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EDU332&333: Performance

PROJECT: Fable: The Fox and the Goat PERCENT OF GRADE: Self Evaluation- %10

STUDENT: Hess Sahlollbey DATE: Oct. 4 2018

+A- 12/11 +B- 10/9 +C- 8/7 +D- 6/5


Adaptation: Making the Used the story wisely to create Adequately adapted story Moderate No adaptation,
story their own. Story their own unique telling adaptation of the used the story as
flowed well story on the paper

Rehearsal: Spent time Showed that they had worked Could have rehearsed Needed more Lost their way on
walking through the story through enactment of story enactment a bit more rehearsal time stage

Stage usage Showed thought for Showed some thought for
character/setting characters and setting
Time Used aprox. 2 mins Went slightly over/under Could have Went way
lengthened or over/under time
shortened more

Mask: Using mask in Used mask protocols X Adequate Some No evidence

rehearsal helps to figure out
fit and skeletal design more
Mask fit properly X
Eyes/mouth cut with X
performance in mind
Performance: Physical and Physical: Character was Adequate Some No evidence
vocal character work. Use attempted. Used the stage.
of stage. Script work Vocal character evident.
Knew Lines/place in Story X

Additional comments I feel that my group and I took a century’s old fable and did a great job adapting it for the classroom
setting. We tried to be funny and charming and to really entertain while not diverging form the source
material. Having now seen the presentation from the audience’s POV, I think we could have moved the
Did the student at least try?
blocks closer the audience to ensure that we are not too far away and that we are liberating and freeing
up as mush stage space as possible. Also I think I could have cut my mask a bit higher underneath the
nose to allow more of my mouth to be visible so that the audience can see the lips and mouth etc. We
went a touch over the time limit (2 mins 30 seconds). If there was anything I would switch change about
my performance, I think I would have recorded one of our rehearsals so that I could get a better of idea
of what the projection of my voice sounds like. In the end though, it is easy to nitpick what I didn’t like,
but I am happy not just with the performance but with this opportunity to collaborate with my classmates

Final Grade: % 86

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