Definition of Staffing and Steps in

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In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements of the Principles of



Unay, Efean Kim.


August 2019


Staffing is a managerial function which involves obtaining, utilizing and retaining,

qualified and competent personnel to fill all positions of an organization, from top to operative

echelon. In finer terms, staffing is placing the right person at the right job.

It aims at employing, deploying and monitoring a competent and contented staff, i.e.

daily wage earners, contract employees, consultants, regular employees, etc., to undertake

various managerial and non-managerial activities in an organization.

Staffing, according to Dyck and Neubert (2012), is the Human Resource function of

identifying, attracting, hiring, and retaining people with the necessary qualifications to fill the

responsibilities of current and future jobs in the organization.

Steps in Staffing Process

1. Estimating Manpower Requirements

The staffing function starts with the manpower planning. This means to assess precisely

how many persons are required for the various positions in the organization, how many persons

does the organization already haves and how many more will have to be appointed. The staffing

also ensures that the right kind of people is to be placed at the right job. Manpower planning is

also known as Human Resource Planning.


Manpower planning involves two techniques in estimation

Workload analysis would enable an assessment on the types of human resources

necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organizational objectives.

Workload analysis ensures that there is no burden and wastage of resources and work is

completed on time.

Workforce analysis would reveal the number and type available to fact such an exercise

would reveal whether organization is understaffed, overstaffed or optimally staffed. Workforce

analysis is for the existing employees. It sees manpower employed and number of manpower to

be employed.

2. Recruitment

The second step in the staffing process in management is recruitment. After the

manpower requirements have been assessed, the function of recruitment starts. Recruitment is

the process of searching and motivating a large number of prospective employees for a particular

job in an organization. “Recruitment”, according to Edwin B. Flippo, “is the process of searching

for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.” This

implies that recruitment examines the different sources of manpower supply, assesses their

suitability, chooses the proper source or sources and invites applications from the prospective

candidate for different jobs in the enterprises.


These are Methods and sources of recruitment:

1. Direct Method - In this method, the representatives of the organization are sent to the

potential candidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish contacts

with the candidates seeking jobs.

2. Indirect Method - Indirect methods include advertisements in news papers, on the

radio and television, in professional journals, technical magazines etc.

3. Third Party Method - These include the use of private employment agencies,

management consultants, professional bodies/associations, employee

referral/recommendations, voluntary organizations, trade unions, data banks, labor

contractors etc., to establish contact with the job- seekers.

3. Selection

After the job-application of the prospective candidate has been received, the next step is

to select from among them the most suitable ones. Selection is the process through which

unsuitable candidate are rejected and the suitable ones are chosen. It must be kept in mind that

the ability of the applicant & the nature of work must match. It means that right man should be

selected for the right job. This will lead to better performance on all fronts i.e. quality, quantity,

time, cost etc.


It includes the following steps:

1. Preliminary Screening

2. Selection Test

Types of Employment Tests

 Intelligence test – designed to measure the applicant’s mental capacity; tests his or

her cognitive capacity, speed of thinking, and ability to see relationships in

problematic situations

 Proficiency and aptitude tests – tests his or her present skills and potential for

learning other skills

 Personality tests – designed to reveal the applicant’s personal characteristics and

ability to relate with others

 Vocational tests – tests that show the occupation best suited to an applicant.

3. Employment interview

Types of Job Interviews

 Structured interview – the interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of

prepared questions—situational, job knowledge, job simulation, and worker

requirement questions


 Unstructured interview – the interviewer has no interview guide and may ask

questions freely

 One-on-one interview – one interviewer is assigned to interview the applicant

 Panel interview – several interviewers or a panel interviewer may conduct the

interview of applicants; three to five interviewers take turns in asking questions.

4. Reference & Background checks

5. Selection Decision

6. Medical Examination

7. Job Offer

8. Contract of Employment

4. Placement and orientation

Placement involves putting the selected man at the right place considering his aptitude

and ability. It is the actual posting of an employee to a particular job for which he/she has been


Orientation is also known as induction. It means introducing the newly selected employee

i.e. to various facets of the company his job, other jobs, nature of products, policies, rules and

existing employees etc. It aims at inducting new employees into the organization smoothly.


5. Training and Development

The term training implies a systematic procedure of imparting knowledge and skills for a

specific job. It benefits both the enterprise & the employee. Training increases the skills and

abilities of employees to perform specific jobs.

Development refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that is geared

toward the individual’s acquisition and expansion of his or her skills in preparation for future job

appointments and other responsibilities

6. Performance Appraisal

At this step, the capability of the employee is judged and for that, his actual work

performance is compared with the work assigned to him. If the results are unfavorable, he is

again given training and after that also if results are again unfavorable, the employee is put on

some other work.

7. Promotion

It is a process through which employees get better salary, status, position, more

responsibility etc. In this step, employees earn their promotion to higher posts on the basis of

their performance.


8. Compensation

Compensation/wages – all forms of pay given by employers to their employees for the

performance of their jobs

Performance evaluation – a process undertaken by the organization, usually done once a year,

designed to measure employees’ work performance

Compensation/wages and performance evaluation are related to each other because the

employees’ excellent or poor performance also determines the compensation given to them, after

considering other internal and external factors like the actual worth of the job, compensation

strategy of the organization, conditions of the labor market, cost of living, and area wage rates,

among others.

Types of Compensation

1. Direct compensation – includes workers’ salaries, incentive pays, bonuses, and


2. Indirect compensation – includes benefits given by employers other than financial

remunerations; for example: travel, educational and health benefits, and others

3. Nonfinancial compensation – includes recognition programs, being assigned to do

rewarding jobs, or enjoying management support, ideal work environment, and

convenient work hours


9. Separation

It is the last step in the process of staffing. It means separating the employees from their

job. This take place in four ways through retirement, termination, retrenchment or death.



Francis A.(2011) Staffing Process in Management retrieved from

Cabrera H. et. Al. (2016) Organization and Management. Staffing. Vibal Group, Inc.

Quezon City, Philippines.

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