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CheeseCrlsp · Ho.3 �lla Espedlll �
A 1u¡e crtsp flour tort11la topped wlth melted Four cum tDrtiUu ftlled wlth c:heeseJ Chuld& Suiza • No.31 Bistek Suizo � Ho•.«J
dlet:te. wlth lettPCe and l',MlalmOl•. Two flour tortillas swffed with chNM � T\W flaur tortillas stufflld wlth dMle9 and
W1th Shn!dded 8eef orChldten W1th Chortzo tt,fn por1t loln, topped wlth more cheese ood ou r charllrulled beef steak,topped wlth more cheete B1stekcon Enchfladas Sutzu-Ho.14 Alambre Tacos con Cllfl.aoulles Suizo,· Ho.17
...-plqulUosauco.Guacamole and our routed ptqufUo sauoo. Guacamot. TWo cheete enchlllda serwd wlth twa 1'wo boef or ch1cken - sautffd wlth blcon,
1MlnlCh1mls- No.� Champlflones Suizos - No.11 on the s1de,_.,led wtth lettuce, on !he stde, accon,panled wtth lettuce, onlons and bell peppers, served wfth a slde ot
ene itz..t beef o,chld!en chlmls wltl, sour M91ted chNM l4tfWd on a lkili..t with aut.d refried beans 11nd rice. charro beans ...i rice. c:hilaquiles iRed or Green).
cream,piquillo � and piacamole on the mtlshruorn and flaur torttlLu. --I PechUI& Suiza con Alambre Tacos- No.15
slde, with lettuce and tomato. Pechup Sutu. - t4o.J2 � American Sfr1oln alCarbon- Pllo.�1 1'wo flour IOrtfUu stufled wftJ, -111d ,,.., y Tlerl'I,- No.1$
Quesadilla Su!D • No.12 l'No llour tortlllu swffed wlth choow and -..sfr1'1fnchut>rolledSlftk.........iwtth...­ crltled thfn- breut topped wltll more Top strloln stHik cooked to arder, accompanfed
srflled thln dlldoen breut, topped wlth more ..,..1ec1 plquUlo sauce on the -. lettuce, fries, wlth cu cruy slvtmp,terved wlth steamec:I
-f.,, Que,o Suizo (l'wo porson,)- No.5 A � tlour tortilla ltufled wlth melted cheete. Serwd wtth twD beef archlCRn t.lCOI
Our unlque melted cheese, lel'ved on • skfllet
wlth llour IO!tlUu.
dleele,serwd with let.t.uc:e, tlAlClmole ilfld
JOl9' creun.
dleese andar routed ptqulllo sauce. Guacamole
on the side, KCDmpMia:I with tettuce,
ctiarro beanslnd r1ce. autéed with bacan, bell peppn and onionl. �-
WithChorim --orO,ld!en charro bans .nd rtce. Platon de Blstek con (hll.aqulles Sutzm- No.4' -" 1 Plalltlo Mixto con Blstok- Ho.16 Beef Tamal con End111ada Sutza- Mo.20
FIJtta Styte (Stnk «Ctlfc:ken) Dlced chlrbro11ed beef,serwcl on two com tortillas - Ono kef tamal cowrod wlth onchtlada ,auce,
1WD· 11stek tlCos lelW!d on two c:om tortillas,
Qµeso a Lo Porrilla (FamlLy Stze) - No.6 Chtlaquli<s sui-- No.33 - a •fde "'chtlaqultm, accompanled wlth mettedcheese, - crean,and metted -· -led
A fomlLy-....t111 <l melted c:t.w on a Guacamole - Ho.13 Home made crlsp com tortillaschlpo wlth chlcken, churo beans and rtce. chorizo,trilled blll pepper$ IMd with one � enchilada.
table trlll,wlth flo..- tortMlas. 5erNd wk:h frestl tomatoG, aiaimbers Vld SOIM' c....m and mel.t:ed chMla, topped with our -"wftJ, __
With Chorizo o r mulhroorns tortllla chips.
endlfladll 5llUCe (Red ar Gn!efl).
""f"' ICarne Alada con Enc:hllada -No. 45
A thfn rtrloln steak llfllled and•l"fflf wltl1 ono
++w.. u,e onty tow flt canola 01t+ +
� a.lcken Melt • Ho.34 c-ancht.ja, IA!ttuce, ...-moi., stlcad
Dlced chfcken breut sautéed whtl bacon, placed on jllapel\o and plqullllo """' on the slde,
a f1ourtortilla with melted cheese. Topped with accompanied w'ith refried beans and rice.
a"WUado and tomM:OeS, served wlth lettuce,
��§:ddaCM ch&ITO bQns and r1c;e, 81,tek TIQOS • No,4
Ok:ed charbrol led beef stelk, tervecl on two com �� �eefJ
1 tortlllm wlttl cbntro 111d onlon on the s1de,
"f� Enchiladu Suizas - Ho.J5 or 36 Allburrltoo areoc,:ompo.nled by our trMlltfonal
� !Sopa de Tortilla a la Suiza· Ho.1, Salad acxompanied with �ried beans ni rice. Flsh TatOf- No.7
Three fresh h1rd'n1de com tortillas refrled -·· rfc:e ood lettuce.
our famo"' com tortila soup With • �t Ff'Nl romafn. let.tua wtth parmean chNH, .Addcheese Frled codflll> toppod wlth Jalapofto cmm
fltled wlth ctlfc:ken, -or cheese, Bwrito - No.51 cheese, cabbqo ood awcodo,wrapped fn a
bland of nwltad chNM on top fresh fried com blKk ollws,CroulOnS, a pesto stuffed awered wfttl our enchtlade. sauce (Red or Green),
tortilla strfps fn a Mexlc:an soup brath. �· fAlllff>IO kef Taco, • Ho.4 1 Hou. Bun1to wlttl efther shrwdded llourtorttllll and serwd wltl1 coleslaw and
ert1chokeand c.....- drealnt- mettecl cheese and sour aum,
llowl Cup Dlced llr\otn of -SIU!Ñd wlth bacon,onlons ancf -or chlcken. chipotle raoch drwuins,
served with charro beans 1nc1 rice.
Wlth sour clftm and .avocado Ud WithChi� or Steu add be-U peppen, sel'YN on twD com tortillas with
lettuce,refrled bl!llns MIi rice. 'f"' Chlmlchanp -Ho.52
Shrlmp Enchlladu - No.27
C- Enchlladu con Mole. .Addcheese A ia,¡eftOIM'tortttla fllledwltJ,­
Consome de Pollo - No.2 C-CobbSalad Three fresh handmMte tortlllu ffllld wlth
Three fresh hal'DTladl cornt.ortllllll shrwddm bNf ar dliclcan,dNp·friad and
The un1que ..-.1 trmltlanal P•rlllaChtci.n Freth lcel>er¡ lettuce wltl1 Clffllb,cheny shrlmpand coveredwltll enchllada"""'
flli.d wlthchtdoen, cowred wtth t.lO!e Auce, melted topped wtth our tantY jalapeño saur aum
--wlth rice,CMY and fmh carTOU. tomatoes.,sweet com. c:uamber1and dlced Tacos Dorados • Ho.56 (Rlcl or GnNn),ft'MtlbildchiNSe and tourCl'NIYI,
cheese, let.tuce and sour cream, 111d me(ted cheele.
llowl Cup chidlefl umed with your dloa of ou r house Thn!e frted com taco shells ftli.d wltl1 shredcled ,.. serwd with rfce.
served Wllh dlarro beans lnd rtce.
W1th aYOCado slfces add or ctripotle ranch dre&lnt. PQund bNf, lettute, tomato.s W1d chNM, l9l"V9d

La Parrllla Su1D Salad

Púton deOluleta conOlllaquli<s s.,,.. - No.i.
Thln bonel<ss por1t loln trlli.d and dlced, serwd on
wfth pfqum.a sauce,gu.camole
alld charro beens on the slde. Asada Burrito - Na.53
Clmaron Loco- No.29
GrtUed st.rtmp, ontons, bell peppers,tomatoes
Fre,ti 1reen IHf lettuce, toned tn our house �· 1Taco Salad- Ho.49 and chiles, c:overed with spicy red sauce,
two com tortilla, with • riele of chillCf.liles,served Alambre lkmto · No.SS
dronlnt wlth chopped bacon,cheny lcebet¡ let.tuce, celery, cucumben, sweet serwc1 wfth ra 1ne1 flaur tortttLm.
wlth lettuce, c:h•rro beUls lnCI rfce.
-· blue <""-, tancertne strlpS and
com, tornatDl's,ldcllW)' bNns,d'INM wlttl a
slde of chtslnt •IICI Mrwd tn a crfsp ftour Chuleto Tacos - No.47
:JitmÚ!tlk D1ced sfrtaln af beef or chlcken breut
sauteed wru, bacon, onlcw and bell
'fr f Shrlmp TICOO- No.JO
tortlilll shell. t"" AII Panltladlls are Jerwd on a table p1U and
Three llour tortillas fltled wlth sau!Nd shrlmp,
Dlced ¡rtu.d por1t loln, serwd on two com tortlllu
W1th ch1rbolled Beef or Chlclfen add Beef orChlcken accompu11ed by our tndft1onal d'la1TTO bnl1I: ancl t,acon,lett:.uu, tomatoes,belt � lnd
wftti dlantro, onton, lettuce on the 11de, Bean Burrito - Na.60 onions, SMWd wlth rfce a: routed plquillo
aa:ompanied with refried buns .1nd rice. fresh hllndrnade com tortllllis. Wlth refrled b111r11111d chNse.
Add cheese la Parrilla SU/m ,1 c..,,., 10ur t-al S1de <l
sauce on the sfcle.
mried 1>eons not indudedJ Shrlmp Melt-No.341
AlambreOlldoen Taco,- Ho.41 Parrttladll de Pollo - No.37 Gñtled shñrnp Sllded With bacon and pll<ed
•All heoltil)'Ye81M'disllesare � by ourtraditional refñed beonl,riCe and lettuce. Dlced chtclcen breast sautAed wtth bacon,onlons Ch1cl<oen dlcad and ,autffd wlth bacon, ontons MI. lkn1tos .,.. Enchilada styte
(Redor Green TomatlUo S.uc») .cid on a flour tortilla with melted cheele. Topped
and beU peppers, seNed on two com tortillas and beU peppers.
Vefllle FaJltas�Ho.21 Vegi& Burrito-Ho.24 wlth avoc:::wjo W"ld tomltoa,Mrwd wfth
11CCDmpanled wlth tettuce,
Grilled &autJed zuc.chini,bell peppen, onioRl, Gr1Ued sautNd :zua::twl'ni', bell peppeB, antons, coleslaw, chllro blllns w r1c:e.
refrfed bnnt and rfc:e.
rooshruoms, tomatoes and sweet mm, served
on I skfllet. Accompwlted wtth lett1.1c:e,,our
craom, .- and tlour tortlllao.
(111ce nat lnduded)
mushrooml, tomatots en d $'IIIN« com,
wr_.i In a tlour tortilla, coven!d wltl1
enchlladll lllUCe (Red Green),
t.opped Wlth CMe'Se and 10Ur cream.

Chi�n Rlutu Ho.54

Parrftlada Mixta- Ho.3'1
Mlndsrfllof chut>rolled-ltrlpo,wltl1twoc:t.w
queAdM!as and a bel! pepper stuffed wlthch-.
Mllrinated chatbroiled .elec:ticwl of beef,
Salman Ranctlera -No.62
Salmon wilh our l'Uld19ru oriptal Al.A,
sarwd wfth rb n WIIIIIS.
lhl'l!e com tortillas flllecl wlthchlcken,rolled and aocompanied � chorizo and a,illed onions. chk::ken arshr1mp wfth betl peppen and anlons,

frted,tappecl wlth sour cram and rOIISted pfc,.,fllo -on a s1zz11,. lldllet, ac:componled wlth WE OFFER 1°" SENIORAND
1111.1ee on t� sfde-,terved wfth tettuce,pcarnole, .._,cuacamot.. sourcnorn. r.frled bolns
'f"'l:i,11e Relleno con Enchilada- Ho.22 Green Com Tamal con Enchflada - No.25 MILITARY DISCOUNTS
charro betlns and r1oe. Porrlllada Suiza-No.-42 and fresh llour-lao.· Mlllt PN9Mlt ..,.,. m.
ChllA! Poblano stuffed w1t1, cheese, -...i fn Cine c:om tamal coven!d wltl, t_, tomaUUo cti1clcen or 8eef Shrtmp
Deltc:tous Top Slrloln wltl1 e- and melted cheese.
• batll!r,tcpped wltl1 our spec:lal chllA! sauce,soa,r cret.m and cheese,ac:compaRied .CollWll"llr Mvllory:
relleno S1Uee""1 melted cheete,
wlth on.chN9.-.chllada.
_.,ied wlth me cheele enchilada.
Trio (Chicken, &eef,Shrimp) eoi.rn1rt r'fNI or uneooiltd IIIN.t, poultrY, ...-ood,
Porrlllada de AIA!te • Ho,4 SPECIAL FAJITAS A:JR 1WO (Olldleaor led) apecfal!y tf )IOl,l 11....-certlln medial a:wKlltall.
�·������1"4W�---Tltrill�tiwMI Dlced beef toU!Nd wltl, bacon, onl<n a betl peppen. •ldditJoMI otdtrfli tlda

- t- n.a,

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,..· •� �-:-



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