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“Life Force, The Scientific Basis”

Dr. Swanson’s best-selling book, “Life Force, the Scientific Basis”

explains the revolutionary science behind long distance healing. It is
also explians the energy that is key to growth and life. It is the science
behind the aura and the acupuncture system. It is the energy that is
created by thought and is responsible for paranormal phenomena and
Oriental medicine.
It is based on a new energy called “Torsion” discovered by Russian
scientists a half century ago. So far it has been overlooked in Western
science. This book is the most complete and comprehensive
description in English of this important new energy. It is the key to a
scientific understanding of consciousness, thought, and to the energies
of life.
It describes the energy of Torsion, the basis of long distance energy
healing, Chinese medicine, Reiki, Qi Gong and the secret energy that
makes life and growth possible. Dr. Swanson’s book with over 700
pages, 2000 references and 400 figures is the most comprehensive
description and explanation of this subject.
Professor Rustum Roy of Penn State University said of this book:
And the founder of the Subtle Energy society ISSSEEM, Dr. Elmer
Green, said of it:
Dr. Swanson’s research reveals that 20th century science has
overlooked an important force – the power of consciousness. It shows
up in lab experiments as something called “Subtle Energy,” also called
“chi” or “qi,” prana, orgone, ” bioenergy, or the “Life Force. It has been
developed into a science by Russian scientists in the last several
decades. They call it “Torsion.”
This energy serves as the bridge between the familiar phenomena of
conventional Western physics and the more unusual and esoteric
phenomena such as ESP, PK, teleportation, levitation, Remote
Viewing and distant energy healing. This is illustrated in the diagram

This energy affects space-time at the deepest level. As a result, it

manifests in many different phenomena and for this reason has been
called by many different names over the centuries. It is the basis for
energy healing, shamanic practices, “mind over matter” or “PK,” and
many other phenomena. For this reason, it is like the elephant in the
parable of the six blind scientists: Each sees it in a different way
depending on what they are testing:
This is the energy used by energy healers, it is the energy projected by
Chinese qi gong masters and Reiki healers. It is the basis for the
powers of “mind over matter,” or psychokinesis. It is the energy which
a Yogi builds up in his body through special breathing called
pranayama, the concentration of prana.
This energy alters the laws of physics. It is the bridge between 20th
century science and the science of the new age. It is also the bridge
between science and spirit.
Dr. Swanson’s research has focused on the nature of this energy –
how healers create it and use it, how our laws of nature are altered by
it. This energy is the key to a science of consciousness. It is also the
key to many new forms of healing.
This energy is concentrated at “sacred sites” and megalithic
formations, and is responsible for the unusual feelings and phenomena
in crop circles and in Egyptian pyramids. The book “Life Force”
discusses each of these cases and explains how they create their
unique effects with torsion energy.

Specific shapes have an effect on subtle energy. This has been known
within wisdom traditions and is used in the design of sacred sites, such
as the pyramids of giza, shown here.
This energy was studied for over forty years in secret Russian
programs, and was central to German military research before that. It
is the key to new energy healing and paranormal phenomena, as well
as breakthroughs in propulsion and energy.
It establishes the science and the physics which back up and explain
many mysteries, including long distance healing, the nature of the
Aura, ESP, PK, Teleportation and how shamanism creates
instantaneous healing. It explains the scientific nature of “subtle
energy,” also called “chi,” prana, and “orgone.” It is truly the missing
“fifth force.”
Dr. Swanson’s book “Life Force, the Scientific Basis” explains how
energy healers send their energy to a far away client. This is illustrated
in the figure below:

These effects can travel through barriers and even forward and
backward in time. Devices are now being built and patented, and
equations being developed which integrate this ancient and elusive
force with modern science. One qigong master, Jixing Li, has
selectively killed cancer cells in petri dishes 2,000 miles away, while
sparing others inches from them, demonstrating the accuracy that is
possible with this energy. Qigong master Dr. Yan Xin has projected his
energy over thousands of miles to alter decay rates of radioactive
materials, change the bonding structure of water, and bent laser
beams under the watchful eyes of top Chinese physicists.
In other experiments, qi-gong master Dr. Yan Xin projects “chi” around
a lecture hall. He raised the “count rate” of special detectors in the
room by a factor of twenty just by pointing at them:

In other experiments qi-gong masters were shown to emit infrared

radiation from their hands in controlled ways, completely unlike the
emissions of non-qigong practitioners:

Description: Infrared energy measured near the palm of a qigong

practitioner, compared to infrared energy from a non-qigong
practitioner. During the session, the qigong master was initially
uncomfortable and did not feel he was emitting qi. He became
comfortable toward the middle of the session, during which infrared
pulses can be seen on the graph. The non-practitioner showed fairly
uniform infrared energy at his palm, no pulses, and the signal did not
change significantly during the session. (Gu, 1978)
One of the most distinguished scientists in China is Dr. Qian Xuesen
(Tsien Hsue-shen), famous in both the U.S. and China. He is the
founder of the modern Chinese aerospace and rocket program,
chairman of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, and
author of a standard textbook, Engineering Cybernetics. He is listed in
Wikipedia as one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and was former
Goddard professor there. In 2008 he was named Person of the Year
by the American magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology.
After thoroughly studying the experiments conducted with Dr. Yan xin,
he made the following statement:
“These experimental results (by Dr. Yan Xin and his coworkers) are a
first in the world. They unequivocally demonstrate that without
touching substances, the human body can affect them and change
their molecular structures and properties…They are new scientific
discoveries and the prelude to a scientific revolution.”
This shows that the “Life Force” energy is being recognized by top
scientists for what it is: a genuine scientific revolution! The best and
most complete description of this force in english is Dr. Swanson’s
book: “Life Force, the Scientific Basis.” [>> LINK buy the book]
One example of this research: Chinese qi-gong masters were able to
project this energy to alter the decay rate of radioactive materials
hundreds of miles away, and on command:
This energy has also been used in the United States to conduct
precisely controlled remote healing experiments. In tests conducted by
Prof. Joie Jones at the University of California, Irvine, cells in petrie
dishes (shown below) were exposed to lethal levels of gamma

The survival rate of the cells after 24 hours was dramatically improved
by energy healing. Dr. Jones found consistently that projected healing
energy could greatly increase the survival rate of the cells, and that it
could do this over great distances and through barriers and Faraday
shields, as shown below:
This unique healing energy
explains many new discoveries in the science of life that were not
recognized before in Western medicine: for example, the biophoton
field and the aura are made of this Torsion energy, and it forms the
“blueprint” or “template” for the body’s growth. This pattern instructs
each cell in how to grow and specialize. These discoveries explain why
Kirlian GDV cameras really do measure the aura, and how dark energy
and dark matter, which have puzzled physics, can be explained as part
of this “Life Force” or Torsion energy.
By comparing the extensive research of baron von Richenbach in
Germany with Russian Torsion scientists, and with Wilhelm Reich in
Germany and Callahan and Tiller in the U.S., a much deeper and more
comprehensive understanding of this energy has been achieved. As
one example, the forty year research program conducted by von
Reichenbach in the 19th century identified many of the characteristics
of torsion energy. In the figure below, it is being emitted by the finger of
a “high sensitive,” and this causes a pendulum to swing.

In the same way this unusual energy plays a central role in human
metabolism and is responsible for creating the human aura. The figure
below shows the aura of a healer measured by the “gdv” computerized
system of aura measurement. The aura becomes much larger when
the healer “powers up” to do his work. This energy surrounding him is
torsion energy or “life force” energy, described in the book.

Von Reichenbach discovered that this energy occurs in two forms

which are polar opposite. In Chinese medicine this is known as “yin”
and “yang.” Von Reichenbach called them “negative” and “positive” od.
Russian scientists call this “left” and “right” handed torsion. They have
discovered that this energy arises because of changes in the spin
properties of the space, and equations have been developed. The
diagram below illustrates the origin of some of this force:

Torsion waves are created whenever the spin of a particle is changed.

Torsion can be thought of as a “spin wave” which propagates through
space. The top diagram in the figure depicts a circular orbit in which
the plane of the orbit changes over time. Since the circular orbit
defines a spin direction, perpendicular to the plane, it can also be
represented as a change of spin direction with time.
The figure below illustrates how a healer transmits torsion energy over
great distances and focuses it precisely on the desired target. This
cannot be done with electromagnetic radiation, but only with torsion.
Dr. Swanson’s book “life force” explains how this is done.

Below is a chart based on von Reichenbach’s measurements of the

natural emission of this energy from elements in the periodic table.
Knowledge of this type has been used to develop “psychotronic
devices” which operate purely on torsion energy.
The periodic table of elements, with those found to be “od negative”
and “od positive” distinguished. The “od negative” elements are all
found to have high electronegativity and fall on the right hand side of
the chart.
An example of a device based on this energy which was built and
patented by russian scientists is shown in the figure below.

This energy is used by the body for efficient metabolism becomes

clear. Its use in sacred sites to generate unique spiritual environments,
and the higher dimensional aspects of subtle energy in music,
fragrance, emotion, and the power of shape and sound (yantra and
mantra) are explored. The book develops a new “science of
consciousness” as it explores these various aspects of subtle energy
and the way they connect our awareness to higher dimensional
consciousness and contact with spirit.

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