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ˡ Sarah Lasha Layla
Student of Economics Faculty, State University of Jakarta
² Osly Usman
Lecturer of Economics Faculty, State University of Jakarta

This study aims to determine 1. Effect of learning motivation on learning
independence, 2. Effect of learning means on learning independence, 3. Effect of
self-efficacy on learning independence, 4. Effect of learning motivation, learning
means, and self efficacy on learning independence. The population in this study
were 112 students SMK Budi Murni 5. To answer the hypothesis in this study
using multiple regression with F test and t test. It can be concluded that: 1) there is
an effect of learning motivation on learning independence; 2) there is no effect of
learning means on learning' independence; 3) there is no effect of self efficacy on
learning independence.

Keywords: Learning Motivation, Learning Means, Self Efficacy, Learning


Education is a major milestone However, based on the results of
for the progress of a nation. With international tests Program for
education we can improve the quality International Student Assessment
of human resources. One way to 2015 (PISA) study in Indonesia rank
improve the quality of human 62nd out of 70 countries (Usman,
resources is the improve the quality 2018), From PISA 2015 results
of education itself. demonstrate the ability of students in
Indonesia is lower compared to the the lecture method. While on the
ability of students in other countries. students, the students have not been
This has become a sad news. able to play an active role in the
Meanwhile, Vietnam which learning activities- student only
followed PISA in 2012 to directly become listeners to the teacher
enter the group of the top 20 and in lecturing. And the students want to
2015 was in a position to eighth. In learn when there are instructions
fact, Vietnam had just unified in from the teacher.
1976 after a war. From this PISA Students will learn when an
results, reflected that the quality of instruction from the teacher showed
education in Indonesia is still fairly low awareness of students to learn on
low. their own. In fact, learning will work
Indonesia itself has undergone optimally when conducted with
several changes in the curriculum. independence. According
Curriculum changes caused by the to(Mudjiman, 2007) learning
demands of the times and the needs independence is an active activity
of the growing community. that is driven by the intention or
Curriculum 2013 revision born due motive to master something
to the development of technology competencies to overcome
that requires learners to be able to something of a problem, and is built
develop their potential to produce with a stock of knowledge or
quality human. competence that has been held.
But in fact there are many Learning independence is
teachers who teach in the curriculum closely related to learning
2013 revision but using a model of motivation. Learning motivation is
ancient learning. Facts on the ground the psychological boost a person who
indicate that the teachers still can not does an act to achieve the learning
adapt to the curriculum 2013 revision objectives(Badaruddin, 2015), In
and the learning activities are still addition to learning motivation,
dominant teachers do in a learning means also have an
conventional manner, namely with important role on learning
independence. Learning means is a Independence”. This research was
component of equipment used conducted in SMK Budi Murni 5,
directly in the process of learning East Jakarta.
within the scope of education
(Sudarwo, 2018),
Learning Independence
Furthermore, other factors that
Learning independence is
affect learning independence is self-
learning that is done with little or no
efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief
help from outsiders (Slameto, 2010),
and expectations regarding the ability
Indicators learning independence by
of individuals to cope with their
Romi Kurniawan among others,
duties (Apriani, 2017),
consist of:
In this study were taken a few
1. smoking behavior
examples of previous studies that
2. Confidence
used as a reference and comparison
3. original nature
in this study, In a study conducted
4. Not expecting directing others
(Apriani, 2017), It can be seen that
5. try yourself
there is significant relationship
between learning motivation towards Learning Motivation
learning independence. Contribution Learning Motivation is an
of learning motivation on learning internal process that is in a person
independence is 13.18%. who gives the spirit or
In a study conducted (Sudarwo, encouragement to learn to achieve
2018), It can be seen that there is a specific learning goals (Susanto,
positive and significant impact on the 2018), Indicators of Learning
learning means to learning Motivation according to Hamzah B.
independence with t value of 2.519. Uno are as follows:
Based on the above background,
1. Passion and desire succeed
researchers interested in conducting
2. Encouragement and learning
research on "Effect of Learning
Motivation, Learning Means and Self
3. Hopes and ideals of the future
Efficacy on Learning
4. Rewards in learning 1. Convinced to complete the task
5. Interest activities in learning 2. Convinced to motivate yourself
6. Conducive learning environment to take the necessary steps to
complete the task
Learning Means
3. Convinced that being able to try
The second factor that affects the
hard, persistent and diligent
success in learning is the means by
4. Convinced that being able to
which to support the learning
stand up to the obstacles and
process. Learning means is a facility
that directly affect student success in
5. Convinced to solve problems in a
achieving learning goals (Anwar,
variety of situations
2018), Indicators learning means
by(Sudarwo, 2018) are as follows: Hypothesis
1. Aspects of the availability of
learning means in the classroom X1
2. Availability of learning means at
X2 Y:
3. The adequacy of quality learning SB KB
means in the schools
4. The effectiveness of learning
means on learning spirit ED

Self Efficacy
Furthermore, other factors that 1. Learning motivation (X1)
affect learning independence is self- effect on learning
efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief independence (Y)
and expectations regarding the ability 2. Learning Means (X2) effect on
of individuals to cope with their learning independence (Y)
duties (Apriani, 2017), According to 3. Self efficacy (X3) effect on
Brown et al in (Farihah, 2014) learning independence (Y)
indicators of self-efficacy, namely: 4. Learning motivation (X1),
learning means (X2), self-
efficacy (X3), influence on the diagonal line or histogram graph
learning independence (Y) showing a normal distribution
pattern, then the regression model to
meet the assumption of normality.
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
This study aims to determine
whether or not the effect of learning unstandardized
motivation, learning means, and self N 112
efficacy on learning independence. Normal Parametersa, b Mean , 0000000
The data were processed by SPSS
Std. 1.99396888
using simple linear regression
analysis and multiple linear
Most Extreme Differences Absolute , 074
regression. This research was
Positive , 074
conducted at SMK Budi Murni 5,
Negative -, 062
East Jakarta. Respondents were
Test Statistic , 074
obtained from this study is 112
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) , 171c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
1. Normality test
c. Significance Lilliefors Correction.
From the below output, obtained
Test Statistic of 0.074 and on line
Based on the picture below
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) of 0.171 or can
shows that the normally distributed
also be written as a probability value
data this can be seen from the
(p-value) = 0.171> 0.05 or Ha
pictures P-plot below shows that the
accepted. Thus, the data is normally
distribution of data centered on the
distributed. Test for normality in this
average value and median or in other
study can also be seen visually by the
words, the data spread around the
graphic when viewed under test for
diagonal line and follow the direction
normality P Plot. Basis of decision-
of the diagonal line.
making is if the data is spread around
Normality test through graphs:

2. Heterokedastitas test

Based on the above output scatterplots known that:

a. Data points spread above or below or around 0
b. These points accumulate not only on top of or under any
c. The spread of the data points may not form wavy pattern widened and then
narrowed and widened back
d. The spread of the data points are not patterned
It can be concluded that there was no trouble heterokedasitas, to the regression
model and ideal can be met.
3. Multicolinearity test

Coefficients standardized collinearity
unstandardized Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error beta T Sig. tolerance VIF
1(Constant) 11.021 1,680 6,562 , 000
Learning , 193 , 082 , 280 2,346 , 021 , 529 1.892
learning , 171 , 104 , 194 1,647 , 103 , 540 1,852
self- , 042 , 069 , 054 , 613 , 541 , 971 1,030
a. Dependent Variable: Learning independence

Based on the output table Coefficients on the collinearity Statistic

known value of Tolerance for variable learning motivation (X1) to learning
independence (Y) of 0.529, learning means (X2) to learning independence
(Y) of 0.540, and self efficacy (X3) on learning independence (Y) 0.971
above 0.10. While the VIF value for the variable of learning motivation (X1)
to learning independence (Y) of 1.892, learning means (X2) on learning
independence (Y) of 1,852, and self efficacy (X3) on learning independence
(Y) equal to 1.030 under 10, 00.

4. Partial test
The t-test was used to measure separately the impact of each
independent variable on the dependent variable. Basis for a decision on the t
test, if the value probability (sig) <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted
(significant). Meanwhile, if the value probability (sig)> 0.05 then Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected (not significant). And if t <t table, then Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected (not significant, and vice versa if t> t table, then
Ho is rejected and Ha accepted (significant)
Coefficients standardized collinearity
unstandardized Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error beta T Sig. tolerance VIF
1(Constant) 11.021 1,680 6,562 , 000
Learning , 193 , 082 , 280 2,346 , 021 , 529 1.892
learning , 171 , 104 , 194 1,647 , 103 , 540 1,852
self- , 042 , 069 , 054 , 613 , 541 , 971 1,030
a. Dependent Variable: Learning Independence

Based on the above table it can be concluded about the hypothesis test of
each independent variable on the dependent variable as follows:
1. First Hypothesis Testing (H1)
Sig. value to influence X1 to Y is equal to 0.021 <0.05 and t value
2,346> 1,982 so it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and learning
motivation significantly influence learning independence.
2. Second Hypothesis Testing (H2)
Sig. value to influence X2 to Y is equal to 0.103> 0.05 and t value 1,647
<1,982 so it can be concluded that the H2 is rejected, which means there
is no influence learning means on learning independence.
3. Third Hypothesis Testing (H3)
Sig. value to the influence of X3 to Y is equal to 0.541> 0.05 and 0.613 t
value <1.982 so that it can be concluded that the H3 is rejected, which
means there is no effect of self efficacy on learning independence.
5. Simultaneous test

Sum of
Model Squares Df mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 101.593 3 33.864 8.287 , 000b
residual 441.326 108 4.086
Total 542.920 111
a. Dependent Variable: Learning independence
b. Predictors: (Constant), learning motivation, learning means, self-efficacy

Based on output above is known to influence the significance value

8.287 F count> F table 2.69, so it can be concluded that the H4 accepted,
which means a significant difference between learning motivation, learning
means, and self efficacy on learning independence.

6. Coefficient determination test

In the table below shows the coefficient of determination and a model
summary, where the coefficient of determination used to quantify the role or
influence of variables. For the independent variables used R Square, but in
this study, there are three independent variables, then use the Adjusted R
Square. In essence, to measure how far the model's ability to implement a
variation of the dependent variable. Coefficient of determination is between
zero and one (0 <R <1).
Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 , 433a , 187 , 165 2,021 1,989
a. Predictors: (Constant), learning motivation, learning means, self-efficacy
b. Dependent Variable: Learning independence
According to the table above, the value of the coefficient of
determination or Adjusted R Square of 0.165. The magnitude of coefficient
of determination (R Square) is 0.165 or equal to 16.5%. This figure implies
that the variable of learning motivation (X1), learning means (X2), and self
efficacy (X3) on learning independence variable (Y) of 16.5%. While the
remaining 83.5% is influenced by other variables outside variables studied.

7. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is the analysis of the extent of
influence between two or more independent variables to predict the dependent
variable and the dependent variable using independent variables. This analysis
was conducted to determine whether or not the influence of variables, namely
learning motivation (X1), learning means (X2), and self efficacy (X3) as
independent variables. Where to learning motivation variable (X1)
significantly affects learning independence (Y), in contrast to the variable
learning means (X2) and self efficacy (X3) were not significantly influence
learning independence (Y).
Coefficients standardized collinearity
unstandardized Coefficients Statistics
Model B Error beta t Sig. tolerance VIF
1(Constant) 11.021 1,680 6,562 , 000
Learning , 193 , 082 , 280 2,346 , 021 , 529 1.892
Learning , 171 , 104 , 194 1,647 , 103 , 540 1,852
Self- , 042 , 069 , 054 , 613 , 541 , 971 1,030
a. Dependent Variable: Learning independence
From the multiple linear regression test results above, it can be seen that:
1) Constants of 11.021 indicates that if the independent variables (learning
motivation, learning means, and self efficacy) are considered constant,
the value of Y (learning independence) amounted to 11.021.
2) The regression coefficient 0.193 learning motivation. It is that each
increase learning motivation by 1 unit, then the dependent variable is the
learning independence will undergo enhancement of 0.193. It can be
concluded that the coefficient is positive, it means there is a positive
relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables.
3) Variable regression coefficient learning means 0.171. It is that each
increase learning means by 1 unit, then the dependent variable is the
learning independence will undergo enhancement of 0.171. It can be
concluded that the coefficient is positive, it means there is a positive
relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables.
4) Self-efficacy variable regression coefficient of 0.042. It is that each
increase self-efficacy by 1 unit, then the dependent variable is the
learning independence will undergo enhancement of 0.042. It can be
concluded that the coefficient is positive, it means there is a positive
relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables.

Effect of learning motivation on 0.103> 0.05 and t value 1,647 <1,982
learning independence through the so it can be concluded that the H2 is
Sig. amounted to 0.021 <0.05 and t rejected, which means there is no
value 2,346> 1,982 so it can be influence learning means on learning
concluded that H1 is accepted and independences.
learning motivation significantly Effect of self efficacy on
influence learning independence. learning independece through the
Effect of learning means on learning Sig. amounted to 0.541> 0.05 and
independence through the Sig. 0.613 t value <1.982 so that it can be
amounted to concluded that the H3 is rejected,
which means there is no effect of self Badaruddin, A. (2015). Increasing
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efficacy on learning independence.
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Education Economic Analysis

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