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Homeric ^3^^S$

Vocabularies • V '..*• '-'l' »'^u -




University of Oklahoma Press '

: Norman
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2 1978

An and using any language is the

essential step in learning
acquisition of a working vocabulary. Many methods have
been devised to help with this acquisition, all of them stress-
ing the fundamental importance of mastering the words
most frequently used. The Owen and Goodspeed word-lists—
in which Homeric terms are arranged according to frequency
of usage, divided into categories according to parts of speech,
and presented in an easy-to-use format— are particularly
The word-lists are based in part upon Gehring's famed
Index Homericus and are designed to help the student learn
Homeric words in a systematic way, thereby making the
reading of Homer a rewarding and natural experience.


SPEED were the authors of many articles and books on
classical subjects. CLYDE PHARR is professor of classical
languages in the University of Texas and author of Homeric
Greek: A Book for Beginners^ also published by the Univer-
sity of Oklahoma Press. It is Homeric Vocabu-
his belief that
laries is indispensable for those who would begin the study
of Greek with Homer, as well as for those who would deepen
their knowledge of Greek.

University of Oklahoma Press

Norman, Oklahoma 73069
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Gree\ and English Word-Lists

for the Study of Homer

William Bishop Owen
Edgar Johnson Goodspeed

New Edition, Rearranged and Enlarged,

and with a Foreword,

Clyde Pharr


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 68-31669

New edition copyright 1969 by the University of Oklahoma Press,

PubHshing Division of the University, Norman, Oklahoma. New
edition is revised and enlarged from the original edition published
by The University of Chicago Press. Manufactured in the U.S.A.
New edition first published 1969, second printing, 1975.
The course of English literature might have been different
if Keats, instead of looking into Chapman's Homer, could
have looked into Homer in Homer's own language. Hom-
er and the literature and thinking of his age continue to
present a rewarding field for today's scholars, both young
and old. This book is designed to make their efforts

easier, to facilitate their understanding and mastery of the

Homeric vocabulary.
An essential step in learning and using any language
is the acquisition of a working vocabulary. Many methods
have been devised to help with this acquisition, all of them
stressing the fundamental importance of mastering the
words most frequently used. The Owen and Goodspeed
word-lists, in which Homeric terms are arranged accord-
ing to frequency of usage, divided into categories accord-
ing to parts of speech, and presented in an easy-to-use
format, are particularly helpful.
The Homeric Vocabularies of Owen and Goodspeed
has been used successfully by teachers and students over
many years. If, during this long period of use, the book
has had any major defect, it has been — according to today's
students — the separation of the Greek words from their

English meanings. In previous editions, the Greek list was

in the first part of the book and the corresponding English

list in the back part, an arrangement that, according to

some, required unnecessary and occasionally frustrating
labor. In this edition, the Greek word and its English
meaning are shown on the same page. This arrangement
and the addition of three indexes should make an im-
portant book even more useful.

Clyde Pharr
Austin, Texas

This series of word-lists is the outgrowth of the convic-

tion that the ordinary way of acquiring Homeric vocabu-

lary is both wasteful and ineffectual. The chief difficulty

in learning to read Homer lies in the large and varied

character of the vocabulary required, and these lists have
been prepared in order to help the student to learn Hom-
eric words in a systematic and practical way. A moderate
number of words learned each day and constantly re-
viewed will rapidly enlarge the student's working vocabu-
lary, and steadily better his equipment for sight-reading.
He will gradually be emancipated from the constant use
of the lexicon, while his knowledge of Greek words will

gain rather than lose in precision and permanence. Each

day a few new words should be learned, and those pre-
viously learned should be rapidly reviewed. The student

will very shordy find himself possessed of a vocabulary

which will gready facilitate the work of translation, and

make the reading of Homer at sight a pleasant and na-
tural exercise. In short, it is believed that the mastery of

these lists will secure for the student that much-talked-of

thing, the abiUty to read Homer; and make of his study

of it a means, not simply of discipHne, but of enjoyment

and culture.
The Editors

The demand for a new edition of these lists has given
us the opportunity to correct some misprints and to mod-
ify a few The numberings remain unchanged

throughout. Attention may be called to the fact that in the

statistics of verb occurrences, compounds have been reck-

oned with their primitives. In this we have followed the

procedure of Gehring's Index Homericus, upon the ma-
terials of which our statistics are based.
The Editors

Foreword v

Preface vii

Preface to Second Edition ix

Verbs 3
List I. Occurring 500-2,000 Times 4
List II. Occurring 200-500 Times 5
List III. Occurring 100-200 Times 6
List IV. Occurring 50-100 Times 8
List V. Occurring 25-50 Times 11

List VI. Occurring 10-25 Times 15

Nouns 23
List VII. Occurring 500-1,000 Times 24
List VIII. Occurring 200-500 Times 25
List IX. Occurring 100-200 Times 26
List X. Occurring 50-100 Times 28
List XI. Occurring 25-50 Times 31
List XII. Occurring 10-25 Times 36

Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Etc. 45

List XIII. Occurring 500-10,000 Times 46
List XIV. Occurring 200-500 Times 48
List XV. Occurring 100-200 Times 50


List XVI. Occurring 50-100 Times 52

List XVII. Occurring 25-50 Times 55
List XVIII. Occurring 10-25 Times 60

Index to Verbs 71
Index to Nouns 75
Index to Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Etc. 80

List II

Verbs Occurring
200-500 Times

List III

Verbs Occurring
100-200 Tir.ies

Occurring 100-200 Times

List IV
Verbs Occurring
50-100 Times

Occurring ^o-ioo Times



Occurring 2^-^o Times


List VI
Verbs Occurring
10-25 Times


Occurring 10-2^ Times


Occurring 10-2^ Times


Occurring 10-2^ Times


List VII
Nouns Occurring
500-1000 Times


Nouns Occurring
200-500 Times

List IX
Nouns Occurring
100-200 Times

Occurring 100-200 Times

List X
Nouns Occurring
50-100 Times

Occurring ^o-ioo Times


List XI
Nouns Occurring
25-50 Times


Occurring 2^-^o Times


Occurring 2^-^o Times

List XII
Nouns Occurring
10-25 Times

Occurring 10-2$ Times


Occurring 10-2$ Times


Occurring 10-2$ Times


Occurring 10-2^ Times



Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Prepositions,
Etc., Occurring
500-10,000 Times
Occurring ^00-10,000 Times

Occurring 200-^00 Times

Occurring joo-200 Times

List XVI
Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Prepositions,
Etc., Occurring
50-100 Times
Occurring 50-100 Times

Pronouns, Etc.
Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Prepositions,
Etc., Occurring
25-50 Times
Pronouns, Etc.

241 dr/DCKews Unerringly, truly

242 avTodi. There, here

243 af^ap Instantly

244 dc/)r£tos Wealthy, rich in

245 /Sa^vs Deep
246 /3apv5 Heavy
247 yepatos Old, aged
248 SeiXos Cowardly, miserable
249 Sctvov Dreadfully
250 Se^to? Right (hand), propitious
251 8r;tos Blazing, hostile

252 Bt^v Long, for a long time

253 877POV Long, for a long time

254 8ta/u.7r€pes Through and through, forever

255 8ioycvr;s Sprung from Zeus

256 Soldi Two
257 SoXlxoctkio^ Long-shadowy
258 SovptKA.vTos,SovpiKA.ctTo? Renowned in the use of the spear
259 8vcrixcvrj<s Hostile
260 SciSc/ca Twelve
261 kyyvOev From near, near

262 cyyvs Near

263 eiKO(TL, ietKOiTL Twenty
264 cKcTvos That one, he
265 c/XTreSo? Firm, unshaken
266 l/XTTr;? Wholly, nevertheless
267 €vdev Thence, then, whence
268 cvvocrt'yaios Earth-shaking
269 Ivoai^doiV Earth-shaking
270 tvrocrdt Within
271 €7ri;v When, after

272 €T€pO)0€V On the other side

273 eVKVqfJiLS Well-greaved

Occurring 2^-^o Times

Occurring 2^-$o Times

Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Prepositions,
Etc., Occurring
10-25 Times

Occurring 10-2^ Times

Pronouns, Etc.
Occurring 10-2$ Times

Pronouns, Etc.

499 '^^oxov, Uo^o. Chiefly, by far

500 €^o;(os Pre-eminent
501 CTTteiKeXos Like
502 €7rteiKr;s Suitable

503 €7ricrTa/xevo>s Skilfully

504 €7rt;(^ovtos Earthly, upon earth

505 kirTo. Seven

506 iparuvo^ Lovely
507 ipLf3o}\ai With large clods, fertile

508 e/)6y8ou7ros, e^i'SovTros Resounding

509 ipLrjpo<5 Trusty
511 ipvOpoq Red

513 creov Truly, truth

514 kripoicre. In the other direction

515 €Tr^ru/>tov Actually, really

516 eroL/xos Ready

517 €v8ixrjT0<; Well-built
518 €V€pyr/s Well-made
519 €V^€CrTOS Well-scraped, polished
520 eu^oo? Well-polished
521 evpvdyvLO'S Wide-streeted
522 evpvoTra Wide-thundering
523 evpvxopos With broad lawns
524 €vrUKT09 Well-wrought
525 ^etSojpo? Grain-giving
526 rfydOeos Sacred
527 ^epoetS?;? Misty, dim
528 rjfxa06€.L<; Sandy
529 rjfJLKJVi Half
530 T^i/e/xoets Windy
531 T^VKO/OtOS Fair-haired

Occurring 10-2^ Times

Pronouns, Etc.
Occurring 10-2^ Times

Occurring 10-2^ Times

Pronouns, Etc.
The numbers following the index entries refer to the frequency
listing of the verbs on pages 3-22.

Able (am), 45 Bend, 339 Conquer, 252

Accept, receive, 44 Best, bravest, 318 Conspicuous, 470
Accomplish, 312, 410 Bethink, devise, 428 Contend, strive, 216
Acquire, enjoy, 369 Bewail, 255 Contrive, 434
Admire, 292 Bid, command, 39 Counsel, devise, 245
Advance, attack, 393 Bind, 97 Cover, 58, 475
Afraid, dread, 498 Blow, 294, 471 Cower, hide, 474
Aid, support, 317 Bold, 384 Crowd, 204
Aim, prepare, 505 Born, bear, 189 Cry, 224, 445
Am, 5, 76 Break, 147, 163, 404 Curl, wind, 364
Amazed at, 499 Breathe, 78 Cut, 150, 435, 506
Ambush, lay, 376 Bring, 84, 266 Dart, 36
Angry, ill, 250, 409 Build, 345 Dazed, 327
Anoint, 303, 526 Burn, kindle, 114 Deal, wield, 254
Arm, 222, 235 Bury, 383 Debate, ponder, 260
Arouse, 28 Call, 57, 184, 401 Deceive, 313
Arrange, marshal, 408 Care, 302, 365 Defend, 38, 172
Arrive, reach, 56 Carry, win, 182 Deliberate, 186, 433

Ask, 101, 212, 215, 297 Cease, abate, 239 Delight, 82

Atone for, pay, 279 Chide, 367 Delude, 291

Attend, bestow, 133 Clatter, 314 Deny, 306, 320
Awake, arouse, 98 Cleanse, 394 Depart, 71, 442
Bathe, 241, 421 Cleave, slay, 341 Desire, 242, 357, 420

Bear, 31, 159, 458 Clothe, 104 Despoil, 208, 496

Become, 17, 500 Collect, 90 Die, killed, 55

Before, 283 Come, 8, 21, 472 Direct, 226
Beg, importune, 298 Command, 115, 483 Disgrace, insult, 296

Begin, lead, 40 Concern, 125 Dishonor, 324, 325

Homeric Vocabularies

Disobey, 179 Flee, 32, 508, 515 Kindle, blaze, 194

Distress, 168, 231 Flight, 284 King (am), 92, 332

Distribute, 96, 129 Fling, hurl, 479 Kiss, 414
Divide, 195 Flow, 146, 374, 436 Knock, smite, 234
Divine, 425 Fly, 138 Know, 26, 41, 211

Do, sacrifice, 105 Fold, 473 Labor, 271, 466

Drag, 102, 361 Force, 333 Lack, 197
Draw, 52, 328 Frequent, 476 Lament, 131
Dread, fear, 43 Gather, tell, 63 Lash, whip, 427
Drink, 140 Gaze at, 388 Laugh, 190
Drive, strike, 205 Gird, 380 Lead, i

Dwell, inhabit, 68 Give, 4, 144, 287, 290 Leader, command, 218

Eager, press on, 66 Go, 2, 6, 60, 69, 372, Lean, press, 213
Eat, 99, 217, 375 441, 520 Lean, sink, 118
Empty, sack, 301 Going, about, 124 Leap, 91, 221
Enchant, 387 Grieve, 95, 329 Learn, 145
Encounter, 308-310 Groan, lament, 274 Leave, 24
Encourage, 385 Grow, 286, 293 Let, let go, 20, 47
End, 81, 277 Grudge, deny, 519 Lie, 22, 422
Endure, 154, 507 Guide, lead, 219 Like (am), befit, 51

Enjoin, charge, 152 Hand over, 356 Live, 109

Enrage, anger, 160 Harangue, speak, 35 Loathe, hate, 494

Enter, 46, 201 Harm, slay, 349 Look, see, 346
Equip, prepare, 257 Hate, 378 Loose, release, 64
Escape notice, 240 Have, 9, 430, 525 Lord, rule, 406
Excel, 395 Heal, 300 Lose, destroy, 27, 447
Exchange, 15 Hear, 37, 299 Love, 158
Exhaust, 511 Heard, cry out, 338 Mad, rage, 423
Fall, 30 Hearken, 61 Make, 12, 83, 142, 316,
Fasten, hold, 93 Heavy, charge, 337 362, 368, 468, 490
Favor, 288 Help, 451, 524 March, move, 489
Feed, pasture, 335 Hide, 230, 412 Marry, 188
Fetter, 462 Hit, happen, 281 Meet, 307, 311
Fight, 65, 122, 123 Hold, 106, 113, 523 Melt, 502
Fill, 139 Hope, 103 Miss, 120, 175, 469
Find, 108, 116 Hurl, 169 Mix, 127, 399
Fit, 94 Impede, harm, 334 Move, 19, 402, 481
Fix, build, 268 Increase, 457 Moved, vexed, 264
Flay, 347 Kill, 23, 156 Mow, reap, 305

Index to Verbs

Name, 132, 453 Receive, 443 Set in motion, 134

Nod, 251 Rejoice, 89, 191 Shake, 465, 482, 503
Nourish, rear, 155 Relate, 128, 209 Shame, 295
Obtain, 237 Remain, 25, 126 Shatter, dash, 477
Offer, 390 Remind, recall, 67 Shear, cut, 229
Open, 444 Report, 162 Shed, 342, 359
Order, arrange, 321 Rescue, save, 480 Shield, protect, 373
Overthrow, 214 Respect, scruple, 166 Shine, 238, 460, 514
Owe, ought, 263 Restrain, 371 Shoot, 446
Pass, 267, 272 Return, 130 Shout, 185, 449
Peer about, 265 Roast, 454 Show, 86, 196
Perceive, think, 70 Rob, deprive, 177 Shudder, 478
Persuade, 29 Roll, 236 Shun, 171, 173, 174
Pierce, 464 Rouse, move, 259 Shut off, in, 202
Pity, 206, 207 Rout, 405 Sigh, groan, 491
Plant, plan, 521 Row, 370 Sing, 165
Please, 176 Rub, wear out, 509 Sit down, 48, 54, 112
Point out, show, 87 Rule over, 411 Situated, inhabit, 248
Ponder, 243, 431 Run, III, 280 Slaughter, 497
Pound, shatter, 315 Rush, charge, 389 Slay, 350, 366
Pour, 34, 273, 417 Sack, waste, 137 Sleep, 107, 392
Praise, 167 Sacrifice, 225 Smile, 429
Pray, 53, 121, 181, 377 Sail, 270 Smite, knock, 495
Press, impel, 210 Sate, satisfy, 407 Spare, 516
Prick, pierce, 253 Satiate, 330 Speak, 16, 33, 164
Prime, 381 Save, 148 Speed, drive, 487
Prize, honor, 278 Say, 13, 49, no Split, cleave, 396
Protect, help, 319 Scared, flee, 352 Spoke, said, 7
Pull, draw, 486 Scatter, 397, 484, 485 Spread, 467, 492
Pursue, speed, 198 Scorn, 452 Spring, 135
Put to rest, 232 Scream, ring, 403 Sprinkle, defile, 459
Quaking, whirl, 363 Search after, 244 Stab, 261, 262
Quarrel, upbraid, 437 See, II, 100, 418, 456 Start, rush, 80
Quick, hasten, 488 Seek, 353, 424 Stir, mix, 413
Quiver, 323 Seem, appear, 355 Stop, 75
Rage, angry, 522 Seize, 183, 426 Stretch, 151, 275, 504
Rattle, creak, 336 Send, 77, 223 Strike, 50, 141, 249, 269,

Reach, 227, 258 Separate, 119 282, 386

Rear, cherish, 326 Set, stand, 10 Subdue, tame, 42

Homeric Vocabularies

Suffer, 74 Thunder, 200 Wear, out, 276

Supplicate, 340 Toil, suffer, 247 Weave, 513
Swim, 438 Tremble, dread, 510 Wed, 455
Take, 14, 62, 180, 416 Troubled, 289, 501 Weep, 117
Take a meal, 344 Try, 136 Wet, moisten, 348
Taken, captured, 304 Turn, 85, 149, 419, 493, Whirl, 354
Take oath, 256 512 Will, wish, 18, 187
Talk, speak, 331 Urge, 59, 73 Wipe away, 450
Tame, subdue, 343 Utter, speak, 517 Wish to sleep, 398
Taste, enjoy, 461 Value, honor, 153 Wonder, 220, 382
Taunt, tease, 400 Wail, 192, 415 Wont, 358
Teach, 193, 351 Wait, convey, 233 Woo, 246
Test, 463 Wander, rove, 170 Work, 79, 228, 322
Think, 72, 88, 199 War, 143 Wrap, envelop, 360
Threaten, 178 Warm, delight, 391 Wroth, 432
Throng, go, 448 Wash, 439, 440 Yield, 203
Throw, smite, 3 Waste, 157, 518 Yoke, 379
Thrust, 161 Watch, guard, 285


The numbers following the index entries refer to the frequency
of the nouns on pages 23-44.

Abode, 479 Belly, womb, 182 Cave, 275, 317

Aegis, 302 Bird, 250, 253 Chair, 100, 420
Age, 186 Birth, 183, 341 Chamber, 98, 550
Air, 156 Blast, gust, 393 Champion, 265
Ambrosia, 315 Blood, 31 Chariot, 82, 93
Ambush, 445 Blossom, 316 Charioteer, 211
Anguish, 84 Boar, 407 Chariot-fighter, 401
Appearance, 196 Board, door, 525 Chariot-man, 217
Argeiphontes, 167 Bolt, 227 Cheek, 498
Armor, 200 Bone, 255 Chief, 170
Arms, tackle, 71 Booty, 441 Child, 24, 138, 139
Arrow, 119, 216 Border, edge, 377 City, 27, 36, 268
Ash-tree, shaft, 453 Bosom, fold, 425 Cliff, 528
Assemblage, 153 Bow, 72, 335 Cloak, 145, 289
Assembly, speech, 77 Bowl, 234 Clothing, 375
Axe, 502 Brain, 359 Cloud, 244, 469
Back, 247, 455 Breast, 69, 447, 533 Cloud-gatherer, 243
Bank, 495 Breast-plate, 215 Combat, 559
Bard, 165 Breath, 329, 505 Command, 381
Barley, 312 Bride, lady, 246 Companion, 16, 484
Basket, 405 Brother, 224, 299 Comrade, 99
Battle, 169 Brow, 493 Conflict, 190, 286
Batdement, 372 Builder, 540 Contest, 155
Beam, tree, 11 Bull, 539 Copper, bronze, 30
Beast, 390 Caldron, 438 Corpse, 1

Beauty, 404 Cap, helmet, 235 Couch, bed, 236

Bed, 96, 346, 440 Car, chariot, 125 Counsel, plan, 87, 241
Beginning, 323 Care, mourning, 226 Counsellor, 461, 462

Homeric Vocabularies

Courage, 388 Excellence, 168 Gate, 131

Courtyard, 175 Eye, 64, 123, 485 Gift, 44, 185, 474
Cow, ox, 39 Eyelid, 179 Girdle, 384
Crash, thunder, 433 Face, 513 Girl, 54
Crest, 229, 444 Falsehood, 571 Gleam, 327, 526
Cry, 176, 394 Family, race, 184 Glen, ravine, 334
Cup, 434 Fat, 351 Glory, no, 379
Dance, place, 566 Fate, 264, 480 Goat, 78
Darkness, 383, 421, 531 Father, 25 Goat-herd, 305
Dawn, morning, 48 Fatigue, toil, 223 Goblet, 92
Day, 46 Fawn, 467 God, 2
Death, 50, 103 Fear, 348 Goddess, 51
Deceit, 192 Feast, 91 Gold, 148
Deck, ribs, 397 Feather, wing, 515 Grace, charm, 561
Defense, valor, 80 Female, slave, 94 Groaning, 534
Depth, 333 Fetter, 189 Ground, 344
Desire, wish, 364 Field, country, 152 Guide, leader, 207
Destruction, 120, 443 Fight, 57 Gust, 301
Diaphragm, 29, 511 Fire, 68 Hair, 392, 426, 560
Dm, 354, 482, 491 Fish, 403 Hall, 19
Dismissal, 262 Flame, blaze, 554 Hand, 6
Ditch, 279 Fleece, 435 Handmaid, 81
Divinity, 90 Flesh, meat, 233 Harbor, 238
Dog, 56 Flight, 291 Head, 52, 102, 232, 408
Door, gate, loi Flock, 516 Head-band, 428
Doorway, porch, 512 Flood, stream, 524 Heap, strand, 214
Dream, 488 Folly, 326 Heart, 3, 97, 104, 108
Drink, 263, 510 Food, 194, 363, 365 Hearth, 376
Dust, ashes, 107 Foot, 28 Heaven, 124
Eagle, 303 Foot-stool, 391 Hecatomb, 197
Ear, 256 Force, violence, 38 Hedge, court, 204
Earth, 8, 143, 157, 257, Forehead, 457 Helmet, 228, 547
339 Form, 556 Help, helper, 201, 486
Effort, 532 Fortune, 481 Herald, 105
End, 280, 501 Frame, build, 188 Herb, drug, 288
Erinys, 373 Fruit, grain, 409 Herdsman, 336
Escort, 509 Gain, 417 Hero, warriorj 47
Estate, 542 Gall, wrath, 146 Hog, 527
Evil, 222 Garment, 95, 518 Holder, 494

Index to Nouns

Horn, 415 Lot, 160, 419, 463 Order, ornament, 427

Horse, 17 Love, 141, 205 Pain, 79, 249
Horseman, 218 Lute, lyre, 555 Palm, hand, 496
Host, 135, 195 Man, I, 9, 35, 142 Parent, 282
House, 12, 43, 62, 358 Marriage, 181 Part, fate, 59
Housekeeper, 537 Mast, loom, 221 Path, 225
Husband, spouse, 129 Meadow, 439 Pen, fold, 276
Hut, 53 Meal, 187 Penalty, price, 507
Ignorance, 330 Measure, 456 People, 18, 42
Innermost part, 465 Messenger, 151 Pillar, 418
Insolence, 549 Might, 58, 411 Plain, 65
Insult, 446 Mind, thought, 60 Plans, 458
Iron, 273 Missile, 85 Plough-land, 172
Island, 114 Mist, darkness, 331 Point, 161, 309
Ivory, 369 Mistress, 130, 350 Portico, 304
Joint, limbs, 89 Month, 452 Possession, 109, 431, 569
Joy, 562 Mother, 20, 448 Power, 357
King, 37 Mound, tomb, 548 Prayer, 322, 380,
Knee, 40 Mountain, 122 Price, honor, 281
Labor, toil, 128 Mourning, 260 Prize, 154, 300
Lake, 442 Mouth, 278 Prodigy, 543
Lamb, sheep, 171 Mule, 209 Property, 432
Lamentation, 88 Multitude, 504 Pyre, 270
Lance, 360 Murder, 292 Quarrel, 242
Land, 212, 565 Muse, 464 Queen, 332
Law, right, 213 Name, 489 Quiver, 553
Leader, 173, 254, 208, Native land, 499 Race, 355, 558
297 Necessity, 163 Raft, boat, 535
Leaf, 557 Neck, 177, 345 Rain, 483
Life, 149, 178 Need, 147 Ransom, 166
Life-time, 306 Night, 61 Reins, 210
Light, 140 Noise, roar, 387 Reproach, 487
Limb, member, 454 Nose, nostril, 523 Return, 115
Line of batde, 287 Nurse, 546 Rim, 318
Lion, III Oar, 202 River, 67
Lip, rim, 563 Oath, victim, 251 Road, way, 298
Longing, 399 Ointment, 311 Robe, 503
Lookout, watch, 529 Olive-oil, 198 Rock, cliff, 126
Lord, king, 7 Olive-tree, 367 Rod, wand, 517

Homeric Vocabularies

Rope, arms, 490 Smoke, 406 Thought, plan, 471

Row, rank, 277 Son, 5 Threshing-floor, 313
Rug, 521, 538 Song, 164 Threshold, 258
Ruin, folly, 174 Son-in-law, 338 Throng, 121
Ruler, 239 Space, place, 295 Thunder-bolt, 416
Rumor, glory, 106 Spear, lance, 13 Tidings, 150
Runner, guide, 352 Spearman, 162 Time, 294
Rush, sweep, 374 Spit, 476 Tin, 413
Sacrifice, 219 Spoils, 371 Tongue, language, 340
Sail, 402 Spring, 429 Tooth, 248
Sailor, 466 Staff, scepter, 274 Torch, 343
Salt, sea, 33 Stag, 368 Tower, 269
Sand, 570 Star, 325 Town, citadel, 267
Sandals, 500 Stature, 451 Treasure, 414
Savor, fat, 423 Step, altar, 337 Tree, 347, 356
Scale, talent, 536 Stern-cable, 514 Trembling, 545
Sea, 49, 66 Stone, 237, 436, 564 Tripod, 284
Season, time, 296 Stone, 436, 564 Tunic, 144
Seat, 361, 362 Stranger, 23 Usage, justice, 353
Seer,449 Strap, 398, 541 Vagabond, 310
Shame, respect, 158 Stream, 271, 519 Victory, 245

Shape, phantom, 366 Strength, 231, 272 Voice, 259, 293, 328

Sheep, 112, 118 Strife, 203 Wagon, 314, 320

Shepherd, 127, 472 Suitor, 21 Wall, 70, 544
Shield, 83, 132 Sun, 45 Want, need, 567, 568
Shin, 422 Supper, 193 War, battle, 26, 266
Ship, 4 Suppliant, 396 Warrior, 324, 508
Shoot, twig, 477 Surf, 520 Watchman, 530
Shore, 308, 386 Sweat, 395 Water, 73
Shoulder, 76 Swine, 137, 551 Wave, 55
Shout, 86 Swineherd, 136, 552 Way, journey, 117
Sigh, token, 133 Sword, 116, 290, 319 Wheat, food, 134
Silver, 321 Table, 283 Whip, 450
Sinew, 220, 468 Tear, 41 Wife, 32, 307, 497
Sister, 412 Tempest, 437 Will, 400

Skin, 75, 349, 522 Temple, 470 Wind, 34, 180,382,473,

Sky, 159 Temple (human), 430 492
Slave, 191 Thigh, 240 Wine, 63
Sleep, 74, 424 Thigh-pieces, 460 Witness, oath, 252

Index to Nouns

Woe, 261, 478 Work, deed, 15 Year, 199, 378

Woman, 10, 342 Wound, 370, 572 Yearning, lack, 506
Wonder, 389 Wrath, 459 Yoke, 206
Wood, 285, 475 Wrist, 410 Youth, 230, 385
Word, 14, 22

The numbers following the index entries refer to the frequency
listing of pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc., on pages 45-70.

Above, 363, 552 Another time, 228 Beneath, below, 707

Accordingly, 695 (Anticipatory), 23, 48 Bent, 454, 483, 559

Actually, really, 515 Anywhere, 118, 640 Beside, by, 36

Aegis-holding, 131 Apart, 319 Best, 51, 715

Afar, from, 694 Around, about, 71 Better, 135, 299, 367, 432
Again, 52, 89, 91, 497 As, 43, 215, 286, 607 Blameless, 85

Against, 382, 420 Ashen, 586 Blazing, 251

Ah!, 375 As 373
if, Blessed, 305
Alas!, 190 As long as, 279 Bloody, 389
Alive, 156 As much as, 326 Blue, dark, 576
All, 87, 662 Assembled, 610 Bold, daring, 540
All day, 629 At least, 7 Both, 86, 136, 157;
All night, 630 At same time, 46 sides, 230, 414, 478
All sides, 329 Away, apart, 234, 418 Boundless, 424, 425
All sorts, 330 Back, 92, 710 Brazen, 211, 369
Alone, no, 313 Backward, 176, 185 Bright, 208

Along, 75, 631 Bad, cowardly, 62 Broad, 97

Already, now, 98 Badly, 553 Bronze-clad, 371
Altogether, 327, 328 Barren, 444 Bronze-shod, 370
Always, 82, 132 Bath-tub, 436 Burning, 387
Ambrosial, 229 Beautiful, 63, 186 But, I, 4, 8, 88, 107

Among, after, 64 Before, 114, 119, 191, By far, 624

Ancient, old, 628 192, 193. 332 Careful, good, 562

And, 20, 21, 293 Behind, 175, 311 Cheerful, 343

Another place, 406 Below, under, 598 Chiefly, by far, 499

Index to Pronouns, Etc.

City-sacking, 666 Easily, 347, 671 Four, 690

Clear, 165, 583 Eddying, 468 Friendship, 602
Clearly, 673 Elsewhere, 402, 404 From, 50, 650
Clods (with), 507 Enduring, 341, 353 Fruitless, 401
Close, 195, 345, 669 Equal, 151, 161, 422 Full, 643
Close-footed, 475 Equally, 548 Gentle, 378
Compact, strong, 351 Ever, once, 72 Gladly, 439
Contriving, 656 Every, all, 37 Glancing helm, 301
Counseling, 448 Every way, 331 Gleaming, 223
Countless, 314 Extreme, 344 Gleaming-eyed, 144
Cowardly, 248, 416 Face, 661 Glorious, 162, 302, 510,
Crafty, 189 Fair(er), 556, 557 578
Crowded, 226 Fair-cheeked, 555 Godlike, 138, 288, 547
Curved, 412, 570 Fair-fleeced, 554 Golden, 212, 213
Daring, bold, 533 Fair-haired, 531 Golden-throned, 723
Dark, 105, 566, 567 Fair-tressed, 275 Good, 80, 96, 276
Dark-prowed, 577 Famous, 568 Good cheer, 479
Dear, own, 42 Far, 306, 356, 477, 692, Grain-giving, 525
Dearest, 368 693 Grateful, 590
Dear to Ares, 237 Far-working, 476 Great, 25, 204, 308, 309,
Dear to Zeus, 466 Fat, fertile, 335 340, 697
Deathless, 45 Fateful, 485 Great-hearted, proud,
Deep, 245 Fearful, 679 169, 170
Delight in thunder, 688 Female, 537 Greatly, 104
Destined, 392 Fiery-hearted, 146 Green, yellow, 722
Destructive, 323, 620 Fifty, 635 Ground (to, on), 372,
Divine, 54 Finely, 558 717, 718
Divinely, 289, 536 Firm(ly), 265, 484 Guilty, 393
Double-cupped, 413 First, 120, 121, 665 Half, 529
Doubtless, 538 Fish (abounding), 551 Happy, 608
Down, 22 Fleet-footed, 338 Hard, 140, 210
Dreadful, 133, 147, 249, Fond of war, 716 Hastily, 512

390 For, namely, 6 Hateful, 352

Duly, kindly, 491 Forever, 254 Haughty, 708
Each, 55 Former, 194 He, this, who, 31
Early-born, 284 Forth, out, 292 Heart-grieving, 541
Earth-holding, 451 Forthwith, 83 Heaven(ly), 622, 623
Earthly, 504 Forty, 689 Heavy, 246, 321
Earth-shaking, 268, 269 Forward, 663, 664 Helpless, 409

Homeric Vocabularies

Here, where, 355 501, 542, 611 Nimble, swift, 580

Highest, 706 Little, 322, 595, 609, 633, Nine, 492; days, 493
High -roofed, 713 701, 702 No longer, 181, 593
High-spirited, 709 Lofty, 207 No one, nothing, 619
Him, her, it, 28, 34 Long, 167, 470; ago, 627; Nor, not even, 35
His, her, own, 57 time, 252, 253, 465 Not, 27, 33
Hither, here, 95, 148 Long-haired, 300 Nourishing, 660
Hollow, 145, 163 Long-shadowy, 257 Now, 29, 108, 316
Homeward, 174 Lovely, 506 O, oh!, 79
Honey-sweet, 587, 588 Made, built, 652 Often, 654
Horse-breeding, 546 Male, 435 Of what sort, 1 1 1 , 653
Horse-taming, 295 Man-destroying, 450 Old, aged, 247
Hostile, 259, 487 Man-slaying, 417 On account of, 154
How(?) ee, 178, 346 Merely, as is, 143 On both sides, 47
I, 10 Middle, 106, 592 One, 150, 544
If, II, 81, 282 Might(y) 102, 296, 298, One another, 84
Illegitimate, 600 365,549,560,573,574 On foot, 334
Immortal, 384, 408 Mild, 283, 310 Opposite, 137, 139, 231,
Impetuous, 291 Miserable, 166 232, 419, 421, 488,
In, 14 Misty, dim, 527 489
Indeed, 9, 26,
594 Modest, respected, 222 Or, than, 18, 285
Inexpressible, 238 Moist, wet, 703 Other, 2, 155
Inextinguishable, 437 Monstrous, 634 Other direction, 514
Infant, 172 More, 168, 336, 644 Other side, 272
In order, 498 Morning, 532 Otherwise, 407
Instantly, 243 Mortal, 93, 290, 561, 591 Our, ours, 158
Into, 12 Most, 103, 337 Out, out of, 13
In truth; pray?, 19 Mournful, 582, 682 Outside, 480, 481
Invincible, 376 Much, 39, 116, 117, 188 Over, 206
Iron (of), 677 My, mine, 56 Ox, of oxen, 447
Javelin, 399 Naked, 456 Ox-eyed, 449
Joined, shod, 569 Near, 130, 197, 219, 239, Painful, 225

Just as, 374 261, 262, 379, 473, Passionate, 543

Known, 455 645, 646 Paternal, 632
Last, 670, 711 Native, 115 Peeled, 581
Late(r), 625, 712 Neither, nor, 68, 312 Pitiless, 317
Lawns (with), 523 New, young, 171 Pleasing, 719
Left, ill, 433 Newer, under, 599 Poor, beggar, 667
Like, 240, 324, 474, 486, Newest, last, 597 Possessed, 458

Index to Pronouns, Etc.

Pouring arrows, 545 Silver-footed, 430 Ten, 460

Pre-eminent, 500 Silver-studded, 429 Tender, 423, 687
Prudent, 187 Single-hoofed, 315 Tenth, 461
Purple, 342 Six, 495 Terribly, 350
Quick(ly), 198, 214, 572 Skilfully, 503 That, because, 179
Ram, 434 So (then), 3, 127, 696 That, one, he, loi, 264
Ready, 516 Soft, gentle, 307 Their, 683, 684
Red, 511 So long, 205, 691 Themselves, 76
Renowned, 258, 377, 637 Somehow, 196 Then, 77, 125
Resounding, 508 Someone, anyone, 41 Thence, 267, 563
Return (of), 601 Some time, 651 There, 15, 141, 142, 242,
Right (hand), 250, 462 Somewhat, 201 564
Right, just, 467 So much, 359 Therefore, 182, 360
Ripe, 636 Speedily, 200, 534 Thereto, to, 73
Rosy-fingered, 348 Spirited, 364 Thereupon, 58
Rough, rugged, 698 Splendid, 129 Thick(ly), 333, 380, 621,
Rugged, 626 Sprung from Zeus, 255 668
Ruling, 164 Starry, 440 Third, 699, 700
Sacred, 159, 526 Steadfast, 589 This, 30, 65, 69
Safe, 680, 681 Steeds (swift), 686 Thither, 565
Sagacious, 657 Steep, 134, 391 Thou, 40
Same, self, 5 Sternly, 366 Thoughdess, 446
Sandy, 528 Still, yet, 59 Three, 361
Scraped, polished, 603 Stout-hearted, 685 Thrice, 362
Sea (of), 400 Straight, 294 Throngs, 233
Sea-traversing, 658 Straightway, 90 Through, 53
Secondly, next, 463, 464 Strange, 403, 405 Thus, 44, 184
Secretly, 579 Strong(er), 160, 411, 550, Thy, thine, 74, 354
Seven, 505 575 Today, 674
Shady, 678 Studded, bossed, 613 Together, 325, 383, 410,
Shameless, 415 Such, 202, 203, 358 612
Sharp, 112, 614, 641 Suddenly, 496 To-morrow, 445
Sharpened, 395 Suitable, 502 Too, 304
Sharp-pointed, 615 Sweet, 280, 452, 453 Topmost, 224, 398
Shining, 209, 388, 584, Swelling, 287 Truly, truth, 513

675 Swift(ly), 99, 128, 199, Trusty, 509, 642

Silent(ly), 349, 396, 397, 297, 539. 672 Twelve, 260, 471
676 Swift-footed, 647, 725 Twenty, 263
Silver, 235 Swift-sailing, 724 Two, 94, 256, 469

Homeric Vocabularies

Under, 78 Welcome, glad, 438 Wicked, 441

Unerring(ly), 241, 318 Well, 60 Wide-streeted, 521
Unfeeling, 427 Well-built, 274, 517 Wide-thundering, 522
Unhappy, 472 Well-decked, 277 Wild, savage, 218
Unharmed, 426 Well-greaved, 273 Willing, 482
Unseemly, 220, 381 Well-made, 518 Wind-swift, 648
Untiring, 394 Well-polished, 520 Windy, 530
Unwearied, 442 Well-scraped, 519 Wine-colored, 606
Unwilling, 221 Well-wrought, 524 Winged, 122, 638
Up, 49 When, 16, 32, 271, 278, With bow, 431
Upon, on, 17 281 Within, 152, 153, 270,
Upright, erect, 618 Whence, 604, 649 490, 494
Upward, aloft, 714 Whenever, when, 177 Without, 443
Valiant, 227 Where, 100, 109, 616, Wondrous, 216
Valorous, 217 659 Wooded, 704
Varied, 339 Wherefore, 183 Worse, 720, 721
Verily, indeed, 585 Whichever, 617 Would that, 386
Very, 24, 38 While, until, 70 Wretched, 605
Vigorous, 385 White-armed, 303 Wrought, 457, 655
Warlike, 236 White-toothed, 428 Yea, 596
Warm, 535 Whither.', how?, 639 Yellow, blond, 320
We, 61 ; both, 173 Who, 67, 124 Yet, 123
Wealthy, 244 Whoever, 113, 180 You, 126
Wedded, 571 Wholly, 266 Your, yours, 705
Weeping, 459 Why, pray?, 357 Zeus-nurtured, 149

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