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Template and Guidelines

Programme Reaccreditation
Masters by Coursework and
Mixed mode
List of Contents

Abbreviations 3

Section 1: Introduction 4
Section 2: Guidelines on Criteria and Standards for Programme Reaccreditation 5
Section 3: Submission for Reaccreditation 7
3.1 The Documentation Required
Programme owner will verify that the information and evidence provided are correct and have been 8
endorsed by its management.
PART A: General Information On The Faculty/Academy/Institute/Centre 9
PART B: Programme Description 12
PART C: Programme Standards 15
Area 1: Programme Development and Delivery 15
Area 2: Assessment of Student Learning 22
Area 3: Student Selection and Support Services 26
Area 4: Academic Staff 32
Area 5: Educational Resources 36
Area 6: Programme Management 39
Area 7: Programme Monitoring, Review and Continual Quality Improvement 43

PART D: Programme Self Evaluation 46

1. Self-assessment checklist based on 5 point scale. 46
2. Summary of Strength, weakness and areas of improvement. 47

Appendix A : Summary information on academic staff involved in the programme

Appendix B : List of Physical Facilities
Appendix C : List of Reference Materials
Appendix D : Governance Structure


HEP Higher Education Provider

COPPA Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation

MoHE Ministry of Higher Education

MQA Malaysian Qualifications Agency

MQF Malaysian Qualifications Framework

MQR Malaysian Qualifications Register

PoA Panel of Assessors

PSAR Programme Self Assessment Report

UM University of Malaya

Section 1: Introduction

1. Introduction

The Guideline For Programme Reassessment Report is an extraction from the Code of Practice for
Programme Accreditation (COPPA) (2nd ed.) by MQA. The objective of this guideline is to provide the Faculty
with an outline in the preparation of essential pertinent information related to the programme for

2. Programme Reaccreditation

Programme reaccreditation is warranted by the criteria set for the Self-accreditation status conferred to the
university by MQA on 29th April 2010. Every programme should conduct a comprehensive reevaluation of the
accredited programmes (every 5 years) to ensure the quality of the programme is sustained. Following the
reaccreditation exercise, the institution shall register the programme in the Malaysian Qualifications Registry.

The purpose of Reaccreditation is to ensure that the programme has met the set of standards and is in
compliance with the Malaysian Qualifications Framework. Reaccreditation is an independent assessment
conducted by the University through its Panel of Assessors who would evaluate the Programme Self-
Assessment Report (PSAR-03) submitted by the Faculty.

The panel would also make an evaluation visit to the faculty. This site visit is to validate and verify the
information furnished by the Faculty. The panel will then submit the final report to the University.

The oral exit report and final Reaccreditation written report will be provided to the
Academy/Faculty/Institution/Center with the aim to further the quality improvement of the programme.
Information on strengths, areas of concern as well as recommendations by the panel will provide valuable
insights for the Academy/Faculty/Institution/Center to enhance the programme and achieve and maintain
accreditation for the programme.

UM will then forward an application to register the programme in the Malaysian Qualifications Registry

Section 2: Guidelines on Criteria and Standards for Programme Reaccreditation


The Academy/Faculty/Institution/Center is responsible for designing and implementing programmes that are
appropriate to their mission and goals.

Programme Self Reassessment Report (PSAR) guides the Faculty to quality assure the programmes offered.
This section discusses guidelines on criteria and standards for programme accreditation. It recommends
practices that are in line with internationally recognized good practices.

The guidelines are divided into seven areas of evaluation:

1. Programme Development And Delivery

2. Assessment of Student Learning
3. Student Selection and Support Services
4. Academic Staff
5. Educational Resources
6. Programme Management
7. Programme Monitoring, Review and CQI


1.1 Statement of Educational Objectives of Academic Programme and Learning Outcomes
1.2 Programme Development: Process, Content, Structure and Teaching-Learning Methods
1.3 Programme Delivery


2.1 Assessment Methods
2.2 Relationship between Assessment and Learning Outcomes
2.3 Management of Student Assessment


3.1 Student Selection
3.2 Assessment Methods
3.3 Student Support Services
3.4 Student Representation and Participation
3.5 Alumni


4.1 Recruitment and Management
4.2 Service and Development


5.1 Physical Facilities
5.2 Research and Development
5.3 Expertise in Education
5.4 Financial Resources

6.1 Programme Management
6.2 Programme Leadership
6.3 Administrative Staff
6.4 Academic Records


7.1 Mechanism for Programme Monitoring, Review and Continuous Quality Improvement

These guidelines have been developed in accordance to the Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation
(COPPA) (2nd ed.) by MQA

Section 3: Submission for Reaccreditation


This section contains information to assist the Academy/Faculty/Institution/Center in the preparation of

submission for Reaccreditation of a programme. The Academy/Faculty/Institution/Center is expected to provide
appropriate information with evidences that support and best illustrate their specific case. The information
provided by the Faculty for its submission should be brief, concise and succinct.

3.1 The Document Required

The Faculty is required to submit the documentations listed below for consideration for Reaccreditation.

PSAR(03) -

Part A: General Information On The Faculty/Academy/Institute/Centre

Part B: Programme Description

Part C: Programme Standards

This provides information pertaining to the seven areas of evaluation and the standards
in each of them.

Part D: Programme Self Evaluation

Table of Self Assessment Checklist
Summary of Strength of the programme, Weakness of the programme and Improvement

Submission may need to include relevant attachments, appendices and supporting documents.


I, …………………………………………………………………………………………. on behalf of the institution

hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and

I undertake to inform Quality Management and Enhancement Centre (QMEC) of any changes therein,


In case the information provided is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware

that I may be held liable for it. I, authorise the QMEC to check with other relevant parties to ensure the validity

of this information and shall not take any legal action against the parties concerned.

……………………………………… Official Stamp:

Name and Signature

Dean / Director
Academy/Faculty/Institute/Centre Date:


Part A of the PSAR-03 seeks general information on the Academy/Faculty/Institute/Centre.

1. Name of the Academy/Faculty/Institute:

2. Name of the Dean/Director (however designated):
3. Address:

4. Tel.:
5. Fax:
6. Email:
7. Website:

8. List of Departments/Centres in the Academy/Faculty/Institute/Centre (and its branch campuses) and

number of programmes offered:

No. Name of Departments/Centres Location (On Campus/Off campus) Number of
programmes offered

9. Details of all programmes currently conducted by the Faculty/Institute/Academy/Centre (and its branch
campuses including any offshore arrangements):

Programme Status
Type of
Student * indicate status of
enrolment programme as
Name of MQF Awarding Location (Collaboration/Home grown/
No. (for follows: active,
Programme Level Body conducted external programme/
current jumud, beku, lupus
joint award/ joint semester) or penawaran

10. Total number of academic staff:

Academic Number of Academic Staff

Qualification Malaysian Non-Malaysian Total
Full-time (all types of Doctoral (Level 8)
designation including Masters (Level 7)
those on 1 year contract Bachelors (Level 6 - including
or more) professional qualification)
Diploma (Level 4)
Certificate (Level 3)
Part-time Doctoral (Level 8)
Masters (Level 7)
Bachelors (Level 6 - including
professional qualification)
Diploma (Level 4)
Certificate (Level 3)

11. Total number of students: Diploma / Undergraduate / Postgraduate

Number of Students Total Disabled

Local International Student

12. Student attrition: Diploma / Undergraduate / Postgraduate

Number of students
Total Attrition Rate (%) Main reasons
Period Year leaving the institution
students (A) (B/A)*100 for leaving
without graduating (B)
Past 1 year

Past 2 years
Past 3 years

Note: The attrition rate should be provided for each individual year.

13. Total number of administrative and support staff:

Classification by function Number of Administrative

(e.g.: technical, counselling, financial, IT, human resource, etc. and Support staff

14. Provide annual allocation for last three consecutive years:

Annual Allocation
(Belanja Mengurus / OCAR / Tabung)
Past 1 year
Past 2 years
Past 3 years

11. Provide the latest organisational chart of the

i) Faculty/Institute/Academy/Centre
ii) Department

12. Details of Programme Coordinator:

i. Name and Title:
ii. Designation:
iii. Tel.:
iv. Fax:
v. Email:

1. Name of the programme (as in the scroll to be awarded):
2. MQF level:
3. Graduating credit:
4. Has this programme been accredited by UM for other premises? If yes, please provide the following

Name and Location of the Premises Accreditation Status

No. (main campus / branch campuses / Mode of Delivery
regional centre) Provisional Full




* Remove No 4 If not applicable.

5. Type of award (e.g., single major, double major, etc.):

6. Field of study and National Education Code (NEC):
7. Language of instruction:
8. Type of programme (e.g., own, collaboration, external, joint award/joint degree, etc.):
9. Mode of study (e.g., full-time/part-time):
10. Mode of offer: (please (/) where appropriate)

Undergraduate Programme Postgraduate Programme

Coursework Coursework

Industry Mode (2u2i) Mixed mode


11. Method of learning and teaching (e.g. lecture/tutorial/lab/field work/studio/blended learning/e-

learning, etc.):

<List all Method of Teaching and Learning>

12. Mode of delivery (please (/) as appropriate):

Conventional (traditional, online and blended learning)

Open and Distance learning (ODL)

13. Duration of study:

Normal Semester Special Semester
No. of Semester / Terms
No. of Weeks __ weeks x __ sem = ___weeks __ weeks x __ sem = ___weeks

No. of Years

Note: Number of weeks should include study and exam week.

14. Entry requirements:

15. Estimated date of first intake: month/year
16. Total enrolment of student:

Year Intake Enrolment

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3


17. Estimated date of first graduation: month/year

18. Types of job/position for graduate (at least two types):
19. Awarding body:
o Own
o Others (Please name)
(Please attach the relevant documents, where applicable)

i. Proof of collaboration between HEP and the collaborative partner such as copy of the
Validation Report of the collaborative partner and the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)
ii. Approval letter from the Higher Education Department (Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi, JPT) of
the Ministry of Higher Education for programmes in collaboration with Malaysian public
iii. Proof of approval and supporting letter to conduct the programme from certification
bodies/awarding bodies/examination bodies
iv. A copy of the programme specification as conducted by the collaborative partner (eg.
v. Proof of collaboration with Quality Partners for the programme, where applicable

vi. For programmes which require clinical training, please attach proof of approval from the
relevant authority
vii. Any other document where necessary

20. Provide a sample of scroll to be awarded should be attached. (will be provided by QMEC)

21. Address(s) of the location where the programme is/to be conducted:


* Validation report is an evaluation by the collaborative partner on the readiness and capability of the
institution to offer the programme.
** Collaborative partner is the institution who owned the curriculum of the programme and conferred the
award (franchisor), while the programme delivery is conducted by another institution (franchisee).
*** Quality partners are usually better established universities which attest to the quality of a
programme through the involvement or oversight of curriculum design, teaching and learning, or



Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for

Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
Section 1.1 : Statement of Educational Objectives of Academic Programme and Learning Outcomes
1.1.1 (a) State the programme aim and objectives (PEO)
The programme must be consistent
with, and supportive of, the vision, (b) Show the alignment of programme aim, programme objectives with vision,
mission and goals of the HEP. mission and goals of UM.
1.1.2 (a) Show evidence that the department have considered market and societal JKPT Paper for Curriculum Review
The programme must be considered demand for the programme. - Needs analysis/Market Survey
only after a needs assessment has (Justification)
indicated that there is a need for the - Stakeholder Feedback (eg.
programme to be offered. Professional bodies, External Assessor,
(This standard must be read together (b) In what way is this proposed programme an enhanced of the other? Employer, Alumni)
with standards 1.2.2 and 6.1.6 Area [in line with 1.2.3, 6.1.6 and 7.1.4] - Curriculum Committee Minutes
6) - Exit Survey
- Tracer Study
- Benchmarking
1.1.3 (a) State the programme educational objectives (PEO) and programme Programme outcomes are stated in the
The department must state its learning outcomes (PLO) Programme Specification : UM-PT01-
programme educational objectives, MQF-BR001

Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
learning outcomes, teaching and (b) Map the programme learning outcomes against the programme
learning strategies, and assessment, educational objectives. (Provide information in Table 1)
and ensure constructive alignment
between them. Table 1: Matrix of Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) against the
(This standard must be read together Programme Educational Objective (PEO).(Information should be taken from
with standard 1.2.4 in Area 1) UM-PT01-MQF-BR001)

1.2.5 Programme Learning Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

There must be an appropriate Outcomes (PLO) PEO1 PEO2 PEO3 PEO4
teaching and learning methods PLO
relevant to the programme PLO
educational objectives and learning
outcomes (c) List the teaching and learning strategies, and assessment for the
attainment of respective PLOs. (Information should be compiled from UM-

Table 2: Alignment of Assessment and Teaching and Learning Strategies to

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO).

Programme Learning Teaching and Learning Assessment

Outcomes (PLO) Strategies

(d) Explain the appropriateness of teaching and learning methods in Table 2

are applied to achieve the objectives and learning outcomes of the
(This is to be read together with information in 1.1.3.)

1.1.4 (a) Map the programme learning outcomes to a MQF level descriptors and the
The programme learning outcomes MQF clusters of learning outcomes. (Information should be taken from
must correspond to an MQF level UM-PT01-MQF-BR001 – Item no 16)
descriptors and MQF learning
outcomes domains: (refer to MQF 2nd
Edition for the 5 clusters of learning
Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
outcome/appendix 1 and 2)

1.1.5 (a) Describe how the learning outcomes and relate to career competencies JKPT Paper for Curriculum Review
Considering the stated learning and those required for career enhancement and future research. - Highlight Niche Area and strength
outcomes, the programme must of the programme
indicate the career and further - Highlight Research Area related to
studies options available to the the programme
students on completion of the - Relate with current needs of the
programme. global and national industry.

Section 1.2 : Programme Development: Process, Content, Structure and Teaching-Learning Methods
1.2.1 (a) Describe the provisions and practices that indicate the autonomy of the
The department must have sufficient department in the design of the curriculum, and its utilisation of the
autonomy to design the curriculum allocated resources.
and to utilise the allocated resources
necessary for its implementation. (b) Describe the decision making process at department and faculty.
(Where applicable, the above
provision must also cover i. The academic staff must be given sufficient autonomy to focus on areas of
collaborative programmes and his/her expertise, such as academic supervision of candidates, research
programmes conducted in and writing, scholarly activities, academically-related administrative duties,
collaboration with or from, other and community engagement.
HEPs in accordance with national
policies.) ii. The HEP must have clearly-stated rules and regulations on conflict of
interest, particularly in the areas of appointment of supervisors and
examiners, to ensure that candidates’ best interests are addressed.

iii. The HEP must have clearly-stated policies on intellectual property.

iv. The HEP should have clearly-stated policies on conflict of interest, such as
in the areas of private practice, part time employment and consultancy
Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference

1.2.2 (a) Describe the processes to develop and approve the curriculum. Refer to Work Instruction
The department must have an - UM-PT01-PK03 or UM-PT01-PK04
appropriate process to develop the
curriculum leading to the approval by
the highest academic authority in the
HEP. (This standard must be read
together with standards 1.1.2 in Area
1 and 6.1.6 in Area 6)
1.2.3 (a) State the stakeholders. - Stakeholders consulted: Alumni,
The department must consult the Employers, External Assessor,
stakeholders in the development of (b) Explain how the relevant stakeholders are consulted in the development Ministry, Industry.
the curriculum including educational of the curriculum.
experts as appropriate. - How are the stakeholder consulted
(This standard must be read together (c) Explain the involvement of educational experts in this curriculum : Survey, meetings, Focus Group
with standard 7.1.4 in Area 7) development. discussion, Board of Studies

1.2.4 (a) Describe how the curriculum fulfils the requirements of the discipline of - MQF, COPPA, Programme
The curriculum must fulfil the the study, including programme standards, disciplinary requirements and Standards, GGP Professional
requirements of the discipline of good practices in the field. Bodies, Ministry and UM
study, taking into account the requirements (Policies and Kaedah
appropriate programme standards, The programme must satisfy the following requirements: dan Peraturan)
professional and industry Masters Degree by coursework, and mixed mode
requirements as well as good 1) Minimum credit for masters degree by coursework, and mixed mode is 40 - Attach latest Senate approved
practices in the field. credits. version of these forms:
2) For fulltime candidature, the minimum period is one year, whereas for a) Alignment Of Learning Outcomes
part time candidature, the minimum period is two years. To Assessment (UM-PT01-MQF-
3) Coursework component must include a course in research methodology. BR003-S00)
4) The following requirements must be decided by the HEP: b) Student Learning Time (UM-PT01-
a) Maximum period of candidature MQF-BR004-S00)
b) Format of the research project/dissertation c) Course Pro Forma (UM-PT01-MQF-

Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
Table 3 : Components of the programmes and its value [amend as necessary] d) Course Information for Current
Course Classification Credit Value Percentage Semester / Term (UM-PT01-MQF-
1. Compulsory courses/modules

2. Core/Major/Concentration:
- Courses
- Projects/ Thesis/ Dissertation

3. Elective courses

4. Minor courses
5. Industrial training/ Practicum

6. Others (specify)
Total Credit Value 100%
(b) Provide description for each course offered in the programme. Please

(i) Alignment Of Learning Outcomes To Assessment (UM-PT01-MQF-

(ii) Student Learning Time (UM-PT01-MQF-BR004)
(iii) Course Pro Forma (UM-PT01-MQF-BR005)
(iv) Course Information for Current Semester/Term (UM-PT01-MQF-
1.2.6 (a) List and describe non academic activities that enrich student learning
There must be co-curricular activities experience, and foster personal development and responsibility.
to enrich student experience, and to
foster personal development and (b) There should be collaborative participation with national and
responsibility. international HEPs and/or research centres (for example, through joint
(This standard may not applicable to supervision, candidate exchange, joint degrees and split programmes).
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
programmes and programmes (c) There should be provision of group supervision in order to manage and
designed for working adult learners.) minimize risk.

Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
1.2.7 (a) Show evidence that the department has the mechanism in place to keep - External Assessor : who assess and
The department must establish abreast with the latest development in the field of study. gives input to the programme
mechanisms – for example, through - Lecturers : attend seminar,
the use of latest technology and sabbatical, conference
through global networking -- to - Visiting Professors, Research
access to current information and to Fellows, Academic Icon, MOU/MOA
identify up-to-date topics of with Industries, etc.
importance for inclusion in the
curriculum and its delivery.
Section 1.3 : Programme delivery
1.3.1 (a) Provide evidence on how the department ensures the effectiveness of the - The courses should be offered
The department must take programme delivery. according to the approved
responsibility to ensure the effective Emphasize write up using PDCA cycle. structure.
delivery of programme learning - Competent lecturers are assigned
outcomes. to teach courses / Competent
supervisors are appointed to
- Adequate resources are
determined prior to
implementation of programme
such as infrastructure, time table,
resources, lecturers’ workload etc).
- Course File
- Course and Teaching Evaluation
1.3.2 (a) State how the students are provided with current written information a) Students are given Pro-forma and
Students must be provided with and about the aims, learning outcomes, and methods of assessment of the Current Course Information
briefed on, current information programme. (Maklumat Semasa Kursus) in the
about (among others) the objectives, first week of semester.
structure, outline, schedule, credit b) Information uploaded in
value, learning outcomes, and (b) Provide sample of the Student Handbook and related evidence SPECTRUM for students’ viewing
methods of assessment of the c) Students’ Handbook (Buku
programme at the commencement of Panduan) and any other
their studies. handbook/guidelines given to
Criteria and standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
programme accreditation reference
1.3.3 (a) Name the coordinator of the programme - Letter of appointment of
The programme must have an Programme Coordinator
appropriate full-time coordinator and - Letter of appointment of
a team of academic staff (e.g., a (b) List the members of the team responsible for the programme. Curriculum Committee
programme committee) with (Jawatankuasa Kurikulum) and
adequate authority for the effective their TOR
delivery of the programme. (c) State the manner in which the academic team manages the programme - Policies, AK, Guidelines and
(This standard must be read together - What are their authority and responsibility? relevant MQF Forms
with related Programme Standards - What are the established procedures that guide the planning,
and Guidelines to Good Practices, implementation, evaluation and improvement of the programme?
and with standards 6.1.1 and 6.2.2 in
Area 6)
1.3.4 (a) Provide brief description of the learning environment in which a culture of - Teaching and learning facilities, Cube,
The department must provide scholarly learning is nurtured OKU facilities, Wifi, PG rooms, faculty
students with a conducive learning library etc.
(This standard must be read together
with standards 5.1.1 in Area 5)
1.3.5 (a) Describe the department’s initiatives to encourage innovations in - Professional/specialized staff
The department must encourage teaching, learning and assessment. training
innovations in teaching, learning and - ADeC & AKePT courses,
assessment. - Conferences & Seminars, sabbatical
to other centre of excellence
- Educational resource person
appointed by faculty (if any)
- UM-LiTeR
1.3.6 (a) State how the department obtains feedback and uses it to improve the - Feedbacks from various sources -
The department must obtain delivery of the programme outcomes. CTES, Students’ feedback, External
feedback from stakeholders to Provide evidence Programme Assessor report,
improve the delivery of the Industrial Training feedbacks
programme outcomes. - Minit JK Kurikulum
- Borang Laporan Tahunan

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
Section 2.1 : Relationship between assessment and learning outcomes

2.1.1 (a) Explain how assessment principles, methods and practice are aligned to UM-PT01-MQF-BR003.
Assessment principles, methods and the achievement of learning outcomes of the programme consistent with
practices must be aligned to the MQF level.
learning outcomes of the programme,
consistent with the levels defined in
the MQF.
(Information must align with 1.2.4)
2.1.2 (a) Describe how the alignment between assessment and learning outcomes The policy/procedure of regular
The alignment between assessment are regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness (please provide policy on reviews in aligning assessment and
and the learning outcomes in the the review, if any). learning outcomes.
programme must be systematically Provide evidence
and regulary reviewed to ensure its
Section 2.2 : Assessment Methods
2.2.1 (a) List and describe the various methods (both summative and formative - Information from UM-PT01-MQF-
There must be a variety of methods assessment) to show the variety in assessing learning outcomes and BR007 regarding Assessment
and tools appropriate to assess competencies. Methods
- Dasar Pengurusan Program
learning outcomes and competencies. (b) For mixed mode programme, the department must monitor candidate
assessment to ensure candidates’ satisfactory progress. This must be
monitored through:
1) Regular consultation (formal and informal)
2) Proposal defense
3) Presentation / colloquium / seminar / workshop
4) Research progress (using appropriate mechanisms)
(c) The HEP must ensure that appropriate attitudes are inculcated,
including adherence to research ethics.

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
2.2.2 (a) Describe how the review of the assessment methods in the programme is - Every semester by the lecturers -
There must be mechanisms to ensure, conducted periodically. Course outcome analysis (UM-
and to periodically review, the validity, PT01-MQF-BR007)
- Every academic year by Programme
reliability, integrity, currency and
Coordinators - Programme Annual
fairness of the assessment methods. Report UM-PT01-PK03-BR012
- Once in 5 years by Programme
External Assessors
- Description how a lecturer /
examiner of a course prepares the
examination questions and also the
assignments and how he/she
ensures these assessment tools are
valid, reliable and current.
(b) Explain how the department ensures the validity, reliability, consistency, - Examination questions moderation
currency and fairness of student assessment over time and across sites. committee (Jawatankuasa
Indicate the authority and processes for verification and moderation of Penyaringan) looks into the
examination questions for
summative assessments
verification and moderation
- Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa
- Department’s Curriculum
- Revision of UM-PT01-MQF-BR006
(c) What guidelines and mechanisms are in place to address plagiarism among Policy/Guidelines/Procedures to
students? address plagiarism among students.
2.2.3 (a) Describe the student assessment methods in term of its duration, diversity, - Rules and Regulations
The frequency, methods, and criteria weight, criteria, and coverage and appeal policies. Explain how are these (postgraduate)
of student assessment -- including the documented and communicated to the students. - Student’s Guide Book (either in soft
copy or printed version) given to
grading system and appeal policies --
must be documented and - Students’ portal (MyUM)
communicated to students on the (b) Explain how the department provides feedback to the students on their - Refer to Kaedah maklumbalas in
commencement of the programme. academic performance to ensure that they have sufficient time to undertake Proforma
remedial measures. - Assessment records (test paper,
assignments, quiz, etc) –

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
(c) Explain how results are made available to the students for purposes of - Final Examination scripts
feedback on performance, review and corrective measures. Online Progress Report by
supervisor (for Research students)
(d) Specify whether students have the right to appeal. - Rules and Regulations (either
undergraduate or postgraduate)
Provide information on the appeal policy and processes. The HEP must provide Jawatankuasa rayuan peringkat
a mechanism for candidates to appeal on the result of their dissertation/thesis Universiti dan PTj
and/or examination/viva voce.
How are appeals dealt with?
2.2.4 Explain how these changes are made known to the students. - Updated and approved UM-PT01-
Changes to student assessment MQF-BR006 is distributed to
methods must follow established students when there are changes.
procedures and regulations and be
communicated to the student prior to
their implementation.

Section 2.3 : Management of Student Assessment

2.3.1 (a) Explain the roles, rights and power of the department and its academic a) University of Malaya (Degree of
The department and its academic staff staff in the management of student assessment. Doctor of Philosophy) Rules and
must have adequate level of Regulations 2007
autonomy in the management of Supervisor must be given sufficient autonomy to supervise and manage the b) University of Malaya (Masters
student assessment. candidates’ research progress and assessment. Degree) Rules and Regulations
(This standard may not be applicable (b) The HEP must establish and document procedures on the criteria 2017
to certain programme arrangements.) and selection of examiners. c) Supervision Policy of Postgraduate
(c) The qualification requirements of an examiner must be clearly stated:

An examiner must have a minimum qualification of no less than the supervisor

Where an examiner is without the required qualification, there must be
sufficient experience in relevant field and the appointment is subjected to the
approval of the HEP Senate.

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
2.3.2 (a) Describe how the confidentiality and security of student assessment
There must be mechanisms to ensure processes and documents as well as academic records are ensured.
the security of assessment documents
and records.
2.3.3 (a) Explain how and when the continuous and final assessment results are - Information stated in UM-PT01-MQF-
Student assessment results must be made available to students. BR005
communicated to students before the eg: spectrum, notice board,sms,MyUM,
commencement of a new semester to etc.
facilitate progression decision.
2.3.4 (a) Describe the guidelines and mechanisms to address cases of academic - Garis Panduan menangani kes
The department must have plagiarism among students plagiat oleh pelajar/calon available
appropriate guidelines and on portal :
mechanisms for students to appeal
their course results. .pdf
(Information must align with 2.2.3 (d)) - Students are informed through
- Literasi Maklumat and Research
Method courses
- Students need to run through their
work via the TURNITIN programme
before submitting their work for
2.3.5 (a) Explain how the department periodically review the management of Inputs from internal and external
The department must periodically student assessment and measures taken to address the issues highlighted stakeholders.
review the management of student by the review.
assessment and act on the findings of
the review.
(For MQF level 6 and above, the
review must involve external

Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
Section 3.1 : Student selection

3.1.1 (a) State the entry requirements for student selection (including transfer - Kaedah dan Peraturan
The programme must have clear student, and students with special needs). UG - UM-PT01-PK01-AK005 and
criteria and processes for student Explain the mechanism of student selection (including students with other UM-PT01-PK01-AK006
PG - UM-PT01-PK02-AK006 and
selection (including that of transfer equivalent qualifications).
students) and these must be
- Programe Standards.
consistent with applicable
- Related guidelines.
requirements. - Technical standards deployed for
admission of students with special
- Refer to Polisi Universiti Inklusif
Siswa Orang Kurang Upaya for
technical standards that have been
deployed for the admission of
students with special needs
(b) Provide evidence that the students fulfil admission policies. - Perakuan Jawatankuasa Pemilihan
Kemasukan (JKPK) PTj .
(c) Provide admission mechanism and criteria for students with other
equivalent qualifications.

The HEP must clearly define and effectively disseminate policies, regulations
and processes concerning:
1) articulation practices for transfer of candidature from one mode to
another (e.g. coursework to mixed mode).
2) articulation practices for transfer of candidates from one programme to
3) articulation practices for transfer of candidature from one HEP to

Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
3.1.2 (a) Explain how the selection criteria are accessible to the public.
The criteria and processes of student
(b) If other additional selection criteria are utilised, describe them.
selection must be transparent and
objective. (c) Show evidence that the admission policy and mechanisms are free from
unfair discrimination and bias.
3.1.3 (a) Provide the size of student intake for each session - Mechanism for adjustment :
Student enrolment must be related to Table 4: Size of student intake for each session- to be provided by programme - If applicable, faculty describe how
the capacity of the department to owner they handle admission of visiting,
Applicant Intake Enrolment exchange and transfer student
effectively deliver the programme.
(b) Describe the mechanism to determine the size of the intake in relation to Provide staff : student ratio
capacity of the department and how adjustments can be made [taking into
account admission of visiting, exchange and transfer students]
3.1.4 (a) State the policies, mechanism and practices for appeal on student
There must be a clear policy, and if selection
applicable, appropriate mechanisms,
for appeal on student selection.
3.1.5 (a) Provide information about special programmes provided for those who are
The department must offer selected but need additional development and remedial assistance.
appropriate developmental or
remedial support to assist students,
including incoming transfer students
who are in need.
Section 3.2 : Articulation and Transfer
3.2.1 (a) Describe how the department facilitates student mobility, exchanges and - Include ISC, MoU, MoA and
The department must have well- transfers, nationally and internationally policies, regulations and processes
of articulation practice such as
Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
defined policies and mechanisms to The document must be made accessible to candidates and staff. credit transfer and credit
facilitate student mobility, which may exemption, and how these are
include student transfer within and The HEP must clearly define and effectively disseminate policies, regulations disseminated.
- Refer to Garis Panduan
between institutions as well as cross- and processes concerning:
Pemindahan dan Pengecualian
border. 1) articulation practices for transfer of candidature from one mode to Kredit
another (e.g. coursework to mixed mode).
2) articulation practices for transfer of candidates from one programme to
3) articulation practices for transfer of candidature from one HEP to
3.2.2 (a) Indicate how transfer students demonstrate comparable achievements in
The department must ensure that the previous programme of study and describe appropriate pre-requisites or
incoming transfer students have the remedial mechanisms where necessary
capacity to successfully follow the
Section 3.3 : Student Support Services

3.3.1 (a) List support services made available to students. Faculty to include any additional
Students must have access to services provided.
appropriate and adequate support
services, such as physical, social,
financial, recreational and online (b) List any other additional support programmes provided by other
facilities, academic and non-academic organisations that are accessible to student
counselling and health services.

3.3.2 (a) Describe the roles and responsibilities of those responsible for student
There must be a designated support services.
administrative unit, with a prominent

Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
organisational status in the HEP, (b) Describe the management of the student support services activities and
responsible for planning and maintenance of student records.
implementing student support
services staffed by individuals who
have appropriate experience.
3.3.3 (a) Describe how students are orientated into the programme
An effective induction to the
programme must be available to new
students with special attention given
to out of state and international
students as well as students with
special needs.
3.3.4 (a) Describe the provision of the academic, non-academic and career
Academic, non-academic and career counselling services to students.
counselling must be provided by (b) How are the effectiveness of the academic, non-academic and career
adequate and qualified staff. counselling services measured, and the progress of those who seek its
services monitored? What plans are there to improve the services,
including that of enhancing the skills and professionalism of the
3.3.5 (a) Describe the mechanisms that exist to identify and assist students who are
There must be mechanisms that in need of academic, spiritual, psychological and social support.
actively identify and assist students
who are in need of academic, spiritual,
psychological and social support.
3.3.6 (a) Describe the processes and procedures in handling disciplinary cases
The HEP must have clearly defined involving the students.
and documented processes and
procedures in handling student
disciplinary cases.
3.3.7 (a) Describe the mechanism available for students to complain and to appeal - Academic – faculty to write up on
There must be an effective mechanism on issues relating to academic and non-academic appeal on academic matters. Refer
for students to voice their grievances to Rules and Regulations

Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
and seek resolution on academic and - Non-academic - Mechanism for
non-academic matters. Complaints and Appeals Relating
to Student Support Services
3.3.8 (a) Describe how the adequacy, effectiveness and safety of these services are The adequacy, effectiveness and safety
Student support services must be evaluated and ensured of these services are evaluated and
evaluated regularly to ensure their ensured during the annual internal
adequacy, effectiveness and safety. audits, special audits, faculty audit and
external 3rd party audit.
Section 3.4 : Student Representation and Participation

3.4.1 (a) Describe policies and processes in place for active student engagement - Students’ rights and responsibilities
There must be well-disseminated especially in areas that affect their interest and welfare – AUKU
policies and processes for active - In academic affairs, students have
student engagement especially in the faculty representative;
areas that affect their interest and however, the students can at any
welfare. time approach the faculty
management (Programme
(b) Detail student representation and organization at the institutional and
3.4.2 Coordinator, HoD, Deputy Dean,
departmental level.
There must be adequate student Dean) to discuss students’ interest
representation and organisation at the and welfare.
institutional and departmental levels. - Involvement in research activities
- Involvement in non-academic
3.4.3 (a) Explain what the department does to facilitate students to develop Faculty to elaborate on activities at
Student must be facilitated to develop linkages with external stakeholders faculty level.
linkages with external stakeholders
and to participate in activities to gain (b) Describe how the department facilitates students to gain managerial,
managerial, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial and leadership skills in preparation for the workplace
leadership skills in preparation for the
3.4.4 (a) Explain how the HEP facilitates student activities and organisations that
Student activities and organisations encourage character building, inculcate a sense of belonging and

Criteria and Standards for Submission requirements for re-accreditation Information/Evidence/Data for
Programme Accreditation reference
must be facilitated to encourage responsibility, and promote active citizenship.
character building, inculcate a sense of
belonging and responsibility, and
promote active citizenship.
Section 3.5 : Alumni
3.5.1 (a) Describe linkages established by the department with the alumni Involvement of alumni as one of the
The department must foster active member in the University of
linkages with alumni to develop, Malaya’s Board of Directors.
review and continuously improve the The graduates are required to
programme participate in the Graduate Tracer
Study to be used in the curriculum
(b) Describe the role of the alumni in development, review and continuous
development, achievement of
improvement of the programme
learning outcomes and the future
direction of the university.
- Faculty to elaborate on activities at
faculty level.

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
Section 4.1 : Recruitment and Management
4.1.1 (a) Describe the mechanism used to identify the manpower needs of the Provide manpower needs analysis
The department must have a clearly programme.
defined plan for its academic
(b) Describe the recruitment policy to seek diversity among staff (senior-
manpower needs consistent with
junior; academic-non-academic staff; between academic staff with
institutional policies and programme different approaches to the subject; and academic staff with multi-
requirements. disciplinary backgrounds and experiences.

4.1.6 The qualification requirements of a teaching staff and supervisor must

The recruitment policy for a particular be clearly stated:
programme must seek diversity Master’s degree by coursework, and mixed mode
among the academic staff in terms of 1) A supervisor must have a minimum qualification of one level higher than
experience, approaches, and the degree level enrolled in by the candidate i.e. a Doctoral Degree
2) Where a staff is without the required qualification, a staff must have at
least five years’ experience:
a) in teaching and research; or
b) as a co-supervisor.
3) The additional criteria are subjected to the approval of the HEP Senate.

When there is only one supervisor, the supervisor must be a full-time staff of
the conferring HEP.
When there is more than one supervisor, the principal supervisor must be a
full-time staff of the conferring HEP.
4.1.2 (a) State the policy, criteria, procedures, terms and conditions of service for UM-PT03-PK02
The department must have a clear and the recruitment of academic staff.
documented academic staff Where applicable, refer to Programme
recruitment policy where the criteria (b) Explain the due diligence exercised by the department in ensuring that the standards
for selection are based primarily on qualifications of academic staff are from bona fide institutions.
academic merit and /or relevant

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
4.1.3 (a) Provide data on the staff–student ratio appropriate to the teaching- The minimum recommended
The staff–student ratio for the learning methods and consistent with the programme requirements. requirements on the number of full time
programme must be appropriate to and part time academic staff by
Table 5 : Current and required staff-student ratio for current semester
the teaching-learning methods and qualification levels are as follows:
comply with the programme Qualification Levels Minimum number
Current Staff :student ratio Required Staff :student ratio of academic staff
standards for the discipline.
(18/19) Masters (Course 5
(This standard must be read together
Work and Mixed
with Guidelines: Academic Staff Mode) – Level 7
4.1.4 (a) Provide a summary on every academic staff involved in conducting the
The department must have adequate programme:
and qualified academic staff The research skills, experience and specialisations of a supervisor must
align with the research area of the candidate.
responsible for implementing the
Provide information as in Appendix A : Summary information on
programme. academic staff involved in the programme
(b) Provide CV of each academic staff teaching and supervising the
The expected ratio full-time and part- programme (hyperlink info in Appendix 3 to UMExpert)
time academic staff is 60:40. (c) Provide information on turnover of academic staff for the programme.
(d) List of Supervisor and candidates

4.1.5 (a) Describe how the department ensure equitable distribution of duties and Teaching load and research supervision
The policy of the department must responsibilities among the academic staff. record of each staff
reflect an equitable distribution of The HEP must establish guidelines for supervisors including inform ation
responsibilities among the academic about:
staff. 1) delineating roles and responsibilities of supervisors;
2) prescribing ethical principles for the purpose of assisting supervisors in the
identification and resolution of ethical issues which may arise in the course of
their research;
3) ensuring supervisors conduct all activities with academic integrity and in
compliance with the Code of Conduct, relevant laws, rules and
regulations; and
4) ensuring an appropriate supervisor-to-candidate ratio for effective

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
4.1.7 (a) State the mechanism and procedures for monitoring and appraising - Academic staff KPI
Policies and procedures for academic staff performance - UM Excellence Award
recognition through promotion, salary - SAPT
increment or other remuneration (b) How are the above information made known to the academic staff?
must be clear, transparent and based
on merit.
4.1.8 (a) Describe the nature and extent of the national and international linkages MOU, External Assessor, Academic Icon,
The department must have national to enhance teaching and learning of the programme International Accreditation
and international linkages to provide
for the involvement of experienced
academics, professionals and
practitioners in order to enhance
teaching and learning in the
Section 4.2 : Service and Development
4.2.1 (a) State the departmental policy on service, development and appraisal of - UM-PT03-PK04 Urusan Kemajuan
The department must have policies academic staff Kerjaya Staf
addressing matters related to service, (a) The research skills, experience and specializations of a supervisor must - Elaborate on additional practices at
department/faculty level (other
development and appraisal of the align with the research area of the candidate.
than the information given in 4.1.7
academic staff. (b) The HEP must establish a mechanism for monitoring teaching and and 4.1.8
supervision processes.
(c) Recognition, reward and remuneration must be commensurate with
appropriate workload distribution and meritorious teaching and
supervision, based on transparent policies and procedures.

4.2.2 (a) How does the department ensure that the academic staff are given Provide evidence of academic staff
The department must provide opportunities to focus on their respective areas of expertise such as involvement in activities.
opportunities for academic staff to curriculum development, curriculum delivery, academic supervision of
students, research and writing, scholarly and consultancy activities,
focus on their respective areas of
community engagement and academically-related administrative duties?

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
4.2.3 (a) State the HEP policies on conflict of interest and professional conduct of
The HEP must have clear policies on academic staff.
conflict of interest and professional
conduct, including procedures for (b) State the HEP procedures for handling disciplinary cases.
handling disciplinary cases among
academic staff.
4.2.4 (a) Describe the mechanism and processes for periodic student evaluation of CTES, student feedback etc.
The HEP must have mechanisms and academic staff and explain how this evaluation contributes to quality
processes for periodic student improvement. Indicate the frequency of this exercise.
evaluation of the academic staff for
quality improvement.
4.2.5 (a) State the mechanism and procedures for academic staff professional - BSM / ADEC / STAND – refer to
The department must have a development and career advancement PT03-PK04
development programme for new - Explain how the activities enhance
T&L experience (conference report,
academic staff and continuous
sabbatical report)
professional enhancement for existing (b) State how the department facilitate networking and collaboration among
staff. academic staff, researchers and institutions at national and international
The HEP must provide opportunities (c) State if the department has in place a mentoring system for the
for academic staff to participate in enhancement of the quality of teaching and supervision
professional, academic and other
relevant activities, at national and
international levels to obtain (d) State if the department encourage industrial attachment.
professional qualifications to enhance
teaching-learning experience.

4.2.7 (a) Describe how the department encourage and facilitate staff engagement 5% KPI and any other activities done by
The department must encourage and in community activities programme (Jalinan Masyarakat)
facilitate its academic staff to play an (b) The HEP should encourage participation in professional, academic and
active role in community and industry research communities at national or international level.
Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
engagement activities. (c) The HEP should encourage research activities beyond postgraduate research
that will benefit the industry and the community.
(d) Evaluate the extent to which the activities are rewarded


Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for

Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
Section 5.1 : Physical Facilities
5.1.1 (a) List the physical facilities required for the programme as in
The programme must have sufficient Appendix B:List of Physical Facilities.
and appropriate physical facilities and (b) Describe and assess the adequacy of the physical facilities and equipment
educational resources to ensure its (e.g., workshop, studio and laboratories) as well as human resources (e.g.,
laboratory professionals and technicians).
effective delivery, including facilities
(c) Provide information on the clinical and practical facilities for programmes
for practical-based programmes and
which requires such facilities. State the location and provide agreements if
for those with special needs facilities are provided by other parties
(d) How are these physical facilities user friendly to those with special needs?
Provide a copy of any technical standards that have been deployed for
students with special needs.
5.1.2 (a) Show that the physical facilities comply with the relevant laws and - Buku Panduan Keselamatan Makmal
The physical facilities must comply regulations including issues of licensing. - License of software (Faculty and
with the relevant laws and PTM)
5.1.3 (a) Explain the database system used in the library and resource centre.
The library or resource centre must
have adequate and up-to-date (b) State the number of staff in the library and resource centre and their

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
reference materials and qualified staff (c) Describe resource sharing and access mechanisms that are available to
that meet the needs of the extend the library’s capabilities. Comment on the extent of use of these
programme and research amongst facilities by academic staff and students. Comment on the adequacy of the
library to support the programme.
academic staff and students.

(d) State the number of reference materials related to the programme

as in Appendix C : List of Reference Materials

5.1.4 (a) Describe how the department/faculty maintains, reviews and improves (b) Penilaian Kursus Dan Pengajaran
The educational resources, services the adequacy, currency and quality of its educational resources and the UM-PT01-PK01-AK012
and facilities must be maintained and role of the department in these processes. (c) Course Information For Current
Semester/Term UM-PT01-MQF-
periodically reviewed to improved the (b) Provide the information on, and provision for, the maintenance of the
quality and appropriateness. physical learning facilities.

Section 5.2 : Research & Development

(Please note that the standards on Research and Development are largely directed to universities and university colleges)
5.2.1 (a) Describe the policies, facilities and budget allocation available to support
The department must have a research research.
policy with adequate facilities and (b) Describe the research activities of the department and the academic staff
resources to sustain them. involved in them

(c) Fill in Table 6: Academic staff research information

The interaction between research and
Staff Research Research Available Interaction Commercialisa
learning must be reflected in the
Name Area Funding facilities between tion of
curriculum, influence current (PI) (if any) research product (if
teaching, and encourage and prepare and any)
students for engagement in research, learning
scholarship and development.

(d) State any initiatives taken by the department to engage students in


Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
5.2.3 (a) Describe steps taken to review research resources and facilities to enhance
The department must periodically research capability
review its research resources and
facilities and take appropriate action
to enhance its research capabilities
and to promote a conducive research
Section 5.3 : Financial Resources
5.3.1 (a) Provide “belanja mengurus” for the last three consecutive years. Explain
The HEP must demonstrate financial the financial viability and sustainability based on the provided
viability and sustainability for the statements/documents.
5.3.2 (a) Demonstrate that the department has clear procedures to ensure that its
The department must have clear financial resources are sufficient and managed efficiently.
procedures to ensure that its financial
resources are sufficient and managed

5.3.3 (a) Indicate the responsibilities and lines of authority in terms of budgeting
The HEP must have a clear line of and resource allocation in the HEP with respect to the specific needs of the
responsibility and authority for department.
budgeting and resource allocation that (b) Describe the HEP’s financial planning for the programme in the next two
takes into account the specific needs years.
of the department.


Criteria and Standards for Programme Information/Evidence/Data for

Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Accreditation reference
Section 6.1 : Programme Management
6.1.1 (a) Describe the management structure and functions, and the main Organizational Chart of the programme
The department must clarify its decision-making components of the department, as well as the including administrative staff
management structure and function, and relationships between them. How these relationships are made known
to all parties involved?
the relationships between them, and
(b) Indicate the type and frequency of department meetings.
these must be communicated to all
parties involved based on the principles
(c) Provide information as in Appendix D: Governance structure and
of responsibility, accountability and functions.
6.1.2 (a) Describe the policies and procedures that ensure accurate, relevant - Brochure
The department must provide accurate, and timely information about the programme which are easily and - Website
relevant and timely information about publicly accessible, especially to prospective students. - Advertisement
the programme which are easily and
publicly accessible, especially to
prospective students.
6.1.3 (a) Describe the policies, procedures and mechanisms for regular review - Management meetings
The department must have policies, and updating of the department’s structures, functions, strategies and - Faculty Strategic Plan
procedures and mechanisms for regular core activities to ensure continuous quality improvement. Identify - Annual Performance review (KPI)
person(s) responsible for continuous quality improvement within the
review and updating of its structures,
functions, strategies and core activities to
(b) Highlight the improvements resulting from these policies, procedures
ensure continuous quality improvement. and mechanisms.

6.1.4 (a) Show evidence (such as terms of reference, minutes of meeting) that
The academic board of the department the academic board of the department is an affective decision making
must be an effective decision-making body with adequate autonomy.
body with an adequate degree of

Criteria and Standards for Programme Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Accreditation reference
6.1.5 (a) Describe the arrangements agreed upon by the HEP and its campuses Provide evidence in appendix
Mechanisms to ensure functional or partner institutions to assure functional integration and
integration and comparability of comparability of educational quality – for example,
educational quality must be established
 franchise programmes,
for programmes conducted in different
campuses or partner institutions.  joint awards,
(This standard must be read together with  collaborative research,
standard 7.1.7 in Area 7)  student exchange arrangements

6.1.6 (a) Show evidence of internal and external consultations, and market
The department must conduct internal needs and graduate employability analyses.
and external consultations, and market
needs and graduate employability
(This standard must be read together with
standards 1.1.2, 1.2.2 and 7.1.6 in Area 1
& 4 and Area 7)

Section 6.2 : Programme Leadership

6.2.1 (a) Detail the qualifications, experiences, tenure ship and responsibilities - Provide Letter of Appointment and
The criteria for the appointment and the of the programme leadership. TOR for the Programme Coordinator
responsibilities of the programme leader - Identify criteria for selection process –
qualification, experience
must be clearly stated.

6.2.2 (b) Describe the selection process and provide the job description of the
The programme leader must have Programme Coordinator (Leader) including the role in recruitment and
appropriate qualification, knowledge and training, student admission, allocation of resources and decision-
experiences related to the programme making process.
he/she is responsible for.

Criteria and Standards for Programme Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Accreditation reference
6.2.3 (a) Describe the management structure of the programme.
There must be mechanisms and
processes for communication between
the programme leader, department and
HEP on matters such as staff recruitment (b) Describe the relationship between the programme leader, department
and training, student admission, and HEP on matters such as staff recruitment and training, student
allocation of resources and decision admission, allocation of resources and decision-making processes.
making processes.
Section 6.3 : Administrative Staff
6.3.1 (a) Describe the structure of the administrative staff which supports the UM-PT03-PK02
The department must have sufficient programme. (refer to organizational chart as in 6.1.1)
number of qualified administrative staff
(b) Explain how the number of the administrative staff is determined in
to support the implementation of the
accordance to the needs of the programme and other activities.
programme and related activities.
Describe the recruitment processes and procedures. State the terms
and conditions of service.
(c) State (in Table 7) the numbers required and that are available, job
category and minimum qualification for administrative staff of the

Table 7. Administrative staff for the programme

No. Job Category Minimum Number of Current
qualification staff required number

6.3.2 (a) State the mechanism and procedures for monitoring and appraising the
Elaborate KPI done at Department level
The HEP must conduct regular performance of the administrative staff of the programme
performance review of the administrative
staff of the programme.

Criteria and Standards for Programme Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Accreditation reference
6.3.3 (a) Describe the training scheme for the advancement of the - Competency matrix
The department must have an administrative staff and show how this scheme fulfils the current and - Training schedule
appropriate training scheme for the future needs of the programme.
advancement of the administrative staff
as well as to fulfil the specific needs of
the programme.
Section 6.4 : Academic records
6.4.1 (a) State the policies and practices on the nature,content and security of
The department must have appropriate student, academic staff and other academic records at the
policies and practices concerning the departmental level and show that these policies and practices are in
line with those of the HEP.
nature, content and security of student,
academic staff and other academic (b) Explain the policies and practices on retention, preservation and
disposal of student, academic staff and other academic records.
6.4.2 (a) Explain how the department maintains student records relating to their
The department must maintain student admission, performance, completion and graduation.
records relating to their admission,
performance, completion and graduation
in such form as is practical and preserve
these records for future reference.
6.4.3 (a) Describe how the department ensures the rights of individual privacy
The department must implement policies and the confidentiality of records.
on the rights of individual privacy and the
confidentiality of records.
6.4.4 (a) Describe the department’s review policies on security of records and
The department must continually review safety systems and its plans for improvements.
policies on the security of records,
including the increased use of electronic
technologies and safety systems.


Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for

Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
Section 7.1 : Mechanism for Programme Monitoring, Review and Continual Quality Improvement
7.1.1 (a) Describe the policies and mechanism for regular monitoring and review of - Dasar Pengurusan Program
The department must have clear the programme Akademik (DPPA),
policies and appropriate mechanisms - Garis Panduan Penetapan
Nomenklatur Program Akademik, Kod
for regular monitoring and review of
Program dan Kod Kursus Universiti
the programme. Malaya
- UM-PT01-PK04 Perkembangan
Kurikulum Ijazah Tinggi
7.1.2 (a) Describe the roles and the responsibilities of the Quality Assurance unit - TOR JK Kurikulum
The department must have a responsible for internal quality assurance of the department. - TOR Prog coordinator
dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) unit - TOR ProQAE
for internal quality assurance of the
department to work hand-in-hand
with the QA unit of the HEP.
7.1.3 (a) Describe the structure and the workings of the internal programme - Refer to Jawatankuasa Kurikulum
The department must have an internal monitoring and review committee. 6.1.1 in terms of monitoring role
programme monitoring and review - Use of Course and Teaching
(b) Describe the frequency and mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the
Evaluation System(CTES), UMPT01-
committee with a designated head programme. PK03-BR011, UMPT01-PK03-BR012
responsible for continual review of the and how the programme utilise
(c) Describe how the department utilises the feedback from a programme
programme to ensure its currency and feedback for CQI
monitoring and review exercise to further improve the programme.
relevancy. - Collaborative arrangement – internal
(d) Explain how the monitoring and review processes help ensure that the and external
programme keeps abreast with scientific, technological and knowledge - Jawatankuasa Kurikulum 6.1.1 in
development of the discipline, and with the needs of society. terms of its review role

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
7.1.4 (a) Which stakeholders are involved in a programme review? - Input from External Assessor and
The department’s review system must UMPT01-PK03-BR015
constructively engage stakeholders, - Describe the whole curriculum
review proses
including the alumni and employers as
- Frequency of review
well as the external experts, whose - Stakeholder involvement:
views are taken into consideration. (b) Describe their involvement and show how their views are taken into
consideration.Read together with 7.1.3 (c) alumni/employer/external expertise
(This standard must be read together - Analysis of student’s performance,
with standard 1.2.3 in Area 1) progression and attrition
- Responsibilities for collaborative
7.1.5 arrangement (if any)
(c) Explain how the department informs the stakeholders the result of a - JKIK - Findings of the review are
The department must make the programme assessment and how their views on the report are taken into disseminated to the HEP. Comment
programme review report accessible consideration in the future development of the programme. on the action taken therefrom. (7.1.)
to stakeholders.

7.1.6 (a) Explain how student performance, progression, attrition, graduation and
Various aspects of student employment are analysed for the purpose of continual quality
performance, progression and improvement? Provide evidence.
attrition continual quality
7.1.7 (a) Describe the responsibilities of the parties involved in collaborative
In collaborative arrangements, the arrangements in programme monitoring and review.
partners involved must share the
responsibilities of programme
monitoring and review.
(This standard must be read together
with standard 6.1.5 in Area 6)
7.1.8 (a) Describe how the findings of the review are presented to the HEP and its
The findings of a programme review further action therefrom.
must be presented to the HEP for its
attention and further action.

Criteria and Standards for Information/Evidence/Data for
Submission requirements for re-accreditation
Programme Accreditation reference
7.1.9 (a) Explain the integral link between the departmental quality assurance
There must be an integral link processes and the achievement of the institutional purpose.
between the departmental quality
assurance processes and the
achievement of the institutional


Programme Owner are required to conduct self-review for each Area which should include the following:

1. Completed self-assessment checklist based on 5 point scale.

Score Criteria
1 Absolutely Inadequate / No Evidence of standard being met
2 Slightly Adequate / Little Evidence of standard being met - Requires major improvement
3 Satisfactorily Adequate / Some Evidence of standard being met – Requires minor improvement
Adequate as expected / Clear Evidence of standard being met – Recommends Continuous
5 Excellent - Example of good practice

Area 1: Programme Development and Delivery 1 2 3 4 5

1.1 Statement of Educational Objectives of Academic Programme and
Learning Outcomes
1.2 Programme Development: Process, Content, Structure and Learning-
Teaching Methods
1.3 Programme Delivery
Overall Opinion
Area 2: Assessment of Student Learning 1 2 3 4 5
2.1 Relationship between Assessment and Learning Outcomes
2.2 Assessment Methods
2.3 Management of Student Assessment
Overall Opinion
Area 3: Student Selection and Support Services 1 2 3 4 5
3.1 Student Selection
3.2 Articulation and Transfer
3.3 Student Support Services
3.4 Student Representation and Participation
3.5 Alumni
Overall Opinion
Area 4: Academic Staff 1 2 3 4 5
4.1 Recruitment and Management
4.2 Service and Development
Overall Opinion
Area 5: Educational Resources 1 2 3 4 5
5.1 Physical Facilities
5.2 Research and Development
5.3 Expertise in Education
5.4 Financial Resources
Overall Opinion
Area 6: Programme Management 1 2 3 4 5
6.1 Programme Management
6.2 Programme Leadership
6.3 Administrative Staff
6.4 Academic Records
Overall Opinion
Area 7: Programme Monitoring, Review and Continual Quality
1 2 3 4 5
7.1 Mechanisms for Programme Monitoring, Review and Continual Quality
Overall Opinion

2. Summary of following:

i. Strengths of the programme in meeting its goals

Summaries the points that the department considers to be its strengths and mark the points that the
institution is proud of.

ii. Summary of Weaknessess

Indicate which points the department considers to be weak and in need of improvement.

iii. Improvement Plan

Recommendations to close the gaps identified in the self-assessment and the action plan to implement

Prepared by
Quality Management & Enhancement Centre


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