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Q1. After a school bus accident, a 6-year-old boy with an D. “I would like to show you a picture of what lungs
injured leg is brought to the emergency room. The child look like after a lifetime of smoking.”
is awake but is carrying no identifying information. The E. “Please tell me how can I help you to stop
paramedics report that the child has not spoken since the smoking?”
accident. The most appropriate first step by the physician F. “Here is the treatment we will use to stop you
is to from smoking.”

A. Get crayons & paper & ask the child to draw Q4. A 45-year-old man, who was previously a successful
pictures with her businessman & devoted husband & father, now neglects
B. Say to the child “I am very sorry about what his work & family. At his last visit he confided to the
happened” physician that he abuses alcohol. His wife tells the
C. Look at the child solemnly in the eye & ask him physician that his drinking is ruining the family. Which of
about the accident the following is the most effective question for initiating
D. Say “If you will not talk to me, I cannot locate a discussion with the patient about the effects of alcohol
your mother” on his family?
E. Leave the child alone so he can rest
A. “Do you know that most patients who drink as
Q2. A lethargic, 19-month-old Mexican American boy much as you do eventually lose their families?”
with a temperature of 102oF is brought to the emergency B. “Do you feel guilty about what your drinking is
room by his mother. When the physician finds that the doing to your children?”
child refuses to drink water, the doctor offers the child a C. “Do you realize the damage that your drinking is
fruit flavoured ice pop. When the child takes it, the doing to your marriage?”
mother becomes panicky & takes the ice pop away. She D. “What do you think is the impact of your drinking
states that, in her culture, one never gives food to a child on your family?”
with a fever. What is the physician’s next step? E. “Your wife says your drinking is ruining your
family. Do you agree?”
A. Explain that the child needs rehydration & is
more likely to eat the ice pop than drink water Q5. A 9-year-old girl who has a terminal illness asks the
B. Follow the mother’s wishes & start the child on physician, “Am I going to die?” The child’s parents
IV previously told the physician that they do not want the
C. Explain to the mother that you are a licenced child to know her dx or prognosis. The physician’s best
physician & know what is best for the child response to the child’s question is to say
D. Explain to the mother that the child can die of
A. “Do not worry; you will be fine”
B. “Yes, you will die of this illness”
E. Elicit a suggestion from the mother about how to
C. “Tell me what your parents have told you about
best get fluids into the child that fits in with her
your illness?”
D. “Your parents do not want you to know about
Q3. A 50-year-old male patient tells his physician that he your illness so I cannot tell you”
smokes at least two packs of cigarettes a day but would E. “Many children with this kind of illness live a long
like to stop. Which of the following is the most effective time”
statement or question the physician can use to
Q6. A 4-year-old child who has never spoken voluntarily
encourage the patient to give up smoking?
shows no interest in or connection to his parents, other
A. “You must stop smoking because it causes lung adults, or other children. Medical examination &
cancer & many other illnesses” ontological testing are unremarkable. The child’s mother
B. “Why does an intelligent man like you continue tells the doctor that he persistently turns the tap to
to smoke?” watch the water running & that he screams & struggles
C. “Do you have any relatives who died of lung fiercely when she tries to dress him. She also complains
cancer?” that he repetitively seems to rub his hands together
whenever he is not using them. Which of the following unknown origin.” Which of the following best describes
disorders best fits this clinical picture? symptom production & motivation in this case?

A. ASD A. Symptom production conscious, motivation

B. ADHD conscious
C. Rett disorder B. Symptom production unconscious, motivation
D. Conduct disorder conscious
E. ASD without language impairment C. Symptom production conscious, motivation
F. Childhood disintegrative disorder unconscious
D. Symptom production unconscious, motivation
Q7. A 26-year-old medical student is brought to the
emergency department by her husband. The husband
E. Not enough information to determine
tells the doctor that his wife has shown odd behaviour
ever since failing an exam 2 weeks ago. In particular, she Q10. The parents of a 26-year-old woman say that they
tells him that people are trying to poison her. The woman are concerned about her because she has no friends &
has no prior psychiatric history, & physical examination spends most of her time hiking in the woods & working
& laboratory results are unremarkable. What is the most on her computer. The doctor finds that she is content
appropriate dx for this patient at this time? with her solitary life & has no evidence of a thought
disorder. Which of the following is the most appropriate
A. Schizoaffective disorder
personality disorder displayed in this patient?
B. Schizophrenia
C. Schizophreniform disorder A. Borderline personality disorder
D. Brief psychotic disorder B. Histrionic personality disorder
E. Psychosis due to general medical condition C. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
D. Avoidant personality disorder
Q8. A 21-year old ballet dancer, who is 5 feet 7 inches tall
E. Antisocial personality disorder
& has weighed 95 pounds (BMI 14.5) for the past year,
F. Dependent personality disorder
tells the doctor that she needs to lose another 15 pounds
G. Dissociative personality disorder
to pursue a career in dance. Her mood appears good.
H. Paranoid personality disorder
Findings on physical examination are normal except for
I. Narcissistic personality disorder
excessive growth of downy brown hair. She reports that
J. Schizotypal personality disorder
she has not menstruated in more than 3 years. Which of
K. Schizoid personality disorder
the following is most likely to characterize this female?
Q11. An 84-year-old woman is brought to the emergency
A. Lack of interest in preparing food
room by a neighbour who found her wandering down the
B. Extreme interest in sex
street in her nightclothes. The patient seems confused &
C. Lack of appetite
mistakes the emergency room physician for her nephew.
D. Conflict with her mother
Physical examination of this patient reveals evidence of
E. Poor school performance
pneumonia & presence of a high fever. The neighbour
Q9. A 12-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital with a notes that, before today, the patient always appeared
dx of “pain of unknown origin.” His parents tell the oriented, alert, & well groomed. This clinical picture is
physician that the child has complained about pain in his most suggestive of
legs for one month. Neurological & orthopaedic
A. Alzheimer disease
examinations fail to identify any pathology. This history
B. Vascular neurocognitive disorder
reveals that the child was hospitalised on two previous
C. Pick’s disease
occasions for other pain symptoms for which no cause
D. Parkinson’s disease
was found. After 4 days in the hospital, the nurse reports
E. Huntington disease
that the child shows little evidence of pain & seems
F. Delirium
“remarkably content.” She also reports that she found a
medical textbook by the boy’s bedside table with a
bookmark in the section entitled “skeletal pain of
Q12. Q16.





Q15. Q19.
Q20. Q23.





Q9. C Q18. A
Q1. A
Q10. J Q19. D
Q2. E
Q11. F Q20. E
Q3. E
Q12. B Q21. D
Q4. D
Q13. C Q22. C
Q5. C
Q14. C Q23. C
Q6. A
Q15. B Q24. D
Q7. D
Q16. A Q25. C

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