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In this case study, the businesses cannot handle too much data in manual writings so they have to
maintain a particular database. The database application means it is referred as DBMS (Database
Management System). In this current business scenario the organisations are using these databases
widely to save their data’s in them and have a backup plan with it. In this case study of the “Butler
Financing”, they do the matching of the lender and borrowers and check how many borrowers have
mortgaged their things. As the study says the company is not getting the successful results in the
previous database so then they decided to change the database to be their work more effective. In
this case study, Butler Financing Company has the relationship between the borrowers and lenders
in the market, but they are not able to use and access it in an appropriate way. In this case study,
we are going to highlight the use of databases and its importance.

2. Justification of database

In today’s era the businesses can only survive with the useful and appropriate database in their
businesses. The companies require the databases according to their use and requirement of the
business as in the Butler’s company they require the database which give them the benefits which
are listed as follows:

(A) Control of data redundancy: With the use of database the software can be designed in a way
that there will be no repetition of the data. For example, if a borrower has already taken
loan from one lender it can be easy to check the details of that borrower if he is paying the
previous loan on time or not. Ideally, each data item is stored in only one place in the
database (Chapter3, Characteristics and benefits of a database- Database Design, 2nd edition,
and 2019).
(B) Secure data: Considering the seriousness for handling private data businesses does not want
to share its data with anyone in the company or anyone outside the company being third
parties. Therefore the company must ensure its employees and customers a secure database
which can be customised that other person can only see the data without making any
changes or the selective employees can only be allowed to see and manipulate the relevant
information of the data. This can be very effectively prevented in DBMS, where the database
administrator (DBA) can block or grant access as required and therefore restrict the
potential harm to the data. (
(C) Integration of data in a particular manner: The database helps to integrate the data in an
effective way so that it can clearly show the relationships between the lenders and
borrowers. It allows the company to customise its systems and procedures to suit its
requirements. This further gives the user a chance to be unique and perform its functions as
it wants to without having to follow any set rules. Sometimes companies only requires the
particular integration for example, for mortgage amount company only wants the numeric
data (numbers only), which can only be done in the database of the company.
(D) Backup and recovery of the data: Backup is a very important tool for any business. The
enormous amount of data featured in the systems of a company must be backed up to avoid
any loss of important information due to system breakdowns. Thus a company only wants a
database that provides strong backup facility. For example, if company is met with a disaster
of fire then there important data must not get away it should be with a backup facility so
that the company can retrieve their data from the available sources. The database must
have all the strengths which a company requires in it according to the use of the business
(E) Sorting of data: The database also has the feature of sorting of data so that when the
requirement of data is there the items are already been sorted to use. This feature allows
the company to sort data quickly saving them from the hassle of manually sorting it. It saves
both time as well as effort on part of the users. It further allows the user to play with the
data and increases the scope of innovation and development.

3. ER Diagram

ER Diagrams are used to show the relati8onship between two items in the database. For example,
here you can see in this picture which is taken from the mortgage company, in this picture the
borrower number and lender number is related to the mortgage and property appraise is also
related with the mortgage. So, these all are the relationships shown through the ER diagram. ER
diagrams are easily used in the databases to create the relationships between all the items.

4. IT Security and Privacy

The data must be secured from the viruses and hacking so that there is no harm to the data of the
company. There are various factors of the database through which company can ensure to prevent
unauthorised access to the data (Meriuta Serban, 2014). IT security is most important feature which
is important in Database system of the companies. Following are the factors for data security:

 Hacking: Hacking is an act of possessing someone’s information without permission.

It is a crime by law and every company tries to make sure that their system is strong
enough and free from the threat of hacks. The database of a company thus must
have high degree of security inbuilt, so that there can be no hacking on it and the
data is safe. For securing the system the company should use high secured
passwords which cannot be cracked easily. The passwords should never be saved in
the system; every department has different passwords so that no one can guess
them easily. These systems put in place help the company to acquire its customers
trust and thus increase involvement and satisfaction.
 Theft: The data might be stored in physical hard drives or storage devices and may
have multiple copies to ensure it is kept save and accessible when required. The
database thus should be in a place where there is no chance of getting physical
theft. The company must make high security for saving the place where they have
kept the servers for the data and this should be kept away and private from ordinary
users. Security alarms can be setup at the place where the servers have been kept.
Cameras can play a vital role in recording the CCTV footage of the place where the
servers of the databases are kept. Further, only limited number of people should be
allowed to access this area and using biometrics for their entry can potentially limit
the theft.
 Interruptions: A very strong internet and intranet connection is important for any
database to work effectively. Including maintaining the correct availability of the
systems, no stopping of the servers, force shut downs, electric supply will not affect
the data loss. The data should get saved automatically if this occurs during working
hours. No interruptions can affect the system’s data.
 High password securities: Due to some circumstances if someone has forgot
system’s password, they can recover the passwords by using Multi Factor
Authentication (MFA), when the person log in in you will get an option to select a
security image which is followed by one time used password through a verification

5. Conclusion

In a nutshell, it can be said that putting up a database system is very important for a company to
function smartly and effectively. It further allows the company to control the secure data with
customised integration and sorting facilities, with a strong backup option available. Further it is
inferred that security of private data is a must and some of the ways it can be achieved includes
setting up anti-hacking systems, anti-theft systems, low interruption systems and high password
security. Therefore, putting up a DBMS system is essential for Butler Financing Company.


Mariuta Serban(2104),Emerging markets queries in finance and business, Principles of security and
integrity of databases, pg. 401-40(

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