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Material self

 It refers to, tangible objects people or places that carry the designation MY or MINE
 Material self is not simply the body but a man’s closest possessions and relatives. Material self
also have subclasses , the body self and the extracorporeal self (beyond the body).

- BODY SELF which means our body for example, a person speaks of my arms or my feet. These entitles
are clearly an intimate part of who we are.

What is the Body Self?

The Body Self is in all of us. It is the opportunity we all have to challenge the epidemic belief that by changing our bodies, we
can change our lives. It is a way of seeing ourselves without self doubt, comparison, and judgment. It is the chance to turn
our body image inside out and explore much more deeply what our bodies hold and what they have to teach us. By
illuminating the Body Self, we can tap into the life force, health and power that is inaccessible to us when we are focused on
changing and/ or hating our bodies.

The Body Self emerged from conversations between two women, each working in the field of eating disorders, one with
groups, the other with individuals. As treaters, Whitney and Deb saw how difficult it was for their clients to talk about body
image and how challenging it was to create the time and space to adequately address and explore these very painful and
complex struggles. It was conceptualized as a way to define what so many seek- acceptance through the body, without
judgment, without apology. It is a three dimensional way to interpret and understand how we hold our histories, our beliefs,
our dreams and our fears in our bodies. It offers the idea that our body is our teacher, not our tormenter and by
deconstructing the unique stories each of our bodies has to tell, we can move away from seeing it as a two dimensional image
and allow us to connect more deeply to the self and truth behind it.

- EXTRACORPOREAL SELF - According to Rosenberg (1979) has referred to the extracorporeal self as the
extended self. It includes all of the people , places and things that we regard OURS. It can also referred
as possession. (It is not the physical entities themselves, however, that comprise the material self.
Rather, it is our psychological ownership of them (Scheibe, 1985). For example, a person may have a
favorite chair she likes to sit in. The chair itself is not part of the self. Instead, it is the sense of
appropriation represented by the phrase “my favorite chair.” This is what we mean when we talk about
the extended self. It includes all of the people, places, and things that we regard as “ours.” )

The body is the innermost part of

the material self
in each of us; and certain parts of the body seem more intimately ours than the rest. The clothes
come next. The old saying that the human person is composed of three parts -soul,body and
clothes -is more than a joke.

Next, our immediate family is a part of ourselves. Our father and mother, our wife and babes,
are bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. When they die, a part of our very selves is gone. If
they do anything wrong, it is our shame. If they are insulted, our anger flashes forth as readily
as if we stood in their place.

Our home comes next. Its scenes are part of our life; its aspects
awaken the tender’s feelings of affection; and we do not easily
forgive the stranger who, in visiting it, finds fault with its arrangements or treats it with contempt.
All these different things are the objects of instinctive preferences coupled with the most
important practical interests of life. We all have a blind impulse to watch over our body, to deck
it with clothing of an ornamental sort, to cherish parents, wife and babes, and to find for
ourselves a home of our own which we may live in and 'improve.'

Material possessions tell something of the personality and social values of those who own them.
According to Barthes, it is thru objects that people assert their identities. POSSESSIONS are the extended
version of oneself. The possessions of material things also indicates one’s status in society. One’s
poessesions are perceived as personal choices that define people to a certain extent. These personal
choices build one’s material and economic self which is an extension of his or her social identity.

Objects are not just things but are reflections of the wider lives of communities and individuals; the
things people possess are also sync with what is valued by their community.

(even if u have a lot of money and things, it does not mean you will be forver happy. Surround urself
with friends and family and always remember: being contented in what you have is the key to


Is the aspect of one self that relying on physical materials enslaving them. In order for us to have these
materials we need to pay for them thru the use of money this explains why people develop attachment
w/ most things we buy and also why we feel sadness when we lose some of our possessions , people are
being more materialistic bcause of the trend that society sets. People tend to follow the trends and
people spend money and time to get what they want, thus these people become more material
dependent people consume because of what they want not what they need , teenagers are the best
examples of materialism these people needs to start to realize that their lifestyle and happiness
doesn’t depend on what they have.

(ENDOWNMENT EFFECT- is the finding that people are more likely to retain an object they own than
acquire that same object when they do not own it) (Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty
discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them.)


Material self is constituted by: our bodies, clothes, immediate family, and home.

2-sub classes of material/economic self:





Economic Self-Sufficiency

'2’ Economic Self Sufficiency is the ability of individuals and families to consistently meet their needs-
including food, housing, utilities, health care, transportation, taxes. dependent care and clothing-with
minimal or no financial assistance or subsidies from private or public organizations.

4. Guiding Principles

.z. . Individuals and families... are able to meet financial needs- do not fall into poverty when they
cannot work or work is unstable - have personal savings enough to cover basic necessities and
emergencies when they lose their Jobs, they have time to look for another or upgrade Determinants of
Economic Self-Sufficiency

.z. Job Stability-Individuals have sustained employment

‘:~ 0 Educational Attainment-Individuals reach their employment goal through academic or vocational

‘2' . Educational Attainment-Individuals reach their employment goal through academic or vocational

.;. . English Literacy-lndividuals have the ability to speak, read and write the English language

.;. . Family Structure-The stability of families and attributes of parents influence development of positive
behaviors and healthy relationships

4. Health/Disability Status-Individuals with physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional or

developmental capacity concerns participate to the fullest extent possible at school, at work, or through
meaningful daily activities
4. . Community Connections-Individuals have community

relationships to people or organizations that bolster self sufficiency, or in the case of youth, future self-

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