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Examples of junk food

 Pizza: One of the most fatty foods that exist

and that consuming it in excess can be harmful
to health.

 Burgers: Because of the great combination of

ingredients is a great source of carbohydrates,
there are cases of people who have died from
a heart attack when eating a hamburger

 Donuts: This product is very rich, has different

flavors and styles, but it is extremely fatty and
can cause serious damage, such as weight

 French fries: In some parts it is also known as

French fries, because of the large amount of
oil used and condiments, it is one of the most
consumed, but also harmful products.
 Hot-dog: although it is not as dangerous as the
previous ones, its excessive consumption can
bring you many problems.
 Sweet:Sugars are potentially very harmful
food products. Although natural sugars can be
found in foods such as fruits without being a

 Juices:Natural juices are not bad if they are not

abused, but they are those that contain sugar.

 pre-cooked food: In many homes, pre-cooked

food is part of everyday life. This is very bad
news for your health, as it is very common to
consume food products with too much
ingredients such as salt, glutamate or sugar

 Comida ultraprocesada: Products that contain

large amounts of refined flours, refined sugars,
unhealthy fats and salt are examples of this
type of junk food.
 Industrial breakfast cereals:These contain
huge amounts of refined flours and sugars that
raise the glycemic index.

Examples of healthy food

 Salmon: It has a high content of Omega 3;

which according to studies, prevents cell
aging and helps improve the functioning
of the heart. It also has vitamin B,
phosphorus and protein.

 Nuts:Source of vitamins and energy for

the body. It is vital for the heart and
related diseases and is said to potentiate
male fertility.

 Linseed:It has omega 3 oils, magnesium,

phosphorus, copper, fiber, thiamine,
manganese, potassium and zinc.
 Carros: It helps digestive processes and
keep vision healthy.

 Orange:Rich in vitamins, mineral salts and

sugars. It contains an important level of
fiber, ideal for digestion and an excellent
antioxidant that helps the body to discard
excesses or imbalances.

 Papaya: It has enzymes that help

digestion, its caloric content is minimal, it
has a healing effect and is used in cases
of gastric ulcer.

 Broccoli:It is one of the foods that help to

care for and improve the skin condition;
Reduces the damage of diabetes and the
risk of cáncer

 Grape:It is an antioxidant and helps prevent

the symptoms of aging, since it activates the
production of collagen and elastin.
 Pineapple-:It stands out mainly for combating
fluid retention in the body and providing an
important level of fiber.

 Beans:They contain proteins and essential

fibers for the body

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