Sheep Farming

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About 90% of total goat population of the world can be found in the developing countries.

And about 58% of total goat population can be found in Asia and
Pacific. Asia and Pacific goat population also contribute about 62% skin, 49% milk and 62% meat of total goat meat, milk and skin production.
Goat farming in Pakistan is also playing a significant role in the economy of this country by producing about 275 thousand tons mutton, 21.4 thousand
tons hair, 25 million skins and about 851 thousand tons milk annually. And this production contribute about 2.5% of total national income of Pakistan. The
production rate is increasing day by day (see the chart below). This huge production is coming from millions of poor, marginal or landless people and some
other commercial producers. The goat products, produced in Pakistan are of high quality and has a great d
High quality and healthy goat breed plays an important role in their overall production. Beetal, Barpari, Pak Angora, Dera Din Panah, Chapper, Bilkaneri,
Kamori, Ieddy, Kaghani, Nachi, Khurasani, Tappray, Pateri, Kapla Gulabi etc. are very suitable for farming according to the climate of Pakistan.

Among the goat breeds Beetal, Dera Din Panah, Kamori, Khurasani are suitable for commercial milk production. Barbari, Chapper, Teddy and some other
breeds are highly meat productive. You can select Pak Angora, Bilkaneri, Kaghani etc. goats for fiber production. All goats produce skin. But Beetal, Dera
Din Panah and Nachi produce high quality skin.

 Kooka sheep breed originated from Pakistan.
 They are very suitable for meat and wool production.
 White body color.
 Mouth is medium sized.
 Head is very heavy.
 Their forehead become very wide.
 Horns are very small.
 Ears are hanging.
 Produce about 3 kg wool per year.
 Mea

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