Chapter 7 Physics

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Physics 14 - Work, Power, Eneray Worksheet [KE ¥ | +. Galouate he work done bya 47 N force pushing @ pencil 0.28 m, Ws Fox we 47 6.2): [72.2 ] 2. Caleulat the work done by 47 N force pushing 80.026 kg pencil 0.25 m against a force of 23.N Buy 247-23 © 240 we fer: 24¢25): (C7) “+3. Calelate tha work dona by a 2.4 N force puci rndwich across a table 0.75 m wide Wi Fax wy: (2.91.75) Ur] 4. How far can a mother push @ 20.0 kg baby carriage, using a force of €2 N, if she can only do 2920 J ol ere ws Fox Z9e0 = C2 (ax) +6. ee oe Me me eo Fy2 2000-592 VIEW ~ Uzyy, 6. Ifa smell motor does a of Work to move @ toy car 260 m. what force does It exert? w? Fes F:2n Sto: F. 2l6 “se7 A gel pushes hor litle brothor on his sled with a forge of 300 NI for 750 m. How much work le this i ‘the force of friction ‘on the sled is (a) 200 N,(bj)800 N? a) Mor of sas =206)(750) Wh, “ax 4 . rea hd dest 4) ways (5UE- SUU)/IS0) 8. 476.0 kg man pushes on a 500,000 wal for 260s buf os nat hve Fd nich word does he = loF 9. A boy ona bicycle drags a wagon full of newspapers at 0.80 m's for 30 min using a force of: How much workhae te boy done? =» AF Bbmn, fess 100s 3 rd & $45 eg Oke ie— 410. Wheto gration poten croft LIN kg Besancon the oot ofa Baling lay to (a) the prt ar, te stat or, (hes a (Each story 8 = high. ~ 20S Mey fet 9 Feb E lt iie ten (2orrXe Soo] ©) a 42 (9-4 Muo2sde a Atte ee ene anata fe vt 0 econo ‘measured along the ground, What is the plane's loss of potential energy? 3 PE - PE «Et mgh = ose (2.5) (Oboe fe = OF: Fas = [1£0, 00¢ Fst 12, A ccoonut falls out ofa tree 12.0 m above the ground and hits a bystander 3.00 m tall on the top of the head. It bounces back up 1.50 m before falling to the ground. If the mass of the coconut is. 2.00 kg, calculate the potential energy of the coconut relative to the ground at each of the following po poy (a) while it is still in the tree, (b) when it hits the bystander on the head, (ci when it bounces up to its maximum height, {Gh when tlands onthe ground, (e} when it rolls into a groundhog hole, and falls 2.50 m to the bottom of the hole. a)PEs mgy s TELEICD = 28ST d) oF 4) PE= 2 easyer: 597 yeaa ©) PEs 24. FIG ens) eet 2-25) “497 0 13. Caleulate the kinetic energy of a 45 g Spit Ball travelling at: (a) 20, mls, (2) 9 misc) 60 mis KEztev’ a) KE: $00WIQ0: 7H cy) F/T Da 2HT 44, whonn spat fn ght ei, on sna apr ul? Ex ur anor kee fav (vehe t 18) = No, KE quedeagls v'—> Cev)™= Qu 16. oan ose tenga coat) 20%88 4620508) ) 4.0 KWH? var 6) 200000 2 (aoe) * 16. How high,would you have to it a ita potential energy of: (a) 2.0 x 109 J, (b) 2.00 x 10° J, (&f1.00 KW:h?- e) fare 6) 20v00d =rm.9, 9.) ae eal 4 (cA bz20vy 47. A50kg bicyclist on a 10 kg bicycle speeaSup fom 5.0 mis to 10 ms. (2) What was the total kinetic energy before accelerating? (0) What was the total kinetic energy after accelerating? {c) How much work was done to increase the kinetic enorgy ofthe bicyclist? © fpr woe eadue fon quae ease 8.010 10.0 mis? G) KE=tmv'= 4 @0)G)* [75057 b) e+ $ (Co)00)** GoooT bs 6) We BEE = Fo00-750= le2SeF/ FD) osm: ane: Eccoys*— £0Me? * 750T* w < eeser Pere eh KN gad ham S-10% 18. Atthe moment when a shotputter releases a 5.00 kg shot, the shot is 3.00 m above the ground and travelling al 15.0 m/s. It reaches a maximum height of 8.00 m above the ground and then falls to the ground. If air resistance is negligible, (a) Whai was the potential energy of the shot as it left the hand relative to the _— « ‘ground? (b) Wha: was the kinetic energy of the shot as it left the hand? ae (C) What was the total energy of the shot as it left the hand? (@) What was the total energy ofthe shot as it reached its maximum height? (e) What was the potential energy of the shot at its maximum height? (9) What was the kinetic energy of the shot at its maximum height? (@) What was the kinetic energy of the shot just as it struck the ground? re) A) PErmgy: ee a e) PE Fy) eee 2 ns l bytes bev = OME £) KE: TE-PE c) TEs KE*PE = 7-83[703] ' 270 - a2 bed) a) TE; Fé « (WOT) 9 PESS, 50 if EoHEv7E 18. A power mongrdoes 8.00% 10° Jof workin 0.600h, What oats eae 1x Sh Bue r 7. 900005 | eo acy sh = MO pe Te shoe 20. How long woblittake a 500 W Blot moter 10 dot 60 x 105. o w og we 2 hee’ +: BE Fog 2! eee = 306s) 21. How mugh work can 822 KW car engine doin 60 sf ts 100% ecient? prs 2200 we 320, vow 22. A force of 5.0 N moves a 6.0 kg object along a rough floor at a constant speed of 2.5 mis. a (a) How much work is done in 25 s.? 6 pr: $25 (b) What power is being used? ne DE (c) What force of friction is acting on the Rae = rw) tel gy := See a VieVpienr, 2K cr a eae Ox: 625m w: Fox: Sule )=(312.5T) ‘tam Krew such lectcelovrgy i Mowat har) woo 6.0 Wig BaD en 60.0 dys et on stead 24, 6.0 kg metal ball moving at 40 mis its 26.0 kg ball of pty at ost andstoks of The two.90, oon at 2.0 mis. KE (a) What is the kinetic eneray of the metal ball before it hits? {b) What is the kinetic energy ofthe metal ball atorit his?) ye {(c) What isthe kinotic energy of the putty ball afier being hit? KF: (a) How much energy does the metal ball lose in the collision? () How much kinetic energy does the putty ball gain in the colision? , (8) What happened tothe rost of tho enoray? CY KEtgmv® Le yegts RT A) abr: [6 2/ ©) (27) F) lst % fiction ony. MEY ‘TYPICAL NUMERIC QUESTIONS FOR PHYSICS TREGULAR (QUESTIONS TAKEN FROM CUTNELL AND JOHNSON WORK AND ENERGY CONTENT STANDARD IV A 1. A concrete block is pulled 7.0 m across a frictionless surface by means of a rope. The tension in the rope is 40 N; and the net work done on the block is 247 J 2, Mie a citing tb res wing hnmarpowered iren owe. He pubes fe mower witha foros of 43 ceeded tan angle ot 41" bow sbortzonal deton. Calculate the work tit Mike does on the mover in pushjag 91 macros te yard 4) 5103, -B) 4603-6) 4103" D) 3601 10D does the rope make with the horizontal? 3) 41°C) 47D) 62° B) 88° 3. A.5.00-kg block of ce is sliding across a frozen pond at 2.00 mis, A 7.60-N force is applied im the direction of motion. Alter the ice block slides 15.0 m, the force 1s. Pesaran 4. A force of magnitude 25 N directed at an angle of 37° above the horizontal moves a 10- kg crate along horizontal surface at constant velocity. How much work is done by this fire moving tert distance of 1S? A) zerojoues. B) 1.73 ©) 403. D) 981 @ 3007) 5) 9X A1.0-Ke ballon the end of string is whirled at a constant specd of 2.0 mvs in a he Paizo de ofadns [Sex Whats the work don by oe cenipetl ee dng one revoluto A) zero joules B) 273 C) 60J D) 253 E335 Brenda caries an 8 0-kg suiteaseas she walks 25 m along a horizontal walkway to her oom ata constant speed of 1.5 m/s, How much work does Brenda do in eazying her jtcase? Loy = een ae 7. A.1500-kg cr travels at a constant speed of 22 mis around a circular track that i 20: across. Whats ipkneic enerey of hs car? A} nls @J8x DH 331081 Dy 16x10 721051 2 Es gms J (iseomee) 8 The kinetic energy fa cais 8x 1038 it travels longa horizontal road, How much work s required 1 stop the carn 103? 1) zerojoues B) #1041 C) 8x 1081 GH)sx10ks ) #1077 Ware 9. How much energy is dsiatd in braking » 1000-kg cr toa stp fom an ntl speed of | down 420.0003 2000003 c) «00000 D) 8000003) 10.0003 KE = Emu ds ¢ Ceoredcze) : 10. Thekineticenggy ofan 1100-k track is 4.6 1051. What isthe spect of O» A) 21 mis @P9mls 0) 33m D) Ials 1) ms KE tht he wy 11. A40:kg blocks ited vertically 20 meters fom the surfce ofthe earth, To one significant figure, what isthe change inthe gravitational potential energy ofthe block? ‘4) +8003 B) -800) (©) +8000) D) -80001 E) zero joules PEs my 12, A 1500-kg elevator moves upward with constant speed through a vertical distance of 25. m. How much work was done by the tension in the cable? eee A) 9905 B) 81003 ©) 1400005 (H)370000) E) 4300005 Fess 13. A 12-kg crates pushed yp an incline from point A to point B as shown in he figure. ; ‘What isthe change he grviatonl potential energy ofthe E30? aay Be ni me PE ~9 eI caeeeee af cmanay) APE = ng (Oy) 5903 B) 590 €) +1200) D) ~12003 E) +607 20 ae) (Re) reerayes) asvot Page2 14. Ahielicopter (m= 1250 kg) is cruising a a speed of 25.0 mis at an altitude of 185 m, ‘What is the toal mechanical energy of the helicopter? 4) 391x105 D) 618% 1053 2.66 x 105 E) 1.88% 105) ©) 227% 1087 Z ME: KE + PE that « ngh Coen nee ee ‘A2.0-kg projectile is fied with initial velocity components Vx = 30 mis and Yay = 40 mis from a point on the earth's surface. Neglect any effects due to air resistance, 15, What s the kinetic energy of the projectile when it reaches the highest pont in its trajectory? Use v, oh 4) ses CYS) ©) 16003 D) 25003 1) 003 KEE my® 16, A roller-coaster car is moving at 20 mi along a straight horizontal track. What will its ‘speed be aftr climbing the 15-m hill shown in the figure if friction is ignored? ged be afr climbing he 1-m il shown nthe Fg i ition i120 gaps. 6 ayy edn y 400 EBFC I+ dL, 2 vary sm om cancel A) 17s B) 7m/s ©) Sm/s (10RD P14 mls in re: 17, A3.0g block ills fron Nirovgh distance of 6. m nan evacuated tube near the surface of sits speed after it has fallen the 6.0m distance? 7 A) 8.0mis un C) 13mV/s D) 26mis_ E) 120m/s Ke, oe KE + %E, Cre say = BES MED IMT = EG Su) eee esta eel arte art eetee a ts Syptoot the il and continues up the next il hats 1.0m high IMF tow gy TE? ie vi 100g mit) be i TE: eevne thm tm seman’ ote mn OF How fais the car movin the 10.0 hil friction is ignored? my caneals A) is 5) SimaCQ tom) D 18s F) 27m ol Misys 4b eed ee Pages 19. A care package is dropped fiom rest from a helicopter hovering 25 m above tke ground. iat is the speed of the package just before it reaches the ground? Neglect air resistance, mis B) 16m/s C) a D) 80m/s F) SOm’s ee 4 PE . KE, Bay, des Re tdav’ An aE Mie Sra are gyt 777] Peer cee fee he nrc lore reer oat el Pore ren ea eet oY? oa A) zero watts B) 8x 104 W (C) 8 x 105 Ww D) 8x 108 W E) 8x 107W P= - Weake= eno'y =: 2 Lut ee 21, What power is needed tifa 49-45 pcon f vertical duhtic of 50m inz0.0st PE —S— A) 125W_ B) 2W. GOW (d))L20W F) 210W © P= oer 20. A warchouse worker uses a forklift toi aerate of pickles ona platform to aheight 2.75 ‘above the floor. The combined mas of th platform an the eats 207k tthe power expendat by the kit 1440 W, how long does take wT he cas? . we M'snay B)s8le (sere D) Thee Tiger Pee pee Weta s mgye SS797 new 28. The amovnt on energy needed to power a 0.10-LW bulb fo one minute wouldbe just sufficient to lift 1.0-kg object through a verticallistance of A) 2m B) 75m ©) 100m D) 120m (B) f10m we: Fax = 4% LO00T: INCA) B® bx? (Ra Page Use the foiowing to answer question 24: ‘A.0.50-Kg ballon the end of rope is moving in a vertical circle of radius 3.0 m near the surface ‘of the earth where the acceleration due to gravity, gis 9.8 m/s (OU CES ac Ec Cees nny Simca Ay TE: PEr ke sty tte = 50g ye) + > TE 2 cat Gi TEs ORE 1h KE 30417 = 2A, Theball mvt on te ie fm A 19 C under inte of wavy soo nels enagy of he tal 15) atria ney oC? Ayasojodes BY 29) EYa8i BD) 43 Gee) Use the following to answer questions 25-28: ‘A 10.0-kg czte slides along a horizontal ftitionless surface ata constant speed of 4.0 m/s. The ‘rate then slides down a frictionless incline and gcross a second horizontal surface as shown in thefigue, pe sayy s (OCT) | Vaaye Ker ried 2 $Y)” 2 607 25, Whats he king esse. te cate as itslides on the upper surice? 2) G40) Oi) b) 2901 4901 26. While the erate slides along the upper surface, how much gravitational potential energy does it have compared to what itgxguld have on the lower surface? A) 301 B) 803 ©) 140) (D))290! B 4903 Pages TE. * PERE amir ee 27. Whatis the spec ofthe erate when it arives atthe lower sure? ee ueon A) 77 mis gar? 28, Whatis the kinetic eneyeaf th crt sities onthe lower st 4) 2903 B) S20) © amy) ‘4901 B) 5703 vi KH hErtmv ce Use the following to answer question 29: . $onse) 2 3 2Y5 A rope exerts a force F on a20,0-kg crate, The crate starts from rest and accelerates upward at 5.00 ms? near the surface of the earth. ig re 29, aw much work was done by the force Fin raising the crate 4.0 m above the flocr? ‘Ay 399 B) 250) C) 1165 D) 7041 E) 11807 wi Ger sa) oO ~2ons (4) = yood Pages

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