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- M: Good Morning cadet Bringas, please take a sit.

- B: Good Morning Mr. Mallma, thank you.

- M: Well cadet Bringas, I’ll start with some particular questions… tell me about yourself
and why did you choose this career?

- B: Ok, my name is third year deck cadet Bringas Cespedes Rodolfo, I’m 21 years old, I
was born in Trujillo, a city 10 hours far away from here, where I used to live with my
family: my parents and my sister. I chose this career because since the first time I
heard about merchant marine, the concept of working in a different environment as a
vessel in charge of really important duties like transporting huge dimensions of cargo
really caught my attention. I also felt interested about little pleasures seafarers may
have like meeting different cultures and places.

- M: Yes, you’re right sometimes seafarer have the opportunity to meet new places but
are conscious that they may not have the chance every time they arrive to port, aren’t

- B: Yes, definitely. When work primacy, nothing is more important.

- M: Ok, it’s good to know that you have that concept clear. Cadet Bringas, tell me:
which would you consider to be your major strengths?

- B: I consider that my greatest strength is being a resilience person because I feel able
to get easily accustomed to any kind of work environment. I also consider myself as a
proactive person.

- M: Why would you consider yourself as a proactive person?

- B: Because I usually have a habit to start something as soon as I notice it is necessary
without the necessity to receive an order.

- M: Ok Mr. Bringas, now I would like you to tell me which do you think is your major

- B: I consider that my major weakness is being methodical to perform a duty. It’s a

good concept in order to keep safety but on board personnel require high efficiency to
reduce the time to conclude any job.

- M: Yes, being a methodical person enhances the ability of a person to be well

organized and ordered but when situations become dangerous this habit may not help
so much… Cadet Bringas, tell me. What are the qualifications you have to perform a
job as an officer applicant in our company?

- B: I have my competence and sufficiency certificates as far as my study center granted

us: “Basic safety training”, “Advanced training and firefighting”, “Medical first aid”,
“Crowd management”, “Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast
rescue boats”, “Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations”, “Security
awareness training”, “General operator’s certificate for GMDSS”. As well as I got basic,
intermediate and advanced English certificates from the National University of Trujillo
and a Professional Excel Operator certificate from an information and technology

- M: Ok, even so, many IMO certificates are missing in your CV. But anyway… I would
like to measure the knowledge you have about the career, sir. Tell me: Why do you
think safety is the first priority onboard and how ships are certified about that?

- B: Because the most basic job carried out on board involves a great amount of risk and
to keep human life and well-being marine industry set the International Safety
Management Code to ensure, maintain and effectuate safety for the seafarers.

- M: Yes, It’s correct but human well-being is not the only priority for the marine
industry. A “safety triangle” sets the primacy of the priorities: The third one is
commercial success, second is clean seas and first the human well-being. That’s why
under SOLAS, companies shall be issued with a Document of compliance and its ships
must be issued with a Safety Management Certificate only after ensuring that the
company’s fleet are operated as per the Safety Management System.

- B: Yes, sir. Many certificates shall be provided to comply maritime laws.

- M: And how do you think personnel handle safety onboard?

- B: I think that the basic step to keep safety is to ensure that everybody wear their
personal protective equipment in order of the type of the job carried out.

- M: Tell me some of them.

- B: Protective clothing or overall, Helmet, safety shoes, safety hand gloves, goggles, ear
muff, safety harness, face mask, chemical suit, welding shield and some others used
according to the type of hazard when performing particular jobs.

- M: Yes, it’s important also to mention that escape routes and passages must be
provided at different location of the ship with the aim to be visible for all the crew… So
Mr. Bringas, I would like you to describe me what is the RADAR equipment.

- B: Sure, the Radio Detecting and Ranging is a device capable to convert electric power
received to very high frequency electromagnetic waves with the object to send them
through a rotating antenna, detect targets and display the information on the radar
screen. Those frequencies may be S-band and X-band frequency.

- M: And in what situation is used each one?

- B: The x-band, being of higher frequency (10 GHz) is used when navigating at open
seas whereas the S-band (3GHz) is used especially when in rain or fog as well as when
navigating near the coast and entering to port.

- M: And where are the SART signals displayed?

- B: These signals (9 GHz) are known as homing signals displayed on the x-band radar
screen which helps rescuers reach the vessels in time.

- M: By last, sir. Do you know what a confined area is?

- B: Yes, well it is an enclosed space which is not used for day to day activity and has
some particular characteristics like: it has limited opening for entry and exit, it has
inadequate ventilation and it is not designed for continuous worker occupancy.

- M: And how does a person is permitted to enter there?

- B: I really don’t have that information by now sir, but I’ll search the information as
soon as possible or… I wonder if you could explain me about it.

- M: A person is permitted to enter an enclosed space after carrying out a Risk

Assessment, this procedure must be performed before every time before man entry
and it has the object to minimize the possibility of accidents by dealing with every
aspect of entry, identifying the hazards, deciding the control measures and finding
alternatives or solutions or means to mitigate the risks.

- B: Thank you for the clarification sir.

- M: Ok, try not to miss essential information for your professional training. That’s all sir,
interview is finished. We have your documentation and personal information; we’ll call
you when a decision has been taken.

- B: Ok sir, thanks for all. Good morning.

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