The Birth of Management From Bhagavad Gita: Presented By: Arpita Jindal Shivali Thakur

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“Bhagavad gita” is one of the greatest spiritual books of the Hindu’s like Purana’s,Vedas and
Upanishads. This spiritual text teaches us honesty, sincerity and truthfulness. It is one of the greatest
contribution of India to the world. These scriptures guide us by showing various spiritual paths
through which we can learn the techniques to improve the knowledge, skill and education of the
common man and make him more efficient and competent. It has the capacity to transform the
potential Productive into productivity. The study showcases that, how “Gita” influences the life of
modern human society especially “Y and Z” generation managers. The greatest significance of the
holy book lies in the fact that it proposes the solution to a central typical problem of human life that
presents itself at the critical stage of development. We may say that Arjuna to whom the teaching is
addressed is a representative man and the problem that he faced aroused at a certain height of the
ethical concern in a midst of a actual and symbolic battle field kurushetra which is also
KEYWORDS- Bhagavad gita, Business management, Self knowledge, Leadership, Decision making.
Bhagavad Gita which is known as the “song of lord”. It acts as a medicine for modern human life and
provides all that which is required to develop the highest level of consciousness.
Arjuna got depressed mentally when he saw his relatives whom he had to fight with to motivate him
the Bhagavad gita was preached on the battle field kurushetra by Krishna to Arjuna as a counselling
to do his duty while millions of men stood by waiting. It has got all the management strategies to
achieve the mental equilibrium and to overcome any crisis situation.
Management has become a crucial part of everyday life be it at home, in the office or factory and in
government. In all organization, where a team of human beings come toether for a common
objective, management principles come into play through managing resources, finance and planning,
priorities, policies and practice. Management is nothing but the systematic way of carrying out
activities in any field of human effort.
The Gita is an historical but contemporary in essence. When basic business principles cease to work
and when the rate of change outside is faster than the change within, even businesses need deeper
anchor points for decision making not available in contemporary literature. For example, India’s
largest automaker Maruti Suzuki is busy training its leaders in self-management and time
management. The two-day course model, also based on the Bhagavad Gita, seeks to improve
efficiency, effectiveness and effortlessness. Already, employees are making a beeline for the sessions,
believing it will help improving personal as well as professional lives. While the focus of these
“Spirituality in business sessions” may differ from company to company, their impact surely goes
beyond personal to professional level.
1. Setting of Bhagavad Gita (battlefield of life):
The Setting of Bhagavad gita is a symbolic of the parcel of life, however a lot
of basically, it's symbolic of the parcel inside United States of America or inner-self. Our life having a
continuous confusion between positive and negative need, likes and dislikes, sensible and therefore
the unhealthy.
Lesson: however mortals square measure equalization his/her method of life to realize his desired
2. In fate to action:
Krishna’s reply to the dejection of mythical being on the parcel of Kurukshetra that “This isn't the
behavior of a nice warrior” folks and organizations wander to maneuver ahead with completely
different challenges and obstacles.
Lesson: Do your action (Karma) and not on its fruits. (Nishkam fate Yoga)
3. Management of Anger:
Lord Krishna aforesaid that, need or wish for sense of objects comes from attachment towards them
(Maya) , and anger generates from unrealized needs or desires ” the trendy psycho-analysis
announced that anger may be an exhibition of suppressed needs.
Lesson: The purpose of our life is our duties and responsibilities, our goals and most basically,
peaceful inner co-existence with fellow people.
4. Work Culture:
‘Bhagavad Gita’ talks regarding 2 forms of work cultures ‘Daivi Sampat’ and ‘Asuri Sampat’. ‘Daivi’
Work Culture involves less worry, purity, divinity, calmness holistic atmosphere, absence of fault,
lack of greed and lust, ethical, modesty and full of cosmic energy and pride. Whereas in ‘Asuri’ Work
Culture contains ego, jealous, misbelief, personal desires, lack of correct performance and lack of
job orienting service.
Lesson: ‘Daivi Sampat’ work culture is that the best choice to become a world category enterprise
by sounds the potential inside the work.
5. Utilization of Accessible Resources:
Before the war of ‘Mahabharata’, Duryodhana select Lord Krishna’s massive army (Krishna Sena) for
his facilitate throughout the war, whereas mythical being chosen the Lord of knowledge (Krishna) for
his support.
Lesson: Resources square measure restricted and chooses showing wisdom and
utilizes restricted resources optimally.
6. Commitment to work:
“Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karmaphalahetur bhurma Te
Sangostvakarmani” notableverse (Slokas) of the Bhagvad Bhagavadgita advises “Detachment. -from
the fruits or results of actions or beings on the world to appreciate it and attempt for the last
word excellence in their own profession to meet socially desired targeted goals. it's conjointly the
responsibility of the organizations to know the requirement of the workers during this competitive
world. Organizations ought to focus on the up-gradation of their workers through
effective coaching and development. Government desires to place attention on the allocation of
the cheap quantityfor the human resource development by promoting quality education to all or
any the man voters of the state. it'llenhance the competitive advantage of the individual and
would produce a supply of capable human capital within the country fate performed within the course
of duty and conjointly detach yourself from the top rewards and specialise in the work”.
Lesson: Being dedicated towards the work has got to means that as a sort of duty towards the
society rather thanfocusing towards self-desire and lust.
7. Surrender to the Supreme Divine:
Lord Krishna asked to someone mythical being to surrender himself to the Lord, you ought to not
have any doubts on the existence of the Lord. Look for the higher and
friendly image, place yourself egocentric nature aside.
Lesson: Spirituality conjures up social harmony and become aware of final destiny of human life as a
result of self-assessment and self-determination towards the current action.
8. Stability of Mind:
Lord Krishna says within the middle of the parcel, that one ought to exercise the stability of mind by
yoga or meditation. Human Life is like the battle field of ‘Mahabharata’ wherever the
battle are fought daily inside the mind and soul. ‘Chita Sudhi’ through yoga is that the best apply to
steady the mind.
Lesson: By the stability of mind one will calm their emotions and might increase his/her ‘Viveka’ or
‘Buddhi’ with ‘vichikshana’.
9. Your Expressions Reflects Your Intensions:
‘Bhagvad Gita’ says that “Your intentions towards life ought to be clear in
vision, sensible and possible, that ought to differentiate you from others”.
Lesson: ‘Power of Intention’ is that the main success mantra for achieving any desired goal.
10. Power of knowledge and Science:
Bhagavad Bhagavadgita says that “Science will be assumed by our human-senses like mouth, eyes,
ears and different senses. knowledge can produce inner sense of feelings or intuition, it'll enhance the
power of intentions, which might be remodeled into self-analysis, when series of inner exploration if
the mind says ‘Yes’ then it becomes intentions.
Lesson: Intentions begins with inner feelings then it transforms into intuitions and then travels as a
self-analysis that can be supported by the knowledge and becomes set up of fate or action and science
becomes the success formula of the action.
Lord Krishna is the new Peter F Drucker of management, the way he guided Arjuna on the battlefield
in the same way he is guiding the management in today’s world. Today’s business meetings are not
less than a battlefield wherein we undergo various brainstorming sessions. The highly placed
executives and professionals must increase their spirituality quotient. The corporate leaders and
honchos must understand the importance of spirituality in business. The perfect blending is required
of management science and science of spirituality.
The three important value points of Gita are:-
1. Knowledge (Gyan)
2. Action (Karma)
3. Care (Bhagti)
The paradox of modern management is that it allows Bill Gates to be the richest man in the world and
at the same time it compels the poor Indian farmer to commit suicide for want of mere subsistence or
an account of his debts.
Shri Krishna’s advice with regard to temporary failure in action is “ No doer of good, ever ends in
misery”.Every action should produce results, good actions produce good results and evil gets nothing
but evil. Therefore, always act well and be rewarded.
And finally the Gita’s consoling message for all men of action is he who follows my ideal in all walks
of life without losing faith in the ideal and never deviating from it. I provide him with all that he
needs(Yoga) and protect to what he has already got(Kshena).

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