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S4PE ME2014 Mechanics of Machines Winter 2018-19

Assignment 1 Synthesis: Path generation, Static force analysis Submit before assignment-test 1

1. (Path generation–three precision points without prescribed timing) Synthesize a mechanism to trace a path
passing through the points P1(3,3.5), P2(4,4), P3(5,3). Check the design by sketching three configurations.
How many free choices are there in the design variables?
2. (Static force analysis of machines) What is the force P for static equilibrium in Fig.1? Also obtain all the
joint forces and reactions. The various link lengths are (in mm) O2A=100, BA=150, BO4=125, CO4=200,
CD=400, O2O4=60.


Home Work
3. In Fig.2 pinion 2 is the driver and gear 3 is an idler. The gears have a diametral pitch of 6 and 20 o pressure angle. Sketch the
FBD of gear 3 and show all forces acting. Pinion 2 rotates at 900 rev/min and transmits 25 hp to the gear set.
4. Sketch the Free-Body-Diagram (FBD) of each link and show all the forces acing. Obtain the torque T12 to be applied on link 2
for static equilibrium of the linkage shown in Fig.3. Also, obtain the forces in the bearings. Work out the solution both
graphically and analytically.
5. (Ref. Fig.3) Obtain the equilibrium torque using the principle of virtual work.
6. ( ,, ) How will you solve the problem using method of superposition?
7. Determine the torque M12 required to drive slider 6 of Fig.4 against a load of P=100N, at a crank angle of θ = 30o.

Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4

Data Fig.3: AO2=100 mm, CA=350 mm, O2O4=350mm, CO4=250 mm, DO4=175 mm, BA=350 mm, BC=200 mm

Data Fig.4: O2A=63 mm, BC=200mm, BO4=400 mm

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