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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the MSC/BS Psychology degree




Accepted by the faculty, Division of education, Hajvery University in partial fulfillment of

requirement for the degree of MSC/BS Psychology

Thesis Title: An assessment of dietary habits of obese in youngster

Researcher Saba Munawar, Mahnoor Asif, Kiran, Hadiqa Abid, Ayesha

Malik, Noreen, Ihtsham ul haq.

Program MSC/BS Psychology

Student No

Chairman, Research Committee _____________________________

Member, Research Committee ______________________________

External Examiner ______________________________


Director, Division of Education

Hajvery University



The Glory of Allah Almighty

The kindness of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)

Our beloved parents and teachers


1. During the period of registered study in which this thesis we prepared the author has
not been registered for any other academic award or qualification.
2. The material included in the thesis has not been submitted wholly or in part for any
academic award of qualification other than that for which it is now submitted.
3. Except where otherwise acknowledged in the text, this thesis represents the original
research work of the author
Forwarding sheet

This thesis entitled “dietary habits of obese among youngster” has been completed under
my guidance and supervision. I am satisfied with the quality of student’s research work.

Dated: ____________________


Supervisors’ sign

This study was designed to see the dietary habits of obese youngster. This study was
delimited to the Hajvery university and Slimmers Clinic of Lahore.

Main objectives of this study were :

 To identify the eating habits of youngster why they were obese age (18-25 years). The
conclusion of the study is that they eat too much fast food/unhealthy food and overeat past
the point of being full.
 They are getting obese and neglecting the fact that the quality of food is more important
than the taste. They don’t follow healthy dietary habits.
 These days people are more attracted to the artificial flavored fast food and carbonated
drinks which is adversely affecting their health.
 Fried foods are more attracted by the youngsters and don’t do any kind of physical activity
or exercise which ultimately leads to obesity.
 So what they need to do is to make and follow a healthy diet plan, avoid unhealthy food
and do some exercise in their daily routine.

“Which is it of the favors of your Lord that ye deny”

There are so many blessings of Almighty Allah upon us that we can never even write
them down. We surrender ourselves before Him Who blessed us with the capability to
complete our research work and countless salutations upon the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) who
declared seeking knowledge an obligatory duty of every Muslim. We are deeply thankful
to our teacher Dr. Sidra Imtiaz for her deep concern, personal attention, continuous
guidance and encouragement, without which the completion of our work would be
difficult. Our sincere thanks to the class for their help throughout various stages. Finally
we would like to thank our families for their constant support and encouragement.

Chapter No 1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………..…… 1

Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………2

Significance of study ……………………………………………………..………3

Objectives …………………………………………………………………….…. 4

Research Question……………………………………………………………….. 5

Delimitation ………………………………………………………………..……. 6

Chapter No 2


Types of obesity…………………………………………………………………...8

Type I obesity……………………………………………………….……………..9

Type II obesity……………………………………………………………………10

Type III obesity…………………………………………………………………...11

Type IV obesity…………………………………………………………….……..12

Causes of obesity……………………………………………………………….…13

Dietary requirement…………………………………………………………..…...14

Physical activity……………………………………...……………………………15


Chapter No 3
Research methodology …………………………………..……………………….17

Population ……………………………………………………………………………18


Sample collection …………………………………………………………………….20

Tool of data collection…………………………………………………………….….21

Pilot study…………………………………………………………………………….23

Data analysis………………………………………………………………………….24

Data presentation………………………………………………………….…………..25

Chapter No. 1

Chapter No. 1


Obesity is defined as an abnormal increase of fat in the subcutaneous connective tissue. This
means a lot of fat cells are gathered in the tissue under the skin. Eating greater amounts of
food than the body can use for energy causes this deposition. (Kelly, 2006)

Although overweight was sometimes linked with diseases and a shorter life span, in general,
extra fat was related to wealth, health and attractiveness. Low weight and thinness were
associated with poverty, malnutrition and wasting diseases such as tuberculosis. Scarcity of
food throughout most of history that people did not have the opportunity to become obese.
(Stem & Kezaks, 2009)

Obese people are, on the basis of their appearance, stigmatized as being unattractive, stupid,
lazy or unfriendly. Moreover, the environment often considers obese people as being fully
responsible for their condition which provokes antipathy with others. As a consequence,
obese youngsters often have fewer friends, which can interfere with the development of their
social skills. (Munsch & Beglinger, 2005)

Since obesity cannot be prevented or managed solely at the individual level, governments,
food industry, international agencies, the media, communities, and individuals should all work
together to modify the environment so that it is less conductive to weight gain. (World Health
Organization, 2000)

Researchers have conducted this research to find out the dietary habits of obese youngsters.
1.1 Statement of the Problem

Diet and exercise have a marked effect on physical health of an individual. The present study
aimed to assess the dietary habits, physical activity patterns of obese girls and boys ( 18-25 )
of age.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study was to assess the dietary habits of obese boys and girls of ( 18-25
years ) of age, so that we could determine the reasons of Obesity. This study helped us to
know the dietary habits of these youngsters who usually take more fast food rather than
organic food on daily basis and have a very little or no physical activity which results obesity
and different diseases caused by obesity like heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure etc.
This study also helped us to create awareness among people so that they could lead a healthy
life and can take part in physical activities.

1.3 Objectives

 To determine eating habits of youngsters of age 18-25 yrs.

 To assess Health status of youngsters through Anthropometry.
 Identify the dietary pattern of youngsters on junk foods.
 Identify the pattern of physical activity of youngsters.

1.4 Research Questions

 What was the overall health status of obese among youngsters?

 What was the physical activity level of obese among youngsters?
 What were the reasons of obesity in youngsters?
 Was there any impact of dietary habits and physical activity patterns on their physical

1.5 Delimitations

 The sample includes obese among youngster of age (18-25).

 The sample included 100 obese among youngster.
 The Sample was collected from Hajvery University and Slimmer Clinic Lahore.
Chapter No 2
Chapter No 2

Review of Literature

2.1 Obesity

 Obesity simply define is an excess of body fat. There is not a quantitative definition of
normal body fat. The association of body fat with disease depend on multiple factor
like sex, gender, age and fat distribution. The world health classification body is by
using BMI. (Kristen H Sorocco)
 Obesity in youngster is typically defined using mess index (BMI) a measure of weight
to height. A BMI of 30 kilogram (kg) per meter squared (m-2) is consider obese, while
a BMI of 25 and 29.9 is consider over weight. The use of weight divided by height
squared as a measure of body fatness was first proposed in 1868 by Adophe Quetelet
and called Quetelet's index. (Quetelet)

The purpose of weight for height indices is that they produce a measure of weight that is
independent of height. For example if we take two individual each weight is 180lb, as if either
is overweight the answer is ''it depends''. If joe is five feet and five inches tall and john is six
feet, two inches tall it is easy to imagine how different 180lb at each height is. This is evident
if we calculate a BMI for each joe's BMI is 39 and he would be considered obese, while john's
BMI is 23.7 and he is consider normal weight. (Kathleen Y.Wolin)

2.2 Types of obesity

We have proposed that four different types of obesity can be recognized.

Type I obesity: excess body mass or percent fat.

Type II obesity: excess subcutaneous truncal-abdominal fat.

Type III obesity: obesity excess abdominal visceral fat

Type IV obesity: excess gluteo-femoral fat (gynoid)

Type I is characterized by excess total body fat without any particular concentration of fat in
a given area of the body. The other type have do with excessive accumulation of fat in some
area of the body. That is they are based in the anatomical distribution of body fat. Type II is
defined by excess subcutaneous fat on the trunk particularly in the abdominal area and is
equivalent to the so called android or male type of fat deposition.

Type III is characterized by an excessive amount of fat in the abdominal visceral area and
can be labeled abdominal visceral obesity. The last Type IV is defined as gluteo-femoral
obesity and observed primarily in women (gynoid obesity). Thus excess fat can be stored
primarily in the truncal-abdominal area or in the gluteal and femoral.(Claude Bouchard)

The obesity epidemic in youngster current evidence and research issue.


The term epidemic of the obesity implies that obesity is a characteristic of population, not
only of individual is the purpose of this paper to review evidence on obesity in adult and to
identify future research issue.


To examine recent increases in the population prevalence of overweight or obesity, a

literature search was undertaken.

Trend in overweight or obesity among youngster showed considerable variability. Some

countries include Canada New Zealand and United States and Western Samoa. Showed large
increase in prevalence (>5percentage point) where as several other countries smaller or no
increased overweight is also increasing among youngster at least in some countries. It is not
clear what the expected prevalence of overweight or obesity might be in the current
environment and these finding may be most use full viewed as shifts in the distribution of
population characteristic.

The reason for these. Shifts are not clear. The health implication of these shifts are also clear,
in the part because trends in cardiovascular risk factor don't always parallel trends in obesity
of the classic epidemiological trend of host, agent and environment, the environment has often
received the least attention.


The economic social and culture factors that influence the distribution of body mass index in a
population are not well understood future research needs includes continued monitoring of
trend in obesity and in related health condition and observational studies to examine the cause
of these trend. Public health research should aim at defining realistic goal and strategies to
improve health in an environment conducive to high level of overweight and obesity.
(Katherine M.Flegal)

2.3 Causes of obesity

What causes of obesity?

The causes of obesity is given below

 Genetic
 Overeating
 A diet high in simple carbohydrate
 Frequency of eating
 Physical inactivity
 Medication
 Psychological factor
 Disease such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome and
Cushing syndrome are also contribute to obesity

As a number of people the obesity increases, the health problem tied to this condition
are also increasing. condition like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes and many form of cancer… all condition that may be associated with or
aggregated by excess weight and all condition that can be potentially deadly …are not
only common among youngster but also more common younger people then ever
before, even as people become more conscious that excess weight is medical problem,
many people still view obesity as a personal problem….something caused by laziness ,
gluttony or even stupidity. May be people still don't realize that weight and body size
aren't simply a matter of what we eat and how much we exercise. (Hunter, 2014)

2.4 Dietary requirement

Dietary reference intake in adult with a low, low BMI low the 18.5 kg, the additional
energy intake required to normalize body weight will depend on initial deficit and
desired rate of recovery. Although estimates of energy needs can be made based on the
initial deficit, body weight gain will include not only. Energy stored as a fat in tissue
but also some amount in the form if skeleton muscle and even vascular tissues thus as
recovery of body weight processed the energy requirement will very not only as a
function body weight but in response to change in body composition. (Washing on
2.5 Physical activity

Physical activity begin to decline in adolescence with concomitant increase in weight.

Whatever these trends continue in the transitional period from adolescence to adulthood. Once
obesity is established energy balance changes. Physical activity is no change in obesity. Obese
subject are less active and expand less energy in physical actively the lighter subject.

We assessed the role of physical activity and inactivity in adolescence 16-18 year on the
development of obesity in adulthood at 15 year. (Silver Spring, 2008)

2.6 Types of physical activity

When we engaging in regular physical activity or planning in regular physical routine, it is

important for you to know the types of physical activity that you should engaged in and the
benefit they provide.

Aerobic activity

Make your breath harder and your heart beat faster as result increase heart and lungs fitness.

Muscle-Strengthening ac

Increase bone strength and muscular fitness.

Physical activity and youngster obesity

The degree to which low activity level have contribute to the increase in incidence of adult
overweight and obesity. Both food and drinks consumption and energy expended though
activity are very difficult to assess in youngsters. We know that regardless of the underlying
cause the obesity in order to excess fat storage occur. (Kenneth .R fox, 2004)

2.7 BMI

BMI is a body mass index.

Classification of adult according to BMI

Classification BMI Risk of comorbities

Underweight <18.50 low but risk of clinical problem increase

Normal range 18.50—24.99 Average

Overweight >25.00 .

Pre obese 25-29.0 increased

Obese class I 30-34.99 moderate

Obese class II 35-38.99 severe

Obese class III >40:00 severe

(Linda A .Ferreira)
Chapter No. 3

Chapter No. 3

Research Methodology

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to carry out this research. The purpose of conducting
this study was to assess the dietary habits and physical activity of obese girls & boys 18-25 of

3.1 Population

Population of the study consisted of obese girls & boys of 18-25 years of age.

3.2 Sample

The sample of the study consisted of 100 obese girls & boys of 18-25 years of age. The
sample was selected irrespective of sex.

3.3 Sample collection

The sample was collected from Hajvery University and Slimmer Clinic, Lahore from 15
January to 28 January 2019. Convenience sample technique was used to reach the targeted
sample size of 100 obese girls & boys. Youngsters were first checked on the basis of the BMI.
Only those youngsters were selected who had BMI above 30 kg/m2.The youngsters were then
questioned about their dietary habits and physical activity pattern. Only those youngsters who
were meeting the parameters of obesity were included in the study & the others were excluded
from the study.

3.4 Tool of data collection

Interview schedule was planned to collect relevant data. For this purpose, a questionnaire was
developed which covered the following area:

 General information about the participants.

 Medical history of the participant.
 BMI.
 Dietary history & food intake of the participant.

3.5 Pilot study

A pilot study was conducted before using the questionnaire for actual data collection for the
study. The sample for pilot study included 5 obese girls & boys of 18-25 years of age from
Hajvery University and Slimmers Clinic Lahore. The data collected from pilot study was
quickly analyzed to judge if the methods selected for data collection were suitable enough to
collect data from a larger sample.

3.6 Methods of data collection

The methods of data collection selected & implied for this research included:
 Dietary assessment

3.7 Data analysis

The data was compiled & tabulated using computerized database management programs.
SPSS software & MS excel were used for the statistical analysis of the data.

3.8 Data presentation

The data was presented in MS word. Tables & figures were used for the presentation of
data. Descriptive interpretations were also given.

3.9 References

APA style of referencing was used in writing of this report.

Chapter No.5


BMI is significantly related to dietary habits. Dietary habits are one of the major determinations of
overweight – obesity.
Within the surveyed group of youth, it was possible to indicate eating errors primarily consisting in
irregular eating, too low a number of meals during the day, particularly skipping breakfast, which
took place more frequently among overweight and obese students rather than normal weight ones.
The survey points to the insufficient intake to vegetables and fruits as opposed to salty and sweet
meals. It is essential to convey the knowledge on the causes of overweight and obesity as well as
rules of a healthy diet as factors preventing civilization diseases.

Due to time constraints, this study was conducted on a small sample size (n=100).Data was collected
from the Hajvery University, Slimmers Clinic & Government Ayesha Degree college Lahore.


Culturally relevant health information sources .Many country communities relay on health
information from trusted local sources rather than physicians or mass media sources . P

Spanish_ speaking communities, in particular ,obtain such information from their own media and Commented [s1]:
targeted service providers s as local clinics or faith leaders.

Another critical approach to extending reach is through partners,such a community based

organizations and city or other local government sources.


Youngsters should accumulate at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of age-

appropriate physical activity on all, or most days of the week.
Youngsters should participate in several bouts of physical activity lasting 15 minutes or more
each day.

If they control their weight they eat more fruit, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Exercise, even moderately, for at least 30 minutes a day.

They cut down their consumption of fatty and sugary foods.

Use vegetable-based oils rather than animal-based fats.

Gradually work to change family eating habits and activity levels rather than focusing on
weight. Change the habits and the weight will take care of itself.

Be a role model. Parents who eat healthy foods and are physically activity set an example
that increases the likelihood their children will do the same.

Eat five to six servings of fruits and vegetables daily. A vegetable serving is one cup of raw
vegetables or one-half cup of cooked vegetables or vegetable juice. A fruit serving is one
piece of small to medium fresh fruit, one-half cup of canned or fresh fruit or fruit juice, or one-
fourth cup of dried fruit.

Weigh yourself regularly.

Avoid foods that are high in "energy density" or that have a lot of calories in a small amount
of food. For example, a large cheeseburger and a large order of fries may have almost 1,000
calories and 30 or more grams of fat. By ordering a grilled chicken sandwich or a plain
hamburger and a small salad with low-fat dressing, you can avoid hundreds of calories and
eliminate much of the fat intake. For dessert, have fruit or a piece of angel food cake rather
than the "death by chocolate" special or three pieces of home-made pie.

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