of Deeds
the Court of Appeals docketed as CA GR No. 41497-SP but the petition of Camarines Sur with the Deed of Sale (Exh. C) in order to have the
was denied in a decision rendered on March 31, 1997 and the same is same registered. The Register of Deeds, however, informed her that the
now final. document of sale cannot be registered without a board resolution of the
[petitioner] Bank. Marife Niño then went to the bank, showed to it the
"The evidence presented by the [respondents] through the testimony Deed of Sale (Exh. C), the tax declaration and receipt of tax payments
of Marife O. Niño, one of the [respondents] in this case, show[s] that and requested the [petitioner] for a board resolution so that the
she is the daughter of Francisca Ocfemia, a co-[respondent] in this property can be transferred to the name of Renato Ocfemia the husband
case, and the late Renato Ocfemia who died on July 23, 1994. The of petitioner Francisca Ocfemia and the father of the other [respondents]
parents of her father, Renato Ocfemia, were Juanita Arellano Ocfemia having died already.
and Felicisimo Ocfemia. Her other co-[respondents] Rowena O.
Barrogo, Felicisimo Ocfemia, Renato Ocfemia, Jr. and Winston "The [petitioner] bank refused her request for a board resolution and
Ocfemia are her brothers and sisters. made many alibi[s]. She was told that the [petitioner] bank ha[d] a new
manager and it had no record of the sale. She was asked and she
"Marife O. Niño knows the five (5) parcels of land described in complied with the request of the [petitioner] for a copy of the deed of
paragraph 6 of the petition which are located in Bombon, Camarines sale and receipt of payment. The president of the [petitioner] bank told
Sur and that they are the ones possessing them which [were] her to get an authority from her parents and other [respondents] and
originally owned by her grandparents, Juanita Arellano Ocfemia and receipts evidencing payment of the consideration appearing in the deed
Felicisimo Ocfemia. During the lifetime of her grandparents, of sale. She complied with said requirements and after she gave all these
[respondents] mortgaged the said five (5) parcels of land and two (2) documents, Marife O. Niño was again told to wait for two (2) weeks
others to the [petitioner] Rural Bank of Milaor as shown by the Deed because the [petitioner] bank would still study the matter.
of Real Estate Mortgage (Exhs. A and A-1) and the Promissory Note
(Exh. B). "After two (2) weeks, Marife O. Niño returned to the [petitioner] bank
and she was told that the resolution of the board would not be Ocfemia. The illness of Francisca Ocfemia beg[a]n after her husband died
released because the [petitioner] bank ha[d] no records from the old and her suffering from arthritis and pulmonary disease already became
manager. Because of this, Marife O. Niño brought the matter to her serious before December 1995.
lawyer and the latter wrote a letter on December 22, 1995 to the
[petitioner] bank inquiring why no action was taken by the board of "Marife O. Niño declared that her mother is now in serious condition and
the request for the issuance of the resolution considering that the they could not have her hospitalized for treatment as they do not have
bank was already fully paid [for] the consideration of the sale since any money and this is causing the family sleepless nights and mental
January 1988 as shown by the deed of sale itself (Exh. D and D-1). anguish, thinking that their mother may die because they could not
submit her for medication as they do not have money."[6]
"On January 15, 1996 the [petitioner] bank answered [respondents’]
lawyer’s letter (Exh. D and D-1) informing the latter that the request The trial court granted the Petition. As noted earlier, the CA affirmed the RTC Decision.
for board resolution ha[d] already been referred to the board of
directors of the [petitioner] bank with another request that the latter Hence, this recourse.[7] In a Resolution dated June 23, 1999, this Court issued a Temporary
should be furnished with a certified machine copy of the receipt of Restraining Order directing the trial court "to refrain and desist from executing [pending
payment covering the sale between the [respondents] and the appeal] the decision dated May 20, 1997 in Civil Case No. RTC-96-3513, effective
[petitioner] (Exh. E). This request of the [petitioner] bank was already immediately until further orders from this Court."[8]
complied [with] by Marife O. Niño even before she brought the matter
to her lawyer. Ruling of the Court of Appeals

"On January 23, 1996 [respondents’] lawyer wrote back the branch The CA held that herein respondents were "able to prove their present cause of action"
manager of the [petitioner] bank informing the latter that they were against petitioner. It ruled that the RTC had jurisdiction over the case, because (1) the
already furnished the receipts the bank was asking [for] and that the Petition involved a matter incapable of pecuniary estimation; (2) mandamus fell within the
[respondents] want[ed] already to know the stand of the bank jurisdiction of RTC; and (3) assuming that the action was for specific performance as
whether the board [would] issue the required board resolution as the argued by the petitioner, it was still cognizable by the said court.
deed of sale itself already show[ed] that the [respondents were]
clearly entitled to the land subject of the sale (Exh. F). The manager of Issues
the [petitioner] bank received the letter which was served personally
to him and the latter told Marife O. Niño that since he was the one
himself who received the letter he would not sign anymore a copy In its Memorandum,[9] the bank posed the following questions:
showing him as having already received said letter (Exh. F).
"1. Question of Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court. -- Has a Regional
"After several days from receipt of the letter (Exh. F) when Marife O. Trial Court original jurisdiction over an action involving title to real
property with a total assessed value of less than P20,000.00?
Niño went to the [petitioner] again and reiterated her request, the
manager of the [petitioner] bank told her that they could not issue the
"2. Question of Law. -- May the board of directors of a rural banking
required board resolution as the [petitioner] bank ha[d] no records of
corporation be compelled to confirm a deed of absolute sale of real
the sale. Because of this Merife O. Niño already went to their lawyer
property owned by the corporation which deed of sale was executed by
and ha[d] this petition filed.
the bank manager without prior authority of the board of directors of
the rural banking corporation?"[10]
"The [respondents] are interested in having the property described in
paragraph 6 of the petition transferred to their names because their
mother and co-petitioner, Francisca Ocfemia, is very sickly and they
want to mortgage the property for the medical expenses of Francisca This Court’s Ruling
submission of a board resolution from the bank confirming both the Deed of Sale and the
The present Petition has no merit. authority of the bank manager, Fe S. Tena, to enter into such transaction. Petitioner
refused. After being given the runaround by the bank, respondents sued in exasperation.
First Issue:
Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court Allegations in the Petition for
Mandamus Deemed Admitted
Petitioner submits that the RTC had no jurisdiction over the case. Disputing the ruling of Respondents based their action before the trial court on the Deed of Sale, the substance
the appellate court that the present action was incapable of pecuniary estimation, of which was alleged in and a copy thereof was attached to the Petition for Mandamus.
petitioner argues that the matter in fact involved title to real property worth less than The Deed named Fe S. Tena as the representative of the bank. Petitioner, however, failed
P20,000. Thus, under RA 7691, the case should have been filed before a metropolitan to specifically deny under oath the allegations in that contract. In fact, it filed no answer at
trial court, a municipal trial court or a municipal circuit trial court. all, for which reason it was declared in default. Pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court
We disagree. The well-settled rule is that jurisdiction is determined by the allegations of
the complaint. In the present case, the Petition for Mandamus filed by respondents "SEC. 7. Action or defense based on document. -- Whenever an action or
before the trial court prayed that petitioner-bank be compelled to issue a board defense is based upon a written instrument or document, the substance
resolution confirming the Deed of Sale covering five parcels of unregistered land, which of such instrument or document shall be set forth in the pleading, and
the bank manager had executed in their favor. The RTC has jurisdiction over such action the original or a copy thereof shall be attached to the pleading as an
pursuant to Section 21 of BP 129, which provides: exhibit, which shall be deemed to be a part of the pleading, or said copy
may with like effect be set forth in the pleading.
"SEC 21. Original jurisdiction in other cases. -- Regional Trial Courts
shall exercise original jurisdiction: "SEC. 8. How to contest genuineness of such documents. -- When an
action or defense is founded upon a written instrument, copied in or
(1) in the issuance of writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas attached to the corresponding pleading as provided in the preceding
corpus and injunction which may be enforced in any part of their respective section, the genuineness and due execution of the instrument shall be
regions; and deemed admitted unless the adverse party, under oath, specifically
(2) In actions affecting ambassadors and other public ministers and consuls." denies them, and sets forth what he claims to be the facts; but this
provision does not apply when the adverse party does not appear to be
A perusal of the Petition shows that the respondents did not raise any question a party to the instrument or when compliance with an order for an
involving the title to the property, but merely asked that petitioner’s board of directors inspection of the original instrument is refused."
be directed to issue the subject resolution. Moreover, the bank did not controvert the
allegations in the said Petition. To repeat, the issue therein was not the title to the In failing to file its answer specifically denying under oath the Deed of Sale, the bank
property; it was respondents’ right to compel the bank to issue a board resolution admitted the due execution of the said contract. Such admission means that it
confirming the Deed of Sale. acknowledged that Tena was authorized to sign the Deed of Sale on its behalf. Thus,
defenses that are inconsistent with the due execution and the genuineness of the written
Second Issue: instrument are cut off by an admission implied from a failure to make a verified specific
Authority of the Bank Manager denial.

Other Acts of the Bank

Respondents initiated the present proceedings, so that they could transfer to their
names the subject five parcels of land; and subsequently, to mortgage said lots and to In any event, the bank acknowledged, by its own acts or failure to act, the authority of Fe S.
use the loan proceeds for the medical expenses of their ailing mother. For the property Tena to enter into binding contracts. After the execution of the Deed of Sale, respondents
to be transferred in their names, however, the register of deeds required the occupied the properties in dispute and paid the real estate taxes due thereon. If the bank
management believed that it had title to the property, it should have taken some ‘In passing upon the liability of a corporation in cases
measures to prevent the infringement or invasion of its title thereto and possession of this kind it is always well to keep in mind the
thereof. situation as it presents itself to the third party with
whom the contract is made. Naturally he can have little
Likewise, Tena had previously transacted business on behalf of the bank, and the latter or no information as to what occurs in corporate
had acknowledged her authority. A bank is liable to innocent third persons where meetings; and he must necessarily rely upon the
representation is made in the course of its normal business by an agent like Manager external manifestation of corporate consent. The
Tena, even though such agent is abusing her authority. Clearly, persons dealing with integrity of commercial transactions can only be
her could not be blamed for believing that she was authorized to transact business for maintained by holding the corporation strictly to the
and on behalf of the bank. Thus, this Court has ruled in Board of Liquidators v. Kalaw: liability fixed upon it by its agents in accordance with
law; and we would be sorry to announce a doctrine
"Settled jurisprudence has it that where similar acts have been which would permit the property of man in the city of
approved by the directors as a matter of general practice, custom, and Paris to be whisked out of his hands and carried into a
policy, the general manager may bind the company without formal remote quarter of the earth without recourse against
authorization of the board of directors. In varying language, existence the corporation whose name and authority had been
of such authority is established, by proof of the course of business, the used in the manner disclosed in this case. As already
usages and practices of the company and by the knowledge which the observed, it is familiar doctrine that if a corporation
board of directors has, or must be presumed to have, of acts and knowingly permits one of its officers, or any other
doings of its subordinates in and about the affairs of the corporation. agent, to do acts within the scope of an apparent
So also, authority, and thus holds him out to the public as
possessing power to do those acts, the corporation will,
"‘x x x authority to act for and bind a corporation may be presumed as against any one who has in good faith dealt with the
from acts of recognition in other instances where the power was in corporation through such agent, be estopped from
fact exercised.’ denying his authority; and where it is said ‘if the
corporation permits this means the same as ‘if the
"‘x x x Thus, when, in the usual course of business of a corporation, an thing is permitted by the directing power of the
officer has been allowed in his official capacity to manage its affairs, corporation.’"
his authority to represent the corporation may be implied from the
manner in which he has been permitted by the directors to manage its In this light, the bank is estopped from questioning the authority of the bank manager to
business.’" enter into the contract of sale. If a corporation knowingly permits one of its officers or any
other agent to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds the agent out to the
Notwithstanding the putative authority of the manager to bind the bank in the Deed of public as possessing the power to do those acts; thus, the corporation will, as against
Sale, petitioner has failed to file an answer to the Petition below within the anyone who has in good faith dealt with it through such agent, be estopped from denying
reglementary period, let alone present evidence controverting such authority. Indeed, the agent’s authority.
when one of herein respondents, Marife S. Nino, went to the bank to ask for the board
resolution, she was merely told to bring the receipts. The bank failed to categorically Unquestionably, petitioner has authorized Tena to enter into the Deed of Sale. Accordingly,
declare that Tena had no authority. This Court stresses the following: it has a clear legal duty to issue the board resolution sought by respondents. Having
"x x x Corporate transactions would speedily come to a standstill were authorized her to sell the property, it behooves the bank to confirm the Deed of Sale so
every person dealing with a corporation held duty-bound to disbelieve that the buyers may enjoy its full use.
every act of its responsible officers, no matter how regular they
should appear on their face. This Court has observed in Ramirez vs. The board resolution is, in fact, mere paper work. Nonetheless, it is paper work necessary
Orientalist Co., 38 Phil. 634, 654-655, that --- in the orderly operations of the register of deeds and the full enjoyment of respondents’
rights. Petitioner-bank persistently and unjustifiably refused to perform its legal duty. and necessary relation between the act assailed and the corporate purpose expressed by
Worse, it was less than candid in dealing with respondents regarding this matter. In this the law or in the charter. For if the act were one which is lawful in itself or not otherwise
light, the Court finds it proper to assess the bank treble costs, in addition to the award prohibited and done for the purpose of serving corporate ends or reasonably contributes
of damages. to the promotion of those ends in a substantial and not merely in a remote and fanciful
sense, it may be fairly considered within corporate powers.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed Decision and Resolution
AFFIRMED. The Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court is hereby LIFTED. Section 23 of the Corporation Code states that the corporate powers are to be exercised,
Treble costs against petitioner. SO ORDERED. all business conducted, and all property of corporations controlled and held, by the Board
of Directors. When the act of the board is within corporate powers but it is done without
the concurrence of the shareholders as and when such approval is required by law or
CONCURRING OPINION when the act is beyond its competence to do, the act has been described as void or, as
VITUG, J.: unenforceable,[6] or as ineffective and not legally binding.[7] These holdings
notwithstanding, the act cannot accurately be likened to an ultra vires act of the
I share the views expressed in the ponencia written for the Court by our esteemed corporation itself defined in Section 45 of the Code. Where the act is within corporate
colleague Mr. Justice Artemio V. Panganiban. There is just a brief clarificatory statement powers but the board has acted without being competent to independently do so, the
that I thought could be made. action is not necessarily and totally devoid of effects, and it may generally be ratified
expressly or impliedly. Thus, an acceptance of benefits derived by the shareholders from
The Civil Code, being a law of general application, can be suppletory to special laws and an outside investment made by the board wihtout the required concurrence of the
certainly not preclusive of those that govern commercial transactions. Indeed, in its stockholders may, nonethelss, be so considered as an effective investment. [8] It may be
generic sense, civil law can rightly be said to encompass commercial law. Jus civile, in said, however, that when the board resolution is yet executory, the act should aptly be
ancient Rome, was merely used to distinguish it from jus gentium or the law common to deemed inoperative and specific performance cannot be validly demanded but, if for any
all the nations within the empire and, at some time later, only in contrast to reason, the contemplated action is carried out, such principles as ratification or
international law. In more recent times, civil law is so referred to as private law in prescription when applicable, normally unknown in void contracts, can serve to negate a
distinction from public law and criminal law. Today, it may not be totally inaccurate to claim for the total nullity thereof.
consider commercial law, among some other special laws, as being a branch of civil law.
Corporate officers, in their case, may act on such matters as may be authorized either
Section 45 of the Corporation Code provides: expressly by the By-laws or Board Resolutions or impliedly such as by general practice or
policy or as are impliedl by express powers. When officers are allowed to act in certain
"Sec. 45. Ultra vires acts of corporations. – No corporation under this particular cases, their acts conformably therewith can bind the company. Hence, a
code shall possess or exercise any corporate powers except those corporate officer entrusted with general management and control of the business has the
conferred by this Code or by its articles of incorporation and except implied auhtority to act or contract for the corporation which may be necessary or
such as are necessary or incidental to the exercise of the powers so appropriate to conduct the ordinary business.[9] If the act of corporate officers comes
conferred." within corporate powers but it is done without any express or implied authority therefor
The language of the Code appears to confine the term ultra vires to an act outside or from the by-laws, board resolutions or corporate practices, such an act does not bind the
beyond express, implied and incidental corporate powers. Nevertheless, the concept corporation. The Board, however, acting within its competence, may ratify the
can also include those acts that may ostensibly be within such powers but are, by unauthorized act of the corporate officer. So, too, a corporation may be held in estoppel
general or special laws, either proscribed or declared illegal. In general, although from denying as against innocent third persons the authority of its officers or agents who
perhaps loosely, ultra vires has also been used to designate those acts of the board of have been clothed by it with ostensible or apparent authority. [10]
directors or of corporate officers when acting beyond their respective spheres of
authority. In the context that the law has used the term in article 45 of the Corporation The Corporation Code itself has not been that explicit with respect to the consequences of
Code, an ultra vires act would be void and not susceptible to ratification. In ultra vires acts; hence, the varied ascriptions to its effects heretofore expressed. It may
determining whether or not a corporation may perform an act, one considers the logical well be to consider futile any further attempt to have these situations bear any exact
equivalence to the civil law precepts of defective contracts. Nevertheless, general with the power to enter into contracts of every kind and for any lawful purpose that
statements could be made. Here reiterated, while an act of the corporation which is pertains to its business. Pursuant to this authority, PAGCOR launched its Foreign Highroller
either illegal or outside of express, implied or incidental powers as so provided by law or Marketing Program (Program). The Program aims to invite patrons from foreign countries
the charter would be void under Article 5 of the Civil Code, and the act is not to play at the dollar pit of designated PAGCOR-operated casinos under specified terms and
susceptible to ratification, an unauthorized act (if within corporate powers) of the board conditions and in accordance with industry practice.
or a corporate officer, however, would only be unenforceable conformably with Article
1403 of the Civil Code but, if the party with whom the agent has contracted is aware of The Korean-based ABS Corporation was one of the international groups that availed of the
the latter’s limits of powers, the unauthorized act is declared void by Article 1898 of Program. In a letter-agreement dated 25 April 1996 (Junket Agreement), ABS Corporation
the same Code, although still susceptible thereunder to ratification by the principal. Any agreed to bring in foreign players to play at the five designated gaming tables of the
person dealing with corporate boards and officers may be said to be charged with the Casino Filipino Silahis at the Grand Boulevard Hotel in Manila (Casino Filipino). The
knowledge that the latter can only act within their respective limits of power, and he is relevant stipulations of the Junket Agreement state:
put to notice accordingly. Thus, it would generally behoove such a person to look into
the extent of the authority of corporate agents since the onus would ordinarily be with 1. PAGCOR will provide ABS Corporation with separate junket
him. chips. The junket chips will be distinguished from the chips
being used by other players in the gaming tables.
2. ABS Corporation will distribute these junket chips to its players
G.R. No. 163553, December 11, 2009 and at the end of the playing period, ABS Corporation will
collect the junket chips from its players and make an accounting
CORPORATION, RESPONDENT. 3. ABS Corporation will assume sole responsibility to pay the
winnings of its foreign players and settle the collectibles from
CARPIO, J.: losing players.
4. ABS Corporation shall hold PAGCOR absolutely free and
The Case harmless from any damage, claim or liability which may arise
from any cause in connection with the Junket Agreement.
Yun Kwan Byung (petitioner) filed this Petition for Review assailing
5. In providing the gaming facilities and services to these foreign
players, PAGCOR is entitled to receive from ABS Corporation a
the Court of Appeals' Decision dated 27 May 2003 in CA-G.R. CV No.
12.5% share in the gross winnings of ABS Corporation or 1.5
65699 as well as the Resolution dated 7 May 2004 denying the
million US dollars, whichever is higher, over a playing period of
Motion for Reconsideration. In the assailed decision, the Court of
6 months. PAGCOR has the option to extend the period.[6]
Appeals (CA) affirmed the Regional Trial Court's Decision dated 6
May 1999. The Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 13 (trial court),
dismissed petitioner's demand against respondent Philippine
Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) for the redemption Petitioner, a Korean national, alleges that from November 1996 to March 1997, he came
of gambling chips. to the Philippines four times to play for high stakes at the Casino Filipino. [7] Petitioner
claims that in the course of the games, he was able to accumulate gambling chips worth
US$2.1 million. Petitioner presented as evidence during the trial gambling chips with a
The Facts
face value of US$1.1 million. Petitioner contends that when he presented the gambling
chips for encashment with PAGCOR's employees or agents, PAGCOR refused to redeem
PAGCOR is a government-owned and controlled corporation tasked to establish and them.[8]
operate gambling clubs and casinos as a means to promote tourism and generate
sources of revenue for the government. To achieve these objectives, PAGCOR is vested Petitioner brought an action against PAGCOR seeking the redemption of gambling chips
valued at US$2.1 million. Petitioner claims that he won the gambling chips at the Casino dollars worth of gambling chips and to bring the chips out of the casino premises.
Filipino, playing continuously day and night. Petitioner alleges that every time he would
come to Manila, PAGCOR would extend to him amenities deserving of a high roller. A Since PAGCOR disclaimed liability for the winnings of players recruited by ABS Corporation
PAGCOR official who meets him at the airport would bring him to Casino Filipino, a and refused to encash the gambling chips, petitioner filed a complaint for a sum of money
casino managed and operated by PAGCOR. The card dealers were all PAGCOR before the trial court. PAGCOR filed a counterclaim against petitioner. Then, trial ensued.
employees, the gambling chips, equipment and furnitures belonged to PAGCOR, and
PAGCOR enforced all the regulations dealing with the operation of foreign exchange On 6 May 1999, the trial court dismissed the complaint and counterclaim. Petitioner
gambling pits. Petitioner states that he was able to redeem his gambling chips with the appealed the trial court's decision to the CA. On 27 May 2003, the CA affirmed the
cashier during his first few winning trips. But later on, the casino cashier refused to appealed decision. On 27 June 2003, petitioner moved for reconsideration which was
encash his gambling chips so he had no recourse but to deposit his gambling chips at the denied on 7 May 2004.
Grand Boulevard Hotel's deposit box, every time he departed from Manila. [9]
Aggrieved by the CA's decision and resolution, petitioner elevated the case before this
PAGCOR claims that petitioner, who was brought into the Philippines by ABS Court.
Corporation, is a junket player who played in the dollar pit exclusively leased by ABS
Corporation for its junket players. PAGCOR alleges that it provided ABS Corporation with The Ruling of the Trial Court
distinct junket chips. ABS Corporation distributed these chips to its junket players. At
the end of each playing period, the junket players would surrender the chips to ABS
Corporation. Only ABS Corporation would make an accounting of these chips to The trial court ruled that based on PAGCOR's charter, PAGCOR has no authority to lease
PAGCOR's casino treasury.[10] any portion of the gambling tables to a private party like ABS Corporation. Section 13 of
Presidential Decree No. 1869 or the PAGCOR's charter states:
As additional information for the junket players playing in the gaming room leased to
ABS Corporation, PAGCOR posted a notice written in English and Korean languages Sec. 13. Exemptions -
which reads:
(4) Utilization of Foreign Currencies - The Corporation shall have the
right and authority, solely and exclusively in connection with the
This GAMING ROOM is exclusively operated by ABS operations of the casino(s), to purchase, receive, exchange and disburse
under arrangement with PAGCOR, the former is foreign exchange, subject to the following terms and conditions:
solely accountable for all PLAYING CHIPS wagered on
the tables. Any financial (a) A specific area in the casino(s) or gaming pit shall be put up
ARRANGEMENT/TRANSACTION between PLAYERS solely and exclusively for players and patrons utilizing foreign
and ABS shall only be binding upon said PLAYERS currencies;
and ABS.
(b) The Corporation shall appoint and designate a duly accredited
commercial bank agent of the Central Bank, to handle, administer
PAGCOR claims that this notice is a standard precautionary measure to avoid and manage the use of foreign currencies in the casino(s);
confusion between junket players of ABS Corporation and PAGCOR's players.
(c) The Corporation shall provide an office at casino(s) exclusively
PAGCOR argues that petitioner is not a PAGCOR player because under PAGCOR's gaming for the employees of the designated bank, agent of the Central
rules, gambling chips cannot be brought outside the casino. The gambling chips must be Bank, where the Corporation shall maintain a dollar account
converted to cash at the end of every gaming period as they are inventoried every shift. which will be utilized exclusively for the above purpose and the
Under PAGCOR's rules, it is impossible for PAGCOR players to accumulate two million casino dollar treasury employees;
The trial court pointed out that PAGCOR had taken steps to warn players brought in by all
(d) Only persons with foreign passports or certificates of junket operators, including ABS Corporation, that they were playing under special rules.
identity (for Hong Kong patron only) duly issued by the Apart from the different kinds of gambling chips used, the junket players were confined to
government or country of their residence will be allowed to certain gaming rooms. In these rooms, notices were posted that gambling chips could only
play in the foreign exchange gaming pit; be encashed there and nowhere else. A photograph of one such notice, printed in Korean
and English, stated that the gaming room was exclusively operated by ABS Corporation
(e) Only foreign exchange prescribed to form part of the and that ABS Corporation was solely accountable for all the chips wagered on the gaming
Philippine International Reserve and the following foreign tables. Although petitioner denied seeing this notice, this disclaimer has the effect of a
exchange currencies: Australian Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Hong negative evidence that can hardly prevail against the positive assertions of PAGCOR
Kong Dollar, shall be used in this gaming pit; officials whose credibility is also not open to doubt. The trial court concluded that
petitioner had been alerted to the existence of these special gambling rules, and the mere
(f) The disbursement, administration, management and fact that he continued to play under the same restrictions over a period of several months
recording of foreign exchange currencies used in the casino(s) confirms his acquiescence to them. Otherwise, petitioner could have simply chose to stop
shall be carried out in accordance with existing foreign gambling.
exchange regulations, and periodical reports of the
transactions in such foreign exchange currencies by the In dismissing petitioner's complaint, the trial court concluded that petitioner's demand
Corporation shall be duly recorded and reported to the Central against PAGCOR for the redemption of the gambling chips could not stand. The trial court
Bank thru the designated Agent Bank; and stated that petitioner, a stranger to the agreement between PAGCOR and ABS Corporation,
could not under principles of equity be charged with notice other than of the apparent
(g) The Corporation shall issue the necessary rules and authority with which PAGCOR had clothed its employees and agents in dealing with
regulations for the guidance and information of players petitioner. Since petitioner was made aware of the special rules by which he was playing
qualified to participate in the foreign exchange gaming pit, in at the Casino Filipino, petitioner could not now claim that he was not bound by them. The
order to make certain that the terms and conditions as above trial court explained that in an unlawful transaction, the courts will extend equitable relief
set forth are strictly complied with. only to a party who was unaware of all its dimensions and whose ignorance of them
exposed him to the risk of being exploited by the other. Where the parties enter into such
a relationship with the opportunity to know all of its ramifications, as in this case, there is
The trial court held that only PAGCOR could use foreign currency in its gaming tables. no room for equitable considerations to come to the rescue of any party. The trial court
When PAGCOR accepted only a fixed portion of the dollar earnings of ABS Corporation ruled that it would leave the parties where they are.
in the concept of a lease of facilities, PAGCOR shared its franchise with ABS Corporation
in violation of the PAGCOR's charter. Hence, the Junket Agreement is void. Since the The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Junket Agreement is not permitted by PAGCOR's charter, the mutual rights and
obligations of the parties to this case would be resolved based on agency and estoppel.
In dismissing the appeal, the appellate court addressed the four errors assigned by
The trial court found that the petitioner wanted to redeem gambling chips that were petitioner.
specifically used by ABS Corporation at its gaming tables. The gambling chips come in
distinctive orange or yellow colors with stickers bearing denominations of 10,000 or First, petitioner maintains that he was never a junket player of ABS Corporation. Petitioner
1,000. The 1,000 gambling chips are smaller in size and the words "no cash value" also denies seeing a notice that certain gaming rooms were exclusively operated by
marked on them. The 10,000 gambling chips do not reflect the "no cash value" sign. The entities under special agreement.
senior treasury head of PAGCOR testified that these were the gambling chips used by
the previous junket operators and PAGCOR merely continued using them. However, the The CA ruled that the records do not support petitioner's theory. Petitioner's own
gambling chips used in the regular casino games were of a different quality. testimony reveals that he enjoyed special accommodations at the Grand Boulevard Hotel.
This similar accommodation was extended to players brought in by ABS Corporation and
other junket operators. Petitioner cannot disassociate himself from ABS Corporation for it
is unlikely that an unknown high roller would be accorded choice accommodations by purported agent. Necessarily, the gambling chips being mere incidents to the void lease
the hotel unless the accommodation was facilitated by a junket operator who enjoyed agreement cannot fall under this category.
such privilege.
The CA ruled that Article 2152 of the Civil Code is also not applicable. The circumstances
The CA added that the testimonies of PAGCOR's employees affirming that notices were relating to negotiorum gestio are non-existent to warrant an officious manager to take
posted in English and Korean in the gaming areas are credible in the absence of any over the management and administration of PAGCOR.
convincing proof of ill motive. Further, the specified gaming areas used only special
chips that could be bought and exchanged at certain cashier booths in that area. Fourth, petitioner asks for equitable relief.

Second, petitioner attacks the validity of the contents of the notice. Since the Junket The CA explained that although petitioner was never a party to the void Junket Agreement,
Agreement is void, the notice, which was issued pursuant to the Junket Agreement, is petitioner cannot deny or feign blindness to the signs and warnings all around him. The
also void and cannot affect petitioner. notices, the special gambling chips, and the separate gaming areas were more than
enough to alert him that he was playing under different terms. Petitioner persisted and
The CA reasoned that the trial court never declared the notice valid and neither did it continued to play in the casino. Petitioner also enjoyed the perks extended to junket
enforce the contents thereof. The CA emphasized that it was the act of cautioning and players of ABS Corporation. For failing to heed these signs and warnings, petitioner can no
alerting the players that was upheld. The trial court ruled that signs and warnings were longer be permitted to claim equitable relief. When parties do not come to court with
in place to inform the public, petitioner included, that special rules applied to certain clean hands, they cannot be allowed to profit from their own wrong doing.
gaming areas even if the very agreement giving rise to these rules is void.
The Issues
Third, petitioner takes the position that an implied agency existed between PAGCOR
and ABS Corporation.
Petitioners raise three issues in this petition:
The CA disagreed with petitioner's view. A void contract has no force and effect from
the very beginning. It produces no effect either against or in favor of anyone. Neither 1. Whether the CA erred in holding that PAGCOR is not liable to petitioner,
can it create, modify or extinguish the juridical relation to which it refers. Necessarily, disregarding the doctrine of implied agency, or agency by estoppel;
the Junket Agreement, being void from the beginning, cannot give rise to an implied
agency. The CA explained that it cannot see how the principle of implied agency can be 2. Whether the CA erred in using intent of the contracting parties as the test for
applied to this case. Article 1883 of the Civil Code applies only to a situation where the creation of agency, when such is not relevant since the instant case involves
agent is authorized by the principal to enter into a particular transaction, but instead of liability of the presumed principal in implied agency to a third party; and
contracting on behalf of the principal, the agent acts in his own name.
3. Whether the CA erred in failing to consider that PAGCOR ratified, or at least
The CA concluded that no such legal fiction existed between PAGCOR and ABS adopted, the acts of the agent, ABS Corporation.
Corporation. PAGCOR entered into a Junket Agreement to lease to ABS Corporation
certain gaming areas. It was never PAGCOR's intention to deal with the junket players.
Neither did PAGCOR intend ABS Corporation to represent PAGCOR in dealing with the
junket players. Representation is the basis of agency but unfortunately for petitioner The Ruling of the Court
none is found in this case.

The CA added that the special gaming chips, while belonging to PAGCOR, are mere
accessories in the void Junket Agreement with ABS Corporation. In Article 1883, the The petition lacks merit.
phrase "things belonging to the principal" refers only to those things or properties
subject of a particular transaction authorized by the principal to be entered into by its Courts will not enforce debts arising from illegal gambling
the grantee to the public in exercising the franchise are almost always
defined in clear and unequivocal language.
Gambling is prohibited by the laws of the Philippines as specifically provided in Articles
195 to 199 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended. Gambling is an act beyond the pale After a circumspect consideration of the foregoing discussion and the
of good morals, and is thus prohibited and punished to repress an evil that contending positions of the parties, we hold that PAGCOR has acted
undermines the social, moral, and economic growth of the nation. Presidential Decree beyond the limits of its authority when it passed on or shared its
No. 1602 (PD 1602), which modified Articles 195-199 of the Revised Penal Code and franchise to SAGE.
repealed inconsistent provisions, prescribed stiffer penalties on illegal gambling.
In the Del Mar case where a similar issue was raised when PAGCOR
As a rule, all forms of gambling are illegal. The only form of gambling allowed by law is entered into a joint venture agreement with two other entities in the
that stipulated under Presidential Decree No. 1869, which gave PAGCOR its franchise to operation and management of jai alai games, the Court, in an En Banc
maintain and operate gambling casinos. The issue then turns on whether PAGCOR can Resolution dated 24 August 2001, partially granted the motions for
validly share its franchise with junket operators to operate gambling casinos in the clarification filed by respondents therein insofar as it prayed that
country. Section 3(h) of PAGCOR's charter states: PAGCOR has a valid franchise, but only by itself (i.e. not in association
with any other person or entity), to operate, maintain and/or manage
Section 3. Corporate Powers. - The Corporation shall have the the game of jai-alai.
following powers and functions, among others:
In the case at bar, PAGCOR executed an agreement with SAGE whereby
xxx the former grants the latter the authority to operate and maintain sports
betting stations and Internet gaming operations. In essence, the grant of
h) to enter into, make, perform, and carry out contracts of every kind authority gives SAGE the privilege to actively participate, partake and
and for any lawful purpose pertaining to the business of the share PAGCOR's franchise to operate a gambling activity. The grant of
Corporation, or in any manner incident thereto, as principal, agent or franchise is a special privilege that constitutes a right and a duty to be
otherwise, with any person, firm, association, or corporation. performed by the grantee. The grantee must not perform its activities
arbitrarily and whimsically but must abide by the limits set by its
xxx franchise and strictly adhere to its terms and conditionalities. A
corporation as a creature of the State is presumed to exist for the
common good. Hence, the special privileges and franchises it receives
The Junket Agreement would be valid if under Section 3(h) of PAGCOR's charter, are subject to the laws of the State and the limitations of its charter.
PAGCOR could share its gambling franchise with another entity. In Senator Jaworski v. There is therefore a reserved right of the State to inquire how these
Phil. Amusement and Gaming Corp., the Court discussed the extent of the grant of the privileges had been employed, and whether they have been abused.
legislative franchise to PAGCOR on its authority to operate gambling casinos: (Emphasis supplied)
A legislative franchise is a special privilege granted by the state to
corporations. It is a privilege of public concern which cannot be Thus, PAGCOR has the sole and exclusive authority to operate a gambling activity. While
exercised at will and pleasure, but should be reserved for public PAGCOR is allowed under its charter to enter into operator's or management contracts,
control and administration, either by the government directly, or by PAGCOR is not allowed under the same charter to relinquish or share its franchise.
public agents, under such conditions and regulations as the PAGCOR cannot delegate its power in view of the legal principle of delegata potestas
government may impose on them in the interest of the public. It is delegare non potest, inasmuch as there is nothing in the charter to show that it has been
Congress that prescribes the conditions on which the grant of the expressly authorized to do so.
franchise may be made. Thus the manner of granting the franchise, to
whom it may be granted, the mode of conducting the business, the Similarly, in this case, PAGCOR, by taking only a percentage of the earnings of ABS
charter and the quality of the service to be rendered and the duty of
Corporation from its foreign currency collection, allowed ABS Corporation to operate
gaming tables in the dollar pit. The Junket Agreement is in direct violation of PAGCOR's PAGCOR sought the amendment of its charter precisely to address and remedy the legal
charter and is therefore void. impediment raised in Senator Jaworski v. Phil. Amusement and Gaming Corp.

Since the Junket Agreement violates PAGCOR's charter, gambling between the junket Unfortunately for petitioner, RA 9487 cannot be applied to the present case. The Junket
player and the junket operator under such agreement is illegal and may not be enforced Agreement was entered into between PAGCOR and ABS Corporation on 25 April 1996
by the courts. Article 2014 of the Civil Code, which refers to illegal gambling, states when the PAGCOR charter then prevailing (PD 1869) prohibited PAGCOR from entering
that no action can be maintained by the winner for the collection of what he has won in into any arrangement with a third party that would allow such party to actively participate
a game of chance. in the casino operations.

Although not raised as an issue by petitioner, we deem it necessary to discuss the It is a basic principle that laws should only be applied prospectively unless the legislative
applicability of Republic Act No. 9487 (RA 9487) to the present case. intent to give them retroactive effect is expressly declared or is necessarily implied from
the language used. RA 9487 does not provide for any retroactivity of its provisions. All
RA 9487 amended the PAGCOR charter, granting PAGCOR the power to enter into laws operate prospectively absent a clear contrary language in the text, and that in every
special agreement with third parties to share the privileges under its franchise for the case of doubt, the doubt will be resolved against the retroactive operation of laws.
operation of gambling casinos:
Thus, petitioner cannot avail of the provisions of RA 9487 as this was not the law when the
Section 1. The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation acts giving rise to the claimed liabilities took place. This makes the gambling activity
(PAGCOR) franchise granted under Presidential Decree No. 1869 participated in by petitioner illegal. Petitioner cannot sue PAGCOR to redeem the cash
otherwise known as the PAGCOR Charter, is hereby further amended value of the gambling chips or recover damages arising from an illegal activity for two
to read as follows: reasons. First, petitioner engaged in gambling with ABS Corporation and not with PAGCOR.
Second, the court cannot assist petitioner in enforcing an illegal act. Moreover, for a court
xxx to grant petitioner's prayer would mean enforcing the Junket Agreement, which is void.

(2) Section 3(h) is hereby amended to read as Now, to address the issues raised by petitioner in his petition, petitioner claims that he is a
follows: third party proceeding against the liability of a presumed principal and claims relief,
alternatively, on the basis of implied agency or agency by estoppel.
"SEC. 3. Corporate Powers. -
Article 1869 of the Civil Code states that implied agency is derived from the acts of the
"x x x principal, from his silence or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency, knowing
that another person is acting on his behalf without authority. Implied agency, being an
"(h) to enter into, make, conclude, perform, and actual agency, is a fact to be proved by deductions or inferences from other facts.
carry out contracts of every kind and nature and for
any lawful purpose which are necessary, appropriate, On the other hand, apparent authority is based on estoppel and can arise from two
proper or incidental to any business or purpose of instances. First, the principal may knowingly permit the agent to hold himself out as
the PAGCOR, including but not limited to investment having such authority, and the principal becomes estopped to claim that the agent does
agreements, joint venture agreements, not have such authority. Second, the principal may clothe the agent with the indicia of
management agreements, agency agreements, authority as to lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that the agent actually has
whether as principal or as an agent, manpower such authority. In an agency by estoppel, there is no agency at all, but the one assuming
supply agreements, or any other similar agreements to act as agent has apparent or ostensible, although not real, authority to represent
or arrangements with any person, firm, association another.
or corporation." (Boldfacing supplied)
The law makes no presumption of agency and proving its existence, nature and extent is
incumbent upon the person alleging it. Whether or not an agency has been created is There is no implied agency in this case because PAGCOR did not hold out to the
a question to be determined by the fact that one represents and is acting for another. public as the principal of ABS Corporation. PAGCOR's actions did not mislead the
public into believing that an agency can be implied from the arrangement with
Acts and conduct of PAGCOR negates the existence of an implied agency or an agency the junket operators, nor did it hold out ABS Corporation with any apparent
by estoppel authority to represent it in any capacity. The Junket Agreement was merely a
contract of lease of facilities and services.

Petitioner alleges that there is an implied agency. Alternatively, petitioner claims that The players brought in by ABS Corporation were covered by a different set of
even assuming that no actual agency existed between PAGCOR and ABS Corporation, rules in acquiring and encashing chips. The players used a different kind of chip
there is still an agency by estoppel based on the acts and conduct of PAGCOR showing than what was used in the regular gaming areas of PAGCOR, and that such junket
apparent authority in favor of ABS Corporation. Petitioner states that one factor which players played specifically only in the third floor area and did not mingle with the
distinguishes agency from other legal precepts is control and the following undisputed regular patrons of PAGCOR. Furthermore, PAGCOR, in posting notices stating that
facts show a relationship of implied agency: the players are playing under special rules, exercised the necessary precaution to
warn the gaming public that no agency relationship exists.
1. Three floors of the Grand Boulevard Hotel[52] were leased to PAGCOR for
conducting gambling operations;[53] For the second assigned error, petitioner claims that the intention of the parties
cannot apply to him as he is not a party to the contract.
2. Of the three floors, PAGCOR allowed ABS Corporation to use one whole floor
for foreign exchange gambling, conducted by PAGCOR dealers using PAGCOR We disagree. The Court of Appeals correctly used the intent of the contracting
facilities, operated by PAGCOR employees and using PAGCOR chips bearing the parties in determining whether an agency by estoppel existed in this case. An
PAGCOR logo; agency by estoppel, which is similar to the doctrine of apparent authority
requires proof of reliance upon the representations, and that, in turn, needs
3. PAGCOR controlled the release, withdrawal and return of all the gambling chips proof that the representations predated the action taken in reliance. [62]
given to ABS Corporation in that part of the casino and at the end of the day,
PAGCOR conducted an inventory of the gambling chips;[55] There can be no apparent authority of an agent without acts or conduct on the
part of the principal and such acts or conduct of the principal must have been
4. ABS Corporation accounted for all gambling chips with the Commission on known and relied upon in good faith and as a result of the exercise of reasonable
Audit (COA), the official auditor of PAGCOR;[56] prudence by a third person as claimant, and such must have produced a change
of position to its detriment.[63] Such proof is lacking in this case.
5. PAGCOR enforced, through its own manager, all the rules and regulations on
In the entire duration that petitioner played in Casino Filipino, he was dealing
the operation of the gambling pit used by ABS Corporation. [57]
only with ABS Corporation, and availing of the privileges extended only to players
brought in by ABS Corporation. The facts that he enjoyed special treatment upon
Petitioner's argument is clearly misplaced. The basis for agency is his arrival in Manila and special accommodations in Grand Boulevard Hotel, and
representation,[58] that is, the agent acts for and on behalf of the principal on that he was playing in special gaming rooms are all indications that petitioner
matters within the scope of his authority and said acts have the same legal cannot claim good faith that he believed he was dealing with PAGCOR. Petitioner
effect as if they were personally executed by the principal. [59] On the part of cannot be considered as an innocent third party and he cannot claim entitlement
the principal, there must be an actual intention to appoint or an intention to equitable relief as well.
naturally inferable from his words or actions, while on the part of the agent,
there must be an intention to accept the appointment and act on it. [60] Absent For his third and final assigned error, petitioner asserts that PAGCOR ratified the
such mutual intent, there is generally no agency.[61] acts of ABS Corporation.
to readily enter or leave the property. In a Letter to Roxas dated June 21, 1991, WHI
The trial court has declared, and we affirm, that the Junket Agreement is void. President Jonathan Y. Dy offered to buy Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 under stated terms and
A void or inexistent contract is one which has no force and effect from the very conditions for P1,000 per square meter or at the price of P7,213,000. One of the terms
beginning. Hence, it is as if it has never been entered into and cannot be incorporated in Dy’s offer was the following provision:
validated either by the passage of time or by ratification. [64] Article 1409 of the
Civil Code provides that contracts expressly prohibited or declared void by law, 1. This Offer to Purchase is made on the representation and warranty of the
such as gambling contracts, "cannot be ratified."[65] OWNER/SELLER, that he holds a good and registrable title to the property, which
shall be conveyed CLEAR and FREE of all liens and encumbrances, and that the
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. We AFFIRM the Court of Appeals' area of 7,213 square meters of the subject property already includes the area on
Decision dated 27 May 2003 as well as the Resolution dated 7 May 2004 as which the right of way traverses from the main lot (area) towards the exit to the
modified by this Decision.SO ORDERED. Sumulong Highway as shown in the location plan furnished by the Owner/Seller
to the buyer. Furthermore, in the event that the right of way is insufficient for the
buyer’s purposes (example: entry of a 45-foot container), the seller agrees to sell
G.R. No. 140667, August 12, 2004 CALLEJO, SR., J.: additional square meter from his current adjacent property to allow the buyer to
full access and full use of the property.
COMPANY, INC., RESPONDENT Roxas indicated his acceptance of the offer on page 2 of the deed. Less than a month later
or on July 1, 1991, Roxas, as President of RECCI, as vendor, and Dy, as President of WHI, as
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision of the Court of Appeals in vendee, executed a contract to sell in which RECCI bound and obliged itself to sell to Dy
CA-G.R. CV No. 56125 reversing the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086 for P7,213,000.[6] On September 5, 1991, a
Branch 57, which ruled in favor of the petitioner. Deed of Absolute Sale[7] in favor of WHI was issued, under which Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2
covered by TCT No. 78086 was sold for P5,000,000, receipt of which was acknowledged by
The Antecedents Roxas under the following terms and conditions:

The Vendor agree (sic), as it hereby agrees and binds itself to give
The respondent Roxas Electric and Construction Company, Inc. (RECCI), formerly the Vendee the beneficial use of and a right of way from Sumulong Highway
Roxas Electric and Construction Company, was the owner of two parcels of land, to the property herein conveyed consists of 25 square meters wide to be
identified as Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 78085 used as the latter’s egress from and ingress to and an additional 25
and Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086. A portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 square meters in the corner of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, as turning and/or
which abutted Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 was a dirt road accessing to the Sumulong Highway, maneuvering area for Vendee’s vehicles.
Antipolo, Rizal.
The Vendor agrees that in the event that the right of way is insufficient
At a special meeting on May 17, 1991, the respondent’s Board of Directors approved a for the Vendee’s use (ex entry of a 45-foot container) the Vendor agrees
resolution authorizing the corporation, through its president, Roberto B. Roxas, to sell to sell additional square meters from its current adjacent property to
Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086, with an area of 7,213 square meters, at allow the Vendee full access and full use of the property
a price and under such terms and conditions which he deemed most reasonable and
advantageous to the corporation; and to execute, sign and deliver the pertinent sales The Vendor hereby undertakes and agrees, at its account, to defend the
documents and receive the proceeds of the sale for and on behalf of the company. title of the Vendee to the parcel of land and improvements herein
conveyed, against all claims of any and all persons or entities, and that
Petitioner Woodchild Holdings, Inc. (WHI) wanted to buy Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered the Vendor hereby warrants the right of the Vendee to possess and own
by TCT No. 78086 on which it planned to construct its warehouse building, and a portion the said parcel of land and improvements thereon and will defend the
of the adjoining lot, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, so that its 45-foot container van would be able
Vendee against all present and future claims and/or action in relation said deed.
thereto, judicial and/or administrative. In particular, the Vendor shall
eject all existing squatters and occupants of the premises within two The WHI demanded that the RECCI sell a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No.
(2) weeks from the signing hereof. In case of failure on the part of the 78085 for its beneficial use within 72 hours from notice thereof, otherwise the appropriate
Vendor to eject all occupants and squatters within the two-week action would be filed against it. RECCI rejected the demand of WHI. WHI reiterated its
period or breach of any of the stipulations, covenants and terms and demand in a Letter dated May 29, 1992. There was no response from RECCI.
conditions herein provided and that of contract to sell dated 1 July
1991, the Vendee shall have the right to cancel the sale and demand On June 17, 1992, the WHI filed a complaint against the RECCI with the Regional Trial
reimbursement for all payments made to the Vendor with interest Court of Makati, for specific performance and damages, and alleged, inter alia, the
thereon at 36% per annum.[8] following in its complaint:

On September 10, 1991, the Wimbeco Builder’s, Inc. (WBI) submitted its quotation for
P8,649,000 to WHI for the construction of the warehouse building on a portion of the 1. The “current adjacent property” referred to in the aforequoted
property with an area of 5,088 square meters.[9] WBI proposed to start the project on paragraph of the Deed of Absolute Sale pertains to the property
October 1, 1991 and to turn over the building to WHI on February 29, 1992. [10] covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. N-78085 of the
Registry of Deeds of Antipolo, Rizal, registered in the name of
In a Letter dated September 16, 1991, Ponderosa Leather Goods Company, Inc. herein defendant Roxas Electric.
confirmed its lease agreement with WHI of a 5,000-square-meter portion of the
warehouse yet to be constructed at the rental rate of P65 per square meter. Ponderosa 2. Defendant Roxas Electric in patent violation of the express and
emphasized the need for the warehouse to be ready for occupancy before April 1, 1992. valid terms of the Deed of Absolute Sale unjustifiably refused to
WHI accepted the offer. However, WBI failed to commence the construction of the deliver to Woodchild Holdings the stipulated beneficial use and
warehouse in October 1, 1991 as planned because of the presence of squatters in the right of way consisting of 25 square meters and 55 square
property and suggested a renegotiation of the contract after the squatters shall have meters to the prejudice of the plaintiff.
been evicted. Subsequently, the squatters were evicted from the property.
3. Similarly, in as much as the 25 square meters and 55 square
On March 31, 1992, WHI and WBI executed a Letter-Contract for the construction of the meters alloted to Woodchild Holdings for its beneficial use is
warehouse building for P11,804,160. The contractor started construction in April 1992 inadequate as turning and/or maneuvering area of its 45-foot
even before the building officials of Antipolo City issued a building permit on May 28, container van, Woodchild Holdings manifested its intention
1992. After the warehouse was finished, WHI issued on March 21, 1993 a certificate of pursuant to para. 5 of the Deed of Sale to purchase additional
occupancy by the building official. Earlier, or on March 18, 1993, WHI, as lessor, and square meters from Roxas Electric to allow it full access and use
Ponderosa, as lessee, executed a contract of lease over a portion of the property for a of the purchased property, however, Roxas Electric refused and
monthly rental of P300,000 for a period of three years from March 1, 1993 up to failed to merit Woodchild Holdings’ request contrary to
February 28, 1996. defendant Roxas Electric’s obligation under the Deed of
Absolute Sale (Annex “A”).
In the meantime, WHI complained to Roberto Roxas that the vehicles of RECCI were
parked on a portion of the property over which WHI had been granted a right of way. 4. Moreover, defendant, likewise, failed to eject all existing
Roxas promised to look into the matter. Dy and Roxas discussed the need of the WHI to squatters and occupants of the premises within the stipulated
buy a 500-square-meter portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085 as time frame and as a consequence thereof, plaintiff’s planned
provided for in the deed of absolute sale. However, Roxas died soon thereafter. On April construction has been considerably delayed for seven (7)
15, 1992, the WHI wrote the RECCI, reiterating its verbal requests to purchase a portion months due to the squatters who continue to trespass and
of the said lot as provided for in the deed of absolute sale, and complained about the obstruct the subject property, thereby Woodchild Holdings
latter’s failure to eject the squatters within the three-month period agreed upon in the incurred substantial losses amounting to P3,560,000.00
occasioned by the increased cost of construction materials a) to deliver to Woodchild Holdings the beneficial use of the stipulated
and labor. 25 square meters and 55 square meters;

5. Owing further to Roxas Electric’s deliberate refusal to comply b) to sell to Woodchild Holdings additional 25 and 100 square meters to
with its obligation under Annex “A,” Woodchild Holdings allow it full access and use of the purchased property pursuant to para. 5
suffered unrealized income of P300,000.00 a month or of the Deed of Absolute Sale;
P2,100,000.00 supposed income from rentals of the subject
property for seven (7) months. c) to cause annotation on Transfer Certificate of Title No. N-78085 the
beneficial use and right of way granted to Woodchild Holdings under the
6. On April 15, 1992, Woodchild Holdings made a final demand Deed of Absolute Sale;
to Roxas Electric to comply with its obligations and
warranties under the Deed of Absolute Sale but d) to pay Woodchild Holdings the amount of P5,660,000.00,
notwithstanding such demand, defendant Roxas Electric representing actual damages and unrealized income;
refused and failed and continue to refuse and fail to heed
plaintiff’s demand for compliance. e) to pay attorney’s fees in the amount of P100,000.00; and

Copy of the demand letter dated April 15, 1992 is hereto f) to pay the costs of suit.
attached as Annex “B” and made an integral part hereof. Other reliefs just and equitable are prayed for.

7. Finally, on 29 May 1991, Woodchild Holdings made a letter In its answer to the complaint, the RECCI alleged that it never authorized its former
request addressed to Roxas Electric to particularly annotate president, Roberto Roxas, to grant the beneficial use of any portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1,
on Transfer Certificate of Title No. N-78085 the agreement nor agreed to sell any portion thereof or create a lien or burden thereon. It alleged that,
under Annex “A” with respect to the beneficial use and right under the Resolution approved on May 17, 1991, it merely authorized Roxas to sell Lot No.
of way, however, Roxas Electric unjustifiably ignored and 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086. As such, the grant of a right of way and the
disregarded the same. agreement to sell a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085 in the said
deed are ultra vires. The RECCI further alleged that the provision therein that it would sell
Copy of the letter request dated 29 May 1992 is hereto a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 to the WHI lacked the essential elements of a binding
attached as Annex “C” and made an integral part hereof. contract.

8. By reason of Roxas Electric’s continuous refusal and failure to In its amended answer to the complaint, the RECCI alleged that the delay in the
comply with Woodchild Holdings’ valid demand for construction of its warehouse building was due to the failure of the WHI’s contractor to
compliance under Annex “A,” the latter was constrained to secure a building permit thereon.
litigate, thereby incurring damages as and by way of
attorney’s fees in the amount of P100,000.00 plus costs of During the trial, Dy testified that he told Roxas that the petitioner was buying a portion of
suit and expenses of litigation. Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 consisting of an area of 500 square meters, for the price of P1,000 per
square meter.
The WHI prayed that, after due proceedings, judgment be rendered in its favor, thus:
On November 11, 1996, the trial court rendered judgment in favor of the WHI, the
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that judgment be rendered in decretal portion of which reads:
favor of Woodchild Holdings and ordering Roxas Electric the following:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered directing defendant:
(1) To allow plaintiff the beneficial use of the existing
right of way plus the stipulated 25 sq. m. and 55 sq. The Present Petition

(2) To sell to plaintiff an additional area of 500 sq. m. The petitioner now comes to this Court asserting that:
priced at P1,000 per sq. m. to allow said plaintiff full I. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE DEED OF ABSOLUTE
access and use of the purchased property pursuant SALE (EXH. “C”) IS ULTRA VIRES.
to Par. 5 of their Deed of Absolute Sale;
beneficial use and right of way granted by their Deed EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PLUS THE STIPULATED 25 SQUARE METERS AND 55
(4) To pay plaintiff the amount of P5,568,000
representing actual damages and plaintiff’s III.
unrealized income;
(5) To pay plaintiff P100,000 representing attorney’s APPEALS TO RULE THAT THE STIPULATIONS OF THE DEED OF ABSOLUTE


The trial court ruled that the RECCI was estopped from disowning the apparent
authority of Roxas under the May 17, 1991 Resolution of its Board of Directors. The V. THE DELAY IN THE CONSTRUCTION WAS DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE
court reasoned that to do so would prejudice the WHI which transacted with Roxas in APPELLANT TO EVICT THE SQUATTERS ON THE LAND AS AGREED IN THE
good faith, believing that he had the authority to bind the WHI relating to the easement DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE (EXH. “C”).
of right of way, as well as the right to purchase a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered VI. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN REVERSING THE RULING
The RECCI appealed the decision to the CA, which rendered a decision on November 9, DAMAGES AND PLAINTIFF’S UNREALIZED INCOME AS WELL AS
1999 reversing that of the trial court, and ordering the dismissal of the complaint. The ATTORNEY’S FEES.
CA ruled that, under the resolution of the Board of Directors of the RECCI, Roxas was
merely authorized to sell Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086, but not to The threshold issues for resolution are the following: (a) whether the respondent is bound
grant right of way in favor of the WHI over a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, or to grant by the provisions in the deed of absolute sale granting to the petitioner beneficial use and
an option to the petitioner to buy a portion thereof. The appellate court also ruled that a right of way over a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 accessing to the Sumulong Highway
the grant of a right of way and an option to the respondent were so lopsided in favor of and granting the option to the petitioner to buy a portion thereof, and, if so, whether such
the respondent because the latter was authorized to fix the location as well as the price agreement is enforceable against the respondent; (b) whether the respondent failed to
of the portion of its property to be sold to the respondent. Hence, such provisions eject the squatters on its property within two weeks from the execution of the deed of
contained in the deed of absolute sale were not binding on the RECCI. The appellate absolute sale; and, (c) whether the respondent is liable to the petitioner for damages.
court ruled that the delay in the construction of WHI’s warehouse was due to its fault.
On the first issue, the petitioner avers that, under its Resolution of May 17, 1991, the
respondent authorized Roxas, then its president, to grant a right of way over a portion “SEC. 23. The Board of Directors or Trustees. – Unless otherwise
of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 in favor of the petitioner, and an option for the respondent to provided in this Code, the corporate powers of all corporations formed
buy a portion of the said property. The petitioner contends that when the respondent under this Code shall be exercised, all business conducted and all
sold Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086, it (respondent) was well aware of property of such corporations controlled and held by the board of
its obligation to provide the petitioner with a means of ingress to or egress from the directors or trustees to be elected from among the holders of stocks, or
property to the Sumulong Highway, since the latter had no adequate outlet to the where there is no stock, from among the members of the corporation,
public highway. The petitioner asserts that it agreed to buy the property covered by TCT who shall hold office for one (1) year and until their successors are
No. 78085 because of the grant by the respondent of a right of way and an option in its elected and qualified.”
favor to buy a portion of the property covered by TCT No. 78085. It contends that the
respondent never objected to Roxas’ acceptance of its offer to purchase the property Indubitably, a corporation may act only through its board of directors or, when
and the terms and conditions therein; the respondent even allowed Roxas to execute authorized either by its by-laws or by its board resolution, through its officers or
the deed of absolute sale in its behalf. The petitioner asserts that the respondent even agents in the normal course of business. The general principles of agency govern
received the purchase price of the property without any objection to the terms and the relation between the corporation and its officers or agents, subject to the
conditions of the said deed of sale. The petitioner claims that it acted in good faith, and articles of incorporation, by-laws, or relevant provisions of law. …
contends that after having been benefited by the said sale, the respondent is estopped Generally, the acts of the corporate officers within the scope of their authority are binding
from assailing its terms and conditions. The petitioner notes that the respondent’s on the corporation. However, under Article 1910 of the New Civil Code, acts done by such
Board of Directors never approved any resolution rejecting the deed of absolute sale officers beyond the scope of their authority cannot bind the corporation unless it has
executed by Roxas for and in its behalf. As such, the respondent is obliged to sell a ratified such acts expressly or tacitly, or is estopped from denying them:
portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085 with an area of 500 square
meters at the price of P1,000 per square meter, based on its evidence and Articles 649 Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations which the agent
and 651 of the New Civil Code. may have contracted within the scope of his authority.

For its part, the respondent posits that Roxas was not so authorized under the May 17, As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his power, the principal is
1991 Resolution of its Board of Directors to impose a burden or to grant a right of way not bound except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly.
in favor of the petitioner on Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, much less convey a portion thereof to Thus, contracts entered into by corporate officers beyond the scope of authority are
the petitioner. Hence, the respondent was not bound by such provisions contained in unenforceable against the corporation unless ratified by the corporation.
the deed of absolute sale. Besides, the respondent contends, the petitioner cannot
enforce its right to buy a portion of the said property since there was no agreement in In BA Finance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, we also ruled that persons dealing with an
the deed of absolute sale on the price thereof as well as the specific portion and area to assumed agency, whether the assumed agency be a general or special one, are bound at
be purchased by the petitioner. their peril, if they would hold the principal liable, to ascertain not only the fact of agency
but also the nature and extent of authority, and in case either is controverted, the burden
We agree with the respondent. of proof is upon them to establish it.

In San Juan Structural and Steel Fabricators, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, we held that: In this case, the respondent denied authorizing its then president Roberto B. Roxas to sell
A corporation is a juridical person separate and distinct from its stockholders or a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085, and to create a lien or burden
members. Accordingly, the property of the corporation is not the property of thereon. The petitioner was thus burdened to prove that the respondent so authorized
its stockholders or members and may not be sold by the stockholders or Roxas to sell the same and to create a lien thereon.
members without express authorization from the corporation’s board of
directors. Section 23 of BP 68, otherwise known as the Corporation Code of the Central to the issue at hand is the May 17, 1991 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the
Philippines, provides: respondent, which is worded as follows:
RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the corporation, thru the fallacy is its wrong assumption of the unproved premise that the respondent had full
President, sell to any interested buyer, its 7,213-sq.-meter property at the knowledge of all the terms and conditions contained in the deed of absolute sale when
Sumulong Highway, Antipolo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Roxas executed it.
No. N-78086, at a price and on terms and conditions which he deems
most reasonable and advantageous to the corporation; It bears stressing that apparent authority is based on estoppel and can arise from two
instances: first, the principal may knowingly permit the agent to so hold himself out as
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr. ROBERTO B. ROXAS, President of the having such authority, and in this way, the principal becomes estopped to claim that the
corporation, be, as he is hereby authorized to execute, sign and deliver agent does not have such authority; second, the principal may so clothe the agent with the
the pertinent sales documents and receive the proceeds of sale for and on indicia of authority as to lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that he actually has
behalf of the company. such authority. There can be no apparent authority of an agent without acts or conduct
on the part of the principal and such acts or conduct of the principal must have been
Evidently, Roxas was not specifically authorized under the said resolution to grant a known and relied upon in good faith and as a result of the exercise of reasonable prudence
right of way in favor of the petitioner on a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 or to agree to by a third person as claimant and such must have produced a change of position to its
sell to the petitioner a portion thereof. The authority of Roxas, under the resolution, to detriment. The apparent power of an agent is to be determined by the acts of the principal
sell Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086 did not include the authority to sell a and not by the acts of the agent.
portion of the adjacent lot, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, or to create or convey real rights
thereon. Neither may such authority be implied from the authority granted to Roxas to For the principle of apparent authority to apply, the petitioner was burdened to prove the
sell Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 to the petitioner “on such terms and conditions which he following: (a) the acts of the respondent justifying belief in the agency by the petitioner; (b)
deems most reasonable and advantageous.” Under paragraph 12, Article 1878 of the knowledge thereof by the respondent which is sought to be held; and, (c) reliance thereon
New Civil Code, a special power of attorney is required to convey real rights over by the petitioner consistent with ordinary care and prudence. In this case, there is no
immovable property. Article 1358 of the New Civil Code requires that contracts which evidence on record of specific acts made by the respondent showing or indicating that it
have for their object the creation of real rights over immovable property must appear in had full knowledge of any representations made by Roxas to the petitioner that the
a public document. The petitioner cannot feign ignorance of the need for Roxas to respondent had authorized him to grant to the respondent an option to buy a portion of
have been specifically authorized in writing by the Board of Directors to be able to Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085, or to create a burden or lien thereon, or
validly grant a right of way and agree to sell a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1. The rule is that the respondent allowed him to do so.
that if the act of the agent is one which requires authority in writing, those dealing with
him are charged with notice of that fact. The petitioner’s contention that by receiving and retaining the P5,000,000 purchase price
of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2, the respondent effectively and impliedly ratified the grant of a
Powers of attorney are generally construed strictly and courts will not infer or presume right of way on the adjacent lot, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, and to grant to the petitioner an
broad powers from deeds which do not sufficiently include property or subject under option to sell a portion thereof, is barren of merit. It bears stressing that the respondent
which the agent is to deal. The general rule is that the power of attorney must be sold Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 to the petitioner, and the latter had taken possession of the
pursued within legal strictures, and the agent can neither go beyond it; nor beside it. property. As such, the respondent had the right to retain the P5,000,000, the purchase
The act done must be legally identical with that authorized to be done. In sum, then, price of the property it had sold to the petitioner. For an act of the principal to be
the consent of the respondent to the assailed provisions in the deed of absolute sale considered as an implied ratification of an unauthorized act of an agent, such act must be
was not obtained; hence, the assailed provisions are not binding on it. inconsistent with any other hypothesis than that he approved and intended to adopt what
had been done in his name. Ratification is based on waiver – the intentional
We reject the petitioner’s submission that, in allowing Roxas to execute the contract to relinquishment of a known right. Ratification cannot be inferred from acts that a principal
sell and the deed of absolute sale and failing to reject or disapprove the same, the has a right to do independently of the unauthorized act of the agent. Moreover, if a
respondent thereby gave him apparent authority to grant a right of way over Lot No. writing is required to grant an authority to do a particular act, ratification of that act must
491-A-3-B-1 and to grant an option for the respondent to sell a portion thereof to the also be in writing. Since the respondent had not ratified the unauthorized acts of Roxas,
petitioner. Absent estoppel or ratification, apparent authority cannot remedy the lack of the same are unenforceable. Hence, by the respondent’s retention of the amount, it
the written power required under the statement of frauds. In addition, the petitioner’s cannot thereby be implied that it had ratified the unauthorized acts of its agent, Roberto
Roxas. Art. 2201. In contracts and quasi-contracts, the damages for which the obligor who acted
in good faith is liable shall be those that are the natural and probable consequences of the
On the last issue, the petitioner contends that the CA erred in dismissing its complaint breach of the obligation, and which the parties have foreseen or could have reasonably
for damages against the respondent on its finding that the delay in the construction of foreseen at the time the obligation was constituted.
its warehouse was due to its (petitioner’s) fault. The petitioner asserts that the CA
should have affirmed the ruling of the trial court that the respondent failed to cause the In case of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, the obligor shall be responsible for
eviction of the squatters from the property on or before September 29, 1991; hence, all damages which may be reasonably attributed to the non-performance of the
was liable for P5,660,000. The respondent, for its part, asserts that the delay in the obligation.
construction of the petitioner’s warehouse was due to its late filing of an application for
a building permit, only on May 28, 1992.
In sum, we affirm the trial court’s award of damages and attorney’s fees to the petitioner.
The petitioner’s contention is meritorious. The respondent does not deny that it failed
to cause the eviction of the squatters on or before September 29, 1991. Indeed, the IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered AFFIRMING the assailed
respondent does not deny the fact that when the petitioner wrote the respondent Decision of the Court of Appeals WITH MODIFICATION. The respondent is ordered to pay
demanding that the latter cause the eviction of the squatters on April 15, 1992, the to the petitioner the amount of P5,612,980 by way of actual damages and P100,000 by
latter were still in the premises. It was only after receiving the said letter in April 1992 way of attorney’s fees. No costs. SO ORDERED.
that the respondent caused the eviction of the squatters, which thus cleared the way
for the petitioner’s contractor to commence the construction of its warehouse and
secure the appropriate building permit therefor.

The petitioner could not be expected to file its application for a building permit before
April 1992 because the squatters were still occupying the property. Because of the
respondent’s failure to cause their eviction as agreed upon, the petitioner’s contractor
failed to commence the construction of the warehouse in October 1991 for the agreed
price of P8,649,000. In the meantime, costs of construction materials spiraled. Under
the construction contract entered into between the petitioner and the contractor, the
petitioner was obliged to pay P11,804,160, including the additional work costing
P1,441,500, or a net increase of P1,712,980. The respondent is liable for the difference
between the original cost of construction and the increase thereon, conformably to
Article 1170 of the New Civil Code, which reads:

Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud,
negligence, or delay and those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof,
are liable for damages.

The petitioner, likewise, lost the amount of P3,900,000 by way of unearned income
from the lease of the property to the Ponderosa Leather Goods Company. The
respondent is, thus, liable to the petitioner for the said amount, under Articles 2200 and
2201 of the New Civil Code:

Art. 2200. Indemnification for damages shall comprehend not only the value of the loss
suffered, but also that of the profits which the obligee failed to obtain.

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