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NAME: Blanca Maribel Rodriguez Salamanca

H.S.E.Q 1617270


Exercise 2

1. If I was offered the job, I think I WOULD TAKE (take) it.

2. If she WOULD WAS HAVE (be) hungry, she would eat something.

3. If he studied, he WOULD PASSED (pass) the exam.

4. I WILL SENT (send) you a postcard, if I had your address.

5. What I WOULD HAPPENED (happen), if you didn´t go to work


6. If she has enough money, she WOULD BUY (buy) a new car.

7. What will John do, if he NOT GOT (not get) the job?

8. She would be terribly upset, if I WOULD HAVE LOST (lose) her ring.

9. Many people would be out of work, if the factory WILL CLOSED (close)

10. What would you do, if you I WOULD BE (be) the president of your

11. If he hurried, he WOULD CATCHED (catch) the train.

12. If he WOUNT HAVED (have) time, he will come.

13. He WOULD RANG (ring) the bell, the waiter would come.

14. If I have some money I WOUNT BUY (buy) a new car.

15. If I WORKED (work) harder I will pass the exam.

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